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2 EXPLAINING THE PROPERTIES OF THE THREE STATES OF MATTER The high compressibility of gases is a hint that there is room to push the particles in a gas closer together.The kinetic molecular model describes gases as consisting of particles wich are very small compared to the distances between them.Since the particles are far from each compared to their sizes,the interactions between them are negligible. The properties of gases listed in table 1 can be explained as follows: The particles are far apart compared to their sizes,so they can be pushed to come closer to each other .Thus, gases are highly compressible. The particles can move to any space available since there are negligible forces between particles.The gas wil therefore occupy the total volume of the container. since the particles can move to any space available, a gas sample will take the shape of the container; gas samples do not have definite shapes. The properties of liquids listed in table 1 can be explained as follows: The particles are close to each other. This can be deduced from the low compressibility of liquids. A further consequence of the closer distance between particles is that the liquid state of the substance would be expected to have a higher density than its gaseous state. The particles attract each other since they are close distances. This can be inferred from the definite volume of liquids. The particles stay together even as the liquid is transferred to a bigger container. The particles are in const motion; they slides over one another but say together. This can be inferred from their indefinite shape. Thus, a liquid flows and would fully settle into any part of the container it occupies. The properties of solids listed in table 1 can be similarly explained by the kinetic molecular model: The particles are close to each other and therefore difficult to push even closer. Pushing them closer together is hindered by the repulsion between the electrons of neighboring particles. Thus, the low compressibility of a solid. The particles attract each other so they stay close to each other. A solid sample therefore has definite volume, which maintains as it is transferred to other container.

Not only are the particles in solid close to each other, but they also occupy definite positions and their movement is largely confined to vibrations in their fixed positions, a solid sample has a definite share and maintains it. MODULE 2 AEOMS ELEMENT: METLS AND NONMETALS In this module, you will: a) describe the electron sea model of metals; b) use the electron sea model to explain the properties of metals; and c) describe the covalent molecular and covalent network structures of some nonmetals .

2.1 THE ELECTRON SEA MODEL OF METALS Metals are very useful materials because of their properties: Most metals have high densities. Most metals are solid at room temperature. This means that they have high melting points. Tungsten has a very high melting point , 34100C, hence its use filaments of light bulbs. Metals have high tensile strength, hence they are used in constructing bridges and buildings. Metals have high thermal and electrical conductivities. Electrical wires are made of copper, and high tension wires are made of aluminum. Most cooking pans are made of metals. Solid metals ere malleable (they can be made into flat sheets) and ductile (can be drawn into wires). Gold leaf is a thin sheet of a gold that is used to put a gold trim in altars, picture frames and statuettes of saints. Metals are lustrous. This property makes metals useful in many decorative items like jewelry, car trims and house decors. What can we infer from these properties of metals about their structures? Metals in solid state are explained to have the following features: Their high densities indicate that the atoms are closely packed. Their high melting points and high tensile strength indicate that the bonding between the atoms in the metal is very strong.

Their malleability and ductility tell us that their strong bonds are not destroyed when the metals are pounded and drawn into wires. The bonds continue to stay together. Their thermal and electrical conductivities even in solid state indicate that there are charged particles which can readily move. These charged particles must be some of the electrons of the atoms because, in the solid state, the atoms stay in fixed position and yet solid metals conduct electricity. Their luster indicates that there is mechanism whereby light is absorbed and readily given off. The solid metals consist of closely packed and orderly arranged cations. These cations are metal ions with one or more electrons removed. The electrons are not removed from the array of actions. Rather they suffuses coral beds at the bottom of the sea. This is where the name of the model was derived. The electrons move freely within the lattice of metal cations. Below s an explanation of some properties of metals using electron sea model: The electrical conductivity of metals is attributed o the freely moving electrons that suffuse the metal cations which remain in fixed positions in the solid state. The thermal conductivity of the metals is also attributed to the electrons that carry energy from heated portions to other parts of the metal. Metals are malleable abd ductile beause, as cations are displaced from their positions when the metal is hammered or drawn onto a wire, the electrons also move with them, still serving as a glue hat holds the cations together. The luster of meals is also attributed to the electrons which can absorb visible light and immediately reemit it.

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