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Mondrian Painting Erin Schiltz 4th grade Art Class periods: 3 (45 min) Objectives: 1.

. Students will be able to display primary colors in the Mondrian style. 2. Students will be able to demonstrate the use of line in art modeling Mondrians style. 3, Students will be able to understand how shapes can create abstract works of art. District Standards: 1. Elements of Design(Line, Color, Shape, Form, Texture, Value and Space) a. Use line, shape, color and texture for creative self-expression. 2. Principles of Design (Unity, Rhythm, Pattern, Emphasis, Proportion, Variety, Balance) a. Use pattern and rhythm for creative self-expression. 3. Communicate Meaning (Subject Matter, Symbols, Ideas) a. Expressing meaning in own work of art through symbols and subject matter. b. Apply grade level academic vocabulary: subject matter, pattern, texture, shape, rhythm and color Materials: Primary Colored Paints Construction paper 12x18 White board Procedural Steps: 1. I will ask the students to sit in their seats at their desks. 2. Formative Assessment: I will show and discuss with students the works of Mondrian from the Mondrian PowerPoint. I will talk with them on how he used primary colors with line to create his works of art and the evolution of his art through the years. 3. I will demonstrate on the white board how they are to use the ruler to create their own Mondrian style art with horizontal and vertical lines I will explain how they need to leave some areas white and some primary colors. 4. When they are quiet on the floor I will dismiss them to their table while handing them their paper. I will have students pass out the paints, water and brushes. Water Mondrian PowerPoint Dry erase marker Brushes Black marker Ruler

5. I will walk around the room to monitor the students progress and assist when needed. Once they have finished their painting they will place it on the drying rack to dry until next class. 6. At the next class they will apply black marker to their painting to finish their Mondrian style. Once their art has been completed they will need to raise their hand so I may assess their art. 7. They will have additional time in the next class to complete their final work. 8. When they have completed their work and have additional time they can work on free drawing for the remainder of the period.

Mastery= Outstanding Advancing= Satisfactory Novice= Needs Improvement Mastery:5 pts Advancing:3 pts Novice:1 pts Score

Student has emulated the Mondrian style in their art work. Student demonstrates creativity in their Mondrian design. Student produced high quality product.

S+=15-10 S=9-6 NI=3-0


To earn a Mastery: I produce high quality/creative work. I apply all skills, especially those stressed for the assignment. I participate in class and use time well. I solve problems and work independently

To earn a Advancing: I produce acceptable work I apply some of the skills that are expected for the assignment. I usually participate and use time well. I sometimes solve problems and work independently. To earn a Novice: I produce no work, or work that shows little effort. I do not apply expected skills. I do not participate or use time well. I do not solve problems or work independently.

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