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Deval Dholakia Professor Wong SSO 102 2/11/12 Nanotechnology and the Environment A basic definition of nanotechnology is manipulating

and engineering functional systems at a molecular scale. Nanotechnology, although unknown to many, is the basis for most systems however simple or complex they may be. The impacts of nanotechnology on the sciences are almost unimaginable in the sense that even the most basic functions are in one way or another affected by it. From purifying water sources to improved manufacturing systems, to physical enhancement, and even drug delivery in the human body, nanotechnology covers a wide range of systems it impacts. Whilst it has become a ubiquitous part of science today, it has also become an intrinsic part of the study of the environment. One use of nanotechnology in the environment is the use of nanoparticles to encapsulate other particles by binding to them and removing them or inactivating them in the land, air and sea. A similar use of nanoparticles allows for a filter to be created allowing certain particles roam in the air and others to be captured, depending on the size of the molecule. Nanotechnology offers a more efficient method of reducing the long-term impact of various factors on the environment. According to a nanotechnology forum, a recent development has occurred regarding a nanoparticle of cerium oxide, the company Oxonica has manufactured a nanoparticulate of cerium oxide, which increases the efficiency of diesel engines and decreases the amount of particulates they emit. To better the system of localized reading, which deals with the amount of pollution in the air, nano-scientists have developed a method in which thin fibers of a nanostructured semiconductor such as tin oxide is incorporated into small sensors. These sensors are able to detect copious amounts of toxins in the air. With these sensors, environmentalists can target specific areas and nearby manufacturing sites, to cut down the amount of air pollutants. These bind atmospheric pollutants such as carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides at levels below

EU recommended guidelines, and release them again when the level of pollution drops (so the sensor is re-usable). Nanotechnology has been used in the manufacturing of solar cells, which is a solid state electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. According to another nanotechnology forum, conventional solar cells have two main drawbacks: they can only achieve efficiencies around ten percent and they are expensive to manufacture. The method involving nanotechnology is much more cost effective. Plastic solar cells utilize nanorods that are spread out in a polymer. The wires act as wires because they generate electrons after they absorb light. Because the plastic cells are not made from Silicon, they are much cheaper. After tweaking of this new advancement, it will soon be possible to tune the solar cells to absorb specific wavelengths of light. Carbon nanotubes are being used to reinforce parts of planes and cars. The structure of these tubes is very sturdy and can undergo lots of pressure. They have been predicted to have a large hand in the manufacturing of much lighter planes and cars that will in turn also use much less fuel, reducing the environmental costs of travel. Using nanotechnologies to fabricate materials that are lighter and stronger than conventional materials, as in the case of carbon nanotubes, translates to clear fuel efficiency gains in cars or planes. Carbon nanotubes are not only useful in creating an alternate method of manufacturing parts of planes and cars, but they are also useful in aiding in the filtering of water. Many water pollutants have very high affinity for carbon nanotubes and pollutants could be removed from contaminated water by filters made of this nanomaterial, for example water soluble drugs which can hardly be separated from water by activated carbon, according to Science daily. Nanotechnology has revolutionized the sciences, the environment, health, and even the air. Studying items on a molecular scale have given way for advancements to be made and new sorts of technology to be put onto the field. The effects of nanotechnology are intermittent. When it comes to the environment, it is necessary to find the most effective and efficient ways to keep

the earth running properly. Nanotechnology is making way for much advancement that is leading to the cleaning up of our environment as well as preventing future issues.


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