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The Constitution of The United States

Preamble- We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article 1- Legislative Branch Lists rules for forming and running Congress, the law-making branch of government. Divides Congress into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and sets out the duties of each house. Lists the powers of the federal government. Article 2- Executive Branch Calls for a President to carry out the nations laws. Describes procedures for electing the President and lists the President's powers. Article 3- Judicial Branch Establishes a Supreme Court. Defines, and sets out laws for dealing with treason against the United States. Article 4- Provisions for the States Forbids any state from treating a citizen of another state differently from its own citizens. Gives Congress the power to admit new states to the union. Article 5- Amendment Process Lists steps for amending the Constitution. Changes must be approved by 3/4 of the states to become law. Article 6- Constitutional Supremacy Makes the new Constitution the supreme law of the land, and requires all federal and state officials to support it by oath. Article 7- Ratification Establishes that if at least 9 states ratify this Constitution, it is considered the law of the land.

Amendments to the Constitution

1- Freedom of Religion, Speech, the Press, and of Assembly, and Petition 2- Right to Keep and Bear Arms 3- Quartering of Troops 4- Protection Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure 5- Protection of Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property (Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-incrimination, Due Process) 6- Rights of an Accused Person in Criminal Cases (Speedy and Public Trial, Impartial Jury of Peers, Informed of Accusation, Confront Witnesses, Compel Witnesses for Defense, Assistance of Counsel) 7- Right to Jury Trial in Civil Suits 8- Prohibition of Excessive Bail, Excessive Fines, and Cruel or Unusual Punishments 9- People Retain Rights Not Enumerated in Constitution 10- Rights Not Delegated Are Reserved to States or People 11- Protection of State Sovereignty 12- Election of President and Vice President 13- Abolition of Slavery 14- Protection of Citizenship Rights 15- Suffrage for All Races 16- Federal Income Tax 17- Election of Senators by Popular Vote

18- Prohibition 19- Womens Suffrage 20- Presidential and Congressional Terms 21- Repeal of Prohibition 22- President Limited to Two Terms 23- Presidential Electors for the District of Columbia 24- Prohibition of Poll Tax 25- Filling Vacancies in the Office of President or Vice President 26- Suffrage for Eighteen-Year-Olds 27- Changes in Salaries of Senators and Representatives

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