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Pagina 561 segunda parte fitness of the resin method for routine soil testing

Adequao do mtodo de resina para testes de rotina do solo apesar de a superioridade do mtodo baseado na extraco P com uma resina de permuta inica para avaliar a disponibilidade de P no solo, tem sido difcil de utilizar o mtodo em testes de rotina do solo para a finalidade de aconselhamento. Mesmo o procedimento descrito por Hislop e Cooke, whitch foi utilizado em testes de rotina do solo, tinha dois passos problemticos, nomeadamente a moagem das amostras de solo e da extraco de P a partir da resina por percolao. O mtodo descrito por sibbesen sugerem a eclosing da resina em sacos de malha, mas conserva a moagem da amostra de solo. A desagregao do solo por agitao com um mrmore vidro no mesmo frasco utilizado para a extraco com a resina, um aspecto muito importante para tornar o mtodo da resina funcional para testes de rotina do solo. Outro ponto o perodo de agitao de 16 horas, o que tem sido utilizado como um perodo conveniente durante a noite e foi adoptado. Outros autores recomendado 24 horas e 48 horas perodos agitao. O mtodo descrito neste documento tem sido utilizado nos laboratrios do solo de ensaio do Instituto Agronmico desde 1983 e mais de 40.000 amostras foram analisadas. Alm disso, doze outros laboratrios do estado de So Paulo adotaram esse mtodo e vrios outros esto em processo de faz-lo. Este facto parece indicar que o processo descrito adequado para utilizao em rotina extraco do solo testes laboratories.The simultnea de quatro nutrientes tambm caracterstica atractiva. O desenvolvimento de EQUIPAMENTO economia de tempo para o tratamento simultneo de grandes nmeros de amostras de solo, era importante para a utilizao do mtodo da resina nos laboratrios de testes de rotina do solo. Isto inclui uma sharker para amostras e um aparelho para a separao de resina a partir do solo, o que permite a manipulao de dez amostras de cada vez. Detalhes podem ser encontrados em outros lugares. Apesar de ser uma melhoria na anlise de solo para o fsforo, a extrao com a resina de troca inica tem alguns pontos interessantes que merecem uma investigao mais aprofundada. Tem sido demonstrado que os valores de P determinadas por um bicarbonato de anies valores de troca de resina presentes que so os mais consistente ao longo do vastas gamas de textura do solo, em comparao com outros mtodos. No entanto, o efeito do pH da extraco, provavelmente em conjunto com o efeito do io de bicarbonato, certamente necessrio para continuar a ser investigado e compreendido. Alm disso, a incluso de uma resina de permuta catinica afectar a libertao de P a partir de solos, de uma forma diferente do que uma resina de troca anious usado isolado.

Tabela 3.efeito do tratamento da resina sobre a resina sobre os valores de pH da suspenso e do fsforo extravel, por dois solos obtidos em experincias de algodo. Tabela 4. efeito do tratamento da resina sobre os valores do pH da suspenso e do extraveis amostras de solo P., tratados com trs fosfatos, a partir de uma experincia com pote de milho. Fitness of the resin method for routine soil testing

Is spite of the superiority of the method based on P extraction with an ion- exchange resin to assess the soil P availability , it has been difficult to use the method in routine soil testing for advisory purpose. Even the procedure described by Hislop and cooke, whitch was used in routine soil testing, had two troublesome steps, namely the grinding of the soil samples and the extraction of P from the resin by percolation. The method described by sibbesen suggest the eclosing of the Resin in mesh bags, but conserves the grinding of the soil sample. The disaggregation of the soil by shaking with a glass marble in the same flask used for the extraction with the resin, is a very important point to make the resin method functional for routine soil testing. Another point is the shaking period of 16 hours which has been used as a convenient overnight period and has been adopted. Other authors have recommended 24 hours and 48 hour shaking periods. The method described in this paper has been used in the soil testing laboratories of instituto agronmico since 1983 and more than 40.000 samples have been analyzed. Furthermore, twelve other laboratories of the state of So Paulo have adopted this method and several others are in the process of doing so. This fact seems to indicate that the procedure described is adequate for use in routine soil testing laboratories.The simultaneous extraction of four nutrients is also attractive feature. The development of time saving equipament for the simultaneous handling of large numbers of soil samples, was important for the use of the resin method in the routine soil testing laboratories. This includes a sharker for samples and an apparatus for the separation of resin from soil, which allows the handling of ten samples at a time. Details can be found elsewhere. Although being an improvement in soil testing for phosphorus, the extraction with the ion exchange resin has some interesting points that deserve further investigation. It has been shown that P values determinate by a bicarbonate anion exchange resin present values which are the most consistent over wide ranges of soil texture, as compared with other methods. However, the effect of the ph of extraction, probably together with the effect of the bicarbonate ion, certainly need to be further investigated and understood. Also, the inclusion of a cation exchange resin affect the release of P from soils in a different manner than an anious exchange resin used isolated.

Table 3.effect Of the treatment of the resin on the resin on the values of the pH of suspension and of extractable phosphorus, for two soils from cotton experiments. Table4. effect of treatment of the resin on the values of the pH of the suspension and of extractable P. Soil samples, treated with three phosphates, from a pot experiment with corn.

2 parte traduzida da apostila division s-4 soil fertyliy and plant nutrition
Matria orgnica do solo O teor de matria orgnica variaram de 0,7 a 6,0%, com mediana de 2,2%. A maioria das amostras (60%) tinham 1,5 a 3,0% de matria orgnica. Apenas 17% estavam abaixo dessa faixa e 23% estavam acima dele. Embora o nvel de matria orgnica foi moderada e do contedo de argila em mdia 34%, o CCE eficaz era muito baixo. Algumas explicaes possveis deste comportamento so como se segue: xidos e xidos hidratados de Fe e Al, muitas vezes abundante na fraco de argila destes solos altamente, podem ter uma carga positiva no pH baixo natural muitas vezes encontrado (22). A matria orgnica pode ter alguma da fraco mineral. Tambm tem sido observado que a soma das cargas negativas da orgnico-inorgnicos menor do que a soma das cargas negativas medidos individualmente. Isso sugere uma interao que poderia explicar a taxa natural baixa negativo. Especficas edficas-bitica-climticas condies que ocorrem nesta rea pode levar a stios menos reactivos do produto final de decomposio da matria orgnica. A participao de diferentes grupos funcionais de matria orgnica em reaces CEC varia com o pH e tambm com a natureza dos caties. O comportamento fraco-cido de matria orgnica em solos cidos tem sido explicada pela Fe arrastado e ons hidroxila ou Al - AL e - ons Fe. Tais complexos, em vez de carboxilos livres, ocorrer em solos de cido ea reaco da matria orgnica do solo com bases com valores de pH mais elevados envolve a hidrlise de metais trivalentes ligados ao invs de ionizao de grupos carboxilo. CEC eficaz das amostras foi estudada como uma funo da matria orgnica e pH (fig.3). houve um efeito considervel do nvel de pH sobre a relao entre a matria orgnica e CTC. Se o pH era <5,5 no houve relao entre a CTC efetiva aumentou significativamente com o aumento da matria orgnica. Isto enfatiza a importncia da calagem estes solos para atingir um pH adequado no qual haver dissociao aprecivel dos grupos carboxilo e fenol de matria orgnica e / ou hidrlise de encadernados metais trivalentes. O aumento do pH ir aumentar o nmero de stios negativos e mais cations de adsoro ir ocorrer.

A distribuio de frequncia para o Zn micronutrientes, Cu, Mn e Fe nestas amostras apresentada na Fig. 2. no h dados experimentais sugerindo nveis de solo caritical para a maioria dos micronutrientes na regio. No entanto, as interpretaes experimentais so discutidos. O nvel mdio de Zn extravel era de 0,6 ug / ml. a gama era de 0,2-2,2 ug / ml. a partir da experincia dos autores, um nvel crtico para Zn no solo de 0,8 mg / ml sugerido para esses solos. Um total de 81% das amostras seria considerado abaixo deste nvel crtico. Para a maioria destes solos o nvel de Zn foi de 0,5-0,8 ug / ml, indicando que este micronutriente frequentemente pode ser limitante para o crescimento da cultura. A deficincia natural de Zn nestes solos tem sido confirmado em estufas e muitas

experincias apresentadas. O nvel mdio de Cu extraveis foi de 0,65 intervalo ug / ml.the foi 0-9,7 ug Cu / ml. um nvel crtico de 1 ug / ml tem sido sugerido quando Carolina do Norte extractante duplo cido usado. Considerando isto, 70% das amostras deve ser baixa em naturais Cu extraveis. No entanto, estudos especficos para avaliar o efeito desse micronutriente e determinar o seu nvel crtico esto faltando. A maioria dos experimentos de efeito estufa e de campo envolvendo Cu tambm incluram outros micronutrientes, assim como a separao a causa especfica da resposta no possvel. A deficincia de cobre, no entanto, foi sugerido em uma rea do Estado de Gois. Embora o estado atual da pesquisa em relao ao Cu extraveis nesses solos nebuloso, tem havido bons rendimentos com muitas culturas nesta rea sem adubao Cu. Isto sugere que o nvel crtico para o Cu extraveis nesses solos provavelmente <1 ug / ml. O nvel mdio de Mn extravel era de 7,6 ug / ml. O nvel para esta micronutrientes entre estas amostras variou de 0,6-92,2 ug / ml. Existem normalmente duas etapas no desenvolvimento de Mn deficincia em solos: reduzir condies que levam a reduzir as formas de leachuing mangans e posterior, e deficincias induzidas pela calagem excessiva. Nenhuma dessas condies comum nessa rea, ento no provvel que as deficincias de Mn existir. A um pH de 6,0 um nvel crtico de 5,0 ug de Mn / ml tem sido proposto para Mn extravel quando se utiliza Carolina do Norte extractante duplo cido. Uma vez que o intervalo de pH para a maioria destas amostras foi de 4,8-5,2, o nvel crtico ser menor. No houve estudos sobre a avaliao dos nveis de Mn crticos na regio. Se 5,0 ug Mn / ml utilizado como o nvel crtico, os dados obtidos mostram que apenas 37% das amostras so abaixo desse valor. Isto sugere que a maioria destes solos so bem fornecido com Mn extravel. O nvel mdio de Fe extravel era 32,5 ug / ml. A gama observada foi de 3,7-74,0 ug / ml. a maioria das amostras continham entre 25 e 40 ug / ml (58%). Deficincia de ferro no foram relatados nas reas de cerrado no Brasil, e fertilizantes Fe no esto includos em formulaes de fertilizantes para esta regio. Alm disso, tm problemas de toxicidade, nem foi relatado. No entanto, um nvel elevado de Fe pode ser um dos principais factores envolvidos na capacidade de fixao de P elevado desses solos.

A areia mdia, silte, argila e percentagens eram 48,6, 15,3 e 33,5, respectivamente. O intervalo para a fraco de areia (2 a 0,05 mm) foi de 4,3-93,9%. a grande maioria (90%) continha areia 20 a 60%. Para a fraco lodo (0,05 a 0,002 milmetros) da gama observada foi de 1,6-57,4%. a maioria das amostras contidas <lodo 30% como 93% foram encontrados neste intervalo. os dados para a fraco de argila (<milmetros 0,002) mostrou uma escala de 4,5 a 72,4%. houve uma ampla distribuio para esse componente textual com 90% das amostras sendo entre 15 a 60% de argila. Ao utilizar os critrios de classes da famlia, 47% das amostras foram classificados como argiloso (> argila 35%), 35% eram argiloso (18-35% de argila) e 18% eram arenosa (<argila 18%). Esses dados mostram que os solos sob vegetao de cerrado no Brasil, a maioria deles latossolos, variar muito na textura da superfcie. Eles variam de textura argilosa a arenosa e incluem a maioria das outras classes intermedirias. Variao da textura relatado para ter um efeito direto sobre a capacidade de reteno de gua disponvel dos solos e capacidade de fixao de P. Textura ser um dos principais parmetros a serem considerados na obteno de taxas adequadas e econmicas de fertilizantes para esses solos.

Caractersticas de cor das amostras secas ao ar topsoil esto resumidos na fig.5. awide srie para o matiz componente de cor foi observada. A maioria era de 2,5 YR a amostras 10YR.A poucos foram considerados 10R, mas ningum foi de 2,5 Y ou 5Y. Em relao ao valor mais das amostras foram incluir no intervalo de 3-5 (97%), apenas 3% tinham um valor de 6 e nenhum teve um valor de 2.5.As para croma, 86% das amostras apresentaram uma croma de 4 a 6. esta uma boa indicao de que a maioria destes solos so bem drenados.

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Soil Organic matter The organic matter content ranged from 0,7 to 6,0 % with a median of 2,2 %. Most of the samples (60%) had 1,5 to 3.0 % organic matter. Only 17% were below this range and 23% were above it. Although the organic matter level was moderate and the clay content averaged 34 %, the effective CEC was very low. Some possible explanations of this behavior are as follows: oxides and hydrous oxides of Fe and AL, often abundant in the clay fraction of these highly weathered soils, may have a positive charge at the low natural pH often found (22). Organic matter could have some of the mineral fraction. It has also been observed that the sum of the negative charges of organic-inorganic compounds is less than the sum of the negative charges measured individually. This suggests an interaction that could account for the low natural negative charge. Specific edaphic-biotic-climatic conditions that occur in this area could lead to less reactive sites of the final product of organic matter decomposition. The participation of different functional groups of organic matter in CEC reactions varies with the pH and also with the nature of the cations. The weak-acid behavior of organic matter in acid soils has been explained by entrained Fe and Al ions or hydroxyl AL and Fe ions. Such complexes, rather than free carboxyls, occur in acid soils and the reaction of soil organic matter with bases at higher pH values involves hydrolysis of bound trivalent metals rather than ionization of carboxyl groups. Effective CEC of the samples was studied as a function of organic matter and pH(fig.3). there was a considerable effect of pH level on the relationship between organic matter and CEC. If the pH was < 5.5 there was no relation between effective CEC increased markedly with increasing organic matter. This emphasizes the importance of liming these soils to achieve an adequate pH at which there will be appreciable dissociation of the carboxyl and phenol groups of organic matter and/or hydrolysis of bound trivalent metals. Increasing the pH will increase the number of negative sites and more cation adsorption will occur. Micronutrients The frequency distribution for the micronutrients Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe in these samples is presented in fig.2. there is no experimental data suggesting soil caritical levels for most micronutrients in this region. Nevertheless, tentative interpretations are discussed. The median level for extractable Zn was 0.6 g/ml. the range was 0.2 to 2.2 g/ml. from the experience of the authors, a critical level for soil zn of 0.8 g/ml is suggested for these soils. A total of 81% of the samples would be considered below this critical level. For most of these soils the Zn level was from 0.5 to 0.8 g/ml, indicating that this

micronutrient often may be limiting for crop growth. The natural deficiency of Zn in these soils has been confirmed in many greenhouses and filed experiments. The median level of extractable Cu was 0.65 g/ml.the range was from 0 to 9.7 g Cu/ml. a critical level of 1 g/ml has been suggested when north Carolina double-acid extractant is used. Considering this, 70% of the samples would be low in natural extractable Cu. However, specific studies to evaluate the effect of this micronutrient and to determine its critical level are lacking. Most greenhouse and field experiments involving Cu have also included other micronutrients, so separation as to the specific cause of the response is not possible. Copper deficiency, however, was suggested in one area of Goias State. Although the actual status of research in relation to extractable Cu in these soils is nebulous, there have been good yields with many crops in this area without Cu fertilization. This suggests that the critical level for extractable Cu in these soils is probably < 1 g/ml. The median level of extractable Mn was 7.6 g/ml. The level for this micronutrient among these samples ranged from 0.6 to 92.2 g/ml. There are ordinarily two stages in the development of Mn deficiency in soils: reducing conditions leading to reduce forms of manganese and subsequent leachuing, and deficiencies induced by overliming. Neither condition is common in that area, so it is not likely that Mn deficiencies will exist. At a pH of 6.0 a critical level of 5.0 g Mn/ml has been proposed for extractable Mn when using north Carolina double-acid extractant. Since the pH range for most of these samples was from 4.8 to 5.2, the critical level will be less. There have been no studies concerning the evaluation of Mn critical levels in this region. If 5.0 g Mn/ml is used as the critical level, the data obtained shows that only 37% of the samples are under this value. This suggest that most of these soils are well supplied with extractable Mn. The median level of extractable Fe was 32.5 g/ml. The observed range was from 3.7 to 74.0 g/ml. most of the samples contained between 25 and 40 g/ml (58%). Iron deficiencies have not been reported in the cerrado areas in brasil, and Fe fertilizers are not included in fertilizer formulations for this region. Also, toxicity problems have nor been reported. However, a high level of Fe may be one of the main factors involved in the high P-fixing capacity of these soils. Particle-Size Distribution The median sand, silt, and clay percentages were 48.6, 15.3 and 33.5, respectively. The range for the sand fraction( 2 to 0.05 mm) was from 4.3 to 93.9%. the vast majority (90%) contained 20 to 60% sand. For the silt fraction(0.05 to 0.002mm) the observed range was from 1.6 to 57.4%. most of the samples contained < 30% silt as 93% were found in this range. the data for the clay fraction (<0.002 mm) showed a range from 4.5 to 72.4%. there was a broad distribution for this textual component with 90% of the samples being between 15 to 60% clay. By using the criteria of family classes, 47% of the samples were classified as clayey(> 35% clay), 35% were loamy (from 18 to 35% clay), and 18% were sandy (<18%clay). These data show that soils under cerrado vegetation in brazil, most of them oxisols, vary quite widely in surface texture. They range clayey to sandy and include most other intermediate classes. Variation in texture is reported to have a direct effect on the available water-holding capacity of these soils and P fixation capacity. Texture will be one of the main parameters to be considered in achieving adequate and economical rates of fertilizers for these soils. Color

Color characteristics of the air-dried topsoil samples are summarized in fig.5. awide range for the color component hue was observed. Most were from 2.5 YR to 10YR.A few samples were considered 10R, but no one were 2.5 Y or 5Y. In relation to value most of the samples were include in the range from 3 to 5 (97%); only 3% had a value of 6 and none had a value of 2.5.As for chroma, 86% of the samples had a chroma of 4 to 6 . this is a good indication that most of these soils are well drained.

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