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The Hidden Future


The endeavor for exploration is addictively insane. We wont

stop until we find forms of life on other planets, and possibly
others wont stop too before they find our planet. The one who
invades will be more technologically advanced, and the host
planet will be more populated. The race for exploration will
turn into an exercise for survival, or will it be a mutual
existence of two totally unknown-alien living forms? The
immortal question is yet to be answered or has it already
being answered?

I start this paper with my recollections of the events that took place on TUra-23, our first
successful life founding exploration. The planet was discovered by being at-right-placeat- right-
time rather than scientific prowess of our scientists. It happened about 162 years ago here. We
were on exploration trip to FTy-68, the only space body with some appreciable gravity and surface
density to safely place our observatory. The planet showed no signs of life on it, only success
being discovery of an abnormally close star to this body. The trip, as usual, seemed to end as
innumerable other such trips had ended, until we left the planet’s atmosphere.

The ship was into its first escape circulation of planet when an aberration, a very huge content
of wave reflection was noticed. Instantly, the default safety measure, reflectionless surface, along
with an observational antenna was initiated. It was the first time we were observing something
totally unknown, totally unexpected and certainly unrealistic. There was a settled observatory,
much bigger than ours, stationed on FTy-68’s surface.

A little apprehension about its nature and a bit terrified from its huge size, we decided to
descend once again on the planet and observe the ship from a safer location. As we settled on the
surface, a shuttle was launched to track the “aliens” movements. It took us about a day’s time: the
shuttle was continuously sending tracking data. The structure had huge unsymmetrical oriented
panels, its surface was too reflective to be true, it’s heat measurements showed high entropy-
indicating a heavy movement inside it. It was formed of different substances at different places,
had more than one centers of independent movement inside. There were huge antennas spread all
over its surface, conforming initial speculations about the structure being a space ship. It indeed
was a body from some other planet, constantly communicating with external locations.

Since the time we have spotted it, and possibly it had spotted us, it was sending and receiving
signals from its counterpart home station at constant rate. The signals were either a panic talk or a
routine exercise but whatever they were, there was no shortage of them. The content made little
sense: repeating seemingly same messages again and again. We had already sent a message back
home referring to the discovery, and were instructed to follow the observation routine till
confirmation of living form on the ship. The ship had shown no interest in our location or the
place from where we discovered it, making it safe to assume that they were unaware of our
presence and we can try to approach them in possibly the same reflection-less surface. So, it was
time to move on, nearer and nearer to the “aliens”.

Our approach was fast and careful, always choosing random locations to settle before we
moved further nearer. An hours work and we were as close to it as possible. The ship hadn’t
shown any signs of panic, seemingly yet not learned about our presence. Nearer sight confirmed
the previous observational data, and added the most important one too. As we had approached the
ship, its independent heat sources seemed more and more live: both in figure and form.

“There are living forms apart from us! We have always wanted it, expected it, negated it, waited
for it and now the fact is here! The others are here!”
The fact was that we were in touching distance of aliens. We could map their activities and they
couldn’t even know that we were there. The beauty of situation was that we were able to observe
and record each of their activities as freely as we wanted to. We were proud of our technological
advancement, and hence left no stone unturned to discover as much as we can. We followed a
relentless schedule in next few days: taking note of their activities, profiling their individual and
general traits, noticing their communication routines with the main station, figuring out utility of
their limbs and parts, organizing there communication and recognition patterns and so on.

The aliens have been actively navigating the planet for last few days, taking notes and samples
of various features. We tracked them individually and summarized the common features. The first
thing to be noticed was there huge size, almost thrice as big as us. They communicated through
talking and hearing and had eyes to get a visual aid of the scene. Their density figure was high too,
1kg/m^3, which explained their inability to fly. They could not be easily distinguished from one
another, maybe because of limited number of limbs and features they had. They, in fact, were the
most symmetrical beings we had encountered.

We had gained as much as possible from these observations and aliens still have shown no
signs of emergency or hostility towards our presence, so we decided to enter there ship, in
couples, to see how they actually survived. As told before, we were quite small in comparison to
these huge creatures and hence were easily able to enter, with our suit and equipments, inside the
ship. This time I was part of the navigation team, hence enjoying the excitements and horrors of
an unexplored environment. We entered along with one of their members and then ventured into
different air-sealed compartments of the ship. The ship was a mess from inside. Although the
exterior features had suggested a no-sense of symmetry in organization of parts, this much of
unruliness was unexpected. We could not have imagined this kind of unsolvable mass of wire
matrices was able to get out of its planet’s gravity bondage. We simply ignored to explore this
domain and settled for our more interesting learn-alien project. Without suit and in groups, all the
seven aliens now looked completely distinguishable from each other, though they still mainly had
same body-frame. They were amazingly comfortable, flexible, agile and fast inside the ship.
Going by their routines and procedures, aliens still looked incapable of facing our superior
processing and hence technological powers.

The boldness of our steps was making us inclined towards more and more aggressive
adventures, we further decided to go for the kill: we will kidnap one of them and experiment on
atomic levels. The plan was executed on one of their exploration tours. We “appeared”, from our
reflection-less hibernation, in front of them of them for the first time! alarmed, shocked, surprised
and threatened, they were left with no option but to stand reaction-less. They were in our control,
phenomenal achievement for us in our first meeting.


There was no fighting, no hustle, they simply couldn’t come to terms with the events that were
taking place. The “aliens” were stripped to their natural form in our lab. The atomic and
processing formation of their mass was studied and analyzed. 15 minutes (again in their time
scale) was all that we needed to formulate a working model for these species. We were successful
in replacing their processing circuitry with our peers while retaining their body in its complete
form and features. In consultation and supervision of the technologists back home, two of them
were immediately substituted by two of us (one of them being me) to maintain communicational
link with the base, as well as complete the responsibilities assigned. We completed a dummy
exploration and then returned to our new observatory.

A welcome entry was much better as compared to our previous sneaking into their ship. The
senses of the aliens were retained in us, we could talk, hear, see and feel in the exact way they
used to do. We reached the main chamber to meet our new friends, completely unaware of the
proceedings. The rest of the members worked normally, further helping us in closely monitoring
and learning their behavior. Converting two of us significantly helped in pacing the mission, we
could share all the experiences now instead of relentlessly observing the aliens. The situation was
totally under our control, more and more aliens were replaced from their routines, we were
managing their observatory, continuing communicating with their base, doing dummy
explorations, learning their languages, in short we were getting more and more alien. The only
real-mission left for us was to be ready for a trip “to the new horizon”. Soon after all of them were
replaced, we received the orders to return to the base!

On the return trip, the ship worked in the same messy way as was its circuitry. It was left on
auto-pilot for most of the journey, we not wanting to understand its primitive mechanics. We soon
noticed a white and bluish body in space, about 6 times the size of Fty-68 and about 17 times our
planet. The body, previously named as TUra-23, had bright, hot, silent, massive and heavy
atmospheric layer. Its location and nature were previously studied, but due to its extremely hot
conditions, the possibility of life was ruled out on this planet. The ship soon landed, guaranteeing
us our first step on the aliens land. The landing was phenomenal for them for reasons that it was
their first another planet landing trip, and was an achievement for us since it was our first
successful exploration trip, we both enjoyed it fully.

Post-landing formalities and responsibilities helped us to acquaint with the conditions. The
friends and families of respective aliens were helpful in familiarizing us with our new home. The
communication link with home was maintained by using interference techniques on satellite
networks of this planet.

We have occupied this pseudo-home, and imported more and more peers by substituting
astronauts in all the proceeding space trips. The place has been comfortable and supportive for
past 62 years, but only with the support of their body as our suits. A disciplined and dedicated
effort has enabled us to learn almost everything about this planet, so much so that I am writing this
paper in their orthography i.e. your orthography.
You have always fancied, dreaded, dreamt, imagined,
feared and anticipated an alien invasion. This has happened
long before, without notice of a single person. Whichever
option we take, either to rule or to mutually co-exist, learning
what you know and then using what you don’t know is the
only path to survival. You have been observed and scrutinized
for past 62 years in your own home i.e. TUra-23, or Earth in
your terms. The terms of living are now facing an alteration,
an era of human pets is dawning upon you.

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