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adduct the humerus adductor pollicis. chest deltoid diaphragmatic hernia extend the forearm flexor pollicis longus galea aponeurotica gastronemius glossus gluteus maximus in parallel inferior rectus is also characterized by hypertropy of the interdigital muscles of the hand lumborus quadratum masseter mentalis orbicularis oris. platysmus popliteus

Damage to the pectoralis major would interfere with a person's ability to The muscle that adducts the thumb is the Muscles ending in the suffix -costal would be found in the The major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the Excessive gastric pressure (pressure in the stomach. could cause a(n) Muscles that insert on the olecranon process of the ulna probably act to The distal phalanx of the thumb is the insertion of the The tendonous origin of the frontalis muscle is the Which of the following is not a spinal flexor? A muscle whose name ends in the suffix glossus would be found attached to the


quadratus lumborum quadriceps femoris rectus

The iliac crest is the origin of the Which of the following is not a muscle of the hamstring group? Muscle(s. that are important anterior flexors of the spinal column are the _____ muscles. During surgery, the surgeon makes a cut through the muscle directly to the right of the linea alba. The muscle that is being cut would be the Which of the following is not a muscle in the urogenital triangle? The only knee flexor that originates superior to the acetabulum is the Which of the following does not move the shoulder girdle? Which of the following muscles does not belong to the "hamstrings" muscle group? Each of the following muscles is involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth, except the The mentalis muscle inserts on the Tom is having difficulty plantar flexing and inverting his right foot. Which muscle (s. is (are. most likely involved in this problem? All of the following muscles of the face are innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII), except for the _____ muscle. A muscle that assists the muscle that is primarily responsible for a given action is a(n) Which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff? A general rule about the difference between an origin and an insertion is The most common lever systems in the body are those that have the applied force between the fulcrum and the resistance. These are called _____ levers. The muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the







rectus abdominus




rectus femoris sartorius sartorius sartorius








30. 11.

The muscle that inserts on the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur is the Muscle fibers in a single fascicle are arranged The _____ allows you to look down Individuals who are engaged in repetitive hand movements such as typing or playing the piano may suffer wrist pain, especially during palmar flexion. All of the following are true concerning this condition, except that it All of the following attach on the scapula, except the The _____ muscle is the strongest jaw muscle Which of the following does not originate or insert on the hyoid bone? The "kissing muscle" that purses the lips is the The _____ covers the anterior surface of the neck. Which of the following terms could be used with a muscle that is associated with the leg? The muscle that pronates the forearm is the
38. 37.



31. 32.

skin of the chin soleus & gastrocnemius

13. 14.








teres major the origin remains stationary while the insertion moves. third-class







pronator quadratus

tibialis anterior

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

tibialis anterior transverse abdominis trapezius triceps. vastus lateralis vastus lateralis

The muscle that opposes the gastrocnemius is the Which of the following muscles compresses the abdomen? Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression? The muscle that extends the arm while doing push-ups is the Which of the following does not attach on the humerus? The preferred site for intramuscular (IM. injections in infants and children is the

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