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AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
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Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 1(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

About this application note:
This application note describes how to configure a
Siemens S7 Profibus master together with an Anybus-
S module for Profibus-DP. The contents describe step
by step how a configuration is done.

This document assumes that the reader is familiar with
industrial communication, Profibus networks and
Siemens PLC programming.

AnyBus-S for Profibus and Siemens S7
Application Note
Rev. 1.2
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 2(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Revision Date Description Responsible
0.1 20010408 Crcatcd Martin Falkman
1.0 20010502 Rclcascd Martin Falkman
1.1 20010507 Updatcd according to intcrnal discussions Martin Falkman
1.2 20010605 Complctcd according to intcrnal discussions Lcil Malmbcrg
1.21 20010607 Company Conlidcntial" lootcr rcmovcd Martin Falkman
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 3(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

1 11 1 Rcquircmcnts Rcquircmcnts Rcquircmcnts Rcquircmcnts ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ............................................. ............. ............. ............. 4 44 4
2 22 2 Systcm conliguration Systcm conliguration Systcm conliguration Systcm conliguration................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ .................................. .. .. .. 5 55 5
2.1 Hardwarc Scttings..............................................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Slavc scttings ..............................................................................................................................6
2.1.2 Connccting thc bus cablc with thc SU8 conncctor ..............................................................7
2.1.3 Mastcr scttings ...........................................................................................................................7
2.2 Hardwarc conliguration .....................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 !mporting thc GS lilc..............................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Conliguring thc nctwork............................................................................................................8
2.3 Soltwarc conligurations....................................................................................................................13
2.3.1 Normal opcration .....................................................................................................................13
2.3.2 pcration whcn sccurc data consistcncy is nccdcd..................................................................13
3 33 3 rrors and diagnostics rrors and diagnostics rrors and diagnostics rrors and diagnostics ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ .............................................................. .............................. .............................. .............................. 16 16 16 16
3.1 Thc L:s on thc Any8us modulc.................................................................................................16
3.2 iagnostics in Stcp7.........................................................................................................................19
3.3 Troublcshooting nctwork physics ....................................................................................................20
4 44 4 Morc inlormation about thc nctwork and products Morc inlormation about thc nctwork and products Morc inlormation about thc nctwork and products Morc inlormation about thc nctwork and products................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................. ................. ................. ................. 23 23 23 23
5 55 5 List ol Figurcs and Tablcs List ol Figurcs and Tablcs List ol Figurcs and Tablcs List ol Figurcs and Tablcs................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ........................................................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 23 23 23 23

Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 4(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

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1 Requirements

cscription cscription cscription cscription Namc / Typc Namc / Typc Namc / Typc Namc / Typc \crsion \crsion \crsion \crsion
Sicmcns S7 PLC CPU 3152 P
6S7 3152AF020A80
Sicmcns PLC programming cablc n.a. n.a.
PC with Sicmcns PLC programming soltwarc Stcp7 5.1
Prolibus slavc modulc Any8usS Prolibus 1.3
GS lilc lor thc Any8us modulc HMS_1003.GS 1.0
Any8usS Parallcl csign Guidc A8SGP1.13 1.13
Any8usS Ficldbus Appcndix Prolibus A8SPP1.2 1.2
Prolibus standard cablc n.a. n.a.
Prolibus SU8 contacts n.a. n.a.
Powcr supply 24\C n.a. n.a.
Host dcvicc lor thc Any8us modulc (any host dcvicc
can bc uscd, in this cxamplc thc startcrkit lrom HMS)
n.a. n.a.
Sicmcns PLC programming cablc n.a. n.a.

Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 5(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

2 System configuration
8clow you lind an ovcrvicw ol thc systcm conliguration that is dcscribcd in this documcnt.
thcr nodcs may bc attachcd to thc nctwork, but arc not ncccssary.

Figurc 1 Hardwarc conncction ovcrvicw

Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 6(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

2.1 Hardware Settings
2.1.1 Slave settings
Thc addrcss sctting is donc with thc two rotary switchcs on thc Any8us modulc. Notc: Thc addrcss sctting
can bc donc in dillcrcnt ways dcpcnding on thc host dcvicc. !n somc applications thc application intcrlacc is
uscd to sct thc addrcsscs with soltwarc.
Thc addrcss is sct to #1 in this cxamplc.
Thc tcrminating switch tcrminating switch tcrminating switch tcrminating switch should bc sct to N N N N" il:
o Thc modulc is thc last nodc on thc nctwork -~ physical cnd ol thc bus.
o No othcr tcrmination is uscd at this cnd ol thc nctwork.
Thc tcrminating switch tcrminating switch tcrminating switch tcrminating switch should bc sct to FF FF FF FF" il:
o Thcrc arc othcr nodcs on both sidcs ol thc modulc in thc nctwork.
o Thc modulc is thc last nodc on thc nctwork and a Prolibus SU8 conncctor is uscd which
is cquippcd with a built in and activatcd tcrmination.

Figurc 2 Any8usS Prolibus hardwarc scttings
Notc: Thc Prolibus nctwork must always bc tcrminatcd at both cnds.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 7(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

2.1.2 Connecting the bus cable with the D-SUB connector
Thc Any8us modulc can bc mountcd with scvcral typcs ol bus conncctors. Thc standard conncctor shown
bclow should bc uscd in this cxamplc.

Figurc 3 Standard Prolibus SU8 conncctor

Figurc 4 8us conncctor with builtin tcrminating rcsistors and scrics inductors
2.1.3 Master settings
All thc mastcr hardwarc scttings arc donc with thc Stcp7 conligurator tool HV Conlig" and this is
dcscribcd in chaptcr 2.2.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 8(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

2.2 Hardware configuration
Thc PLC systcm hardwarc conliguration is donc solcly with thc Sicmcns Stcp7 tool.
!n ordcr to conligurc thc bus it is ncccssary to sct up thc PLC and mastcr hardwarc lirst. !n this cxamplc wc
arc using an S73152 CPU and a 2A powcr supply with a standard rack. Plcasc rclcr to thc Stcp7
documcntation lor dctails on how to do this conliguration.
2.2.1 Importing the GSD file
!t is ncccssary to import thc lilc HMS_1003.GS to thc conligurator tool in ordcr to includc thc Any8usS
as a slavc in thc nctwork.

Figurc 5 !nstall a ncw GS lilc in "HV Conlig"
2.2.2 Configuring the network
Thc Any8us modulc can bc lound in thc hardwarc cataloguc altcr thc GS lilc has bccn importcd.

Figurc 6 Thc Any8us modulc in thc Hardwarc Cataloguc
Vhcn thc PLC hardwarc is sct up it will look likc dcscribcd in Figurc 7 PLC with cmpty bus.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 9(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Figurc 7 PLC with cmpty bus
!t is now possiblc to includc thc Any8us slavc in thc nctwork. pcn up thc Any8usS PP" cntry in thc
hardwarc cataloguc and drag and drop thc Any8us modulc on to thc nctwork, scc dcscription in Figurc 8.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 10(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

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Figurc 8 rag and drop thc Any8us modulc to thc nctwork
!t is thcn ncccssary to conligurc thc Any8us modulc itscll. Thc only conliguring to bc donc is sctting up thc
nodc addrcss, input and output data arca sizcs and ollsct addrcss.
!n Figurc 9 it is shown how to cdit thc nodc addrcss. Thc cditwindow lor thc nodc addrcss is opcncd by
doing thc click scqucncc n, o, p. At p it is possiblc to sct thc dcsircd nodc addrcss. Thc addrcss sct hcrc
must cqual thc addrcss sct on thc Any8usS modulc, scc Figurc 2.

Figurc 9 Adjusting thc nodc addrcss in HV Conlig
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 11(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Vhich dillcrcnt modulcs you likc to usc dcpcnds on what your application dcmand is. !t is possiblc to
choosc thcsc modulcs lrccly and to composc thc !/ sizcs nccdcd, sc cxamplcs bclow in tablc 1.

Tablc 1 xamplcs ol dara arca modulcs
8ytcs nccdcd by thc application 8ytcs nccdcd by thc application 8ytcs nccdcd by thc application 8ytcs nccdcd by thc application Modulcs to usc Modulcs to usc Modulcs to usc Modulcs to usc
4 !n 2 ut 4 !n 2 ut
7 !n 12 ut 4 !n 2 !n 1 !n 8 ut 4 ut
32 !n 32 ut 32 !n/ut
68 !n 64 !n 4 !n

Thc modulcs arc composcd togcthcr in thc modulc list" ol thc Any8us as shown in Figurc 10.

Figurc 10 Sclccting !n and ut modulcs with rag and rop"
8y doublc clicking on a modulc in thc modulc list" it is possiblc to sct thc ollsct addrcsscs. Scc cxamplc in
Figurc 11.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 12(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Figurc 11 Adjusting thc ollsct addrcss
Thc ollsct addrcsscs can bc choscn lrccly but ccrtain rcstrictions may apply dcpcnding on what CPU is uscd.
Vhcn all thc abovc scttings arc donc it is possiblc to pcrlorm a download ol thc conliguration to thc PLC.
Rclcr to thc Stcp7 documcntation lor dctails on how to do this. Thc bus systcm should thcn go onlinc and
start data cxchangc whcn thc PLC is sct to run modc.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 13(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

2.3 Software configurations
2.3.1 Normal operation
No cxtra PLC programming is ncccssary lor normal opcration. Thc data is acccssiblc and addrcssablc
dircctly lrom thc PLC program.
2.3.2 Operation when secure data consistency is needed
Thc S7 PLC can rcad out onc, two or lour bytcs consistcnt lrom thc !/imagc dircctly by acccssing thc
data as a 8ytc, a Vord or a oublc Vord. !l it is rcquircd to rcad out othcr consistcnt data arcas it is
ncccssary to usc thc Systcm Function 8locks SFC14 and SFC15.
Thc lirst thing that has to bc donc is to spccily thc consistcnt data arca in thc hardwarc conliguration. Thc
Univcrsal Modulc" can bc sclcctcd with drag and drop" as shown in Figurc 12.

Figurc 12 Sclccting thc Univcrsal Modulc lor consistcnt data translcr
!n Figurc 13 it is shown how to sct thc propcrtics ol thc Univcrsal Modulc. This window is opcncd by
doublc clicking on thc Univcrsal Modulc linc in thc list ol sclcctcd modulcs. Thc dcsircd data typc (!n, ut,
or !n/ut) is sct with thc list box shown at n. Thcn thc ollsct, lcngth, unit and consistcncy scttings can bc
donc as shown at o. !n thc cxamplc bclow thc output data lcngth is sct to 12 bytcs and thc input data
lcngth sct to 38 bytcs with consistcncy ovcr thc total lcngth. Thc addrcss ollscts arc sct to 46 rcspcctivc 92.
Thc ata lor Spccilic Manulacturcr" shown at p is not uscd unlcss thc dcvicc manulacturcr spccilics this.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 14(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Figurc 13 Spccilying thc propcrtics lor thc Univcrsal Modulc
To rcad out thc consistcnt data spccilicd in Figurc 13 and Figurc 12 a PLC program has to bc writtcn that
uscs SFC14 and SFC15. An cxamplc ol this is shown in Figurc 14. Thcsc two SFC:s arc includcd in thc
Stcp7 standard packagc and thcy also havc to bc importcd into thc activc projcct. Thcy can bc copicd lrom
thc Standard Library" or lrom thc CPU onlinc. Rclcr to thc Stcp7 documcntation lor dctails rcgarding this.
Thc lunction blocks cnsurc that data consistcncy is sccurcd ovcr thc complctc data lcngth. Vhcrc thc data
should bc rcad or put in thc proccss imagc is dccidcd in thc hardwarc conliguration, scc Figurc 13.
SFC14 !nput data: SFC14 !nput data: SFC14 !nput data: SFC14 !nput data:
Thc purposc ol SFC14 is to rcad out thc data lrom !n arca ol thc proccss imagc and thcn copy thc data to
anothcr storagc location.
LAR: spccilics thc start bytc addrcss ol thc data to bc rcad. Thc valuc is cntcrcd in Hcx. !n this casc thc
start bytc addrcss is 92 (-5C Hcx) which can bc lound at o in Figurc 13.
RT_\AL: Storagc location lor crror mcssagcs. This is a Vord, in this casc MV4.
RCR: This is whcrc thc data is copicd to. !n this casc it is copicd to mcmory bytc 1047. (i.c. M810
M847). Thc lcngth must cqual thc lcngth sct at o in Figurc 13.
SFC15 utput data: SFC15 utput data: SFC15 utput data: SFC15 utput data:
Thc Purposc ol SFC15 is to rcad thc data lrom any storagc location and thcn copy it to thc ut arca ol thc
proccss imagc.
LAR: spccilics thc start bytc addrcss ol thc data to bc scnt. Thc valuc is cntcrcd in Hcx. !n this casc thc
start bytc addrcss is 46 (-2 Hcx) which can bc lound at o in Figurc 13.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 15(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

RT_\AL: Storagc location lor crror mcssagcs. This is a Vord, in this casc MV6.
RCR: This is whcrc thc data is rcad lrom. !n this casc it is rcad lrom mcmory bytc 4859. (i.c. M848
M859). Thc lcngth must cqual thc lcngth sct at o in Figurc 13.
Thc data can thcn bc proccsscd as dcsircd (i.c. as bytc, word, doublc word or bit wisc) at thc othcr storagc
location spccilicd at RCR.
!n thc cxamplc bclow (Figurc 14) it is dcscribcd how thc PLC program can bc donc.

Figurc 14 Thc usc ol SFC14 and SFC15 in thc PLC program
8y highlighting thc SFC in thc LAcditor and thcn prcssing F1" thc hclp lunction will start and display
cxtcndcd inlormation such as crror codcs and syntax cxamplcs.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 16(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

3 Errors and diagnostics
3.1 The LED:s on the AnyBus module
Thc L:s on thc Any8us modulc havc thc mcaning shown in
Figurc 15 and Tablc 2.

Figure 15 Indication LED:s on the AnyBus module
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 17(23)

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Tablc 2 csacription ol L:s
L # L # L # L # Namc Namc Namc Namc Color Color Color Color Mcaning Mcaning Mcaning Mcaning Corrcctivc actions Corrcctivc actions Corrcctivc actions Corrcctivc actions
n nn n
Not uscd
o oo o
nLinc Grccn
!ndicatcs that thc modulc is nLinc on thc
Solid Grccn Solid Grccn Solid Grccn Solid Grccn Modulc is nLinc and data
cxchangc is possiblc.
Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll Modulc is not nLinc
No actions nccdcd
p pp p
llLinc Rcd
!ndicatcs that thc modulc is llLinc on thc
Solid Rcd Solid Rcd Solid Rcd Solid Rcd Modulc is llLinc and no data
cxchangc is possiblc.
Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll Modulc is not llLinc
Chcck hardwarc, i.c. cablc
conncction, baudratc sctting ctc.
Chcck hardwarc conliguration
in Stcp7

q qq q
!ndicatcs ccrtain laults on thc Ficldbus sidc.
Flashing Rcd 1 Hz Flashing Rcd 1 Hz Flashing Rcd 1 Hz Flashing Rcd 1 Hz rror in conliguration:
!N and/or UT
lcngth sct during initialisation ol thc modulc
is not cqual to thc
lcngth sct during conliguration ol thc
Flashing Rcd 2 Hz Flashing Rcd 2 Hz Flashing Rcd 2 Hz Flashing Rcd 2 Hz rror in Uscr Paramctcr
data: Thc
lcngth/contcnts ol thc Uscr Paramctcr data
sct during
initialisation ol thc modulc is not cqual to thc
lcngth/contcnts sct
during conliguration ol thc nctwork.
Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz rror in initialisation ol
thc Prolibus
communication AS!C.
Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll Turncd ll No diagnostics prcscnt
Chcck hardwarc conliguration
in Stcp7
!l Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz Flashing Rcd 4 Hz consult

Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 18(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Watchdog LED
There is also a bicolour (red/green) watchdog LED on the circuit board, indicating the module status
according to Tablc 3 and Figurc 16.

Figurc 16 Vatchdog L position

Tablc 3 !ndications on Vatchdog L
Vatchdog lunction Vatchdog lunction Vatchdog lunction Vatchdog lunction Colour Colour Colour Colour Frcqucncy Frcqucncy Frcqucncy Frcqucncy
AS!C and FLASH RM chcck lault Rcd 2Hz
Modulc not initialiscd Grccn 2Hz
Modulc initialiscd and running K Grccn 1Hz
RAM chcck lault Rcd 1Hz
PRAM chcck lault Rcd 4Hz

Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 19(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

3.2 Diagnostics in Step7
Stcp7 and thc HV Conlig program providcs diagnostic possibilitics via thc Prolibus mastcr ovcr thc
nctwork. Start with going onlinc by clicking on thc button n in ligurc Figurc 17. Thcn rightclick on o
and chosc Modulc !nlormation" and thc diagnostic lunction will bc startcd. Thc window p will bc
displaycd and availablc diagnostics can bc rcad out.
Vhat diagnostics that that arc availablc dcpcnds on thc application. !n standard modc thcrc arc no
application spccilic diagnostics availablc. All thc standard Prolibus diagnostics arc supportcd and
inlormation rcgarding this can bc lound in thc onlinc documcntation ol Stcp7. Application spccilic
diagnostics, crror codcs ctc. can bc lound in thc documcntation ol thc application.
!l thc mcssagc shown in thc window p appcars thc rcason can bc thc lollowing:
Thc Any8us modulc is not attachcd propcrly to thc Prolibus nctwork. Chcck cabcling.
Thc Any8us nodc addrcss docs not match thc addrcss sct in thc HV Conlig program.
Thc Any8us modulc is laulty and docs not start up propcrly. Chcck thc L:s on thc Any8us
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 20(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Figurc 17 Stcp7 Hardwarc diagnostics
3.3 Troubleshooting network physics
Thc most normal lailurc whcn thc diagnostic tool rcports nonscnsc" is physical crrors on thc nctwork likc
cablc conncct crrors, miss contact, wrong tcrmination ctc. Somc simplc ways to lind thcsc crrors will bc
mcntioncd hcrc.
ata crrors can occur il thc PRF!8US cablc is incorrcctly attachcd to thc bus conncctors. Such basic crrors
can bc dctcctcd and rcmcdicd with thc simplc tcst mcthod dcscribcd bclow. Thc tcst mcthod shown
schcmatically in ligurc Figurc 18 allows you to dctcct data wircs which arc swappcd ovcr in thc bus
conncctors. uring thc tcst, thc bus conncctors must not bc conncctcd to any PRF!8US dcviccs. !n
addition, all bus tcrminating rcsistors should bc rcmovcd or disablcd. Thc tcsts rcquirc two 9 pin lcmalc
Sub tcst conncctors. Tcst conncctor 1 is providcd with a singlc polc changcovcr switch, thc moving
contact ol which is conncctcd to thc shicld (casc) ol thc tcst conncctor. Thc two lixcd contacts arc conncctcd
to pin 3 (data wirc 8) and pin 8 (data wirc A), rcspcctivcly. Tcst conncctor 2 is uscd to conncct an
hmmctcr to thc bus. uring thc cablc tcsts, thc two tcst conncctors 1 and 2 arc initially pluggcd into thc
two bus conncctors at cach cnd ol thc bus scgmcnt. Thc lollowing tcsts can bc madc by taking mcasurcmcnts
bctwccn thc contacts 3 and 8 and thc shicld ol tcst conncctor 2 whilc opcrating thc changcovcr switch on
tcst conncctor 1:
ata cablc swappcd ovcr
pcn circuit ol onc ol thc data cablcs
pcn circuit ol thc cablc shicld
Short circuit bctwccn thc data cablcs
Short circuit bctwccn thc data cablcs and thc cablc shicld
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 21(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Additional bus tcrminating rcsistors inscrtcd unintcntionally

Figurc 18 Troublcshooting thc Prolibus nctwork
Carrying out thc tcsts Carrying out thc tcsts Carrying out thc tcsts Carrying out thc tcsts
Conliguration A: Sct switch ol tcst conncctor 1 to position 3 (connccts pin 3 to thc scrccn). Conncct
ohmmctcr to tcst conncctor 2 bctwccn pin 3 and thc scrccn.
Conliguration 8: Sct switch ol tcst conncctor 1 to position 8 (connccts pin 8 to thc scrccn). Conncct
ohmmctcr to tcst conncctor 2 bctwccn pin 8 and thc scrccn.
Conliguration C: Sct switch ol tcst conncctor 1 to position 3 (connccts pin 3 to thc scrccn). Conncct
ohmmctcr to tcst conncctor 2 bctwccn pin 8 and thc scrccn.
Conliguration : Switch position ol tcst conncctor 1 is not important. Conncct ohmmctcr to tcst
conncctor 2 bctwccn pin 3 and pin 8.

Varning: Thc mcasurcd valuc can bc lalsilicd il thc ohmmctcr conncctions arc touchcd.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 22(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

Tcst 1: Tcst 1: Tcst 1: Tcst 1:

Figurc 19 Tcstproccdurc 1

Tcst 2: Tcst 2: Tcst 2: Tcst 2: Samc as tcst 1 cxccpt conliguration A and conliguration 8 arc cxchangcd, i.c. start with conliguration

Tcst 3: Tcst 3: Tcst 3: Tcst 3: Too many bus tcrminating rcsistors inscrtcd.

Figurc 20 Tcstproccdurc 3
!n ordcr to asscss thc mcasurcmcnts you makc, it is ncccssary to know thc loop rcsistancc ol thc bus cablc
scgmcnt. This is dcpcndcnt on thc cablc typc uscd and thc installcd cablc lcngth. Thc location ol a lault can
bc dctcrmincd without opcning up thc bus conncctors by unplugging tcst conncctor 1 and plugging it into
anothcr bus conncctor which is closcr to tcst conncctor 2 whilc carrying out rcpcatcd hmmctcr
mcasurcmcnts at tcst conncctor 2.
Module Name Project No
AnyBus-S Profibus
Document ID Revision
- 1.21
Issued by Date

Martin Falkman 2001-06-07
Subject Approved by Page
Siemens S7 and AnyBus-S Profibus Leif Malmberg 23(23)

Created: 2001-06-05
Last saved by: Martin Falkman
Printed: 2001-06-07

C:\arkiv_mfa\Arbete vrigt\Application notes\Siemens Step7 and AnyBus-S.doc

4 More information about the network and products
Thc latcst manuals and GS lilc lor thc Any8usS modulc can bc lound on thc HMS homcpagc
Thc Prolibus uscr organisation has a homcpagc on thc !ncrnct:
Scvcral tcchnical guidcs arc availablc in or via this pagc.
For inlormation conccrning thc PLC and Prolibus mastcr systcm rclcr to thc Sicmcns homcpagc
5 List of Figures and Tables
Figurc 1 Hardwarc conncction ovcrvicw............................................................................................................5
Figurc 2 Any8usS Prolibus hardwarc scttings .................................................................................................6
Figurc 3 Standard Prolibus SU8 conncctor..................................................................................................7
Figurc 4 8us conncctor with builtin tcrminating rcsistors and scrics inductors...............................................7
Figurc 5 !nstall a ncw GS lilc in "HV Conlig" .............................................................................................8
Figurc 6 Thc Any8us modulc in thc Hardwarc Cataloguc ...............................................................................8
Figurc 7 PLC with cmpty bus..........................................................................................................................9
Figurc 8 rag and drop thc Any8us modulc to thc nctwork..........................................................................10
Figurc 9 Adjusting thc nodc addrcss in HV Conlig.......................................................................................10
Figurc 10 Sclccting !n and ut modulcs with rag and rop" ....................................................................11
Figurc 11 Adjusting thc ollsct addrcss.............................................................................................................12
Figurc 12 Sclccting thc Univcrsal Modulc lor consistcnt data translcr ...........................................................13
Figurc 13 Spccilying thc propcrtics lor thc Univcrsal Modulc........................................................................14
Figurc 14 Thc usc ol SFC14 and SFC15 in thc PLC program ......................................................................15
Figurc 15 !ndication L:s on thc Any8us modulc.......................................................................................16
Figurc 16 Vatchdog L position................................................................................................................18
Figurc 17 Stcp7 Hardwarc diagnostics ............................................................................................................20
Figurc 18 Troublcshooting thc Prolibus nctwork............................................................................................21
Figurc 19 Tcstproccdurc 1 ...............................................................................................................................22
Figurc 20 Tcstproccdurc 3 ...............................................................................................................................22

Tablc 1 xamplcs ol dara arca modulcs ...........................................................................................................11
Tablc 2 csacription ol L:s........................................................................................................................17
Tablc 3 !ndications on Vatchdog L..........................................................................................................18

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