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G dP/dG Plot for Pressure Decline Test Analysis

The G dP/dG plot was first proposed by Barree [1] in an SPE paper in 1996. The goal of the plot was to use the derivative to produce an analytical plot for identifying non-linear behavior in post-mini-frac pressure decline behavior. The plot provides a good tool for this, and for (in some cases) identifying fracture closure. However, there are limitations that should be respected. The Help below briefly describes the operation of the plot within the StimPlan Analysis Module, and also shows some examples of ideal and non-ideal cases. For a much more complete description of the plot, and discussion on the appearance of non-ideal behavior on this plot, please refer to the reference. Figure 1 Ideal G Plot

Actual Data Example of Ideal G Plot

dP/d[G] PsRad 10000 7000 8000 9000

Ideal Case

The ideal behavior on which the plot is based Isip (and in particular the basis for using the plot Pext to identify closure) is illustrated in Figure 1. After shut-in, on a linear plot of pressure versus G, the data should form a straight line, with the behavior then deviating from that line beginning with fracture closure. The Actual Data portion of the figure shows a Fit case behaving in just this ideal fashion (and Early this data is used below to describe the Line operation of the StimPlan GdP/dG Plot. First 1 2 3 NOTE however, that after fracture closure, G(dt) the G Plot can deviate downward as well as upward. That is, prior to closure, pressure decline is governed by fracture, fracture fluid, and formation variables, while after closure, behavior is dominated by fracture length and formation variables (k, , Ct, etc.). Thus, depending on the relative magnitude of multiple variables, the behavior can go either direction. Understanding and recognizing this is CRITICAL in using the GdP/dG Plot. That is, at closure, the slope can flatten as seen in the Ideal case above, or it can become steeper, i.e., break down!

Determination of Pressure Dependent Leakoff and its Effect on Fracture Geometry, SPE 36424, Barree, R. D., et al, 1996.

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Using the StimPlan GdP/dG Plot

Using the data from the Ideal case seen above, the operation or use of this plot in the StimPlan Analysis module is described here. On first opening the GdP/dG Plot (in a Figure 2a StimPlan GdP/dG Plot When First Opened StimPlan Decline Test Analysis), the plot will appear as seen in Figure 2a. The red data starting at the top left and declining down to the right is a normal G Plot (i.e., a linear plot of pressure versus G) and this is plotted against the y scale on the left. The light blue line is the value of GdP/dG versus G, and this is plotted against the y axis on the right. Ideally, since the G Plot is a straight line, dP/dG is a constant, and GdP/dG is also a straight line. Thus the blue line is a straight line from G=0 up to about G=1.5, Next, the Smoothing Bar near the bottom of the screen is used to smooth the calculated derivative sliding (or clicking) the Figure 2b Shifting Pivot Line bar to the right for more smoothing and to the left for less smoothing. IT IS CRITICAL TO NOTE that the derivative, dP/dG (and thus the GdP/dG plot itself) is a CALCULATED quantity. Thus, answers can sometimes be changed by the derivative calculation procedure, i.e., the smoothing. Thus, the general plot behavior over a range of smoothness should be examined to insure that it is not the derivative calculations creating what appears to be a result. Also, high resolution data (i.e., 1 second, or at most, 2 second) is needed for derivative calculations. Once the desired smoothness is selected, the cursor is placed anywhere on the dark blue Pivot Line. Note the shape of the cursor changes when the cursor is in a position to shift this line as seen in Figure 2b. With the cursor positioned on the Pivot Line, the line is grabbed with a mouse down (i.e., pressing & holding the left or main mouse button). The Pivot Line can then be pivoted to give the best match to the upward, linear behavior of the GdP/dG plot data line. The cursor can then be placed on the dark, vertical red line the Marker Line, and again the cursor will change shape to a cross-hair when the cursor is in position to grab the line with a mouse down. This line can then be shifted left-right to indicate the deviation from the ideal GdP/dG behavior and thus identify closure. Closure pressure is then identified (automatically) by the intersection of the vertical Marker Line with the G Plot data (i.e., the plot of pressure versus G).

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This gives the final analysis results as seen in Figure 3. In this case, a preceding Step-Rate test had identified Fracture Extension Pressure as 9,400 psi, making this closure identification from the GdP/dG Plot reasonably definitive.

Figure 3 Final Analysis Results

Natural Fracture Fluid Loss (Pressure Dependent Loss)

A powerful use for this analysis plot, and the prime reason it has been included in the StimPlan Analysis is its use for identifying pressure dependent fluid loss. An example of this is included in Figure 4, and further discussion of this is found in the reference cited above. In such a case, the GdP/dG line is initially above the final fit of the Pivot Line, indicating a higher value for dP/dG, i.e., an initially higher rate of fluid loss. The point where the GdP/dG curve finally joins the final fit of the Pivot Line is the point where all of the pressure enhanced fluid loss (i.e., natural fracture fluid loss) has disappeared. In this example, this is at a G value of about 8.4 just before fracture closure at G = 9.5 (PCL = 7,250 psi). Thus, the natural fracture fluid loss disappeared at a pressure only slight higher than closure pressure, at about 7,320 psi. The critical net pressure for the beginning of significant natural fracture fluid loss is then about 70 psi. NOTE that this is NOT a unique analysis. A steeper Pivot Line fit could have been made, identifying closure at a G value of about 4. Thus, the GdP/dG Plot does NOT provide a unique analysis, any more than any other pressure decline analysis plot is unique. In this case, though not marked on the plot, a subsequent Step-Rate test shows Extension Pressure at about 7,420 psi, ruling out a fracture closure at G = 4. (Also, as seen in the figure, the actual propped fracture treatment suffered a total screenout shortly after the 4 PPG stage reached the formation. This is typical behavior for a severe natural fracture fluid loss case.)

Figure 4 GdP/dG Plot With Natural Fracture Loss

Actual Propped Frac Subsequent to Above Mini-Frac

Proppant On Perfs

Pnet (psi)


1,000 500 200 100 50 1 2 5 10

Predicted Main-Frac


50 100

Elapsed Time (min)

(Time "0" - Gel On Perfs)

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Height Recession / GdP/dG Increase At Closure

GdP/dG analysis can also identify fracture Figure 5 GdP/dG Plot for Height Recession height recession, i.e., a case where a fracture may have had some height confinement, but eventually grew significantly into over/underlying shale formations with higher closure stress. In that case, after shut-in, the 0 fluid loss shale layers will close first, forcing fluid back into the main fracture. The G Plot (and GdP/dG Plot) appearance for such a case is seen in Figure 5. In the initial decline, the G Plot (red data curve initiating at the top left and declining down to the right) is relatively flat as the shale layers close. When the shale layers close, the rate of pressure decline, i.e., the slope of the G Plot increases. This is seen as the GdP/dG curve initially being below the final fit of the Pivot Line. Later closure of the main fracture is identified as discussed above. HOWEVER, this data also illustrates a case where the G Plot breaks down at closure, In this particular well, closure pressure was definitively identified with preceding tests (water injecttion/decline stress test and a Step-Rate Test) at PCL = 3,220 psi. This is just about the point where the blue GdP/dG curve rises above the fit of the Pivot Line. Thus, in this higher fluid loss formation, the slope of the G Plot increases at closure instead of the more expected behavior where the G Plot begins to flatten at closure.

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