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Shop Talk April 2012

President Jim Haddon called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:00 pm held at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge on April 3, 2012. Lucky Vice President Gail Jaeger was vacationing in HAWAII! There were 54 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as written. Moment of Silence This month we took a moment to silently thank those fighting in Afghanistan and fighting elsewhere to keep us free. New Members We have two new members as of tonights meeting. They are Ralph Corbin and Richard Chaffee. WELCOME ABOARD!! See FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER. New Vehicles Dana Terrill said he got his 502? Okay, I know 502 probably means an engine, but what car is he putting it into his 56 Chevy? Now I could be totally wrong? Ask Dan when you see him!!! Maybe its the car itself? Car Fines April brought in several dollars. REMEMBER, if you dont drive it (club car) you pay $1.00 no excuses! Treasurers Report for March Jim Rairigh START: Intake; Dues 50/50 Exhaust; Bay Printing, new rosters Hagerty Insurance FINISH: 75.00 101.00 326.75 403.00 $ 7503.41 $ 8057.16

A reminder for new/old members, there are car plaques available from Jim for $20. They are a metal plate and identify you as a Whidbey Cruzer, paint or decorate them however you wish. Most Cruzers paint them to match or compliment their vehicle. Membership Duane Dillard Duane reported that we have 162 paid members per fancy hand signals from Jim Rairigh. New rosters are available. If you are a paid member you get a free roster, if you are not or want an additional one, it will cost you $5. Attend the general meeting to get your roster or contact Duane to make other arrangements to get yours. Duane still has new membership cards

for those paid members who havent recd theirs. Call him at 360-675-6866 or email If you find any errors in the roster let Duane know. Sunshine Report for March Brenda Ackley No report given at meeting, Brenda emailed me her report, and here we go: March 10A get well card was sent to Fred Benninghoff, he is still in WGH, but out of CCU, and on his way to recovery. I think he was at the meeting tonight and looking good. March 11A sympathy card was sent to Joanie Flowers, on the passing of her mother in Sedro Woolley. She would have been 91 on the day of her funeral service, which was March 14. Our deepest sympathy goes to Joanie, Jim and family. March 15A get well card was sent to Eldy Nienhuis, home from the hospital after back surgery. Thank you Ed and Darlene Hammond for letting us know. March 16A sympathy card was sent to Grace Hsu and Gary Nienhuis on the passing of Graces father at 97. Hope the dear memories and travels together help you through this difficult time of loss. March 24A thinking of you card was sent to Chuck Jaeger who had a slight medical problem, went to Island Hospital overnight, currently doing just fine. Be well Chuck and enjoy being married to your best girl for 50 years!!! March 24Katherine Christmas was sent a get well card who also went to Island Hospital overnight with tachycardia, she is feeling better and on the go again, great news. March 27A wellness card was sent to Kathy and Jack Stiltz, Kathy has been in the Hospital in Seattle for some time, with Jack by her side, wishing you both all the best. April 3Chuck Stone has gone to the Hospital today for back surgery, we are all wishing you a successful operation, Chuck, all are thinking of you. Rollin Whited reported at the meeting his surgery at Providence went well. At the MeetingRudy Parhaniemi relayed to us that Fred Bronson was vacationing in Argentina; he was getting a massage then hot tub and got a chest pain. Well he didnt seek medical advice until he got all the way home and found out he had a blood clot in his leg. I guess hes doing okay but in some pain! Please let Brenda know if you know of someone in need of a little Whidbey Cruzer Sunshine. 360-679-8363. Email Car Cruise Committee Mel Rogers and Bob Cairns 1. BEND CRUISE August 2, 3, & 4. People may still sign up to go. Bob Cairns had a meeting at the end of the general meeting. If you have any questions, need info, or want to sign up contact Bob Cairns via email or 425-778-5347 (home) or 206-499-2436 (cell).

Mel requested to contact him about any one day cruises you wish to explore or want help with. 360-678-7727 Car Show Committee Ted Mann It looks like the car shows and get togethers start at the end of April. Ted reported on April 28 there will be a Bearcat Show in Monroe, WA at the Evergreen Fairgrounds, 28/29 Twin Falls Car Show, 29 April Showers at the Cascade Mall in Burlington. Many Cruzers attend that one lead a caravan from Flowers about 7:30 am. Also on the 29th there is a get together in Arlington to talk and show off. Call Ted, if interested in any of these, he should be able to guide you. To make sure you can call the POC listed in the Events Calendar. Social Committee Deanna Rogers 1. Elks Lodge Sock Hop, April 14 - $10 covers music and dinner: burger baskets or hot dogs w/fries or onion rings, a charge of $7 if you come for music only. There will be contests and prizes, pay at door, no RSVP. THIS IS NOT SPONSORED BY Whidbey Cruzers. 2. Cruzers Dinner Night at China City, 33185 SR 20 in Oak Harbor, April 19, 6 p.m. RSVP by email at or phone 360-678-7727. 3. Memorial Day Parade, May 26, Coupeville Beautiful cars needed to carry Pearl Harbor Survivors, Veterans, Commander NAS Whidbey or Mayor Nancy Conrad. Parade starts at 11:00am, line up at 10:00 am. Contact Deanna if you wish to volunteer your car. Call Deanna at 360-678-7727 or email her at to reserve your spot. Website Ed Hammond NO REPORT Historian Ray Payeur Ray started out reminding us little bit about his report last month. He then started to tell us about early Chelan cruises where the Sullivans would give the caravan a questionnaire with lots a questions and by the time you got to your destination the questions were already answered because Cruzers would call home or elaborate with each other for the answers. It was quite hilarious, I remember!! Also there would be no parking available including the handicapped spots due to the Cruzers sitting outside, boozing it up, and staying up to the wee hours in the morning. We dont do that anymore, do we? Next he told of a Hijinks played on Sully by the Cruzers, something about cars in his shed and a wrecker pulls up and tells him about a call his company received, you should have seen the look on Sullys face, and it was priceless!!! Ray said it would have gone Viral with todays technology!!! Talk to Ray!! Ray Im sorry if this is not right, but I think I got enough!!!!!

Ray also has re-introduced our Historian Book that shows us past and present Cruzers and pictures of their rides. If you wish to enter, change pictures, update the book contact Ray at 360-6752193. Tech Adviser Ron Teker NO REPORT Contact Ron if you have any questions tech or otherwise and he will guide you. If you think of a project the club may be interested in let him know. Old Business 1. Whidbey Cruzers/Pioneer Automotive Open Car Show, July 21, 2012, Old Chevy Dealership, 10 a.m. 3 p.m. Joan reported that FRANKs Place will be vending at the show, the Glass Doctor will also be there. There will be a fire truck there for display for possible demonstration. The project car Cruzers did for the PBY will also be there. There are over 20 door prizes to raffle off. Of course we have a DJ Charlie Moore. Remember proceeds go to the Help House (food bank). Volunteers have already signed up and looking forward to July 21. I will also be calling on individual help anytime needed. Please call or email me if anyone has any suggestions with vendors, displays, layout, setup, parking, etc. 2. REMINDER: Cruzer Rendezvous, July 28, Sullivans Home, 86 Vine St, Coupeville. 3. REMINDER: Cruzer Christmas Party, December 15, CPO Club, Solid Gold Rock and Roll New Business 1. July General Meeting Christine Grovdahl pointed out that Tuesday, July 3rd is the first Tuesday and the 4th being a holiday, people are vacationing and suggested we move the meeting to the 10th. Prez Jim asked if the membership cared one way or the other about the date, no one objected so Jim will check to see what other dates are available. 2. Care Packages Prez Jim suggested we send a once a month care package to Scott Wernecke while hes deployed in Afghanistan. Everyone was on board to do this. Jim gave Linda Haddon the floor and she mentioned a list of items to send, toiletries, magazines, cards, letters, pictures, beef jerky, nuts, and baked goods, but NO CHOCOLATE!!!! Jim said members could bring items next month or drop items at Burleys Funeral Chapel and they will see they get sent. Members may also make up their own box of goodies in a medium size postal box and get it to Jim or Linda and they will ail it. Ask about a customs form? Our Next Meeting is May 1, 2012 MAKE SURE YOU COME!!! The potluck will be at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and drink of your choice. You

may also purchase a drink from the bar. The general meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. If you arent there youre missing a chance to win a 50/50 drawing! It usually amounts to about $100.00. Please remember to sign in at the door. 50/50 and Door Prize Drawings Bucket Dude was Ray Payeur 50/50 Drawing winner was Jim Croft, $82 Congrats!!! Door Prizes: This months items were eight garage signs, 2 car books, 1968 Cougar model encased, and screwdriver set. Winners: This month they were Bob Cairns, Dan Terrill, Harry Abbott, Marge Baxley, Tim Oest, Linda Haddon, Rudy Parhaniemi, Jim Croft, Stan Grovdahl and Gary Nienhuis. Some winners won more than once. ****The 50/50 winner will come early and sell drawing tickets next month. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER 1. The first new member tonight is Ralph Corbin who has a Chevy Camaro; his phone no. is 360-929-5109. The second newest member is Richard Chaffee who has a 69 Camaro; his phone no. is 360720-3317. Please add them to the new roster. If you would like to know more give them a call and introduce yourself. This will not appear in the newsletter again. 2. HARRYS MOMENT (formerly VP Minute) - Harry, your moments are confusing to me? I only catch half of what you say and may not know what you mean! So here it goes: WILD FRIENDS. He started talking about his friends in New Zealand on a boat solving the worlds problems and trying to figure out what MORTAIL means, after 3 or more jugs of beer, booze, you name it, it means BULLSHIT! Next Harry goes on to talk about a young crew of Canadians, a motley group like the classic in music especially Jimmy Buffett, and the ladies introduce him. Then there is an 8 yr. old, no clothes on taking lessons, and the lesion is Never take lessons from a naked person because you wont remember a thing. Then Harry mentions a guy falls off his boat after a rudder mishap, boats full of water, but he okay? This guy builds a house and he sailed around the world and did everything. The last nail in the house is your first nail in your coffin. Im sure I got things wrong but anyway ASK HARRY ABBOTT!! EVENTS CALENDAR AT A GLANCE
Date 04/19 04/28 04/28-29 Event Cruzers Dinner Social Bearcat Show Twin Falls Car Show Location China City Monroe Fairgrounds Twin Falls POC__ 360-678-7727 360-679-5115 208-732-6336

04/29 04/29 05/01 05/05 05/26 07/21 07/28 08/2-5 10/31 12/15

Club Gathering April Showers Car Show Cruzers Potluck Gen. Mtg. Old Silvana Car Show Memorial Day Parade OPEN CAR SHOW Whidbey Cruzer Rendezvous WC Bend Cruise Halloween Trunk n Treat Cruzer Christmas Party

Arlington, WA Cascade Mall, Burlington O.H. Elks Lodge Silvana, WA Coupeville O.H. Pioneer Automotive Sullivans Home, Coupeville Bend, Oregon Ace Hardware CPO Club

360-679-5115 360-679-5115 360-679-7936 360-654-0966 360-678-7727 360-679-7936 360-678-6032 206-499-2436 360-679-7936 360-675-5723


EVERY FRIDAY EVENING THE WHIDBEY CRUZERS AND THEIR FRIENDS HAVA SOCIAL GATHERING TO GOSSIP, FIND OUT WHATS HAPPENING AND TALK CARS!!!!! DONT MISS OUT, COME, ENJOY, AND ADD YOU COMMENTS AND OPINIONS AND SHOW OFF YOUR VEHICLE(S). 5:00 7:00 PM AT THE PIZZA FACTORY. CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: Need an older 4x4 SUV, Jeep Cherokee, Laredo, or Blazer/Jimmy/Explorer type of rig. Possible trade (partial or otherwise) and have an 89 GMC ton truck, plus a flamed Mercury Grand Marquis. Contact Ed Barrett at 360-708-9321 or email FOR SALE: 1977 Corvette, all original, 193K miles, great car, just making room for another one. $15,000 Call 360-468-4056 Also for sale are a 1984 and 1985 corvettes. ***These ads will run for only two months in the newsletter. If they are sold before that period ends please contact Joan Reeves at 360-679-7936 or email her to delete from newsletter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY May Thomas Gibson Bill Waite Jeff Rosenfelt Dean Lohman Grace Hsu John Close Bill Morrow Jerry Rolfe Dan Terrill Gary Lawrence Matthew Hernkind Bob Reamer Dennis Doll 3 4 5 6 6 7 10 10 11 12 17 18 20

Archie Lillis Eloise Bronson Ruth Terrill Dawn VanDyk Jim Jaeger Carol Reamer

23 24 25 25 26 27

FROM YOUR SECRETARY My goal for this year is the same, to provide as much correct informative information to you as I possibly can. If you have any ideas of what you might like to see in the newsletter let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks again. THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Some automobile manufacturers have a sneaky way of lowering the list price. For instance, on one model the steering wheel is an optional extra. CRUZN WITH THE PREZ The April 3rd meeting went well, we gained 2 new members before we even got the regular portion started. Jim Rairigh was quick to deposit the checks before they changed their minds. Duane Dillard was at the meeting with some still undelivered membership cards and our new club rosters I didnt get mine yet! I guess I was too busy. We are trying to generate some enthusiasm for our long distance cruise to Bend, Oregon this August. Bob Cairns has gone to a lot of work to go with the clubs wishes to travel to Bend for this great weekend of car show and other events. We need to support this cruise and get our reservations in ASAP. Linda and I are looking forward to the cruise and spending some time in the high desert. Bring your air conditioned shorts, it gets nice and warm there. For the 9 months that Scott Wernecke is away defending our country and way of life Whidbey Cruzers has established a campaign of sending CARE PACKAGES at least once a month to him. Linda handed out some lists of suggestions for people to consider sending and offered to purchase things if members just want to donate some money. If you can put together a medium size flat rate postal box with things and fill out a customs form to go with it, just bring it by my work (Burley Funeral Chapel) and we will pay the postage and get it off to Scott. We know that if he gets too much of any particular item he will share it with others, so if we can send boxes more than once a month I know it will be appreciated. If you would like to just drop off some items at my work we will include them in the next

parcel going out. As soon as we have a full box we will mail it. Be sure to include notes, letters, pictures, cards and magazines (Mopar a plus) to let him know we miss him and appreciate what he is doing for his country. I have been in contact with Frankie and she will let me know when she has an address for Scott. He is currently in Texas getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan so probably wont have an address for a couple of weeks or more. Thank each of you for what you do to make this club what it is, the finest of its kind in the Northwest. It is a privilege to belong to the Whidbey Cruzers and an honor to be your president this year. Prez Jim

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