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DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PRIORITY MAPPING BASED ON USING WEBSOM MULTIDIMENSIONAL DATA MINING Created by WIDAYATI, NINIK Subject Subject Alt Keyword : : Pengolahan data elektronis : Data mining : Clustering; Data mining; Decision support systems; SOM (Self-Organizing Map); WebSOM method

Description :
Keberadaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 3 Tahun 2007 mengharuskan Pemerintah Daerah membuat berbagai laporan tentang penyelenggaraan dan kinerja pemerintah daerah. Hal ini membutuhkan sistem yang sifatnya sudah jadi, akurat, mudah didapat secara cepat dan siap pakai serta dimaksudkan dapat menyediakan referensi global pendukung keputusan bagi pimpinan eksekutif (kepala daerah) beserta penyelenggara pemerintahan lainnya untuk mengatasi kurang efektifnya pengumpulan dan analisa data penilaian secara keseluruhan capaian keberhasilan kinerja pembangunan selama ini. Simulasi penerapan metode WebSOM dengan prinsip algoritma SOM (Self Organization Map) dimulai dengan preprocessing data dan normalisasi data dengan metode softmax yang menghasilkan vektor input. Selanjutnya dengan tahapan proses SOM yaitu inisialisasi vektor input dan melalui proses training ditemukan Best Matching Unit (BMU), sedangkan jarak antara vektor input dan bobot map unit divisualisasikan dengan peta U-matrik untuk masing-masing komponen data input. Output cluster yang dihasilkan dan komposisi clusternya diperlihatkan dengan penyebaran data input pada neuron peta u-matrik jaringan SOM dan proyeksi grafik pie cart. Penelitian ini dengan pendekatan metodenya telah menggambarkan ketimpangan antar kecamatan melalui pengelompokkan dari 17 Kecamatan yang ada berdasarkan klasifikasi tingkatan indikator pemerataan pendidikan yaitu jenjang SD/Sederajat terdiri dari 3 di tingkat kurang, 8 cukup kurang, 3 sedang, 2 cukup baik dan 1 baik. Tingkatan jenjang SLTP/Sederajat terdiri dari 5 di tingkat kurang, 5 cukup kurang, 1 sedang, 5 cukup baik dan 1 baik. Tingkatan jenjang SLTA/Sederajat terdiri dari 3 di tingkat kurang, 9 cukup kurang, 1 sedang, 3 cukup baik dan 1 baik. Pola klasifikasi cluster yang dihasilkan pada proses penggalian data multidimensi ini menghasilkan informasi yang menjadi pengetahuan sebagai bahan mendukung keputusan dalam mempercepat proses pemetaan prioritas perencanaan pembangunan pendidikan selanjutnya, antara lain kebijakan penempatan guru serta peningkatan sarana dan prasarana penunjang pendidikan sebagai salah satu upaya pemerataan hasil-hasil pembangunan.

Description Alt:
Presence of Government Regulation No. 3 Year 2007 requires the Government to make various reports on the administration and local government performance. This requires systems that are already finished, accurate, easily obtained quickly and ready to use and are intended to provide a global reference for the management decision support executives (head area) and other government providers to overcome the lack of effective data collection and analysis of the overall assessment of the achievement of success development performance over the years. WebSOM simulation method with the principle of applying the SOM algorithm (Self-Organization Map) begins with data preprocessing and normalization of data with softmax method that produces the input vector. Next to the stages of the process is SOM initialization vector of inputs and through the training process was found Best Matching Unit (BMU), while the distance between input vector and weights map units were visualized by the U-matrix map for each component of input data. Output generated clusters are shown clusternya composition and distribution of input data in the u-matrix map neural network SOM cart pie charts and projections.

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This study has described his method approach to inter-district disparities through the grouping from the 17th District are based on the classification level of the distribution of educational indicators primary school level or equivalent consisting of three levels low, 8 is less, three medium, two pretty good and one good. Depth of junior level or equivalent consists of five levels or less, five quite less, a moderate, five good and one good enough. Depth levels of high school or equivalent consisting of three levels or less, nine quite less, one moderate, three good and one good enough. Pattern classification clusters generated in this multidimensional data mining process to produce information into knowledge as a material supporting the decision to accelerate the process of mapping priority development planning further education, including teacher placement policies and improvement of facilities and infrastructure supporting the efforts of education as one of equitable outcomes development.

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: Mochamad Hariadi, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. : 03/08/2010 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Master-3100011041764 : 3100011041764 : RTE 006.312 Wid p : Master Thesis, Electrical Engineering, RTE 006.312 Wid p, 2010 : ITS Community : Copyright @2010 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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