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Sponsored by The Endowment for Medical Research Inc.

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

by JC Spencer The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.

Table of Content

Foreword .............................................................. 5 Chapter One CHANGE YOUR SUGAR CHANGE YOUR LIFE! ......................................... 7 Chapter Two THE SUGAR COMPARISON CHART ................................................................ 13 Chapter Three GIVING SUGAR THE AROMA OF PURE HEALTH ............................................ 25 Chapter Four ASTOUNDING STUDIES ON SUGARS AND CINNAMON ............................... 31

Lack of knowledge has caused millions to perish since the beginning of time. The Romans prided themselves with their sophisticated aquifer system, but had no idea that the lead pipes would cause them to go mad. The British Navy (Limeys) conquered the seas with the knowledge that vitamin C in limes and lemons cured scurvy while other seamen perished. Today, diabetes and its complications are epidemic because of the results of sugar damage. Most sugars and sweeteners consumed by Westerners lower the quality of health and contribute to obesity, diabetes, and other diseases. Again, people are perishing from lack of knowledge. Contrary to common thought, sugars are unique and functional beyond just supplying energy to your body. Some sugars are beneficial in their function while many are harmful in their effect on the body. The function of some specific sugars is to actually make up the Operating System (OS) of your whole body. The really good sugars, which I call Royal Sugars or Smart Sugars, as discussed in this book, can actually help modulate your immune system and balance your hormones. The purpose of this little book is to open up to you the whole new world of sugars. You will soon have the basic knowledge on how to better stabilize your blood sugar, improve your immune system and give yourself a better quality of life. Lack of knowledge was the failure of the past. Lack of action will be the failure of the future. Today, we can take action on the vast knowledge we have available. Your first step of action is to change the sugar in your sugar bowl.

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

The purpose of this little book is to open up to you the whole new world of sugars. You will soon have the basic knowledge on how to better stabilize your blood sugar, improve your immune system and give yourself a better quality of life .

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

Chapter One
Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

Many experts are saying that this is the first generation that is not expected to live as long as their parents or be as healthy as their parents. This is an alarming fact! The results of overused table sugar, and worse yet, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are manifesting in people of all ages. Sadly, this manifestation is becoming evident most conspicuously in our children. Now, diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and arteriosclerosis (coronary-artery disease), once thought of as old age diseases, are appearing in our children in unprecedented numbers. The purpose of this book is to inform you that there are actually sugars that can be good for you and to give you hope that you can improve your health by simply changing the type of sugar that is in your sugar bowl. You are about to learn about the many documented harmful side effects of regular table sugar and the disease connections between regular table sugar and health challenges. There are some 145 documented harmful side effects of regular table sugar and the disease connections between sucrose (table sugar) and health challenges. These will be covered in more detail in Chapter Two. How we eat and exercise our bodies are huge contributing factors in becoming healthy and staying well. The earlier in life we establish good habits, the better long-term quality of life we can expect to have for our children and for ourselves. It is our desire to show you that an important big step forward is changing the sugar you are now using to a sugar that has proven to be so beneficial to every cell in the body that it is called a super sugar. Most people do not yet know about the class of super sugars that I call Royal Sugars or Smart Sugars. I call them Smart Sugars because

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

these sugars actually improve brain function. The Endowment for Medical Research has had two peer-reviewed papers published of Pilot Surveyed groups of Alzheimers patients documenting significantly improved brain function. Researchers are giving this class of super sugars serious exploration. Glycomics is the field of study that encompasses super sugars. I will give you the names of the ones that have been identified in a moment. More physicians are beginning to incorporate these sugars into their practice while drug companies are rushing to synthesize these sugars into new drugs. There are more than 150,000 patents that have been issued related to super sugars, and two-thirds of these have been just since 1995. Super sugars are evidence-based and the results are in the facts. The facts that have emerged from research are nothing short of amazing, but we want you to decide for yourself. Are there obvious benefits and results, or are these super sugars really just worthless sugar pills? We are aware of a small but growing number of very significant super sugars. Eight of these were presented by Robert K. Murray, MD, PhD, and published in multiple editions of Harpers Biochemistry textbook used in university medical schools. The reason these are, indeed, super sugars, is not only their efficacy individually but the fact that scientists have discovered that they work remarkably well together. Together they strengthen the cell and cell membrane so the cell can become proficient with other cells to form your whole neurological communication and motor system. That is vital functionality. In short, without these super sugars, you would have no quality of life. Some scientists debate that your body can produce all of these sugars without ingesting them if you have only glucose in your body to start with.

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

Natural vital sugars in the foods our forefathers ate have been processed out of our modern diet. Even raw foods are more nutritionally depleted than they were for your grandfather. It is theoretically correct that your body could manufacture the other sugars from one or more of the super sugars if they were in our bodies. It is a fact, however, that while your body has the potential ability to manufacture them, your body does not manufacture enough of them because of the time and energy required for the enzymatic gymnastics necessary to make it happen. Most of the super sugars are vital for building the communication system and the strength of your cells. Following is a list of significant sugars (or precursors). Some of these sugars can be purchased for supplementation. A more exhaustive study of these sugars can be found in my other books, Expand Your Mind - Improve Your Brain, Trehalose Handbook - Vol. I, II, and III, and Smart Sugars. fucose (not to be confused with fructose) l-fucose GDP-fucose galactose galactosamine glucose glucosamine mannose GDP-mannose GDP-alpha-D-mannose n-acetylgalactosamine xylose n-acetylglucosamine trehalose n-acetyl-d-galactosamine rhamnose l-rhamnose melibiose sialyllactose n-acetylneuraminic acid lactose ribose D-ribose These sugars and their benefits are still under investigation. University glycomics research is ongoing around the world and The Endowment for Medical Research has supplied the sugar trehalose to Universities or research labs for their research in five countries.

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life!

Chapter One

New glycomic discoveries are popping up like popcorn in university studies all over the world. Glycobiology, during the last two decades, has concluded that glycoproteins are the cellular communication system of the body, the Operating System (OS). Glycoproteins cover the surface of cells while glycolipids are part of the interior system of the cell. There is evidence that trehalose is the sugar used to build unique glycolipids. Trehalose is the building block in a number of cell wall glycolipids. Trehalose is probably easiest to use of all of the above sugars. Trehalose is easy to use because: It does not require anything other than changing what is in your sugar bowl. It looks like regular table sugar. It pours better than regular table sugar in humidity up to 94%. While not as sweet, trehalose is delicious with no aftertaste. The news is just starting to get out about these healthy sugars and you are among the first to know. Most people would love to make simple changes in their diets that do not require extreme major effort while still rewarding them with beneficial results. Discovering that the simple changing of your table sugar could help you improve your long-term wellness and that of your children and grandchildren is exciting. Now that you have been introduced to the concept of healthy sugars, we believe you will want to find out more about how to do this. We will be offering you additional free articles that will educate you further about super sugars and how they can help you fight the effects of premature aging and the challenges we face from a toxic planet.


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it."
Paracelsus (1493-1541)


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Chapter Two
The Sugar Comparison Chart
No medical claims are intended or implied for treating or curing any disease.


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

Here are 145 documented warnings for sucrose. health

Trehalose Benefits
These are health benefit headlines or titles of Trehalose science papers from major university studies. Each benefit is supported with scientific evidence in The Trehalose Handbooks Vol 1, Vol 2, and Vol 3 available online at

Each warning is supported with scientific evidence in the e-textbook on glycomics and brain function Expand Your Mind Improve Your Brain available online at
(1) (2) S ugar

contributes to obesity.

S ugar can cause less effective functioning of album in and


may reduce the bodys ability to handle fat and cholesterol.

lipoproteins, which (3) S ugar

Trehalose Sugar Inhibits Fat Cell Enlargement Trehalose Sugar Inhibits Progression of Type 2 Diabetes Study identifies the effects of trehalose in preventing metabolic syndrome. Glycomic Insights from Oxford University into the Multi-functional Role of Trehalose The Sugar Trehalose Protects Cells from Electron Beam Damage Study Shows Trehalose More Stable Than Other Sugars


can contribute to diabetes.


increases the systolic blood pressure.

S ugar



can increase the size of the liver by m aking the liver cells divide.
S ugar


can increase the amount of liver fat.

S ugar



suppress the immune system.

S ugar can S ugar


can cause hypoglycemia.


can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.

S ugar S ugar



upsets mineral relationships

in the body. (11)

hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in

S ugar can cause children. S ugar can produce a significant



rise in



The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(13) S ugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection

Trehalose Benefits
(7) Trehalose has Enduring Source of Energy New Research Study Explains HOW the Sugar Trehalose Inhibits Alzheimers. Trehalose is making its way into medicine on the point of a needle




tissue elasticity loss and function T he m ore sugar you eat the
S ugar causes m ore elasticity and function you lose.


reduces high density lipoproteins.

S ugar



leads to chromium deficiency.

S ugar


leads to cancer of the ovaries.

S ugar



can increase fasting levels of glucose.

S ugar S ugar


causes copper deficiency.


interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

S ugar S ugar

(10) Trehalose / Microarray Technology / NIH / and Texas A&M (11) Trehalose and Enzyme used in Spine Repair Study (12) Trehalose, Stem Cells, and Huntingtons Disease (13) New Research: Trehalose and Neurodegenerative Diseases (14) Trehalose as a Natural Antifreeze


can weaken eyesight.


raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

S ugar


can produce an acidic digestive tract.

S ugar


can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children.

S ugar S ugar


malabsorption is frequent in patients

with functional bowel disease.


can cause premature aging.

S ugar S ugar


can lead to alcoholism. can cause tooth decay.


S ugar

The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning


Trehalose Benefits
(15) Trehalose helping in diabetes, triglycerides, kidney diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases? (16) Trehalose Found Instrumental in Hormonal Regulation and Gene Function in Plants (17) Trehalose - Hot Ingredient in Cosmeceutical & Neutraceutical Market Has anti-aging functionality (18) Trehalose in Certain Rice Strain Protects it from Drought (19) Trehalose published paper abstract Organization and mobility of water in amorphous and crystalline (20) Trehalose Can Extend Shelf Life of Other Sugars

increases the risk of Crohn's disease , and ulcerative colitis .

S ugar intake levels that are high S ugar can cause changes frequently found in persons with



or duodenal

ulcers .


S ugar

can cause arthritis .


can cause or be a factor in asthma .

S ugar


greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast

S ugar

(34) S ugar

can cause gallstones . can cause heart disease . can cause appendicitis.


S ugar


S ugar


can cause multiple sclerosis .

S ugar S ugar


can cause hemorrhoids . can cause varicose veins.


S ugar


can lead to periodontal disease .

S ugar


can contribute to osteoporosis .

S ugar


contributes to salivary acidity.

S ugar


causes decrease in insulin sensitivity.

S ugar


can lower the amount of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) in the blood.

S ugar


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning


Trehalose Benefits
(21) Trehalose Improves Stress Tolerance in Organisms (22) Trehalose Used in Cryopreservation of Human Fetal Skin for Transplantation (23) Trehalose Proves Effective Kinetic Advantages (24) Trehalose Poster at International Conference on Molecular Systems Biology (25) Trehalose puts life on hold - Royal Society of Chemistry (26) Trehalose, smart start on the day (27) Trehalose may be Huntingtons Hope (28) Interaction Between Trehalose and Alkalineearth Metal Ions

can decrease growth hormone .

S ugar S ugar


can increase cholesterol. causes drowsiness



S ugar

decreases child activity.


increases advanced glycation end products

H igh sugar intake (AG E s) (sugar bound non-enzym atically to protein).


interferes with protein absorption .

S ugar S ugar


causes food allergies . can cause toxemia during can contribute to eczema


S ugar

(52) S ugar

in children.

can cause cardiovascular disease .

S ugar


can affect the function of DNA (alter gene expression)

S ugar


can change the structure of protein .

S ugar S ugar


can make our skin age can cause cataracts .


changing the structure of collagen.

(57) S ugar


S ugar

can cause emphysema . can cause atherosclerosis. can promote LDL

(elevation of


S ugar


S ugar

low density lipoproteins).

The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(61) H igh sugar intake can im pair the physiological

Trehalose Benefits
(29) New Treatment for Alzheimers and Huntingtons Diseases Relies on Addressing the Beta-Amyloid Pathway (30) New Trehalose Use in Foods - Solution to Soggy Mash (31) New Uses for Trehalose Add to EVERY Recipe Here's Why (32) Trehalose alleviates polyglutamine mediated pathology in mouse model of Huntington disease (33) Trehalose better for teeth than regular sugar (34) Trehalose Glycolipids have Amazing Function (35) Trehalose Inhibits Inflammatory Cytokine Production

homeostasis of many systems in the body.


lowers the ability of certain enzymes to function properly.

S ugar S ugar intake is higher in people with



can cause a permanent alteration in the way certain proteins act in the body.
S ugar S ugar


can increase kidney size can damage the pancreas.

and produce pathological changes in the kidney.


S ugar


can increase body's fluid retention .

S ugar


is enemy #1 of the bowel movement.

S ugar S ugar


can cause myopia


can compromise the lining of the capillaries.

S ugar


can make the tendons more brittle .

S ugar S ugar


can cause headaches,

including migraine.

plays role in pancreatic cancer in wom en.

S ugar


can adversely affect school children's grades and cause learning disorders.
S ugar


delta, alpha, and theta brain waves.

S ugar can cause an increase in


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(76) S ugar

Trehalose Benefits
(36) Trehalose plays a new role
in nanotechnology and research of cell walls

can cause depression.


increases the risk of gastric cancer.

S ugar S ugar can cause dyspepsia




can increase your risk of getting gout.

S ugar

(37) Trehalose Plays Role in cDNA Research (38) Trehalose Protects Epithelial and Endothelial Cells (39) Trehalose provides sustained energy and is a stress protectant for proteins and membranes (40) Trehalose Sugar Study in Obese Men (41) Trehalose Used in More Supplements (42) Why Is Trehalose an Exceptional Protein Stabilizer? (43) Trehalose paper: Using
disaccharides to enhance in vitro and in vivo transgene expression mediated by a lipid-based gene delivery system 19


can increase the levels of glucose.

S ugar


can increase the insulin responses in hum ans consum ing high-sugar
S ugar diets com pared to low sugar diets. H igh refined sugar diet


reduces learning


can contribute to Alzheimers disease .

S ugar


can increase platelet adhesiveness.

S ugar


can cause hormonal imbalance; som e horm ones becom e underactive

S ugar and others becom e overactive.


can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

S ugar S ugar


can lead to the hypothalamus

to becom e highly sensitive to a large variety of stim uli.


S ugar

can lead to dizziness.


cause increased production of free radicals and oxidative stress.

D iets high in sugar can H igh sucrose diets of subjects w ith peripheral


vascular disease significantly increase platelet adhesion.


can lead to biliary tract cancer.

H igh-sugar diet

The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(92) (93) S ugar

Trehalose Benefits

feeds cancer.

H igh-sugar consum ption of pregnant adolescents is

twofold increased risk for delivering a small-forgestational-age (SGA) infant.

associated with a (94) H igh-sugar consum ption can lead to substantial

decrease in gestation duration am ong

adolescents. (95)

slows food's travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.

S ugar

(44) Trehalose paper: Solidstate stability of human insulin. II. Effect of water on reactive intermediate partitioning in lyophiles from pH 2-5 solutions: stabilization against covalent dimer formation (45) Trehalose paper: The role of cell-derived oligomers of Abeta in Alzheimer's disease and avenues for therapeutic intervention (46) Trehalose reduces aggregate formation and delays pathology in a transgenic mouse model of oculophary-geal muscular dystrophy (47) Trehalose inhibits aggregation and neurotoxicity of beta-amyloid 40 and 42
(48) Trehalose: a review of properties, history of use and human tolerance, and results of multiple safety studies


increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon. T his can m odify bile to
S ugar

produce cancer-causing compounds and colon cancer.


increases estradiol (the m ost potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men.
S ugar


destroys alkaline phosphatase , an enzym e, which m akes the

S ugar com bines and process of digestion m ore difficult.


is a risk factor for gallbladder cancer .

S ugar S ugar


is an addictive substance. can be intoxicating, similar to


S ugar

(102) S ugar

can exacerbate PMS .


can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they

S ugar given to prem ature babies produce.


Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability. 20

The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning


Trehalose Benefits
(49) Trehalose: a cryoprotectant that enhances recovery and preserves function of human pancreatic islets after long-term storage (50) Trehalose paper: Tps1 regulates the pentose phosphate pathway, nitrogen metabolism and fungal virulence (51) Trehalose ameliorates the cryopreservation of cord blood in a preclinical system and increases the recovery of CFUs, long-term culture-initiating cells, and nonobese diabetic-SCID repopulating cells (52) Stabilization of membranes in human platelets freeze-dried with trehalose (53) Multiple effects of trehalose on protein folding in vitro and in vivo (54) Loading Human Mesenchymal
Stem Cells with Trehalose by Fluid-Phase Endocytosis 21

2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream

T he body changes sugar into than it does starch.


promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects.

T he rapid absorption of sugar


can worsen ADHD sym ptom s of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .
S ugar


adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition .

S ugar S ugar can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function .



abnormal metabolic processes in a norm al healthy individual and to prom ote chronic degenerative diseases .
S ugar has the potential of inducing


can cut off oxygen to the brain.

Intravenous feedings of sugar water


could be an im portant risk factor in lung cancer.

H igh sucrose intake S ugar


increases the risk of polio.

can cause epileptic


H igh-sugar intake


causes high blood pressure in obese people.

S ugar In Intensive C are U nits,


limiting sugar

saves lives .

The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(117) S ugar

Trehalose Benefits
(55) Trehalose paper: Lessons from nature: the role of sugars in anhydrobiosis (56) Intracellular trehalose improves the survival of cryopreserved mammalian cells (57) Gene expression pattern in HD transgenic rats and HD knock- in mice: specific effects of trehalose treatment (58) Purification and Characterization of a Trehalose Synthase from the Basidiomycete Grifola frondosa (59) Purification and characterization of trehalose phosphorylase from the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus

may induce cell death .


can increase the am ount of food that you eat (craving).

S ugar In juvenile rehabilitation cam ps, when children were put

(119) on

a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in


social behavior .

can lead to prostate cancer .

S ugar S ugar


dehydrates newborns . increases estradiol in young m en. can cause low birth


S ugar

E stradiol is a sex horm one predom inant present in fem ales.


S ugar

weight babies.
(124) G reater consum ption of refined sugar is associated with a

worse outcome of schizophrenia .

(125) S ugar

can raise homocysteine

levels in the bloodstream .


increase risk of breast cancer.

S weet food item s


is a risk factor in cancer of the small intestine .

S ugar S ugar


may cause laryngeal cancer.


induces salt and water retention .

S ugar


may contribute to mild memory loss .

S ugar A s sugar increases in the diet of 10-year-old, there is a


linear 210.

(60) Trehalose in yeast, stress protectant rather than reserve carbohydrate


The Sugar Comparison Chart

Chapter Two

Table Sugar Warning

(132) E xposing a newborn to sugar results in a heightened preference for sucrose relative to water at 6 m onths and 2 years of age.

Trehalose Benefits
(61) Trehalose aids Fertilization and development of frozenthawed germinal vesicle bovine oocytes by a onestep dilution method in vitro (62) Extraordinary stability of enzymes dried in trehalose: simplified molecular biology (63) Amorphous stability and trehalose
References are available in the glycomics / brain function e-textbook Expand Your Mind - Improve Your Brain, in The Trehalose Handbooks Vol. 1, 2, and 3 available at



S ugar

causes constipation .


can cause brain impairment in prediabetic and diabetic wom en.

S ugar


can increase the risk of stomach cancer .

S ugar

(136) Sugar can cause metabolic syndrome .

(137) S ugar ingestion by pregnant wom en increases

neural tube defects in embryos.

(138) T he higher the sugar consum ption, the m ore chances of

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

getting (139) S ugar could affect central reward systems .


can cause cancer of the rectum .

S ugar


can cause endometrial cancer .

S ugar


can cause renal (kidney) cell carcinoma .

S ugar S ugar

(143) (144)

can cause liver tumors .

T he m ore soft drink s, fruit juice and sugary snack s a person eats, the

lower the HDL (high

density lipoproteins).

A big Thank you! goes to Nancy Appleton, PhD for her lifes work in researching and writing about the harmful effects of table sugar as published in her books: Lick the Sugar Habit, Sweet Suicide, Killer Colas, and Suicide by Sugar. References to the many supporting studies mentioned in her work and mine are posted online at and in my e-textbook, Expand Your Mind - Improve Your Brain and the book Smart Sugars.
- JC Spencer


can cause myocardial infarction .

S ugar consum ption


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

Sherlock Holmes cleverly observed,

There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.

Explained in Chapter Three


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

Chapter Three
Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

Sherlock Holmes cleverly observed, There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. Well, we may have just discovered something wonderful from what has been right under our noses for a long time..... cinnamon! Most people love the aroma and flavor of the spice, cinnamon. Already there are a number of major health studies that show impressive benefits and one study found that simply smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory. Infection is a major culprit in death and diseases. Some studies show that this discovery right under our noses has shown the ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infection. When added to other foods, cinnamon inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making cinnamon a natural food protectant. Consuming cinnamon is proven safe and effective. The USDA published a study showing that it reduces the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices. Cinnamon is also a great source of phytonutrient manganese, iron, and calcium as well as fiber. Studies have shown that just teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL (the bad kind) cholesterol. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month. I was so impressed with the health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon that I knew that a remarkable health product could be formulated. So, I blended the health benefits and sweetness of Trehalose with the

Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

Ceylon cinnamon and then folded into the mixture bio-available ionic multi-trace minerals in a fulvic acid phytochemical compound which also has impressive health benefits. Thus, was created T/C+. The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc, which sponsored this book, is conducting a self-funding (matched funding) T/C+ Six Month Pilot Survey to gather Evaluation Form Questionnaires from participants. Information and instructions are available on the website . Trehalose/Cinnamon can change your life and is one of the most healthful spices in your kitchen. But, caution, Ceylon cinnamon is the only true cinnamon. It has a sweet taste and is more expensive. Most cinnamon sold in supermarkets in North America comes from a less expensive variety of cinnamon or cassia which is similar but is rather pungent and contains the toxin coumarin which can cause potential damage to the kidneys and liver. True cinnamon is yet generally unknown in US grocery stores. Combine Ceylon cinnamon with the sugar trehalose and you have two amazing ingredients for your healths future. Besides that, T/C+ is so delicious that you will want to sprinkle it on your toast, put it in your coffee or tea, on your salads and desserts. It doesnt matter HOW you get it into your stomach as long as teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon makes it there each day. You are probably saying, Why didnt I know this before!? Here is a brief Abstract of a study entitled: Cinnamon Improves Glucose and Lipids of People With Type 2 Diabetes. The objective of this study was to determine whether cinnamon improves blood glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A total of 60 people with type 2 diabetes, 30 men and 30 women aged 52.2 6.32 years, were divided randomly into six groups. Groups 1, 2, and 3 consumed 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon daily, respectively, and groups 4, 5, and 6 were given placebo capsules corresponding to the number of capsules consumed for the three levels of cinnamon. The cinnamon was consumed for 40 days followed by a 20-day washout period. RESULTS After 40 days, all three levels of cinnamon reduced the mean fasting serum glucose (1829%), triglyceride (2330%), LDL cholesterol (727%), and total cholesterol (1226%) levels; no significant changes were noted in the placebo groups. Changes in HDL cholesterol were not significant. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study demonstrate that intake of 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon per day reduces serum glucose, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes and suggest that the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Heart attacks may happen when platelets stick together and clump. Studies show that cinnamon may prevent this type of clotting by slowing the release of arachidonic acid from the platelet membranes, which is the cause for internal clotting and inflammation. Studies show cinnamon has aromatic benefits and simply smelling cinnamon causes brain function to temporarily improve, improving cognitive reasoning, helping the subjects to perform better on tests. My wife and I enjoy a delightful slice of whole wheat or multi-grain toast buttered and sprinkled with T/C+. You can enjoy this with a hot cup of tea or coffee.
Sources: The Endowm ent for Medical Research, Inc http://endowm entm


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

- - - Copy this page for your recipe book - - -

Chapter Three

Serving Suggestions for using T/C+ to make it enjoyable to eat the recommended amount each day for the T/C+ Pilot Survey.
This is the Pilot Survey protocol designed for the participant to enjoy. Use enough T/C+ to flavor for best enjoyment. For best results it is recommended for most people to consume 2 Tablespoons per day; BUT, it is very important to eat at least 1 Tablespoon. So enjoy the amount that you believe is best for you. Even a smaller amount is much better than none. Enjoy T/C+ on toast and on your cereal. Here are great ways of enjoying T/C+: Enrich apple butter or apple sauce by stirring T/C+ into it. T/C+ improves oatmeal, Cream of W heat, Malt-OMeal, and other hot cereals. Sprinkle it on your ice cream or whipping cream. Sprinkle it on your pancakes and waffles. Sprinkle on your salad. Make mouth-watering fruit pies baked with T/C+ instead of regular sugar. Or, take any ready-made apple pie and sprinkle lots of T/C+ on top. Add to pears, rhubarb, puddings, and custards. Add to your hot chocolate or in your coffee. Be creative and please share your recipes with us. You can post your recipes directly onto our Sugar Science Forum at under the category Using Trehalose - Recipes and Results. In preparing for the International T/C+ Pilot Survey, I wanted to discover some of the best ways for eating one Tablespoon of T/C+ per day. This has been a challenge for some participants and difficult for them to remain in compliance. W hile a number of suggestions are posted on our website, my favorite recipe is to blend T/C+ into a small bowl of apple sauce. It gives it a wonderful taste a little milder than apple butter. You may not want it every day but I really like it. Best, of course, when you use organic apple sauce. Stay away from the apple sauce that has high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) or other harmful sweeteners. With T/C+ apple sauce, you get your apple a day plus ingredients that are proven to be some of most healthful foods you can eat. Let us know any health improvements you have.
[Warning: T/C+ does not mix well in liquids without additional stirring.]


Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health

Chapter Three

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.
- - - Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, 400 BC


Astounding Studies on Sugars and Cinnamon

Chapter Four

Chapter Four
Astounding Studies on Sugars and Cinnamon


Astounding Studies on Sugars and Cinnamon

Chapter Four

In the previous chapter, Giving Sugar an Aroma of Pure Health, I discussed the recent research studies in leukemia, other cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, LDL cholesterol, cognitive function and memory improvement. Improper sugar metabolism is a major contributor of diabetes and other diseases. The USDA tested 49 herbs, spices and medicinal plants for their phytonutrient effects on glucose metabolism. The results were published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. The study shows that methylhydroxychalcone polymer, an active ingredient in cinnamon, increases cellular glucose uptake and signals certain cells to turn glucose into glycogen, preventing diabetes. This research suggests cinnamon plays a role in glucose metabolism and blood pressure regulation. Other studies published in Diabetic Care show cinnamon not only helps control blood sugar levels but also triglycerides, total cholesterol and the bad LDL cholesterol in those with type II diabetes. It has been reported that a group of polyphenolic polymers found in cinnamon may function as antioxidants to potentiate insulin action, and therefore, may also be beneficial in the control of glucose intolerance and diabetes. Other papers indicate there are beneficial effects of cinnamon proanthocyanidins on the formation of specific advanced glycation. Proanthocyanidins are oligomers and polymers of flavans. We know from studies that proanthocyanidins suppress production of the protein endothelin-1 that constricts blood vessels. These studies give us evidence supporting the French Paradox that the intake of similar phytochemical proanthocyanidins and other flavonoids from red wines prevent a higher rate of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in their citizens on high-fat diets. It also appears that proanthocyanidin activity plays a role in the stabilization

of collagen and maintenance of elastin two critical proteins in connective tissue that support organs, joints, blood vessels, and muscle.
Glossary: Flavonoids (or bioflavonoids): plant metabolite coloration pigments; French Paradox: Two French doctors (forgive the attempt at humor) or the observation that French people suffer a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats; Glycation: The result of the bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule. Formation and accumulation of advanced glycation has been implicated in the progression of age-related diseases; Oligomers: protein subunits; Polyphenolic: Phenolic acids are plant metabolites. Recent interest in phenolic acids stems from their potential protective role against oxidative damage diseases (coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancers); Proanthocyanidins are a class of polyphenols that provide cell protection and have flavor. They are more potent than vitamin C or vitamin E.; USDA: United States Department of Agriculture Sources: The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.


"The human body heals itself and nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task."
Roger W illiam s Ph.D. (1971) Roger W illiam s was a pioneer in Biochem istry, Nutrition, Biochem ical Individuality, and Public Education. He was a professor at The University of Texas at Austin from 1939 to 1986. After his discovery of vitamin B (pantothenic acid) he turned m uch of his attention to educating the public and the m edical profession about the im portance of nutrition and biochem ical. Author of nearly 300 articles and 21 books include Nutrition Against Disease, Biochemical Individuality, The W onderful W orld W ithin You, and The Prevention of Alcoholism. He inspired the explosion of nutrition research, and influenced prom inent leaders such Linus Pauling, W ayne Jonas (form er director, NIH Office of Alternative Medicine) and m any others. He once said, "Nutrition is for real people. Statistical humans are of little interest."

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition."
Thom as Edison

"If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes."
Som e sources contribute this quote to Suprem e Court Justice Oliver W endell Holm es, MD. That is an incorrect credit since there never was a Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, M D. Oliver W endell Holm es, Sr., M.D. (August 29, 1809 October 7, 1894) was a Christian Puritan, a physician, professor, lecturer, and author.

He is recognized as an important medical reformer. He coined the word anesthesia. From 1847 - 1853, he was Dean of the Harvard Medical School and remained professor there until 1870.
His son, Oliver W endell Holm es, Jr. (March 8, 1841 March 6, 1935) was an Am erican jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Suprem e Court of the United States from 1902 to 1932 and wrote THE COMMON LAW and other well know legal writings. It was Oliver W endell Holm es, Sr., M.D. who apparently is author of the quote.

Sponsored by The Endowment for Medical Research Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith based scientific research, educational, Public Charity. P. O. Box 73089 - Houston, Texas 77273 34

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