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TROJAN WAR REVIEW THE ODYSSEY Problems faced by Ulysses- After the Trojan war Ulysses and his

s crew of soldiers and shipmates cant wait to go back home to their beloved Ithaca. Of course, theyve miss their families and friends back home for theyve gone been ten years from home, no exception Ulysses have missed his beautiful wife Penelope and his son. Though this is where his problem started. Ulysses and his crew wished for a peaceful trip and the first few days they did get plenty of wind to keep their ships moving. In a few days they found land and stopped to gather more food. The island they stopped to be the Cicconians island, they were awesome group of fighters the world have ever seen. Though Ulysses first visit wasnt very peaceful for they thought the island was a gift from gods and start to slaughter everyone there. Soldiers of the Cicconians, angry wanted to avenge the deaths of their relatives, since they were awesome fighters Ulysses and his crew lost a few members of their crew. After the fight they quickly act as fast as possible away from the island. However bad luck landed on them for there is not much wind driving them back to Ithaca. As I forgot to mention the Greeks took and brought most treasures from troy for they were hungry with greed, by force Ulysses threw away his share of jewels attracting naiads, . Poseidon angry with rage tries to plan and ruin the trip home with obstacles. And still after the encounter with the Cicconians they still have to stop in another island were the god son of Hypnos the god of sleep live and monitors peoples dreams by giving them colored liquids to control their dreams and chases away nightmares. Though Hypnos son could not help Ulysses for he is a hero and has his own destiny, he is not easily manipulated though are surrounded by some gods hatred. So Ulysses keeps dreaming in his sleep nightmares as if his trip was planned for him to happen, but these things were not good far from good they were terrible. Waking up from his nightmare Ulysses realizes how the islands smell and delicious lotus flowers are manipulating him so he started getting to work by lolling his men up from the beach to the boats good thing that day there was enough wind to push his boats southwest in the meantime his men starts to awaken. Next dangerous place lined for Ulysses was the island where Cyclops live, unwillingly Ulysses board the ship to again find more food, though he always had a feeling the island wasnt save at all. Ulysses and his crew slowly crept up the mountain though his stupid crew members were lolled by the smell of meat in ones cave that they ran to the top of the mountain where they meet a cave entrance. Inside meat of sheep and goats are slowly burning in an open fire. With greed and unthinkingly his crew members munched through the meat. Without knowing the cave doors were suddenly close hearing a loud sound that mustve been from something big Ulysses shipmates and soldiers were on their knees begging for mercy and one by one the Cyclops Polyphemus starts chomping on their delicious fresh human flesh. Like other problems Ulysses not losing his quick wits Ulysses quickly came up with an idea. And tricked the Cyclops with wine who finally fell asleep. Ulysses struck the Cyclops eye with his hot spear the Cyclops vision became blurry. He could not chase Ulysses and his crew and he was close he ran away. Though Ulysses would have to think over next time for the Cyclops no other prays to his father lord Poseidon who planned even worst encounters ahead of him. The win brought Ulysses to a high wall knowing the wall wouldnt go across the world Ulysses tried to find a way around it. He found a gate and shortly found out it was the kingdom or the mountain of Aeolus the keeper of the winds, with his charm, ability and wits he easily amused Aeolus that he gave Ulysses a gift. Though Ulysses traits after sailing for a long time can see the islands of Ithaca he was of guard and accidentally turned the gifts into terrible things. Ulysses came back to Aeolus hoping he would renew his gifts for him so badly wanted to go home but Aeolus refused and sent him away. Passing many islands throughout the Aegean Sea, Ulysses beached their ships in the island of racing sun to fix their ships, seek for food and get some rest. At the dark Ulysses sent of two of his men to climb a tall tree. Waiting his men hadnt come back so he sent another to check on the first two. And still when dawn came none of his men came back so Ulysses determined not to lose any other men

climbed up the tree. Halfway up he realized he put his men to their death for those tall trees he thought was, are actually giants. Slowly swiftly he slide down though, the morning flashed and fog cleared the giants were awake and are able to see things clearly. Ulysses and his crew could only do run and save their lives. That day Ulysses lost many crew members and from three ships he could only take one back to Ithaca.

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