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Jour nal of Sports Sciences, 1997, 15, 505 - 515

The in uence of basketball shoes with increased ankle support on shock attenuation and performance in running and jum ping
G. BR IZ U E L A ,* S. L L A N A , R . F E RR A N D IS and A .C . G A R C IA -B E L E N G U E R
Institute of B iom echanics of Valencia , PO B ox 199, E -46980 Pater na, Valencia, Spain

Accepted 21 January 1997

The aim of this study was to assess the in uence of footwear with increased ankle support on ankle kinematics and on impact loads during landing from a vertical jump using high-speed cinematography, dynamometry and accelerom etry in a series of tests in which a rebound action was simulated. To analyse the effect of this increased support on motor performance, two performance tests were designed: a vertical jump test and an obstacle course running test. Two prototype shoes with identical soles but different uppers were used. The rst was designed to provide greater ankle support, with such features as a high top, heel counters and a rearfoot lacing system. The second prototype was a less supporting shoe, with low top and no heel counter or any other feature for support. In the shock attenuation test, the use of high-support shoes resulted in higher forefoot impact forces and higher shock transmission to the head, but showed lower shock transmission to the tibia. The use of high support shoes resulted in lower ranges of eversion and higher ranges of inversion of the ankle on landing. In the motor performance tests, the high-support shoes reduced the height jumped and increased the time to complete the running course relative to the low-support shoes. We conclude that increased ankle support reduces ankle eversion range but increases shock transmission, and reduces both jumping and running perfor mance.
K eywords : Ankle support, performance, shock attenuation, sports shoes.

A sprain ed ankle is one of the m ost com m on injuries in basketball (G arrick, 1977). It usually occurs when an athlete lands on an opponents foot or som e other obstacle, which m ay cause a large inversion m om ent (Stacoff et al., 1990; Shapiro et al., 1994). M ost studies in the last 20 years have concluded that the support provided by high-top shoes, prophylactic ankle taping or ankle orthoses reduce the risk of ankle sprain in a num ber of sports, including basketball (G arrick and Requa, 1973; Robinson et al., 1986; Rovere et al., 1988; Barrett et al., 1993; Barnes and Sm ith, 1994; Sitler et al., 1994). An ideal prophylactic ankle restriction would support the ligam ents of the ankle at the lim it of the norm al range of m otion, thereby preventing abnorm al m ovement (Robinson et al., 1986; Barnes
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. 0264 - 0414/97 1997 E & FN Spon

and Sm ith, 1994). If the greater ankle support reduces the norm al range of m ovem ent, in particular ankle plantar exion, the shock attenuation capability of the ankle joint can be reduced. T his could m ean increased risk of overuse injuries (Kaelin et al., 1988), as well as dim inished m otor performance. Im pact force can be de ned as the force generated by a shock (a collision between two objects) which reaches its m axim um within 50 m s after rst contact (Nigg and Herzog, 1994). The impact forces can be reduced by the shock-ab sorbing capability provided by the footwear. The shock-abso rbing capability of a sports shoe is im portant for the prevention of pain and the developm ent of degenerative m usculoskeletal diseases, particularly those related to repetitive im pacts (Radin et al., 1980; Broom , 1986; Radin, 1987; Kaelin et al., 1988; O zguven and Berme, 1988). In addition to these im pact forces, a shock wave is also generated, w hich is transm itted along the body, and w hich has been related

506 to low back pain (Voloshin and Wosk, 1982). Shock attenuation can be de ned as the reduction of this shock wave transm ission and the rate of loading on the subjects body. Som e joints, particularly the ankle joint, constitute an im portant shock attenuation m echanism (G ross and N elson, 1988), m ainly by m eans of an eccentric m uscular action. Restriction of ankle range of m otion, particularly plantar exion, as occurs with m ost ankle support devices, can lim it the function of the ankle as a shock attenuation m echanism . This can lead to higher im pact force peaks on landing after jum ping (Sussm an et al., 1988) and to an increase in the transm ission of shock to the body. W hen plantar exion of the ankle is restricted, the foot is in a less plantar- exed position at landing, and the m axim um im pact force peaks could be generated m uch sooner after foot - ground contact. W hen landing after a jum p, large and rapid rise-tim e peak forces (im pact forces) are generated, reaching values as m uch as six times body weight (M cC lay et al., 1994a). These large forces app ear to be m ore dam aging to the m usculoskeletal system than lower forces, such as those involved in short spr ints, even though the latter are repeated m ore frequently (M cClay et al., 1994a). For these reasons, we believed that basketball shoes w ith ankle support designed to avoid acute injuries, such as ankle sprains, could increase the risk of overload injuries as well as dim inish m otor perform ance because they lim it ankle joint m obility. T he aim of this study was to analyse the effects of increased ankle support on ankle m otion and shock attenuation during landing after jumping, and on motor performance in running and jum ping.

B rizuela et al. M ethods

Eight healthy m ale students from the Physical Education Institute of Valencia, who played basketball on a regular basis, were selected. T he subjects had previously given their consent to take part in the study. Two prototype basketball shoes were designed and m anufactured for this study. T he shoes had identical soles and polyurethane midsoles; the differences between them were lim ited to the design of the upper. The rst shoe was designed to give greater support to the ankle and incorporated a high -top upper, heel counter and a rearfoot control lacing system . T he second shoe gave less ankle support with a low-top upper and no heel counter or any other special features (Fig. 1). Two tests were carried out, the rst of which assessed the effect of ankle support on shock attenuation when landing after jum ping. T he second assessed the effect of ankle support on m otor perform ance, m easuring jum ping height and the time to com plete an obstacle course. Shock attenuation test Voloshin and Wosk (1982) m easured shock attenuation as the quotient of a lower segm ent and an upper segm ent acceleration. Shock transm ission can be considered to be the opposite of shock attenuation (i.e. the reduction of the shock wave). Five subjects took part in the test. The subjects were m arked at six anatom ical points on their skin (see Fig. 2): one m arker was placed at the great trochanter (M 1), two at the level of the external fem oral condyle

F igure 1 The prototype basketball shoes designed for the study.

The in uence of ankle support on shock attenuation

(M 2 rear and M 3 front), two at the level of the head of the bula (M 4 rear and M 5 front) and the sixth at the lateral m alleolus (M 6). Three further points were m arked on the shoes, one of which was at the centre of the heel cap at the insertion of the Achilles tendon (M 7), one at the centre of the heel cap just above the sole of the shoe (M 8), and the third at the external side of the rearfoot on a screw drilled into the sole of the shoe (M 9). N ine markers thus determ ined an anthropom etric m odel of three rigid bodies, com prising the thigh, lower leg and rearfoot. To m easure the shock transm ission through the body, an accelerometer (ICSEN SO RS 3031, piezoresistive, range 20 g, resonance frequency 1200 Hz, sensitivity 2.1 m V g - 1 , m ass 0.3 g) was attached to the subjects forehead. A second accelerometer was attached to his right leg, on the proxim al anterior surface of the righ t tibia, 3 - 4 cm below the tibial tuberosity. The accelerom eter, xed to an alum inium fram e, was attached to the skin with double-sided adhesive tape. T he m ass of the system was less than 2.5 g. An elastic bandage wrapped tightly around the shank was used to fasten the accelerom eter and to preload the

507 skin (to reduce m ovem ent of the skin along the bone). Using the same fram e and an identical elastic bandage, the other accelerom eter was xed to the subjects forehead. T he signals from both accelerometers were linked to a telem etry system connected to a com puter. T he ground reaction forces from the ve subjects when landing were recorded by a `Dinascan-IBV force plate. T he sam pling rate of the force plate and accelerom eter was 1000 H z, and the sam pled signals of both were recorded for further analysis. Each subject jum ped and touched a switch located at the test height with one hand, before landing on both feet, with the righ t foot on a force plate, thus sim ulating a rebound action in basketball. T he switch was used to electronically trigger the accelerom eter and force plate recording, and to establish a lead pulse event for the synchronization of two cam eras. The test height was 95% of the m axim um vertical jum ping capacity of each subject, m easured by a m echanical device that records the height reached by the subjects hand, following a m axim um effor t jum p, with a precision of 2 cm. After a few practice jum ps, each of the ve subjects perform ed a total of 27 valid jum ps. The rst 18 trials were perform ed wearing the prototype shoes, 9 trials for each prototype, in a random ized sequence and in a series of three repetitions to avoid fatigu e. As a reference condition, the last nine jum ps were m ade barefoot. T hese barefoot jumps were perform ed at the end of the test, to avoid m odi cation of the norm al pattern that would affe ct the shod condition (Sim pson et al., 1988). T he landings of three of the subjects were recorded using two high-sp eed 16 m m cam eras. The lm speed was 150 fram es per second. T he cam era axes were aligned at an angle of 60 . All recorded fram es were digitized m anually, from the beginning of contact with the force plate until m axim um knee exion. T he digitizing equipm ent consisted of a G P7/GRAFBAR / M AR K II sonic digitizer with a N AC m odel D F -16C analysis projector. After the lm was digitized, threedim ensional object coordinates of the m arkers were calculated by the direct linear transform ation m ethod (Abdel-Aziz and Karara, 1971). A typical sequence was digitized three times by each operator to obtain the noise varian ce (level of precision with which a coordinate is obtained when digitizing m anually) for each coordinate of each m arker. From these values, the three-dim ensional coordinates were sm oothed with quintic splines using the `true m ean-squ ared error m ethod (Woltring, 1986). After sm oothing, the knee exion angle, plantar exion angle and ankle eversion angle (see Table 1) were calculated using a joint coordinate system m odel (Soutas-L ittle et al., 1987). A typical forefoot - heel landing pattern was observed in approximately 90% of the jum ps. For these landings,

F igure 2 The anthropometric m odel with nine m arkers delimiting three rigid bodies: (A) thigh, (B) lower leg and (C) rearfoot.

508 two im pact peaks were clearly detected in tibia acceleration and ground reaction forces, although in the case of forehead acceleration, only one im pact peak was observed. For the statistical analysis of the results, only forefoot - heel landing jumps were considered, and several param eters related to the forefoot and heel im pacts on the ground and their transmission to the body were studied (see Table 1). Perfor mance tests W ith the aim of analysing the effect of ankle support on performance, two perform ance tests were designed, an obstacle course running test and a jum ping perform ance test. Obstacle course r unning test. T he obstacle course, designed so that the subjects perform ed sim ilar m ovem ents to those which usually occur in basketball gam es, was sim ilar to that described by Robinson et al. (1986), and included forward and backward running, changes in direction of 90 and 45 to the right and left, and stops (Fig. 3). Photocells were set up at the start

B rizuela et al.
and nish of the course to register the time elapsed, with a precision of 0.001 s. Eight subjects participated in this part of the study and were asked to com plete the circuit as quickly as possib le. After several practice attempts, eight trials were com pleted in series of two, wearing one of the two prototype shoes in a random ized sequence. Rest periods of 3 m in between trials and of 5 m in between series were allowed to avoid fatigue. Jum ping performance test. E ight subjects perform ed 18 m axim um counter-m ovement jum ps divided into series of three. Rest periods of 3 m in between series and of 30 s between jum ps were allowed to avoid fatigu e. Each series of jum ps was perform ed w ith one of the two prototype shoes in a random ized sequence. To standardize the jum ps, the subjects were instructed to keep their hands on their hips. The jum p height was determ ined by the time of ight with a 0.001 s precision chronom eter connected to a plate on the oor, and under the feet of the subjects. T he following form ula 1 was used to calculate jum p height: h 5 2 g (t/2) 2 , where h is the jum p height, g is gravitational accelera-

Table 1 Nomenclature Kinetic variab les (F ig. 4) AT1: rst maximum of tibial acceleration (corresponding to forefoot contact) AT2: second maximum of tibial acceleration (corresponding to heel contact) M AT: maximum tibial acceleration of AT1 and AT2 FA: maximum of forehead acceleration FZ1: rst maximum of ground reaction forces (corresponding to forefoot contact) FZ2: second maximum of ground reaction forces (corresponding to heel contact) M FZ: m aximum of ground reaction forces of FZ1 and FZ2 TFZ2 2 TFZ1: delay between forefoot and heel impact force peaks TAT2 2 TAT1: delay between forefoot and heel acceleration peaks

There are two types of shock transmission ratios. Some are calculated as the quotient of two acceleration variables, and they express how much of the shock wave is transmitted; others are a quotient of acceleration and force variables, and they express how much of the impact force is measured as acceleration at the level of some body segments. To make the latter quotients nondimensional, the acceleration m easured is multiplied by the subjects mass, and the result divided by the measured force: AT1/FZ1: ratio of shock transmission of the footprint impact to tibia AT2/FZ2: ratio of shock transmission of the heel impact to tibia M AT/MFZ: ratio of shock transmission of the maximum impact forces to tibia FA/MFZ: ratio of shock transmission of the maximum impact forces to forehead FA/MAT: ratio of shock transmission of the maximum acceleration of the tibia to forehead
Kinem atic var iables (F ig. 5) R1: knee angle at the initial contact with the ground M R: maximum knee exion angle T1: ankle dorsi exion at the initial contact with the ground M T1: maximum ankle dorsi exion M T0: mimimum ankle dorsi exion P1: eversion angle at the initial contact with the ground PM 1: mimimum eversion angle PM 0: maximum eversion angle

The in uence of ankle support on shock attenuation

509 tion and t is the igh t time. This m ethod of calculation assu m es that the heigh t of the jum pers centre of m ass above the plate is the sam e at take-off and landing (Bosco et al., 1983); the error of m easurem ent, when com pared w ith lm analysis, has been reported to be 2% (Kom i and Bosco, 1978). For all the m easured variables in the shock attenuation and perform ance tests, a two-fac tor analysis of variance (AN OVA) was used, w ith subject and condition (high support, low support or barefoot) as factors. The alpha level was xed at 0.05, and a post-hoc analysis was perform ed w ith Fishers LSD m ethod, which controls the fam ilywise error rate. Test power was calculated for all the variab les (Scheff e , 1959).

Typical ground reaction force and acceleration data are show n in Fig. 4; typical kinem atic data are shown in Fig. 5. The results of the kinetic study are shown in Table 2, those of the kinematic study in Table 3 and those of the m otor perform ance study in Table 4. N o signi cant differences were found except for the following conditions and variab les. For the barefoot jum ping condition, the forehead acceleration (FA) was found to be signi cantly lower than with the high-support shoe. An increase in the delay between forefoot and heel im pact forces (TFZ 2 2 TF Z1) was found in this condition in comparison with the low-support shoe. T he maxim um shock transm ission ratio to the tibia (M AT /M F Z) showed lower values for the barefoot condition than for the low-sup port shoe. M axim um knee exion (M R) was higher than with the high-su pport shoe, and the

F igure 3 Obstacle course circuit for the running performance test.

F igure 4 Typical curves and parameters for ground reaction forces and tibial and forehead accelerations. FZ1, ground reaction forces due to forefoot contact; FZ2, ground reaction forces due to heel contact; AT1, tibial acceleration due to forefoot contact; AT2, tibial acceleration due to heel contact; FA, forehead acceleration.

510 time to m axim um exion (TM R) was longer than for both shod conditions. T he barefoot condition showed the highest plantar exion values at the instant of contact with the ground (T1). M axim um dorsi exion (M T 1) was high er w hen landing barefoot than in the two shod conditions. The initial eversion angle (P1) in the barefoot condition was close to zero and lower than in the shod conditions. T he m axim um eversion angle (PM O ) was lower for the barefoot condition com pared with the low -support shoe. T he m inim um eversion angle (corresponding to maxim um inversion) (PM 1) was lower jum ping barefoot than for both shod conditions.

B rizuela et al.
For the low -support shoe, there was a larger shock transm ission ratio to the tibia (AT 2/FZ2) for the heel im pact compared with the other two conditions, and larger values of the m axim um shock transm ission ratio to the tibia (M AT/M FZ) com pared with the barefoot condition. T he initial eversion angle (P1) and the m axim um eversion angle (PM O ) were both greater for the low-sup port shoe compared with the other two conditions. The m inim um eversion angle (corresponding to m axim um inversion) (PM 1) w ith the low-support shoe was zero (i.e. no inversion), compared with negative values (inversion) for the other two conditions. W ith the high-su pport shoe, the forefoot im pact forces (FZ1) were higher than in the other two conditions. The transm ission ratio of the maxim um acceleration of the tibia to the forehead (FA/M AT) was found to be the largest. The m axim un dorsi exion (M T 1), the initial eversion angle (P1) and the m axim um eversion angle (PM O ) were smaller than for the low-support shoe. T he m inim um eversion angle (corresponding to m axim um inversion) (PM 1) was sm aller for the high support shoe than for the low -support shoe, m eaning greater levels of inversion. In the perform ance tests, the high-su pport shoe was found to reduce the jum ping height by 3% (P , 0.0001) and increase the time required to com plete the circuit by 1% (P 5 0.048), com pared with the low-support shoe.

D iscussion
The ground reaction force and tibial acceleration patterns and values during landing in this study (see F ig. 3) were similar to those reported by others (Valiant and Cavanagh, 1985; Gross and N elson, 1988; M cClay et al, 1994a), and the param eters obtained from the kinem atic study were sim ilar to those reported by M cClay et al. (1994b) (see Fig. 5). T he increased restriction provided by the highsupport shoe was found to lim it the ankle joint range of m ovem ent in term s of both eversion and plantar exion. However, and surprisingly, the high -support shoe resulted in larger m axim un inversion angles during landing. This could be due to a forced contact of the sole on the ground caused by the increased vertical rigidity of the shoe, while the legs incline laterally during knee exion. T his higher ankle support, contrary to the results of Sussm an et al. (1988), increased the im pact forces on landing after jumping, possib ily because of restricted plantar exion. However, this difference was seen at forefoot im pact but not at heel im pact, although the statistical power (the ability to detect differences) was sim ilar (13 and 15% for forefoot and heel impact peak forces respectively). It should be noted that the high -

F igure 5 Synchronized graphics of kinematic and ground reaction force variables of the landing. R1, knee angle at the initial contact with the ground; M R, maximum knee exion angle; T1, ankle dorsi exion at the initial contact with the ground; MT1, maximum ankle dorsi exion; MT0, minimum ankle dorsi exion; P1, eversion angle at the initial contact with the ground; PM1, minimum eversion angle; PM 0, m aximum eversion angle. I.C., initial contact; F.C., forefoot contact; H.C., heel contact.

The in uence of ankle support on shock attenuation

Table 2 Results of the kinetic analysis of the landing

Mean 6 Variable AT1 (g ) AT2 (g ) M AT (g ) FA (g ) FZ1 (BW ) FZ2 (BW ) M FZ (BW) FA/MFZ FA/MAT AT1/FZ1 AT2/FZ2 M AT/MFZ TFZ2 2 TFZ1 (m s) TAT2 2 TAT1 (m s)


Barefoot 6.4 15 16 3.2 0.89 2.8 2.8 1.2 0.51 3.5 2.13 2.4 60 36 0.8 1 1 0.4 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.03 0.5 0.09 0.1 3 2

Low support High support 5.9 16 17 3.5 0.73 2.5 2.5 1.3 0.52 3.7 2.5 2.7 52 32 0.8 1 1 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.04 0.4 0.1 0.1 3 3 6.0 15 17 3.8 0.83 2.5 2.6 1.4 0.59 3.6 2.2 2.6 55 35 0.9 1 1 0.4 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.03 0.5 0.2 0.1 4 4

M ulti-range LSD test

Detectable differences for power . 0.80 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.11 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.08 0.7 0.4 0.3 9.0 12.0 (5%) (8%) (6%) (15%) (13%) (15% ) (15% ) (14% ) (15% ) (19% ) (17% ) (12% ) (16% ) (35% )

0.1359 0.2034 0.3275 0.0068* 0.0001* 0.4709 0.4426 0.0071* 0.0388* 0.5754 0.0125* 0.0204* 0.0118* 0.3802

Difference between barefoot and high support Difference between low support and the other two conditions

Difference between barefoot and high support Difference between high support and the other two conditions Difference between low support and the other two conditions Difference between barefoot and low support Difference between barefoot and low support

Note: All acceleration variables are expressed as m ultiples of the gravitational acceleration (g) and all variables corresponding to the ground reaction forces are expressed as m ultiples of the subjects body weight (BW ). T he impact transmission variables are non-dimensional. Tim e is expressed in milliseconds. Power 5 statistical power of the F-test. *P , 0.05.



Table 3 Results of the kinematic analysis of the landing, where knee extension, ankle dorsi exion and ankle eversion values are positive

Mean 6 Variable R1 ( ) M R ( ) TM R (m s) T1 ( ) M T1 ( ) TM T1 (m s) M TO ( ) TM TO (m s) P1 ( ) PM 1 ( ) TPM 1 (ms) PM O ( ) TPM O (ms)

Note: Power 5


Barefoot 19 87 271 - 13 48 209 - 14 -5 3 - 19 176 7 237 2 2 14 2 1 20 2 2 4 2 25 2 7


Low support High support 17.9 85 236 - 25 28 199 - 26 -7 11 0 105 14 10 0.7 2 14 2 1 14 2 1 1 1 12 2 3 17 82 227 - 28 23.7 188 - 29 -8 7 - 5.4 112 8 9 1 4 21 2 0.8 14 2 1 1 0.8 12 1 3

M ulti-range LSD test

Detectable differences for power . 0.80 3.4 6.0 40.0 5.0 3.0 60.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 43.0 5.0 10.0 (19%) (7%) (16%) (24%) (9%) (30% ) (24%) (89% ) (66% ) (41% ) (33% ) (52% ) (9%)

0.3639 0.0047* 0.0035* 0.0000* 0.0000* 0.3390 0.0000* 0.2679 0.0000* 0.0000* 0.0023* 0.0014* 0.0163*

Difference between barefoot and high support Difference between barefoot and the other two conditions Difference between barefoot and the other two conditions Differences between the three conditions Difference between barefoot and the other two conditions Differences between the three conditions Differences between the three conditions Difference between barefoot and the other two conditions Difference between low support and the other two conditions Difference between barefoot and the other two conditions

statistical power of the F-test. *P ,

B rizuela et al.

The in uence of ankle support on shock attenuation

Table 4 Results of the performance tests


M ean 6 Variable Counter-movement jump (cm) Running (s)

Note: Power 5 statistical power of the F-test.


High support 42.6 8.7 0.2 0.1

Low support 43.8 8.6 0.2 0.1

Detectable differences for power . 0.80 0.76 (1.8%) 0.1 (1.7% )

0.0000 0.0482

support shoe had heel counters. Studies of running shoes have shown that heel counters im prove heel shock attenuation, probably because of heel soft tissue con nem ent (Jorgensen, 1990; Ferrandis et al., 1993). T he lack of signi cant differences for the heel im pact forces can be explained as a compensation of two opposite effects of increased ankle support and heel confinem ent; greater ankle support increases heel im pact forces but soft tissue con nem ent decreases these forces. A consequence of this is that shoes with greater ankle support should incorporate m aterials that im prove shock attenuation, particularly in the forefoot. N o differences in tibial acceleration were observed between the prototype shoes with respect to forefoot contact (AT1), heel contact (AT 2) or m axim um acceleration (M AT ). However, the statistical power for these variables provided a greater discrim inating power (5, 8 and 6% respectively) than for the other variables in this study. This im plies that there were no differences between the prototype shoes regarding these variables, or that such differences were less than the percentages indicated. The shock transm ission ratio of ground reaction forces to the tibia showed no signi cant differences between the prototype shoes at forefoot contact (AT 1/ FZ 1). T his m ay be because the statistical power for this variable was low, only allowing the determ ination of differences above 19%. In contrast, for the variable corresponding to heel im pact transmission (AT 2/FZ2), the differences observed were signi cant. In this sense, for the prototype shoe with the lower ankle support, force transmission to the tibia was greater than for the highsupport shoe. This m ay be attributed to the soft tissue con nem ent effect of the heel counter. The results obtained for impacts transm itted to the head (FA), and the transm ission ratios (FA/M FZ and FA/M AT) calculated for the high-su pport shoe, indicate that the latter allow greater impact transm ission to the upper body. Both knee and ankle exion - extension constitute natural shock-abso rbing m echanisms (Gross and N elson, 1988). Thus our results show greater knee exion in barefoot landing and greater ankle dorsi ex-

ion during landing when wearing low-support shoes than high-support shoes. Wosk and Voloshin (1985) showed that an increase in the shock attenuation at the spine reduces the incidence of lower back pain. Thus shoes that give higher ankle support are not recomm ended for players suffering from back pain. To protect again st ankle inversion injuries without dim inishing the natural capacity for shock attenuation and performance, the ideal ankle m ovem ent control should exclusively lim it excessive eversion - inversion without lim iting exion - extension. T his study has show n that the high-su pport shoe increased the m agnitude of forefoot im pacts during landing and decreased m otor perform ance, probably because of the restriction of the plantar- exion range of m ovem ent. W ith respect to motor perform ance, our results show that higher ankle support reduces player perform ance both in vertical jum ping and in running with directional changes. The running perform ance tests, as in the study of Robinson et al. (1986), showed increased times with increased restriction of ankle m ovem ent (1% in the present study and 2% for Robinson et al.). However, this decrease in perform ance does not affect both actions equally; the vertical counter-m ovem ent jum p was affected to a greater extent than the obstacle course run. T he jum ping perform ance results reveal inter-prototype differences of 3% w ith worse perform ance for the high-su pport shoe. T his result ag rees w ith that of Burks et al. (1991), who found differences between 3.4 and 4.6% in ankle tapped and ankle braced vertical jum ping conditions, but does not ag ree with that of Bocchinfuso et al. (1994), who did not nd signi cant differences between using and not using ankle braces, probab ly because of a low statistical power, even though they reported differences of about 4 and 5% . It is recomm ended that players wear high -support shoes when the risk of injur y is great because of a higher jum p frequency and frequent rebounding. Likewise, such footwear is advisable for players with a history of repeated ankle sprains. Low-sup port shoes are recom mended for players who perform fewer jum ps

514 under the basket, generally lighter and shorter individuals w ho perform m ore frequent rapid m ovem ents and who need all of their perform ance capacity. In conclusion, we found that increased ankle support reduces ankle eversion range of m otion, increases shock transmission and reduces both jum ping and running performance. Protection again st ankle sprain s is provided by lim iting the eversion - inversion range of m ovem ent, and both the increase in im pacts and decrease in performance are particularly in uenced by lim itation of ankle exion - extension. It was not possible to establish the relationship between each element of the shoe and the effects obser ved. Further research is required to discrim inate the individual effects of each elem ent of the high-support prototype shoe. T hese asp ects should also be taken into account both when designing and purchasing basketball shoes.

B rizuela et al.
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This work was supported by the Spanish Interministry Commission for Science and Technology (Referen ce No. 3697) and by two Valencian enterprises involved in the footwear industry: J Hayber and Terconsa.

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