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Course Outline Faculty: Management and Social Science

Course Number Course Title: Lecturer: Credits: Section: Semester: Class Meeting Times: Class Venue: Pre-requisites: Co-requisites Office Location Office Hours: (Consultation Hours) Telephone: E-Mail Address: Resources Required Text: Other Resources: None None Room 204 Available upon request 628-1451 . Introduction to French- D. Aguilar (2011) 2nd Edition sent via email 2012 Mon/ Wed 5:30p.m.- 6:45p.m. FRCH-199 Introduction to French Mrs. Denise Aguilar 3


The course is for students with no knowledge of French. Classes use a communicative approach and the emphasis is on oral proficiency, comprehension and expression. Reading and writing skills are also developed. Through extensive practice in class, students acquire the basic vocabulary and constructions of French, providing a sound basis for further studies. Class work is supplemented by handouts, and cultural readings. Attendance is considered mandatory and a substantial percentage of the mark depends on class participation.

A) To teach students: 1. Basic oral pronunciation of the French language. 2. Basic vocabulary related directly to students daily lives. 3. To write simply and clearly using basic French, in particular when talking about themselves and their daily lives. 4. Basic strategies for understanding reading passages, simple narratives, dialogues and descriptions. 5. Basic strategies for learning new vocabulary. B) To stimulate and encourage an understanding and an appreciation of French culture, geography, and civilization. C) To foster sensitivity towards people whose language and customs are different from their own. D) To give students a strong foundation of vocabulary and culture to help stimulate and prepare students for further and more intense study of French.
MODES OF INSTRUCTION In this course we will utilize the following methodologies: Lecture and discussion, small and large group discussion; individual and group presentations, and video presentations. CLASS SCHEDULE

Evaluation/ acticity Week Date Jan. 16 Jan. 18 Plan no class L1- Saying hello/ L2 - Saying Good bye / L3- Who am I / L4 & L5 Greetings/ L6 - Basics T21- Questions/ T31- Identity chapter 1 2 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 L7- Week days/ L8- months / L9 - Colors / L10- Numbers T23- Pronouns chapter 2 Assignment 1 : Le Chateau de Versailles 3 Jan. 30 Feb. 01 L12- Avoir/ L14- Family & Friends/ L15 - Expression with avoir T34- Les gens et la famille / T56- expression with avoir chapter 3 Quiz 1: 20pts - vocab 4 Feb. 06 Feb. 08 L16- possessive adj/ L17- other expression with avoir/ L18- etre L21- Professions/ L22- expression with etre- physical desc. chapter 3 (cont.) Lecture/discussion oral & written practice Sharing Lecture/discussion oral & written practice quiz 1 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice Lecture/discussion oral & written practice



T44- expression with etre 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 REVIEW FOR TEST 1 TEST 1 & assignment due (les provinces) test 1 assign.1 6 L23- porter & les vetements/ L24- conjugating verbs (er) T110- mettre/ T346- les vetements chapter 5 Assignment 2: 7 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 Practive sentence structure with 13 (er) verbs Con.t Chapter 7 Quiz 2: 20pts - (er) verbs L25- questions d'information/ L26- Dining out/ L27- commander T124- La nourriture & les boissons/ T144 Les repas chapter 4 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 14 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Baron Bliss holiday T146- au caf/ T148- le repas/ T150 Les courses REVIEW FOR TEST 2 10 TEST 2 & assignment due Practice sentence structure with (ir) verbs L 28- les vacances et les activites chapter 7 11 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 L29- at the airport/ L30- traveling L31- aller chapter 6 Easter Apr 01-09 Apr. 11 Apr. 16 Apr. 18 Apr. 23 Apr. 25 Apr. 30 May 02 May 07 May 09 Review & cont. Quiz 3: 20pts - les vacances vocab 13 L32- prendre- visiter- acheter Test 3 test 3 100 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice test 2 assign.2 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice Lecture/discussion oral & written practice Lecture/discussion oral & written practice quiz 3 30 100 50 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice quiz 2 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice 40 Lecture/discussion oral & written practice 100 50

Mar.05 Mar. 09



presentations- La Culture Francaise presentations- La Nourriture Francaise presentations- La destination de France Exams

Oral presentations





METHODS OF ASSESSMENT Methods of assessment may include tests, projects, quizzes, presentations, reports, readings, essays and research.

COURSE POLICIES AND REGULATIONS ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY The administration of student discipline in the university community is a responsibility shared by students, faculty, and administrative staff. The University of Belize Academic Honesty Policy outlines the Universitys expectations for the integrity of students academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty throughout the process. All students are expected to conform to the Academic Honesty Policy. Lecturers are expected to consult with academic department chairpersons to prevent and respond to violations of the Academic Honesty Policy. Students wishing to dispute a charge of academic dishonesty or a sanction made upon them because of such allegations can do so by appealing to the Dean of Student Affairs to invoke the Discipline Appeals Process as detailed in the Student Handbook. (Please visit for a full description of violations to the Academic Honesty Policy and sanctions.) STUDENT EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTION: ONLINE MECHANISM Students are advised that they are free to submit comments on line in respect to any course they are registered in during the semester (as opposed to waiting for the end of the semester). Students are assured that since there is no need to log in to access the facility available on the UB web page their comments will be anonymous. The comment(s) will go to the Quality Assurance Office that in turn will forward the comments to the relevant Dean for timely action. CLASS POLICIES

1. CLASS ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all sessions, and to be on time.
Students must attend at least 80% of class sessions. Unexcused absences beyond this point will result in a reduction in your grade. You must provide the necessary documentation for any other absences e.g. doctors certificate if you are ill. You are expected to participate fully in class discussions and come to class prepared to contribute to class discussions and group work. Because participation in class is imperative for success, each students final grade will be positively or negatively affected based upon the number of class sessions they attend. Absent students are responsible for obtaining class notes, handouts, and activities, as well as any other pertinent information. Points lost due to absences can be made up only through extra credit opportunities provided by the instructor.

2. PUNCTUALITY: Kindly make every effort to arrive on time to all sessions. Walking into a
session late is unprofessional and distracting to the rest your colleagues. If you will be late for any session, please inform the instructor via an e-mail, telephone call, or text message.

3. PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS: In your fieldwork and/or class activities, you are expected
to conduct yourself in an ethical, legal, and professional manner.

4. READINGS: Readings will be assigned. You will be expected to attend the class session
prepared to discuss the readings from the required text and/or any additional readings assigned. The aim is to enhance your understanding and skills related to these materials and to enable you to share your understanding with class members.

5. WRITINGS: The ability to write clearly and effectively is essential to a profession. Written
assignments represent your best professional abilities and excellence. Assignments must be written in standard English. Written assignments should be typed and carefully proofread. Pages that are disorganized and contain errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, or typing will receive reduced grades. All written work should adhere to the APA /MLA style as directed by the instructor.

6. CELL PHONES: As courtesy to your classmates and instructor, please have cell phones turned
off throughout class time. If an urgent matter arises that requires you to have your cell phone on (on vibrate), please inform the instructor before the session.

7. MISSED OR LATE ASSGINMENTS: Students are expected to do all class assignments, and
turn them in on time. If prior approval for late assignment is not granted by the instructor, points will be deducted from that assignment or the assignment will not be accepted. Assigned readings must be completed prior to the class for which they are intended.

8. TECHNOLOGY: Students are required to utilize word processing programs to complete all
assignments. Internet and electronic mail systems will be used as needed to develop strategies, facilitate class discussion, and enhance communication between professor and students. GRADING SCALE The final grade will be assigned in adherence with the University of Belizes Grade Policy. Thus, final grades will be computed using a combination of semester grades (including home work assignments), essays, tests and quizzes, portfolios etc, and a final examination. The final letter grade will be assigned using the following University Grading Scale: 95-100 90-94 85-89 A AB+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 B C+ C 65-69 60-64 0-59 D+ D F


Grading Scheme: Assignments/homework Quizzes Tests (3 @ 100pts) Project Total pts Final Exam

100 100 300 100 500pts 100



1. Assignment 1: Les Province de France

Prigord Picardie Poitou Provence Roussillon Saintonge Saumurois Savoie Touraine

Prigueux Amiens Poitiers Marseille Perpignan Saintes Saumur Chambry Tours

Students will choose 4 provinces and provide a description of each. Each description must provide an distinguish characteristic of the region. Description should not exceed 200 words, and standard English must be used. 2. Assignment 2: La tour DEiffel

Students will describe the history of La tour dEifell in no more than 200 words. Description may include history, construction, destination, etc.

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