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Solution Sheet: 3A 1.

Kuratowskis Theorem:

A graph is non-planar if and only if it contains a subgraph that is homeomorphic to either K5 or K3,3. This theorem uses two graphs to find whether a given graph is planar or not, by using the property that says if the two graphs are homeomorphic then they are simultaneously planar or not. These two graphs are known as Kuratowskis graphs. One is a complete graph K5 and second is a regular bipartite graph K3,3.

Complete Graph, K5

Regular Bipartite Graph, K3,3 Proof: Show that the given Peterson graph is non-planar.

Consider a subgraph obtained from K3,3.

Now this subgraph is modified with the 4 subdivisions as follows: * These subdivisions are done by either inserting a new vertex with a degree of two or by merging 2 edges or b inserting an edge.

As the graph is homomorphic to K3,3 and is a subgraph of Peterson graph, thus the Peterson graph is non-planar.

7. (a) DFS:-

Step 1: Start out as all vertices and edges unmarked. Step 2: Walk as far as possible away from v visiting vertices. Step 3: If the current vertex has not been visited, then mark it as visited and the edge that is traversed as a DFS edge. Step 4: Otherwise, if the vertex has been visited, then mark the traversed edge as a backedge, back up to the previous vertex. Step 5: When the current vertex has only visited neighbours left, mark as finished. Step 6: Backtrack to the first vertex that is not finished. Step 7: Continue.
V1 V1 V1








V1 V5























Stack Sequence:As DFS traverses children node from left to right, so Stack entries will b done from right to left children node. (i) V1. (ii) V1, V2, V7. (iii) V1, V2, V7, V6. (iv) V1, V2, V7, V6, V5. (v) V1, V2, V7, V6, V5, V4. (vi) V1, V2, V7, V6, V5, V4, V3. (vii) V1, V2, V7, V6, V5, V4 (viii) V1, V2, V7, V6, V5. (ix) V1, V2, V7, V6. (x) V1, V2, V7. (xi) V1, V2. (xii) V1.

7. (b) BFS:V1 V2 V3





Queue Sequence:As BFS traverses children of a node at the same time so this uses Queue data structure. Here is the sequence of traverse: (i) V1. (ii) V1, V7, V2. (iii) , V7, V2. (iv) , , V2, V6. (v) , , , V6, V5. (vi) , , , , V5. (vii) , , , , V4, V3. (viii) , , , , , V3. (ix) , , , , , . 9. A simple graph with n vertices and k components cannot have more than (n-k)(n-k+1)/2 edges. Proof: Suppose that the number of vertices in each of the k component of a graph G be n1, n2, .... , nk. Thus, We have n1+n2+ .... + nk= n i.e. ni =n; where ni >=1, i=1, ... , k. 1=nk


(ni -1)=

ni -

Now, square both sides...


(ni -1)] = (n k) 2 = n2 + k2 - 2nk (ni2-2ni+1) + non- negative cross terms = n2 + k2 2nk (ni2-2ni+1) <= n2 + k2 2nk ni2 <= n2 + k2 2nk + 2n k = n2 (k-1)(2n-k)

ni2 <= n2 (k-1)(2n-k)

Now the maximum number of edges in the ith component of G is: ni (ni-1)/2. Thus, the maximum number of edges in G is: = [ ni (ni-1) ni2 ni ]

= ni2 - n <= [n2 (k-1)(2n-k)] - n = (n-k)(n-k+1) 11. Prove handshaking theorem for graphs. The Handshaking theorem:The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a graph is equal to twice the number of edges in the graph. Proof:Let G = (V, E) be a graph with n vertices i.e. |V| = n and the number of edges are |E| = e. Since each edge is incident with two vertices (u, v) so each edge contributes a count of 1 to each of deg(u) & deg(v). Therefore, e edge will contribute 2e degrees (one for each end vertices of an edge), for all vertices. Thus, Deg(vi) = 2e= 2|E|

Remark:- The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a graph is always even.

Solution Sheet: 3B 4. A simple graph with n vertices and k components cannot have more than (n-k)(n-k+1)/2 edges. Solution:- Go through 3A. 5. Show that the complete bipartite graph K3,3 is a non-planner graph. Solution:- The complete bipartite graph is as follows:

This contains: Vertices = 6 and Edges = 9. By Eulers formula, r = e v + 2, we have r = 9 6 + 2 = 5. So there are 5 regions. Since the bipartite graph K3,3 cannot have a cycle of odd length so that cycle has length >=4. Thus, degree of each region must be >=4 so the sum of degree of r regions must be >=4. But, the sum of the degrees of all regions = 2e. 4r 2e But r=5 and e=9 => 20 18, which is impossible. Hence, the graph K3,3 is non- planar. 6. Determine in the following graph: (i) A walk from b to d that is not a trace. (ii) A b-d trail that is not a path. (iii) A path from b to d. (iv) A close walk from b to b that is not a circuit. (v) A circuit from b to b which is not a cycle. (vi) A cycle from b to b.

Solution:(i) b c a b c d. (ii) b e f g e d. (iii) b c d. (iv) b e f g e b. (v) b e f g e d c b. (vi) b c a b. 9. Prove that the chromatic number of a graph will not exceed by more than one the maximum degree of the vertices in a graph. Proof:Let the number of vertices in a graph is denoted by |V|. If |V| = 1 then (G)=0 and (G)=1 so th e result holds. Now, Let K be an integer and K 1. Assume that the result holds for all graph with |V| = K vertices. Let G be a graph with )K+1) vertices. Let v be any vertex of G and let G 0= G/{v} is a subgraph of G obtained by deleting v from G. Since G0 has K vertices so we can use the induction hypothesis to conclude that (G0) 1 + (G0) and (G0) (G) So (G0) 1 + (G) Since there can be atmos (G) vertices adjacent to v, one of the available 1+(G) colors remain for v. Therefore, G0 can be colored with at most 1 + (G) colors. 10. Determine the edge connectivity and vertex connectivity of the following graphs.

Solution:(i) Edge Connectivity= 2 and Vertex Connectivity=1. (ii) Edge Connectivity= 2 and Vertex Connectivity=2. (iii) Edge Connectivity= 0 and Vertex Connectivity=0. (iv) Edge Connectivity= 1 and Vertex Connectivity=1.

11. Find all the cut vertices of the given graph.

Solution:(i) If we delete vertex e , the graph get disconnected. (ii) c and d are the cut vertices, as deletion of vertex c or d or both disconnects the graph. 13. Determine the following graphs has an Hamilton Circuit?

Solution:(i) Graph has Hamiltonian path: a b c d e a. (ii) The graph doesnt have an Hamiltonian path as once we reach to f through e, we cant move from there without passing through e again. 15. Suppose that a connected planner graph has 30 vertices each of degree 3. Into how many regions is the plane divided by a representation of this graph? Solution:Here n=3 and deg(v)= 3*30= 90. But, the sum of degrees of vertices = 2* no. Of edges. 90 = 2 * e ==> e = 45. If the graph can be partitioned into r region, then approaching to the Eulers formula: n-e+r=2 30 45 + r = 2 R = 17. Therefore, Graph can be partitioned into 17 regions. 16. Prove that a graph is a tree iff it is minimally connected. Q.17 Use Kuratowskis theorem to determine whether the given graph is planner or not.

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