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Hamlet Scene Overview

Act 1, Scene 1 Horatio and watchmen find Ghost of the King. Act 1, Scene 2 New King Claudius gives speech with Queen about their recent marriage Hamlet first soliloquy Act 1, Scene 3 In Poloniuss house, Laertes prepares to leave for France and cautions Ophelia to not fall in love with Hamlet Polonius gives Laertes advice. Polonius reiterates Laertess point to Ophelia. Ophelia obeys. Act 1, Scene 4 Hamlet soliloquy 2, talking about terrible behavior of Uncle. Ghost appears, and Hamlet gets a glimpse, still not sure if the ghost is a demon or real. Act 1, Scene 5 Ghost appears again, and talks to Hamlet about revenge. Hamlet swears to take revenge Act 2, Scene 1 Polonius dispatches his servant to spy on Laertes in France As servant leaves, Ophelia enters, upset. Polonius misunderstands that Hamlets madness comes from his love to Ophelia Act 2, Scene 2 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern comes to see Hamlet Polonius declares to the King and Queen that Hamlet is in love with Ophelia, and creates a plan to spy on Hamlet Polonius tries to talk to Hamlet but he answers in a mad way Hamlet meets Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Polonius enters to present players After players perform, Hamlet leaves the room Hamlets 3rd soliloquy about: player who gave the
speech was able to summon a depth of feeling and expression for long-dead figures who mean nothing to him, while Hamlet is unable to take action even with his far more powerful motives and creates a plan.

Act 3, Scene 1 Initiate spying on Hamlet using Ophelia as bate. Hamlet 4th soliloquy, to be or not to be. Sees Ophelia and Criticizes women. Go thee to a nunnery Claudius claims that Hamlets madness is not from love, and decides to send him to England. Polonius asks Claudius if he can watch Hamlet speak to Gertrude in her chamber to clear out that Hamlet is really not out of love. Act 3, Scene 2 Evening, everyone is getting ready for the play Hamlet asks Horatio to keep his eyes on Claudius. Claudius reacts to the play in a strange way, and Hamlet is reassured that his uncle is guilty. Act 3, Scene 3 Claudius asks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to leave with Hamlet to England As Claudius is alone, he prays and asks for forgiveness for killing the Old King Hamlet over hears, and wants to kill him, but doesn't because Claudius is wiped out of sin

Act 3, Scene 4 Polonius hides in the curtain of Gertrudes chamber to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet arrives, starts to argue with Gertrude Hamlet stabs Polonius by accident, thinking that it was his Uncle. Suddenly, the Ghost appears and tells Hamlet to keep his eyes on the goal of revenge. Hamlet makes Gertrude promise him not to reveal anything to the current King, and leaves the room with Poloniuss body Act 4, Scene 1 Gertrude storms to Claudius, and tells that Hamlet is mad, and that he killed Polonius. Claudius immediately sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to escort Hamlet to England Act 4, Scene 2 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern goes to fetch Hamlet. Hamlet criticizes them for sucking up to Claudius, but agrees to go with them. Act 4, Scene 3 Hamlet talks to Claudius and attendants about the location of the body, and gladly agrees to go to England immediately. When Claudius is alone he hopes that England will obey his orders to kill Hamlet. Act 4, Scene 4 On a nearby plain in Denmark, Hamlet meets Fortinbras and talks about a small meaningless battle that is currently fought. Hamlet decides that he will be violent from now on. Act 4, Scene 5 Ophelia goes mad and talks to Horatio and Gertrude about flowers and sings songs. Claudius comes in to pity Ophelia and reveals that Laertes is sailing back from France. Laertes comes in in rage because of his fathers death, and accuses Claudius of murder. Claudius says that it was not him but Hamlet who has committed the crime and urges Laertes to take revenge. They become a team Act 4 Scene 6 Horatio is informed that Hamlets ship was captured by pirates, and that he escaped. Horatio follows the Sailors who informed him of Hamlets condition to find Hamlet. Act 4, Scene 7 Claudius and Laertes is talking about their revenge, when they are informed that Hamlet will be back tomorrow. They then plans to invite Hamlet to a match of fencing, giving them a great setting to kill Hamlet. Gertrude enters with tragic news that Ophelia has killed herself full of grief. Act 5, Scene 1 Grave digger scene where Hamlet and Horatio talks to the Gravediggers digging a grave for Ophelia. The funeral procession for Ophelia enters and Hamlet is shocked to learn that she is dead. Hamlet bursts upon the company and talks about how much he loved her. Act 5, Scene 2 (Final Scene) Hamlet and Horatio is talking about how Hamlet switched the letters that the King sent with him. Soon, Osric enters to ask Hamlet to accept the fencing match with Laertes. Hamlet accepts. At the match: Queen is killed first because she drinks the poisoned wine, Hamlet is pricked with the poisoned sword, Hamlet kills Claudius by stabbing him and forcing him to drink the rest of the poisoned wine, Hamlet dies, Laertes kills himself. Fortinbras marches into the Castle.

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