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Linus Lee 1 New World Beginnings 33,000 B.C. - A.D. 1769 I. The Creation of the North America A.

Earth's Past 1. Came into being several billion years ago 2. Recorded history of the Western world began 6000 years ago 3. European explorers discovered the Americas 500 years ago B. The Formation of North America 1. 225 million years ago-10 million years ago a. All dry land was connected into a super continent b. The super continent begins to break apart as Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and the Americas begin to move away from each other. c. Nature finished constructing North America's basic shape 10 million years ago 2. 2 million years ago-10,000 years ago a. The Great Ice Age began around 2 million years ago b. 2 mile-thick ice sheets covered the northern half of North America c. The glaciers finally retreated 10,000 years ago and greatly changed the texture of North America (1) Depressed Canada Shield (2) Glacial action scooped out the Great Lakes (3) Created huge Lake Bonneville which, when deprived from inflow and drainage, began to slowly shrink, leaving behind a mineral rich dessert and all all that remains is the Great Salt Lake II. First Discoverers of the Americas A. Immigration into the Americas 1. A land bridge was exposed that connected Eurasia with North America during the Ice Age because much of the world's water was frozen into glaciers 2. Nomadic Asian hunters followed game across the land bridge for about 250 million years 3. The glaciers melted and the land bridge was submerged, isolating the Asian hunters in North America 4. The hunters split into many different tribes with thousands of languates and diverse cultures. B. The effect of corn 1. Around 5000 B.C. hunter-gatherers developed a wild grass into corn. 2. The cultivation of corn turned nomadic hunters into farmers. 3. Allowed for the formation of sophisticated civilizations such as the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans and fed large numbers of people

4. Its late arrival in North America accounts for the fact that no societies had been formed that could even begin to rival that of the Aztecs. 5. "Three-sister" farming with beans, squash and corn led to high populations of Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee people C. North America 1. The Iroquois Confederacy was a military organization by Native Americans a. Only North American civilization that could come close to that of Mexico and Peru 2. Native Americans only numbered 4 million in North America by 1492. III. Events leading to European discovery of America A. Norse seafarers discovered Vinland but soon forget it due to no yearning to expand B. Crusades 1. Crusaders brought back cravings for exotic goods of Asia. a. Silk, drugs, draperies, and spices 2. These good were extremely expensive a. The long distances that the goods had to be shipped made it even more costly b. Merchants and consumers were eager to find a cheaper way to get goods. (1) Finding a Less expensive route to Asia (2) Finding an alternate source of supply C. Marco Polo goes to China 1. He told many tales of China 2. He further aggravated European desire for goods from the east. D. The Portuguese round Africa 1. Portuguese mariners overcome obstacles a. The caravel allowed them to sail more closely into the wind b. They discovered to could return by sailing northwesterly from the African coast 2. The Portuguese set up trading posts along the African shore 3. Bartholomew rounded the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488 4. Vaasco da Gama reached India in 1498 E. Spain is united 1. Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile expelled the Moors from Spain 2. Spain became eager to outstrip their Portuguese rivals to tap the Indies 3. Since Portugal controlled the African coast, Spain looked westward. F. The Renaissance 1. Brought a new sense of adventure 2. Printing press spread scientific knowledge 3. Mariner's compass eliminated uncertainties of ocean travel IV. Columbus discovers the New World

A. Columbus's journey 1. Italian seafarer persuaded Spain to give him three small seaworthy ships. 2. On October 12, 1492, after 6 weeks at sea, his crew sighted the Bahamas 3. Believing it to be the Indies, he calls the people Indians B. When Worlds Collide 1. The animals and plants had been separated for thousands of years 2. Tobacco, maize, beans, tomatoes, and the potato revolutionize European diet and economy 3. Europeans brought cattle, swine, horses, as well as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria 4. Without antibodies to European diseases, 90% of Native Americans were wiped out 5. Native Americans gave syphilis V. Spanish Conquest A. Spanish Conquistadors 1. Spain secured its claim to Columbus's discovery in the treaty of Tordesillas 2. In the service of God, gold, and glory, conquistadors explored the Caribbean and mainland America. 3. Vasco Nunez Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean, Ferdinand Magellan's ship circumnavigated the world, Juan Ponce de Leon explored Florida, Francisco Coronado discovered the Grand Canyon and huge herds of buffalo, and Francisco Pizarro crushed the Incas of Peru 4. New World gold and silver transform the world economy and increased consumer costs by as much as 500% B. Conquest of Mexico 1. In 1519 Hernan Cortes mobilized towards Mexico with several hundred men on eleven ships 2. Cortes gathered 20,000 Indian allies and marched towards Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztecs 3. Montezuma, the Aztec chieftain, believed that Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl so he allowed he to approach unopposed. 4. Montezuma treated Cortes well at first but the Spaniards greed caused him to finally attack. 5. On Noche Triste, June 30, 1520, the Aztecs drove the Spainards out of Tenochtitlan 6. Cortes lays siege and the city capitulates on August13, 1521 7. The Spanish and Mexicans integrate their culture a. Law and customs proved adaptable to the Mexicans. b. Intermarriage created a new culture of mestizos C. Spread of Spanish America 1. Spain's colonial Empire grew swiftly and impressively a. within half a century there were hundred of Spanish cities and towns b. There were universities and majestic cathedrals dotted everywhere. 2. Other nation were eager to get something from the New World

Giovanni caboto explored the northeastern coast of North America Giovanni da Verrazano probed the eastern seaboard Jacques Cartier journeyed up the St. Lawrence River Spain secures the northern part of the new world in response (1) A fortress was erected at St. Augustine, Florida 3. Conquistadores traversed the sonora dessert into the Rio Grande Valley in 1598 a. proclaimed the area to be the province of New Mexico b. Missionaries tried to suppress native religious customs and convert the native americans to Christianity c. The native americans rebelled in Pope's Rebellion in 1680 4. Father Junipero Serra founded at San Diego the first of 21 mission on the west coast up to Sonoma a. mission Indians adopted Christianity b. mission Indians lost their native cultures and often lost their lives. c. led to the "black legend" that Spanish invaders did nothing but kill indians, take their gold, and infect them with smallpox

a. b. c. d.

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