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Is saved
Is saved (after checking).
The record Is opened.
is in the role Participant.
The User is not in the role Administrator.
Are true.
Multiple conditions Are false.
is not
is before
is after The current date/Time ...
is on or before The value in the field ...
Date Created is on or after The value …
is not
is before
is after The current date/Time ...
is on or before The value in the field ...
Date Modified is on or after The value …
is not
< or =
> The current user
Last Modified by > or = The value in the field…
is not
< or =
> The current user
Record owner > or = The value in the field…

is not
is before
is after The current date ...
is on or before The value in the field ...
Date is on or after The value …
The value in the field …
The value …
choice value1
is choce value2
is not .
< .
< or = .
> Choice vlaue6
Choice type > or = ---------------------------
is not
< The value in the field …
< or = <<Blank>>
> <<Browse choices>> from
Link > or = actuall table.
is True
Boolean is not False
is checked
Checkbox is not Unchecked.
is not
< or =
Text -> Single and > The value in the field …
Multiline. > or = The value …
Time Same as text Same as text
Number Same as text Same as text
URL Same as text Same as text
Email address Same as text same as text
Currency Same as text same as text
The current date ...
is The value in the field …
is not Valid_user1
< valid_user2
< or = ..
> ..
User Type > or = Valid_userN

Show Select any field from view
Hide //
Fields that are already
required wont appear in this
dropdown list
required //
un-required //
make read-only //
Make editable //
change //
Display msg //
"change" actions only fire
when conditions become
When all of the condions are true.
When any of the conditions are true.
This checkbox appears whenever you choose "change" from
the action menu. When you turn on this checkbox, you're telling
QuickBase that you want to base the change action upon a
change condition (say, when Status changes to "completed,"
for example). Because choices in the When section's
dropdowns are limited to timeless options like "is" or "is not," a
fulfilled condition is technically met each time a user opens the
form following the change. In a world without this checkbox, the
action would fire every time. This can really cramp a rule's
style, especially if you want it do something like create a
timestamp to record the change. Instead of showing the time of
the change, the date/time field would always show the current
date and time. Yikes. Checkbox to the rescue! Use it to tell
QuickBase to perform the change action only once, the first
time a rule condition is met.

Abort to save (with Message)

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