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in uniform, with one heavy game shot that our Eastern em- over a cigar may afford you some coat, and now he waa the Holmes o dressingdetective, rushed pire has ever produced. I ola in the mouse-colored believe I profitable amusement." etfi#y. through the front entrance and into am correct, colonel, in saying that Our old chambers had been left un- gown which he took from hishave not your bag of tigers still remains un- changed through the supervision the room. of "The old shikari's nerves "That you. Lestrade?" said Holme 9. rivaled ?" Mycroft Holmes and the immediate lost their steadiness, nor his eyes their "Yes, Mr. Holmes. keenness," 3aid he, with a laugh, aa I took the Job The fierce old man said nothing, but care of Mrs. Hudson. As I entered I myself. It's good to see you back in still glared at my companion. With saw, it is true, an unwonted tidiness, he inspected ike shattered forehead ot London, sir." his savage eyes and bristling mustache but the old landmarks were all in their hia bust. "Ithink you want a little unofficial he was wonderfully like a tiger him- place. There was the chemical cor"Plumb in the middle of th ba^lc help. Three undetected murders in self. deal-topped of the head and smack through the nei and the acid-stained, one year won't do, Lestrade. But you "I wonder that my very simple table. There upon a shelf was the brain. He waa the oest shot in India, handled the Molesey mystery with less stratagem could deceive so old a shi- row of formidable scrap-books and and I ext.ect that there are few better kari," said Holmes. the than your usual that's to say, you "It must be very- becks of reference which many of our in London. Have you heard fairly well." handled it familiar to you. Have you not teth- fkllow-citizens would have been so name .'" feet, our ered a young kid under a tree, lain glad, to burn. The diagrams, "No, I have not." We had all risen to our the "Well, well, such even i 3fame! But. prisoner breathing hard, with a stal- above it with your rifle and waited for v.olin-case. and the pipe-rack then, if I wart constable on each side of him. the bait to bring up your tiger? This the Persian slipper which contained remember right, you had not eyes as I empty house is my tree and you are the tobacco Already a few loiterers had begun to all met my heard the name of Professor James collect in the street. Holmes stepped my tiger. You have possibly had glanced round me. There were two Moriarty, who had one of the great one, Mrs. brains ot the century. Just give me up to the window, closed it and other guns in reserve in case there occupants of the room dropped the blinds. Lestrade had pro- should be several tigers or in the un- Hudson, who beamed upon us both as down my index of biographies from duced two candles and the policemen likely supposition of your own aim we entered the other, the strange the shell." These," pointed dummy which he had uncovered their lanterns. I was failing you. He turned over the pages laaily. had played so imTt was a perfect reproducable at last to have a good look at around, "are my other guns. The portant # a part in the evening's ad- leaning back in his chair and blowmy heels,' did ten miles over the moun- t' frame. parallel is exact." our prisoner. tion of Holmes. Pu amazed was I that ventures. It was a wax-colored model ing great clouds from his cigar. one," tains in the darkness, and \u25a0 we k later. I "My collection of Ms Is a rlne threw out my hand to make sure that Colonel Moran sprang forward w-ith of my friend, so admirably done that it It was a tremendously virile and I found myself in Florence, with the the men himself was standing besi>: yet sinister face which was turned a snart of rage, but the constables wa.s a perfect fac simile. It stood on said he. "MorUtrty nimself is enough an old to make any letter certainty that no aM in the world knew me. He was quivering with silent illustrious, and phi- dragged him back. The fury upon his a small" pedestal toward us. With the brow of a table with losopher above and the jaw of a sensu- face waa terrible to look at. . < laughter. dressing-gown of Holmes' so draped here is Morgan the poisoner, and Merwhat 'had come of me. ' memory, and "I confess that you had one small round it that the illusion from the ridew of abominaoie "Well?" said he. alist below, the man must have started "Ihad only one confidant my broth"I "Good heavers!" Icried. "It Is with great capacities for good or for surprise for me," said Holmes. Mathews. who knocked out my left owe was absolutely perfect. er. HycruCL I you many apologies, marvelous." you would street hope you preserved ill precau- canine in not anticipate did that evil. But one could not look v.ion hi.s yourself "I th:? waiting-room at Charing my de! Watson, but it was all-immake use of this empty house t'ons, Mrs. Hudson?" said Holmes. Cross, and, .Inaliy. here m our friend "I trust that ape doth not wither nor cruel blue eyes, with their drooping, portant that it should be thought I I cynical lids, or upon the fierce, ag- and this convenient front window. to-night." custom Male my infinite variety," said "Iwent to it on my knees, sir, just Ol He was. dead, and it is quite certain that be. and I recognized in his voice the gressive nose and the threatening, had imagined you as operating from handed over the book, and 1 you told me." you Would not have written so condeep-lined brow without reading na- the street, where my friend Lestrade as Sobaatian, joy and pride which the artist takes in Colonel. carried the thing read: "Moran.Formerly vincing an account cf my unhappy end his own creation. "It really is rather ture's plainest dangar signals. He took and his merry men were awaiting you. out"Excellent. You you observe where Unemployed. i3t Bengalore very well. Did exception all has gone as I Pioneers. no heed of any of us, but his eyes wer^ With that Born London, ISU&. Son you not yours?lf thought that it 1 ke me, is it nnt?" had the bullet went?" fixed upon HolmeB face w'th an ex- expected." of Sir Augustus Moran, C.8., once "Ishould be prepared to swear that wa true. Several times during thr"Yes. sir. I'm afraid it has spoiled British Minister to Colonel Moran turned to the official Educated up my it was you." have taken last three years I your beautifu} bust, for it passed right liton and Oxford, Persia. in JowaJsi of the execution is due detective. pen to always I "The credit rite to you. but flattened itself Campaign, Afghan rierved Campaign. Charto Monsieur Oscar Meunier of Greno"You may or may not have just through the head and it picked up from the a&lab (despatches), Sherpur. and Cafeared lest your affectionate regard for ble, who spent some days in Joine the cause for arresting me," said he, "but on the wall. I Here it is!" me should tempt you to some indis- molding. It is a bust in wax. The rest at least there can be no reason why carpet. of Heavy Game of the I Holmes held it out to me. "A soft bul. Author should submit to the gibes of this USSIj; cretion which would betray my secret. Iarranged myself during my visit to Three Westsrn Himalayas' am peraon... If I in the hands of the rt'volver bullet, as you perceive, Wat- Months In the Jungle' (ISS4>. Address: away from Haker street this afternoon." For that reason I turned things be done in a legal way." sun. There's genius in that, for who Conduit street. Clubs: The Anglo-Inlaw let "But why?" evening when you upset my you this "Well, that's reasonable enough," would expect to find such a thing fired "Because, my dear Watson, had the dian, the Tankerville, the Bagatelle booics. for I was la danger at the time, strongest r-ossible reason forI wishing Card Club." ,and emoand any show of suiprise people to think chat certain I was was written in On the margin tion upon your part might have drawn there when 1 was really elsewhere." Holmes' precise hand: "The second attention to my identity and led to the "And you thought the rooms were most dangerous man in London." as most <]:-i>lorable and irreparable re- watched?" "This is astonishing," said I I "Iknew that they were watched." sults. As to Mycroft, Ihad to conhanded back the volume. "The man's "By whom?" an honorable soldier." career is that of fide la him in order to obtain the '"By my old enemies, Up Watson. By "Itis true," Holmes answered. money which Ineeded. The course of the charming society whose leader lies to a certain point he did well. He vrtm events in London did rot run M well as in the Reichenbach Fall. You must always a man of iron nerve and the I had htped. for th trial of the Morl- remember that they knew, and only story is still told in India how he arty ccng left two of Its most dan- they knew, that I was still alive. Sooncrawled down a drain after a wounded should gerous members, my own most vindic- or or later they believed that I man-eating tiger. There are some my rooms. They watched trees, Watson, which grow to a certive at liberty. Itraveled for cftre back to them continuously, and. this morning and tain height and then suddenly develop two yt-ars 'in Tibet, therefore, they saw me arrive." some unsightly eccentricity. You w*Jl e mused myself by visiting Lhassa. and How do you know?" I have a see it often in humans. Spending j-dne days with the head "Because I recognized their sentinel theory that the individual represent* in may have read of the re- when I glanced out my window. He is Llama You his development the whole procession -xploiatlons of a Norwegian a harmless enough fellow, Parker. by mark. of his ancestors, and that such a sudam Ststroott, but I sure that it name, a garroter by trade, and a refor named den turn to good or evil stands performer upon the jews- crept menacing to you that you were markable torward, crouching, presslon in -wjhich hatred and amazenever occurred some strong influence which came Into harp. I nothing for him. But I cared then "You receiving news of your friend. I three ment were equally blended. the line of his pedigree. The person cared a great deal for the much more into the room. He was within becomes, as it were, the epitome of tn passed through Persia, looked in at yards of us, this sinister figure, and I fiend!" he kept on muttering, "you formidable person who was behind had braced myself clever, clever fiend!" history of his own family." Mecca, and paid a short but interesting him. the bosom friend to meet his spring "Ah, colonel!" said Holmes, arrangof Morlarty, the before I "Itis surely rather fanciful." lealized that he had no idea ing his rumpled collar, " 'journeys end Khartoum, the man who dropped the rocks over the visit to the Khalifa at "Well, I don't insist upon it. WhatHe passed close beof our presence. cliff, the most cunning and dangerous results of v. hi. I have communicated and in lovers' meeting,' as the old play ever the cause. Colonel Moran began criminal in London. That is the man side us, stole over to the windowit for says. Idon't think I have had thi to the Foreign Office. Returning to to go wrong. Without any open scanvery softly and noiselessly raised France, Ii-ptnt MOM months in a re- who is after me to-night. Watson, and half a dal he still made- India too hot to hold foot. As he sank to the level of derivatives, that is the man who is quite unaware this opening, the light of the street, ;he him. He retired, came to London and coal-tar search into that we are after him." again acquired an evil name. It was which I conducted in a laboratory at My friends plans were gradually re- no longer dimmed by the dusty glaas, The man at this time that he was sought out fell full uoon his Mo'ntpellicr. in the South of France. vealing themselves. From this "con- seemed to be beside face. by Professor Moriarty, to whom for a himself with exHaving concluded this to my satisfacvenient retreat the watchers a ore V>time he was chief of the staff. Moeyes shone like His two tion, and learning that only one of my ing watched and the trackers tracked. citement. with, riarty supplied him liberally were working That anr.ular shadow up yonder was stars and his features an was money and used him only in one or enemies was now left in London, I elderly man, the bait, and we were the hunter.-. In convulsively. He was two very high-class jobs, which no orabout to return when my movements rilence we stood together In the dark- with a rhin. projecting nose, a high, grizzled dinary criminal could have undertaken. huge were hastened by the news of this very ness and watched the hurrying figures bald forehead and a hat was pushed You may have some recollection of tbe An opera remarkable Park Lane mystery, which who passed and repassed in front of mustache. death of Mrs. Stewart of Lauder in to the back of his head and an evening not only appealed to me by its own us. Holmes- was silent and motionless; 1837. Not? Well, I sure Moran was ara could tell that he was keenly dress shirt-front gleamed out through merits, but which >--<.-nitd t> offer some but I it, but nothing could at the bottom of his open overcoat. His face was alert, most peculiar personal opportunities. tently and that his eyes were fixed In- gaunt and swarthr, scored with deep, be proved. So cleverly was the colonel I came over at MUI to London, called It was upon the stream of passersby. savage lines. In his hand he carried concealed that even when the Moriarty a bleak and night, stick, but as gang was broken up we could not inin my own person at Baker street, and the wind whistled boisterous shrilly down ihe wh:u appeared to be a criminate him. You remember at tJyit; threw Mrs. Hudson into violent hys- long street. Many people were moving he laid it flown upon the floor it gave date, when I clang. the called upon y>u in your terics, and found that Mycroft hal to and fro. most of them muffled in a metallic overcoat Then frombulky rooms, how I put up the shutters for a preserved my rooms ami n-.y papers ex- their coats and cravats. Once or pocket of his busied he drew in some you of air-guns? No doubt fear object, and he himself actly as they ha 1 always be. So it twice it seemed to me that I task which ended with a loud, sharp thought me fanciful. I knew exactly seen the same figure be- click, was, my dear Watson, Jhat at 2 o'clock had was knev of the as if a soring or bolt had fallen what I doing, tor I fore, I especially noticed to-day I found myp_.f in my old arm- two menand appeared to be place. Still kneeling upon the existence of this remarkable sun and sheltering into its bent forward and threw all one of the best ahota my own old "om, and only themselves who chair in floor he I knew also that from the wind in the door- his weight strength upon and In the world would be behind it. Wjien '.wishing that I co'jll have seen rrj old way of a house some distance up the lever, the result we were In Switzerland he followed us with friend Watson in the other chair which street. Itried to draw my compan- some with Moriarty and it was undoubtedly there came a long, whirlion's attention to them, but he gave that he has jjj often ad<rn<"l." ing, grinding noise, ending once more he who gave me that evil rive min. Such was the remarkable narrative a little ejaculation of impatience and in a powerful click. He straightened utes on the Reichenbach ledge. into the street. to which 1 listened on that Aprileven- continued to stare then, and saw that "You may think that Iread the More than once he fidgeted with his himself u^ his hand I assort wliiit. off^jl ing narrative which would have feet and tapped rapidly he papers with some, attention during my with his fingers gun held in curiously was ji utterly incredible to me had it upon the misshapen butt. with sojourn In France on the lookout flor been wall. It was evident to me breech, put someany chance of laying him by the heels. not been confirmed by the actual sight that he was becoming uneasy and that He opened it at the snapped the breechthing in and So long as he was free in London my of the tall, spare figure and the keen, his plans were not working out alto- block. Then, crouching down, ,htt fife would really not have been worth At last, as rested the end of the barrel upon rth \u25a0eager face, which Ihad never thought gether as he had hoped. living. Night and day the shadow and the street ledge of the open window, to see again. In some manner he had midnight approached I saw would have been over me and sooner gradually cleared, he paced up and his long mustache droop overand stock of mv own sad bereavement, learned the or later his chance must have come. room in along his eye . and his sympathy \u25a0 shown in . his down the was about uncontrollable agi- and sights. gleam as it peeredsigh What could I do? I could not shoot tation. I to make some re- the I heard a little of manner rather than in his words. mark to him, when I him at sight or I should myself be tn raised my eyes satisfaction a3 the butt the dock. There was no use appealing "Work is the best antidote to sorrow, to the lighted window, and again ex- into his shoulder he cuddledthat arnuzand saw They cannot inter-* perienced almost as great a surprise to a magistrate. my dear Watson," said he; "and I ing target, the black man on the yelfere on the strength of what would have a piece of woik for us both to- as before. I clutched Holmes' arm low ground, standing clear at the end appear to them to be a wild suspicion. which, if we can bring it to a and pointed upward. of his fore-sight. For an instant ho could do nothing. But Iwatched So I ' night "The shadow has moved!" I cried. was rigid and motionless. jusThen hia successful conclusion, wi'.l in itself the criminal news, knowing that soonIt was indeed no longer the profile, finger tightened on the trigger. Ther planet." In tify, man's life on this a er or later Ishould get him. Then but the back, which was turned to- was a strange, loud whiz and, a long, came the death of this Ronald Adair. begged him to tell me more. ward us. ' vain 1 silvery tinkle of broken glass. At that My chance had come at last. Knowing years certainly not "You will hear and see enough before Three had did, was it not certain that smoothed the asperities of his temper what I morning," he answered. "We have Colonel Moran had done it? He had three jt-ars of the past to discuss. or his impatience with a less active played cards with the lad, he had folLet that suflice until half-past nine, intelligence than his own. lowed him borne from the club, he had "Of course it has moved," said he. \u25a0when we sum up >n the notaole advenshot him through the open window. "Am I such a farcical bungler, Watson, , ture of the eni:>.y house." There was not a doubt of it. The bulshould erect an obvious dummy am* ...Leeu tike old times when, that I "'.lt. hour, lets alone are enough to put his head at" th.i ifound myself beside and expect that some of the sharpest in a noose. I came over at once. I bins in a h-iiEom, my revolver in my men in Europe would be deceived by was seen by the sentinel, who would, pocket; ana the ihtin of adventure in it? We have been in this room two knew, direct the colonel's attention to I my he..; i was cold and stern hours and Mrs. Hudson has malt my presence. He could not fail t. in that figure eight times, and ehtx.t. ...s Ute giearu of the street some changeevery nect my sudden return with his crim*. quarter of an hour. lamps lathed upon his austere teat- or once in to be terribly alarmed. and I was front, so that urorki that his .uree, 1 Raw thought brows ueie drawn She shadow it from the be sure that he would make an attempt may never down -la and his thin lips her seen. Ah!" to get me out of the way at ones and .compUttccL I knew not what wild He drew in his breath with a shrill, xeited intake. In the dim light I would bring round his murderous saw beast we were about to hunt down his weapon for that purpose. Ileft him junkie of criminal LonIn the dark h.-ad thrown forward, his whole an excellent mark in the windon, but 1 t well assured, from the attitude rigid with attention. Outside dow, and having warned the police bearing of ih:s master huntsman, that the street was absolutely deserted. that they might be needed by the might still be crouchThost two men th auventuie \vs.s a most crave one way, Watson, you spotted their presthe sardonic smile which occa- ing in the doorway, but I could no :..while ence in that doorway with unerring aclonger see them. sionally broke through his ascetic All was stilly and took up what seemed to pae curacy I gloom boded little good for the object dark, save only that brilliant yellow to be a Judicious post for observation, screen in front of us with the black of our <juest. 1 had imagined that we were bound figure 'utlined upon its center. never dreaming that he would choose Again the same spot for his attack. Now, my fox B;rker street, but Holmes stopped in the utter silence I heard that thin, dear Watson, does anything remain for sibilant note which spoke of intense 'the' cab at the corner of Cavendish me to explain?" Squaie. 1 observed that as he stepped suppressed excitement. An instant out he save a most searching glance later he pulled me back into the black"Yes." said I. "Tou have not made to right and left, and at every subse- est cornea of the room and I It clear what was Colonel Moran's mofelt his warning hand upon my lipa. The fintive in murdering the Honorable Ronquent street corner he took the utmost ."pains to assure tht he was not fol- gers which clutched me were quiverald Adair?" MWM. Cur route was certainly a sin- ing. Never had I known my friend "Ah! my dear Watson, there we com-? 'C^ular ore. Holmes' knowledge of the more moved and yet the dark street \ Into those realms of conjecture, rher byways of London was extraordinary, still stretched lonely and motionlesa the most logical mind may be at fault. passed rapidly on this occasion TSach may form his own hypothesis and with an assured hestep through a before us. "Nothing further you said Lestrade. and on the present evidence, and yours is But suddenly Iwas aware of that have to say, Mr. Holmes, before we network of mews and stables, the very which his keener as likely to be correct as mine." go?" senses had already existence of which I had never known. distinguished. A low, stealthy sound "You have formed one. then?" Holmes had picked up the powerful 'We emerged at last into a small road, came to my ear, not from the direction "Ithink that it is not difficult to exairgun from the floor and was exam.lined with old. gloomy houses, which of Baker street, plain the facts. It came but from the back of ining ita mechanism. out in eviled us Into Manchester street, and so the very house in which we lay condence that Colonel Moran and young unique weapon," "An admirable and *to B!andfoid street. Here he turned cealed. A door opened and shut. Adair had, between them, won a conAn instant Holmes sprang like a tiger on pleasure of seeing you since you fa- said he, "noiseless and of tremendous swiftly down a narrow passage, passed instant later steps crept down the siderable amount of money. Now power. I knew Yon Herder, the blind through a wooden gate into a deserted vored me with those attentions as I passage steps which were meant to be the marksman's back and hurled him lay ran undoubtedly played foul of that I yard, and then opened with a key the silent, flat upon hi face. He was up on the ledge above Reichenbach German mechanic who constructed it but which reverberated have long been aware. I harshly again in a moment and with convul- Fall." to the order of the late Professor Mobelieve that . back door of a house. We entered to- through the empty house. Holmes on the day of the murder Adair had gether, arid he closed it behind us. sive strength he seized Holmes by the The colonel still stared at my friend riarty. For years Ihave been aware crouched back against the wall and I discovered that Moran waa cheating. throat, but I struck him on the head like a man in a trance. of its existence, though I have never place was pitch dark, but it was The "You cundid fhe same, my Very likely he had spoken to him prithe opportunity of handevident to me that it was an empty the handle of my hand closing upon with the butt of my revolver and ning, cunning flend!" was all that he before had commend vately, and had threatened ling it. I revolver. Peering he dropped again upon the floor. I house. Our feet creaked and crackled through it very specially to expose could say. the vague I him unless he voluntarily resigned his "I have not introduced you yet," to your attention, Lestrade, and also over the bare planking-, and my out- outline of a gloom a saw the blacker fell upon him, and as I held him my man shade membership of the club, and promised "This, gentlemen, is the bullets which fit it." stretched hand touched a wall from than the comrade blew a shrill call unon a said Holmes. not to play cards again. It 13 unlikely that, "Tou can trust us to look \hi< h the paper was hanging In rib- He stood biacknes of the ooen door. whistle. There was the clatter ot Colonel Sebastian Moran, once of her for an instant and then he running feet upon the pavement and Majesty's Indian army, and the best Mr. Holmes," said Leatradeafter the that a youngster like Adair would at bon*. Holmes' cold, thin fingers as once make a hideous scandal by ex,closed round my wrist and, led me forwhole r>arty moved toward the door. posing a well-known man so much oldward, down a long hall, until I "Anything further to say?" dimly er than himself. Probably he acted as saw the murky fanlight over the door. "Only to ask what charge you inIsuggest. The exclusion from his Here- Holmes turned suddenly to the tend to nrefer ?" clubs would mean ruin to Moran, who right, ar.d we found ourselves in a "What charge, sir? Why, of course, large, square, empty room, heavily lived by his ill-gotten card-gains. He the attempted murder of Mr. Sherlock therefore murdered Adair, who at the shadowed in the corners, but faintly Holmes." time was endeavoring to work out lit in the centre from the lights of the do "Not so, Lestrade. I not propose to appear in the matter at all. To how much money he should nirnself street beyond. There was no lamp return, since he could not profit by near, and the window was thick you, and to you only, belongs the his with partner's foul play. He locked the credit of the remarkable arrest which dust, so that we could only Just disyou have effected. Yes, Lestrade, I cern each other's figures within. My door lest the ladies should surprise him companion put his hand congratulate you! With your usual and insist upon knowing what he was upon my happy mixture of cunning and audadoing with these names and coias shoulder and his lips close to my ear. Other Stories to Appear, One Each Week, city you have got him." you * know where we are?" he "Do Will it pass?" whispered. "Got him! Got whom, Mr.Holmes?" "I have no doubt that you have hit The The Adventure of the Norwood Builder. "Surely that Is Baker street," I an"The man that the whole force haa upon the truth." Adventure of the Six Napoleons. swered, staring through the dim winbeen seeking in vain Colonel SebasThe Adventure of the Dancing Men. "It will be verified or disproved at The Adventure of the Three Students. tian Moran, who shot Hon. Ronald dow. ttfMBJVSSSs&SHBs the trial. Meanwhile. com what raay The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist. The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez. Adair with an expanding burlet from "Exactly. We are in Camden House. Colonel Moran will trouble us no mor*' an airgun through the open window frcm an air-gun. All right, Mrs. Hud- The famous air-gun whir* -\u2666'nds opposite to our own old The Adventure of the Priory School. of Yon Herder jvill The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter. v of the second floor front of No. 427 son. I ."; am obliged for your assistance. embellish the quartets." \u25a0i^ The Adventure of Black Peter. iluseuoi The Adventure of the Abbey Grange. Park Lane, upc-n the 30th of last And now, Watson, let me see you in and once again Scotland Yard Holnvej "Bt<i why are we here?" Mr Sherlock month. That's the charge, Lestrade. your old scat once more, for there are free to- devote bis hie so excelLdventurc of Charles Augustus Milverton. "Because it commands The Adventure of the Second Stain. to examining now, Watson, if you can endure several points which And lent i irw *t that picturesque pile. I should like to these Interesting littl? problem* whic the draught from a broken window. discuss with you." Migh! I trovMc you, my dear Watthe complex life of London so pl-nj/think that half an hour in my study I He had thrown off the seedy frock- fully presents."
the little he had been a witness of his friend's Ft>n, to draw a every nearer to not precaution window, talcing d*ath and of n y escape. He had wir- to sfcow yourself, and then to look up ed,-&cd then making his way round to startingrooms the at our old the top of th cllli, he had endeavored point of so many of your little fairy to succeed had 1ales'* We rfl3 see if my three years where his comrade " %;\u25a0#\u25a0\u25a0 failed. of absence has entirely taken away surprise you." "I did not take long to think about it, my to ercpt forward and looked across at I "Watson. AgKia 1 saw that grim face window, As my eyes fell the knew that it uponfamiHnr look over the cliff, and I gave a gasp and a cry of it I was the precursor of another stone. I amazement. The blind was down, and I a stron? light was burning in the scrambled down to the path. don't think I could have done it in cold room. The shadow of a man who was " a chair within was thrown blood. It as a -hundred times more seated inblack outline upon the lumihard, had difficult than getting up. But I no In screen of the window. There was nous time to think of the danger, for an- r.o mistaking the poise of the head, the other stone sang past me as Ihung squareness the of th. shoulders, "by. my hands from the edge of the sharpness of the features. The face slipped, but, was turned half-round, and the effect ledge. Half way down I landed, torn was that of one of those black silby .the blessing of God. I took to houettes which our grandparents loved and bleeding;, upon the path. I

two policemen plain clothes





This is the First Story of the ''RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES" Series.

The Are:

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