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Parfait's (ALL-English) ----------------------------"Harvest Moon For Girl" guide ----------------------------[ V.3.0 ] (This FAQ posted at and cheatcc.

com) ...........Contents: ...........Note from the desk of . . . ...........000 - General explanations ...........001 - Goals of the game ...........nam - Name translations ...........10z - Beginner's walkthru ...........20x - Bachelors ...........30w - Secrets ...........30v - Festivals ...........40a - Marriage ---------Updated <3 ---------=> 11-05-02 The FAQ was started. Began the forward, general explanations, goals, and beginner's walkthrough. => 12-11-03 Finally made another update. Finished goals and continued walkthrough, began introduction to the villagers of Mineral Village. => 1-13-03 Continued the walkthrough. Did the secrets section and added some more things... I know it's not very good yet. =_=; => 1-15-03 Found some extremely stupid (but crucial) mistakes, concerning some events of the meeting of Kai and made some minor corrections. Final... for now.^^ => 2-22-03 Fixed Kai's ending!! (that's important!) Added Cliff's and Gray's endings (thanks!) => 5-28-03 Few! Yep, finally another update. ^__~ Added another Gray event at 'events available now', and added a Rick event and Doctor event. Also, added a new guaranteed win in the cooking festival. ----------------------------Note from the desk of Parfait ----------------------------Posted at and This FAQ is (C) Sweet Parfait.

Only use, print, and read this walkthrough if you have no intention of using it to make a profit for yourself~! The concept and games of Harvest Moon, and its characters, are all completely the work of Victor Interactive and Natsume, as well as the other respective owners of the Bokujo Monogatari series. Other than that, enjoy! ^_^ ----------------------000 General Explanations <3 ----------------------'Harvest Moon For Girl' (Also known as Bokujo Monogatari Harvest Moon For Girl, Harvest Moon For Girls, and Makiba Monogatari for garu) is strictly an import game, meaning, it was never brought over to North America and not a domestic game. The only ways to play it are on a Japanese/Asian Playstation or PS2, or a modded North American playstation. A popular way to do this without having to install a modchip is to buy a PS-x-change, which boots your import games very easily. HM For Girl's gameplay goes very much like Back to Nature's. Harvesting your crops, fishing, raising a horse... none of these things have changed. The townspeople are also still the way they were in Back to Nature. The most noticeable differences are a different opening story, a pink-colored house, a pink watering can, and instead of courting girls you are now trying to woo guys (Kai, Gray, Cliff, Rick, and Doctor). ^_^ You are you. Your character has no unique name, no noticeable personality, and behaves however you want her to. These are the wonders of Simulation style. And what are you to do in a game like this? Well ... your days will mostly be filled with watering crops, harvesting, chatting with your heart's desire and other villagers, giving and receiving presents, attending festivals, raising animals, upgrading your house and utensils, cooking, fishing, earning, spending, earning, spending, earning and spending ... and running around like mad trying to get everything done in a day that goes by in less than 15 minutes. (1/2-1 second equals a minute.) With this in mind, we'll begin. <3 -------------------001 Goals of the Game <3 -------------------Goals of the game ... There are several of them. While, assuming you're familiar with it, in Back to Nature's case your goal was to get a certain percentage of your farm by the fourth year and then live there forever, HM For Girl has (in my opinion) improved in this division. There are actual endings. Love endings. Marriage is the largest goal in this game. After about 3 or 4 nice (nearly-) consecutive cut-scenes, including the marriage, there's actual credits and you have achieved an ending.

Smaller goals are to get a 100% upgrade on your house, raising your farm percentage, and be loved by all the villagers in Town. This particular goal is achieved by giving the villagers items they like. If there is an event with a certain person, do or say the correct thing and they will like you more. Sometimes just going to Festivals raises their fondness towards you (especially if you win the festival). The more the villagers like you, the earlier you can enter their houses in the morning and their dialogue changes each time they like you more (I believe there are 3 to 5 different dialogues, depending on the person). -------------------nam Name Translations <3 -------------------These probably won't help you much unless you're knowledgable about Katakana. Kurifu= Cliff Ca-ta-san= Pastor Carter Riria= Lilia Ran= Anne Dokuta= Doctor Eri= Elli Gurei= Gray Most of the other names should be pretty much what they are in English. ---------------------10z Beginner's Walkthru <3 ---------------------After seeing the story opening, the first thing Mayor Thomas asks of you is to input your name. If you don't want to input it in Hiragana or Katakana (the Japanese) symbols, press the third button down on the right side and you should then be able to choose from your more familiar alphabet (A B C etc). The second items you need to input are your birthday (the symbols stand for= 1st: spring, 2nd: summer, 3rd: fall, 4th: winter), and the name of your farm. Lastly, input the name of your puppy. Your game this year will begin on the 2nd day of Spring. Mayor Thomas will be at your door and ask you if you'd like a tour of the town. If you say no, you'll have more time to do weeding etc., but if you want to get a little more familiar with the village go ahead and go-- it won't take the entire day. (Here is a run-down of the village, in order of exiting your farm from the NORTH.) Going north from the exit+ Saibara and Gray's house. Here you can buy a brush, milker and sheerer as well as upgrades for your tools (only with the right minerals). Going north from Saibara's house+ Mana and Duke's winery. Buy wine and grape juice. Going north from here+ Mary's house. + Mary's library.

Going east from here+ Ellen and Elli's house. Going east from here+ Mayor Thomas's house. Going east from here+ The supermarket (also Karen's house). Buy harvest seeds, backpack upgrades, fish food, basket, and food items here. On some festival days (Winter thanksgiving, moon-gazing festival, and starry night festival only) you can buy chocolate, octopus puffs, and dinner invitations here to give to the boy you're wooing (only on those days). Open from 9 AM (becomes earlier as Jeff likes you more) to 5 PM. Keep going east+ The infirmary. Elli and the Doctor are here most of the time. You can buy medicine or get a check-up for your health. If you faint because you've overworked, you'll end up here and won't wake up until the next day noon. South from the supermarket+ The inn. Ann and Doug live here. It is open late (8-21 says the sign). You can buy food and water here, but your character will consume it as soon as you buy it. East from the Infirmary+ The church. Carter-san lives here, and Cliff spends most of his time here (to begin with). Sometimes during the early afternoon, come in and enter the back room to confess something you're feeling guilty about. North of the church+ Follow a small path up from the church to find a small hut. Harvest Sprites live here. You can ask them to either water your crops, harvest your crops or take care of the animals. They will work better the more hearts they have for you (give them items like flour and eggs). Make sure to give them a gift while they work for you at the farm, or their hearts may go down. South of the church+ The town square. (Many festivals are held here). East of town square+ The beach. (Kai has his lodge here only in the summer). Northwest of town square+ You're back at the inn. South of town square+ This is Mai's house. You can buy cows and sheep (and food/items for them) here. West of here+ Lilia, Rick, and Popuri's house. You can buy chickens and chicken feed here. Going south instead+ Gotz's house in the woods. Now we're back at your farm. ^_^ If you exit it from the south, you'll come to the hot spring (to replenish your energy) and the mine (dig for minerals). If you decide to dig for minerals

here, you must remember to bring your hoe. Further west of here still, there's the mountain, where you can forage for many different nature-grown vegetables, flowers, mushrooms and herbs. The furhest place down here is Mother's Mound (moon-gazing night). On the first day, I would suggest bringing out a hammer and axe. (And hoe later on.) Weeds can simply be pulled out with your hands. Use the hammer on the small stones and the axe on the small pieces of logs (note that larger stones and tree stumps cannot be dealt with yet...) Once you've cleared enough space, take your hoe and make several small fields (for planting your seeds), like so: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

or like so:

Just not like so:

The last version I would not recommend until you've upgraded your watering can, and then only with crops that can only be harvested once. The first crop I recommend for harvest: Turnip. They grow rather quickly... and what you need right now is fast cash... But if you like, buy any other seed you want. Buy the seeds from the supermarket and while standing in the _middle_ of your seed field, plant them. (Every single seed square needs to be watered every day. If your watering can runs out of water, refill it in your river or fish pond.) -EVENTS AVAILABLE NOW+ Meet Gray After 1 PM or 2 PM, exit your farm north. There you'll have a rather awkward meeting. His heart will now be purple. If you decide to follow him, go to the Town Square. You'll see him and Mary talking, but doing so will alter his entire schedule for the rest of the game. + Meet Cliff Go to the church. I believe this is available by 10 AM. Cliff's heart will now be purple. + Meet Kai... in Spring! After seeing the event at the church with Cliff, re-enter the church (you can do this immediately afterwards). Decide to stay inside. Try to enter the back door. When you cannot get out, Kai enters. Choose to say you're not the pastor/you're stuck (I believe it is the second choice, if it isn't please send me an e-mail to correct me^^), or Kai will not meet you. In any case, if you and Kai come out of the room together, you picked the right choice. (He says you're cute!) <3 + Meet the Doctor This event is very similar to the one in Back to Nature. If you say you're in pain, the Doctor will take a look at you. This makes his heart go up to purple. + Meet Rick This event is the same as the one in Back to Nature. After Rick and Popuri's

argument, don't say her brother is terrible. Rick will appreciate it. + Meet Cliff, Part 2 Enter the inn. I think this is only available some time late in the afternoon (don't quote me on this and don't e-mail me questions on how to get it please... =_=). Cliff is at the inn, Anne and Doug introduce you. + Gray at the Mine Go inside the regular mine, at around the 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor you'll see him inside. If you give Gray a Silver Ore afterwards, he'll give you something in return about a week later. Remember to pick up your dog every day. <3 You can also show your dog to the villagers, most love him with a few exceptions (don't try to show Rick or the mayor...^^). Some also only like his puppy version but dislike his grown version. All of the boys (but Rick) like him. (hint, hint) You can already get your horse by going to Mai's house on a sunny day, but I would recommend against it until you have a little bit of room on your farm to put a fenced in area (use wood or stones) to place your horse on good days, and when you've already taken care of the things that seem so difficult early on. Once you have a horse, Saibara sends a message in your mailbox telling you there is a brush available to buy at his house. (Even if you have enough money, you won't be able to purchase it if your hands are full. Make sure there is space enough in your bag. If need be, return to your house to place other items like your hammer into the box so that you have room.) Brush your horse every day, but if it never gets to go outside its hearts won't go up fast enough (in exactly one year, Bailey will come over to see if your horse has at least 8 hearts. If it doesn't, he'll take it back. You cannot achieve this unless you let your horse outside on sunny days.) Chickens are buy a cow or every day or If an animal Mai's house. the easiest to take care of. Buy these first before deciding to sheep, which are more than double the cost. Remember to feed them their hearts will go down (or get sick). does manage to get sick, a potion can be bought from Lilia or from

Also... In case you missed it when Zack was telling you, once you harvest your crops, place them in the bin by your house. Anything you forage from the mountain or gotz's backyard can also be sold by placing it into the bin (Zack comes by every day except festival days at 5 PM to retreive the items and pay you.) -UPGRADES AND POWER-UPSHouse upgrades aren't cheap, and you can't perform them in any order you want. Not only this, but you need the right amount of wood. Chopping small branches only gives you one piece. If you upgrade your axe, you'll be able to cut tree stumps for more amounts of wood. (You can also buy them from Gotz, but this can get expensive.) First upgrade= chicken house Second upgrade= your house (kitchen) Third upgrade= barn

Fourth upgrade= your house (second room) Fifth upgrade= greenhouse To upgrade your utensils (hammer, axe, etc), you need to use them a lot, so that they have the right amount of experience to upgrade them (see in your menu how far along they are.) You'll see a small picture of a type of mineral underneath each utensil, according to how much you've used it. Mine for the minerals (either at the normal or winter mine), and bring them to Saibara for the upgrades (also not cheap). -LOVE AND HEART-RATINGSYou'll notice a small heart under each boy's dialogue. What's this, you say? It represents the boy's feelings for you. Black = He hardly knows you. Purple = You've met on good terms. Blue = He likes you. Green = He thinks very highly of you. Yellow = He has quite a crush on you. Orange = His crush is more like love. Red = This is the higheset heart rating to achieve. You cannot get married until this is achieved. With this they know they are in love and are ready to be with you. To build up the ratings here, just keep giving them gifts. On their birthday, wrap the gifts up for them (at the supermarket). Also show them your dog (except Rick), speak to them sometimes, and when there is a chance, during an event say and do the correct thing. Back to the walkthrough... On the 7th, I believe Karen comes over to teach you how to dance at the Goddess Festival. She should be coming at noon. If she doesn't, don't worry... you'll still be able to go to the Goddess Festival and dance. On the 7th, after you go to sleep, Gotz will knock at your door. (This happens automatically.) He'll give you a dress for the Goddess Festival. Usually, the boy that likes you more will come over to your farm in the afternoon to ask if you would go to the Festival with him, but in the first year there's no one that will ask you. You'll probably go alone. On the 8th, it's the Goddess Festival. So get everything done at your farm that you need to, then open your pink cosmetic box and pick "Change clothes." You'll be in your Goddess attire. You can't run in it, so you'll be moving pretty slow. Head to the town square and observe the dancing (In future years, when the boy that likes you the most asks you to come, after the dance there will be a small event with him at a certain spot.) ***NOTE- If Kai is the boy that likes you the most, it's tough luck-- He'll never be around during any other festivals besides the ones in Summer. Therefore, it will be the boy that you like second-best that comes to ask you the next year... >.< (I know, I didn't like it either...)

On your birthday, the boy that likes you the most and other villagers that like you will send you letters. (Check your mailbox) The same thing happens on the first few days of the New Year. <3 Also... Your TV shows a weather channel, news channel, farming FAQ channel, and the other is different every day of the week. Sometimes on this channel, you'll see an Advertising show selling cooking utensils. You need to buy these in order to make different dishes. Once you've watched the show, go to the Inn and call them using the phone by the counter. It takes 3 days for the item to get to you. And I'll leave the rest to you! <3 -----------20x Bachelors <3 -----------Bachelor (n) - In other words, a boy that is available for wooing.^^; Here's a run-down of all the boys: + Kai + Although he's somewhat over-confident and coy, he is very honest and a sweet person deep down. The most athletic (and tan) boy, and also a ladies man, but once he is in love with you there is no changing his mind. ^_^ <3 Birthday: Summer 22 (items he likes: tomato, corn, flour, oil, honey) Courting him: Pretty easy... **NOTE** Kai is only there in the summer. Only once can you see him in first year during spring. For the other festivals, it will be the boy that likes you second-best that will ask you (goddess fest, etc). **NOTE** Winning the swimming festival makes Kai like you more-- more than it affects the other boys. + Gray + A shy boy when it simply to have you Birthday: Winter 6 Courting him: It's

comes to you. Though not exactly social, he is kind and glad around. Eager to please his grandfather, Saibara. (items he likes: any minerals, flowers, eggs, wine) hard...

+ Rick + A very open and social guy. Often depressed because of his sister, Popuri. Kind-hearted but hates Kai. Birthday: Fall 27 (items he likes: chickens, eggs) Courting him: Very, extremely easy. + Doctor + Very intelligent but often seems expressionless. However... He does care for the wellfare of others, and yourself, if you ever fall sick or exhausted, he's the one taking care of you. Birthday: Fall 17 (items he likes: wine, green/red/blue herb) Courting him: Seems to be the hardest of all.

+ Cliff + A young man full of emotion. Shy at first, but becomes very open if you got to know him well enough. Birthday: Summer 6 (items he likes: curry, bread, rice ball, apple) Courting him: Pretty easy. **NOTE** Don't let Cliff leave the first year in winter if you're trying to court him! When Duke asks you to come work at the winery during Fall, ask Cliff about it and he'll begin working there. This way, he won't leave. (Although his schedule will change.) By the way... Most of the guys DO like jewelry, just like the girls did in BTN. (You can put your other jewelry into your pink clothing case.) ---------30w Secrets <3 ----------Power Berry Locations: (Power Berries raise your stamina and add 1% to your farm percentage.) + Take your axe and try to cut the old tree at the mountain. Pick the second choice and spare the tree, to get a power berry. + Win the swimming festival first year. + Behind the winter mine. + Inside the mine (dig around there). + Dig inside the winter mine. + Fish at the beach. + Buy at the horse race. + Plant 100 flowers at your farm, someone will come by. If you let her take as many as she wants, she gives you a power berry. + After buying all the cooking utensils from the tv show, see it again and they'll be advertising a power berry for 5000 G. Go to the inn and order it (via phone). -Harvest Goddess Throw 5 items from your farm into the waterfall (stand above it and center). Each time you throw something in, the goddess should appear. If she doesn't, then it didn't work. She'll only appear on sunny days, and not in winter or festival days. After you throw in 5 items, she raises your friendship with Gotz. After you throw in 5 items a second time, the boy that likes you the most comes to you as you walk down the steps. (Kai only comes if it is summer. If it's not summer then it will be the boy that likes you second-best.) -----------30v Festivals <3 -----------Some festivals have changed from Back to Nature's time. Spring 1 New Years (6 PM). Go to the Town Square to dance with a boy or to the Inn for a

party with the older villagers. Spring 8 Goddess Fest (10 AM). Go to the town square and dance with the other girls. On the day before, the boy that likes you the most will come by your farm after 12 PM and asks to be your escort (does not happen the first year). He'll be at your farm to pick you up. <3 Spring 14 Spring Thanksgiving. The boy that likes you the most will come by your farm with a present (chocolate cookies). This will most likely not happen the first year. Spring 18 Horse Race at town square. Spring 22 Cooking Festival. You can enter the first year with a boiled egg, but you won't win with it. A guaranteed win is with the tea you received from the Harvest Sprites if you attended their party. (Can't make tea with the herbs the first year, you probably won't have a kitchen yet.) *update* Another guaranteed win is -- get a truffle (available in fall) and mix it with a Riceball (available at Karen's store). Enter with this dish during second year and you'll be sure to win the cooking festival. Summer 1 Swimming Festival at the beach. You can swim along with the guys and kick their butts. :P (If you win, your reward is a power berry) Summer 7 Sumo Chicken Fest at Town Square. Summer 12 Very fun: Tomato Fest at Town Square. ^_^ Unortunately... you can't be in a team with the guy you like. If you try to be, you'll just be replacing them anyway. Summer 20 Cow Festival. Summer 24 Fireworks Festival. 6 PM at the beach. This doesn't work the first year, but in later years, you can ask the guy you like to watch the fireworks with you. Fall 3 Music Festival. 6 PM at church. Fall 9 Harvest Festival. Bring a small food item such as egg or honey. Fall 13 Moon-gazing Festival. Buy an octopus puff from Jeff at the supermarket (simiply talk to him). Bring it with you at 6 PM and at Mother's Mound you'll find the boy that likes you the most. Fall 21 -

Sheep Fest. Winter 10 Dog Race. (I hope you've been playing catch with him using the pink dog-ball offered by Wong, a few times every day.) Winter 14 Winter Thanksgiving. Whee! ^_^ Talk to Jeff at the supermarket to buy chocolate. Either give this to the boy you like, keep it, or make a chocolate cake to give to him. Winter 24 Starry Night. Whee^^ Talk to Jeff at the supermarket to buy an invitation. (I think the day before, because on the 24th all the houses are closed.) Give it to the boy you like the most, and make sure to have a few things to eat ready in your backpack the night he comes over. Winter 30 New Year's Eve. Go to Mother's Mound at 12 AM. (midnight) You should get letters in your mailbox the few days afterwards from villagers that like you enough. ----------40a Marriage <3 (events) ----------Once a boy's heart is red, a whole new set of Events are open to you. I've only finished Kai's set of events. If you have finished any of the other boys' endings, please e-mail them to me. You'll be given full credit. ^_^; I have Gray's and Cliff's endings here thanks to How to get: + Kai's Ending + During third year or second year (usually third year), on a late day in summer (usually the 20-something), it will be a rainy day. Go to the beach after 11 AM, and you'll see an event. Pick the first option and let Kai come to your house. (Now when you talk to him at the inn he has a new dialogue.) Once Kai's heart is RED, go to the inn after 8 AM (morning). Another event occurs. I don't think it really matters which choice you pick, but I like the first one. That night after you go to sleep, you'll see an event at the church (this happens automatically). Say the first thing. (Expressing your love) Kai will be at your house. Then he leaves. (Right now, when you talk to him at the inn he has a new dialogue.) On the first day of Fall, Kai comes to your house with a blue feather (you know what that means!) Accept it with the first option. After seeing the marriage and the other cool event, you've achieved your ending. <3 Congratulations! You've conquered Harvest Moon For Girl! <3 (Author's word: This is a very sweet and overall good ending. ^_^)

How to get: + Cliff's Ending + (found by the great first one; go to mountain peak at 10 pm - 11.50 pm at Winter, I think he'll be talking about the stars. I've tried the 2 choices but his face is just the same but I prefer the first one. Second one; I don't remember what's the season, but I think it's fall. Go to the AJA Winery; NOT the house but the warehouse when Cliff IS working there. It won't work if Cliff is not there. There is no choices. He will only give you a grape juice. Third one; this one is the event which is going to trigger the event of your marriage. Again; at 10 pm at the Mountain Peak. Choices again... (I think it's the first one...not sure though). If you choose the right one one week later he will come and propose you. ^_^ Choose the first one. If you reject to marry him; he will be sad. How to get: + Gray's Ending + (found by the great I'll start from Gray first. I think you've got the event when you find him in the mine cave. The second one happens when his heart is already yellow; I think you can get this event at any season. At 7 pm, you go to Saibara's Blacksmith area (DON'T enter it, just go to the screen where the blacksmith is 7 pm SHARP; and don't wait at the screen where there is the blacksmith, instead wait at your farm and when it's 7 pm go to the blacksmith's screen). You won't be given any choices here. It's only a scene between Saibara and Gray fighting. ANd the event when Gray asked to borrow your windmill is the same as the one in BTN. Only when the tool breaks you will be given the choice. I try both but the result are the same; if you want to see the continuation of the event go to the square. If gray's heart already red, go to the blacksmith. (I've got this event on the first of Winter) You will see an event (Notice that the song is different) I don't remember which choice you should take. But if you reject Gray the song (I think) will change. If you take the right choice, one week later Gray will come and propose you!! ^_^ choose the first one... (this is always the same for every guy) Doctor's Events The Doctor's ending has not been found yet, but here are some events that will help lead to a better relationship with him. (When Doctor's heart is at green) On a Wednesday, go to the lake at 3 PM. Choose the second option. ( Rick's Events Rick's ending has not been found yet, but here are some events that will help lead to a better relationship with him. In the middle of Fall, Rick will come to your farm (you must have 5 chickens or less) and ask you to take care of his for a while. You can keep the eggs that these chickens lay in the meantime... ( ***(Author's word----Please realize, that if you reject the guys when they propose to you with the

blue feather, you'll never be able to try and marry them again.) -----------------------Credits -----------------------Put together by the effort of: (C) Sweet Parfait ( I thank -- for a WHOLE lot of the info on the events. ^_^ Arigato! * Until next time~ sayo! ^.~

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