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APWH Exam Review Squares Unit I Neolithic Revolution

-Slash and Burn -Domestication -Specialization of labor -Agriculture -early river civilizations

Shang & Zhou Dynasties

-Yellow River -tortoise shells for divination -trading networks -tombs -Bronze

First Civilizations
-River valleys -Centralization -Domestication -Agriculture -Polytheism -Southwest Asia -Ziggurats -Tigris + Euphrates rivers -unpredictable flooding -irrigation -cuneiform -Old/Middle/new Kingdoms Ramses II) -predictable flooding (silt) -Basin Irrigation (dikes) -Pharaohs Giza) -Polytheism -Northern India -extremely fertile (silt) -unpredictable flooding -walls and canals -Mohenjo-Daro -flooding -Caste -India -No caste for women -No social mobility -Vedas

-Brahmins -Untouchables -atman (eternal self) -Reincarnation -Karma -Dharma

-domestication -code of Hammurabi -Hittites -Southwest Asia -Epic of Gilgamesh -Sumer -Hieroglyphics -Hebrews (durring

-4 noble truths -Ashoka (In India, Religious tolerance rock pillar edicts) -eightfold path -Sutra -Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) -Nirvana -Release from desires

Ancient Egypt
-Papyrus -Amen-Re -Pyramids (Great Pyramid of -Isolated

-Filial Piety -5 relationships -civil service exam -China -Gov't possitions to the deserving -Confucius -Analects -Period of Waring States

Indus Civilization & Aryans

-Harappa -Vedic Period -Sanscrit -Rig Veda

Daoism & Legalism

-Lao Zi -The Way -wu wei non interference -potheads

-Torah -10 commandments -Moses -First monotheistic religion -Mesopotamia in Ur -Jesus messiah -Apostles -Rome -Bible (New Testament) -Illegal in Rome early on -City-states -Athens + Sparta -Polis -Polytheistic -Decentralized -Diaspora -Hebrew

Han Dynasty
-Confucianism -civil service exam -Mandate of Heaven -Iron -increase in production, population, trade

-Legal under Constantine -Caesar -Augustus -Constantine

Roman Empire

Ancient Greece
-Alexander the Great -Hellenistic period -

Silk Road
-Series of land trade routes -Central Asia -spread of new technology -Bazaars Caravans -spread of religion (Buddhism) -spread of disease (smallpox) -

India (Maurya & Gupta)

-Chandragupta Maurya -decentralized??? Rome) -Trade network -Ashoka tolerance) -Buddhism the Huns -Waring States period -end of Chinese feudalism measurements -Mandate of Heaven -Legalism (harsh rule) -Great Wall of China -golden age of India -trade network (including -influx of gold and silver -Hindu (w/ religious -collapse after invasion by

Bantu Migrations

Qin Dynasty
-roads and bridges -standardized weights and -centralized -forced labor -Terracotta

Fall of Classical Empires

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