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090361 : Tadris Bahasa Inggris : THE EFFECT OF DISIPLINE STUDENTS LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING ENGLISH IN SMP N3 THE DISTRICT TEBO. A. Background To face the challenges of globalization, human resources are required to have high intellectual ability and thinking, namely that include logical reasoning skills, systematic thinking, critical care, and able to communicate ideas, especially creative in solving problems. These skills should be developed through a learning process that is designed and developed intentionally to these things appear as a desired outcome on students. School as a formal educational institution serves to guide students to have the skills and knowledge and form a positive attitude and personality of students. Materials provided, as well as learning activities should be so arranged in the form of learning programs that are conducive to achieving the goals set school education. Implementation of the educational program is intended to help the student develop his personality so hopefully more able to face life's challenges, both at present and for the future. This suggests that the role of educational institutions is a very important factor in efforts to foster and develop students to become citizens of quality. School education process known as learning; learning in the implementation played by teachers and students. Talk about effective learning, one factor that is urgent from the FAKULTAS : Tarbiyah JURUSAN JUDUL

students that one of them is how patterns of student learning, how students' behavior in terms of obedience. A student in the following learning activities in schools will not be separated from the various rules and regulations in force at the school, and each student is required to be able to behave in accordance with the rules and regulations that apply in school. Compliance and adherence to the students of various rules and regulations applicable in the school's student discipline called. While the regulation, order, and various other provisions that attempt to regulate the behavior of students referred to school discipline. School discipline is a business school to maintain student behavior in order not to deviate and to encourage students to behave in accordance with the norms, rules and regulations that apply in school. The meaning of rules in school (school rule), such as rules about dress standards (standards of clothing), punctuality, social behavior and ethical study / work. Menurut Suradinata (1996: 150), disiplin pada dasarnya mencakup pelajaran, patuh, taat, kesetiaan, hormat kepada ketentuan/peraturan/norma yang berlaku. Dalam hubungannya dengan disiplin kerja, disiplin merupakan unsur pengikat, unsur integrasi dan merupakan unsur yang dapat menggairahkan kerja bahkan dapat pula sebaliknya. Student success in learning can be seen from the relevant student achievement, especially English. Students' learning achievements obtained are influenced by various factors, both internal and external factors. Internal factors are very important role in determining student achievement of which is discipline. School-age children or students to have an important role in the development of nation and state, because they are the next generation who are expected to develop and produce works that are useful for the country. In the hands of students is how the development of a country is determined. Children who are educated, disciplined, and intellectually qualified, mental and spiritual will be able competent in running the nation

and state, so that the survival and dignity of the nation can be assured. Discipline in school-age children is very important to note, the rules are clear and focused greatly affect the child in later adult life. Discipline in children should be done, one of which is discipline must be reasonable and the consequences if the discipline is violated. In terms of discipline in school-age children, parents or teachers have to mean it with what he said. Consistent application of rules and punishments are much more useful light for a child than the regulations are not consistent and severe punishment. Consistent or so-called discipline is the way a parent or teacher to show the children that the parents actually pay attention to his behavior, so parents will be more motivated to behave in line with expectations. Can be seen in the fact that educational institutions in general and in the SMP N 3 counties Tebo in particular, still found that no action or lack of discipline the students mainly from the accuracy of incoming students during the first hour of the lesson is at 7:00 pm. Many students who are late lead to less smooth process of teaching and learning activities during the first hour. Delay is not without reason, a variety of reasons expressed by students who are late, including the students come from rural areas that the course of the teak forests of clay or a bike ride to the school yard. Weak economic factor is one reason that makes the child less attention to discipline in a set time to go to school especially suit the appointed hour. For example, a student who is being too tired to help parents work for a living at night, so he built it up late and too late for the first hour following the lesson. This means that the students' proficiency level of self-discipline learning is still lacking because of the students who have the discipline to learn to be self-directed and controlled so that shows the order in learning activities, students learn in a programmed

manner. Efforts to improve learning outcomes can be made by any party to the students as teachers, parents, and peers who carried them to always give the spirit of learning such as attention, praise, punishment is to educate, and reward. Then instill self-discipline in learners with good habits such as obey the school regulations provide penalties for noncompliance educate. Based on this background the authors are interested in doing research under the title: THE EFFECT OF DISCIPLINE STUDENTS LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING ENGLISH IN SMP N3 THE DISTRICT TEBO. B. Formation Based on the grand tour and the results of observations made by researchers to conduct interviews with several students, the researchers found evidence of the data as opposed to the problems that researchers want precise, among others: 1. Many students who do not comply with the applicable rules of schools in terms of dress, among other things: a lot of students who violate the rules are not included in the form of clothes, short socks, and wearing the bracelet. 2. Many students who do not comply with the applicable rules of schools grows in

learning, such as not making the task of who was told by the teacher, late into the lesson, when I was a truant and subject areas. Based on the grand tour of the above, it can be formulated problem "Is there any influence of the discipline (X) to the achievement of students learning English (Y) in the junior class X 2 City of Edinburgh. C. Research Objectives and Purpose

1. Research objectives a. Want to know how big score disciplinary learning English in junior high school students N 3 Tebo regency. b. Want to know how big score of the students learning English in junior high N 3 Tebo regency.

2. usability Research The purpose of this study are: a. To see if there is a disciplinary effect on learning outcomes of students learning English in junior class VIII N3 Tebo regency. b. To broaden the knowledge of researchers to the problem under study. c. As input for the school in care. d. As one of the requirements in order to achieve a degree Strata One (SI) in English Language Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN STS Jambi.

D. Theory framework 1. Learning discipline a. Conceptual definition "The discipline of learning is a condition that is created and developed through one's efforts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with their environment that indicate the values of obedience, obedience, loyalty, and or order.1 H. Udin.S. Winata putra, M.A. dkk. Memberi definisi disiplin belajar adalah teknik yang digunakan oleh guru untuk membangun atau memelihara keteraturan didalam
1 Haning Setyo Susilowati. Skripsi Pengaruh Disiplin Belajar, Lingkungan Keluarga dan Sekolah Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa,( Disiplin. diakses (Senin, 07 Mei 2012, jam 20.15 wib)

kelas.2 Learn discipline covers any kind of influence on the show to help learners so that he can understand and adjust to the demands of their environment and also importantly on how to resolve claims that they may want the students demonstrated against the environment.3 Menurut Oteng Sutisna dalam buku Manajemen Pembelajaran Kelas, disiplin adalah esensial bagi semua kegiatan kelompok yang terorganisasi. Para anggota harus mengendalikan keinginan-keinginan pribadi masing-masing dan bekerja sama untuk kebaikan semua.4 Discipline is one very important aspect in the life of a person's life and the lives of both peoples and nations. No matter how smart a person without a high discipline in itself and it will bring it into the doom and misery. Self-discipline is an essential substance for the global era of owned and developed by the child because the child discipline can have internal controls to behave morally and always obey so children do not drift in the currents of globalization but it is capable of coloring and accommodating.5 As for the method or strategy of a teacher in instilling discipline in the classroom include: 1. Model order is already set by the school. 2. Is there a regular class meeting, especially if there are rules that need to be in the review. 3. Customize the application of rules to the level of child development.

2 Winata Putra dkk. Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta : UT Departemen Pendidikan Nasiomal, 2001 hlm. 106. 3 Martinis Yamin dan maisah, Manajemen Pembelajaran Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada 2009. Hlm. 48. 4 Martinis Yamin dan maisah, Manajemen Pembelajaran Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada 2009. Hlm. 47. 5 Schochib moh, Pola Asuh Orang Tua untuk Membantu Anak Mengembangkan Disiplin Diri. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 1989. Hlm. 12.

From the definitions above we can conclude that the discipline of learning can mean a degree of order contained in a group that is in a class or technique that teachers use to build or maintain order in the classroom. Discipline is also intended as a regularity of behavior based on moral values that exist in students with no pressure and encouragement from external factors. Disciplinary study of high importance due to being owned by each student with a high learning discipline will allow students to learn the spirit, directed, and organized. Students who have learned the discipline is likely to be able to obtain a better learning outcome than students with low learning discipline. b. Operational definitions Disciplinary learning is a condition or situation that is safe and orderly manner in which persons who are members of an organization or institution subject to and comply with the order comply with the rules that have been defined, specific compliance time student readiness to learn in the classroom as students receive lessons, always learning quiet, not moving a seat, do the tasks given by teachers in the classroom, to comply with the order of asking and responding to questions from teachers and teachers appreciate, in order to reach the desired destination. Discipline needs to be invested in the self-study students so that students are able to discipline themselves. Learning is the center of rotation of the discipline of school life, high discipline will lead to the creation of a conducive learning climate, a low level of compliance will not lead to the creation of a learning climate that is expected. Number of students in a class are generally much, disciplined habits of disciplined habits at school is expected to result in the community It is clear that learning discipline planting needs to be invested in the community because it involves the habit later. In effect the discipline is the ability to control himself in the sense not to perform any act contrary to a set.

When examined again the sense of discipline to learn on the most important element is training to achieve compliance with the regulations stipulated. So obviously any effort to achieve student learning discipline must not be separated from the things that are educational, learning discipline is the discipline of learning a priority to compliance with the regulations or order has been established by the school rules, especially in learning. 2. Learning Outcomes a. Conceptual definition Learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of action learning and teaching.6 Learning outcomes are relatively sedentary behavior change in a person as a result of one's interaction with its environment.7 Learning outcomes are reflected in both behavior change materially substantial, functional structures, as well as behavior.8 Study results appear as a change in student behavior, which can be observed and measured in terms of changes in knowledge attitudes and skills. Learning outcomes are the mental changes or modifications to the tendency of self learners. As a result of learning, the changes that occur in a person takes place on an ongoing basis is not static. One change that occurs will cause the following changes and will be useful for studying processes of life or the next.9 Understanding of learning outcomes that have been put forward by experts in sintesiskan above can be learned is that the "change". Therefore a person performs activity
6 Dmyati dan Mujiono. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2009, hlm 3 7 Hamzah B. Uno. Model Pembelajaran Menciptakan Proses Belajar Mengajar Yang Kreatif dan Eefektif. Jakarta : Bumi Askara, 2008, hlm 213 8 Syaiful Bahri Djamrah dkk. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta : PT R Ineka Cipta, 2010, hlm 11 9 Daryanto. Belajar dan Mengajar. Bandung : Yrama Widya, 2010, hlm 3

to learn and obtain a change in him by gaining new experiences, then the individual is said to have learned. b. Operational definitions Learning is a process by which a person seeks to obtain a change in the relative steady. In teaching and learning activities at school, children who succeed in learning is the child who has reached the goal of learning or instructional objectives. The results obtained by studying the ability of students in schools of an act of learning are reflected in behavioral changes that could affect the outlook and how to solve a problem. Learning out comes as a measure to determine student success in mastering a subject after attending the learning process.

E. The research hypothesis "The hypothesis is a statement that remains to be empirically verifiable."10 Where the formulation of the problem researchers have been expressed in the form of sentence following statement: Ha: There is a discipline of study on the influence of learning English in junior high school students N3 Tebo regency. Ho: There is no impact on the discipline of learning to learn English in junior high school students N3 Tebo regency. F. Research procedures 1. Approach and scope of the study a. The research approach
10 Iskandar. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan sosial ( kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Jakarta : Gaung Persada Perss, 2008, hlm 56

The research approach is to use a quantitative approach; where the writer wanted to know how much influence the discipline of learning on student learning outcomes is by taking a score of student learning outcomes. b. The scope of research The scope of this study is located in District 3 Junior High School District Tebo and his research subject is a class VII Secondary School District 3 District Tebo. 2. Types and data sources a. types of data Types of data in this study were secondary data and primary data. 1) Primary data Primary data is the statistical data obtained or derived from first-hand. These authors use primary data to determine student learning outcomes derived from the deployment questionnaire.

2) secondary data Secondary data is data obtained from the data collection or processing of documentation in the form of reviewers is the study of personal documents, official institutional, regulatory references or reports, and others that have relevance to the focus issue. Secondary data is data that is used in primary and complete data were collected to strengthen the response of the problems to be discussed, in this case the data include: a) History and geography junior high school 3 Tebo regency. b) Structure the school organization c) The situation of teachers, students and administrative staff

d) Facilities and infrastructure e) other data that has to do with this research b. sources of data The meaning of the source data in the study is the subject of where the data can be obtained. 1) Data is the data collected questionnaires directly from students about the discipline of learning. 2) Data are the results of studying the data obtained from the english language test scores of students semester 1.

In this study there are two variables which consist of: a) The independent variable As independent variables in this study are the discipline of students learning English who were evaluated using a questionnaire distributed directly to all students who are members of the sample. b) The dependent variable As the dependent variable in this study is the result of students learning English SMPN 3 counties Tebo obtained from semester 1 exam.

3) Population and Sampling Techniques a. Population Population is the entire subject of research which may consist of human, objects, animals, plants, symptoms, tests or events as a source of data that have certain characteristics in the study. b. Sampling Techniques Samples were taken in part from a representative population or a representative of the population in question or a small part was observed. The samples are taken randomly and proportionally equivalent in which all members of the population have the same opportunity to be sampled. 4) Data Collection Techniques To obtain the data necessary and appropriate to the purpose of research inin, the techniques used in data collection as follows. a. Observation method Observation the observations directly to the object of research for a close look at the activities carried out. Observations used in this study are the direct observation of the object being observed in the data taken as the value of English. b. Method of Documentation Method of documentation is to find data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, and minutes of meetings, agenda, and so forth. From the description above, the documentation is very useful to obtain information from the source data is written to help solve problems through analysis of documentation. c. interview method The interview is a way of collecting data used to obtain information directly from the source. This method is used to support the methods of observation and documentation. To obtain information about the history of the SMP N3, researchers are also using interviews with principals and

teachers assemblies. d. Polls and Questionnaires Questionnaire is a list of questions given to someone else is willing to respond in accordance with user demand. 1) Preparation of Questionnaire In general, questionnaires are distributed to the students to function as a measuring tool in the study. Structured questionnaire about the school environment on student motivation in learning activities. One of the environmental scale that is often used in educational research is the Likert scale in which the state filed a statement both positive and negative statements assessed the subject is always, often, sometimes, rarely, never. 2) Analysis of Pilot Questionnaire A good instrument must fulfill two essential requirements are valid and reliable. a) Validity Validity is the degree of determination between the data objects that occur in the study with data that can be reported by the investigators, so valid data is data that did not differ between the data reported by researchers with data that actually happened on the object of research. b) Reliability of the questionnaire Indicates the reliability of an understanding that an instrument can be trusted enough to be used as a means of collecting data because the instrument is good. 5. Data analysis To test the hypothesis and answer the formula that has made the analysis of data. But before further data analysis it is first necessary to test for normality and homogeneity test.

a. normality test Objective test for normality is to see a sample of normally distributed or not. The steps: 1) Determine score big and small scores. 2) Determine the range (R) 3) Determine the number of classes (BK) BK = 1 +3.3 log N (Formula Sturgess) 4) Determine the length of the class (i) 5) Determine the average or mean (x) 6) Determine the standard deviation (S) b. test of homogeneity Homogeneity test is performed to see whether the two groups of samples have a homogeneous variance or not. Homogeneity test is a test of different authors use variance. The steps: 1) Find the variance of the largest and the smallest variance. 2) Compare the calculated value of F and F tables, using the formula: Numerator = n-1 (for the largest variance) Denominator = n-1 (for the smallest variance) Significant level () = 0.05 then look at the chart table F obtained F = 2.94 Testers with the following criteria: If the calculated F F table, means not homogeneous and If the calculated F F table, means homogeneous.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Haning Setyo Susilowati. Skripsi Pengaruh Disiplin Belajar, Lingkungan Keluarga dan Sekolah Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa, ( Disiplin. diakses (Senin, 07 Mei 2012, jam 20.15 wib) Winata Putra dkk. Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta : UT Departemen Pendidikan Nasiomal, 2001 hlm. 106. Martinis Yamin dan maisah, Manajemen Pembelajaran Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada 2009. Hlm. 48. Martinis Yamin dan maisah, Manajemen Pembelajaran Kelas. Jakarta : Gaung Persada 2009. Hlm. 47. Schochib moh, Pola Asuh Orang Tua untuk Membantu Anak Mengembangkan Disiplin Diri. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta 1989. Hlm. 12.

Dmyati dan Mujiono. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2009, hlm 3 Hamzah B. Uno. Model Pembelajaran Menciptakan Proses Belajar Mengajar Yang Kreatif dan Eefektif. Jakarta : Bumi Askara, 2008, hlm 213 Syaiful Bahri Djamrah dkk. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta : PT R Ineka Cipta, 2010, hlm 11 Daryanto. Belajar dan Mengajar. Bandung : Yrama Widya, 2010, hlm 3 Iskandar. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan dan sosial ( kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Jakarta : Gaung Persada Perss, 2008, hlm 56.

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