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Ae 6 6eoc THC eipHNHC AP^CAI YMAC oAoreAelc,


THpH6ei'H. nicTOc 6 K&AooN Y'MAC, dc KA'I noincei.






npoc6Yxec0e . . . FNA d Ao'roc TOY Kypi'oy Tpe')(H



to the Thessalonians can hardly be said to

received at the hands of English scholars the
attention they deserve, in view not only of their own intrinsic
interest, but of the place which they occupy in the Sacred
Canon. They are generally believed to be the earliest of
St Paul's extant Epistles, and, if so, are, in all probability,
the oldest Christian documents of importance that have come
down to us. Certainly no other of the Pauline writings give
us a clearer idea of the character of the Apostle's missionary
preaching, or present a more living picture of the surroundings
of the primitive Christian Church. A
detailed study of their
contents is essential, therefore, to a proper understanding of
the Apostolic Age, and forms the best introduction to the
more developed interpretation of Christian thought, which we
are accustomed to describe as Paulinism.
This must be made the excuse for the length at which
certain subjects bearing on St Paul's language and teaching as
a whole are dealt with in the Introduction, and also for the
numerous references to recent literature dealing with these
points, which will be found especially in the foot-notes. Writing
as I have had to do far from a Library, the
difficulty I have
experienced in keeping abreast of the advances of modern
scholarship has led me to believe that those similarly situated
may be glad to be directed to the sources where they are most
likely to find help.
The Text adopted for the Commentary is the Greek Text
of Westcott and Hort which, through the kind permission of

Messrs Macmillan and Co., has been reproduced here exactly as

it stands in the latest authoritative revision. Full note has,
however, been taken of all variants of importance, and for the
convenience of students a brief summary has been given of the
Authorities for the Text in Introduction vn.
In Introduction viii. there will be found a selected list of
the more important Commentaries on the Epistles, and of
various Monographs dealing with special points raised by them.

My obligations to these are undoubtedly greater than I have

been able to acknowledge but I have not thought it advisable

to overload my Notes by discussing or quoting the views of

others, exceptwhere this seemed to be really demanded. An

exception has been made in the case of the rich and terse
comments of the patristic writers, and such later expositors as
Calvin and Bengel and the Latin translations of Beza, Estius,

and others have been freely cited, wherever they threw light
on the exact meaning of the original.
In addition, moreover, to the ordinary sources of help, there
are two which have been so largely used in the following work
that they may be specially mentioned.
The publication within recent years of large collections of

Inscriptions and Papyri has now made possible a thorough

re-study of the Pauline language in the light of contemporary
documents. Upon the general questions that are thereby
raised, such as the disappearance of much that used to be
known as
Biblical Greek,' and the existence or non-existence
of 'Semitisms' in the Greek New Testament, this is not the
place to enter :
they will be found fully stated in the writings
of such experts as Professors Deissmann and Thumb, and
Dr J. H. Moulton, and, from a more conservative point of view,

of the lamented Dr Friedrich Blass. All that we are meanwhile

concerned with is the light thrown upon St Paul's letters by
the constant occurrence in them of words and phrases, which
are now proved to have formed part of the common stock of
the Apostle's own time, even when it is equally clear that their
meaning has been deepened and enriched in his hands, partly
through the influence of the Greek Old Testament, and partly
through the power of his own Christian consciousness.
Much work has still to be done before the full extent of the

new lexical discoveries can be properly estimated ; but the

citations in the following pages may at least serve to draw
increased attention to the richness of the field that is being

gradually opened up before the New Testament student. full A

listof the collections made use of with the names of their

distinguished editors will be found in Index III. I (a) and (6).

In the second place, as regards St Paul's thought, or, more
exactly, the form in which his thought often clothes itself, we
are again enabled to judge how largely he was a man of his
own time, through the convenient editions of later Jewish
literature, which we owe to the labours of the contributors
to Kautzsch's Apokryphen and Pseudepigraphen of the Old
Testament in Germany, and of Dr R. H. Charles in England.
There may be a tendency perhaps in certain quarters to over-
estimate this dependence, and to lose sight of the far more
significant extent to which the Apostle was influenced by the
canonical books of the Greek Old Testament. At the same
time, more particularly in writings so largely eschatological in
their character as our two Epistles, it is a constant source of
interest to trace the parallels that exist between them and
contemporary apocalyptic literature. A list of citations, with
the titles of the editions that have been used, is
given in
Index in. 2.
In a work which has ventured to intrude upon so much
new and debateable ground, I can hardly hope not to have
fallen into many errors both of
judgment and of fact, and that
these are not more numerous is due only to the
generous help
of many well-known scholars. I desire to thank in particular

my friends Dr J. H. Moulton of Didsbury College, Manchester,

and Mr J. H. A. Hart of St John's College, Cambridge, who,
amidst their own engrossing duties, have found time to read
the proofs, and have favoured me with many valuable criticisms
and suggestions, and Dr A. Souter of Mansfield College, Oxford,
who has ungrudgingly placed at my disposal his knowledge and
experience, moreparticularly in connexion with the textual and
critical portions of the work. Nor can I forget the unfailing
courtesy and attention of the officials of the Cambridge
University Press, and the skill of their compositors and

It is noteasy to part with the work, which has been

an almost constant companion for a number of years and I :

never was more conscious of its shortcomings than now, on the

eve of publication. I can only hope that, in spite of these, it
may awaken in others a little of the interest it has been to

myself, and may prove a small contribution to the better

understanding of Epistles which let us so fully into the heart

of the great Apostle, and whose message, notwithstanding the

strange forms in which it is sometimes cast, is still fraught

with such deep significance for the Church of to-day.

G. M.
January, 1908.

I. The City of Thessalonica xxi
II. St Paul and the Thessalonian Church . . . . xxvi
III. General Character and Contents of the Epistles . . xli

IV. Language, Style, and Literary Affinities. . . . lii

V. Doctrine Ixiii

VI. Authenticity and Integrity Ixxii

VII. Authorities for the Text xciii

VIII. Commentaries cii


Analysis of i Thessalonians 2
Text and Notes of i Thessalonians .
Analysis of 2 Thessalonians 84
Text and Notes of 2 Thessalonians 85

A. St Paul as a Letter- Writer 121
B. Did St Paul use the Epistolary Plural? . . .
C. The Thessalonian Friends of St Paul 133
D. The Divine Names in the Epistles
E. On the history of evayye'Xioi/, euayyeXib/ia< . . .
F. 'E7ri<ama.
Ilapawria. 'ATro/caXvi/as

. . . .
G. On ara/crea) and its cognates 152
H. On the meanings of narex^
I. The Biblical Doctrine of Antichrist
J. The history of the interpretation of 2 Thess. ii. 112 . 166
I. Subjects . , .

II. Authors . .
III. References 183

1. Inscriptions and Papyri 183

(a) Inscriptions 183
(6) Papyri 184
2. Judaistic Writings 188

IV. Greek Words 191


THE following list of abbreviations applies for the most part

to lexical and grammatical works, and to periodical publications;
but the full titles of a few other books have been added for
convenience of reference, especially where it seemed of im-
portance to specify the exact editions made use of.
For abbreviations in connexion with Authorities for the
Text and Commentators, see Introduction vn. and vm. The
abbreviations for the Inscriptions and the Papyri are explained
in Index in. I
(a) and (6), and for Judaistic writings in
Index in. 2.

A sufficiently full title to identify other books quoted is

given as a rule on the occasion of their first mention see the :

references under Index n. Authors.

It may be added that the quotations from the LXX. follow
throughout the text of the smaller Cambridge Septuagint The
Old Testament in Greek edited by H. B. Swete, 3 vols.,
Cambridge, 1887 1894, and the quotations from the N.T. The
New Testament in the original Greek revised by B. F. Westcott
and F. J. A. Hort, vol. i. Text, London, 1898.
The Concordance Hatch and Redpath has been used for
the Greek O.T., and that of Moulton and Geden for the N.T.
By I. i. i is to be understood I Thess. i. I, and by II. i. I,
2 Thess. i. I.

Abbott Joh. Gr. = Johannine Grammar, by Edwin A. Abbott.

London, 1906.
Am. J. of Th. = The American Journal of Theology. Chicago, 1897 .

Anz Subsidia = Subsidia ad cognoscendum Graecorum sermonem

vulgarem e Pentateuchi versione Alexandrina repetita, by H.
Anz. Halle, 1894.

Archiv = Archiv fur Papyrusforschung, ed. U. Wilcken. Leipzig,

1901 .

Aristeas = Aristeae ad Philocratem Epistula, ed. P. Wendland.

Leipzig, 1900.
B.C.H. = Bulletin de correspondence hellenique. Paris and Athens,

B.D.B. = A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, by
Drs Brown, Driver, and Briggs. Oxford, 1906.
Blass = Grammar of New Testament by F. Blass. Eng. Tr.
by H. St John Thackeray. 2nd Edit.
London, 1905.
Bousset, W. = Die Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlicJien
Zeitalter. 2nd Edit, enlarged and re-arranged. Berlin, 1906.
Burton = Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of New Testament Greek,
by E. D. Burton. 2nd Edit. Edinburgh, 1894.
Buttmann = A Grammar of the New Testament Greek, by A. Butt-
mann. Eng. Tr. by J. H. Thayer. Andover, 1873.
C.G.T. Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges.

Conybeare Selections = Selections from the Septuagint (with a Gram-

mar of Septuagint Greek) by F. C. Conybeare and St George
Stock. Boston, 1906.
C.R. = The Classical Review. London, 1887 .

Cremer = Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek, by

H. Cremer. Eng. Tr. by W. Urwick. 4th Edit. Edinburgh,
Cronert = Memoria Graeca Herculanensis, by G. Cronert. Leipzig,
Dalman Worte = Die Worte Jesu, by G. Dalman. Leipzig, 1898.
Eng. Tr. by D. M. Kay. Edinburgh, 1902.
Deissmann BS. = Bible Studies by G. A. Deissmann. Eng. edit, by
A. Grieve. Edinburgh, 1901.
Deissmann Hellenisierung Die Hellenisierung des Semitischen
Monotheismus, by G. A. Deissmann. Leipzig, 1903.
Deissmann in Christo = Die neutestamentliche formel " in Christo
Jesu," by G. A. Deissmann.
Marburg, 1892.
Deissmann New Light on the N. T. New Light on the New Testa-
ment from Records of the Graeco-Roman Period, by G. A.
Deissmann, tr. by L. R. M. Strachan. Edinburgh, 1907.

Dieterich Untersuchungen = Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der

griechischen Sprache, von der hellenistischen Zeit bis zum 10.
Jahrh. n. Chr., by K. Dieterich. Leipzig, 1898 (Byzantinisches
Archiv, Heft i.).

Encyc. Bibl. = Encyclopaedia Biblica, edited by T. K. Cheyne and

J. S. Black. 4 vols. London, 1899 1903.
E.G.T. = The Expositor's Greek Testament, edited by W. Robertson
Nicoll. Vols. i. iii. London, 1897 1903.

Exp.The Expositor. London, 1875 Cited by series, volume,

and page.

Exp. T. = The Expository Times. Edinburgh, 1889 .

Field Notes = Notes on the Translation of the New Testament (being

Otium Norvicense iii.), by F. Field. Cambridge, 1899.
Gildersleeve Syntax = Syntax of Classical Greek, by B. L. Gilder-
sleeve and C. W. E. Miller. Pt. i. New York, 1900.
Gradenwitz Einfiihrung = Einfiihrung in die Papyruskunde, by
O. Gradenwitz. Heft i. Leipzig, 1900.

Grimm-Thayer = A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament,

being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, tr, and enlarged
by J. H. Thayer. 2nd Edit. Edinburgh, 1890.
Hastings' D.B. = Dictionary of the Bible, edited by James Hastings.
5 vols. Edinburgh, 1898 1904.
Hatch Essays = Essays in Biblical Greek, by Edwin Hatch. Oxford,
Hatzidakis = Einleitung in die Neugriechische Grammatik, by G. N".

Hatzidakis. Leipzig, 1892.

Hauck RE. 3 = Herzog's Realencyclopddie, 3rd Edit, by A. Hauck.
Leipzig, 1896 .

Hermann Vig. = Vigerus de Idiotismis, ed. G. Hermannus. Leipzig,


Herwerden = Lexicon Graecum suppletorium et dialecticum, by

H. van Herwerden. Lugd. Batav., 1902. Appendix, 1904.
Nova addenda in Melanges Nicole (Geneva, 1905) pp. 241

Hesychius = Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon, ed. M. Schmidt. Jena,.

Jannaris = An Historical Greek Grammar, by A. N. Jannaris.
London, 1897.
Jelf = A Grammar of the Greek Language, by W. E. Jelf. 3rd Edit.
London, 1861.
J.H.S. = The Journal of Hellenic Studies. London, 1880 .

J.Q.R. -The Jewish Quarterly Review. London, 1889 .

J.T.S. = The Journal of Theological Studies. London, 1900 .

Kennedy Sources = Sources of New Testament Greek, by H. A. A.

Kennedy. Edinburgh, 1895.

Kennedy Last Things = St Paul's Conceptions of the Last Things,

by H. A. A. Kennedy. London, 1904.
Kiihner 3 = Ausfuhrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, by
R. Kiihner. Elementar- und Formenlehre, ed. F. Blass. 2 vols.
Hanover, 1890, 1892. Satzlehre, ed. B. Gerth. 2 vols. 1898,

Kuhring = De Praepositionum Graecarum in Chartis Aegyptiis Usu,

by G. Kuhring. Bonn, 1906.
Lob. Phryn. = Phrynichi Ecloga, ed. C. A. Lobeck. Leipzig, 1820.
LS. = A Greek-English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott.
6th Edit. Oxford, 1869.

Mayser = Grammatik der Griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemderzeit,

by E. Mayser. Leipzig, 1906.
Meisterhans = Grammatik der attischen Inschriften, by K. Meister-
hans. 3rd Edit, by E. Schwyzer. Berlin, 1900.
Mel. Nic. = Melanges Nicole. (A collection of studies in classical

philology and in archaeology dedicated to Prof. J. Nicole).

Geneva, 1905.
Moeris = Moeridis Lexicon Atticum, ed. J. Pierson. Lugd. Batav.
Moulton Prolegg. = A Grammar of New Testament Greek, by J. H.
Moulton. Vol. i.
Prolegomena. 2nd Edit. Edinburgh, 1906.
Nageli = Der Wortschatz des Apostels Paulus, by Th. Nageli. Gottin-
gen, 1905. See p. Iv n. .

Norden Kunstprosa = Die antike Kunstprosa vom vi. Jahrhundert v.

Chr. bis in die Zeit der Renaissance, by E. Norden. 2 vols.
Leipzig, 1898. See p. Ivii n. .

Ramsay C. and B. = The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, by W. M.

Ramsay. Vol. i. in two parts. Oxford, 1895 97.

Reitzenstein Poimandres = Poimandres : Studien zur Griechisch-

Agyptischen und Friihchristlichen Literatur, by R. Reitzenstein.

Leipzig, 1904.
Roberts-Gardner = An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy. Part II.
The Inscriptions of Attica. Edited by E. S. Roberts and E. A.
Gardner. Cambridge, 1905.
Rutherford N.P. = The New Phrynichus, by W. G. Rutherford.
London, 1881.
Schmid Attic. = Der Atticismus in seinen Hauptvertretern von Diony-
si^ls von Halikarnass bis auf den zweiten Philostratus, by W.

Schmid. 4 vols and Register. Stuttgart, 1887 97.

Schiirer Geschichte des Jildischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi,

by E. 3rd and 4th Edit. Leipzig, 1901

Schiirer. 02. Eng.
2nd Edit. Edinburgh, 1890 91.
Tr. of the

SH. = A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to

the Romans, by "W. Sanday and A. C. Headlam. 5th Edit.
Edinburgh, 1902.
SK. = Studien und Kritiken. Gotha, 1828 .

Soph. Lex. = Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, by

E. A. Sophocles. Memorial edition. New York, 1887.
Stephanus Thesaurus = Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, by H. Stephanus.
8 vols. and Glossary and Index. London, 1816 26.

Suicer Thesaurus Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus e Patribus Graecis, by

J. C. Suicer. Amsterdam, 1682.

Suidas = Suidae Lexicon, ed. I. Bekker. Berlin, 1854.

Thieme = Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Mdander und das Neue
Testament, by G. Thieme. Gottingen, 1906.
Thumb Hellen. Die Griechische Sprache im Zeitalter des Hellenismus,
by A. Thumb. Strassburg, 1901.
Trench Syn. = Synonyms of the New Testament, by R. C. Trench.
Edition. London, 1901.
Yiteau fitude sur le grec du Nouveau Testament, by J. Yiteau.
Yol. i. Le Verbe: Syntaxe des Prepositions; Yol. ii. Sujet,

Complement et Attribut. Paris, 1893 96.

Yolz Jild. Eschat. Jiidische Eschatologie von Daniel bis Akiba,
by P. Yolz. Tubingen, 1903.
Yotaw = The Use of the Infinitive in Biblical Greek, by C. W. Yotaw.
Chicago, 1896.
Weber Jiid. Theologie = Jiidische Theologie aiif Grund des Talmud
und verwandter Schriften, being the 2nd Edition by F. Delitzsch
and G. Schnedermann Weber's System der altsynagogalen
of F.

paldstinischen Theologie or Die Lekren des Talmud. Leipzig,

WH. or WH. 2
= The New Testament in the original Greek, by B. F.
Westcott and F. J. A. Hort. Vol. i. Text ; vol. ii. Introduction

and Appendix containing Notes on Select Readings &c. Revised

Editions. London, 1898 and 1896.
Wilcken Ostr. = Griechische Ostraka by U. Wilcken. 2 vols. Leipzig,
Witk. Epp. = Epistulae Privatae Graecae, ed. S. Witkowski. Leipzig,
1906. See p. 129.
WM. = A Treatise on the Grammar of New Testament Greek, by
G. B. Winer, tr. and enlarged by W. F. Moulton. 8th Eng.
Edit. Edinburgh, 1877.
WSchm. = Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms, by
G. B. Winer. 8th Edit, newly revised by P. W. Schmiedel
(in progress). Gottingen, 1894 .

Zahn Einl. = Einleitung in das Neue Testament. Vol. i. 2nd Edit.

Leipzig, 1900; vol. ii. ist Edit. 1899.

Z.N.T.W. = Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft.

Giessen, 1900 .




77 Tracrrys Trep
Antipater of Thessalonica
(time of Augustus).

Thessalonica was built close to the site of the ancient Tne Foun-
town of Therme, so named from the hot mineral Thessa-
Therma or

springs which still and at the head of the lomca

exist in the vicinity, -

Gulf called after it the Thermaic Gulf 2

Accounts differ as to .

the origin of the new city, but, according to the most probable
story, it was founded by Cassander, the son-in-law of Philip of
Macedon, about the year 315 B.C. and was called by him
Thessalonica in honour of his wife, the step-sister of Alex-
ander the Great 3 Its earliest inhabitants were drawn not

The principal authority for the et Bayet Memoire sur une Mission au
history of Thessalonica is Tafel's His- Mont Athos (Paris,

1876). See also

toria Thessalonicae (Tubing., 1835), Lightfoot Biblical Essays p. 253 ff.,
afterwards prefixed as Prolegomena to and the artt. 'Thessalonica' in the
his elaborate monograph De Thessa- EncycL Bibl. and in Hastings' D.B.
lonica ejusque agro. Dissertatio geo- The present appearance and condition
graphica (Berol., 1839). Accounts of of the town are graphically described
the geography and antiquities of the by G. F. Abbott in The Tale of a Tour
^region are to be found in Cousinery in Macedonia (1903).
Voyage dans Macedoine i. p. 23 ff.
la Herod, vii. 121 6^77 5 rr} tv r$
(Paris, 1831), Leake Travels in North- Qepfnaly /c6X7r^ olmifttvy, dir' fs ital 6
ern Greece in. p. 235 ff.
(1835), Heuzey /c6\7roj oSros r^v ^TrwwfjLi^v %ei.
et Daumet Mission Archeologiqne de 3
Strabo 330 77 irpbrepov 8^17

Macedoine (Paris, 1876), and Duchesne KaAetro. KT^JJ-O. 5' taTiv Ka<r<rdvdpov,

only from Therme, but from several of the neighbouring cities

on the shores of the Gulf1 and there is ample evidence that it

soon rose to be a place of very considerable importance. Tt

owed this in large measure to the natural advantages of its
situation, commanding, as it did,on the landward side the
rich plain of the Strymon, on which there also converged the
three plains, watered respectively by the Axias, the Lydias, and
the Haliacmon, and being furnished towards the sea with a

good natural harbour.

When, accordingly, in 1 68 B.C. Macedonia was conquered
by the Romans, and divided into four districts, Thessalonica,
'celeberrima urbs,' was made the capital of Macedonia Secunda 12

And when, a few years later, 146 B.C., the different districts
were united into a single province, it became virtually the
capital of the whole.
Thessa- Under Roman rule the prosperity of the city continued to
under advance rapidly. Its situation on the great Via JSgnatia 3 ,

Koman about mid way between Dyrrachium on the Adriatic and the
river Hebrus in Thrace, brought it into such direct contact
with the stream of that was continually passing along

that busy highway between Rome and her Eastern depend-

encies, that Cicero can speak of its inhabitants as placed in
the lap of the Empire 4 '; and it was here that he himself sought
refuge in the quaestor's house during his exile .

On the outbreak of the First Civil War (49 B.C.), Thessa-

lonicawas the head-quarters of the Pompeian party 6 but ,

during the Second was found on the side of Octavius and

Antonius 7 and, when their cause triumphed, was declared by

way of reward a free city

The consequence was that, unlike

6s tiri T$ 6v6fj.aTi rrjs eavrov yvvcuicbs, imperil nostri (de prov. Consul. 2).
5 Pro
iraidbs 5 3>i\iinrov TOV A/j-vvrlov, Plane. 41.
The new title (under the
Dion Cass. xli. 18.
form found in
is first 7
Plut. Brut. 46, Bell. Civ.
QeTToXovlicr)) Appian
Polyb. xxiii. 4. 4, u. 2 &c. Other iv. 118.
accounts of the foundation of the city 8 '
Thessalonica liberae condicionis
will be found in Tafel p. v. (Plin. N. H. iv. 17). Coins have been*
Strabo I.e., Plin. N.H. iv. 17. discovered with the inscription Qetra-a-
2 which
Liv. xlv. 29, 30. \OVLKCUV cXevdepias (-ptct),
See Tafel Via militaris Eoman- probably refers to this fact (Tafel
orum Egnatia (Tubing. 1842). p. xxviii f.).
4 '
Thessalonicenses positi in gremio

its neighbour Philippi, which was a Roman colony, Thessa-

lonica remained an essentially Greek city, having the right to
summon its own assembly 1
and being ruled by itsown magis-
trates, who, according to the account in Acts, were known by
the somewhat unusual title of politarchs 2 This fact, formerly .

urged against St Luke's accuracy, has in recent years been

triumphantly vindicated by the discovery of various inscriptions
in which it reappears 3 .

Other proofs of the flourishing state of Thessalonica are at the

" 1
afforded by Strabo who, writing about a quarter of a century onSf
before St Paul's visit, describes it as the most populous of the Christian
Macedonian cities of his time, a description that is confirmed a
century later by Lucian .

Of St Paul's connexion with Thessalonica, and the circum-

stances attending the introduction of Christianity into it, we
shall have occasion to speak later. Meanwhile it
may be well
to summarize briefly the story of the city's fortunes down to
the present time.
About the middle of the third century it was erected into a in the

colony, and, according to Duchesne, it probably received about fourth^

the same time the title of metropolis of Macedonia 5 Before centuries, .

Ac. xvii. 5 rbv 57j,aoi> (cf. xix. 30, that the number of politarchs in
33, of Ephesus). As throwing further Thessalonica in N.T. times was either
light on the political constitution of five or six, and further that the office

Thessalonica, an interesting inscrip- was by no means confined to Thessa-

tion, belonging to 143 A.D., may be lonica, as is sometimes erroneously
recalled, where mention is made not assumed. To Burton's evidence we
only of its politarchs (see below), but can now add the occurrence of the
of the decrees passed VTTO 7-775 KpaTia[T7js title on an Egyptian papyrus-letter
/3ouX]7/s Kai TOV d-fi/mov (Duchesne p. 10). from Oxyrhynchus, belonging to the
Ac. xvii. 6. beginning of the first century, where
3 The most important of these, the writer claims that his correspon-
which was found on a Koman Arch dent had made some promise through
(since demolished), is now preserved the 'politarch' Theophilus (P.Oxy.
in the British Museum. It is repro- 745, 4 wsKal vir^xov dtarov iroXeiTdpxov
duced, with a history of the various Qeo<j)i\ov).
transcriptions that have from time to Strabo 323 Geo-o-aXow/cetas, Ma/re-
time appeared, by Prof. E. DeWitt 77 vvv ^dXio-ra r&v &\\wv
dovtKrjs TroXews,
Burton in an important art. on 'The etavdpet, Luc. Ann. aur. 46 7r6Xews TWV
Politarchs' in the Amer. Journ. of ev 'M.aKedovig. 7-775 ^6740-7-775 Qeo-<ra\ot>lKrjs.
Thcol. ii.
(1898), p. 598 ff. (summarized The title occurs as early as Strabo
in Hastings' D.B. under 'Bulers of the 330 17 5 ^7777)671-0X15 7-775 vvv Ma^eSoi/^as
City'). From this art. it would appear fort, but, in view of the fact that both
the foundation of Constantinople, it seems even to have been
thought of as the possible capital of the world .

Its patron-saint Demetrius was martyred about 304 A.D. ,
and towards the close of the same century (389 A.D.) Thessalonica
again received unhappy prominence through the ruthless mas-
sacre of at least seven thousand of its inhabitants by the order
of the Emperor Theodosius, an act for which he was refused
absolution by Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, until, after the lapse
of eight months, he performed the most abject penance,
in the In the following century Theodoret describes Thessalonica
e ' '

city of the district and

as tne greatest and most populous ,
the place which it gradually acquired in the history of the
Church is shown by the fact that Cameniata in the tenth
century bestows upon it, as its special right, the proud title
of 'the orthodox city 4 / a designation it continued to deserve

throughout the Middle Ages, when, according to its historian


Tafel, it proved itself fax quaedam humanitatis fideique . . .

Christianae promotrix .'

its great names

Amongst during this period none was more
illustrious than that of Eustathius, who was not only the
foremost scholar of his age, but, as archbishop of Thessalonica
from 1 175 to c. 1 192,
proved himself 'a man of political insight,
and a bold and far-seeing reformer 6 .'

Meanwhile the outward fortunes of the city were very varied,

contemporary and later inscriptions censi 3 v 5e TOVTO -rrp&rov /ecu Idialrarov

speak of Thessalonica simply as 7r<5Xis, dieSelKvvro, rb 6p66dooi> ai/Trjv /ecu elvai
Duchesne(p. 14 f.) thinks that Strabo's /eat
6voft&peff0ai xa.1 rotfry /j.a\\ov TJirep
words, not the gloss of a copyist,
if TOLS dXXots ffcfurfvcffOai. According to
are best understood figuratively: cf. Tafel (p. xlvi), the name is due to the
Jacobs Anth. Gr. ii. p. 152, no. 428 city's obstinate defence of image- wor-
(time of Augustus) Qe<r<ra\oviKr}, ^T-rjp ship against the iconoclastic Emperors
i] ird<r-r]s...'M.a.Kr]8ovi'r)s. in the eighth and ninth centuries.
1 '
Before the foundation of Constan- Lightfoot (Bibl. Essays p. 268!.) pre-
tinople, Thessalonica is mentioned by fers to connect it with the stalwart
Cedrenus (p. 283), and Sardica by resistance which Thessalonica offered
Zonaras, as the
intended capital to successive Gothic and Slavonic in-

(Gibbon Decline and Fall c. xvii.). vasions, and to its active efforts for
The splendid church erected in his the conversion of the invaders,
honour is now a Turkish mosque. 6
Praef. p. 3.
Theodoret H. E. v. 17 QeffffaXovlicq 6 J. E. Sandys Hist, of Class.
irtiXis Iffrl fjifyLcrrj /ecd iroKvavOpuTros. Scholarship p. 421.
4 Cameniata De excidio Thessaloni-

but finally, after being plundered by the Saracens in 904, fall-

ing into the hands of the Normans and Tancred in 1185, and
being placed under the protection of the Venetian Republic in
1422, it was taken by the Turks under Amurath II. in 1430,
and has remained ever since in their possession.
At the present time under the popular name of Saloniki or and at

(Turkish) Selanik it is the second city in European Turkey,
, sent time.
and carries on a large and flourishing trade. recent traveller, A
after a careful examination of the statistics on the spot, esti-
mated the number of its inhabitants a few years ago at

50,000, of whom
he considered that no fewer than 90,000 were
Jews 2 . These Jews are not, however, to be thought of as the
direct descendants of the Jews of St Paul's day, but are
Spanish Jews whose ancestors found refuge here when the Jews
were expelled from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella. They
still speak a kind of
Spanish 'much damaged by wear and tear,
and picturesquely patched up with Turkish and other foreign
elements 3 / and occupy a distinct mahallah or quarter of the city.
Their importance is shown by the fact that they possess about
thirty synagogues, as compared with about an equal number of
Turkish mosques and twelve Christian churches, while a large
part of the trade of the city is in their hands.
The Greek influence on the town, however, notwithstanding
the comparatively small number of Greek inhabitants, is still

predominant, so that on the whole, Salonica may be said still

to be what it has been for more than twenty centuries
a centre of Hellenic influence and civilisation 4.'

The old name of Qe<rcra\oviKir) is Turkish statistics two things must be
still used by all Greeks of any educa- kept in mind : first, that the Jews, who
tion. In the heading of letters this is have no political ambitions, endeavour
often abbreviated into Q^itcy. to minimize their numbers in order to
Abbott p. 19 f. These figures are avoid taxation; secondly, that the
very considerably higher than the Christians often exaggerate theirs for
usual official returns, but, in a com- political reasons.
munication to the present writer, Mr 3
Abbott p. 20.
Abbott states that in dealing with 4 Ibid. 21.


AVTOV yap av^et co'craA.ovt'/oy rov TLavXov f.\
LV T^ s v<rej3ei'as
TO ovccvos TT/S e/cAoyiys avTTj /xaAAov rov
. . . ei/ rrj<s

0eoyv<oo-ia9 cnropov /caT/?aAe, KOU TroXv^ow a7ro8iSoo-0at TOV T???

7TtCTT(OS KdpTTOV 8te(T7TOi;8a(7e.
Cameniata Z)e excidio Thessalonicensi 3.
It is combination of cosmopolitan Judaism
this close
with cosmopolitan Hellenism which afforded the new religion
its non-local, non-parochial hot-beds, and fitted it (humanly
speaking) for the acceptance of the world.'
J. P. Mahaffy The Silver Age of the Greek World

(1906) p. 317.

i. The I. was during what is generally known as his Second

Missionary Journey that St Paul first visited Thessalonica,
the Thes- and founded the Christian Church there. Obliged to leave
Church Philippi, the Apostle along with Silas and, in all probability,
Timothy, turned his face towards the South, and, following
the line of the Great Egnatian Road which here runs through

scenery of great natural beauty pushed on steadily over the


hundred miles that separated Philippi from Thessalonica 2 .

In the latter busy seaport with its varied population and

strenuous life St Paul would find just such a scene of work
as he most desired. At once along with his companions he
entered on an active mission amongst the Jews of the place,
frequenting the Synagogue on three successive Sabbath days
(eVt o-d/Bpara rpla, Ac. xvii. 2) and reasoning in friendly
intercourse (SteXefaro) with the assembled worshippers 3 .

Kenan St Paul (1869) P- T 54 f' *he Apostle's successive resting-places
According to the Antonine Itinerary, for the night. But, as the ordinary
the actual distances were from Philippi rate for travellers on foot did not
to Amphipolis thirty-three miles, from exceed sixteen to twenty Koman miles
Amphipolis to Apollonia thirty miles, a day (Ramsay in Hastings' D.B. \.
and from Apollonia to Thessalonica p. 386), the whole journey probably
thirty-seven miles, and in consequence occupied from five to six days.
it has been conjectured that Amphi-
Amongst the inscriptions found at
polis and Apollonia (Ac. xvii. i) formed Thessalonica is a fragment of uncertain

In doing so, as was natural with such an audience, the

Apostle found a common starting-point in the Jewish Scriptures,
expounding and quoting them to prove (Siavoiycov /cat irapa-
Tideiisvos) that the Christ, for whom the Jews had been taught
to look, ought to suffer and to rise again from the dead, and
then passing on to show that these things were indeed ful-
filled in the historical Jesus whom he had now come to

proclaim (v. 3). Nor was this all, but, to judge from the nature
of the charge afterwards brought against the missionaries

('saying that there is another King, Jesus' v. 7), special stress

would seem to have been on the doctrine of the Kingdom
which had played so large a part in the teaching of Jesus
Himself, and above all, as we see clearly from the two Epistles
afterwards addressed to the Thessalonian Church, upon its

speedy and final establishment by the glorious return of its

now exalted and heavenly King.

So far as the Jews were concerned, the immediate effect
of this preaching was small, but, in addition to the 'some' of
them who were persuaded, the historian of the Acts mentions
other two classes who 'consorted' with the Apostles, or more

exactly 'were allotted' to them by Divine favour (Trpocre-

namely, 'of the devout Greeks a great multitude,
and of the chief women not a few' (v. 4). Both these classes
were of Gentile birth And this in itself prepares us for

the further fact, not referred to in Acts, but amply attested

by the contents of St Paul's own Epistles, that, on the com-

parative failure of this Jewish mission, the Apostles turned

directly to the Gentile inhabitants of the town, and prosecuted

their teaching amongst them with a far larger degree of success
(cf. I. i.
9, ii.
I4) .

date, but as late as imperial times, instance more natural to think of

it is

which reads
mr~HEBP o-wjcryaryrj them as Macedonian extraction

E/3p[aW], see J.H.S. xviii. (1898), (cf. Knowling E.G.T. ad loc.). For
p. 333. the important part played by women
Dr Hort indeed thinks that the in Macedonia see Lightfoot Philip-
'chief women' were probably the plans* p. 55 f., Eamsay St Paul the
Jewish wives of heathen men of dis- Traveller and the Roman Citizen p.
tinction as in Ac. xiii. 50 (Jud. 227.
Christianity p. 89), but on that oc- The Lukan and Pauline accounts
casion the women were found ranked would be brought into closer harmony
against the Apostles, and in the present if in Ac. xvii. 4 we could adopt Kam-

How long St Paul continued his work amongst the Gentiles
in Thessalonica we can only conjecture, but there are various
particulars that indicate that it may well have extended over
several months. Thus, apart from the two separate occasions
on which he received help from Philippi (Phil. iv. 15 f.),
fact in pointing to a considerable lapse of time, the

Apostle evidently found it worth his while to settle down for a

time to his ordinary trade, and thereby secure the opportunity
not only of instructing his converts as a whole in the main
Christian truths (I. i. 9 f.), but of dealing directly and person-

ally with them (I. ii. 7, 1 1 ;

see further p. xlv). There is also
evidence of a certain amount of organization in the newly-
formed community either immediately previous to or after the
missionaries' departure (I. v. 12 ff.). Nor is it without signifi-
cance as showing how widely St Paul had succeeded in making
his presence and influence felt outside the circle of his own
immediate followers that 'the city,' evidently 'all the city'
' '

(A.V.), though there is no warrant for all in the original,

was set in an uproar by the attack made against him (v. 5).
The primary instigators of this attack were the Jews who,
Paul. moved by jealousy of the success attending St Paul's preaching,
but unable of themselves to thwart it, enlisted on their side
'certain vile fellows of the rabble,' the lazzaroni of the market-

place, who must have been very numerous in such a city as

Thessalonica, and with their aid assaulted the house of Jason,

in which apparently the Apostles were lodging. It had been
their intention to bring them before that assembly of the
people which, in virtue of their libera condicio (see p. xxii n. ),
the Thessalonians were privileged to hold. But means had
been found for the Apostles' escape, and the mob had to
content themselves with wreaking their vengeance on Jason
and certain others of the brethren by bringing them before the
politarchs, or city-magistrates, on the charge of being revolu-
these that have turned the world upside down

(v.6) and more particularly of acting contrary to the decrees '

of Caesar, saying that there is another King, Jesus (v. 7).

say's emendation of the text, resulting (St Paul p. 235) but the reading
TroXtf ;

from a comparison of A with D, TroXXot is wanting in MS. authority, nor is it

TUV (rej3ofjitvwi> Kal 'EXX^wj/ irXydos required on internal grounds.

The charge was cleverly planned, and in itself clearly betrays

the Jewish prompting which, as we have just seen, underlay
the whole riot, for only Jews thought of the Messiah as King
and could thus have accused the Apostles of proclaiming Jesus
as 'another' King. At the same time no charge was more
likely to arouse the hostility of the Greek magistrates As in .

the case of Pilate, when a similar accusation was laid before

him against the Lord Himself (Lk. xxiii. 2, Jo. xix. 12, 15),
the politarchs would be very sensitive to any appearance of

tolerating treason against the honour of the Emperor, and it

says much for their desire to administer justice impartially that
they contented themselves with requiring that 'security,'
probably in the form of a pecuniary surety or bond, should be
taken from Jason and the others that the peace of the city
should not be further disturbed 2 .
Moderate, however, though
this decision was 3 ,
it made it impossible for St Paul to remain
in Thessalonica without the risk of involving his friends in
and possibly of arousing active official oppo-
serious troubles,
sition to hiswhole work, and accordingly along with Silas he
departed by night for the important city of Beroea whither he ,

was followed soon after by Timothy.

2. The
missionaries' reception there was even more en- 2. De-

couraging than at Thessalonica. No longer 'some' but 'many' f^rhe

of the Jews believed, and along with them 'of the Greek women salonica.
of honourable estate, and of men, not a few' (v. 12). But the
work was not long allowed to go on in peace. The bitter
malice of the Thessalonian Jews followed St Paul here, and
so successful were they in again 'stirring up and troubling
the multitudes' that the brethren sent for the Apostle to go

'Nee Caesaribus honor' is one of illustrated from the inscriptions, e.g.
the complaints of Tacitus against the O.G.I.S. 484, 50 (ii./A.D.) rb iKav\bv
Jews (Hist. v. 5). And Just. M. Apol. irpb /c/><r]ews \[a]/j.pdi>e<r6cu, 629, 101
i. n (Otto) proves how necessary the (ii./A.D.) o6[ros r]6 Uavbv Xa/A/Sa^rw.
first Christians found it to show that 3
Kamsay describes it as '
the mildest

by 'kingdom they understood nothing that was prudent in the circumstances '

'human' (oik els TO vvv rds \7rL8as (St Paul p. 230).

4 In an inscription discovered at
Ac. xvii. 9.
The phrase Xa/u/3dvetj> Beroea belonging to ii./A.D., the city
rb iKav6v, which Blass (Acta Aposto- is described as r, a-e^voraTr} fjL-r}Tpoiro\is
lorum p. 187) traces to Latin influence TTJS MaKeSWcts Kal 5ls j/ew/c6/>os B<f/>ota
satisdare, satis accipere, can now be (Rev. d. Etudes grecques xv. p. 142).
Athens. 'as far as to the sea,' where,
probably at Dium, some of them
embarked along with him for Athens (v. 14 f.).
3. Move- 3. Meanwhile Silas and Timothy remained behind at
Silas and Beroea, perhaps to prosecute the newly started work, possibly
Timothy, also to know when it would be safe for St Paul to return to
Thessalonica, but in any case with instructions to rejoin him as
quickly as possible. If we had only the account in Acts to
guide us, we might imagine that they were not able to ac-
complish this until St Paul reached Corinth (cf. Ac. xviii. 5).
But again the historical narrative requires to be supplemented
by the Apostle's own Epistle. For the mention of the despatch
of Timothy on a special mission to Thessalonica while St Paul
was Athens shows us that he at least had previously
still at

rejoined the Apostle there (I. iii. I f.); and if so, it is probable
that Silas had also done the same in accordance with the

urgent message already sent to both (Ac. xvii. 15). And if we

can think of the despatch of Silas himself shortly afterwards on
a similar errand, perhaps to Philippi, with which at the time
St Paul was in communication (Phil. iv. 15), we can under-
stand, in accordance with the definite statements of Ac. xviii. 5,
how on the conclusion of their respective missions the two
messengers 'came down from Macedonia' to St Paul at Corinth,
to which city he had gone on alone from Athens 1 .

Timothy's The
report which Timothy brought back from Thessalonica,
from supplemented possibly by a letter from the Thessalonians
Thessa- themselves addressed to St Paul 2 was evidently in the main

highly satisfactory. The Thessalonians, to judge from the

Epistle afterwards addressed to them, which is our only defi-
nite source of information, had proved themselves worthy
of their 'election' not only in the manner in which they them-
selves had received the Gospel, but in the 'ensample' they
Cf. PaleyHor. Paul. c. ix. 4. It phatie KaraXfL^d^ai 'left behind' of
is ofcourse possible that St Paul only I. iii. i, suggesting the immediately
sent instructions from Athens to previous presence of his companions
Timothy and Silas while still at with the writer (see note ad loc.).
Beroea to proceed thence on their For an interesting attempt to re-
respective missions, and consequently construct this letter see Rendel Harris
that it was actually first at Corinth 'A Study in Letter- writing,' Exp. v.
that they rejoined him. But the ex- viii.p. 161 f., and cf. Add. Note A,

planation given above seems more 'St Paul as a Letter- Writer, p. 126.'
natural, especially in view of the em-

had subsequently set to believers throughout Macedonia and

Achaia (I. i. 4 ff.). At the same time they were exposed to
certain dangers requiring immediate attention if they were

indeed to prove a crown of glorying at the Parousia of the


Lord Jesus (I. ii. 19).

Thus it would appear that no sooner had St Paul and 4- Circum-
his companions left Thessalonica than suspicions had begun to leading
be cast upon the whole course of their Apostolic ministry, with ^^ of
the obvious intention of diverting the Thessalonian believers i Thessa-

from their allegiance. Nowhere are we expressly told who were

the authors of these insinuations. And in consequence many tions
have referred them to the heathen population of Thessalonica against
St Paul
who would naturally resent bitterly the defection of their fellow-
countrymen from the old standards of faith and morals. But if
so, it hardly seems likely that their opposition would have taken
this particular form, or, even supposing it had, that it would
have had much effect upon the Christian converts. These last
could not but know that their fellow-countrymen's zeal against
the Apostles not only by prejudice, but by
was dictated
ignorance of the facts of the case, and they would hardly allow
themselves to be led astray by those who had never put them-
selves in the way of discovering what was the real character and

teaching of themen they were so eager to traduce.

however, the attacks came from a Jewish source, the case by
If, the

would be very different. The Thessalonian Jews would be able

to claim that in virtue of their own past history, and the
ants of
oracles' that had been committed to their fathers, they were in i on ica/

a better position to decide than any newly admitted Gentile

converts could possibly be, what was the true relation of the

Apostles' teaching to the whole course of that Divine revela-

tion, of which it claimed to be the natural and necessary
fulfilment. We must not indeed suppose that their attacks
assumed the form which St Paul had afterwards to
face in connexion with his Judaistic opponents in Galatia and
elsewhere. Of this there is as yet no trace in the Epistles
before us 2 . On the other hand we can easily understand how
So e.g. Clemen, Paulus (1904) ii. Tr. p. 58 'The new converts were
p. 181 f.
threatened, not by a false Gospel, but
Jiilicher Introd. to the N. T. Eng. by rabid hatred of any Gospel.'

ready the Jewish inhabitants of Thessalonica would be by open

assertion and covert hint to throw discredit on the Apostle's
character and credentials with the object of undermining as
far as possible the effect of his work 3 .

It is this latter consideration indeed, which alone enables

us to understand the large place which St Paul devotes to
It may seem strange at first sight
this subject in his Epistle.
that he should have thought it worth while to defend himself
and his companions from attacks coming from a source so
manifestly inspired by unworthy motives. But the Apostle
could not but recognize that much more than his own personal
honour was at stake. The whole future of the Gospel at
Thessalonica would be endangered, if these perverse and

wicked men' (II. iii. 2) were allowed to get their way. And
thereforeit was that he found
necessary for the Word's sake,
ifnot for his own, that they should not only be answered, but
repudiated and condemned in the most emphatic manner
(I ii. IS f-)-

Persecu- Nor was

this the only point on which Timothy's report
cause d St Paul grave concern. The persecution, which the
Apostle had foretold as the lot of Christ's people everywhere,
tians. had evidently fallen in full measure on the young Thessalonian
community (I. iii.
3 ff.).
And though as yet there were no
signs of active backsliding, but rather the contrary, St Paul
dreaded that such a state of things might not continue,
and that his converts might suffer themselves to be 'lured
away' (v. 3) from that standing fast in the Lord (v. 8), through
which alone they could hope to obtain full and complete
salvation at the Lord's appearing (v. 13, cf. v. 9). The ex-
hortation of a father therefore (ii. 11) was required, as well
as the tender dealing of a mother (ii. 7), and this all the more
in view of certain other matters of a more directly practical

kind, on which Timothy had evidently represented the Thessa-

lonians as requiring further guidance.

Cf. B. Weiss 'The Present Status a paper in which there are many sug-
of the Inquiry concerning the Genuine- gestive remarks regarding the Epistles
ness of the Pauline Epistles' in Amer. before us.
Journ. of Theol. i.
(1897) p. 332 f.

These concerned in the first place their moral conduct. Their

Christian believers though they were, the Thessalonians had
not yet learned the completeness of the severance which their
new faith demanded from various habits and practices they had
hitherto been accustomed to regard as indifferent,' nor the

necessity of a quiet, orderly continuance in the work and

relationships of their daily life, notwithstanding the speedy

coming of their Lord for which they had been taught to look
(iv. i 12).
And then as regards that coming itself, there were at least and
two points on which the Apostle's previous instruction required dim"*
to be supplemented. culties,

In the first place the Thessalonians had to be reassured

on a question which was giving them grave concern, and on
which apparently they had definitely asked St Paul's opinion.
What of those of their number who were falling asleep while
as yet Christ had not come ? Would they in consequence
be shut out from the glory by which His coming would be
attended 1 ?
By no
means, so the Apostle hastened to comfort
them, in one of the few pictorial representations of the Last
Things that occur in his writings; they would rather be the
share in that glory.
first to For not till the dead in Christ '

had risen, would the living be caught up along with them

to meet the descending Lord in the air (iv. 13 -18).
In the second place, as regarded the time of that coming,
which to the Thessalonians in their eager love for Christ might
seem to be unaccountably delayed, St Paul recalled what they
ought never to have forgotten, that the Day of the Lord would
come as a surprise, and that in consequence their present duty
was not to be over-anxious on a point regarding which no
certain knowledge was possible, but rather to watch and be
sober, putting on the triple armour of faith and love and
hope a hope grounded on God's gracious purposes towards
them, and on the redemptive work of Christ through which
The same problem meets us in dixit ad me : coronae adsimilabo iudi-
4 Ezra v. 41 f. (ed. Bensly) 'Et dixi:
: cium meum; sicut non nouissimorum
sed ecce, domine, tu praees his qui in tarditas, nee priorum uelocitas.'
fine sunt, et quid facient qui ante iios See further note ad I. iv. 15.
sunt aut nos aut hi qui post nos ? Et

C 2
alone the fulfilment of these purposes had been rendered
possible (v. n).
and Nor was this but as appears from the closing section
e n
(ntern ai
of the E P istle >
St Paul had evidently also been informed of
discipline, certain difficulties that had arisen in the internal discipline
of the young community, and in consequence seized the oppor-
tunity of reinforcing the authority of those who had been placed
in positions of trust, and of laying down certain general rules of

holy living, by means of which the well-being of the whole

community might be secured, and its members be 'preserved

entire, without blame at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

(v. 1223).
The Such then would seem to have been the circumstances
whidi led up to the writing of this Epistle, and the manner
for a in which St Paul met them. Nothing indeed can be clearer
visit. from the Epistle itself than how much the Apostle regretted
having to fall back upon this method of communicating with
his beloved converts. Gladly would he rather have revisited
them and indeed, as he expressly tells them, on two-
in person,
occasions he had actually made the attempt, but in vain
'Satan hindered us' (ii. 18). No other course then remained
open for him but to have resort to a letter, a means of
conveying religious truth which he had made peculiarly his
own 1 and of which he had doubtless frequently availed himself

before in communicating with the Churches he had founded 2 .

Written in It is noteworthy too, how closely on the present occasion

3 J

of an*" St Paul associated Silas and Timothy with himself in the

the mis- For not only do their names occur
writing of the Epistle.
sionaries. ,
, , i . , . ,

along with his own in the Address in accordance with a

favourite and characteristic practice 3 but the ,
first person plural

See further Add. Note A, 'St Paul other hand I. v. 27, II. ii.
15, iii. 17 f.

as a Letter- Writer.' have been taken as implying that the

Note the emphatic h navy eTri<rTo\fj habit of sending important Epistles
iii. 17, which naturally implies
in II. was new (Weiss Introd. to the N.T.,
more than a single precursor (San- Eng. Tr. i. p. 204; cf. von Sodeu
day Inspiration p. 336), and 'On Hist, of Early Christian Literature
the Probability that many of St Paul's Eng. Tr. p. 27 f.).
' 3
Epistles have been lost see Jowett Cf. Cic. ad Att. ix. 7 A. Farrar
The Epistles of St Paul to the Thessa- (St Paul i. p. 579) recalls the saying
lonians 2 &c. (1859) *
P- *95 ff - On tlae of Origen that the concurrence of Paul

is maintained throughout both this Epistle and its successor with

a regularity to which we have no subsequent parallel

It will .

be well therefore to recognize this fact in our subsequent ex-

position of the Epistle's teaching, and to refer the views there
expressed to all three Apostles, even though St Paul must
be regarded as their primary and principal author.
5. This same consideration helps also to establish what our 5-

previous account of St Paul's movements has made sufficiently f 7 Thef-

clear, that it was at Corinth that the First Epistle to the Thessa-
lonians was written, for it was there, as we have seen, that
Silas and Timothy rejoined him on the conclusion of their
respective missions, nor, so far at least as we can gather from
the Lukan account, was there any subsequent period in their
history when the three missionaries were together in one place,
and consequently in a position to act as joint-sponsors of the

With this view the internal evidence of the Epistle itself is

in complete harmony. place To example at it earlier, as for

Athens, accordance
in with the 'subscription' in certain MSS.
and followed by the A.V., would hardly leave time for all that
had taken place in the Church at Thessalonica after the
Apostles' departure (ii. 14, iii. I 6), and, above all, for the
influence the Thessalonian believers had been able to exert
on the surrounding J f., iv. 10). On the other hand,
district (i.

to place it St Paul's departure from Corinth

subsequent to
where he remained a year and a half (Ac. xviii. 1 1 ), is obviously
inconsistent with the freshness that marks his references to
his Thessalonian friends and with his express
(i. 5, ii. I fF.),

statement that as yet he had been separated from them only

for a short season (ii. 1
6. If then we
are correct in regarding Corinth as the place 6. Date,
of writing of the Epistle, and are prepared further to think of a

comparatively early period in the Apostle's sojourn there, the

exact date will be determined by the view taken of the chrono-

logy of St Paul's life. It is a subject on which authorities

and Silas flashed out the lightning of 1

See further Add. Note B, 'Did
these Epistles (Horn. V. in Jerem. St Paul use the Epistolary Plural?'
588 b).

widely differ, but the general tendency is to throw the dates

backward rather than forward, and we shall probably not be
far wrong if we place the writing of our Epistle somewhere
about 5051 A.D.

Harnack (Chronol. d. altchr. Litt. (1897) i- P- 2 39 n>1 ) dates

the two Epistles as early as 48 49, and in this he is followed
' '

by McGiffert (art. Thessalonians (Epistles to) in Encyc.

Bill col. 5037). The 'Chronology of the N.T.' advocated by
Turner in Hastings' D.B., which has met with wide acceptance,
would throw them forward a year (50), while Ramsay (St Paul
p. 254) prefers 51 52, the earlier of these dates being also
supported by St Paul's latest biographer Clemen (see his
Paulus i. p. 398). W. Bruckner (Chronol. p. 193 ff.), while
dating the four chief Epistles as late as 61 62, agrees that,
if i Thessalonians is really the work of St Paul, it must be
carried back to a much earlier period in the Apostle's life,
when his theological system was not yet fully developed ;
cf. Menegoz Le Peche et la Redemption d'apres Saint Paul
(Paris, 1882) p. 4.

i Thessa- On this view too of the date, we are probably justified in

regarding i Thessalonians as the earliest of St Paul's extant
the Epistles. It is impossible indeed to ignore the fact that in

recent years this honour has been claimed with increasing per-
sistency for the Epistle to the Galatians by a very influential
band of scholars. And, if we are prepared to admit the South
Galatian address of that Epistle, there is no doubt that a place
can be found for it previous to the above-mentioned date, and,
further, thatthis position is favoured by the often striking
coincidences between its language and the incidents of the
First Missionary Journey, and more specially the speech de-
liveredby the Apostle at Pisidian Antioch in the course of it .

On 'the otherhand, if such resemblances in language and

thought are to be reckoned with, how are we to explain the
fact that in the Thessalonian Epistle, written, according to most
of the supporters of this view, very shortly after Galatians (see
small print below), there is an almost complete absence of any
trace of the distinctive doctrinal positions of that Epistle ?
No doubt the differences in the circumstances under which the

The various arguments that bear The Testimony of St Paul to Christ
upon the exact date of Galatians will (1905) p. 28 ff.; see also Moffatt Hist.
be found carefully stated by Knowling N.T. p. 125 f.

two Epistles were written, and the particular ends they had in
view, may account for much of this dissimilarity. At the same
time, while not psychologically impossible, it is surely most
unlikely that the same writer and he too a writer of St Paul's
keen emotional nature should show no signs in this (according
to this view) later Epistle of the conflict through which he had

just been passing, and on which he had been led to take up so

strong and decided a position.
however, in accordance with the older view, I Thessa-

lonians along with its successor to the same Church can still
be placed first, all is clear. As an example of St Paul's mission-
ary teaching, written before the acuter controversies of his later
years had forced themselves upon him, and made inevitable
the presentment of the old truths in a new way, it stands in
its natural relation to the earlier missionary discourses of
Acts, which in so many respects it resembles, while the Epistle
to theGalatians ranks itself along with the other great
doctrinal Epistles to the Corinthians and the Romans, whether,
with the majority of modern critics, we place it first amongst
these, or, with Bishop Lightfoot, in an intermediate position
between 2 Corinthians and Romans.

Considerable variety of opinion exists among the supporters

of the priority of Galatians as to the exact date to be assigned
to it. Dr Vernon Bartlet (Exp. v. x. p. 263 ff., Apost. Age
p. 84 ff.), reviving a view suggested by Calvin, thinks that it
was written at Antioch on St Paul's way to the Council of
Jerusalem. The same conclusion was arrived at, much about
the same time, on independent grounds by the Romanist
Dr Weber (see his Die Abfassung des Galaterbriefes vor dem
Apostel-Konzil, Ravensburg, 1900, summarized in J.T.S. iii.
(1902) p. 630 ff.), and recently has formed the main thesis of
Mr Douglas Round's Essay The Date, of St Paul's fipistle to the
Galatians (Cambridge, 1906). As a rule, however, a period subse-
quent to the Council of Jerusalem is preferred McGiffert (Hist,
of Christianity in the Apost. Age p. 226 ff.) dating the Epistle
from Antioch before St Paul departed on his Second Missionary
Journey, Clemen (as against his own earlier view, Chronol.
p. ippff.) assigning it rather to the Apostle's stay in Athens
(Paulus i. p. 396 ff, ii. p. 164 ff.), and Zahn (Einl. in d. N.T.
p. 139 ff.) and Rendall (Exp. iv. ix. p. 254) carrying it
forward to the beginning of the visit to Corinth in the course
of the same journey. On this last view it can only have
preceded the Thessalonian Epistles by a few weeks, or at most
months (cf. Bacon Introd. to the N.T. p. 57 .). The later,
and more widely accepted, dates assigned to Galatians have
no direct bearing upon the point before us, except in so far
as they emphasize that we are there dealing with a wholly
different 'type' of teaching from that which meets us in the
Thessalonian Epistles.

Des- 7. St Paul makes no mention of how his Epistle was sent

to Thessalonica, but at a time when there was no regular
system of posts except for imperial purposes, it can only have
been by the hand of a personal courier or friend 1 And it was .

perhaps through him on his return that the Apostle received

the news which led to the writing of his second Epistle.
8. Cir- 8. That news was evidently of a somewhat mingled
stances character. On the one hand, there were not wanting traces
leading to o f an exceedingly growing faith and of an abounding love

ing of on the Thessalonians' part (II. i. 3) together with an endurance

un der continued persecution which called forth the Apostle's
warmest praise, and seemed in his eyes a happy augury of his
converts' future bliss at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from
heaven (i. 4 12). But
as against this, there were only too
evident signs that the thought of the imminence of that reve-
lation was still exercising a disturbing influence over the
Thessalonians'daily conduct. So far from their excitement
having been allayed by St Paul's first letter, as he hoped it

would have been, the reverse would seem rather to have been
the case, and not only so, but their restlessness had been still

further fomented by certain pneumatic utterances, and even by

carefully reasoned words and a letter, one or all of them shield-

ing themselves under the Apostle's name and authority, to the
effect that the Day of the Lord was not only imminent, but was

actually come (ii. 2).

In these circumstances then, what more natural than that
St Paul should seize the opportunity of once more recalling to
his converts another aspect of his eschatological teaching, of
which he had been in the habit of speaking (\eyov, ii. 5)
while with them, but of which apparently they had lost sight?
Sudden and unexpected though the coming of the Day of the
Lord would be, it would nevertheless be preceded by certain
See further Add. Note A, 'St Paul as a Letter- Writer, p. 130.

clearly-defined signs, foremost amongst which was the appear-

ance of the Man of lawlessness, who for the time being was held

in check, but whose revelation was to be looked for as the final

precursor of the end. With the details of this crowning revela-

tion of evil, we are not at present concerned. It is enough

that in the very thought of it St Paul found an additional

argument alike for a continued steadfastness on the part of his

converts (ii. 13 16), and for a quiet and orderly walk, as
contrasted with the disorderliness which certain idlers and
busybodies in their midst were displaying (iii. I 15).

9. More need hardly be said as to the circumstances in 9- p lace .

which this Second Epistle was written, for the general simi- and Date
larity between it and its predecessor, to which fuller reference
will have to be made afterwards (see p. Ixxx ff.), shows that in
the main the historical conditions of the Thessalonian Church
were very little altered 1 and that consequently the Second

Epistle must have been written not many months after the
First. We therefore date it also from Corinth within the
period already specified 50 51 A.D.

The idea first advocated by Grotius (Annot. in N.T. ii. Thessa- -2

and adopted by Ewald (Sendschreiben des Paulus
p. yisff.), ^J ^or
p. 17!), Laurent (NTliche Stud. p. 49 ff.), an d (from his own to z xhes-
standpoint) Baur (Paul, Eng. Tr. ii. p. 336 ff.), that 2 Thessa- salonians.
lonians was written before i Thessalonians can no longer be
said to have any serious supporters. Thus, without attaching
too great weight to such passages as II. ii. 2, 15 which, if not
directly referring to i Thessalonians, are best explained by
its existence, it is excluded by I. ii. 17 iii. 6 which could
hardly have been written by St Paul, if he had previously
addressed a letter to Thessalonica. The whole relationship
indeed of 2 to i Thessalonians is of a secondary character
alike on its literary side, and in the picture presented of the

developed circumstances of the Church, as shown by the


heightened praise (IT. i. 4: I. ii. 14) and blame (II. iii. 6 f. :

I. iv. ii), which these circumstances now called forth.

'Wir Er-
treffen...Stimmungen, iiberdas bisher bekannte Mass hinaus
wartungen, Bestrebungen, Lebens- gehobenen Steigerung.' Klopper Der
formen nach der lobens- wie tadelns- zweite Brief an die Thessalonicher (re-
werthen Seite bin an, in denen wir printed from Theologische Studien und
alten Bekannten wiederbegegnen. Nur Skizzen aus Ostpreussen ii.
p. 73 ff.)

Alles, Gutes wie Verkehrtes, einer p. 17.

10. St 10. Regarding St Paul's subsequent connexion with the
1 "
Thessalonian Church we have no definite information, but it is
hardly possible to doubt that on more than one occasion he was
salonica. a ^le to carry out his ardently cherished desire of revisiting in

person his friends there. Thus he would naturally pass through

the city both coming and going on his Third Missionary Journey
(Ac. xx. I ff.), and if we accept the belief in a renewed period of
active work on the part of the Apostle between a first and
second Roman imprisonment, he would be almost certain to
stop at Thessalonica on the occasion of that journey to Philippi
which he had previously carefully planned in the event of his
again finding himself a free man (Phil. i. 26, ii. 24). Nor,
once more, could Thessalonica fail to be included in his pro-
gramme if he ever paid that last visit to Macedonia, to which
he alludes in his First Epistle to Timothy (i. 3) .

See further Add. Note C, '
The Thessalonian Friends of St Paul.'



'Jeder einzelne paulinische Brief 1st eine christliche That

und will als solche verstanden sein.'
W. BORNEMANN Die Thessolonicherbriefe p. 256.

I. From what
has already been said of the circumstances i. The
under which the Epistles to the Thessalonians were written, a^true
it must be clear that they are in no sense literary documents, letters,

still less theological treatises, but genuine letters intended

to meet passing needs, and with no thought of any wider
audience than those to whom they were originally addressed 1 .

Of all the N.T. Epistles which have come down to us, they
are amongst the most 'personal/ and illustrate to perfection
the 'stenographed conversation' which Renan claims as a
distinctive feature of the Pauline style 2 .

Greatly however as this adds to the living interest of

the Epistles, it is one main source of their difficulties. For,
whether or not they form only part of a correspondence that
was passing between St Paul and the Thessalonian Church
(cf. p. xxx), they so abound in allusions to what the Thessa-

On the whole question of Letter toral Letter addressed by a Church
versus Epistlein the case of the to its members, or a minister to his
Pauline literature see especially Deiss- congregation, than to what we under-
mann BS. p. 3 ff ., and on the danger '
stand by the letter of ordinary corre-

of carrying the distinction too far cf. spondence.

Lock The Bible and Christian Life Saint Paul (ed. 1869) p. 231 f.,

p. 114 ff., and Kamsay The Letters to 'Le style epistolaire de Paul est le

the Seven Churches (1904) p. 22 ff. plus personnel qu'il y ait jamais eu....
The fact is that the Pauline Epistles On dirait une rapide conversation
require a new category while letters,
stenographiee et reproduite sans cor-
they are distinctively religious letters, rections.'

approaching more nearly to the Pas-

lonians already know, or have been asking, that it is hardly
too much to say, that the more familiar the subjects with which

they deal were to their first readers, the more veiled they are
from us 1 .

occa- It is a complete mistake, however, to suppose that because
in their
our Epistles are thus 'occasional' writings in the strict sense
origin, of the word, they are therefore marked by that poverty of

subject-matter which has sometimes been urged against them.

On the contrary, if, as we shall have occasion to see more fully

again, what we have come to regard as the distinctive doctrines

of Paulinism are awanting, and awanting because the special
but filled circumstances demanding them had not yet arisen, the Epistles
are nevertheless filled with definite religious teaching. Com-
religious bined with the speeches in Acts, which in so many respects
they recall they contain the best evidence we possess as to

the general character of St Paul's missionary preaching to

Gentiles 3 .

It is not possible to illustrate this at length here, but

I. i.
9 f.
may be referred to as a convenient summary of the
earliest Pauline teaching with its two foci of Monotheism, the
belief in the one living and true God, as distinguished from

The student will not regret being would much better clear those pas-
reminded of John Locke's famous sages that relate to them than all the
Essay for the understanding of St learned notes of critics and commen-
Paul's Epistles, by consulting St Paul tators, who in after-times fill us with
himself,' prefixed to his Paraphrase their conjectures ; for very often, as to
and Notes on certain of the Epistles the matter in hand, they are nothing
(London, 1823) cf. especially p. 4,
: else.'
The nature of epistolary writings in 2
Cf. e.g. for linguistic parallels
general disposes the writer to pass by i Thess. 9 with Ac. xiv. 1551 Thess.

the mentioning of many things, as i. 10 with Ac. xvii. 3151 Thess. iii. 4

well known to him to whom his letter with Ac. xiv. 22 ; i Thess. v. 9 with
is addressed, which are necessary to Ac. xx. 28 : and for the general simi-
be laid open to a stranger, to make larity of teaching see Sabatier L'Apdtre
him comprehend what is said: and Paul (Strassburg, 1870) pp. 85 97,
it not seldom falls out that a well- Eng. Tr. pp. 95111.
penned letter, which is very easy and
Prof. B. W. Bacon, while agree-

intelligible to the receiver, is very ing as to the generally missionary


obscure to a stranger, who hardly character of the Epistles, points out

knows what to make of it.... Add to that *
Paul's attitude in them is that
this, that in many places it is manifest of confirmer rather than proclaimer of
he answers letters sent, and questions the Gospel' (The Story of St Paul,
proposed to him, which, if we had, London, 1905, p. 230).

the vain idols of heathenism, and the Judgment, as heralded

by the Parousia of God's Son from heaven, who had already
proved Himself the only complete Rescuer from the coming
Wrath. In these great truths, proclaimed not argumentatively,
but 'in power and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance'
(I. i. 5), the missionaries found the most effective means of

reaching the consciences, and satisfying the religious instincts

of their heathen auditors, and so of preparing the way for other
and fuller aspects of Christian doctrine.
The consequence is that while our Epistles do not exhibit
the constructive or dialectic skill of the Epistle to the Romans,

or approach the mystical heights of the Epistle to the Ephesians,

they reveal with marvellous clearness what has well been called
the 'pastoral' instinct of the great Apostle 1and present an ,

unrivalled picture alike of his own missionary character and

aims, and of the nature of the community he is addressing.
2. In none other indeed of his Epistles, unless it be in 2. The
the companion Epistle to a Macedonian Church, the Epistle
to the Philippians, or in the apologia of the Second Epistle present of

to the Corinthians, does the real Paul stand out more clearly i n his
before us in all the charm of his rich and varied personality.
We see his intense affection for his young converts (I. ii. 7 f.,
17 ff., iii. 5 10, II. i. 4), and sympathy and
his desire for their

prayers (I. v. 25, II. iii. I f.); his keen sensitiveness as to what
others are saying of him, and the confident assertion of the

purity of his motives (I. ii. I 12); his proud claim of what
is due to him as an Apostle of Christ (I. ii. 6), and his willingness
to forego this right in view of the higher interests of his work

(I. ii. 9, II. iii. 8 f.); his longing desire for the Thessalonians'

progress in spiritual things (I. iii. ff., II. i. n

ii f.), and the
fierceness of his indignation against those who were hindering
the cause of Christ (I. ii. 15 f., iv. 6, II. iii. 2): and we notice
how through all St Paul is constrained and ruled by his own
Dr Vernon Bartlet (Hastings' D.B. could yet by letter, and so on the
i. p. 730) finds that 'the true cause' spur of occasion, concentrate all his
of all the Pauline Epistles 'lay deep wealth of thought, feeling, and matur-
in the same spirit as breathes in i Th., ing experience upon some particular
the essentially " pastoral" instinct.... religious situation, and sweep away
Of a temper too ardent for the more the difficulty or danger.'
studied forms of writing, St Paul
sense of union with his Risen Lord, and dependence on His

authority (I. iv. i f., II. iii. 6, 12).

and in the Very noteworthy too are the tact and the courtesy which
spirl '
the Apostle everywhere displays. So far from being the very '

disagreeable personage others,' whom both to himself and

Nietzsche so perversely discovers 1 he shows the most pains- ,

taking desire to do full justice not only to his fellow-workers

(cf. p. xxxiv f.),
but also to his readers. With an intensity
of feeling, that finds difficulty in expressing itself (I. iii.
he gives thanks for all (I. i. 2 f, cf. II. i.
3): all, notwith-
standing the presence of weak and faulty believers amongst
them, are treated as sons of light, and of the day (I. v. 5):
and it is to all, with evident emphasis (cf. I. v. 28), that the
closing greeting of his second and severer Epistle is sent
(II. iii. 1 8) even the man who is showing signs of setting
aside his authority is still a 'brother' (II. iii. 14 f.).
This last form of address, indeed, forms one of the Epistles'
most noticeable features. It is throughout as brothers that '

St Paul regards his readers, and he never starts a new line

of thought without reminding them of the fact, as if to bring
home to them in the clearest manner, that all these questions
concerned both them and him alike 2 .

Hence too, in the appeals which he addresses to them,

St Paul never loses an opportunity of going back upon his
readers' previous knowledge (I. i. 5,ii. i f, 5, 9, n, iii. 3 f., iv. 2,

v. 2, II. ii. 5 f., iii.

7). And when he finds it necessary to

exhort, he almost goes out of his way to show his appreciation

of the zeal the young community has already displayed (I. iv. i,

10, v. u, II. iii. 4).

and And if such is the spirit of St Paul's missionary work, an
l ua ^y clear light is thrown upon its methods. Driven from
sionary Philippi, the Apostle might naturally, for a time at any rate,
have turned to some quieter and more obscure spot but ;

instead, in characteristic fashion, he boldly carried forward his

Morgenrdtei. 68. 13 f., v. 5, II. i. f., n
by which the
'A5eX0o/, as an address, occurs missionaries, almost unconsciously,
21 times in our Epistles. Notice too identify themselves with their con-
the subtle change from the 2nd to the verts.
ist pers. plur. in I. iii. 2 f., iv. 6 f.,

message to what was, in many ways, the most important city

of the district, in order that from it as a centre the influence of
his message might penetrate into the whole of the surrounding
country .

This is not, however, to say that St Paul at once entered on

an open and propaganda amongst the varied population
of Thessalonica. To have done so would only have been to
court defeat; and even the preaching in the Synagogue, to
which in the first instance he trusted for arresting attention,
formed only a part, and perhaps the less important part of his
work. That consisted rather in quiet and friendly converse
with all whom his message had reached. And our Epistles
enable us to picture him during those long hours of toil for his
daily support to which the fear of proving burdensome to

others had driven him, gathering round him little companies of

anxious inquirers, and with the authority of a father, and the
tenderness of a mother, dealing with their individual needs
ii. I
(I. I) .

Hence the closeness of the bonds between St Paul and his

Thessalonian converts : no forced sense of the phrase they
were literally
his greater self.' To be parted from them was to
The Apostle's preference for 'towns' usage of similar terms elsewhere, e.g.
is in entire accord with the statesman- Asia (Eom. xvi. 5), Achaia (Kom. xv.
like ideal, which from the first he had 26) , Illyricum (Eom. xv. 19).
set before himself, of gradually Chris- 2
On the exact nature of this work
tianizing the Roman Empire : cf. the Epistles throw no light, but it was
Eamsay Pauline and other Studies probably tent-making (cf. Ac. xviii. 3),
(London, 1906) p. 49 ff., Lock St Paul though it would appear that the mate-
the Master-Builder (London, 1899) rial used was not, as is generally
Lect. i. and ii., and for a full account imagined, cloth or felt but leather :

missionary methods in the time of cf. the old designation of Paul

of as
the Apostles with special reference to (T/cirrord/ios (reff. in Suicer Thesaurus
St Paul see Zahn Skizzen aus dem s.v.), and see further Zahn art.' Paulus'
Leben der Alien Kirche 2 (Erlangen, in Hauck RE. 3 xv. p. 70 f.
1898) p. 76 ff.
(translated in Exp. vi. Cf. P. Wernle Paulus als Heiden-
vii., and vn. iv.), and Harnack
viii., missionar (Freiburg B., 1899) p. 22 f.,

Die Mission und Ausbreitung des Chris- E. von Dobschutz Probleme des Aposto-
tentums (Leipzig, 1902), Eng. Tr. by lischenZeitalters (Leipzig, 1904) p. 60.
Moffatt under title The Expansion of The whole of the section on ' The
Christianity (London, 1904). Organization of the Mission' with its
By the whole of Macedonia
(I. iv. graphic description of the Apostolic
o) we naturally understand the whole 'cure of souls' in WeinePs St Paul
of the Roman province of that name, Eng. Tr. p. 200 ff. is full of interest.
in accordance with St Paul's regular
suffer 'bereavement' of the acutest kind (I. ii. 17): to hear
' '

of their continued well-doing was to live (I. iii. 8) to see :

' ' '

them again was his constant and very exceeding prayer '

(I. iii. 10).

Surely there can be no difficulty in recognizing here the

portrait of one who though he was Paul, was also a man / and
' 1

' '

who, in the fine phrase of another early writer, carried music

with him wherever his influence penetrated 2 .

The 3. Hardly less striking than the picture of their writer is

the picture of their first readers which our Epistles present a
commu- picture all the more interesting because here alone in the
nity Pauline writings we are brought face to face with a young
in the
freshness Christian community in all the freshness and bloom of its first
of its first
faith. The Thessalonians, who were by nature of a simple and
sturdy type of character had evidently accepted with peculiar

eagerness the Apostolic message, and even amidst surrounding

persecution had continued to display a characteristic fidelity 4 ,
which was found deserving of all praise (I. i. 6 f., II. i. 4 ff.).
' '

in its There were however various shortcomings (vo-rep^ara

I. iii. 10) in their faith which required attention while it is :

in moral characteristic of them the early Pauline
in common with all
communities, that not at once had they succeeded in freeing
themselves from some even of the grosser sins of their old pagan
and order, surroundings (I. iv. 3 8)
Nor was this all, but in their very

enthusiasm for their new faith with its bright assurance of

1 5
Chrys. el Kal IlaOXos rjv a\\' av- In addition to possessing all the
temptations of a great seaport, Thessa-
2 lonica was notorious in antiquity as
Isidore Epp. ii.
124 6 yfjv Kal
6d\a<T<rav pvdfUffas. one of the seats of the Cabiri, or
CL Eenan Saint Paul p. 136 ff. mysterious deities, whose
Mommsen Hist, of Rome Bk. in. worship was attended with grossly
ch. 8, Eng. Tr. ii. p. 229: 'In stead- immoral rites: cf. Firmicus de Err.
fast resistance to the
public enemy Prof. Eelig. c. u, 'Hunc eundem
under whatever name, in unshaken (Corybantem) Macedonum colit stulta

fidelity towards their native country persuasio. Hie est Cabirus, cui Thes-
and their hereditary government, and salonicenses quondam cruento ore cru-
in persevering courage amidst the entis manibus supplicabant' (cited by
severest trials, no nation in ancient Tafel p. xxxiii). Full particulars re-
history bears so close a resemblance garding the Cabiri will be found in
to theEoman people as the Macedo- Lobeck Aglaopham. iii. ch. 5, p. 1202 ff . :

nians (cited by Lightfoot Bibl. Essays see also Lightfoot ut s. p. 257 f.
p. 248 n. ).


(as they believed) an immediate Parousia of the Lord, the

Thessalonian believers were showing a spirit of restlessness and
excitement, which was leading to the neglect of their daily
work and duty, and at the same time making them impatient
of the restraints their leaders were seeking to lay upon
them .

Onboth points, therefore, we find St Paul addressing to

them words of prudence and moderation, enforcing, on the one
hand, the dignity and consecration of labour (I. iv. 1 1 f., II. iii.
6 if.) and, on the other, checking the self-assertive spirit, which

threatened to disturb the peace of the whole community

(I. v. 12 i, II. iii. 6).
For it is very noticeable that it is the community as a in its re-

whole which principally bulks in the Apostle's thoughts. Even

though there are already clear traces of a certain class who ship,

were 'to all appearance office-bearers of the Ecclesia,' the

services which they rendered were not essentially different
from services which members of the Ecclesia, simply as
brethren, were to render each other. They too were to
admonish the disorderly, as also to do the converse work of
encouraging the feeble-minded. They too were to make the
cause of the weak their own, to sustain them, which is at least

As showing how these faults, with we remember that in old Greek thought
the more marked virtues of hospi-
still labour was never regarded otherwise
tality and brotherly-love, continued to than as a necessity of. e.g. Aristotle's

prevail in the Macedonian Church who


contemptuous allusion to those

long after the Apostle's time, Arch- live, as their name denotes, O.TTO T&V

bishop Alexander (Speaker's Comm. on xeip&v (Pol. in. iv. 2). According to
the N.T. iii. p. 701) refers to Hieron. Bigg (The Church's Task in the Roman
Comm. in Ep. ad Gal. Lib. ii. cap. ii. Empire 72) Dion Chrysostom 'is
opp. torn. vii. 356, ed. Migne 'Haec : the only classical author who speaks
ex parte usque hodie permanere, non with understanding sympathy of the
potest dubitare, qui Achaiam viderit. labouring poor.' For the very different
Macedones in charitate laudantur, et Jewish attitude towards all forms of
hospitalitate ac susceptione fratrum. honest work see F. Delitzsch Judisches
Unde ad eos scribitur i Thess. iv. 9. Handwerkerleben zur Zeit Jesu (trans-
Sed reprehenduntur... (Ibid. TO, n). lated into English as Jewish Artisan
Quod ne quis putet officio magis do- Life in the Time of Christ in the Unit
centis, quam vitio gentis admonitum, Library, 1902), Edersheim Sketches
in secunda ad eosdem inculcat ac of Jewish Social Life c. xi., and cf.
replicat (2 Thess. iii.
1012).' Taylor Sayings of the Jewish Fathers 2
This is the more noteworthy when (Cambridge, 1897) pp. 18 f., 141.
" "
one side, if not more, of the helpful leadership of the Elders ;

as well as to show long-suffering towards all


in the And if thus we have here only the first beginnings of later
" y
oMte Church-organization, so Christian worship comes before us in
worship, its and most comprehensive form.
simplest The principal
stress is upon such
laidprimary religious duties as praise,

prayer, and instruction in which all are invited to take part

(I. v. n). And as the kiss of peace is to be extended to all
the brethren (I. v. 26), it is again upon all that the closing
benediction rests (II. iii.
and in the The very fact too that the Thessalonian believers require
* ^ e warne d against the danger of indiscriminate bounty
Christian (II. iii. io f.) shows that,
though themselves drawn principally
era ity.
from tne p 00rer an(j working classes, they had from the first
risen to a full sense of their obligation in the matter of
Christian giving. And that the same trait continued to dis-
tinguish their
history proved by the warmth of
later is

St Paul's commendation of the Macedonian Churches who,

'according to their power,... yea and beyond their power,' had
responded to his appeal on behalf of the poor brethren in
Judaea (2 Cor. viii. I

4 Absence
. 4- ^
obvious from what has been said regarding the

of plan
general character of our Epistles that it is vain to look in them
Epistles, for any definite plan. Their contents are too personal, too
varied, to submit themselves to any such restraint. At the
same time a distinct method and progress of thought is clearly
traceable in them, so far at least as their leading topics are
concerned. And though reference has already been made to
most of these, it may be convenient for the student to have
them which they occur 2
briefly presented again in the order in

5. General 5- Beginning with a greeting which happily combines the

new watcnwoi>d of Grace with the old Hebraic salutation of

ofT Thes
and his fellow-writers give thanks with striking
salonians. Peace,' St Paul

Hort The Christian Ecclesia p.

neighbour notice the first and in the
i26ff. cf. Weinel St Paul, Eng. Tr.
; quotation from i Thessalonians v.

p. 213, 'In the Pauline communities [12 ff.].'

the " oversight and the " admonish- 2
See also the Analyses prefixed to
" the two Epistles, pp.
ing were still conceived of as services 2, 84.
of love which one man rendered to his

warmth for the spiritual state of their Thessalonian brethren, i- i-

1- 2 ~ 10
And then, as if conscious that
useless to say anything
it is

further until they have set themselves right with their con-
verts, they proceed to refute certain calumnies, which, so

they have been informed, are being circulated against them-

Their apologia takes, as is natural, the form of an ii. 112.
historical narrative of their ministry at Thessalonica, and is
marked by frequent appeals to their converts' own knowledge
of what its character had been. This has the further advantage ii. 1316.
of giving the Apostles the
opportunity of again gratefully
recognizing how readily the Thessalonians on their part have
accepted the Word of God, and with what brave endurance
they have faced the consequent persecution.
Keturning to more personal matters, St Paul affirms his ii. 1720.
own and his companions' great desire to see again those who

proved such a glory to them. Only when this

have was iii. i 10.

clearly proved to be impossible had he consented to allow

Timothy to act as his ambassador. And now that he has
' '

returned with the good news of the Thessalonians' faith and

love, words fail the missionaries to express their deep sense
of thanksgiving and joy. So far moreover from Timothy's
report to acquiesce in their own enforced absence,
leading them
it has rather increased their desire to see their young converts

face to face, and to complete the good -work begun in them.

God alone can secure
this. And accordingly it is their con-
stant prayer that He will open up their way of return, and that iii.
meanwhile the hearts of the tried and afflicted Church may be
stablished in holiness, in view of the approaching Parousia of
the Lord.
A second, and more didactic, portion of the Epistle follows, iv - *

in which the writers proceed to furnish fresh guidance for their

readers in all that pertains to their Christian calling. In
particular they warn them against the immorality, which was
iv - 28.
then so marked a feature in Greek city-life, and, while gladly
recognizing their spirit of charity and brotherly-love, they iv. 9 J2.

summon all to diligence in their own work, that thereby they

may preserve an honourable independence, and gain the respect

of their heathen neighbours.
iv. 1318. Their fears regarding those of their number who meanwhile
are falling on sleep are met with the assurance that, so far from
these being shut out from Christ's glory on His Return,
v. i ii. will rather be the first to then the suddenness
share in it. And
of that Return, of which the Thessalonians have
already been so-
fully warned, is made the basis of a practical appeal to watch-
fulness and sobriety.
v. 1222. Various exhortations, still addressed to the community as a
whole, with reference to their attitude to their leaders, and
to their more feeble brethren, follow,
along with some general
v. 23, 24. rules of Christian living. Arid the whole is sealed once more
with a characteristic prayer to the God of peace.
v. 2528. Finally, the Epistle is brought to a close with a salutation
and benediction.
6. General 6. The Second Epistle follows on very similar lines. After
structure ,-, i i

of 2 Thes- tne opening address and greeting, the writers again give
salonians. thanks for the Thessalonians' state, dwelling with pride on
their progress, as proved especially by their patient endurance
under persecution. They bid them remember that that persecu-
tion, so farfrom leading them to think that God had forgotten
them, should rather encourage them to look forward with con-
fidence to the final reward by which their present
i. 6io. will be crowned. And this, in its turn, leads to a graphic
what will result alike to believers and unbelievers
picture of
i. ii, 12. when the Lord appears. A prayer, to which the Apostles are
giving constant expression, that it
may be well with the
Thessalonian Church in that Day, interjected. is

writers then proceed to what is the most distinctive
ii. i^ 2. feature of their second letter. They have learned that their
former teaching regarding the Parousia, supplemented from
other sources for which they disown all responsibility, has been
the unwitting cause of an undue restlessness and excitement on
the Thessalonians' part. Accordingly, while saying nothing to
shake the belief in the suddenness of the Parousia, they remind
their readers ofwhat they had clearly taught them before, that
it be preceded by certain well-defined signs.
will Amongst
312. these the principal place is given to the appearance of the Man
of lawlessness, as the full and crowning manifestation of the
evil already working in their midst. For the present that

manifestation is held in check by a restraining power, but

how long this power will last no one can tell.

In any case, they urge, the Thessalonians must stand firm ii. 1315-
and hold fast the traditions they have already been taught, in
humble dependence upon the God, Who alone can give them
unfailing consolation, and strengthen them to do and to say all

that is right.
To the same God let them also pray on the Apostles' iii. 15.
behalf. And meanwhile, in conformity with the example the
Apostles themselves have set them, let them apply themselves iii. 615.
with diligence to their daily work, shunning every disorderly
' '

brother, and at all times and inways seeking the peace

all iii. 1 6.

which is the peculiar property of the Lord of peace/ and which


it is again the writers' prayer that He may bestow upon

them all.
The whole is then confirmed by an autographic salutation iii.
17, 18.

and benediction in St Paul's own handwriting.



OlBe yap 17 (ro<f>LO. TOV /xeyaXov IlavAou Trpos TO SOKOVV
KttT* fovcria.v rots pTjfjLacri Kal T<3 iSt'a)
TT^S Siavoias etp/xaJ 7rp<xrap|U,oe6v
ras ran/ prjfiarmv /ji<a<reis, K<XV Trpos aAAas rtvas evvotas 77 crvvijOeia rrjv
TWI/ Xcgcwv <j>cprj.

Gregory of Nyssa 0/?p. Migne n. 1303.

i- -Lan- i.
General The two Epistles to the Thessalonians contain in all about
^o differen t ords. WOf these 27 are aTnzf \ey6fj,eva in the
lary. N. T., and 27 are used by St Paul alone amongst the N. T.
writers. A still larger number (37) are peculiar to the Pauline
writings along with the Gospel and Acts of St Luke, and the
Epistle to the Hebrews.
Passing to the question of meaning, the influence of the
Greek O. T. is unmistakable in the case of a very considerable

number of words. With regard to others, we are led to look

rather to the ordinary colloquial usage of the Apostle's time for
the exact sense he is desirous to convey.

N.T. aira The following

is a list of the a7ra Xeyo/xeva referred to. In this
\ey6fj.eva case be convenient to take each Epistle separately, and to
it will

i? ^
& the words in the order in which thev occur.
mi ,
,>/*/ o\ > / 4 / \ /

i Thessa- J :
e^x (0
)t cu/a/xej/eu/* (i. 10), 7rp07rao-xa>
lonians. (ii. 2), KoAoicia (ii. 5), rpo<os* (ii. 7), 6/xetpo/* (ii. 8), <riyx.<vAer?7S
(ii. 14), a.7rop<ai'i'ojuai (ii. 17), aatVo/xat (iii. 3), VTrepjBaLvto* (iv. 6),
^eoSi'Sa/cTO? (iv. 9), TrepiAenrofuu* (iv. 15), KeXcvcr/xa* (iv. 16),
ara/cros* (v. 14), 6Aiyoi/ar)(OS* (v. 14), oXoreX^'s (v. 23), i/opKi'a>
(v. 27).
Of these 17 words, nine, which are distinguished by an asterisk,
are found in the LXX. ; four (icoAajcla, TrpoTracrxw, era/vofuu, airop-
^ai/i^o/xat) are found
in good Gk. writers, and a fifth (6AoTeA.?js) in
Plutarch; while eVop/ao> is found in the text of 2 Esdr. xxiii. A
(xiii.) 25 (cf. ei/op/cos, 2 Esdr. xvi. (vi.) 18). There thus remain

only two words which can be regarded as free formations of the

Apostle's own 0eooYSaKTos and crv/x^uXeT^s. The former, framed on
the analogy of ^COKTIO-TOS (2 Mace. vi. 23), probably contains a
reminiscence of Isa. liv. 13 StSaKTo? Oeov. The latter (for class.
^vXeV^s) may be compared with crvvp.aO'ijTr)<s (Jo. xi. 16), crvj'TroAmys
(Eph. ii. 19), and with avfji<j>v\o<s in Aq. Zech. xiii. 7 see further :

Lob. Phryn. p. 471, Rutherford N.P. p. 255 f. for the prevalence

of similar compounds in late Gk.
2 Thessalonians :
vTrepavgdvia (i. 3), ewcauxao/xcu* (i. 4), ySay/xa 2 Thessa-
10, 12), dra/mos draKTea) lonians.
(i. 5), TIVCO* (i. 9)\ tvSogdiofjiai* (i. (iii. 6, 11),

(iii. 7), 7reptepyao/>iai* (iii. n), KaAoTroie'w (iii. 13), cn^aoo/xai*

(iii. 14).
Of these 10 words, five are again found in the LXX., three
draKTCK, eVSeiy/m) are found in the ordinary Gk. of the

Apostle's time, /caAoTroie'w is found as a variant in Lev. v. 4, while

V7rpavdv(i> is found several times in late Gk., and is in thorough
harmony with the Pauline love for compounds in vTrep-.
The total number of words, which have not yet been quoted
from any other source than the two Epistles, is thus reduced to
the two words already discussed in connexion with i Thess. while ,

the Epistles' 27 a7ra Aeyo/xei/a in the N.T. compare very favourably

with the 41 (4?), which, according to the calculation in Grimm-
Thayer, are to be found in St Paul's other Epistle to a Macedonian
Church, the Epistle to the Philippians .

To the foregoing lists there may be added a number of words Words or

or phrases, occurring in the Epistles, which are used elsewhere in phrases
the N.T. only by St Paul.
ayae/oxrwr;, aytcoo-w*/, aoiaAetTTTtos, apa ovv, etTrep, CKOIKOS, evepyeia, in the
^a7raTaw, eTri/Japew, CTTK^aveta (Pastorals), tvo-xry/xoVajs, OdXw, fjiYj TTCD?, N.T.
yu,i/eta, /xo^^os, oAe$pos, 7ra^O5, 7rptK<^>aAaia, TrAeoveKrew, TrpocVT^yut, Trpo-
Aeyw, o*Tyoj,

Along with these, the following may be noted as occurring only or to

in St Paul and the Lukan writings, or in St Paul and the st Paul
to the Hebrews, or in all three combined. along with
v / > , / v , , , o/o , / ot Luke

aycov, atpeo/xai, at0vtoios, tt/xe/xTrro?, avcupeoo, ai/Ta7rootoco/x,i, a^tow, an(j ^he

aTToSetKi^v/xi, aTrotrTacrt'a, ao-^cxActa, aro:ros, Sta/xaprvpo/xat, e/cSiajKco, Ep. to the
It should be hardly necessary to several words and phrases in
point out that ct7ra evprj^va is a i Thess. which are used elsewhere
fitterdesignation of such words than by St Paul in the same sense
dVal elpy/jifra, in view of the con- only in the Ep. to the Philippians:
stant reduction in the words hitherto e.g. irptHfravis (ii. 5; Phil. i.
believed peculiar to the Gk.
to be 4iri6vfji.ia (in good sense ii.
17; Phil. i.
Bible: see Deissmann Hellenistisches '

23), /cat a7ra Kal dis (ii. 18 ; Phil. iv.

in Hauck E.E.'3 vii. 16), (rrtyavos (metaph. ii. 19 Phil. iv. ;

p. 636. i), Keivdai els (metaph. iii. 3 Phil. i. ;

Schmidt (Der erste Thessalonicher- 16), tpwTav (ask, iv. i, v. 12; Phil.
brief p. 82) has drawn attention to iv. 3).
the interesting fact that there are

, ei/KaKo>, CTT to-

way toy 77,

/cara^too/xat, Karapyeeo, Karcv^ww, p.apr'upojtxai,

/ATaoY8co//,i, /j.LfjL-rjr-^<;, vov^erew, TrapayyeAta, Trapp^tria^o/xai, Treptoxrorepajg,
TrArypot^opia, TrpoetTroi/, ore^acr/aa, roiyapow, vo-rep^/xa.
Words From
this brief notice of the peculiarities of the Pauline diction
found with as illustrated
by our Epistles, we may turn to one or two lists of
worc^ s which are used in them for the first time in the N.T. in a
special sense. Their history, which is traced more fully in the
Textual or Additional Notes, is of importance as
throwing light
upon the main sources of the Apostle's vocabulary.
owing to Amongst these a first place must be given to the words, whose
the in-
meaning here is due apparently in the first instance to the sense in
wn * c h tnev were use d * n tne Greek O.T. (including the Apocrypha),
though in the case of many of them full allowance must also be
made for the fact that they formed part of the common dialect ' '

of the Apostle's time.

The following are typical examples :
d-yaOaxrvvr), dydir-q, ayyeAos,
), ayiaoyxo?, ayto?, a$T<o, avayKrj, dvo/jiia., avoyuto?, aTroK

Avi/as, a7rooTa<ria, ctTrwAeia, 8ia/:?oA.os, Soa, Soaw, SovAevw,

(' gratis '), .0vrj, etScoAov, eipryvr/, tK^i/cos, e/c/cAr/o-ia,

^ao/tat, i/Tpe7ra> (metaph.), e^ov^ei/ew, cvayyeAi^o/xat,

cuo (' bene vivo I. iii. 8), fle'Ai^a, ^Aii/^t?, Ppoco/uat, KapSta, /cara^io'dj,
Karev^wco (metaph.), /cav^crts, /cot/xoo/xai (metaph.), oAiyoi/'v^os, o'Ao-
K\rjpo<s, orofJLa, Treipct^co, Trepi/cc^aAat'a, TreptTrarew (metaph.), Trcpurouycris,
TTto-Tts, Trovr/pos, 7rpo(TV)(ifj, o~aAevo> (metaph.), o-c/Jacr/xa, o-reAAo/u-at,

crre^avos (metaph.), o-rrypt^w, virofjiovTi], faxy, x^-P L<s -

or techni- Other expressions which, starting from a technical or quasi-

cal visage technical sense in classical or late Gk., have come to be adopted
in other
ag technical terms of the Christian religion are aSeA<os, aTroo-roAo?,
nexions. StaKOvo?, c^epyeia, 7rt<aj/eia, /x,vetav Troteto-^at, /xvo-T^piov, Trapovcria.

Words Finally regard must be had to the large number of words and
illustrated phrases upon which much additional light has been thrown by the
by the discovery of such non-literary records as the Greek inscriptions of
on - the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, and the papyrus-
of the
I*"* f Egypt-
Evidence of this will be found on practically every page of the
Apostle's following Commentary. Here it must suffice to draw attention
time. t o suc h interesting examples as are afforded by

ayaTnyro's, atwi/tos, a/xe/XTrro?, a/xe/aTmos, aTravrryo-t?, aTroSaWufu,

ape(TKtv (rtvt), ao-Tra^o/xat, ao"7racr/>ios, araKreaj (and its cognates),
OLTOTTO?, 8tK->7, cT8os, v (instrumental), cvbrrtjfu, cvopKt^w, c^ovcria,

7ri^apea>, cpwraw (* rogo '), cuo-x^/xoVco?, eu'xapio-Tcco, Kare^w, Kvpio?,

TrapaSoo-t?, Trapa/caAew, Trpoto-rajaai, (rr/jLtetoo/xat, TVTTOS, vtos ^coi), <^>tAo-


General Deductions from merelists of words are always dangerous,

and in obviously impossible to form any definite
any case it is

conclusions as to the nature and the sources of the Pauline


vocabulary on the evidence of two short Epistles. This

however is clear that the Apostle had an ample Greek voca-
his Jewish origin
bulary at his command, and, notwithstanding
and upbringing, had learned to use Greek as virtually a second
mother-tongue. Not only did he speak freely in Greek, but

apparently he thought in Greek, and was able to adapt to

his own words he found in current use 1
special purposes the

On the other hand, our Epistles do nothing to confirm

(though they may not disprove) the idea that St Paul
received a thorough Greek education, ^here are no quotations
in them from ancient Greek authors, and at most two or three
words (such as aTrop^avi^o/jiaL) for which only classical, as
distinguished from late Greek, authority has been produced.
And the general impression which they convey is that for his
Wortschatz/ or stock of words. St Paul, when not directly

indebted to the Greek O.T., was mainly dependent upon the

living, spoken tongue
of his own day, borrowing from time
to time more or less consciously from ethical writers, but other-
wise showing little or no dependence upon the literature of
classical or later times .

On St Paul's indebtedness to the first five letters of the alphabet,

Hellenism see especially Canon Hicks' s the writer comes to the conclusion
classical essay St Paul and Hellenism
that for his vocabulary the Apostle
in Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica iv. was mainly indebted not to 'literary
(Oxford, 1896), and E. Curtius's paper theory,' but to 'life' (p. 28). In the
on 'Paulus in Athen' in his Gesam- same way von Dobschiitz (Die urchrist-
melte Abhandlungen ii. p. 527 ff. lichen Gemeinden p. 279) draws atten-
{Berlin, 1894), translated in Exp. tion to the striking manner ('in
vii. iv. p. 436 ff. Cf. also Sir W. M. frappanter Weise') in which the
Ramsay's articles on 'Tarsus' in Exp. special ethical terms of Greek philoso-
vii. i. and ii., and the same writer's phy are wanting in the Pauline writ-
articles on
St Paul's Philosophy of ings : A. Carr The use of pagan

History, 'and 'PaulinismintheGraeco- ethical terms in the N.T.,' Exp. v. ix.

Roman world' in the Contemporary p. 443 ff. It must be kept in view,

Review, Sept. and Oct. 1907. however, that, if more of the Stoic
Cf. especially Nageli Der Wort- literature of the period had survived,
scliatz des Apostels Paulus (Gottingen, this conclusion might require to be

1905) where, after a careful examina- considerably modified.

tion of Pauline words, falling under

ii. ii.
Style. Style.

The The general style of the Epistles confirms what has just
been said regarding their vocabulary. There is certainly in
Epistles is
them none of the studied rhetorical art or skilfully framed
dialect, with which the Apostle is sometimes credited elsewhere

St Paul was too much concerned with what he had to say to

be able to think of mere literary devices 2 And the drawn-out .

sentences (I. i. 2 ff., ii. 14 ff., II. i. 6 ff., ii. 8 ff.),

the constant
ellipses (I. i.8, n, 4 ii. iv. ff., 14, II. i.
3, 9, ii. 7, iii. 6), the
manner in which he 'goes
off' at a word (I. ii. 14 f., v. 8 f.,

II. i. the inversion of metaphors (I. ii. 7 b v. 2, 4), not only

10), ,

bear evidence to the intensity of the writer's feelings at the

time, but are in themselves valuable proofs of 'unstudied
epistolary genuineness .'

and This is very far, however, from saying that either Epistle
shows signs of carelessness, or is wanting in well-ordered
passages which, if not comparable to, at least prepare the way
for the splendid outbursts of some of the later
Epistles (cf. e.g.
I. ii. 3 ff., II. iii. I
ff). St Paul had evidently that highest gift
of a great writer, the instinctive feeling for the right word, and

See, e.g., J. Weiss Beitrage zur authenticity, may be turned into an
Paulinischen Rhetorik (Gottingen, argument in favour of it. St Paul
1897), where certain sections more had evidently not the pen of a ready
particularly of the Epp. to the writer, and when he had once found
Corinthians and Komans are analyzed an expression suited to his purpose
with the view of showing their artistic found it very difficult to vary it. What
and even rhythmical arrangement, more natural than that the words and
and cf. Blass's attempt (Die Rhythmen phrases which, during that anxious
der asianischen und romischen Kunst- time of waiting for the return of
prosa, Leipzig, 1905) to find 'Asianic Timothy, he had been turning over in
rhythm' in Eoman sand other Pauline his mind as the most suitable to
writings, including i Thessalonians. address to his beloved Thessalonians,
2 '
Kunstliteratur and '
Paulus- '
should have remained in his memory,
briefe' are, as Deissmann puts it, and have risen almost unconsciously
'inkommensurable Grossen' (Hellen- to his lips, as he dictated his second
isierung, p. 168 n. 4 ). letter to the same Church so shortly
The very closeness indeed of the afterwards ? For a somewhat similar
literary dependence of i Thess. upon argument applied to the relation of
the earlier Epistle, and the consequent Colossians and Ephesians see Dr
Sanday's art. on
stiltedness of style to which this some- Colossians in '

times leads (notably in II. i. 3 10), Smith's D.E? i. pt. i, p. 630.

so far from disproving that Epistle's

even when writing, as he does here, in his most 'normal' style 1 ,

and with an almost complete absence of the rhetorical figures,

so largely practised in his day 2 he does not hesitate to avail ,

himself of the more popular methods of adding point or

emphasis to what he wants to say by the skilful arrangement ,

of his words (e.g. I. v. 3,

II. ii.
6), by compressed word-pictures
(I. i. 8 e^rj^rjrat, ii. 2 dyoovi,, ii. 17 dTrop^avKrOevres, II. iii. I

rpe^rj),by interpolated questions (I. ii. 19, iii. 6 (?), 9 f.), and
even by plays on words (I. ii. 4, II. iii. 2 f., 1 1 ).
No effort indeed is wanting on the writer's part to bring
home to his readers the extent of his heart-felt gratitude on
their behalf, and his concern for their highest welfare. And
here, as in all the other Pauline writings, we readily recognize
that the arresting charm of the Apostle's style is principally
due to 'the man behind 4/ and that the highest form of all
eloquence, 'the rhetoric of the heart/ is speaking to us .

iii. Literary Affinities. iii. Lite-

What has just been said will prepare us not to expect in
our Epistles any direct affinities with the more distinctly
literary works of St Paul's or of previous times. There are,
however, two sources which have left such an unmistakable

See Lightfoot Journ. of Class, and section, and adds pointedly, 'DesPaulus
Sacr. Philol. iii.
(1857) p. 302. Stil ist individuell und packend...Kein
Of., however, the meiosis in I. ii. Klassiker, kein Hellenist hat so
15, II. iii. 2, 7, the chiasmus in I. v. 6, geschrieben, auch kein Kirchenvater.
and the intentional anakolouthon in Der von seinem Herrn iiberwaltigte
II. ii. 7. hellenistische Jude steht fur sich da.'
In Dr A. J. Wilson's paper on Cf. also the words of U. von Wilamo-
Emphasis in the N.T.' in the J.T.S. witz-Moellendorff as cited on p. 121 of
75 ff., some of the finer methods
viii. p. this work.
of expression, beloved by Paul, are There are some good remarks on
well brought out. this point in Norden's great work on
Even Heinrici in his well-known Die antike Kunstprosa ii. p. 509 f.,
discussion '
Zum Hellenismus des though in pronouncing the Pauline
Paulus' (in his commentary on Epistles 'unhellenisch,' he falls into
2 Corinthians in Meyer vi. 8 , Gottingen, the fundamental error of treating
1900), while emphasizing the Apostle's them as 'Kunstprosa' instead of in
points of contact with the rhetorical direct connexion with the non-literary
methods of his contemporaries, quotes texts of the time: cf. Deissmann in
with approval the words of Gregory of the Theologische Rundschau v. (1902)
Nyssa prefixed as a heading to this p. 66 ff.

impress upon the Apostle's language, as well as thought, that

they cannot be passed over here. They are (i) the Greek O.T.,
(2) certain Sayings of Jesus.
(i) with (i) We have seen already how dependent St Paul was on
the Greek
O.T. the LXX. for many of his most characteristic words. But his
indebtedness does not stop there. So minute was his acquaint-
ance with its phraseology, so completely had it passed in sucum
et sanguinem, that, though in these alone of all his Epistles there
is no direct quotation from the O.T., there are whole passages
which are little more than a mosaic of O.T. words and ex-
pressions. Two short passages may serve to illustrate this.

as illus- The first is St Paul's description of the result of his ministry in

trated by
i Thess.
Thessalonica in i Thess. i. 8 TO.

i. 8 d<f> v/xon> yap f^tj 6 Joel iii.

(iv.) 14 77^01 cfrj)
Aoyos TOV Kvpiov. lv T-fj
KocXdoL T^? BiKrjs. 3 Mace,
iii. 2 V (friyijir)
Bvo~/jivr] ; c^^etTO.
ib. Iv TTO-VTi T07TO) Yf TTLCTTIS V/XWV Ps. xviii. (xix.) 5 eis Trao-av Trjv

77 Trpos rov Otov t&XijXvOcv. yfjv i^TjXOev

6 ^^oyyos avTwv.
9 OTTOiaV LO~OOOV 4 Regn. xix. 27 TT)V eto-oSor o-ov

ib. KO.L TTtOS 7TCrTpl//aT 7T/3OS Isa. xliv. 22 7rrrpa<r7Ti Trpo?
TOV OfOV 0.7TO TWV etS(oA.<DV. tie, /cat
AvTpwo-o/xat o-e. Jer. iii.
22 7no-Tpd<f>r)T...oovXoi >7'ttt9 eao-
/xe0a o-oi, OTI o-v Kvpio? 6

ib. SovAcveiv 0ea) tfivri /ecu a Jos. iii. 10 iv Tovrcu

Oivu. on ei/ Dan. vi. 26
cart ^eos...^toi/ t? yevcas

Isa. Ixv. 1 6 evXoytjo-ovo-iv yap TOV

6f.ov TOV oX-qQwov.
l. IO avatiei/eiv TOV VLOV avTOv Isa. lix. 1 1 dvejU.etVa/xv Kpicrw.
K TWI/ ovpavwv.
ib. 'Irycrovi/ TOV pvo/xvov Sap. xvi. 8 (TV et 6 pvo/xe/os e/c

iravTOs KaKov. Ps. cxxxix. (cxl.) i

di/8pos dSt'Kov p{5<rat /xe.
ib. CK T^S /^^?. Isa. xiii. 9 tSov yap T^/xepa Kvptov
opy^s T^S epx
ep^erat dvtaros $v/xou Kat opyrjs.

and .
Our second passage is the great picture of approaching Judg-
men t in 2 Thess. i. 6 10. Here, as generally in the eschatological
passages of the Epistles, the O.T. basis of the whole conception is

even more marked.


i. 6 Trapa eoj Isa. Ixvi. 4 TO.? d/xaprta? dvra-

rots 6\L/3ovcnv v/xds aurots. i6. 6 <WVT) Kv/MOV
tSoi^Tos avraTroSoirtv rots
ai/Ti/cei/xei/ois. Lam. iii. 64 o.7ro-

Swcreis avror? di/raTToSo/xa, Kvpie,

Kara TO,
pya TOJJ/
^etptov avTcoi/.

Cf. Obad. 15.

7 Ka VfJUV TOtS Isa. 20 KeKpa^ovTttt 7rpo5
avO~tv /xe0' e T Kvptoi/ 8ia rov? 6\i/3ovra<s avTovs,
TOV Kvpiov aTT* ovpavov. Kat aTroo-TeXet CIVTOIS av^pwTrov os
o-wo-et avTOvs, Kptvon/ o-wo-et avTovs.
i. 8 /XT' dyyeXwv oWd/xew?
7 Ex. iii. 2 (jj<f>0rj 8e avTW
avTov fv Trvpt <Xoyds. Kvpiov K Trvpt ^>Xoyos. Sir. viii.
IO (13) /XT; e/x7rvpto-^7j5 ev Trvpt

i. 8 8t8dvTOS eK8tK^o-ti/ Tots /XT)

Isa. Ixvi. 15 iSov yap Kvpios o>s
etSdcrt $eov Kat Tots /XT) V7raKOvovo-tv Trvp ^ct, . aTTOoowai ei/
^v/xa> /c-
' /

cvayyeXtu) TOV Kvpiov TT'/XWV 8t /cryo~tv avTov...ei/ <f>Xoyl Trvpos.

croi. Jer. xxv. 12 K8iK-tj(Tw TO Wvos
e/ceivo. Jer. x. 25 CK^COJ/ TOI/

Ovfjiov <rov 7rt ^1/77

TO, /XT}
ore Kat 7ri
yeveas at TO ovo/xd
crov OVK eTreKaAeVaj/To.
9 otrives OIKT^V Ticroucru/. Prov. xxvii. 1 2 a<f>pove<s 8e eT

4 Mace. x. 15 TOV atwvtoi/ TOV

^0. a?ro 7rpocra>7rov TOV Kvptov 11. IO CX7TO TTpOO-CUTTOV TOV

Kat aV6 TT^S SO^TIS TT;S ta^vos "av- Kvptov Kat a7ro TT;S 80^779
TOV. TV;? to-^vogavTov (cf. w. 19, 21).
i.IO oTav eX0T7 vBoa(r6rji'ai ev Ps. Ixxxviii. (Ixxxix.) 8 6 0eos
Tots dytots avTov Kat ^ ev8o^a^d/xi/os ev /SovXr) ayuov. Ps.
vat ev TrdViv Tots 7rto-Tvo-ao-tv. Ixvii. (Ixviii.) 36 $av/xao-Tos 6 $eos
ci/ Tots ocrtots avTov. Ezek. xxviii.
22 Td8e Xeyet KvptO5...ev8o^ao-^-
cro/xat V o"ot, . . . ev T<3 rroLrjcraL /xe ev
o~ot Kpt/xaTa, Kat a'ytao-^Tfcro/xat ev

TTJ Zeph. i. 7 vXa/?to-^ aVo Trpocr-

COTTOV Kvptov TOV #ov, 8tOTt cyyv?
7^/xepa TOV Kvpiov. Isa. ii. 19 f.
CtTTO TT/S 8d^S T7?S tO-^VOS ttVTOV,
6Vav dvao-Trj Opavfrai TT}V yTyi/. TTJ

ydp >7/xpa

(2) More important

the relation of the Apostle's (2) with
still is
language in our Epistles to certain Words of the Lord that ofjesus.
have come down to us in the Gospels. For without taking any
note of some of the subtler resemblances that have been
detected here, there sufficient to show that St Paul
still remain
must have been well acquainted with the actual words of Jesus,
and in all probability had actually some written collection of
them in his possession 1 .

The following are some of the most obvious examples :

I. VTJTTLOL ev Lk. xxii. 27 'Eyoj 8e ev /xeVw

ii. 1 2 TOV 0eov TOV KaXovvTos Mt. xxii. 3 (the Parable of the
v/xas cis TTJV eavTov /3ao-tXa'av Kat Marriage Feast) Kat aVeo-TetXev
Soav. TOVS SovXovs avTOv KaXO"at TOVS

ii. 14 ff. TWV 'Iov8ata>v, TCOV Kat Mt. xxiii. 3 1 f . vio& o-T

TOV Kvpiov aVoKretvavTwv 'Iryo~ovi/

Kat TOVS 7rpo<?7Tas...eis TO avairX^- TrXrjpwaoLTe TO /xeTpov TWV
pcuo*at avToov Tas a/xapTtas TTCIVTOTC. Tro.Tf.pdiv V/JLWV. Of. the Parable
of the Vineyard Mt. xxi. 33 ff.

and parallels.
13 ev TTJ Trapovcria. TOV Kvpiov Mt. xvi. 27 /xe'XXet yap 6 tnos
77/xwv 'Irycrov tteTa TravTwv TOOV dyt'wv ev Trj oorj
avrov. ctyyeXwi/
(Mk. 38 /XCTO. TWV ayye-

Xwv TWJ/ ay tour, Lk. ix. 26 TOV

TraTpos Kat TWV a'ytW ayyeXwv).
iv. 8 6 d$T(3v ov/c av@p(DTrov Lk. x. 1 6 d a^T(5r v/xas e/xe
t aAAa TOI/ Se /X a^T(OV a^CTCt TOl/

iv. 9 Trept 8e T^ Mt. xxiii. 8 TrafTes 8 v/xets

lS $eoSl'SaKTOt O~T S TO CtyaTTCtV
t eo-T. Cf Jo. xv.
. 1 2 aim;
tv evToX>y ti/a
77 77 C/AT; ayaTraTe
iv. 1 6 f. avTOS o Kvptos. . .cv o*aX- Mt. xxiv. 30 f. (Mk. xiii. 26 f.,
Trtyyt 0o9 KCLTafttjcreTaL air ovpavov Lk. Xxi. 27) Olf/OVTCLL TOV VLOV TOV
7Tt TWV V<^)-
, . . 7TtTa >//XtS Ot ^(Uf TS. x6[JifVOV
yrjo-OfAeOa ev vc^eXats eis TOV ovpavov... Kat aVoo-TeXet
TOV Kvpiov cts ctcpa. TOVS cxyye'Xovs avTov /XCTO, o"fxX7rty-
yos /xcyaX^s, Kat 7ricnWovo-iv
xxv. 6 tSov 6 vv/x^tos, Igepxto-Oe
19 CL7Ta.VTr]O~lV.
Kttt Mt xxiv. 36 Trept 8e TT^S 7//xepas

See especially A. Besch Der which, however, many of the coinci-
Paulinismus und die Logia Jesu (Text. dences suggested seem to be very
u. Unters. N.F. xii.) Leipzig, 1904 precarious.
a valuable collection of materials, in

v. 2 T/'/xepa Kvptov (us /cXe7m?s iv Mt. xxiv. 43 (Lk. xii. 39) ct

l/V/CTt OVTWS o oiKoSeo-TTOTr;? TTOIO. (frvXaKrj 6

TT^S ep^Tttl.
v. 3 Tore atc avots Lk. xxi. 34 /A?;' 7roT...c'jri(rTJ)
<TTaTat oXe$pos.

v. 5
yap v/xets vtot
Lk. xvi. 8 TOVS vtovs TOV
TOS CCTTe. Cf. Jo. xii. 36
va vtot
V. 6 Mt. xxiv. 42 yprjyopLT ovv.
v. 7 ot /x0vo-/co'/xei/ot VVKTOS /xe- Mt. xxiv. 48 f. (Lk. xii. 45)
o Ka/<os 8ovXos...7rtVr? /xeTa TOJJ/

V. I I OtKoSotttT tS TO!' C^tt. Mt. xvi. 1 8 CTTI TavVr? T>7 TreVpa

oi/co8o/xr;o"oj ttov TT;V KK\rj<TLav.
V. 13 tp^VVT V ettVTOtS. Mk. ix. 50 tp7yVVT 1>
v. 1 8 TOVTO yap ^eX^/xa ^eov. Mt. vii. 21 6 TTOIWV TO OtXriiJia.
TOV TraTpos /xov (cf. xii. 50).
II. i.
5 ets TO Kara^L(j)Orjrai v'/xas Lk. xx. 35 ot 3e Ka.Tai(aOevT<s
T^S /?ao"tXctias TOV ^eov. TOV at(oVo? KIVOV TV^(tV.
7 & i"fj aTTo/caXvi^et TOV Kvpiov Lk. xvii. 30 rj ^/xepa 6 vtos TOV
'I>ycrov aV ovpavov.
i. 12 OTTCOS evBo^acrOy TO ovo/xa Primarily dependent on the
TOV Kvptov ry/xwv 'Ir;o-ov i/
v/xtv, /cat LXX. (cf. Isai. Ixvi. 5), but see
i-ets ci/ John xvii. i, 10, 21 ff.

ii. I Mt. xxiv. 3 1 eTrio-vya^ovo-iv TOVS

Ovs avTOv .

ii. 2 /x^Se Mt. xxiv. 6 /a?} OpoeiaOe.

ii. 3 /x^ Tts v/xas Mt. xxiv. 4 ySXeVeTe fjirj Tts v/xas

ib. a.7roKaXv<f)6r) 6 Mt. xxiv. 1 2 Sia TO Tr

T^S dvofj.La<s. rrjv

ii. 4 6 aVTi/cei)avos...a)o-Te Mt. xxiv. 15 TO )88eXvy/xa T^S
<ts TOV vaov TOV ^eov KaOicrai. ^/X(OO"0>S . . .O"TOS Ct' TO7TO)
9 f. ov O-Tiv TJ 7rapovo-ta KttT* Mt. xxiv. 24 eyepO-1/jarovTa.L yap
vepytav TOV 2aTava ev Trdcrrj Sv-
Kai <rrjfJiLOi<s
KOL repao-w /^ev-
/cat 8<ucrovo~tv o-ry/xcta /cat
feat ev Troia-y aVa-n? a'SiKtas TcpaTa WO~T -TrXavao-^at et 8waToi/
TOt? a7ToXXv/XVOl9. Kat TOVS /cXe/cTovs.
ii. 1 1
evepyciav TrXav^? cis TO Mt. xxiv. 4 /SXcVeTe ^77 Tts
7rto'Tvo"at avrov? TCO ij/evSei.
3 6 Kvptos, os...^>vXa^t aVo Mt. vi. 13 pvaat -^/xas aVo TOV
no exaggeration to say that
It is don, 1904) p. 56.
Matt. xxiv. is the most instructive For possible references to Agrapha
commentary on the chapter before us of Jesus see i Thess. iii. 5, v. 4, 21 f.,
[2 Thess. ii.].' Kennedy St PauVs 2 Thess. iii. 10 with the notes ad
Conceptions of the Last Things (Lon- loca.

Jesus and Upon the larger question, the relation in which so-called
'Paulinism' stands to the original teaching of Jesus, it is
impossible to enter here
But no one can take account of

the foregoing parallels, and of much that will come before

us in the course of this Commentary, without realizing how
conscious the disciple was throughout of his complete depend-
ence upon his Master. His whole 'gospel/ when not directly
inspired by the living Lord Himself (cf. I. iv. 1 5 lv \6yay Kvpiou
with note ad loc.\ was firmly rooted in his knowledge of the
life and words of the historic Jesus, or, perhaps we should
rather say, upon that knowledge as conditioned by his own
sense of union with the Risen Christ, and interpreted in the

light of his own growing Christian experience.

Those who desire to pursue the pamphlet Jesus und Paulus (Tubingen,
subject may be referred to three im- 1906) Kaftan has replied to the Jesus
portant monographs which have ap- or Paul' attitude of Bousset's Jesus
peared lately P. Feine Jesus Christ and Wrede's Paulus in the recent
und Paulus (Leipzig, 1902), M. Goguel German series of Religionsgeschicht-
L'Apotre Paul et Jesus-Christ (Paris, liche Volksbttcher. See also A. Jii-
1904), and E. J. Knowling The Testi- licher's Paulus und Jesus (1907) in
mony of St Paul to Christ (London, the same series, where the writer
1905). See also Dr E. J. Drummond's states his conclusion in the words,
Kerr Lectures on The Relation of the 'Paulus hat also seine Theologie nicht
Apostolic Teaching to the Teaching of an die Stelle der Eeligion Jesu gesetzt,
Christ (Edinburgh, 1900). In his sondern rings um sie her '

(p. 72).


.'Doctrinae divinae vis confluit in amorem.'

Bengel ad i Thess. iv. 9.

i. The Epistles to the Thessalonians are generally regarded i. The

as the least dogmatic of all the Pauline Epistles, and it is true
that there is no mention in them of such distinctive aspects of of * he
Paulinism between law and gospel, faith -
as the contrasts

righteousness and work-righteousness, and flesh and spirit

that the term 'justification' is wholly wanting and that even
the Apostle's favourite watchword of 'grace,' which is found
twice as often in his writings as in all the rest of the New
Testament, occurs only in two passages (II. i. 12, ii. 16),
apart from the more formal salutations and benedictions.
very far, however, from saying that St Paul had not

by this time reached the definite system of Christian truth

which, even when not expressed, lies at the base of all his
writings. He had now been engaged
for a period of nearly
fifteen years in active missionary work, and if he does not find
it necessary to
lay special stress here on certain doctrines which
later emerged into prominence bwing to the controversies in
which he found himself engaged, this is mainly due to the
circumstances under which the Epistles were written 1 .

Addressing as he was a small working-class community, Eeasons

for thls *
composed principally of Gentile Christians, and surrounded
In his recent Essai sur la Christo- the special needs to which they were
logie de Saint Paul i. (Paris, 1906) addressed. 'Paul was above all not
Monteil utters a much-needed warning a doctor and a theologian, but an
on the danger of drawing out a chrono- apostle ; far less occupied with framing
logical chart of the Apostle's growth a system of dogma and theology, than
in Christian truth from, his writings, with announcing the gospel of salva-
which were conditioned throughout by tion' (p. 12).


by the temptations of a great commercial seaport, St Paul


recognized that what his converts stood most in need of was

encouragement, combined with certain very definite warnings
against the undue excitement they were displaying owing
to a mistaken application of his former teaching. And con-
sequently he fell back upon the main elements of that teaching,
with the view not only of showing in what it really consisted,
but of leading his readers on to the higher truths for which he
had been preparing them. So far, therefore, from the simple
theology which the Epistles contain, as compared, for example,
with the more argumentative methods of the Epistles to the
Galatians or Romans, throwing any doubt on their authenticity,
Menegoz seems tempted to think it is precisely what we
as ,

should expect in the circumstances 2 while the many points ,

of contact which the Epistles exhibit with the language and

teaching of the missionary discourses of Acts afford striking

confirmation of the credibility of both (cf. p. xlii).
2. Doctrine 2. In view then of the surroundings of his Thessalonian

converts, we are not surprised to find the Apostle laying very

special stress on the doctrine of God or rather of the God/ '

as contrasted with the many and vain gods whom formerly they
worshipped .

It is from this God, as St Paul and his companions are

Le Peche et la Redemption d'apres out any further designation, is con-
Saint Paul, p. 4. fined to Christian documents is now
2 It is
only from this point of view disproved on the evidence of the
that we can accept such statements as papyri: cf. Wilcken Archiv i. p. 436,
that the Epistles contain 'a first sketeh where such passages are cited as
of Paul's doctrine' (Sabatier L'Apotre E.G. U. 27, 10 ff. ('certainly heathen'
Paulp. 95, E. Tr. p. 109), or that they ii./A.D.) Kal irapede^aro ^uas 6 rb-rros

form 'a kind of Christian primer' cos 6 debs r/deXev, and B. G. U. 246, 12 f.

(Bruce St Paul's Conception of Chris- ('very probably heathen' ii./iii. A.D.)

tianity p. 15). Schmidt's statement wTvyxwu T 0e virtp v^w.

is more exact :
To sum up : the dog- For similar evidence from the in-
matic system of the Apostle is for scriptions see Kamsay C. and B. i.
obvious reasons not fully unfolded in p. 498 f. where expressions like thou

this Epistle but merely touched on inci- shalt not wrong the God' (<rv /J.TJ

dentally, but this is done in thoroughly dSt/ojo-ets TOV 0e6v), and 'may he not
Pauline fashion' (Der erste Thessa- escape the notice of the God' (/J.TJ
lonicherbrief, p. 78). Xadoiro TOV Oebv], used to prevent the
3 It
should be noted, however, that violation of Christian tombs, are
the old view (Letronne (Euvres i. p. 8) shown to be based on pagan models :

that 6 0e6s, taken absolutely and with- see further pp. 147, 150 ff.

never tired of asserting, that they themselves have derived

'the gospel' which they declare (I. ii. 2ff.) and, as they have ,

been approved by God Himself for this purpose (v. 4), so it is

to His verdict that in the last instance they submit themselves

(w. 4, 10). How complete indeed their sense of dependence

is appears in the emphatic manner in which on four distinct
occasions the missionaries turn from the thought of their own
efforts to the true Author of all grace and peace (I. iii. II,
v. 23, II. ii. 16, iii.
. And it is to Him similarly that
throughout the Epistles they refer the Thessalonians for all
that concerns their own Christian life. They, who formerly
were amongst those 'who knew not the God' (I. iv. 5 cf. II. i. 8), ;

have now turned to 'a God living and true (I. i. 9), and as
their 'faith to God ward (I. i. 8) is entirely due to the 'call'
which 'the God' Himself has addressed to them (I. i.
4, II. ii. 13),
so it is of Him
that they must continue to walk worthily, if

finally they are to reach the kingdom and glory to which His
'call' is summoning them (I. ii. 12, II. i. 5). Any failure in
this can only be due to themselves, and not to God, for He
is 'faithful' to accomplish the work which He Himself has
begun (I. v. 24; cf. II. iii. 3), and it is 'in the very presence of
God' before His all-seeing and all-searching eye an emphatic
phrase used nowhere else in the Pauline Epistles (cf. 2 Cor.
v. 10), that the highest human hopes are consummated (I. i. 3,
iii. 9, 13; cf. ii. 19).
It is showing the nature of the
very noticeable too as
conception which St Paul had already formed of the Deity,
that frequently in these his oldest extant epistles he describes
God as Father,' and that too in a way to suggest that the

term was already in general use, and in need of no explanation

(I. i. I, iii. n, 13, II. i. if., ii.
16). Not only does he thereby
forge a fresh link between his own teaching and the teaching
of Jesus (cf. p. lix ff.), but, by the manner in which he associates

The actual phrase (TO) evayytXiov would naturally follow on v. 4, the
{roD) 0eou occurs elsewhere in the Apostles interject a prayer.
Pauline Epistles only in Horn. i. i, xv. Bengel (ad I. iii. n) remarks very
16, i Cor. xi. 7; cf. i Tim. i. n. beautifully: Utraque epistola ad Thes-

Cf. also II. iii. 5 where, before salonicenses fere singula capita singu-
uttering the -rrapayyeXia of v. 6 which lis suspiriis obsignata habet.'

6 2
the Father with the glorified Lord, he takes what has been
called 'the first decisive step' towards the later Christian doctrine
of the Trinity 1 .

3. Doctrine Nothing indeed can exceed the exalted place assigned

to the Person of Christ even in these markedly monotheistic
writings. For though, in accordance with general Pauline
' '

of as the Son of
practice, He is only once directly spoken
God He is united with the Father
in a manner which
leaves no doubt as to the essential equality which the writer
It is in the Lord Jesus

regards as subsisting between them. '

Christ as well as in God the Father that the Church's life

' '

consists (I. i. I, II. i. i ;

cf. I. ii. 14): to both Father and Son

(I. iii. 1
1) and even to Son and Father (II. ii. 16 ),
followed by
a verb in the that the missionaries address their
prayers : and from Both that the highest blessing proceeds
(I. i. i, v. 28, II. i. 2, iii. i8) .

The even when standing alone, should

fact too that Christ,

be regarded as the immediate Author of His people's spiritual

in view of His Second
growth and establishment in holiness
Coming is most
especially when taken along with
significant ,

Sanday, art. 'Jesus Christ' in On the other hand the 'heathen'
Hastings' D. B. ii. p. 648 ; cf. the usage of the terrr may have stamped
same writer's The Life of Christ in itself on the Apostle's mind, and de-
Recent Research (1907), p. 131 f. termined him to recover it to its
As a matter of fact, the full term proper use.
(6) vios (TOV) deov occurs
elsewhere in In view of the constant tendency
the Pauline Epistles only in Horn. i. 4, to underrate the Christology of St
2 Cor. i. 19, Gal. ii. 20, Eph. iv. 13, Paul's earlier writings, it may be well to
though Christ is referred to as Son
' '

quote the weighty testimony of Bishop

on various other occasions (cf. i Cor. Lightfoot
The Christology of the

9, xv. 28, Gal. i. 16, iv. 4, 6, Bom. Colossian Epistle is in no way different
3, 9, v. 10, viii. 3, 29, 32, Col. i. 13). from that of the Apostle's earlier
The comparative rarity of the title letters.... The doctrine is practically
may perhaps be due to the fact that it involved in the opening and closing
had already heen assumed by the words of his earliest extant epistle
Eoman Emperors, as when a papyrus- (i Thess. i. i, v. 28)' (Colossiaw

fragment (B.G.U. 174) of the year p. 122).

7 A.D. begins 2rous 2[/c]rou K&1 TDLOLKO-
On prayer addressed to Christ in
<rrov [TTJS] Kcu'crct/oos KpaTrjffews deov the Early Church see Zahn Skizzen'2
vi[6]i> (for viov) with evident reference p. 271 ff., A. Seeberg Die Anbetung
to the Emperor Augustus (Deissmann des 'Herrn' bei Paulus (1891), and
BS. p. 166 f.): cf. Magn. i57 b 3 f. TOV ,
the short tract in Biblischen Zeit- und
vlov TOV neyiffTov 0e&v, where the /*ey. Streitfragen by A. Juncker Das Gebet
deCjv is Claudius, and his 'son' Nero! bei Paulus (1905) p. 10 ff.

the part assigned to Him at that Coming. For though Christ

is never
directly spoken of as Judge in our Epistles, and the
final issues are ascribed to God (II. ii. 1 1 f.) in accordance with

the general Jewish belief of the time \ it is clearly implied that

in thework of Judgment the Son also will have a part (I. iii. 13,
iv. 6, 17, v. 2 f., II. i. 7 f., ii. 8) . In this connexion, as constantly
elsewhere throughout the Epistles, He is described as o /cvpios,
a title which was the common term for God amongst the Jews
of the time, but which is here apparently confined to the Person
of the glorified Lord 3 while the identical expressions, which the

Hebrew prophets were in the habit of using of God, are directly

transferred to Him (e.g. I. v. 2, II. i.
Other evidence, pointing in the same direction, is to be
found in the facts that it is from Christ, no less than from God,
that the Apostles claim to have derived their commission
(I. ii. 7; cf. iii. 2, v. 12), and 'through the Lord Jesus' that
they enforce their charges (I. iv. I f. ;
cf. v. 27, II. iii. 6, 12),

Cf. e.g. 4 Ezra vi. 6 'facta sunt qu'il est le createur. Aussi je ne sais
haec per me et non per alium, ut et pas de preuve plus eclatante de 1 'im-
finis per me et non per alium
Orac. ;
mense impression produite par le
Sib. iv. 40 ff. d\V 07r6r' Av 5r/ K6<r/u.ov Galile'en que ce simple fait...un pha-
KO.L BvrjT&v \dri Kiffis rv 6eos avros risien, comme
1'avait etc" Paul, a pu
voir en lui le juge des vivants et des
Elsewhere, however, more particu- morts.'
in Enoch, 3
larly judgment is repre- Briggs The Messiah of the Apostles
sented as entrusted to the Messiah, p. 86 n. 6 'The change of usage by

'And he sat
cf. xlv. 3, Ixii. 2, Ixix. 27 Paul in applying Lord so exclusively
on the throne of his glory, and the to Christ and in carefully abstaining
sum of judgment was committed unto from using it for God the Father was
him, the Son of Man
see also Apoc. : a radical change of an importance
Bar. Ixxii. 2, Orac. Sib. iii. 286 f., and, which it is hard for any one to exag-
on the whole subject, Volz Jiid. gerate. It involved the practical
Eschat. p. 259 f., Holtzmann Neutest. substitution of the sovereignty of the
Theol. i. p. 262. Messiah for the sovereignty of God
For the later teaching of the during the Messianic age.' It would
Apostle to the same effect cf. Rom. ii.
perhaps be more exact to say that
16, i Cor. i. 8, iv. 5, 2 Cor. i.
14, v. 10, St Paul regarded the Kvpi6rr]s of the
x. 18; and for its significance on the world as exercised through the ' '

lips of one who had been brought up Messiah during the period specified.
a strict Jewish monotheist see Colani See further Addit. Note D, p. 136 ff.

Jesus -Christ Croyances Mes-

et les 4
On the causal force of did in this
sianiques de son temps (1864) p. 155, passage cf. WM.p. 3
474, n. ,' the Apostle
'Pour un juif, dire que Jesus pre"sidera was not acting in his own person, but
au jugement, c'etait a peu pres dire as moved through Christ,' and see
while the Thessalonians' prayers are
specially asked that 'the
word of the Lord Jesus may spread rapidly, and be received

everywhere with honour' (II. iii. i).

4 Doctrine
4. This living activity which the power of God (I. ii. 13),

Hoi/ or of Christ (I. i. 8, II. iii. i), can alone impart to the Word
Spirit. is no less clearly marked in connexion with the
part assigned
to the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, as when the Spirit
is made the ground of the 'much assurance' in which the
Thessalonians had received the Apostolic Gospel (I. i. 5), of
the 'joy' which, notwithstanding much affliction, they had been
enabled to display (I. i. 6), and of those charismatic gifts and
utterances which, in view of recent abuses, they were at the
moment in danger of despising (I. v. 19 f.).
On the other hand, to fall into sins of uncleanness was to
reject 'the God,' Whose gift the indwelling Spirit was (I. iv. /f.),
and to come short of that complete sanctification which was the
work (II. ii. 13).
Spirit's peculiar
5. Soterio- 5. When we pass to the region of Soteriology, it is certainly
somewhat surprising at first sight to discover that the great
doctrine of redemption through the Death of Christ is only
once mentioned, and then in the most general way (I. v. 10).
At the same time, if only from what St Paul himself tells
us regarding his contemporary preaching at Corinth (i Cor.
i. i/ff., ii. if.), it is clear that this truth was already fully

present to the Apostle's own mind, and had been previously

proclaimed and accepted at Thessalonica. Else what meaning
could his readers have attached to the indirect but significant
allusion to Jesus as 'the Rescuer' out of the coming Wrath
(I. 10), or to the definition of the Christian Faith as rooted

in the historic facts of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

(I. iv.
If too the other great Pauline soteriological doctrine of the
union of believers with Christ is not stated here with the same
precision that we find in some of the later Epistles, it is
certainly implied, as, for example, in the description of the
'Church of the Thessalonians (which is)... in the Lord Jesus

A. Schettler Die paulinische Formel 53, 'Hinter seinem schwachen Wort

durch Christus' (Tubingen, 1907) p. steht die Autoritat Jesu.'

Christ' (I. i.
I, II. i.
i), or in the emphatic manner in which
'life with Christ' is shown to be the result of the believer's

redemption (I. v. IO, tva...a/uia avv avrco tyja-ayfjuev)

and the
final goal of all his hopes (I. iv. 17 KCU OVTOJS Trdvrore evv /cvpiqy

from this latter point of view indeed, as a prize

6. It is 6. Escha-

awaiting the believer in the future, that the obtaining of

salvation' is principally viewed in our Epistles (I. v. 9, II. ii. 14).
The whole outlook is eschatological and the definite

announcement of the Parousia of the Lord rounds off each

step in the Apostolic argument (I. ii. 19, iii. 13, iv. 15, v. 23,
II ii. i ff.).

Nor can there be any doubt that, in common with all the
other Apostolic writers, St Paul regards this Parousia as close
at hand (I. iv. I5) 3 though at the same time he is careful

to emphasize that the main fact regarding it is that it will

be unexpected (I. v. i), and even in his second

letter, in entire

keeping with the want of system which distinguishes so much

of his eschatology both here and elsewhere 4 the Apostle finds ,

On this important passage see eschatological hope acquired its in-
further E. Schader Die Bedeutung des tensity first through the oldest Chris-
lebendigen Vhristus fur die Rechtferti- tians, who attached ('hefteten') it to
gung nach Paulus (Gutersloh, 1893) p. the Person of Jesus' (p. 107); but see
33 f.
Sanday Recent Research p. 157 ff.
2 '
Upon the vital bearing of St In any case it should be noted that
Paul's eschatological outlook upon his a belief in the near approach of the
theology as a whole' see especially End is naturally characteristic of
Dr H. A. A. Kennedy's valuable mono- apocalyptic writing, cf. e.g. 4 Ezra

graph St Paul's Conceptions of the Last viii. 'Quapropter iudicium meum

Things (London, 1904). There are rnodo appropinquat,' Apoc. Bar. xx. 6
some significant remarks in Prof. 'For they [the times] will come and
Shailer Mathews' The Messianic Hope will not tarry see further Volz Jiid.

in the New Testament (Chicago, 1905), Eschat. p. 163 f., Holtzmann Neutest.
Part in. c. ii., 'The Eschatological Theol. ii. p. 188.
Messianism of Paul.' 4 Cf. Deissmann (Theol. Lit. Zeit-
Cf. Jas. v. 8, i Pet. iv. 7, Heb. x. ung, 1898, Sp. 14): 'What is called
25, Eev. i. i, and for the teaching of the "Eschatology" of Paul has little
our Lord Himself, on which doubtless that is "Eschatological" about it....

in the last instance this belief rested, Paul did not write denovissimis....0ne
cf. Mt. xvi. 28, Mk. xiv. 62, Lk. xxi. must be prepared for a surging hither
28. Wellhausen in his Einleitung in and thither of great thoughts, feelings,
die drei ersten Evangelien (1905) seeks expectations' (cited by Kennedy op.
to minimize this dependence, e.g. The '
cit. p. 21 n. ).
room for a parousia of Anti-Christ a supreme manifestation
of the power of evil then at work in the world by which the
Parousia of the Christ will be preceded (II. ii. 3 ff.).
the significance of this picture of 'wickedness in-
carnate' it will be necessary to dwell at length later In the .

meantime it is sufficient to notice that final and complete

victory rests with the returning Lord. As He descends from
heaven accompanied by His ministering angels (II. i. 7,
cf. I. iii. I3)
He is met by His risen and living saints (I. iv. i6f):
they enter into 'rest' (II. i. 7), and 'eternal destruction' falls

upon the ungodly (II. i.

It is only natural that in depicting the events of that Great

Day St Paul should avail himself freely of the figurative

language borrowed from the Old Testament, and the later
apocalyptic writings of the Jews
But this only serves to .

set in bolder relief the generally spiritual character of his


conception, and the fine tact which enabled him to adapt


all that was best in the thought of his time for Christian
service His whole interest in the Parousia proceeds along


redemptive lines 5
and his main concern for his converts is

that, having found complete deliverance in Jesus now, they will

be lifted out of the reach of future judgment (I. i. 10), and so

enjoy that uninterrupted

life which, as we have already

See Addit. Notes I and J, and to gen, 1888).
the literature cited there add Eamsay 3 A useful collection of Jewish
Exp. vii. iv. p.417 ff., where the in- parallels will be found in E. Teich-
teresting suggestion is thrown out that mann's Die Paulinischen Vorstellungen
the true key to the cryptic utterance of von Auferstehung und Gericht und
II. ii. 3 ff. is to be found in the two- ihre Beziehung zur Jildischen Apoka-
fold light in which St Paul had already lyptik (Freiburg i. B. 1896).
begun to regard the Eoman Emperor, 4
See A. Titius Die Neutestament-
as the present servant of the Church, liche Lehre von der Seligkeit, ii. Der
in restraining the existing powers of Paulinismus (Tubingen, 1900) p. 47 ff.
disorder, but as no less its future and The above limitation must be kept
irreconcilable foe, when the idolatry of in view in estimating such dicta as
the Imperial cult an Emperor sitting 'On no subject, perhaps, was St Paul,
'in the sanctuary of God, setting him- in his way of thinking, more a man of
self forth as God' on that of eschatology '
had reached its his time than
height. (Bruce op. cit. p. 379); 'Everywhere
On the Pauline angelology see we recognize the Jewish expectation of
especially 0. Everling Die paulinische the future' (Weinel St Paul p. 44).
Angelologie und Ddmonologie (Gottin-
Kennedy op. cit. p. 160 n. .

seen, he regards as the peculiar possession of Christ's people

(I. v. 10, iv. i/) .

7. Hence, to pass to a last point, the emphasis laid 7-

throughout on the moral conditions through which alone this

'life' can be reached or enjoyed. St Paul knows nothing of
the crude divorce between religion and morality, which is
sometimes so strangely attributed to him his whole attitude :

' '
is rather a shout of triumph as to the reality of the alliance
' '

existing between them

It is not the mere word of hearing

that constitutes the believer,' but the word doing its work
* '

within the heart (I. ii. 13). And, as it is from the personal
relation of the soul to God, that the necessary pleasing of God
can alone spring (I. iv. I, cf. ii. 14 f.), so, on the other hand,
where God teaches, practice must inevitably follow (I. iv. 9 f.,
note the emphatic KOL yap). So far indeed from 'faith' being

separated from works,' it is in its results that it is principally

viewed here (I. i. 3, II. i. 1 1), and in immediate conjunction with

the great Christian duty of love (I. iii. 6, v. 8). And as sanctifi-
* ' '

cation' is God's 'will' for His people (I. iv. 3), this 'sanctification'
must extend alike to the entire 'spirit and soul and body' if the
' '
Thessalonians hope to be preserved without blame at the
Parousia of their Lord (I. v. 23).

For the manner in which the book, the student will find much illus-

thought of 'life' dominates the higher trative material in E. Boklen Die

teaching of Jewish Apocalyptic, see Venvandtschaft der Jttdisch-Christ-
W. Bousset Die Religion des Juden- lichen mit der Parsischen Eschatologie
turns im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (Gottingen, 1902): see also Dr J. H.
1906) p. 316, and cf. Volz

(Berlin, Moulton's art.

Zoroastrianism in
op. cit. p. 306. Hastings' D.B. iv. p. 988 f. Several
The same thought is very prominent of the more striking parallels, such as
in the wonderfully pure faith of Zoro- the foregoing, are noted by Kennedy
aster: cf. Soderblom La Vie Future 1 a
op. cit., especially pp. 321 n. , 330 n. ,
336 n. . On the influence of Mazdeism
d'apres le Mazdeisme (Paris, 1901) p.
269, 'Le reve le plus cher de la piete upon pagan thought see especially
mazdeenne etait celui de la vie 6ter- F. Cumont Les Religions Orientales
nelle dans un corps purifie", incorrupt- dans le Paganisme Romain (Paris, 1907)
ible, sur une terre nouvelle, delivree c. vi. with the valuable bibliographical
de tout ce que la souille encore.' notes.
The whole relation of Persian to A. Jiilicher Die Religion Jesu und
Jewish and Christian eschatology is die Anfange des Christentums p. 86 (in
full of interest, but cannot be followed Die Kultur der Gegenwart, i. 4, Berlin,
out here. In addition to Soderblom's 1906).


Hitherto we have been assuming the authenticity of the
Epistles to the Thessalonians in accordance with tradition and
the general verdict of the whole Christian Church up to a
comparatively recent period. Nor, so far as we have come, have
we discovered anything in the Epistles themselves to throw
serious doubt on this conclusion. At the same time it is
impossible any longer to ignore that it is now frequently
challenged, more particularly with regard to the Second Epistle.
And though many of the points raised are dependent on the
exact interpretation of various words and phrases to which we
have still to turn, it may be well in the meantime to set forth
the external evidence on which the claims of both Epistles
to genuineness rest, and to examine as far as possible the

principal objections that have been brought against them. For 1

this purpose it will be necessary to treat them separately.



Authen- l- The external evidence in favour of I Thessalonians is

tidty of no t so strong as we might have expected, nor can it be carried
lonians. back to such an early date as in the case of many of the other
N.T. writings. Thus, though there is a certain resemblance
evidence, between its eschatological teaching and the Didache, it is by
no means clear that the writer of the latter actually used it.
Nor do the frequently-cited passages from the Apostolic Fathers
amount to much, though two passages in Ignatius, and one in
the Shepherd of Hermas may perhaps be taken as showing
acquaintance with its contents. Much more important testi-

mony in its favour is the fact that it is contained in the Canon

of Marcion 140 A.D.), and in the Syriac Vulgate and Old

Latin Versions. In the Muratorian Fragment on the Canon

(c. I/O A.D.) it is placed sixth in the list of St Paul's Epistles.
Irenaeus (c. 80 A.D.)
1 is, so far as we know, the first writer

to quote it by name.
For a possible reminiscence of iv. 15 17 in Didache xvi.
6 f. see the note on iv. 16. The passages from Ignatius are
Rom. ii. I ov yap 0eAa> v^tta? avOpoyrrapea-KfjcraL aXXa ea) dpeVat, cf.
ii. 4 ofy ws dj/$pu>7rois dpeo-KOvrcs, aAAa, #eu), and Eph. x. I <x8x-
AetTTTw? TrpocrevxevOe (where however the reading is doubtful), cf.
v. 17 dStoAeiTTToos irpoo-^v^aOf.
and the passage from Hermas

is Vis. III. ix. 10 TraiScvere ovv dAA^Xous /cat tiprjveveTt fv avrots,

cf. v. I3f. tIprjvevtTe iv eat>TOis* TrapafcaXov/xev Se V/JLO.S, dSeA.<oi,

vovOtTfiTt.... For the evidence of Marcion see Tert. adv.

Marc. v. 15, Epiphan. Haer. xlii. 9. Can. Murat. 'ad
tensaolenecinsis sexta.' In adv. Haer. v. vi. i Irenaeus
quotes v. 23 as the words of the 'Apostle' 'in prima epistola
ad Thessalonicenses'; cf. also v. xxx. 2, Clem. Al. Paed. i.
p. 88 D (ed. Sylburg), Tert. de Res. Cam. c. 24.

It is not necessary to carry the evidence further down, for,

apart from the frequent references to the Epistles which are to

be found in the writings of the Fathers from Irenaeus onwards
(see small print above), the very existence of 2 Thessalonians,
whatever its exact date, implies the recognition of the Pauline
authorship of the First Epistle at a very early period in the
history of the Church a recognition moreover which it con-
tinued uninterruptedly to enjoy until the middle of last
2. The first to raise doubts regarding it was Schrader (Der ? .Ob-

Apostel Paulus, Leipzig 1836), who proceeded on purely sub- the^

in this he was followed by F. C. Baur, s
jective grounds.
who developed the attack against both Epistles with great

vigour in his Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi (Stuttgart 1845,

Eng. Tr. 2 vols., London, 1873 75). Baur indeed afterwards
saw reason to modify his views regarding the relation of the
two Epistles (in the Theol. Jahrbucher, xiv. 1855, p. 141 ff.,
see his Paul, Eng. Tr. ii.
p. 3 14 ff.), but the objections which

1 'The evidence that Ignatius knew N.T. in the Apost. Fathers (Oxford,
i Thessalonians is almost nil.' The 1905) p. 74.
he originally raised may still be said to form the principal
storehouse from which arguments against the authenticity of
the First Epistle are drawn, and on that account deserve
In themselves they are of a somewhat varied character, and
embrace such points as the meagreness of the Epistle's con-
tents, and their close dependence on the narrative in Acts, the

striking similarity to the Corinthian Epistles in thought and

language, the un-Pauline character of such passages as ii. 146.,
iv. 146., and the traces of a later date implied in the description
of the Thessalonian Church.
If, however, the view that has already been taken of
the circumstances attending the writing of the Epistle is
correct (p. xxxiff.), none of these objections should cause much
difficulty. What more natural, for example, than that, writing
as he did to vindicate his own and his companions' character,
St Paul should dwell at considerable length on the nature of
their ministry at Thessalonica ? And if general agreement
in historical details with St Luke's account is only what we
would then look for, the no less striking apparent divergences
(cf. pp. xxvii, xxx) are
in themselves strong proof that we have
the work not of a mere imitator, but rather of an independent
and more fully informed narrator. Nor are the frequent
resemblances to the Corinthian Epistles to be wondered at,
when we remember the short interval of time that elapsed
between their composition, and the closely similar situations
that they were designed to meet. The violent polemic against
the Jews (ii. 14 ff.) is no doubt startling in view of the
Apostle's general attitude towards his fellow-countrymen, but
it may be sufficiently accounted for by the strenuous opposition
which at the time they were offering to him in his work (note
the pres. participles dpco-Koi/rwi/, KwAvovron/, and cf. p. xxxif.) 1 .

Nor is there any need to refer v. i6 c to the destruction of

Jerusalem. The language is too vague to be understood of
any such literal and outward event, and, as we shall see again,

clearly refers to the 'judgment' passed upon the Jewish people

in the rejection of their Messiah. Similarly the concrete
representation' of the Last Things in iv. 14 ff. is not enough,
as indeed Baur himself admits, to brand the Epistle as un-
apostolic, and may easily bedue to an early and apparently
transitory stage in St Paul's eschatological thought. And

According to B. Weiss (Apo~kaly- Volke, das den abtriinnigen Vor-
ptische Studien in SK., 1869, p. 24) kampfer des Christentums mit dem
'Es war die Periode der scharfsten wildesten Fanaticismus verfolgte.'
Spannung zwischen ihm und seinem

finally, the statements regarding the rapid growth and widely-

extended influence of the Thessalonian Church (i. 7 ., iv. 10),
even if no account be taken of the Apostle's constant tendency
to exhibit his converts in the most favourable possible light
(iii. 6, 12,
iv. i), are in entire accord with what we know of
the Macedonian character (see p. xlvi), and the natural
advantages Thessalonica enjoyed for an active missionary
propaganda (see p. xxii).

There seems to be nothing therefore in these objections to

cause any serious difficulty And even if they were much1

stronger than they are, they would be more than counter-

balanced by the tone and character of the Epistle as a whole 2 .

There is an unmistakable ring of reality about its more

personal passages, a revelation alike of writer and readers, to
which no imitator could ever have attained. Nor again is it
possible to conceive how any one writing after what had come
to be regarded as the distinctive truths of Paulinism were

widely known could so skilfully have avoided their introduction

into a letter purporting to be written by the Apostle 3 Only .

in such an actual historical situation as we have tried to depict

isan adequate explanation of the Epistle's raison d'etre forth-
coming. And only in St Paul himself can we find a writer
who could have succeeded in so impressing his personality
upon what he wrote, combined with the freedom in thought
and expression which in themselves are so distinctive of an
original author. Is it likely too that
any one writing long after
the expectation had been would have endangered his

credibility by ascribing to St Paul language, which certainly on

the face of it implies that the writer looked for the Parousia
during his own lifetime (iv. 15)?

Steck's supposed discovery (Jahr- study 'Der erste Thessalonicherbrief

backer /. protest. Theologie 1883, p. in SK., 1885, P- 263 ff. Cf. Jiilicher
509 ff.) of the \6yos Kvpiov of iv. 15 in Einl. in d. N.T. p. 37, Eng. Tr. p. 58,
4Ezra v. 41 f. (cited on p. xxxiii, n. 1 ), 'In opposition to the school of Baur
and the consequent carrying forward the genuineness of the Epistle should
of the writing of i Thess. to at least be upheld as unquestionable. In style,
100 A. D., is of no greater weight, as vocabulary and attitude it approaches
the relation between the passages is of as nearly as possible to the four Prin-
the most general kind, and by no means cipal Epistles.

demands any theory of literary depen- 3

Cf. Knowling The Testimony of
dence: see further Bornemann p. 3 o ff 1 . St Paul to Christ (1905) p. 21 f.
See especially von Soden's careful

3. Present It is only therefore what we should expect, when we find


asTo itf
^a the claims of I Thessalonians to be regarded as an

authen- authentic work of the Apostle Paul are now freely admitted by
practically all N.T. scholars of importance, its opponents being
limited to those who deny the genuineness of all the Pauline
Epistles .

and Nor, apart from the wider question of its authenticity, does
integrity. t nere seem any good ground
doubting the general integrity
of the Epistle in the form in which it has come down to us.
Schmiedel indeed suggests that ii. 15 f. is an interpolation,
and others, who accept the passage as a whole, are inclined to
throw doubt on the last clause of v. 16 as possibly an 'editorial
comment/ added after the destruction of Jerusalem had taken
. But for neither position is there any real warrant (see
notes ad loca)', while v. 2J, which has also been suspected, is,
whatever the exact interpretation given to it, in thorough
accord with the strained and anxious mood, through which at
the time the Apostle was passing (p. xxxi ff.) 3 .



Authen- On the other hand the authenticity and integrity of 2 Thes-

sa l n i ans stand on a different footing, and raise questions of a
lonians. more difficult character. And, that being so, it is satisfactory
to find that the external evidence on its behalf is both earlier
and fuller than in the case of the First Epistle.
i. Ex- Thus, leaving aside possible references in the Didache
and Ignatius, there are two passages in Polycarp both of which
appear to have this Epistle directly in view. It is true that in
the first the writer supposes himself to be quoting words

originally addressed to the Philippians, but the words (see

below) are only found in 2 Thessalonians, and Polycarp rnay
easily have confused between the two Macedonian Churches,

E.g. van Manen art. 'Paul' in Witness of the Epistles (1892) p. 133 ff.
Encyc. Bibl. See the thorough- Moffatt Hist. N.T. p. 626.
going refutation of such extreme See further C. Clemen Die Ein-
positions by Knowling op. cit. p. 7ff., heitlichkeit der paulinischen Briefe
as well as in his earlier work The (Gottingen, 1894) p. 13 ff.

or possibly in view of their vicinity have looked upon Philippi

and Thessalonica as forming in reality one community 1 In the .

second, it is hardly possible to doubt that he is consciously

adapting a passage of 2 Thessalonians for his purpose, though
unfortunately here, as in the foregoing passage, the Greek
original is lost. Coining further down we find the Epistle

again vouched for in the Canon of Marcion, in the Syriac

Vulgate and Old Latin Versions, and in the Muratorian Frag-
ment, while the references to it in early Christian literature
are both numerous and clear. Thus there seems an obvious
reference to its principalpassage in Justin
Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho, and an interesting passage
in the Epistle Vienne and Lyons points even more strongly in
the same direction. Irenaeus is again the first to mention it

directly by name.

With iii. 8 ff. cf. Didache xii. 3, and with ii. 3 ff. cf.
Didache xvi. 6 ff. The passage from Ignatius is Rom. x. 3
ppcoo-0e 6i9 reAos ev VTTO/AOI/TJ 'I^aov Xpiorov, cf. iii. 5 ets rrjv
v 7ro/xoi/r)v rov xpia-roi). It is doubtful, however, whether
is to be understood in the same sense in both passages
(see note ad foe.).
With i.
4 wore avrovs tjfjt,a<s
ev vfuv ey/cau-

Xacr0ai h
r. e/cKA^orcais r. 0eov cf. Polyc. Ep. xi. 3 ego autem

nihil tale sensi in vobis vel audivi, in quibus laboravit beatus

Paulus, qui estis in principio epistulae ejus : de vobis etenim
gloriatur in omnibus ecclesiis '; and with iii.
15 KOL //,>/

)(0pov r;yao-$e dAAa vovOtrtlre cos Ep. xi. 4 'et non

d8eA.<dV, cf.
sicut inimicos tales existimetis.' The passage from Justin is
Dial. HO (ed. Otto) orav KOL 6 rrjs txTrocrTacrtas ai/$po>7ros, 6 K<U
ets rov vi/acrrov ef^aAAa A.aAcui', CTTI rrj<s yrjs avo/xa ToA/xrfo-^ ets ^ju,as
TOVS Xpto-navov?, and the passage from the Ep. Vienne and
Lyons (ap. Eus. H.E. v. i) evta-Krjif/ev 6 avTi/cei'/xcvo?, Trpooifiia-
^o/xevos ^Sry TTJV /xeAAoucrav eaecr^at Trap over LO.V avroi;...Xpt(7TOs...
Karapycov rov avTiKi/xi/oi/...ot viol riys ctTrwAetas: cf. ii. 3 ff. In
adv. Haer. in. vii. 2 Irenaeus introduces a quotation from ii. 8
with the words *et iterum in secunda ad Thessalonicenses, de
Antichristo dicens, [Apostolus] ait': cf. also Clem. Al. Strom.
v. p. 554 (ed. Sylburg), Tert. de Res. Cam. c. 24.

2. external grounds then the Epistle is amply vouched ^ In-

for, but the internal difficulties are here of a much more serious evidence.

Cf. Zahn Geschichte des Ncutest. also suggests that he is quoting' (The
Kanons i. p. 815. N.T. in the Ap. Fathers p. 95).
2 'The
present tense of gloriatur
character than in the case of I Thessalonians, and have in
recent years been presented with a skill and force that make
the question of the Epistle's authenticity one of the most inter-
esting and keenly debated points in modern N.T. criticism.

The attack was started by J. E. Ch. Schmidt (in his

Bibliothek f. Kritik und Exegese des N.T. Hadamar 1801,
and then in his Einleit. in das N.T. Giesseii 1804), and his
objections were revived by de Wette in the earlier editions
of his Lehrbuch der histor.-krit. Einleit. in die kanonischen
Bucher des JV.T S ., but afterwards abandoned in the fourth
edition (1842), and in his Exegetisches Handbuch (1841) where
the Epistle's authenticity is fully recognized. Meanwhile,
however, doubts had again been raised by Kern (Tubing.
Zeitschr. f. Theol. ii. 1839) who was closely followed by Baur
(Paulus, 1845), both writers seeing in the Epistle a fictitious
writing, dependent on the Apocalypse, and containing features
borrowed from the person arid history of Nero while :

Hilgenfeld (Einl. in d. N.T. 1875, P- 642 ff.) went further,

carrying its composition as far down as Trajan's time, a
position with which in the main Bahnsen (Jahrb. f. protest.
Theol. 1880, p. 68iff.) agreed.
Others in more recent times who have denied the Epistle's
authenticity are Weizsacker, Pfleiderer, Schmiedel, Holtzmann,
and Wrede, and, in part, P. W. Schmidt and Dr Samuel
Davidson. On the other hand it has gained the support of
Harnack, Jiilicher, and Clemen, has been vigorously defended
by Zahn, and is now treated as genuine by the great majority
of commentators in Germany, including its latest expositors
Bornemann and Wohlenberg, as well as by the general con-
sensus of N.T. scholarship both in this country and America 1 .

It cannot be denied however that many who support this

conclusion do so with a certain amount of hesitation, and only
because of the greater difficulties attending any rival

theory. And it may be well therefore to subject the more

The important arguments that have been urged against the Epistle
E P istle to a fresh examination with the view of seeing how far they are
on the really well-grounded. In the main they are derived from ( I ) its
ground of i an ua e an d
g g style, (2) its literary relationship to I Thessa-
lonians, and (3) the character of its doctrinal contents.
Dr Charles, who refers to the Isaiah (1900) p. Ixii. On the other
Epistle 'with some hesitation' in his hand Dr McGiffert (Encyc. Bill. art.
Jo wett Lectures on Eschatology (1899) '
col. 5045) speaks of

p. 380, is now satisfied as to its its genuineness as 'beset with serious

difficulties and at best very doubtful/

genuineness: see e.g. his Ascension of


(i) In itself the vocabulary of the Epistle by no means is (i) Lan-

remarkable. The words peculiar to it
among N.T. writings f^f
number only 10, as compared with 17 in i Thessalonians, nor
do any of them cause any real difficulty (cf. p. liii). And this is
the more noteworthy when we remember the unique character
of some of its apocalyptic passages, and the marked tendency
observable in other of the N.T. writings towards diversity of
language and style in dealing with similar topics .

But while the vocabulary is thus in the main genuinely

Pauline, various words and phrases are often pointed to as used
in an un-Pauline manner.

Thus it is said that in i. n (Iva. v/xas a^itocny r-fjs /cArfcreoos 6

0eos 77//,a)i/) K\.rja-Ls refers to the final call to participation
in future blessedness instead of, as is usual in St Paul, to
the initial act of the Christian's life. But even if this future
reference be admitted, which is by no means certain, we have
at least a partial parallel in Phil. iii. 14 SIW'KW ets TO f3pa.pti.ov
rrjs avw /cA^'crew? TOV Oeov eV Xpi<TTa> ^Irjaov, and in any case
we can hardly refuse to the word a latitude of application
which St Paul might so naturally have extended to it. Nor
again surely can any one seriously urge that, because on two
occasions the Apostle used the verb e^eAe^aro with reference to
the Divine election (i Cor. i. 27 f., Eph. i. 4), he could not
therefore have used eiAaro in ii. 13 (on ciAaro v/xas 6 6to<s a-rr
aPXV * e ^ s cramyptav), a verb which, as we know from other evi-

dence (Phil. i. 22), he was in the habit of employing, and which

from its special reference to the destiny or vocation of the chosen
was peculiarly appropriate in the present passage. Still more
idle is the objection to ur^vs in i. 9 (euro T^S 80^5 r-fjs
avTov} for the more usual Swa/xis, for not only is io~xvs vouched
for by Eph. i. 19, vi. 10, but in the Thessalonian passage it is
actually a quotation from Isa. ii. 10. And if any importance is
to be attached to the solitary appearance of ei/Kca>xao-0cu (i.
instead of Kavxao-Qai, which is found more than thirty times in
the Pauline Epistles, or to the combination 6\eOpo<s cuon/tos (i.
which St Paul does not again use, but which is in perfect
keeping with the language of the Old Testament, and more
particularly with that of Jesus, on which in the whole passage
the writer shows himself so dependent, or to the admittedly
difficult construction OTL eirio-TevOrj TO
papTvpiov ^/xtov <' v/mas
TO: see note ad loc.) do not these and similar anomalies
tell at least as much for as
against Pauline authorship, for is it
likely that any imitator would have endangered the credibility
of his work by making use of them 1

Cf. Lightfoot Notes on Epistles of St Paul p. 72 f.

The same might be said of the variation that appears in
certain familiar formulas or phrases between our Epistle and
i Thessalonians, even if other
explanations of the changes
were not forthcoming. Thus in the opening thanksgiving,
when instead of the simple evxapio-Tovptv of I. i. 2 we find
et>xapio-Tu/ 6(etA.o/Av in i. 3 and again in ii. 13, this, apart
from the added emphasis, is in entire accord with the more
formal style of the whole Second Epistle, to which reference
will have to be made again. And in the closing invocation
the substitution of 6 /cupios rrjs tlprjvr)*; (iii. 16) for 6 $eos T-fjs
taken along with the similar interchange of
dprfvys (I. v. 23),
Persons in 13 and I. i. 4, may well be due to the prominent

place which the exalted Lord was occupying at the moment

in St Paul's thoughts in view of His glorious Return. In
any case it seems evident that throughout this Epistle 6 Kvpios
is to be referred to Christ and not to God, so that there is
at least no exception here to the general Pauline practice
(see Add. Note D).

Other examples of so-called inconsistencies with the language

of the first Epistle hardly need to be mentioned. When hostile
criticism has to fall back on minutiae such as these, unless

they are supported by other and stronger evidence than any

we have yet discovered, that is in itself a confession of the
insufficiency of its case. And it will be generally conceded
that this Epistle, taken as a whole, so far as its language and

style are concerned, leaves upon the mind of any unbiassed

reader the impression of a genuinely Pauline work 1 For not .

only are there abundant traces of the Apostle's characteristic

phraseology and manner, as has been clearly shown by Dr Jowett

and others 2 but the whole Epistle reflects that indefinable

originalatmosphere which a great writer imparts to his work,

and which, in this instance, we are accustomed to associate
with the name of St Paul.
(2) Lite- (2) On the other hand, the very closeness of our Epistle's
resemblance to I Thessalonians has been made the
peiidence ground of

Cf. Jiilicher Einl. in d. N.T. p. 40, ously.'
Eng. Tr. p. 62, 'The least important Jowett The Epistles of St Paul to
of these arguments [against the gen- the Thessalonians, &c., 2nd Ed. i.

uineness of the Epistle] are those re- p. 148 According to Eeuss Hist, of

ferring to the phraseology, for on the the N.T., ed. Houghton, p. 75 'For
whole the style is so thoroughly Paul- every "unpauline" expression the
ine that one might indeed admire the concordance shows ten Pauline.'
forger who could imitate it so ingeni-

a second objection to its authenticity. For the literary depend- on i Thes-

ence between the two Epistles has been declared to be of such
a character that the question comes to be not, 'Could one man
have written both Epistles?' but, 'Is it likely that one man
writing to the same people at what must have been a very
short interval of time would repeat himself to so large an
extent? Or, even if this is conceivable under certain circum-
stances, likely in the case of a writer so richly
is it endowed
arid so fertile in thought as the Apostle Paul?'
The first to raise this difficulty pointedly was Weizsacker 1 ,

and his arguments have recently been strongly emphasized by

H. Holtzmann 2 and W. Wrede 3 And the objection is at least

an interesting one, for, when taken in conjunction with other

peculiarities of the Epistle, it lends itself very easily to the
idea of an imitator or forger, who, in order to gain credence for
certain views he wished to express, encased them, so to speak,
in the framework of a generally accepted Pauline Epistle.
To this supposition we shall have to return later, but in the
meantime before expressing any opinion upon it, we must
notice clearly how far the resemblances between the two

Epistles really extend.

Both Epistles begin with a salutation in almost identical

terms, and marked by a form of address which the Apostle
does not employ again (I. i. i; II. i. i, 2).
This is followed by the customary thanksgiving, expressed
again in a way found nowhere else in St Paul, and based on
practically the same grounds as regards the Thessalonians'
state (I. i. 2 ff.; II. i. 3 .).
A section follows in the main peculiar in thought to the
Second Epistle (i. 5 12), but exhibiting many parallels of
language with the First, while
the transition to the great
revelation of chap. ii. is marked by a form of appeal (eptorco/Aev
Se vVas, dSeA.<oi, ii. i) which is found in the Pauline
outside these two Epistles only in Phil. iv. 3.
The revelation referred to the section regarding the Man
of lawlessness, ii. i 12 stands so entirely by itself as regards

l 2
DasApostolischeZeitalter' p.'24()f., lation to the first letter' p. 295).
Eng. Tr. i. p. ('The fact that the
295 f. Z.N.T.W. ii.(1901), p. 97 ff.
3 Die
genuineness of the epistle has been Echtheit des zweiten Tliessalon-
strenuously assailed is not surprising, icherbriefs (Texte und Untersuchungen,
but inevitable. The reason for this is N.F. ix. 2), Leipzig, 1903.
found, above all, in its striking re-
contents, that it is frequently spoken of as constituting the
raison d'etre of the whole Epistle. But, apart from other
Pauline peculiarities of language which it exhibits, it is
interesting to notice in connexion with the point before us,
that we find here the same reminiscences by the writer of a
visit to his readers, and of what he had said when with them,
that we have already met in i Thessalonians (ii. 5 ov fj-vrjfjiovtveTe
on en (Lv TT/DOS v/xcts TavTa. 4'A.eyov vfjuv ] cf. I. iii. 4 Kat yo.p ore
Trpos v/xas ^ev, TTpoeA-eyo/xcv vfuv) this does
: not occur again
in the Pauline Epistles.
No sooner, moreover, has the writer of the Second Epistle
finished this, his main theme, than he utters a fervid thanks-
giving and prayer for his readers (ii. i3f.), after the manner
of I. ii. 13, in which several of the characteristic words and
phrases scattered through the First Epistle are re-echoed.
Similar resemblances may also be traced in the exhortation
that follows to stand firm and to hold fast the traditions they
have been taught (ii. 15 I. iv. i), and more especially in the

remarkable invocation of ii. 16, which corresponds both in

form and place with I. iii. ii, though there, in accordance
with the usual practice, 6 #eos Kat Trarrjp T/'/XCOV comes before
6 Kvptos r//xuJi/ 'I^o-ovs while the prayer in iii. 5 6 Se Kvpios

KOLTtvOvvai v/xwi/ TO.S Ka/oSi'as may be compared with I. iii. 1 1

avros Se 6 $eos . KarevOvvat TYJV 6Soi/ T^/XWV, the only other
. .

passage in the Pauline writings where the verb KarevOvvtiv is

found, though it is to be noted that it is used in different
connexions in the two passages.
The closing section iii. 6 15, like the closing section
I. v. i ff., is occupied with a practical exhortation, which in
the main follows independent lines, though we are again
struck with the recurrence here of various turns of expression
and thought with which the First Epistle has already made
us familiar such as the warning against disorderly walking
(iii. 6, 7,
ii ; I. v. 14) the call to imitate the writer's mode of

life (iii. 7, 9; I. i. 6f.); and the reference to the Apostle's

labouring night and day that they might not prove themselves
burdensome to their converts (iii. 8 I. ii. 9), to which the ;

Second Epistle adds the further thought of providing an

example to the restless and idle (iii. 9).
Both Epistles end with an invocation to the Lord (God, '

Thess.) of peace,' and with the customary Pauline benedic-
tion (II. iii. 16, 18; I. v. 23,

The resemblances between the two writings are thus very

striking, and justice can hardly be said to have been done to
them as a rule by the upholders of the Pauline authorship of
the Second Epistle. At the same time, care must be taken
that they are not pressed too far. Even our brief review -has

indicated what an examination of Wrede's carefully prepared

Tables makes still more evident, that at most the parallelism
between the two Epistles cannot be said to extend to more
than one-third of their whole contents. And from this, again,
there fall to be deducted such points of contact as are afforded

by the salutation at the beginning, the benediction at the close,

the phrases of transition from one subject to another, and similar
formal expressions, where a close resemblance of language is
not only natural 'but probable 1 .

Nor must it be forgotten that even where certain sections

of the Second Epistle correspond in their general contents to
certain sections of the First, the actual parallelisms in language
are by no means always found within these corresponding
sections, but have frequently to be drawn from the two Epistles
as wholes. And not only so, but they often occur in such
differentconnexions as to suggest not so much the slavish
copying by one man of another, as rather the free handling
by the same writer of certain familiar words and phrases .

The same may be said of the differences of tone, combined

with the similarities of expression, between the two Epistles of
which certain critics have made so much. It is quite true that
in certain particulars the general tone of Second Thessalonians
is more and severe than the tone of First Thessalonians,

though warm and personal passages are not wanting (e.g., i. n,

ii. i6f., iii. 3
5), and that at places the writer seems in diffi-
culties as regards both his language and his grammar 3 .

But while these facts, taken by themselves, might be evi-

dence of a later writer clumsily imitating another man's work 4 ,

1 3
According Schmiedel (Hand-
to Commenting on i. 3 10, Borne-
Co mmentar zum N.T. n. i. p. 8), out mann remarks: 'Man hat das Gefiihl,
of not quite 825 words 'in Second als sei er nicht sofort mit seinen
Thessalonians over 150 correspond Worten ins rechte Gleis gekommen und
literally, and over 30, with slight miisse, zum Teil mit den Worten
variations, with the vocabulary of seines friiheren Briefes, zum Teil mit
First Thessalonians not surely a very
: alttestamentlichen und liturgischen
large number when the circumstances Wendungen den Zug seiner Ge-
of the Epistle's composition are kept danken rangieren und sammeln' (Die
in view. Thessalonicherbriefe p. 328).
2 4
See further a review by Wernle of '
Kiinstliche oder vielmehr verkiiu-
Wrede's pamphlet in the Gottingische stelte Nacharbeit.' Holtzmann I.e.

gelehrte Anzeigen, 1905, p. 347 ff. (sum- p. 100.

marized in Exp. vn. ii. p. 91 f.).

they may be equally well accounted for by a change in the

mood of the same writer, and in the circumstances of those to
whom he writes.
St Paul was, we know, subject to great alternations of
feeling, and when he wrote 2 Thessalonians, not only was he no
longer under the influence of the same glad rebound from
anxiety regarding the Thessalonians' state that he experienced
when he wrote his First Epistle, but there is also evidence that
at the time he was personally much harassed by 'unreasonable
and evil men' at Corinth (iii. 2; Acts xviii. 12 ff.). Moreover,
as regards the recipients of the letter, there are undoubted
traces in the Second Epistle that, between the time of its

writing and the writing of the First, St Paul had heard of an

increasing restlessness among his converts a business which
was no business (fjLrjbev pyao/j,evov<$ d\\a Trepiepya^ofLevovs,
iii. n) which might well justify more authoritative and
severe warnings on his part, without however implying the
later Church-discipline ('
Kirchenzucht ')
which Schmiedel tries
to discover in them.
Nor quite fair, as is generally done by those who lay
is it

stress on the closeness of the literary dependence between the

two Thessalonian Epistles, to speak of it as without a parallel
in early Christian literature. For, to those who admit their
authenticity, we have within the circle of the Pauline Epistles
themselves the kindred Epistles to the Ephesians and Colos-
sians, exhibiting an identity of thought and language, such as
to make them, notwithstanding their admitted differences in
aim, almost duplicates of each other. And if St Paul could
thus repeat himself in two contemporary Epistles, addressed
if not to the same Church at least to the same district, why
should not a like similarity run through two other Epistles,
written at an interval 'according to the traditional view of at
most a few months, and dealing with a situation which, if
was in the main unchanged
differing in certain particulars,
(cf. p. Ivi n. ) ?
A further effort to explain the extent of the resemblances
between the two Epistles has also been made by the suggestion
that St Paul had re-read the First immediately before writing
the Second Epistle, or more precisely that he had in his hands

the rough draft which his amanuensis had prepared of his first
letter a clean copy having been despatched to Thessalonica
and that he drew freely from it in dictating the terms of the
second letter 1

One cannot say impossible, and there would

that this is

certainly be nothing according to the literary canons of the

time to prevent a writer thus freely borrowing from his own
previous work. But the very ingenuity of the suggestion is

against and presupposes that the Apostle attached a greater


importance to his own writings than their strictly occasional

character warrants.
It is safer therefore to be content with such general ex-
planations as have already been offered, or frankly to admit
that the resemblances between the two Epistles constitute an

interesting but, in our present state of ignorance regarding the

exact circumstances of their writing, an insoluble literary

problem. This however in no way militates against the Pauline

authorship of the Second, unless other and more definite grounds
for disputing it can be produced.

(3) Such grounds, it is said, are to be found in the Epistle's (3)


doctrinal contents, as being, in the first place, inconsistent with con tents.
the clear teaching of I Thessalonians, and, in the second, in These are
. . ., . said to be
themselves such a character, that
of it is not possible to think
of St Paul's having written them.
As regards the charge of inconsistency with I Thes- () icon-
salonians, that rests in the main on an alleged change of attitude w ith
T h( s "
with reference to the nearness of the Parousia. In I Thessa- ^ ?

lonians the Parousia is represented as close at hand, and there
is no mention of any sign by which it is to be preceded but ;

in 2 Thessalonians we are distinctly told that it will not take

place until the Man of lawlessness has been revealed 2 .

To this it is generally replied that the two pictures are not

really inconsistent, and that while there is nothing in the

'Fiir den vielbeschaftigten und 2 Th diktirte' (Zahn Einl. in das
seines erregbaren Temperaments be- N.T. i. p. 179).
wussten PI lag gerade in diesem Fall 2 Hollmann Die Unechtheit
Cf. G-.

nichts naher, als das Concept des des ziveiten Thessalonicherbriefs in

i Th, wenn ein vorhanden war, Z. N. T. W. v. (1904), p. 29 ff.

noch einmal durchzulesen, ehe er den


teaching regarding the Parousia in I Thessalonians to exclude

the prior coming of the Man of lawlessness, there is equally
nothing in his coming as depicted in the Second Epistle to
delay unduly the expected Parousia of the First: all that is

is that Christ will not come just

said yet .

But while there undoubted force in this and parallels


for the conjunction of the two views, or rather for the two
aspects of the same truth may be cited from our Lord's escha-
tological discourse (Mt. xxiv. 296.), and from the Apocalypse
of St John (Rev. iii. I ff., vi. I If.) it is better not to attempt
to reconcile the two
positions too literally. There are many
indications that St Paul's eschatological views were at this
time in a state of flux, and that his teaching concerning the
Last Things was determined by practical and not theological
motives, without much regard as to how far that teaching
presented a consistent whole
And it may well have been that

in the short time that had elapsed between the writing of

I and 2 Thessalonians he had heard of circumstances in his
converts' state, which led him to emphasize afresh an aspect
of the Parousia, on which he had dwelt when in Thessalonica

(ii. 5),
but of which they had apparently lost sight, and which
may also have gained a new significance in his own mind.
(b) Even, however, if the point be thus turned against the
charge of inconsistency, the question still remains whether it is
at all likely that St Paul, supposing him to have been the

writer, would have so far departed from his general mode of

thought in this particular passage, ii. I 12. In none of his

other New Testament writings do we find him laying stress
' '

on the signs preceding the end nor does the person of ;

Baur admitted this in his earlier different ways

(Paulus p. 488, Eng.

and, it seems
to us, correcter view of Tr. ii. p. 93). On 'how confused a
the relation of the two Epistles on this maze of eschatological conceptions
point. 'It is perfectly conceivable,' could co-exist often in one and the
he says, that one and the same writer,
same person,' see Wernle Beginnings
if he lived so much in the thought of
of Christianity Eng. Tr. i. p. 25.
the parousia as the two Epistles testify, 2
Cf. Vischer Die Paulusbriefe (1904)
should have looked at this mysterious p. 7 1 Wo eine uberschwangliche Hoff-

subject in different circumstances and nungspricht, darf manmcht juristische

from different points of view, and so Prazision erwarten.'
expressed himself regarding it in

Antichrist, with whom in general his conception corresponds,

though the actual name is not used, again appear in his Epistles

except in the incidental notice of 2 Cor. vi. 15 (rt? 8e av^wvr]-

0-49 Xpio-Tov 7T/00? J$e\iap ;). But this in itself is not sufficient

ground for maintaining that St Paul can never have shared

what we know to have been a widely spread belief of his time
(comp. i Jo. ii. 1 8, 22, iv. 3, 2 Jo. 7, Rev. xii. 13; Gfrorer
Jahr. des Heils p. 257). ii. And
he did not again lay the if

same stress on it, that may have been either because he had
outgrown the belief in this particular form, or because he did
not again find himself confronted with circumstances which
made such teaching either necessary or desirable.
Of course if the historical situation lying at the background
of this teaching is to be sought in the antinomian Gnostic
heresies of the second century, as Hilgenfeld, Bahnsen and
Pfleiderer have from various points of view maintained, or
even in the popular legend of Nero redivivus, which has
been widely believed from Kern and Baur down to P. Schmidt
and Schmiedel, the Pauline authorship of the Epistle at once
falls tothe ground.
But, as has already been indicated, the doctrine of Anti-
christ did not come into existence with Montanism, but was
firmly rooted in Jewish soil even before the Christian era;
while, as regards the Nero-hypothesis, the recent researches
of Gunkel 1 Bousset
and Charles 3 have made clear that it

was at a much later date than the interests of this theory

require, that those traits belonging to Antichrist were trans-
ferred to Nero, which alone could make him a fitting basis
for the Pauline conception.

Nor can this conception be derived from the Johannine

Apocalypse, as was at one time freely held
It is now very .

generally admitted by critics of all schools that the 'hindrance'

to the Man of lawlessness, of which the writer speaks, is to be

Schopfung und Chaos p. 221 ff.

1 1
subject' (p. Ixii. n. ).
2 Der Antichrist p. 13 f., Eng. Tr. 4
E.g. Hilgenfeld Einl. in d. N.T.
p. 21 f. See also art. 'Antichrist' in p. 647
ff. Later critics, while regard-
Encyc. Bibl. ing the close affinity of the Thessa-
3 The Ascension
of Isaiah p. Ixi ff. Ionian picture with Kev. xiii. &c. as
Schmiedel's view which regards 2 unmistakable, re careful not to assert
Thess. ii. 112. a Beliar Neronic actual literary dependence; cf. Holtz-

myth (6870 A.D.) is at conflict with mann Neutest. Theologie ii. p. 191,
the law of development as well as with Pfleiderer Urchristentum* i. p. 97 f.

all the evidence accessible on the

(Eng. Tr. i. p. 138).
found in the influence of the Roman Government, in perfect

keeping with such later Pauline passages as Rom. xiii. I 7.

But if so, it will be at once recognized how wholly different
this is from the description of Rome given in the Apocalypse,
drunk with 'the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all
that have been slain upon the earth (Rev. xviii. 24 cf. vi. 9 ; if.,

vii. 14, xiv. 8, xvi. 19)'.

The whole conception indeed, as it meets us here, is purely
religious, not political, and it is in the Old Testament, in the

teaching of Jesus, and, more particularly as regards form,

in certain Jewish apocalyptic beliefs, that its roots are to be
found (see further Add. Note I, p. 158 ff.).
Further than this it is impossible to go at present without
entering on many of the vexed questions of interpretation
which the passage raises. But if what has just been said
is correct, it will be seen that, obscure though the passage
undoubtedly is, there
nothing is make its
still in it to
Pauline authorship impossible, or even improbable while its ;

genuine Pauline style, and its natural place in the argument of

the Epistle, are strong evidence in favour of the traditional

Kival 3- -"- n this general conclusion we confirmed by the

unsatisfactory and conflicting nature of the rival theories
the origin which are offered of the origin and intention of 2 Thessalonians
f ^7 those who deny its authenticity theories which land us in
greater difficulties than any they serve to remove. Incidental
2 Thes-
1' '

The* notice has been taken of some of these theories already, but
Epistle there are three in particular which call for further remark 2 .

(i) to bear (l) There is, in the first place, the theory of Interpolation,

w ^^ c ^ ^ as been so frequently resorted to lately to explain, or
tion, explain away, difficulties in New Testament interpretation, and
which in the present instance has at least this in its favour,

1 'A representation of Borne as a origin, see Bornernann Komm. p. 478,

protecting power, "restraining" Belial, and cf. Wrede's frank admission, Vor '

even temporarily, is inconceivable allem darf es nicht bei der blossen

after July, 64 A.D.' (Bacon Introd. to Negation bleiben : es muss gefragt
the N.T. p. 78). werden, wie der Brief positiv als
On the necessity of the impugners' pseudonymes Schriftstiick zu begreifen

of the Epistle's authenticity supplying ist (p. 3).

us with an intelligible account of its

that we have abundant signs of its presence in the apocalyptic

literature of the period. May it not then have been at work
May not, as P. Schmidt suggests, i. I 14, ii. I, 2a ,

13 1 8 have formed a true Pauline

Epistle, into which a later
writer interpolated the two passages which have caused most

difficulty, i. 5 12 and ii. I 12 1 ?

But apart altogether from the arbitrariness of any such
theory, and the total absence of MS. evidence in support of it,
the result is to leave a letter so shorn of all its distinctive
features that it is difficult to see how St Paul could ever
have thought of writing it
. And further, a careful study
of the Epistle as a whole shows that these two sections are so

closely related both to what immediately precedes, and to what

follows, that they cannot be separated from them without

(2) Of greater interest is the view which Spitta develops (2) to be

in a striking study on the Epistle contained in his Zur O f
Geschichte und Litter atur des Urchristentums i. p. 1 1 1 ff. Start- Tim othy,

ing from the 'inferiority' of the Second Epistle to the First, he

holds that, with the exception of the authenticating paragraph
at the end (iii. 17, 18), it is the work not of St Paul, but of
Timothy. And
way he thinks that he finds an adequate
in this

explanation both of its generally Pauline character and of its

peculiarities of the former, because it was written by Timothy
in close correspondence with St Paul and by his commission:
of the latter, because the Jewish cast of its apocalyptic pas-

sages is in thorough harmony with what we learn elsewhere

regarding Timothy's Jewish upbringing (Ac. xvi. I, 2 Tim. i.
But, to take the last point first, was Timothy after all
more of a Jew than St Paul ? And difficult though it may be
to reconcile on paper the attitude towards the Jews which
underlies ii. i 2 with that afterwards elaborated in Rom. xi.,

Der erste Thessalonicherbrief p. (' Grundlage '), which was afterwards
in ff. (Berlin, 1885). worked up into an Epistle (Neutest.
2 2
So strongly does Hausrath feel Zeitgesch. iii. p.
198, Eng. Tr. iii.
this, that apparently he regards ii. p. 215).
i 12 as the genuine Pauline fragment
Dr Moffatt properly insists that 'it would be psychologically
false to deny the compatibility of both positions at different
By the time Romans xi.
periods within a single personality .'
came to be written, the Apostle was 'more dispassionate and
patriotic/ or rather had attained to wider views of the possi-
bilities God had in store for the chosen people.
It is in the want, however, of any satisfactory direct evi-
dence in support of it that the real weakness of Spitta's theory
may be seen. For the verse on which he relies so much will
certainly not bear the strain put upon it 'Remember ye not,
that when I was yet (en) with you, I told you these things?'

(ii. 5).
The en, so Spitta argues, points to a time very shortly
before that at which the writer is Timothy
. And as
had been at Thessalonica more recently than St Paul, the
reference is thought to be naturally to his visit. But is there
any need so to restrict en ? All that it implies is the de-
sire on the writer's part to carry his readers back with him

to the time when he was with them, whenever that time may
have been. And
further, conceivable that e\eyov can be
is it

understood of any other than the leading writer St Paul, more

particularly in view of the admitted reference of the first person
singular to him in II. iii. 17 and I. iii. 5, v. 27, the only other
passages in the two Epistles where it is used? Had Timothy
wished to distinguish himself here from his two companions,
Paul and Silvanus, would he not certainly have added his
name eya* 6 T^u,o#eo<?, or some such expression, and not have
trusted to the Thessalonians' recognizing his handwriting as
different from that of St Paul in the closing paragraph (iii. 17,
8), as Spitta is driven to suggest .

That Timothy may on this occasion have acted as St Paul's

amanuensis is of course possible and it is perhaps in the

Hist. N.T. p. 626. des Paulus in der Schlussbemerkung,
2 'Auf eine Anwesenheit in Thessa- 3, 18. Somit ergiebt es sich mit
lonich, welche bereits langere Zeit ziemlicher Sicherheit, dass der im
vergangen ist, passt der Ausdruck Namen von Paulus, Silvanus und
nicht' (p. 124). Timotheus ausgegangene 2. Thess.-
3 'Ein Missverstandniss war ja fiir Brief von den letzter dieser drei abge-
die Briefempfanger nicht wohl moglich, fasst uud von den ersten nur mit einen
davon zu geschweigen, dass sie des eigenhandigen Schlusswort versehen
Timotheus Handschrift werden ge- ist' (p. 125).
kannt haben im Unterschied von der

thought of a change of amanuensis from (say) Silvanus in the

First Epistle that some of our Epistle's linguistic peculiarities

may find an explanation (cf. Add. Note A, p. 125 f.).

But this is

very different from supposing that Timothy was actually its

author, or that the Apostle set his own seal to views with which
he was not wholly in agreement, as Spitta's theory requires.
(3) If then the writer was not St Paul, there is nothing ( 3 ) to be

for ery-
left for us but to fall back upon the suggestion which has been

urged from time to time in various forms, that the Epistle is

the work of an unknown writer, who, anxious to gain currency
for his own views regarding the Last Things, imbedded them in
a framework skilfully drawn from St Paul's genuine Epistle.
We have seen already the objections attending any such
theory, in so far as it is connected with a definite

situation such as the expected return of Nero. But apart

altogether from such considerations, is it likely that
a fictitious

Epistle addressed on this showing to a Church which had

already an authentic Epistle of St Paul's, and in which many
of the original recipients may well have been alive, would ever
have gained currency as the Apostle's ?
So strongly does Wrede, the latest exponent of the theory,
feel this that he suggests that the Epistle was never intended
for Thessalonica at all, but that the unknown writer simply
made a general use of
Thessalonians, as, owing to its apo-

calyptic character, best serving the purpose he had in view

(pp. 38 ff., 68). So that it comes to this That this Epistle, :

so amply vouched nothing but a barefaced

for in antiquity, is

written in the name of St Paul by one who was not
St Paul invested with the authority of the Apostle, though

designed to correct views currently attributed to the Apostle

and addressed to the Church of Thessalonica, though having
another and a very different circle of readers in view. Surely
there are more 'misses' here than any 'hits/ with which,
It is unfortunate to have to use his writing. In view of iii. 17, 18,
the word 'forgery' round which such there can be notalk here of a harm-
definite associations have now gathered lesspseudonymous writing. Cf. Wrede
in connexion with our problem ; but p. 'Stammt der zweite Thessa-
no other word brings out so well the lonicherbrief nicht von Paulus, so ist
deliberate attempt of one man to use er eine Falschung.'
the name and authority of another in

according to the most charitable interpretation of it, the theory

can be credited !

Nor does the view

of forgery, so improbable in itself, derive

any help from two passages which are often cited in


support of it, and as in themselves conclusive against the

Epistle's genuineness.
The first of these is
ii. 2: 'To the end that
ye be not readily
shaken from your reason, nor yet be disturbed either by spirit,
or by word, or by epistle as from us, as if the day of the Lord
is now present.' But even
if the difficult clause, pyre St?

67ri(TTo\f]<; o>9 be taken as referring to the possible

&i rj/JLwv,

existence of a pretended or forged epistle, and is not merely

the exhausting by the writer of the different ways by which
the Thessaloriians might have been disturbed spirit, word,
represents at most just such a vague suspicion as
letter, it

might have crossed St Paul's mind (cf. I. v. 27), but which

would have been exceedingly unnatural in one who was him-
self engaged in passing off a spurious letter.

The same may be said of iii. 17: 'The salutation of me

Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle:
so I write.' The particular form of authentication used here is
unique among the Pauline Epistles and if it had been the

work of a forger, would he not have been more careful to follow

St Paul's general usage, as it meets us in I Cor. xvi. 21, or
Col. iv. 18? 'But if Paul wrote the words, they express his
intention; and this intention was satisfactorily fulfilled if he
always added the benediction in his own handwriting .'

4. General 4. On the whole then, without any desire to minimize the

Son! surrounding the literary character and much of the
contents of this remarkable Epistle, there seems to be nothing
in them to throw undue suspicion on its genuineness; while
the failure of those reject who it to
present any adequate
explanation of how it arose, or of the authority it undoubtedly
possessed in the Early Church, is in itself strong presumptive
evidence that the traditional view is correct, and that we have
here an authentic work of the Apostle Paul.

Drummond The Epistles of Paul (in International Handbooks to the
the Apostle to the Thessalonians &c. N.T.) p. 13.


The text adopted for the following commentary is the Greek Text
text of Westcott and Hort approximates therefore closely to for Com .
: it

the type of text represented by NB. In these circumstances it mentary.

has not been thought necessary to provide a complete apparatus
criticus; but wherever the Editors have shown any doubt as
to the true reading by the use of brackets or the insertion
of marginal readings, the leading authorities on both sides have
been cited. These authorities have as a rule been taken from
the great Tischendorf (Nov. Test. Graec. 8 ii.
collection of

Leipzig, 1872), or from Friedrich Zimmer's useful monograph

Der Text der Thessalonicherbriefe (Quedlinburg, 1893), an(^ ^ ne
citations,more particularly in the case of the versions, have, as
far as possible, been verified, and sometimes corrected, by a
comparison with the best available texts of the originals .

It will be kept in view that the accompanying lists aim Lists of

only at enumerating the authorities actually cited in the c it e d.

apparatus or textual commentary.

The text is contained in whole, or in part, in the following i. Greek
Primary Uncials. i. Primary
N. Codex Sinaiticus, saec. iv. Discovered by Tischendorf
in the Convent of St Catherine on Mt Sinai, and

1 In this connexion I desire to ex- kindly verified the citations from

press my indebtedness to Mr Norman the Syriac, Armenian, and Aethiopic,
M Lean,
c Christ's College, Cambridge, and from the Egyptian versions re-

and the Rev. A. E. Brooke, B.D., spectively.

King's College, Cambridge, who have

now at St Petersburg. The MS. has been corrected

by various hands, of which N is nearly contemporary,
Nb belongs probably to the sixth century, and N C
to the beginning of the seventh. Ed. Tischendorf,
Leipzig, 1864.

A. Codex Alexandrinus, saec. v. Originally at Alexandria.

Presented by Cyril Lucar, Patriarch of Constantinople,
to Charles I. in 1628, and deposited in the British
Museum in 1753. Issued in autotype facsimile by
E. M. Thompson, London, 1879.

B. Codex Vaticanus, Generally believed to be the

saec. iv.
oldest extant MS.
the Greek Bible.
of O. von
Gebhardt dates it c. 331, A. Rahlfs (TheoL Liieratur-
zeitung, 1899, p. 556) soon after 367. Probably of
Egyptian origin, though there are also strong grounds
for inclining to a connexion with the Eusebian library
at Caesarea (Kenyon, Text. Criticism of the N.T.,
p. 66 tf. ; cf. SH. p. Ixvii .). The MS. has been one
of the great treasures of the Vatican Library since
shortly after its foundation, and was issued in photo-
type by J. Cozza-Luzi and others (Rome, 1889), and
better in photographed facsimile by Hoepli (Milan,

C. Codex Ephraemi rescriptus, saec. v. A Palimpsest, much

mutilated. The remains of the Greek Text, under-
lying the works of Ephraim the Syrian (t373), were
deciphered and published by Tischendorf, Leipzig,
1843. Of our Epistles the fragment i Thess. i. i
9 is all that survives. The original MS. is now in

D(D 2 ). Codex Claromontanus, saec. vi. A Graeco-Latin MS.

from the monastery of Clermont, near Beauvais, and
now at Paris. Its type of text is closely akin to
EFG, and 'all probably go back to one common arche- 7

type, the origin of which is attributed to Italy

(Kenyon, p. Si)
Of its correctors b dates from about
. D
the seventh, and c
from the ninth or tenth century.
Ed. Tischendorf, Leipzig, 1852.

G(G 3 ). Codex Boernerianus, saec. ix. A Graeco-Latin MS.,

so named from Prof. C. F. Boerner, who bought it in
1705; now at Dresden. For the conjectural history
of the MS. see SH. p. Ixiv, and for its relation to D
and the Gothic version, ibid. p. Ixix f. Ed. Matthaei,
Meissen, 1791.

A. Souter (J. T. S. vi. p. 240 ff.) argues that D belongs to Sardinia.

H(H 3 ). Codex Coislinianus, saec. vi. Originally in the library

of the Laura on Mt Athos. Forty-one leaves still
exist, scattered through various libraries, and in
addition the text of twenty- two pages has been
recovered from the 'offsets' left by them on the pages
opposite. The fragment at Kieff contains i Thess.
9 13, iv. 5 ii. The subscription connects the
MS. with Euthalius, on whom see especially Dean
Arrnitage Robinson, Euthaliana (Texts and Studies,
3), Cambridge, 1895; cf. SH. p. Ixviii f., von
Dobschiitz in Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, xix. 2,
von Soden, Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments (1902),
p. 637 ff, Turner in Hastings' D.B. v. p. 524 ff.,
Conybeare in Z.N.T.W. v. (1904) p. 39 ff., Robinson
in J.T.S. vi. p. 87 ff. The text was edited by Omont,
Notices et Extraits, xxxiii. pt. i. p. 141 ff, with the
and Turin offsets by
St Petersburg offsets, the Paris
Robinson (Euthaliana, p. 48 ff.), and the recently
recovered Athos offsets by Prof. Kirsopp Lake,
Facsimiles of the Athos Fragments of Codex of H
the Pauline Epistles (Oxford, 1905).

No account has been taken of E(E3 ) and F(F2 ) in accordance

with Hort's judgment that the former in its Greek text is simply
a transcript of D (D 2 ), and the latter, as certainly, a
of G(G3 ), or 'an inferior copy of the same immediate
(Intr* 203).

Secondary Uncials. ii. Second-
K(K 2 ). Codex Mosquensis, saec. ix. Moscow. 'cials.

L(L ). 2 Codex Angelicus, saec. ix. Rome.

P(P2 ). Codex Porphyrianus, saec. ix. St Petersburg. Wants
i Thess. iii.
5 ju??KeTi...?7/x.eis ot iv. 17. Ed. Tischendorf
in Mon. Sacr. Ined., Nov. Coll., v., Leipzig, 1865,
PP- 5 8 364-

iii. Minuscules. iii. Minus-

von Soden (Die Schriften des N.T. i. p. 44) there
According to
are now about 630 cursive MSS. available for the Pauline
The following are a few of the most important.

4** (= Acts 4) : saec. xv, now in Basle, Univ. A.N. iv. 5.

6 (=Gosp. 6, Acts 6) : saec. xi, in Paris, Bibl. Nat. Gr. 112.

17 (= Gosp. 33, Acts 13) saec. xi, in Paris, Bibl. Nat. Gr.
Deserves special notice (Hort, Intr. 2 212).

23 : A.D. 1056, in Paris, Bibl. Nat. Coisl. Gr. 28.



31 (=Acts 25, Apoc. 7): A.D. 1087, in London, Brit. Mus.

Harl. 5537.

37 (= Gosp. 69, Acts 31, Apoc. 14): saec. xv, in Leicester,

Library of the Town Council. 'Has many Non-
Alexandrian, Pre-Syrian readings of both kinds' (Hort,
Intr. 212). For the history of this interesting MS.
see Scrivener, Codex Augiensis (Cambridge, 1859),
Introd. p. xlff. and Appendix, J. Rendel Harris,
Origin of the Leicester Codex (Cambridge, 1887).

47 : saec. xi, in Oxford, Bodl. Roe 16.

67 (= Acts 66, Apoc. 34) : saec. xi, in Vienna, Imp. Gr.

th. 302.

67**: very ancient readings in the margins of 67, which have

no other cursive attestation. Hort (Intr. 2 212)
regards them as akin to
paul M
though they cannot have

been derived from the text of paul itself. M

71 : saec. xii, in Vienna, Imp. Gr. th. 61.

73 (= Acts 68) : saec. xiii, in Upsala, Univ. MS. Gr. i.

116 (= Acts 101) : saec. xiii, in Moscow, Syn. 333.

137 {= Gosp. 263, Acts 117): saec. xiii, in Paris, Nat. Gr. 61*.

154 (= Acts 126) : saec. xi, in Paris, Nat. Gr. 217.

For Athos, Laura 1846. 64 (saec. x) = a 78 of von Soden's

list, see Sect. Ill under Origen.


The ancient Versions are as follows.

i. Latin, i. Latin.

(i) Old (i) Old Latin (Lat Vet Vg or O.L.). The history of the Old
Latin. Latin version (or versions) is still involved in many perplexities :

it must be sufficient to refer here to the exhaustive art. by

Dr H. A. A. Kenned}' in Hastings' D.B. iii. p. 47 if., where
Antioch is suggested as its original home. Mr C. H. Turner and
Prof. Souter, on the other hand, are emphatic for Rome, while the
majority of modern critics may be said to favour the theory of an
African origin. The extant fragments of the version have been
collected by the Benedictine, P. Sabatier, in his monumental work
Bibliorum sacrorum latinae versiones sen vetus Italica (Rheims,
1739 49). See also L. Ziegler, Die lateinischen Bibelubersetzungen
vor Hieronymus, Munich, 1879.

The following authorities for the Pauline Epistles have been

cited. ,

d : Latin version of D (God. Claromontanus). The genuine *

Old Latin character of the text is indicated by its

frequent agreement with the quotations of Lucifer
of Cagliari (tsyo)' (F. C. Burkitt, Encyc. Bibl col.
f : Latin version of F (Cod. Augiensis).
g : Latin version of G
(Cod. Boernerianus).
m : the so-called Speculum, a treatise falsely assigned to
St Augustine, which contains extracts from a Spanish
text, akin to the Bible used by Priscillian (see Hort
as quoted in Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes
(1902), ii. p. 606). Ed. by Weihrich in Vienna Corpus
script, eccles. Lett. xii. 1887.
: A fragment, belonging to the seventh century, preserved
at Munich. Contains i Thess. i. i 10.

(2) Vulgate (Vg). A revision by Jerome of the Old Latin to (i) Vul-
ate -
bring it to the Greek text he possessed (* Graecae fidei
auctoritati reddidi Novum Testameiitum '). The authoritative edition
of the Roman Church, issued by Clement VIII. in 1592, has been
reprinted by Nestle (Stuttgart, 1906) in a very convenient form
with a carefully selected apparatus. The great critical edition of
the N.T., which is being prepared by Bishop J. Wordsworth and
the Rev. H. J. White has not yet advanced beyond the Acts
(Oxford, 1889).
The readings of the Vulgate MSS. ( Vg codd ) will be found (partly)
in Nestle, and more fully detailed in Tischendorf.

Syriac. ii. Syriac.
There naturally no translation of the Bible which has more
interest for us than the Syriac, though we must be careful not to
identify this dialect of the Euphrates valley with the Aramaic
spoken by our Lord see especially Burkitt, Evangelism da Mephar-

reshe, vol. ii. (Cambridge, 1904). The history of its various versions,
and of the vexed questions raised by them, is fully discussed in the
same writer's art. Text and Versions in the Encyc. Bibl. col.

4998 5006.
We are here concerned only with two of these versions.

(i) Syr (Pesh) = the Syriac Vulgate or Peshitta, i.e. 'the(i) The
simple,' so named apparently to distinguishfromit

subsequent editions
which were furnished with mar-
ginal variants and other critical apparatus.' Burkitt
regards it as the work of Rabbula bishop of Edessa
(or some one deputed by him) between 411 and
435 A D- Edd. Leusden and Schaaf (1709); S. Lee

(1816). The new critical edition of Mr G. H. Gwilliam

9 2
has not yet advanced beyond the Gospels
1901). For the 'Place of the Peshitto Version in
the Apparatus Criticus of the N.T.' see the same
writer's art. in Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica, v. iii.
Oxford, 1903.
(2) The (2) Syr (Harcl). A recension made by Thomas of Harkel
Harclean. in 616 of the older Philoxenian version of 508. The
text is 'remarkable for its excessive literalness/ and
follows almost invariably that of the later Greek MSS/

(Burkitt). It is cited by Tischendorf as S yr

is edited by J. White as Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana,

Oxford, 1778 1803.

Of great importance are certain readings in the margin of
the foregoing version.
(Syr (Harcl mg.)) derived from 'three (v.l. two) approved
and accurate Greek copies' in the monastery of the
Enatonians near Alexandria (Hort, Intr.* 215).

in.Arrne- iii- Armenian.

existing Armenian Vulgate (Arm) is a revision about the

middle of the fifth century of certain original translations based

upon the Old Syriac (Robinson, Euthaliana, p. 726*'.). The Greek
text used for this revision was apparently closely akin to KB.
Ed. Zohrab, Venice, 1805.

iv. iv. Egyptian.


fiTso (*)
B nairic (Boh = me (Memphitic) WH., = cop (Coptic)
hairic Tisch.). A
very early date has sometimes been assigned
to this version, but recent research points rather to
the sixth or seventh century (Burkitt, Encyc. Bibl.
col.5008). The Pauline Epistles have been edited
by G. Homer in vol. iii. of his Bohairic N.T., Oxford,
(2) Sa- (2)
Sahidic (Sah = the (Thebaic) WH.). Now believed to
hidic. be older than the Bohairic version, going back at least
to the early part of the fourth century. The N.T.
exists only in fragments, which have not yet been
collected into a formal edition. [It is understood that
G. Horner is preparing one for the Clarendon Press.]
Ciasca's collections have been used in the verification
of the citations in the present volume.

v. Aethi- v. Aethiopic.
The date of the Aethiopic version (Aeth) is again uncertain.
It may be as early as the fourth century, but is more generally
assigned to the end
of the fifth (Scrivener, Tntrod. to the Crit. of
the N.T.* ii. p. 154)- The text from an edition printed at Rome in
in Walton's Polyglott, also in an edition
!,j48 9 is to be found
Platt (for the Bible Society) in 1830.
prepared by T. Pell

vi. Gothic. vi. Gothic.

The Gothic version (Go) was made for the Goths by Ulfilas, who
succeeded Theophilus as their Bishop in 348. The translation
follows with great fidelity a Greek text, evidently closely akin to
the secondary uncials (KLP). It may however have been modified
by the influence of the Latin versions, and 'for textual purposes,
therefore, its evidence must be used with care (Kenyon, Text. Crit.

p. 204). Edd. Gabelentz and Loebe, Leipzig, 1836 43.


The following particulars regarding the patristic authorities
cited have been drawn, with additions, from Gregory's Text-

kritik, ii.
p. 770 ff. Migne, P. L., has been used to denote Migne,
Patrologiae Gursus Completes, Latin series, Paris, 1844 64,
and Migne, P.G., the corresponding Greek series, Paris, 1857 66.

Amb = Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 374

397. Ed. Migne,
P. L. xiv. xvii. (1845). A
considerable portion of
what will henceforward be the authoritative edition
of his works has already appeared in the Vienna
Corpus, under the care of K. Schenkl, and latterly
of H. Schenkl, Vienna, 1896 .

Ambst (or Ambrstr)

= Ambrosiaster (see under List of Com-
mentaries). The text used, pending the issue of the
critical edition by H. Brewer S. J. in the Vienna

Corpus, has been that of Migne, P.L. xvii., but the

text has been critically revised for this edition with
MSS. Bodl. 756 (of the eleventh century) and 689 (of
the twelfth century) by A. Souter. The Commentary
from which this complete text of St Paul's Epistles
is extracted was issued in Rome between 366 and
384 A.D., and contains the (Old-Latin) text commonly
used in Rome at that date, and revised by Jerome to
make the Vulgate. A
study of this text has been
published in A. Souter's Study of Ambrosiaster (in
Texts and Studies, vii.), Cambridge, 1905, and the
author's conclusions have been accepted by Prof.
Kirsopp Lake of Leiden (Review of Theology and Phi-
losophy ii.
[1906 1907] p. 620 f.).
Ath = Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria (1373). Ed. Migne,
P.O. xxv. xxviii.

Eeference may also now be made and Text of the New Testament (Edin-
to the same writer's graphic Canon burgh, 1907).
Bas = Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia r
1379. The Benedictine edition of his works under
the care of J. Gamier appeared at Paris, 1721 30.
Chr = John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, 1407.
For the various readings contained in MSS. of Chry-
sostom (Chr codd ) see Tischendorf. Collations of these
were published by Matthaei in his critical edition of
the N.T. (1803 07). See further under List of Com-

Clem = Homilies of the Pseudo-Clement. Ed. P. de Lagarde,

Leipzig, 1865. For the general history of 'The
Clementine Literature' see A. C. Headlam in J.T.S.
iii. p. 41 ff.

Const = Apostolic Constitutions. Edd. P. de Lagarde, Leipzig,

1862 ;
F. X. Funk, Didascalia et C onstitutiones Apostol-
orum, Paderborn, 1906.
Cypr = Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, 1258. Ed. W. Hartel
in the Vienna Corpus, 1868 71.

Cyr- Alex =
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, 412 444. Ed.
Migne, P.G. Ixviii. Ixxvii.
Cyr-Hier = Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, 350 386. Edd. Migne,
P.L. xxxiii. W. C. Reischl and J. Rupp, Munich,

1848 60; Photius Alexandrides, Jerusalem, 1867 8.

Did Didymus of Alexandria, 1394 or 399. Ed. Migne,
P. G. xxxix.

Ephr = Ephraim the Syrian, 1373. A Latin translation of

the Armenian version of his Commentaries on the
Pauline Epistles was edited by the Mechitarist Fathers,
Venice, 1893. See also F. H. Woods 'An Examination
of the N. T. Quotations of Ephrem Syrus in Stud. BibL
et Eccles. iii.
p. 105 ff.; Oxford, 1891.
Eus = Eusebius of Caesarea, 1340. Ed. Migne, P.G. xix.
xxiv. A new edition of his works has begun to appear
in the Berlin series of Ante-Nicene Greek Fathers.
Hier = Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus, best known as
Jerome, 1420. Edd. Migne, P.L. xxii. xxx.; Val-
larsi, Verona, 1734 42.

Hipp = Hippolytus of Rome, 1235. Edd. Migne, P.G. x.;

Bonwetsch and Achelis (in the Berlin series), Leipzig,
Iren lat = Latin version, not later than the fourth century,
of Irenaeus' work Adversus omnes haereses, written
c. i So. Edd. Stieren, Leipzig, 1853; W. W. Harvey,
Cambridge, 1857.

Macar = Macarius, an Egyptian ascetic, f 389. His homilies

are published in Migne, P.O. xxxiv. cf. J.T.S. viii.

p. 850. This Macarius must be carefully distinguished

from Macarius Magnes, whose date is probably a
quarter of a century later: see J.T.S. ii. p. 6iof.,
viii.pp. 401 ff., 546ff., Schalkhausser, Makarios von
Magnesia (Leipzig, 1907).
Orig = Origen, head of the catechetical school in Alexandria,
1254. Edd. Lommatzsch, Berlin, 1831 48; P. Koet-
schau, E. Klostermann, and E. Preuschen (in the Berlin
series). Leipzig, 1899 See also von der Goltz,

Eine textkritische Arbeit des 10. bez. 6. Jahrhunderts

(Texte und (Inters., N. F. n. 4, 1899), which describes
MS. Athos, Laura 184. B. 64 (saec. x), a manuscript of
the Acts, Catholic, and Pauline Epistles, which has
preserved for us many interesting readings of Origen.
lat = The free Latin version of Origen's works by Jerome
and others.

Ps-Ath = Writings wrongly ascribed to Athanasius, and con-

tained in the Benedictine edition of Athanasius' works
vol. ii.

Tert Tertullian, fc. 240. Edd. Migne, P. L. i. iii.; Oehler,

Leipzig, 1853 4; A. ReifFerscheid, G. Wissowa and
E. Kroymann (in the Vienna Corpus), Vienna, 1890 .

Thdt = Theodoret, a Syrian monk, Bishop of Cyrus, fc. 457.

See List of Commentaries.
lat =
Theod-Mops Latin version of Theodore, Bishop of Mop-
suestia in Cilicia, fc. 429. See List of Commentaries.

Vig = Vigilius, an African bishop, flourished c. 484. Ed.

Migne, P.L. Ixii. The authorship of works under
this name is disputed.


Literature The literature relating to our Epistles is dealt with very

^U ^ ^ Bornemann in his Die Thessalonicherbriefe, which replaces
the work of Ltinemann in the new edition of Meyer's Kritisch-

exegetischer Kommentar :
7 and 538 ff. The following
see pp. I

list consists for the most part of those Commentaries which

have been used in the preparation of this volume, the editions
specified being those to which the present writer has had access,
though occasionally for the sake of completeness other works
have been included. For fuller information regarding the
Greek Patristic Commentaries it is sufficient to refer to
Mr C. H. Turner's exhaustive article in the supplementary
volume of Hastings' D.B. The new and valuable facts regard-
ing the Latin writers have been supplied through the kindness
of Prof. A. Souter.


(i) Earlier (i) Earlier Period.

ORIGEN (1253). From the list of Origen's works given by

Jerome (Ep. xxxiii.) it appears that Origen wrote a Com-
mentary on i Thess. in 3 books, and on 2 Thess. in i book.
Of these unfortunately only fragments now survive. Jerome
himself (Ep. cxix.) has preserved one relating to i Thess. iv.
15 17 :and from the same source we learn that Theodore
of Heraclea, Apollinaris, and Diodore of Tarsus also com-
mented on i Thess.
CHRYSOSTOM, JOHN (Chrys.). Chrysostoni (f 407) is generally
ranked as the greatest of the early Pauline interpreters, more
particularly on the homiletic side. He is at once a true

exegete and a true orator, a combination found in such

perfection perhaps nowhere else' (Swete, Patristic Study,
p. 104). His Homilies on the Thessalonian Epistles appear
to have been preached as episcopal utterances at Constant!-

nople. They are printed in Migne, P.O. Ixii., and in a

critical edition by F. Field, Oxford, 1855. An English
translation under the editorship of C. M. (Charles Marriott)
was published at Oxford in 1843 * n tne Library of the

THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA (Th. Mops.). Theodore, Bishop of

Mopsuestia (fc. 429), was after the death of Chrysostom
the most influential teacher in the Eastern Church. By his
Nestorian followers he was known as par excellence the '

Interpreter,' a title which he deserved from his rigid

avoidance of the allegorical method, and constant endeavour
to discover the literal and historical meaning of the Sacred
Writings. The Greek version of his Commentary on the
Pauline Epistles exists only in fragments, preserved in the
Catenae, but a Latin version (sixth century ?) embracing ten
of the Epistles, including i, 2 Thess., is extant. It has been
edited with a valuable Introduction and Notes by Prof.
H. B. Swete (Cambridge, 1880 82).
THEODORET OF CYRRHUS (Thdt.), a third great writer of the
Antiochene school (fc. 457). According to his own state-
ment Theodoret intended his Commentary on the Pauline
Epistles to be little more than an abridgement of the works
of Chrysostom and Theodore, whom he describes as TOVS rfjs
otKOD/Aci/?;? <<o(7T?7|oas. But he has done his work with such

appreciation, terseness of expression, and good sense that,


according to Bishop Lightfoot (Gal. p. 230), 'if the absence
of faults were a just standard of merit' his Commentaries
'would deserve the first place.' The Commentary on
i, Thess. will be found in vol. v. of the complete edition
of Theodoret's works by J. L. Schulze, Halle, 1769 74.
It was also edited by C. Marriott, Oxford, 1870.

Later Period. Later

(2) (j)
OECUMENIUS (Oecum.), Bishop of Tricca in Thessaly. His date
is uncertain, but Turner (I.e. p.
523) places the Catena on
St Paul as in all probability within the limits 560 640.
The original Catena draws largely from Chrysostom, while
later recensions embody copious extracts from Photius,
Patriarch of Constantinople (c. 820 c. 891). Printed in
Migne, P. G. cxviii. cxix.

THEOPHYLACT (Thphl.), Archbishop of Achridia (Ochrida) in

Bulgaria, c. 1075. His Commentary on the Pauline Epistles
follows Chrysostom in the main, but with 'a certain inde-
pendence': ed. A. Lindsell, London, 1636.
EUTHYMIUS ZIGABENUS (Euth. Zig.), a younger contemporary of
Theophylact, c. 1115. Ed. Nicolas Kalogeras, late Arch-
bishop of Patras, Athens, 1887.

ii. Latin II. LATIN WRITERS 1 .

AMBROSIASTER (Ambrstr. or Ambst.). Regarding the identity of
the so-called 'Ambrosiaster there has been much difference

of opinion, but the view most widely held in the present day
is one suggested
by the French scholar Dom Morin of
Maredsous, Belgium, in the Revue d'Histoire et de Littera-
ture religieuses for 1899, pp. 97 121, that he was Isaac,
a converted Jew, who lived in Rome during the pontificate
of Damasus (366 384)*. His Commentary on the Pauline
Epistles, from which a complete Old Latin text can be
derived, has been pronounced by Jiilicher (article 'Ambrosi-
aster' in Pauly-Wissowa's
fteal-Encyclopadie) to be the best
on St Paul's Epistles prior to the Reformation, and Harnack
(Sitzungsberichte der Kgl. Preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften,
1903, p. 212) regards it and the Quaestiones Veteris et
Novi Testamenti, now assigned to 'Ambrosiaster,' though
printed amongst the works of St Augustine (e.g. Migne,
P.L. xxxv.), as the greatest literary product of the Latin
Church between Cyprian and Jerome. For editions see the
note on p. xcix.
PELAGIUS (Pelag.). Amongst the works of Jerome (Migne,
P.L. xxx. p. 670 ff.) there is a series of commentaries on
the Pauline Epistles, which contain some of the quotations
which Augustine and Marius Mercator, his contemporaries,
make from a commentary of Pelagius (fc. 440). The older
scholars were divided in opinion on the subject of the Pseudo-
Jerome commentary. Some regarded it as the work of
Pelagius; others as the commentary of Pelagius after it
had been expurgated by Cassiodorus and his pupils 3 A .

few years ago Prof. Zimmer of Berlin discovered at St Gall

what is a nearer approach to the original commentary than
Pseudo-Jerome, but even this form is interpolated. Ac-
cording to Souter (The Commentary of Pelagius on the
Epistles of Paul [London, 1907] p. 15 ff.) the anonymous
MS. cxix. of the Grand Ducal Library at Karlsruhe (saec. ix)
is the only pure copy of
Pelagius extant, the Pseudo-Jerome
commentary being an expansion of the original Pelagius on
the longer epistles. Pending the appearance of his edition,
The most valuable guide to Latin by later critics.
commentators 011 the Pauline Epistles 3 This latter view must be
down to the time of Luther is Denifle's up, as Pseudo-Jerome contains many
Luther und Luthertum, Erster Band Pelagian traces further, Turner has

(n Abt.), Quellenbelege (Mainz, 1905). suggested (J.H.S.iv. (1902 3) p. 141),

The later view of Morin (Revue and Souter has proved (The Com-
Benedictine, 1903, pp. 113 131) that mentary of Pelagius (Proceedings of
he was Decimius Hilarianus Hilarius, British Academy, vol. ii. p. 20) that
a layman and proconsul, supported, we possess Cassiodorus' revision under
with caution, by Souter, Study of Am- the name of Primasius (Migne, P.L.
brosiaster, p. 183 ff., has been rejected Ixviii.).

the student is recommended to correct the corrupt text of

Migne by the help of the collation of the St Gall MS. in
Zimmer's Pelagius in Irland (Berlin, 1901).


Protestant Writers. Period.

ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS (t 1536) issued his first edition of the testant

Greek N.T. (ap. lo. Frobenium) at Basle in 1516. It was Writers,

accompanied by a new Latin translation and annotations.

The more popular Paraphrasis in Epp. Pauli omnes appeared
a few years later.
CALVIN, JOHN (f 1564), the greatest of the commentators of the

Reformation' (SH. p. ciii.). His Commentarii in omnes

epistolas Pauli Apostoli was first published at Strassburg in
1539. The numerous citations in the present work are taken
from vol. vi. of Tholuck's complete edition of the N.T.
Commentaries (Berlin, no date).
BEZA, THEODORE (f 1605). Beza's first edition of the Greek
N.T. with translation and annotations was published by
H. Stephanus in 1565 (sine loco), and in 1642 a new edition
'ad quartam (1598) conformata' was issued from Daniel's
Press at Cambridge. The Bible Society's convenient reprint
(Berlin, 1905) of this Cambridge edition has been followed

Roman Catholic Writers. (2) Roman

ESTIUS, W. (Est.), Provost and Chancellor of Douay (fi6i3). Writers.
His In omnes beati Pauli... Epistolas commentaria were
published after his death (Douay, 1614 16, new ed. Paris,
1672 76). They form 'a valuable exposition of the Epistles
in the Augustinian spirit' (Reuss).
CORNELIUS A LAPIDE (f 1637). Commentaria in... omnes d. Pauli
epistolas. Antwerp, 1635.
GROTIUS, H. (De Groot, f 1645), Dutch statesman and theologian.
His Annotationes on the whole Bible were first published in
his Opp. theol. (Basle, 1732). The Ann. in N.T. appeared
separately, Paris, 1641. See also the Critici Sacri.


BENGEL, J. A. (Beng.) 11752. Gnomon Novi Testament^ Ed. 3 tion

adjuv. J. Steudel, London, 1855.
WETSTEIN, J. J. (f 1754). His edition of the Novum Testamentum
Graecum (Amsterdam, 1751 52) is still invaluable for its
large collection of illustrations drawn from Jewish, Greek,
and Latin sources. A
new and revised edition is among the
great desiderata for N.T. apparatus.


It will be convenient to classify the writers of this Period as
(i) German and (2) English, and to arrange the names in each
section in alphabetical, rather than in chronological, order.

(i) Ger- (i) German Writers.

Writers. BORNEMANN, W. Die Thessalonicherbriefe in the new edition of


Meyer's Kommentar (Go'ttingen, 1894) the fullest modern

Commentary on the Epistles, and a great storehouse of
materials for all subsequent editors. It has not been trans-
lated into English.

DE WETTE, W. M. L.: Briefe an die Thessalonicher, 3 te Aufl.

von "W. Moeller in Exeg. Handb. zum N. T. n. iii. Leipzig,
GOEBEL, SIEGFRIED : Die Briefe P. an d. Thess. in Neutest.
Schriften, i.
pp. i 37. 2 Aufl. Gotha, 1897. Brief Notes.

HOFMANN, J. K. von Thessalonicherbriefe in Die

C. :
Schrift Neuen Testaments, i. Nordlingen, 1869.
KOCH, A.: Commentar iiber d. ersten Brief d. Apostels Paulus an
d. Thessalonicher. Berlin, 1849.

LUNEMANN, G. : Die Briefe an d. Thessalonicher in Meyer's

Kommentar. Engl. Tr. by Dr P. J. Gloag from the 3rd
German edition. Edinburgh, 1880.

PELT, L. Epistolae Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses.

: Griefs-
wald, 1830. Rich in patristic references.
SCHMIDT, P.: Der erste Thessalonicherbrief. Berlin, 1885. A
small book of 128 pages, but containing, in addition to a
textual commentary, helpful discussions on the language and
historical situation of the Epistle, and an excursus on 2 Thess.,
intended to show that it had been subject to interpolation.

SCHMIEDEL, P. W.: Die Brieje an die Thessalonicher in the

Hand-Commentar zum N.T. n. i. Freiburg im B., 1891.
A marvel of condensation, especially in the very useful
Introductions.The authenticity of 2 Thess. is denied.

SCHOTT, H. A.: Epistolae Pauli ad Thessalonicenses et Galatas.

Leipzig, 1834.
Die Paulinische Briefe, 2
: Aufl. Leipzig,
1902. A revised Text with brief but suggestive Notes.

WOHLENBERG, G. Der erste und zweite Thessalonicherbrief in


Zahn's Kommentar zum N.T. Leipzig, 1903. The most

recent German commentary of importance on the Epistles.
The general line of thought is brought out clearly, and there

is much valuable lexical material contained in the footnotes,

but the Introduction is very brief, and the question of

authenticity is
practically ignored altogether.
The German translations of Luther (from Theile and
Stier's N. T. Tetraglottoii) and Weizsacker (Das neue Testa-
ment iibersetzt, 9 Aufl. Tubingen, 1900) have also been
frequently cited.
It is understood that Prof, von Dobschiitz of Strassburg
still another edition of the
is preparing Epistles for Meyer's

(2) English Writers. (2) Eng-

ALFORD, H. (All) : The Greek Testament, iii. 2nd ed. London, Writers.
DRUMMOND, JAMES : The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the
Thessalonians in International Handbooks to the N. T. ii.

New York, 1899.

EADIE, JOHN A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistles

of Paul to the Thessalonians. London, 1877.

ELLICOTT, C. J. St Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, 4th ed.

London, 1880. Rich in lexical and grammatical material,

with a revised translation and many interesting citations
from the old English Versions. There is practically no
FINDLAY, G. G. The Epistles to the Thessalonians in the Cambridge

Bible for Schools and Colleges, 1891, and more recently (1904)
in the Cambridge Greek Testament. It is only the latter
book, which is substantially a new work, that has been cited
in the present volume. The Commentary is marked by the
writer's well-known qualities as an expositor careful attention
to the text combined with great theological suggestiveness
and, within the limits imposed by the Series to which it
belongs, this is probably the most convenient edition of the
Epistles for students.
JOWETT, B. The Epistles
of St Paul to the Thessalonians,
Galatians, Romans. 2nd ed. London, 1859. Contains
various striking Essays on such subjects as Evils in the *

Church of the Apostolical Age,' On the Belief in the Coming '

of Christ in the Apostolical Age,' and On the Man of Sin.' *

LIGHTFOOT, J. B. (Lft.): The Notes on i, 2 Thess. occupy

pp. i136 of Bishop Lightfoot's posthumously published
Notes on Epistles of tit Paul (London, 1895), and combined
with the same writer's art. Thessalonians, Epistles to the *

in Smith's D. B. and his Essays on The Churches of Mace- *

' '
donia and The Church of Thessalonica in Biblical Essays

(London, 1893) p. 235 flf. make up a mass of invaluable

material relating to the Epistles, to which subsequent workers
find it difficult sufficiently to express their indebtedness.

VAUGHAN, The First Epistle to the Thessalonians. Cam-

C. J. :

bridge, 1865. The first part of an Edition (apparently

never carried further) of the Pauline Epistles for English
readers, containing a literal new translation and short notes.
WORDSWORTH, C. The New Testament in the original Greek,

Part London, 1859.


In addition to the foregoing, Commentaries on the Epistles

have been contributed by Archbishop Alexander to The
Speaker's Commentary (London, 1881), by Canon A. J. Mason
to Bishop Ellicott's New Testament Commentary for English
Readers (London, no date), by Principal Marcus Dods to
Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament (Edin-
burgh, 1882), by Dr P. J. Gloag to The Pulpit Commentary
(London, 1887), and by Dr W. F. Adeney to The Century
Bible (Edinburgh, no date).
In his First and Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
(London, 1899 and 1900) the Rev. G. W. Garrod has
provided careful Analyses of the Epistles with brief Notes
for the special use of students in the Church Training
Amongst more recent homiletical literature dealing with
the Epistles, mention may be made of Dr- John Lillie's
Lectures on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians (Edin-
burgh, 1863), of Dr John Hutchison's Lectures on the
Epistles to the Thessalonians (Edinburgh, 1884), an interesting
series of discourses founded on a careful exegesis of the
text, and of Prof. Denney's volume in The Expositor's Bible
(London, 1892), where the theological side of the Epistles
is brought out with great clearness and suggestiveness.
A volume on the Epistles by Professor Frame, of Union
Theological Seminary, JSTew York, is announced by Messrs
T. and T. Clark in connexion with the International Critical


Studies or Monographs dealing with particular points in the
Epistles are referred to under the relative sections, but the titles
and aims of a few of the more important may be collected here.
ASKWITH, E. H. : An Introduction to the Thessalonian Epistles.
London, 1892. A defence of their genuineness with a new
view of the eschatology of 2 Thess.
BRUNIG, W. : Die Sprachform des zweiten Tliessalonicherbriefes.
Naumburg a. S., 1903. Aims at showing its truly Pauline

KLOPPER, A.: Der Brief an die Thessalonicher (from

Theol. Studien und
Skizzen aus Ostpreusseri). Konigsberg,
1889. A somewhat discursive plea for the Pauline authorship.

SODEN, H. VON Der erste Thessalonicherbrief in SK. 1885,


p. 26 3ff. Contains a full defence of the authenticity of the


SPITTA, F. Der zweite Brief an die Thessalonicher in Zur


Geschichte und Litteratur des Urchristentums, i. p. logff.

(Gottingen, 1893). Suggests that Paul left the actual com-
position of the Epistle to Timothy, who made use in his work
of a Jewish apocalypse of the time of Caligula.

VIES, A. B. VAN DER : De beiden brieven aan de Thessalonicensen,

historisch-kritisch onderzoek naar hunnen oorsprung. Leiden,
WESTRIK, T. F. : De echtheidvan den tweeden brief aan de Thes-
salonicensen. Utrecht, 1879. 'Especially useful on the
question of style' (Moffatt). The present writer has been
unable to make any use of either of the foregoing.

WREDE, W. Die Echtheit des zweiten Thessalonicherbriefs (in


Texte und Untersuchungen, N.F. ix. 2), Leipzig, 1903.

A strong attack on the Epistle's authenticity, principally on
the ground of its literary dependence on i Thess.

ZIMMER, F. Der Text der Thessalonicherbriefe. Quedlinburg,


1893. A
revised Text with Critical Apparatus, and discussion
of the characteristics of the various authorities.

ZIMMER, F. i Thess. ii. 3 8 erklart in Theologische Studien


B. Weiss dargebracht, p. 248 ff. Gottingen, 1897. Designed

to show the rich results of a thoroughgoing exegesis applied
to the Epistles.

ovv TrpocrKapTfpfOfjLfv rrj f\7rt8i fjpwv xat rw appaftatvi TTJS




OTI OYK eGero HMAC 6 6eoc eic opfHN AAA<^ eic nepinoiHCiN










13 16.


LONIAN CHURCH, ii. 17 iii. 10.

(1) Their Desire to revisit Thessalonica and its Cause,

ii. 17 20.

(2) The Mission and Return of Timothy, iii. i 10.

5. PRAYER, iii. n 13.



(1) General Exhortation, iv. i, 2.

(2) Warning against Impurity, iv. 3 8.

(3) Encouragement in Brotherly Love. iv. 9, io a .

(4) Call to Quiet Work. iv. io 12.


ADVENT OF CHRIST, iv. 13 18.


HOLY LIVING, v. 12 22.

5. PRAYER, v. 23, 24.


v. 25 28.
n Kal CiXovavos Kai Ti/u66eos
iKewv eV 6ew Trarpl Kal Kvpico
TV 6KK\rj(ria

vfjuv Kal

TITLE. The heading IIPO2 0E22A- 2i\ovav6s (2iA/3ai/6s DG, as regularly

AONIKEI2 (B* -NEIK-) A' is found in in the papyri), the Gentile by-name of
KABK 17 Go Boh. I) prefixes APXE- the 2iXa? (for accent, WSchm. p. 74)
TAI, while in G this is amplified to of Ac. xv. 22 xviii. 5 (see Deissmann
APXETAI IIPO2 0E22AAONIKAIOY2 J3S. p. 315 n. 2 ), and the form always
A'HPQTH EHI2TOAH. In the Can. used by St Paul, is here mentioned
Murat. the Epistle is referred to as before Timothy, both because he was
already known as 'a chief man among
ad tensaolenecinsis.' Beza, to whom,
along with the Elzevir editions, the the brethren' (Ac. xv. 22, cf. v. 32),
received forms of the titles of the and because he had taken a more
Pauline Epistles are due, has Pauli prominent part in the founding of the
Apostoli Epistola Prima ad THESSA- Thessalonian Church (Ac. xvii. 4, 10).
LON1CENSES.' After St Paul's departure from
Corinth (Ac. xviii. 18) Silvanus does
I. i. ADDRESS AND GREETING, not again appear in connexion with
'Paul and Silvan us and Timothy
i. him. He is generally identified with
to the assembly of the Thessalonians the Silvanus of i Pet. v. 12. For an
who acknowledge God as Father and attempt to distinguish the Pauline
Jesus Christ as Lord, and are gathered Silvanus from the Jerusalem Silas, see
together in this twofold Name, we Weizsacker Ap. Zeitalter* p. 256

send you the new greeting with the (Engl. Tr. i. p. 292 f.), and as against
old. Grace, the source of all good, be this Zahn Einl. in d. N.T. i. p. 148 ff.
unto yon, and with grace Peace, the In the traditional lists of
the Seventy/
crown of all blessings.' compiled by and
Ps. -Dorotheas, Silas
I. 2i\ovavos K. Ti/Aotfeos]
IlavXos K. Silvanus appear as distinct indivi-
For the combination of names see Intr. duals, the former as Bishop of Corinth,
p. xxxiv f. In neither of the Thessa- the latter as Bishop of Thessalonica
lonian Epp. nor in the Ep. to the Lux Enang. p. 117).
Philippians does St Paul add, as else- Timothy joined St Paul on his
where, his official title aVooroAor, second missionary journey at Lystra
doubtless owing to the special footing (Ac. xvi. i ff.), and though he is not
of friendship on which he stood to the specially mentioned either at Philippi
Macedonian Churches, and to the fact (Ac. xvi. 19), or at Thessalonica
that his authority had never been (Ac. xvii. 4, 10), this was probably
seriously questioned among them. due to his subordinate position at
i 2

the time. We
read of him as left 'quae exstitit, id agente Deo Patre
behind Beroea (Ac. xvii. 14).
at et Christo'; Calv. 'non alibi quae-

Apparently he rejoined St Paul at rendam esse Ecclesiam, nisi ubi praeest

Athens (i Thess. iii. i), and after a Deus, ubi Christus regnat.'
special mission to Thessalonica fol- On the formula deos norr/p in the
lowed him to Corinth (Ac. xviii. 5): see salutations of the N.T. Epp. see Hort's
further Intr. p. xxx. With occasional note on i Pet. i. 2, and on the union
short interruptions he was the Apo- here of $e<5 Trarpi' and Kvp. 'I^tr. Xp.
stle's constant companion to the end of under a common vinculum (ev) see
his life, and is associated with him in Intr. p. Ixvi.
the opening of six of his Epp. (i, 2 The whole phrase is an expanded
Thess., 2 Cor., Phil., Col., Philemon), form of the characteristic Pauline
and mentioned in the concluding formula eV Xprr<u 'Irjcrov by which, as
chapters of other two (Rom., i Cor.) : Deissmann has shown (Die neutesta-
cf. also Heb. xiii. 23. Two Epp. were mentliche Formel in Christo Jesu,'

addressed specially to him. For the Marburg 1892), the Apostle empha-
light in which he was regarded by St sizes that all Christians are locally
Paul see the note on iii. 2. united 'within the pneumatic body
rf/ KK\r)(r{q Qr(ra\oviK(ov] a form of Christ,' in so far as they together
of address peculiar to these Epp. (cf. build up His body.
II. i. i), and in which the thought of The different titles applied to the
the local gathering of believers is still Lord throughout the Epp. are dis-
prominent. In the Corinthian Epp. cussed in Add. Note D.
St Paul prefers to connect the Ecclesia ^apts vfjiiv K. flprjvT)^ a greeting
with the name of the place where it is doubtless suggested by the union of
situated T. cKK\r)(riq r. Ocov T. ovcrrj ev the ordinary Gk. and Heb. forms of
Kopiv6a> (i Cor. i. 2, 2 Cor. i. i, cf. Gal. salutation (cf. 2 Mace. i.
i), though
i. 2 T. eKK\r)criaiyFaXariay), as if he
T. both aredeepened and spiritual-
were thinking rather of the one Church ized. Thus x a>iP flv ( c *- Ac. xv 2 3

of Christ as it was represented there xxiii. 26, Jas. i.

i) now gives place to
in a particular spot. In the addresses Xopts, a word which, without losing
of the Epp. of the Captivity all mention sight of the Hellenic charm and joy
of the Ecclesia is dropped, and some associated with the older formula, is
such general designations as naa-i T. the regular Pauline expression for the
ayiois (Phil.) or r. ay LOIS K. mfrrols Divine favour as shown in all its free-
(Eph., Col.) are substituted : cf. how- ness and universality while eipjvrj, so;

ever Philem. 2. For the Biblical far from being a mere phrase of social
history of the word eV^o-ia, which intercourse (cf. Judg. xix. 20, 2 Esdr.
meant originally any public assembly iv. 17), is not even confined to its
of citizens summoned by a herald, see general O.T. sense of harmony restored
especially Hort The Christian Ecclesia between God and man (e.g. Num. vi.

(1898) p; i ff. 26), but has definitely in view that

ev #eo> Trarpi KrX.] a defining clause harmony as secured through the per-
connected with ex/cX^o-ia, the absence son and the work of Christ (cf. Jo.
of any uniting art. (T#) helping to give xiv. 27). On the varied meanings of
more unity to the conception (WM. \apts in the Biblical writings see
p. 169 f.). In themselves the words especially Robinson Eph. p. 221 ff., and
bring out the truly Christian origin for the corresponding growth in the
and character of the Ecclesia spoken sense of elpjvrj see SH. p. 15 f.
of as compared with the many KK\rj- This same form of greeting is found
o-t'at, religious and civil, which existed
in all the Pauline Epp. except i, 2
at the time at Thessalonica. Grot. : Tim. where eXeos is added (cf. 2 Jo. 3).

TCO 6ea TrvTore irep TrvTiav

fjiveav Troiov/utevoi 67ri TWV Trpocrev^cov

It occurs also in i, 2 Pet. In Jas. we of your Christian life is for us a con-

have the simple x a ip fiv an d i n Jude >
stant fragrant memory as we recall
\eos K. (Iprjvr) K. ayairrj. On St Paul's how your faith proves itself in active
use of current epistolary phrases see work, and your love spends itself in
Add. Note A, and for an elaborate toilsome service for others, and your
discussion on the Apostolic Greeting hope is directed in all patience and
see F. Zimmer in Luthardt's Zeit- perseverance to the time when Christ
schrift 1886 p. 4436. shall be revealed. Nor is this all, but,
It will be noticed that the T.R. Brothers beloved by God, who know
clause OTTO 6eov narpos KT\. is omitted better than we the true character of
by WH. in accordance with BG 47 73. your election to Christian privileges ?
Its insertion (KAC (?) DKLP)
is clearly Its reality was proved by the power
due to the desire to assimilate the beyond mere words with which our
shorter reading to the later Pauline preaching came home to you preach-
practice: cf. II. i. 2. ing, moreover, which we felt to be
inspired by the Divine ardour of the
I. 2 III. 13. HISTORICAL AND Holy Spirit, and by a perfect con-
PERSONAL. viction on our part of the truth of our
message, as indeed you yourselves
GOOD ESTATE OF THE THESSA- know from the manner of men we
proved ourselves to be for your sakes.'
The Address is followed by the 2. Eiv^apioToO/iei/ KrA.] Eu^apioreu',
customary Thanksgiving, which is originally do a good turn to/ in the
found in all the Pauline Epp. except sense of expressing gratitude is con-
Gal. and the Pastorals (cf. however fined to late writers ('pro gratias
2 Tim. i. 3). At the same time it is again agere ante Polybium usurpavit nemo

clear that we have here no mere con- Lob. Phryn. p. 18). It is very com-
ventional formula, nor even a captatio mon in the papyri, e.g. P.Amh. 133,
benevolentiae&& in the ancient speeches 2 ff. (ii./A.D.) Trpo Ttov o\(ov aa-7rao/ucu
intended to win over the readers, but (re KOI evxapicrrat (rot on eS^Aaxras /ioi
rather an earnest effort on the part of rfjv vyeiav aov. In mod. Gk. it appears
the writers to raise the thoughts of in the form
their converts to the God on whom For fv%. TravTore cf. II. i. 3, ii. 13,
they are wholly dependent, and in i Cor. i. 4, Eph. v. 20, Phil. i. 3 f., and
consequence to rouse them to fresh for the force of the art. before 6e.w see
efforts. The warmth of the thanks- Intr. p. Ixiv.

giving on the present occasion, which fjiveiav Troiovfievoi *rA.] the first of
is most nearly paralleled by Phil. i. three conditional or modal clauses

3 ff., is proved by its being a constant' describing the nature of the perpetual
attitude (rrai/rore), and by its including thanksgiving. For /j.vciav Trotelo-tfot in
irrespective of position or spiri-
all,' the sense of 'make mention of cf.
tual progress (Trepl navroiv vfjioov). Rom. i. 9, Eph. i. 16, Philem. 4, and
25. We thank the one God at
for an interesting instance of its use in
alltimes for you all, making mention the papyri in connexion with prayer,
of you unceasingly when we are en- see B. G. U. 632, 5 ff. (ii./A.D.) pvlav a-ov
gaged in prayer. And indeed we have Trapa rois [eV]#aSe 6tois
good cause to do so, for the thought '.... The

KOTTOV Kat VTTOjJLOvris Trjs e\7T/So5 TOV

phrase occurs frequently in the in- membrance.' In Heb. xi. 22 with nepi
scriptions, e.g. Magn. go, i6f. (ii./B.c.) it is = 'make mention of,' perhaps also

[o d^rjfjLos (paivrjTai \ivtiav iroiovpfvos in the same sense with the simple gen.
TU>v...KptvdvT<i)v rds KpiWft]?. In the in v. 15 (see Westcott ad /.).
passage before us the customary gen. This second participial clause intro-
is not inserted after pveiav,
(v/zeSi/) duces us to the first mention of the
probably on account of the imme- famous Pauline triad of graces, viewed
diately preceding Trepl iravr^v v/xeoi/:
however not in themselves but in their
cf.Eph. i. 1 6. results, the gen. in each case being
In the N.T. irpoo-cvxij, when refer- subjective, so that the meaning is

ring to the act of prayer, is used only practically, remembering how your
of prayer to God, and is a more general faith works, and your love toils, and
term than prep, eni re-
6V?7o-is-. The your hope endures' (cf. Blass, p. 96).
tains here a slightly local sense 'at,' The whole is thus a 'brevis Christian-
when engaged in,' cf. Rom. i. 10. For ismi veri definitio' (Calv.), while the
a somewhat similar use of els see the order in which the graces are here
ancient Christian letter reprinted in mentioned is not only in itself the
P.Heid. 6, f. (IV./A.D.) IvanV.VT)- natural order (cf. v. 8 and Col. i. 4, 5

fj.ov[f]vrjs pot fls ras dyias ffov fu^ds. with Lft.'s note, Faith rests on the
aSiaXeiTrroos] The exact connexion past love works in the present hope
; ;

of aStaXetWtts
disputed. WH. is looks to the future'), but assigns
and many modern editors (Tisch., to hope the prominence we would
Weiss, Nestle) follow Chrys. and expect in an Ep. devoted so largely
the Gk. commentators in referring to eschatological teaching cf. for the :

itto the following pvrjiJLovfvovTcs, but same order of results Rev. ii. 2 oi8a
on the analogy of Rom. i. 9 (cf. 2 Tim. ra cpya (TO v, KOL TOV KOTTOV /ecu TTJV
3) it is perhaps better taken as V7TO[J.OVT)V (TOV.

qualifying fiv. iroiovfj.. (Syr., Vg.), a con- vpwv] placed first for emphasis and
nexion that is further supported by to be repeated with each of the three
the position of corresponding phrases clauses.
in the papyri, e.g. P.Lond. i. 42, 5f. T. fpyov T. 7riWfa>?] not to be limited

(ii./B.C.) 01 fv ouco> TrdvTfs <rov SianavTos to any particular act of faith, but com-
fjivfiav Troiovpevoi. The word itself prehending the whole Christian life-
which confined to late Gk. (e.g.
is work, as ruled and energized by
it is

Polyb. ix. 3. 8) is used in the N.T. only faith, cf. II. ii, Gal. v. 6 (TTIO-TIS 81

by St Paul, and always in connexion dydrrrji fUfpyov/j-fvij), Jas. ii. 1 8 ff.

with prayer or thanksgiving (ii. 13, The meaning of TTLO-TIS in the N.T.
v. 17, Rom. i.
9; cf. Ign. Eph. x. v-n-fp and in some Jewish writings is dis-
cussed by SH. p. 31 ff. see also the :

careful note in Lietzmann Romerbrief

3. fjivrinovevovTcs]


p. 24 f.
(in Handbuch zum N.T. in.
(Vg.memores, Estmemoria recolentes] i, 1906).
in accordance with the general N.T. KOI T. KOITOV T. dydirrjs] As distin-
usage of the verb when construed with guished from epyov, KOTTOS brings out
the gen., cf. Ac. xx. 35,
Lk. xvii. 32, not only the issue of work, but the cost
Gal. ii. 10. When
construed with the associated with it: cf. its use in the
ace. as in ii. 9, Mt. xvi. 9, 2 Tim. ii. 8, vernacular for 7701/0$-, e.g. B.G. U. 844,
Rev. xviii. 5, it is rather hold in re- lof. (i./A.D.) KOTTOVS yap /xo[t] nt

Kvpiov rifjialv 'Irjcrov Xpi&Tov ejJLTrpoa'Oev TOV 6eov Kal

4 VTTO [rov]
TrctTpos riiJLtoV) eJSoT9, d$e\(poi fjyaTrrj/uLevoL

I 4 TOV om BDGL al

do-QfvovvTfi. It is thus here the la- us the true object of hope

in accordance
borious (Grot, molesti labor es)
toil 77 /i. 'tyo-. Xp. (gen. obj.),

from which love in its zeal for others with the teaching of the whole Ep.
does not shrink cf. Rev. ii. 2 f. For ;
which centres Christian hope in the
the use made of the word by St Paul thought of the speedy Parousia of
to describe the character of his own Christ cf. Col. i. 27 Xptcrros tv v/ui/,

life cf. ii.

9, iii. 5, II. iii. 8,
2 Cor. vi. 5, 77 (\n\s TT/P Sor?s, and see Intr. p. Ixix f.

xi. 23, 27, and for the

corresponding The second emphasizes the
verb Koinaa> see the note on v. 12. Divine presence in which this hope
'AyaTTT/, not found in
class, writers, is manifested epTrpoo-Qev T. 6fov K.
is one of the great words of the N.T., irarpos ^pav, words which may be
where it is taken over from the LXX. rendered either before God and our

to describe the new religious- ethical Father,' or 'before our God and
principle of love that Christianity has Father/ The latter rendering is
created (cf. SH. p. 374 ff.). The con- preferable, as the art, in itself un-
tention however, that it is a word necessary, is apparently introduced
actually 'born within the bosom of to bind the two clauses together, and
revealed religion' can no longer be to connect both with rj/i<5i/ cf. Gal. :

rigidly maintained : cf. Deissmann US. i. 4 (with the

Lft.'s note), Phil. iy. 20,

p. and see further Ramsay

198 ff, only other places where the exact
Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia i. phrase occurs.
p. 492, also Exp. T. ix. p. 567 f. The strongly affirmatory f^npoo-dev
KOI T. VTTO/iOI/T/y T. tAwi'Sos] 'YTTO/AOVTJ, T. deov KT\. is characteristic of this
though not unknown to profane litera- Ep., cf. ii. 19 (T. Kvpiov), iii. 9, 13.
ture, has also come like dyaTrrj to be For the more usual cvniriov r. 6tov see
closely associated with a distinctively Rom. xiv. 22, i Cor. i.
29 al.
Christian virtue. It is more than 4. ei'fiores...] to 'having come
passive (O.L. patientia)
'patience' know...,' a third participial clause,
under trial, and is rather a 'verbum conveying the writers' assured know-
bellicum' pointing to the heroic ledge (contrast yvwvat, iii. 5) f ^ ne
'endurance,' the manly 'constancy' Thessalonians' election, and intro-
(Vg. sustinentia), with which the ducing a description of the signs by
Christian believer faces the difficul- which that knowledge has been
ties that beset him in the world cf. :
reached, and is still enjoyed.
II. i. 4, iii. 5, Rom. v. 3 f.,
2 Cor. vi. 4, The ordin-
do"f\(poi Tjya.7rrjp.6voi xrA.]
Heb. xii. i, Rev. i.
9; and for a full ary address of deA<pot, which is very
discussion of viropovri and its synonyms common in these Epp., and seems
see Trench Syn. liii.
always to be used with a certain
r. Kvpiov rjfj.a>v rA.] The sentence emphasis attaching to it (Intr. p. xliv),
would naturally have finished with is here enriched by the addition of
\7ri8os, but in characteristic fashion yycnr. VTTO [TOV] deov (cf. II. ii. l^rjyaTT.
St Paul lengthens it out by the addi- VTTO Kvpiov}, a phrase which in this
tion of two clauses, both of which are exact form is not found elsewhere in
best taken as dependent on e\7ri8os the N.T. (cf. Jude i TO?? tv 0e<y rraTpl
alone, rather than on all three sub- rjyaTrrjfjitvois}, but occurs in the LXX.
stantives. The first clause sets before Sir. xlv. I
r]yairr]p.4vov vrro (dirb N)

TO evayye\iov OVK
eh v/uias ev \6yu> fjiovov d\\a KO.I ev Kcti

ev Trvev/uLctTi dyito KCLI o crre

7r\rjpo(popia 7ro\\fj,

v K. dvdpancov cf. also : its use of i.

4), or whether it refers only to the

Ptolemy in O.G.I.S. go, 4 al. (ii./B.c. actual admission of the Thessalonians

the Rosetta stone) rjyaTrrj^evov vno into the Church. As however it is
To connect vno [TOU] clearly stated to be a matter of the
with r. cK\oyrjv vfj.. as in the A.V. is writers' own knowledge (etSdrey), the
inadmissible both on account of the thought of the historical call must
order of the words, and because in certainly be included. Th. Mops. :

St Paul's sense any other eKKoyij than 'electi estis (hoc est, quemadmodum
by God is inconceivable. ad fidem accessistis).'
The use of ddeXcpoi in the N.T. to which is not found
'KnXoyrj itself,
denote members of the same religious in the LXX. however Aq. Isa. xxii.

community, fellow-Christians, was 7, Sm., Th. Isa. xxxvii. 24, and for
probably taken over from Judaism the verb Isa. xlix. 7), occurs elsewhere
(Ac. ii. 29, 37, iii. 17 &c.), and from in the N.T. six times, and always
the practice of the Lord Himself (cf. with reference to the Divine choice
Mt. xii. 48, xxiii. 8) but it can also ; (Ac. ix. 15, Rom. ix. ii, xi. 5, 7, 28,
be illustrated from the ordinary 2 Pet. i. 10). For an apparent in-
language of the Apostles' time. Thus stance of its use with reference to
in P.Tor. I. i, 20 (ii./s.c.) the members man's choosing see Pss. Sol. ix. 7 rd
of a society which had to perform fpya yfjuZv cv K\oyfj KOI ct-ovo-iq. rrs
a part of the ceremony in embalming faxfa W^ v (with Rylo and James'
bodies are described as aSeX^ol ot ras
note). The corresponding verb e'icA'-

\ciTovpyias tv rais V<piais Trape^o/^ie- yeo-dai is found in the Pauline Epp.

vot, and in P.Par. 42, i &c. (ii./B.c.) only i Cor. i. 27 f., Eph. i. 4.
the same designation is applied to 5. on]
how that,' the demonstra-
the fellows' of a religious corporation tive OTI introducing a description not
established in the Serapeum of of the ground of the Thessalonians'

Memphis. See further Kenyon Bri- but of the signs by which it

tish Museum Papyri i.
p. 31, Ramsay was known to the Apostles these
C. and B. pp. 96 ff., i.
630, and for the being found (i) in the power and
evidence of the inscriptions cf. I.G.S.I. assurance with which they themselves
9566. had been enabled to preach at Thessa-
According to Harnack, the term, lonica (v. 5), and (2) in the eagerness
as a mutual designation by Christians and joy fulness with which the Thessa-
of one another, fell into general disuse lonians had believed (v. 6). For this
in the course of the 3rd cent., while, use of on with cldevai cf. ii. i, Rom.
as applied by ecclesiastics to the xiii. ii, i Cor. xvi. 15, 2 Cor. xii. 3f.
came (muchto be confined TO cvay yehiov yp.a>v] i.e. the gospel
laity, it
as it now is)
sermons (Mission to which we preach,' with reference to
und Ausbreitung des Christentums the contents of the Apostles' message
(1902), pp. 291, 303 (Engl. Tr. ii. rather than to the act of declaring it,
for though the Apostles might be the
9 f, 3 if.)).
T. There is nothing bearers of the message (ii. 4, 9, II. ii.
K\oyrjv v/zeoi/]
in the passage to enable us to decide 14), in its origin it was God's (ii. 2, 8,
whether this K\oyij is to be carried 9), and in its substance Christ's (iii. 2,
back to God's eternal decree (cf. Eph. II. i. 8). In this connexion the use of
T 6
clot eyevr'idtiiuev VIMV Si v/uas' Kai v^els

5 tfuv KACP 17 31 67** al Boh: iv BDGKL aZ pier dr 2 g Vg Ephr Chr

Thdt Ambst Theod-Mops lat aZ

(for form, WM. p. 102), one of i. 12 (with Hort's note), and see also
the characteristic words of the Epp. Weber Judische Theologie (1897)
(8 times against 13 in the remaining p. 190 ff.

Pauline Epp. of which two are quota- 7r\T]po(popia] H\rjpo(popia (not found
tions from the LXX.), is significant as in class, writers or LXX.) is here used
pointing to a result reached through in its characteristic N.T. sense of
the working of an outside force, though 'full assurance' or 'confidence' ('in
no stress can be laid in this connexion muche certaintie of persuasion Gene-
on the pass, form which in the N.T., van N.T. 1557), cf. Col. ii. 2, Heb. vi.
as in late Gk. generally, is used inter- II, x. 22; Clem. R. Cor. xlii. 3 pera
changeably with the midd. cf. e.g. :
7T\T)po(popias TTVCV para s ayiov
Eph. iii. 7 with Col. i. 23, 25, and for
the evidence of the inscriptions see The corresponding verb is found
Magn. 105 (ii./B.c.) where yfvrjdrjvai five times in the Pauline Epp., and
appears seven times for yeveo-ffat elsewhere in the N.T. only in Lk. i. i.
(Thieme, p. 13). Similarly, in accord- An interesting ex. of its use is afforded
ance with the tendency in late Gk. to by P.Amh. 66, 42 f. (M./A.D.) in an
substitute prepositional phrases for account of certain judicial proceed-
the simple cases, els v^as can hardly ings where the complainer, having
be taken as equivalent to more than failed to make good his accusation, is : cf. ii.
9, i Pet. i.
25. invited by the strategus to bring
For the history of the word evay- forward his witnesses to support it
ye\iov see Add. Note E. Iva. Se KOI vvv
ir\Tjpo(pop^a(i) eXdeTaxrav
OVK...CV Xoyw ^.nvov KT\.~\ The in- ots ayfts, 'but now also to give you
fluence in which the Gospel came full satisfaction, let the persons whom
to the Thessalonians, is now stated you bring come.' In mod. Gk. TrXrjpo-
first negatively (OVK *v \6y. n6v.} and (popia denotes simply 'information':
then positively in a series of closely cf. for an approximating use of the
related substantival clauses, the first verb in this sense Rom. iv. 21.
(ev Swa/ift) laying stress on the effec- KaQws oi'Sare] KaBws (a late form
tivepower with which the Gospel was for Attic KaOd, Lob. Phryn. p. 426,
brought home to the Thessalonians, Rutherford N. P. p. 495) introducing
the second and third (ev nvevp.. ay. K. an epexegesis of what has preceded,
7T\r]po(p. TroXX^ note the common pre-
: cf. iCor. i. 6. For the appeal to the
position) on the Divine fervour which Thessalonians' own knowledge see
the Spirit had been the means of en- Intr. p. xliv.
kindling (cf. Eph. v. 1
8), and of which ofoi f'yfv^0rjij.fv KT\.] what manner
much assurance '
was the character- of men we proved ourselves to you
istic mark. for your sakes' ofoi pointing to the
For the con trast between \6yos and spiritual power of the preachers, and
Mvapis cf. i Cor. ii. 4, iv. 20, and 81 vnas (Vg. propter vos, Beza vestri
for the phrase Tri/eC/xa aytov where causd) bringing out the interest and
aytov retains its full force as marking advantage of those for whom, accord-
the essential characteristic of the ing to God's purpose, that power was
Spirit spoken of cf. 2 Cor. vi. 6, i Pet. exercised (cf. P.Grenf. i. 15,9 f. (ii./B.c.)

Kai TOV Kvpiou, %^dfj.evoi TOV Xoyov iv

7ro\\rj yov, <yeve(r6ai

a 8ta <re [{SfftorjOrjue^vai). For attulit, et sub adversis docuit' a

see above, and for the clause added to prevent any possible
general thought cf. 2 Cor. iv. 715. misunderstanding by showing the real
The omission of ev before v^iiv (see source of what the Thessalonians were
crit note) may have been due to the called upon to imitate: cf. i Cor. xi.
influence of -&7/i>, while its retention i, v. i, and for the title TOV
(WH. mg.) is further favoured by the Kvpiov see Add. Note D.
antithetical 81 vfj-as see Findlay's crit. :
dcgdpcvot TOV \6yov] The special
note where iii. 7, iv. 14, 2 Cor. i. 11, ground of imitation is now stated,

20, iii. 1 8, Rom. i. 17 are cited for the consisting not only in the ready re-
like Pauline play upon prepositions. ception' (Vg. excipientes, Calv. am-
'As regards yourselves fur-
6, 7. plexi estis) of 'the word* but in the
ther, you on your own part also gave interwoven affliction and joy with
proof of your election by showing which that reception was accompanied.
yourselves imitators of us yes, and For dc'xo/zai see ii. 13 note.
not of us only, but of the Lord. We <9Xi>] e\fyis (or 6\tyis, WSchm.
refer more particularly to your atti- p. 68) like the Lat. tribulatio, is a
tude towards the Word, which was good ex. of a word transformed to
marked by a deep inward joy notwith- meet a special want in the religious
standing much outward affliction. So vocabulary. Occurring very rarely in
unmistakably indeed did you exhibit profane Gk. writers even of a late
this spirit that you became an en- period, and then only in the literal
sample to all Christian believers both sense of 'pressure,' it is found fre-
in Macedonia and in Achaia.' quently both in the LXX. and N.T. to
6. Kal KT\.] A second
i/fj.els p.ifjLr)Tai
denote the 'affliction,' 'trial,' which is
proof of the Thessalonians' e/cXoy^', the true believer's lot in the world ;
which, instead of being thrown into cf. Rom. v. 3, viii. 35, xii. 12, 2 Cor.
a second subordinate clause depen- i. 4. For the existence of these afflic-
dent on cidorcr, is stated in a separate tions at Thessalonica cf. iii. 3, 7, II. i.

sentence. emphatic, 'You on

'Y/*eIs is 4 ff. ;
and see Intr. p. xxxii.

your part,' while the periphrasis with O.

^apcis nvevfj-aTos ayiov] Ylvev-
cyevjdrjTc again lays stress on the gen. of originating cause, 'joy
moral responsibility of those spoken inspired by, proceeding from the Holy
of (cf. Gildersleeve Syntax 61, 141). Spirit': cf. Rom. xiv. 17 xapa ev TTVCV-

Mitral imitators' (R.V.) rather than p,aTi ayi'w, xv. 13, Gal. v. 22. Thdt. :
'followers' (A.V. and all previous Eiigl. iravrwv peyio-TOV TO. ..TrvevfJ.aTiKrjs ydovfjs
versions) : cf. ii. 14; i Cor. iv. 16, xi. i,

Eph. v. i, Heb. vi. 12, the only other For this union of suffering and joy as
places where the word is found in marking 'a new aeon' in the world's
the N.T., and see also Xen. Mem. i. history, see for St Paul's own case
6. 3 ot diddcTKaXoi TOVS fj.adr}Tas fJ,tfj.r)Tas 2 Cor. vi. 10, Col. i. 24, and for the
favTtHv d7ro8iKvvovo~iv (cited
by Koch). Macedonian Churches generally 2 Cor.
For the corresponding verb see II. iii. viii. i, 2; cf. also i Pet. iv. 13.

7, 9. The compound 0-vvfj.ip.rjTijs is Mera with gen. to denote manner

found in Phil. iii. 17. is very frequent in the Koii/y, e.g. P.
Oxy. 292, 5f. (i./A.D.) 8u
K. TOV KvpLov] Ambrstr. ipsius- Trapa/caXco <T

Domini} Beng. : 'Christi, qui Patris l*fTa Trdvrjs Suj/a/uccos (other exx. in

apostolum egit, et verbum de coelo Kuhring, p. 34).


r [

VJJLO.S TV7rov~ TTacriv TricTTevovcriv ev

7 rfaov 60*61767** al d r 2
g Vg Syr (Pesh) Sah Boh (?) Arm Aeth Ephr

Ambst Theod-Mops lat al: ruirovs KACGKLP 37 alplerg Syr (Hard) Chr Thdt al

7. JO-T* yfveo-Qai] The inf. intro- .

7ri(TTiiov(riv] 'to all believers,'
duced by wore is here consecutive, the part, with the art. being practi-
and points to a result actually reached cally equivalent to a substantive cf. ;

and not merely contemplated (Votaw, ii. 10, II. i. 10 (r. TricrreiWo-t), and for

p. 13) this result being further the similar technical use of of -maroL
viewed in its direct dependence upon (i Tim. iv. 12) see Harnack Miss. u.
the previously- mentioned cause, "ficrre Ausbr. p. 289 (Engl. Tr. ii. p. 6 f.).
is found with the ind. with a somewhat fv rrj MaKcdovia KT\.] The repe-
similar force in Jo. iii. 16, Gal. ii.
13, tition of the art. shows that the
but as a rule when so construed the writers are here thinking of Mace-
conjunction fas in class. Gk., Jelf donia and Achaia as the two distinct
863) does little more than draw though neighbouring provinces into
attention to the result as a new fact which after 142 B.C. Greece was
without emphasizing its connexion divided, whereas in the next verse
with what went before see Moulton :
they are classed together as embrac-
Prolegg. p. 209 f.
ing European Greece as a whole (cf.
TVTTOV] 'an ensample,' the use of the Ac. xix. 21, Rom. xv. 26).
sing, showing that it is the community For th.e extension of the Gospel
as a whole that is thought of: cf. II. throughout Macedonia cf. iv. 10, and
9> Didache iv. 1 1 v^ds 8e [of] SoCAoi for the existence of believers in
VTroTay^aftrde rots Kvpiois v/j.a>v toy Tinrtp Achaia see such passages as Ac. xvii.
6tov.... The v.l. rv7rouy(WH. mg.) pro- 34, xviii. 8, 2 Cor. i. i. It heightened
bably arose from assimilation to v/xas. the praise of the Thessaloniaris that it
In itself TVTTOS (rurrrto) meant origin- was to 'nations so great and so famed
ally the 'mark' of a blow (cf. Jo. xx. for wisdom' (Thdt.) that they served
25 r. TVTTOV T. TJfXo)!/), and from being as an ensample.
frequently used to denote the 'stamp' 8 10. Further confirmation of
struck by a die came to be applied to what has just been stated in v. 7.

the 'figure' which a stamp bears, or '

We say this of your ensample, for
more generally to any 'copy' or indeed our experience has been that
'image/ Hence by a natural transi- from you as a centre the word of the
tion from effect to cause, it got the Lord has sounded out like a clear and
meaning of 'pattern,' 'model,' and ringing trumpet-blast in the districts
finally of 'type' in the more special just mentioned, and not only so, but
Bibl. sense of a person or event pre- your faith in the one true God has
figuring someone or something in the gone forth everywhere. Common
future. For the history of the word report indeed speaks so fully of this
and its synonyms see Radford Exp. that it unnecessary that we our-
v. vi. p. 377 ff, and add the interest- selves should add anything. All are
ing use of the word in the inscriptions prepared to testify that as the result
to denote the 'models' in silver of of our mission amongst you, you have
different parts of the body, presented turned from many false idols to the
as votive offerings to the god through service of one God who is both living
whose agency those parts had been and true, and are confidently waiting
healed; see Roberts-Gardner p. 161 for the return of His Son out of the
with reference to C.I. A. u. 403 heavens. We mean of course Jesus,
whom God raised from the dead, and
Kai ev 'A%aia. d<p' v/uwv yap 6 \6yos
TOV KVpiov ov fjiovov ev Ttj MaK6$ovia Kai d\\'

to whom we all have learned to look 'AX- we find a new subject introduced.
as our Rescuer from the Wrath that is It has accordingly been proposed to
even now coming.' place a colon after T. Kupi'ou, dividing
8. d0' vp.a>v] 'from you as a centre' v. 8 into two parts. The first part
(cf. i Cor. xiv. 36), rather than by a0' vfjLwv. .then gives the reason

your instrumentality as missionaries, of 9. 7, and the second part takes up

which would naturally, though not the preceding f^xn rat anc^ works it i

necessarily (Blass p. 125), have been out according to locality. This yields
good sense, but it is simpler to find
e'a>, an. \ey. N.T., is here another ex. of St Paul's im-
found in the LXX. Joel iii. (iv.) 14, petuous style. He had meant to stop
3 Mace. iii. 2 V, Sir. xl. 13 ms /Spoi/ri) at TOTTW, but in his desire to make a
peyaXr) ev vera f&xjjo-fi, cf. Philo in forcible climax he lengthens out the
FlaCC. 6 (ii. p. 522 M.) e< Trepieo- sentence.
T<0To$ ev KVK\(p TrXr/dovs f^X t ft orl TIS As regards the fact, the situation
aroTTos. The Engl. verss. from Tindale of Thessalonica made it an excellent
(with the exception of Rheims 'was centre for missionary enterprise (Intr.
bruited') agree in the rendering p. xxii), while it is possible as further
sounded out' (Beza personuit, Erasm. explaining the hyperbole tv Travrl

exsonuit^ivQ ebuccinatus est\ pointing roTro) (cf. Rom. i.

8, xvi. 19, 2 Cor.
to the clear, ringing nature of the ii. 14, Col. i. 6, 23) that St Paul had
report as of a trumpet (Chrys. axrtrep just heard from Aquila and Priscilla,
o~a\7riyyos Xa/ZTrpof rj^oixrr]s}. Lft. finds who had recently arrived in Corinth
the underlying metaphor rather in the from Rome, that the faith of the
sound of thunder (cf. Sir. xl. 13 quoted Thessalonians was already known
above and Pollux i. 118 fnx r (TV ) there (so Wieseler Chronol. p. 42).
/3poi>rr;), and recalls Jerome's descrip- The preposition eV following a verb
tion of St Paul's own words, 'mm of motion may have a certain signifi-
verba sed tonitrua (Ep. 48). cance as indicating the permanence
o \6yos ro\> Kvpiov] a familiar O.T. of the report in the regions indicated
phrase for a prophetic utterance, used (WM. p. 514), a fact that is also im-
here with" direct reference to the plied in the use of the perf. cgf\ri\v6ev,
Gospel-message ('a word having the but the point cannot be pressed in
Lord for its origin, its centre, and its view of the frequent occurrence of ev
end' Eadie) which had been received for sis in late Gk.: see the exx. in
by the Thessalonians, and which they Hatzidakis p. 210, e.g. Acta Joh.
had been the means of diffusing to (Zahn) 36 ffXddfiev eV ria TOTT&J, to
others. The exact phrase, though which Moulton (Prolegg. p. 234) adds
frequent in Ac., is used elsewhere by the early P. Par. 10, 2 f. (ii./B.c.) irais
St Paul only II. iii. i. Afterwards he ava.Kxa>pr)Kfv ev A\eav8p(ia. For the
prefers o \6yos r. $eo, and once, in corresponding els for ev cf. B.Gr.U.
Col. iii. 1
6, o \6yos T. xpioroC (mg. 385, 5 f. (ii. iii./A.D.) 77 6vya\r]r)p p.ov
Is *A\fav8piav etr&i.
ov fiovov ev rf) MaKfSoviq KT\.] If we 'Egfpxopai used in a similar

follow the usual punctuation, the con- connexion in Rom. x. i8(LXX.), i Cor.
struction of the rest of the sentence xiv. 36, and, like the preceding e^^e'co,
as instead of ev TT. TOTTO)
is irregular, conveys the idea of rapid, striking
standing in opposition to ev r. Ma*. K. progress. Chrys.: <3(nrfp yap ncpi

eV TravTi TOTTO) r\ 7r/crTis VJULCLV r\ TTpos TOV 6eov e;

\ a / ^ f tf * **
\ v *
7TjO/ ri[Ji(av^ a7ra fy fye\\ov(riv OTroiav eia'oo'ov ecr^o//ei/ TT^OOS

7recrTp6\^aTe Trpos TOI/ 6eoi/ CCTTO TC<;I/

9 ^awy] uyttwv B Z d Sah Thdt al

TLVOS 8ia\cyo/j.vns, OVTODS interrogative onoiav (\VM. p. 209 n. )
' '

flTTfV, ^f\Tj\vdV OVTWS T\V OXpoSpa points to the nature of that entrance,
Kal evfpyrjs. how happy and successful it was (v. 5).
77 Tria-Tis v/j.. 77 irpbs T. 6e6v] The For the disappearance of onolos
connecting art. ?/
is here inserted from common Gk. (elsewhere in N.T.
before the defining clause to prevent only Ac. xxvi. 29, Gal. ii. 6, i Cor.
ambiguity (Blass p. 160), while the iii. 13, Jas. i. 24) see WSchm.
p. 191,
definite rbv 6tov emphasizes 'the God' Meisterhans p. 237. It is found in
towards whom the
Thessalonians' faith the curious combination on orroiav in
is directed in contrast with their pre- P. Gen. 54, i ff. (iii./A.D.) ol8as...ori
vious attitude towards ra eidcoXa (v. 9).
onoinv Trpoepeaiv e^co ACQI ot'Sa$'...ort
coo-re /zi) xpeiai/ *crX.] On coo-re with OTTOla (TTIV.

inf. see v. 7 note, and for xpeiW e%civ Kal irats fVeorpe'^are /crX.] 'and how
followed by the simple inf. cf. iv. 9, you turned...' not 'returned' (as in
v. i, Mt. iii. 14, xiv. 16, also Heb. v. 12. A.V. 1611), eVi- having here appar-
AaXeti/ can hardly be distinguished ently simply a directive force, cf. Rev.
here from Xeyeiv, but in accordance i.12. For the bearing of the whole
with its original reference to personal, clause on the generally Gentile charac-
friendly intercourse, it perhaps draws ter of the Thessalonian Church see
attention to the free and open nature Intr. p. xlii f. The thought of manner
of the communication thought of. (Chrys. evKoXcos, /*era 7ro\\rjs rrjs (T(po-

The verb is especially characteristic Sporqros) if not wholly wanting in TTUS

of the Fourth Gospel, where it is is certainly not prominent, as in late
assigned to Christ thirty-three times Gk. the word is practically = ort (Blass
in the first person, cf. especially for p. 230, Hatzidakis p. 19).
the sense Jo. xviii. 20 e'yco irapprja-ia 'ETj-ioTpe'cpeii/, while frequent in Acts

\e\a\rjKa rep Koor/io)...Kat ev KpvnTto of Gentiles turning to God, is not

e\aXr)o-a ov8cv, and see Abbott Joh. again used by St Paul in this sense ;

Grammar p. 203. contrast Gal. iv. 9, 2 Cor. iii. 16, the

9. avrol yap] i.e. the men of Mace- only other places in his Epp. where it
donia and elsewhere. For an ingenious occurs. To indicate the fact of con-
conjecture that the reading of the version the Apostle preferred as a
verse ought to be aurot yap oTrayyeX- rule such general terms as Trio-reveti/,
Xerf... with reference to a letter sent vTraKoveiv, perhaps as emphasizing not
by the Thessalonians to St Paul see the mere turning away from error, but
Rendel Harris, Exp. v. viii. p. 170 f.,
the positive laying hold of truth. That
and cf. Intr. p. xxx. however this latter condition was ful-
OTroiav eio-oSoi/] 'what sort of en- filled the Thessalonians' case is
trance' flo-obov being used of the 'act proved by the description that follows
of entering' (ii. i, Ac.
xiii. 24) rather of their Christian life under the two-
than of the ' means of entering' (Heb. fold aspect of doing and of waiting, of
x. 19, 2 Pet. i.
11), while the indirect active service and of confident hope.


TOV viov avTOV IK TWV ovpavcov, ov ryeipev e/c

10 TUI> om AC al Eus

dov\tviv 0f feoiri /crX.] 'to serve Aesch. Eutn. 243 dvaiitva reXo? 8iKrjs
God living and true,' the absence of (cited by Chase The Lord's Prayer
art. drawing attention to God in
the p. 72 n. ). The leading thought here
His character rather than in His seems to be to wait for one whose
person, and dov\fvtiv (inf. of purpose) coming is expected (Beng. 'de eo :

pointing to complete, whole-hearted dicitur, qui abiit ita, ut venturus sit '),
service: cf. Rom. xii. n, xiv. 18, xvi. perhaps with the added idea of pa-
Eph. vi. 7, Col.
1 8, iii. 24, and for the tience and confidence (ai/a-, Winer
thought Jer. iii. 22 enio-Tpa(pr)'ov de verb. comp. pt. iii. p. 15). In Ac.
dov\oi qfjifls etropeda (701, on o~v Kvpios i. 4 Trfpipeveiv is found in the same
o faos rjp.a>v et [Eng. Ch. Cat.
My sense. The more general word is

duty towards God is... to serve Him a7Tf<8e'^fo-^at, i Cor. i.

7, Phil. iii. 20.

truly all the days of my life.'] Calv. Ergo quisque in vitae sanctae

AovXeveii/ is apparently never used cursu perseverare volet, totam men-

ina religious sense in pagan literature : tern applicet ad spem adventus
cf. however icp68ov\ot as a designa- Christi.'
tion of the votaries of Aphrodite at For TOV viov OVTOV the only place
Corinth. in these Epp. where Christ is so de-

Under f<5i/ in accordance with the scribed see Intr. p. Ixvi.

regular O.T. conception (Deut. v. 26, TWV ovpavav] 'out of the heavens'
Jos. iii. 10, Dan. vi. 20, 26 cf. Sanday ; (Wycl. fro heuenes: Tind. and the
Exp. T. xvi. p. 153 ff.) must be in- other EngL verss. preserve the sing.).
cluded not merely the being, but the The plur. may be a mere Hebraism,
activity or power of God (Ac. xiv. 15, the corresponding Heb. word Dp^
2 Cor. iii. 3, Heb. ix. 14 cf. Grill ;
being plur. in form, but it is possible
Untersuchungen uber dieEntstehung that St Paul's language here, as else-
des vierten Ecangeliums (1902) L p. where, is influenced by the Rabbinic
237); while d\r)0ii>(p (here only in St theory of a plurality of heavens, gene-
' ' ' '
Paul) is true in the sense of real rally regarded as seven in number,
(Jo. xvii. 3, Jo. v. 20; cf. Trench
through which the Beloved ascends
' '

Syn. viii.), the 'very' God of the and descends cf. especially The As-

creeds as distinguished from false cension of Isaiah vi. xi., and on the
gods who are mere empty shams and whole subject see Morfill and Charles
shows in LXX. for
Book of the Secrets oj Enoch p.
(tideoAa, DY^&C
xxxff., Cumont Religions orient.(i^oj}
nothings Lev. xix. 4 &c., and D^il H. p. 152. This reference must not how-
breaths Deut. xxxii. 21, Jer. xvi. 19 ever be pressed in view of the fact
&C.). Thdt. <3i/ra pev O.VTOV
: that the sing, actually occurs oftener
than the plur. (11 10) in the Pauline :

d\r)6ivbv tie, as CKfi writings note particularly the use of


the sing, in practically the same con-

IO. Kal dvapevfiv TOV viov text as here in iv. 16, II. i. 7.
*A.vap.(vciv, air. Xey. N.T., but fairly It may be added as showing the
frequent in the LXX., e.g. Job vii. 2, difference in usage among the N.T.
Isa. lix. 1 1
dvffj.fivap,v Kpia-iv, and see writers that in St Matthew's Gospel
also the instructive parallel from the plur. is used more than twice as

', 'Iricrovv TOV pvofj.evov *j/>cas IK Trjs opyrjs

often as the sing. (55 27), while in the

: 2 Tim. iv. 17 f.), while the following

Apocalypse out of 52 occurrences of K (contrast OTTO II. iii. 2) emphasizes

the word only one is in the plur. (xii. its completeness in the present in-

12), and that in a passage under the stance He brings us altogether out

direct influence of the LXX. (Isa. xliv. of the reach of future judgment'; cf.
23, xlix. 13, cf. also Dan. iii.
59), where Sap. xvi. 8 and see Ps.-Clem. vi. 7
the plur. ovpavoi (like our colloquial yap TO 6f\r)fj.a TOV Xpiorou
heavens] is frequently used of the dvcrrravo-iv el de p-ijye ovdev
visible sky, especially in the Pss. (e.g. K Tr/s ala>viov Ko\do-a>s
2 cf. F. W. Mozley
viii. 4, xviii. (xix.) ; (cited by Chase The Lord's Prayer
The Psalter of the Church ( 1 905) p. 4). p. 79, where the constructions of
For the use of the art. before ovpa- pvfo-dai are fully discussed).
va>v in the present passage cf. Mt. iii. K T. OpyfjS T. pXOfJiVT]s] OUt Of

17, Mk. i. ii (WSchm.p. 162). the wrath that is coming Tf/s opyfjsj
ov rjyeipev CK \ra>v\ veKpoiv] whom *
as in ii.
16, Rom. iii. 5, v. 9, ix. 22,
He (sc. God) raised out of the dead' xiii. being used absolutely of the
the resurrection of Jesus being traced Divine wrath, and in accordance
as always in the Pauline teaching to with the context (dvaptv. T. viov ACT\.)
the direct act of God, cf. i Cor. vi. and the general N.T. usage, having
14, xv. 15, Gal. i. i &c. It is to be here the definite eschatological refer-
noted that in the present passage the ence for which the language of the
thought of the resurrection is intro- prophetic writings has prepared us,
duced not as the argumentum pal- cf. e.g. Isa. ii. 10 22, Zeph. iii. 8 ff.,

marium for the Divine Sonship (as in and see further Ritschl Rechtfer-
Rom. i. 4), but, in accordance with tigung u. Versohnung* ii. p. 142 ff.
the context, as the necessary prelude A similar application of the term is
to Christ's Return, and the general found in Judaistic literature, e.g. Book
resurrection by which it will be ac- of Jubilees xxiv. 30 ('nor one that will
companied cf. Rom. viii. n, i Cor.
: be saved on the day of the wrath of
xv. 20 ff., 2 Cor. iv. 14, Col. i. 18, and judgment'), Secrets of Enoch xliv. 2
especially the words spoken at Athens ('the great wrath of the Lord shall
so shortly before Ac. xvii. 31. Calv. : consume him'), and for classical usage

'in hunc finem resurrexit Christus, cf. Eur. Hipp. 438 opyal els <r 67TC-
ut eiusdem gloriae nos omnes tan- tTKt]\fsav deas.
dem consortes faciat, qui sumus eius This wrath is further described as
membra.' TTJS (pxofj-evTjs (cf. Eph. v. 6, Col. iii. 6),
For cyeipeiv cf. iv. 14 note, and for the repeated art. drawing attention
the phrase [T&V] v*pa>v (elsewhere to coming' as its essential feature,
with art. only Eph. v. 14, Col. i. 18) while both verb and tense bring out
see WSchm. p. 163. the certainty and perhaps the near-
'Irivovv rbv pvofj-fvov was] It IS ness of its approach (cf. v. 2 note).
the historical Jesus (Add. Note D) Needless to say it is no angry re-
Who acts as 'our Rescuer' (cf. Rom. xi. sentment that is thought of, but the
26 from LXX. Isa. lix. 20), the thought hostility to sin which is as necessary
of deliverance by power being appar- a part of God's nature as His love ;

ently always associated with pveo-dat cf. Isa. Ixi. 8, Zech. viii. 17, and see
in the Bibl. writings (cf. Gen. xlviii. 16, Lact. de ird Dei 5 'nam si deus non :

Rom. vii. 24, xv. 31, 2 Cor. i.

10, irascitur impiis et iniustis, nee pios

II. AVTOI yap oi'Sare, d$e\<poi, TY\V ei

?T|OO9 v/uas
OTL ov Kevri yeyovev, *d\\a 7rpo7ra66vT6s

v/3pi<r6evT6s Ka6cos offiare ev

i tPiXiTTTrois eTrapprjcrta-

a ev TCO 6ea q/uwv XaXfjcrai Trpos i//xas TO eucryye-

utique iustosque diligit.... In rebus perience (cf. i. 5), as distinguished

enim diversis, aut in utramque par- from the report of others (avroi emph.),
tern moveri necesse est, aut in and strengthened in the present in-
neutram.' stance by the repetition of the
On the bearing of vo. 9, 10 on the significant d8f\<poi (cf. i. 4) ; while the
missionary teaching of St Paul see resumptive yap refers back to i. 9 ,

Intr. p. xlii f. and in meaning is almost = however.' '

ov Kfvf) yeyovev] hath not been
II. i 12. GENERAL CHARACTER OF found vain' the reference being to
the essential content of the Apostles'
preaching rather than to its results.
Having borne witness '
to the reality
(Chrys. : OVK dvOpaTrivr), ovde rj
of the election of their Thessalonian Beng.: non inanis, sed plena

converts, the Apostles now turn to virtutis.') That however an enduring
deal more particularly with certain result was secured is proved by the
charges that had been brought against perf. yeyovfv. For KCVOS in this sense
themselves after their departure from cf. i Cor. xv. 10 and see Trench Syn.

Thessalonica, and of which they had xlix., and for the form of the
heard probably through Timothy sentence by which oi'Sare claims in
(Intr. p. xxx). This section of the anticipation the subj. of yeyovev for
Epistle accordingly takes the form its object see WM. p. 781.
of an apologia,' or a vindication on
2. dXXa
irpoira66r>TS KT\.] See
the part of St Paul and his com- Ac. xvi. 19 flf., Phil. i. 30. Upona-
panions of their Apostolic claims, in 66vTs (class., air. Xey. N.T.) finds its
so far as these were evidenced by full explanation in the second parti-
their entrance into Thessalonica ciple which is almost = coore Kai v)3-
(vv. i, 2), the general character of pio-O^vai cf. Dem. c. Conon. ad init.

their preaching (ov. 3, 4), and its par- v/3pi(r$ei's, co avdpes dtxacrrat, Kai iradwv
ticular methods (ov. 5 12). Compare VTTO KOI/COJ/OS (cited by Wetstein).
with the whole section, both for lan- More than the bodily suffering it was
guage and tone, 2 Cor. iv. i 6. the personal indignity that had been
i, 2. 'Why speak however of the offered to him as a Roman citizen
report of others, seeing that we can (cf. Cic. in Verr.
v. 66 'scelus ver-

confidently appeal to your own ex- berare [civem Romanum]') that had
perience as to the effective character awakened a sense of contumely in
of our ministry. For even though we St Paul's mind. For a similar use
were subjected to shameful contumely, of vfipi&iv cf. Mt. xxii. 6, Lk. xviii. 32,
as you well know, at Philippi, never- Ac. xiv. 5, 2 Mace. xiv. 42, 3 Mace. vi. 9.
theless we boldly declared to you the The somewhat awkward repetition of
Gospel of God. Not that this boldness Katius oi'Sare after oiSare (v. i) brings
was our own. It came to us from out strongly the writers' desire to
God, and so upheld us in the midst of carry their readers along with them
the opposition we encountered.' (Intr. p. xliv).
I. Auroi yap oiSarf KrX.J An appeal firapprpiao-uiJicOa ev TOO $eoo xrX.]
again to the Thessalonians' own ex- itself enapprjviaadfjieda may refer gene-

\iov TOV 6eov eV yap

OVK e'/c TrAaV^s oi/Se ctKadapcrias ovSe ev So Aw, d\\d
rally to the Apostles' whole attitude, Gospel. It is this indeed which
but as the verb is always used else- makes us independent of all merely
where in the N.T. (Ac. 7 Eph. ) of the ,
human considerations. And conse-
bold proclamation of the Gospel it is quently we did not at any time play
better to give it the full meaning the part of flatterers, as you well know,
became bold of speech (aor. of in- nor, and here we call God Himself to
* '

witness, did we under any fair out-

ception, Kiihner 386. 5), the nature
of this boldness being further brought ward pretext conceal an inward spirit
out by the explanatory inf. XaX^o-ai of covetousness. On the contrary
(i. 8 note),
while the added clause lv worldly glory either at your hands or
r. 6ftj> rjp.. points to its true source. at the hands of others was so little in
Oecum. : 5ia TOV tv&waftovvra 6eov our thoughts, that we did not even
TOVTO iroirjcrai>. demand the support and honour to
The expression 'our God' is rare which as Apostles of Christ we were
in the Pauline Epp., occurring else- entitled.'
where only in iii. 9, II. i. 1 1, 12, i Cor. 3. napdicXrjo-is] Vg. Ambrstr. ex-
vi. 1 1 : it is common in the Apocalypse. hortatio, Tert. aduocatio. Though
(v 7roXX<5 dya>vi\ 'in much conflict' closely allied with dida x ri (Chrys.) or
the reference, as the context shows, didao-KoXia (Thdt.), Trapd<\rjo-is is not
being to the external dangers to to be identified with either, but im-
which the Apostles had been sub- pliessomething more in the nature of
jected (O.L. in multo certamine) an appeal (Euth. Zig.: 77 Sifiao-KaXia, r}

rather than to any internal fears on TTpos TO 7rio~Tevo~ai TrporpoTTT/), having

their part (Vg. in multa sollicitudine, for its object the direct benefit of
cf. Col. ii.
i): cf. Phil. i.
30 TOV avTov those addressed, and which may be
dya>va e^ovTes oiov ti'Serc ev e'juoi, I Tim. either hortatory or consolatory accord-
vi. 12 dya)vlov TOV KaXov dyava TT}S
ing to circumstances: cf. the almost
TTLo-Tfws. The metaphor, as in the technical use of \6yos 7rapaK\T]o-a)s in
case of the allied ddXelv, adXrjo-is Ac. xiii. 15. In the present instance
(2 Tim. ii. 5, Heb. x. 32), is derived what Bengel finely calls
irapdK\r)o-is is
from the athletic ground: cf. Epict. '
totum praeconium evangelicum, pas-
Diss. iv. 4. 30 where life is compared sionum dulcedine tinctum.'
to an Olympic festival in which God A characteristic use of the word in
has given us the opportunity of show- ordinary life is cited by Wohlenberg
ing of what stuff we are made e'X0e from Polyb. iii. 109. 6 f., where with
rjdr) 67ri
TOV dycova, delgov rt reference to the address of Aemilius
Paulus to the soldiers before the
3 7
a. 4
we were bold said that battle of Cannae it is said that for the
in God, and that
was the Gospel of it hired soldier o TTJS Trapa/cXr/a-fats rpoiros
God we preached, and we said rightly, is necessary, but that for those who
for our whole appeal to you is not fight for life and country no such ex-
rooted in error, neither has it any con- hortation is required vTro/Mi/rJo-ecwy
nexion with licentious and delusive fjiovov, rrapaK\^cra>s 5' oi>, Trpoerfiet.

practices (as was the case with some of For the corresponding verb rrapa-
your old religious teachers). On the KaXelv see the note on v. ii.

contrary, as those who have been

OVK. f< rrXdvrjs] does not arise out
approved by the all-seeing God Him- of error,' TrXavr/y, as * (not eV) proves,
self we were entrusted with His being used, as apparently always in

VTTO TOV 6eov TO ev-

ayyeXiov OVTCOS AaAcw/uej/,

the N.T., in the pass, sense of 'error' the test has been successfully sur-
rather than in the act. sense of deceit.' mounted (Rom. i. 28, ii. 18, xiv. 22),
In contrast with false teachers who in accordance with the technical use
are not only 'deceivers' but 'deceived' of the word to describe the passing
(ir\ava)VTes K. 7r\avcap,evoi 2 Tim. iii.
13) as for election to a public office,

the Apostles know they have whom e.g.Plato Legg. vi. 765 c, D ots av <al
believed (2 Tim. i. 12), and are con- ^^(pos rj TWV 8oKip,aovT(t>v 8oK.ip,d(rrj

fident in the word of the truth of the

eav 8e ris aTroSoxi/xao-^ rX., and from
gospel' (Col. i. 5) which they have been the inscriptions such a passage as
called upon to declare (cf. Eph. iv. 14 f., O.I.A. III. 23j 3 ff- vvp-os epav[i(r~}ra)v
and see also i Jo. iv. 6).
ov8e eg aKaOapa-ias] nor out of un- ]r)v crvvoftov TWV
cleanness' the reference being not to 7r[pi]i>
av 8oKip.aa0f) : cf. Magn. 1
13, 9 fl .

'covetousness/ a meaning of aKadapo-ia dvrjp 8e8oKtp.aa-p.evos rots Be to is KpiTT)-

for which no sufficient warrant can piois TWV Sf/Sao-rcoi/ eiri re TTJ rex vfl KT ^'
be produced, nor even to 'impure Iiithe LXX. the idea of approval is as
motives,' but to actual 'impurity,' a rule wanting, but cf. 2 Mace. iv. 3
'sensuality' (cf. iv. 7, Rom. vi. 19), the did rivos TO>V VTTO TOV 2t/io)voy 8e8oKi-
disclaimer, startling as it may seem,' p.aap.evwv, 'through one of Simon's
being not 'unneeded amidst the im- tried (or trusted) followers.'
purities consecrated by the religions of In the present passage the verb is
the day' (Lft.): see further Intr. p. xlvi. almost =dioi>v though we
(II. i.
ov8e ev S6Xo>] a new and distinct must beware of finding here any
negative clause (ov8e, Buttmann p. suggestion of innate fitness on the
366), the ev, as distinguished from the Apostles' part (Chrys. :
preceding en (bis) of the originating TravTos d7TT)\\ayp.evovs jSicoTi/coC, OVK av
cause, drawing attention rather to was etXero). The whole point is that
the general habit or method of the their preaching is to be referred en-
Apostles' working. Unlike the epyarai tirely to God as its source, in contrast
doXiot with whom at the time they with the sources previously disowned:
were confronted (2 Cor. xi. 13, cf. ii. 17, they had been, and still were, 'en-
iv. 2), and with whose 'guile' they trusted' with it ('nicht befunden...
were sometimes charged (2 Cor. sondern genommen' Hofmann).
xii. 1
6), they had never used un- TTio-revBr/vai TO evayyeXiov] For
worthy means for ensnaring (86Xos this use of Treo-reuo/mt cf. Rom. iii. 2,
from same root as 8e\eap a bait, Gal. ii. 7, i Tim. i. ii, Tit. i. 3, and
Curtius Gr. Etym. 271) their con- for the construction see WM. p. 287.
verts. Thdt. OVT :
p.f)v 86\<o xpco/zei/oi Ilto-reuo/zcu c. gen. as sometimes in late
crvvepycp els o\e6pov vp,as 6r]pevop,ev. Gk. (e.g. Polyb. vi. 56. 13 Trio-Tevdels
For the absence of 86\os as a mark of TaXdvTov] does not occur in the N.T.
Christ Himself see i Pet. ii. 22 (Isa. oimos] not the antecedent to the
following tas, but = in the same
liii. 9) : cf. also Jo. i. 47.
4. aXXa Kado>s 8e8oKip.da-p.e6a <rX.] manner,' 'in accordance therewith'
'but according as we have been ap- with reference to the Divine com-
proved by God.' AoKi/iao> means mission just spoken of; cf. Mt. v. 16,
originally 'put to the test' (cf. v. 4 , Eph. v. 28.
i Cor. iii. 13), but in the N.T. gene- not a
o\>% coy dvQpwrrois dpea-KovTes]
rally conveys the added thought that mere restatement of the preceding


ev Xdyw KO\aKia$ e fyvt]6rj]uei' ) offiare, OVTC

clause in another light according to moral character, and is thus equiva-

a favourite Pauline practice (cf. Col. lent to the inner, hidden man known
b God alone,
,56), but an independent clause to cf. i
Regn. xvi. 7, Ac. i.
describing the manner of the Apostles' 24, Rom. viii. 27, Rev. ii. 23, and see
preaching in contrast with the charge art. 'Heart' in Hastings' D.B. The
ofci> SoXo>, and rendered more em- use of the plur. here and of ^u^as
phatic by the substitution of ov for the (v. 8) cannot be explained by the
more regular ay with the participle. attraction of the plur. verb, but shows
On this construction for the statement that throughout St Paul is thinking
of a definite fact see Moulton Prolegg. of his fellow-preachers at Thessa-
p. 231 f., where it is fully illustrated lonica as well as of himself (Intr.
from the papyri, e.g. P.Oxy. 726, 10 f. p. xxxivf.).
(ii./A.D.) ov
dvvdpevos di d[o~]6eveiav 5- ovTe...V Xdyo) KoXa/a'as eyevj-
TrXeCo-cu, 'since he is unable through Orj/jLtv] 'For neither at any time did
sickness to make the voyage.' For we the use of speech of
fall into
the general thought cf. Ps. lii.(liii.) 6, flattery' being clearly the
preachers' own discourse or teach-
' ' '
Pss. Sol. iv. 8 dvaKa\v\lrat 6 debs TO.

epya dvdpwjr&v dvdptorrapeo-Kav. In no ing' at Thessalonica, and not the

case must dpeo-Kovres be weakened '

report of others regarding it.

The KoXaKta (for form, WH. 2 Notes
into seeking to please.' state-
ment is absolute, and the verb here
p. 1 60) cm. \ty. N.T., though common
betrays something of the idea of in class, writers, carries with it the
actual service in the interests of idea of tortuous methods by
others (cf. Rom. xv. i, 3, i Cor. x. 33), which one man
seeks to gain in-
which we find associated with it in fluence over another, generally for
late Gk. Thus in monumental inscrip- selfish ends. Thus Aristotle defines
tions the words dpeo-avTes rfi TroXei, rfj the KoXa o &' OTTCOS <a<peXeia TIS avrd)

Trarpi'St &c., are used to describe ylytnjrat (if ^pr/^ara KCU ocra dia xprj/jid-
those who have proved themselves TO>I>, /coXa (Eth. Nic. iv. 12. 9) : cf.
of use to the commonwealth as in Theophr. Charact. 2 rr/v de KoXaKeiav
O.G.LS. 646, 12 (Palmyra, iii./A.D.) av ns OjUiXiai/ alo~xpav e/at,
apeo~avTa TTJ re avrfj j3ov\f) KCU TO> rw KO\a.Kfvovri. How
easilysuch a charge might be brought
dXXa deep ro) So<a/zd*oi/rt KrX.] Ao/a- against the Apostles is evident from
chosen here with reference to
H<i(ovTi what we know of the conduct of the
the preceding SeSo/a/xaV/ii-tfa (for a heathen rhetoricians of the day, cf.
similar word-play cf. Jer. vi. 30) shows Dion Cass. Hist. Rom. Ixxi. 35, Dion
a tendency to relapse into its original Chrys. Orat. xxxii. p. 403.
(Beza Deo
* '

meaning of prove,'

try For a new work n-epi <o\aKfias by


exploranti, vtpote cordium

Est. Philodemus the Epicurean (50 B.C.)
nostrorum inspectorem et explorato- see Rhein. Museum Ivi. p. 623.
rem'): cf. Jer. xi. 20 Kvpte Kpivav For yiveo-tiai ev (versari in) meaning
&'*ata, 8oKifjid<av ve(ppovs KCU K.apo'ia.s. entrance into and continuance in a
KapSia, according to Bibl. usage, is given state or condition cf. Rom.
the focus of the personal life, the xvi. 7, i Cor. ii. 3, 2 Cor. iii. 7, Phil,
centre of all, intellectual as well as ii.
7, i Tim. ii.
14, Sus. 8 eyevovro cv
emotional, that goes to make up the avrrjs.

2 2

s, 6eos /mdprvs, ovre v-

, OVT6 d(p' V/ULCOV

OVT6 OLTT aAAfc)!/,

eV /3dpei elvai &S XpicrTOv aTTOCTToXoi' d\\d

7rpo<pao-ei 7r\covfias] i.e. 'the cloak fontes, ex quibus manat totius minis-
of which covetousness avails itself/ terii corruptio.'For ^reiv in the
Had covetousness been the preachers' sense of selfish seeking cf. Rom. x. 3,
motive it would have hidden itself i Cor. x. 24, 33, xiii. 5, 2 Cor. xii. 14,

under some outward pretext (cf. Hor . Phil.ii. 21, and for Soa in its original

sense of good opinion see note on

' '

Epist. i. xvi. 45 'introrsum turpem,

speciosum pelle decora'). Beng. : v. 12. In Hellenistic Gk. e| and OTTO
praetextu specioso, quo tegeremus are frequently used interchangeably
avaritiam.' (WM. p. 512, Moulton Prolegg. p. 237,

np6(pao-is (wrongly rendered occasio Meisterhans p. 212): in accordance

Vg., Clarom., Calv., Est.) is the osten- however with the earlier distinction
sible reason for which a thing is done, between them may here point to e'

and generally points to a false reason the ultimate source, and dno rather to
as opposed to the true, cf. <?iW npo- the more immediate agents (Ambrstr.
<pd&ei eeVe d\r]6eia Phil. i. 1 8, and the ex hominibus .a uobis}. . .

class, parallelsthere adduced by Wet- It should be noted that what the

stein, and see also P.Oxy. 237. vi. 31, Apostles disclaim is the desire of
vii. ii, 13, 1 6 (ii./A.D.); while TrXeo- popularity. Th. Mops.: 'cautissime
yeia, though often associated by St enim posuit non quaerentes hoc est, ;

Paul with sins of the flesh (Eph. iv. non auspicantes hoc," nee hanc ha-
19, v. 3, cf. i Cor. v. 9ff., vi. 9 f., and
bentes actus nostri intentionem.'
a V /3apei elvai] 'when
see also Musonius p. 90 (ed. Hense) o 7 .
we might have been burdensome'
7rXeoi/eias), is in itselfsimply 'covet- (Wycl. whanne we tny^ten haue . . .

ousness,' distinguished from

being be in
charge) a concessive part,
(pi\apyvpia 'avarice' as the wider and clause subordinate to the preceding
more active sin see Lft.'s note on Col.
frrovvTes. Most modern editors follow
iii. 5 where it is explained as entire the A.V. in regarding this clause as
disregard for the rights of others.' part of v. 6.
6ebs pdpTvs] Cf. v. 10, also Rom. i. 9, Bdpos is here understood (i) in its
2 Cor. i. 23, Phil. i. 8. Chrys.: oirep simple meaning of 'weight,' 'burden'
r^v dfi\ov avTovs
KaXei p.dpTvpas...o7rcp (Vg. oneri esse], with reference to the
de rjv...6ebv
a8r]\ov KaXei pdprvpa. Apostles' right of maintenance, cf. v. 9,
Dr Dods aptly compares Cromwell's and see further II. iii. 8, i Cor. ix. 11,
declaration to his first Parliament: 2 Cor. xi. 7 ff., Gal. vi. 6, also Jos. AntL
That I not in matter of fact, is
lie I. 250 (xvi. 2) ovSe yap earea-Qai ftapiis
known to very many; but whether ...daTrdvais Idiais ^p^o-a/xevoy ;
or (2) in
I tell a lie in my heart, as labouring itsderived sense of 'authority,' 'dig-
to represent to you what was not nity' (Clarom. in gravitate [honore]
upon my heart, I say, the Lord be esse\ pointing to the honour they
judge.' might have expected to receive at the
6. ovrf {rjTovvTfs KT\.] Upon the Thessalonians' hands, cf. 2 Cor. iv. 17
repudiation of covetousness follows /3apos fi6|>7?, Polyb. 32. 7 irpos TO

naturally the repudiation of worldly ftdpos TO A.aKf8aijJLOVL(i)v, Diod. Sic.

ambition (cf. Ac. xx. 19, 2 Cor. iv. 5, IV.6 1 did TO jSapoy TTJS TroXeo)?. The

Eph. iv. 2). Calv. : duo enim sunt isti two meanings are however compatible,.

ei/ fJLecrw VJULCOV, o>s eav Tpo<pos 6d\7rrj Ta (

and it is probable that St Paul plays we yearned over you with the same
here on the double sense of the phrase : tender affection that a nursing-mother
cf. the Latin proverb 'Honos propter displays towards her children. With
onus.' such deep affection indeed did we
cos Xpitrrou a.7roo~TO\oi] XpicrroC pOSS. long after you that we shared with
gen., placed emphatically first to show you not only the Gospel of God, but
whose Apostles they were, and why also our very lives so dear had you
therefore they were entitled to claim proved yourselves to us.'
b The
honour (cf. Add. Note D). For the 7 aXXa eyevTjdrjpev vrjmoi
title aTroo-roXoi here including Silvanus reading here is doubtful. If vrjirioi
and Timothy almost in the sense of (K*BC*D*G minusc. %.)be adopt-
our missionaries cf. Ac. xiv. 4, 14, ed, the whole clause is the avowal on
Rom. xvi. 7, 2 Cor. viii. 23, xi. 13, the writers' part of their becoming as
Phil. Rev. ii. 2, Didache xi. 3 f.
25, ; children to children, speaking what
and for the wider use of the word St Augustine describes as decurtata
generally see Lft. Gal. p. 92 ff., Har- et mutilata verba (de catech. rud.
nack Die Lehre der zwolf Apostel baby-language to those who were still

p.93 ff., Hort Ecclesia p. 22 ff. babes in the faith : cf. Origen on Mt.
In class. Gk. airoa-ToXos generally XV. 17 6 anoo-ToXos eyeveTo vr/TTios KOI
denotes 'a fleet,' 'an expedition (cf. TTctpaTrXT/'o-ioy rpocpco 6a\Trovo-Tj TO favrfjs
Dittenberger Sylloge 153, an Attic iraiftiov Kal \a\ovo~r] \6yovs a>9 TraiSt'oi/
inscription iv./B.c., and see Archiv iii. 8id TO TTaidiov. On the other hand, if
p. 221), but it occurs in Herodotus in
the well-attested faun (K c AC b I) c KLP
' '
the sense of messenger,' envoy (i. 2 1 , 17 &c.) be preferred, the Apostolic
cf. v. 38), and is found with the same

gentleness is placed in striking con-


meaning in 3 Regn. xiv. 6 A e'yco et/u trast with the slanders that had been
a.7r6o~To\os rrpos Of o~K\rjpus (cf. SlU. insinuated against them (vv. 5, 6) cf. :

Isa, xviii. 2). See also the interesting 2 Tim. ii. 24 where TJTTLOS elvai is men-
fragment in P. Par. p. 411 f.
(ii./B.c.), tioned as a mark of the true pastor.
where, if we can accept the editor's This agreement with the context leads
restoration of the missing letters, we most modern editors and commen-
read of a public official who had sent tators to favour rjirioi, especially as
to a delinquent a messenger (drroo-To- the reading vrj-moi can be easily ex-
Xov) bearing the orders he had disre- plained as due to dittography of the
garded [e7re(r]raXKorcoi> ri^wv irpos vf final v of (yei'rjdrj/j.ev. WH. 2 (Notes
TOV a7r[ooroXoi/]. Upon the existence of p. 128), on the other hand, point out
apostles 'among the Jews see Harnack '
that the second v might be inserted
Miss. u. Ausbr. p. 237 ff.
(Engl. Tr. or omitted with equal facility,' and
p. 409 ff.), and cf. Krauss Die ju- that 'the change from the bold image
dischen Apostel in J.Q.R. 1905, p. to the tame and facile adjective is
370 ff. characteristic of the difference be-
12. A positive counterpart to tween St Paul and the Syrian re-
the previously-mentioned hostile visers.'

charges. ev i.e. 'as one of your-

fjio-(o vfjiwv]
Nay, we went further, for to

7 , 8. selves,''without any undue assump-

establish a sure bond of sympathy tion of authority.' Beng.: 'non age-
with you we showed ourselves ready bant, quasi ex cathedra.' Cf. our
to act the part of children in your Lord's own words 'Eyw de eV /neVw :

midst. Or we may put it in this way (as o diaKovav (Lk. xxii. 27).

o) fav Tpo(pbs 6d\irr) KrX.] 'as if of fav from the Koti/r; cf. P.Petr. in.
a nurse cherishing her own
were 43 (2), iii. 4 (iii./B.c.) oo-coi eav nXdov
children': cf. Gal. iv. 19. By a sudden vpr)i, P.Grenf. i. 27 (ii./B.c.)
change of metaphor by no means un- ov ta.v aipfJTai, and see further Moulton
common in the Pauline writings (cf. Prolegg. pp. 43, 234, Mayser p. 152 f.
v. 2, 4, 2 Cor. iii. i3ff.) the attitude of 8. ovrco? op.fip6p.fvoi vfj,<6v] even so
the Apostles is now described as that being eagerly desirous of you' (Vg.
of a 'nurse,' or rather a 'nursing- ita desiderantes vos, Beza ita cupidi
mother' towards her children. Th. vestri). 'O/iti'po/zat (for breathing,
" "
Mops. :
nutricem uero hoc in loco WH. 2 Notes p. 151) is not found
matrem dixit quae filios suos nutrit' : elsewhere in the Bibl. writings ex-
cf. Aug. Serm. xxiii. 3. Too much cept in Job iii. 21 (cf. Sm. Ps. Ixii.
stress however in this connexion must (Ixiii.) The common derivation
not be laid on eavrrjs which in late from and c'tpeiv (hence Thpht. =
Gk. has lost much of its emphatic /zeVot, Oecum. = dvTxop,voi
force cf. the common legal formula
: is philologically impossible, and

in the papyri by which a woman Dr J. H. Moulton suggests rather the

appears jxera Kvpiov row tavTrjs dvdpos, v' smer 'to remember' (Skt. smirti

e.g. P.Grenf. i. 18, 4f. (ii./B.c.). memory ,'smardmi 'I remember,' Lat.
Tpo$o?, GOT. Xey. N.T., occurs in the memor] with a prepositional element,
LXX., Gen. xxxv. 8, 4 Regn. xi. 2, and compares as parallel formations
2 Chron. xxii. u, Isa. xlix. 23 as the 8vpop,ai and o8vpop,ai, Ke'XXeo and OKe'XXo),
translation of nj53*D; cf. also B.G.U. 6-p.opyvvp.i, (o-Kfavds (ptc. of (
to lie around '). Wohlenberg conjec-
297, 12 ff. (i./A.D.) where a nurse ac-

knowledges that she had received ra tures that it may here be used as a

rpocpfia Kol TO. e\aia Koi TOV ip.aTKTfJt.ov

term of endearment' ('edles Kose-
/ecu raXXn ocra KaB^Kfi diSo&Oai rpofpw wort') derived from the language of
the nursery cf. note on VTJTTLOL (v. 7).
TOV ya\ctKTOTpo<pias dierovs xpovov

\vr]vwv e KrX. For For the construction with the gen. in

see Kaibel Epigram- the case of verbs of 'longing' see
mata Graeca (1878) 247, 7 (i./ii. A.D.).
Kiihner 3 416, 4b.
The poetic 6a\Tra>, elsewhere in N.T. rJSoKovpLev] The absence of av with
only Eph. v. 29 (frrptyri K. QdXnfi), rjvdoKovp,fv (for augment, WH. 2 Notes
means properly 'to warm,' and p. 169, WSchm. p. 101) points to a
result actually reached, while the verb
thence, like the Lat. fovere, comes to
'cherish,' 'foster': cf. Deut.
itself which
is only found in late Gk.
xxii. 6 KOI TI fjLi^Trjp 0a\7rr) eVi T<BI> (in LXX.
frequently for H^fJ) draws
roo-o-wi/, and for its metaphorical use attention to the hearty goodwill at-
see O.GJ.S. 194, 6 (i./s.c.) TTJV n6\iv tending the writer's attitude 'were
well-pleased' (Vg. cupide volebamus}.
It may be added that, while the Cf. the use of cvdonelv in i Cor. i. 21,
sense seems to favour the use of eaV x. 5, Gal. i. 15, with reference to
as the ordinary conditional particle, and in Rom. xv. 26 f., 2 Cor. v. 8, xii.
it is possible that we have here an 10 with reference to man see also ;

instance of the late use of cdv for av the note on ev'So/a'a II. i.and for a

(WM. p. 390), o>r edv then implying full discussion of both words Fritzsche
a standing contingency, "as it may Rom. ii.
p. 369 ff. An interesting ex.
" '
be (may be seen) at any time (Find- of evdoKflv is afforded by P.Lond. i.
lay). For early instances of this use 3, 6ff. (ii./B.C.) T)v8oKrj(rds p. TTJS

ov JJLOVOV TO evayyeXiov TOV 6eov d\\a K.CU

' 9
\lsvxds, SLOTI dyaTrrjToi rifjiiv eyevridriTe

ap, d$e\<poi,
TOV K.OTTOV q/uiwv Kat TOV /

differing little from Sri 'that': cf.

T]OV yfiicrovs TOV [rpi'Jrov \oyfias TU>V
KfifjLfvcov i/eicpcoi/, apparently 'thou = 2 MaCC. Vli. 37 e'^o/zoAo-yiJo-acrtfcu

hast granted me the honour of the fj.6vos avros 0os e<rriz>, B.G.U. IOII.
half of the offerings collected for the ii. 1
5 fF. (ii./B.C.) 8i6n yap 7roX[Xa]
dead (mummies).' In legal documents \r)ptoi[8rj] KOI ^ev8fj 7rpo0-ay[y]e'A[Xe]rai
the verb is frequent in the sense of Karavoels Kal avros, and for similar
'give consent,' e.g. in the marriage- evidence from the Attic inscriptions,
where diort never = because,' see

contract P.Oxy. 496, 8 (ii./A.D.) where

the husband is not allowed to dispose Meisterhans, p. 252 f. On the other
of certain property ^copis evdoKovo-rjs hand in P.Tebt. 24, 34 (ii./B.c.) KOI

rfjs ya/zou/ie'i/T/y,
without the consent dion must have its full causal force.
of the bride': see further Gradenwitz In mod. Gk. the word is used instead
Einfuhrung i. p. 160 ff. of ydp, a meaning which Fritzsche
ray cavrwv V^u^as] 'our very lives,' (Rom. i. p. 57) finds even in such
'our very selves' ^v^as (for plur. passages as Ac. xviii. 10, Rom. i. 19
4 note) according to its ordinary
cf. v. (cf. Blass p. 274) see also i Pet. iii. ;

Bibl. usage laying stress on what 10 where yap is used to introduce a

belonged essentially to the writers' quotation from the O.T. instead of
personality (Beng. 'aninia nostra
: dioTt which is preferred in i. 16, 24,
cupiebat quasi immeare in animam ii. 6. Vincent and Dickson
Jebb (in
vestram'): cf. Mk. viii. 35, 2 Cor. xii. Mod. G/c. 2 App. p. 338) cites the
15, Sir. xxxv. 23 (xxxii. 27) ev -rravrl passage before us along with Gal. ii.
pyco Trio-rev* TTJ ^fvxii <rov, and for 1 6 to illustrate the ease of the col-

a discussion of ^fvxn in the LXX.

full loquial transition.
see Hatch Essays p. 101 fF. 9. That this is no idle vaunt you
For the reflexive eavrwv referring yourselves very well know, for you
to the ist pers. plur. cf. II. iii. 9 (note), cannot have forgotten our self-sacri-
Rom. viii. 23, 2 Cor. i. 9, iii. 5 &c. (WM. ficing labours amongst you, how, even
p. 187, WSchm. p. 204); and see P.Par. while working night and day for our
47, 26 (ii./B.O.) avrovs 8eSa>Ka/uei>, own maintenance so as not unduly to
P.Tebt. 47, 30 f.
(ii./s.c.) tv ^/-tels pev burden you, we preached to you the
a eavT&v (Mayser, p. 303). Gospel of God.'
dyaTTTjToi /erA.] Out of the 9. fJivijfJLOVfvfTf yap rX.] For p.vr}-
Apostles' intercourse with the Thes- povfva c. acc. see 3 note,
i. and for
salonians a relationship of love (ayarr. d8e\(poi see i. 4 note.
used by St Paul of his converts in KOTTOS and ^o^Bos are
(i. 3 note)
allgroups of his Epp.) had been de- found together again in II. iii. 8,
veloped once for all (aor. ryeygdgrt) 2 Cor. xi. 27, the former pointing to
' ' ' '
which had led to the consequent the weariness or fatigue resulting
T)v8oKOV[Jil> KT\. from continual labour, the latter
Atori (propterea quod] has appa- rather to the 'hardship' or 'struggle'
rently always a causal force in the involved in it. The similarity in sound
N.T. (Wilke nil. Rhet. p. 251), though between the words is well brought
in the LXX. and late Gk. generally it out in the rendering 'toil and moil'
is also frequently found in a sense (Lft.).

VUKTOS Ka rip.epas epya^ojuevoi Trpos TO fj.ri 67ri/3aprj<rai

TWO. vpwv 6Kripua^ev eis v/ua^ TO evayyeXiov TOU 6eou.

^dpTVpes Kal 6 fleos, o5s ocritos Kal

. K. ??/u. epyaofj.fvoi] An ex- 10 12.

We are not afraid indeed
planatory clause which gains in force to appeal alike in your sight and in
through the absence of any connect- the sight of God to the whole charac-
ing particle. For the fact cf. Ac. ter of our relations with you. All
xviii. 3, and for the picture here believers will be ready to testify how
presented of St Paul's missionary these were marked throughout by
activity see Intr. p. xlv. holiness and righteousness, and how
It may be noted that WKTOS K. careful we were to give no offence in
ypepas (gen. of time) is the regular anything. Indeed, as you very well
order of the words in St Paul (iii. 10, know, we acted the part of a father
II. iii. 8, i Tim. v. 5, 2 Tim. i. 3). In to each one of you, as we exhorted,
the Apocalypse on the other hand we and encouraged, and solemnly charged,
find always jpepas K. WKTOS (iv. 8, vii. according to your several require-
15 &c.), and so in St Luke (xviii. 7, ments, in order that you might re-
Ac. ix. 24). When however St Luke spond to your privileges, and your
adopts the ace., the order is changed whole lives be worthy of the God
K. jpepav (ii. 37, Ac. XX. 31, who is calling you to share in His
kingdom and glory.'
irpos TO fir} 7rif3aprjcrai KT\.] 'ill order 10. pdpTvpcs KT\J] The two
that we might not burden any of you': former appeals to the witness of men
cf. II. iii. 7 ff. for an additional reason (v. i) and of God (v. 5) are now united
for these self-denying labours. in confirmation of the whole character
The late Gk. w^apc'iv is used only of the Apostolic ministry.
figuratively in the N.T. (II. iii. 8, cos do-iW /crX.] In accordance with
2 Cor. ii.
5) and is nearly = Kara/Sapeii/ the distinction found in Plato (Gorg.
(2 Cor. xii. 1
6, cf. 2 liegn. xiii. 25), 507 B) and other Gk. writers, it has
though the preposition in eiriftapelv is been common to describe oo-tW as
mainly directive (onus imponere), in indicating duty towards God, and
KaTapapelv rather perfective 'to weigh diKaicos duty towards men. But the
a man to the ground.' For its use in distinction, which even in class. Gk.
the inscriptions cf. Magn. 113, 15 f. is sometimes lost sight of, must not

where a certain physician Tvrannus be pressed in the N.T., where all right-
is said to have behaved cos prjo'eva vfi eousness is recognized as one, 'growing
O.VTOV Trapa TTJV diav TOV Kaff f out of a single root, and obedient to
and for the a single law' (Trench Syn. p. 307).
simple verb /3apf?t> (2 Esdr. xv. (v.) 15, Accordingly oo-itos and diKaicos are
i Tim. v. 1 6) in the same sense, cf. best regarded as descriptive of the
I.G.SJ. 830, 15 (Puteoli ii./A.D.) Iva Apostles' attitude towards both God
P.TJ TTJV TTO\LV /3apo3/^ei>. In the late and man from its positive side, that
P.Oxy. 126, 8 (vi./A.i>.) one Stepbmous attitude being viewed first from a
undertakes to 'burden herself (/3a- religious (otrtW) and then from a
pea-ai TO fj.ov oi/o/ta) with certain im- moral (8t/cmW) standpoint, while the
posts hitherto paid by her father. following dpcpTTTus from the negative
On npos TO with inf. signifying not side emphasizes their general blame-
mere result but subjective purpose see lessness in these same two respects.
\VM. p. 414, Moulton Prolegg. p. 2i8ff. As regards the individual expres-

v/uiv rots 7TL(TT6vov<jiv yev^Q^jjiev 9 Ka6a7rep
cos eva e/cacrroy VJJLMV w TraTrjp T6Kva eavTOv
7rapaKa\ovvTes v^as Kai Kai

found only here in the

sions, oo-ias is 84, 6 f.
Ke0aXoy ewre- ra fj.fv
dXXa KaOa-
N.T., while a/ze^m-co? occurs again in nep rrj jSouXft' dvaypatyai 6e....
v. 23 iii.
(cf.13 WH. inarg.). Both ok eva rX.] The construction is
and -coy are common in the
afjif/jLTTTos irregular but, if this is not to be taken
inscriptions and papyri, e.g. O.G.I.S. as an instance of the Hellenistic use
485, 14 ayvwf KOI a/jie/iTrrcos For the 1

. of the part, for the ind. (cf. Moulton

combination oo-iW K. SiKaivs see further Prolegg. p. 222 f.), we may either
Apol. Arist. xv. sub fine, also P. Par. resume eyfvijd^fj.fv (v. 10) after eoy,

63. viii. 13 f. (ii./B.c.) where a letter- leaving both eva CK. and v/j,as to be
writer makes a claim for himself as governed by the following participles,
having ocruos Kat...Si>caicos [7roXi]rev(ra- or still better supply such a finite
pevos before the gods, and for anep-nrais verb as evovdeTov^ev which the writer
K. oo-tW cf. Clem. R. Cor. xliv. 4. lost sight of owing to the extended
On o$s see Blass p. 230, and for the participial clause.
use of the adverbs instead of the "Ei/a eKaarrov (Vg. unumquemque),
corresponding adjectives, as bringing an intensified form of tKaoroi/, marks
out more fully the mode and manner the individual character of the
of fyfvTjdrjuev (Ambrstr. facti sumus), Apostles ministry. Chrys. :
/3a/3ai', Iv
cf. I Cor. XVI. 10 iva dfpoftus

rrpos ) (J.T) 1T\OV<TIOV, fjL^ 7TVr)T(l.

VfUV T. TTlO-T^VOVO-Lv] Cf. i. 7'. TllC an appropriate change

a>s irarrip icrX.]
* '
clause is not pointless ( Jowett), but from the figure of the nursing-mother
is to be closely connected with eyej/r/- (0. 7) in view of the thought of instruc-

6r)[jLi> (cf. Horn. vii. 3), as marking tion which is now prominent. Pelag.:
the impression the missionaries made parvulos nutrix fovet proficientes :

upon their Thessalonian converts, vero jam pater instituit.'

whatever might be the judgment of 12. TrapaKoXovvTes v/ KrX.] 'ex-
Others. Thdt. ov yap etVef,
horting you and encouraging and
testifying' a clause which, contrary
OV(TL. to the usual verse-division, is included
ii. Kadcnrep oiSare] The expres- by WH. in v. 12. IIapa/<aXeZi/, like
sive Kadcnrfp ('die scharfste aller Trapa<\r)(ri5 (o. 3 note), is a favourite

Gleichheitspartikeln Meisterhans p. word with St Paul, occurring no less

257) is found in the N.T. only in the than ten times in these Epp. with the
first two groups of the Pauline Epp. double meaning of 'exhort' and 'com-
(16 times) and in Heb. iv. 2 : cf. fort.' The former idea is prominent
P.Hib. 49, 6 f. (iii./B.C.) naOcnrep eypa^fa here, while the succeeding irapanvQov-
and the common legal formula Kadcnrep IJLCVOI (elsewhere in N.T. only in v. 14,

ey 8i<r]s 'as if in accordance with a Jo. xi. 19, 31, cf. 2 Mace. xv. 9) is
legal decision' (e.g. P.Amh. 46, 13 addressed to the feelings rather than
(ii./B.c.)). In the Decrees ra ^ev aXXa to the will. For a similar combination
of the corresponding nouns see i Cor.
Kadajrep 6 dclva was the usual intro-
duction to an amendment proposed xiv. 3, Phil. ii. i.

in the Ecclesia to a probouleuma' Maprvpeo-Oai, properly 'summon to

(Roberts-Gardner p. 18): e.g. C.I. G. witness,' and then absolutely asseve-

ek TO TrepiTraTeiv u/xas d^icos TOV 6eov TOV

is TY\V eavTOv /SacriXeiav Kat
II 12 /caXoOvTos BDGHKLP 17 af pZer d g Syr (Hard mg) Chr Ambst Ephr aZ :

Ka\t(ravTos KA 23 31 aZ pane Vg Go Syr (Pesh Hard) Sah Boh Arm Theod-Mops


rate," protest,' from which it is an easy dvacrTpf(f)O'6ai) dvavrpocpr)) is Hebra-

transition to the meaning 'conjure/ istic in origin : cf. the early designation
' '

solemnly charge which suits best of Christianity as j 686s (Ac. ix. 2 &c.)
the present passage and Eph. iv. 17: in keeping with the common meta-
see Hort on i Pet. i. who cites n phorical use of the word in the LXX.
in support of this rendering Plut. ii. For the use of the pres. inf. Trepi-
19 B (of Homer) ev 8e r< 7rpo8iaf3d\\fiv Trareti/ (v.l. -rfo-at C
KL) see BlassD
fj,6vovov papTvperai KOI 8iayopevft pyre p. 1
95 n . For Trcpnrarc'iv
ai'eos cf. Eph.

Xprjo-dcu KT\. 'solemnly warns not to iv. i, and for aiW with gen. of a person
use' a charge as in the presence of cf. Rom. xvi. 2, Col. i. 10, 3 Jo. 6. The
God. An interesting parallel is also exact phrase aiW TOV 6co\> is found in
afforded by P.Oxy. 471, 64 f. (H./A.D.) the Pergamene inscription 248, 7 ff.
[taprvpovTai Kvpif rr]v o~r)v TU^TJI', where (ii./B.c.) where Athenaios, a priest of
however the editors translate 'they Dionysios and Sabazius, is extolled
bear evidence,' as if it were the com- aS (rv[v\TT\ KOTOS TO, ifpfl. .VO-(f3(S .

moner fj.apTvpovo-i. According to Lft. [^]ey KOI dia>s TOV 6cov (see Deissmann
(ad loc., cf. note on Gal. v. 3) fiap- p. 248).
Tvponai has never this latter sense in Thieme (p. 21) cites similar exx.
the N.T. any more than in class. Gk., from the Magnesian inscriptions, e.g.
but that the two words were some- 33, 30 dia>s [r]r?[Y] 0[Y]aff (Gonnos in
times confused in late Gk. is proved Thessaly iii./B.c.), 85, 10 f. a^'co? TTJS re
by such a passage as P.Amh. 141, 17 f. *ApT^i8os-.-Kai [TOV] 8^ov (Tralles);
(iv./A.D.) Tocrovro fiaprvpafJLfvr} []ai but rightly draws attention to the diffe-
diov<ra r?)s irapa o~ov JK&ucttak Tv\fw, rence of spirit underlying the appeal
where we '
can only translate bearing of the Christian Apostle to his con-
witness to the facts and praying to verts to walk worthily of the Gospel,
obtain satisfaction by you.' and the praise which a Greek com-
fls TO TrepnraTelv KT\.] On fls TO mune bestows on the ambassadors of
with the inf. expressing here not so another state for acting dia>s TT/S 0as
much the purpose as the content of the KOt TOV 8r)IJLOV.

foregoing charge see Moulton Prolegg. TOV KaXovvTos] 'who is calling,' the
p. 218 ff., where the varying shades of
verb being used in its technical sense
meaning attached to this phrase in the of 'call to the kingdom' with the
Pauline writings are fully discussed. further idea, as throughout the Pauline
Ufpinarelv with reference to general Epp., that the calling as God's act has
moral conduct occurs thirty-two times been effectual (Rom. viii. 30, i Cor. i. 9).
in the Pauline Epp., and twelve times The use of the pres. part, instead of
in the writings of St John (Gosp.
the more common aor. (icaMo-avTos,
Epp. St Luke prefers iropcvea-Qai
WH. mg.) in this connexion (cf. iv. 7,
6, 15, v. 13, but not v. 8) may
(Gosp. Ac. ) for this purpose, as do
2 Gal. i.

St Peter and St Jude. The metaphor be due to the fact that the whole
though not unknown in class. Gk. (cf. phrase is practically
= our caller' (cf. '

Xen. Cyr. ii. 2. 24 T) jrovrjpia 8ta TWV i.

10, and see Rom. ix. where e< n
irapavriKo. rjdovav iroptvopfvr), and the roC KoXovvros is contrasted with c
essentially similar metaph. use of epyo>j>),
but is perhaps sufficiently' ex-

plained by the eschatological refer- a trouble and a weariness with much

ence of the present passage. Believers labour; and that accordingly which
are continually being called to an in- is to come, a crown with great glory ;
heritance on which they have not yet xlviii. 49 'And I will recount their

fully entered, but of which they are blessedness and not be silent in cele-
assured (cf. v. 24). brating their glory, which is reserved
On the different uses of KaXe'co see for
them and especially 4 Ezra vii.

SH. p. 241 f. 42 where the state of the blessed is

ds r. eavrov /3ao-iXetai> *rX.] Though described as 'neque nitorem neque
there are undoubted instances in the claritatem neque lucem but only
' '
Pauline Epp. of /Sao-iXf/a as the splendorem claritatis altissimi
present kingdom of God's grace
(Rom. xiv. 17, i Cor. iv. 20, Col. i. 13), SH. p. 85].
its reference in the main is to the For the Bibl. history of the word
future (II. i. 5, i Cor. vi. 9, xv. 50, oa see further Kennedy Last
Gal. v. 21, 2 Tim. iv. i, 18), and that Things p. 299 ff.,
and for the possi-
this is the case here is shown by its
bility that Sda may originally have
inclusion with the eschatological 86ga had a ' realistic ' meaning in the
under one art. The two expressions ordinary Gk. of the day though no
must not however be united as if= actual instance of this use has yet
His own kingdom of glory,' or even been found, see Deissmann Hellenis-
'His own kingdom culminating in ierung p. 165 f., where its use as a
His glory,' but point rather to two name for women and ships (F. Bechtel,
manifestations of God's power, the Die attischen Frauennamen (1902)
first of His rule, the second of His p. 132) is cited as a partial parallel.
glory. On eWroG which seems here In the passage before us the whole
to retain its full emphasis see note phrase r. KaXovvros KT\. shows affinity
on v. 7, and on St Paul's teaching with the 'invitation' in the Parable
regarding the 'kingdom' at Thessa- of the Supper, Mt. xxii. i ff., Lk. xiv.
lonica see Intr. p. xxvii. 1 6 ff.: cf. Dalman Worte
p. 97 (Engl.
Aoa, in class. Gk. = f
opinion,' 'good Tr. p. 118 f.) where similar exx. are
opinion' (cf.??. 6), through the influence adduced from Jewish literature.
of the LXX. where it is commonly used
to translate Heb. "fa?
came to be applied in the
N.T. to the full manifestation of
God's glory ('Gloria, divinitas con-

spicua Beng. on Ac. vii. 2), or more Because their ministry had been
specially to that glory as revealed to attended with so much toil and zeal
men in the Divine majesty and good- (vv. i 12), the Apostles are now all
ness (e.g. Eph. i. 6, 12, 17, iii. 16, Col. the more ready to renew their thanks-
i. ii with Lft.'s note). From this it giving to God that the Thessaloniaus
was a natural transition to the future had not come short either in their
bliss or glory that awaits God's people, ready acceptance of the Gospel-
the ethical conception being still message (v. 13), or in their endurance
always predominant: cf. Rom. v. 2 under persecution (v. 14) the latter
eV eXflri'Si r. 86t-r)s T. deov, viii. 1 8 Trpos thought leading to a vehement con-
T. jMeXXoiKTaz/ 8oai> a7roKa\v<f)6fjvai fls demnation of the persecuting Jews
77 /nay.
This sense of the word can also (vo. 15, 1 6).
be from post -canonical
illustrated 13, 'Seeing then that
14. we on
literature by such passages as Apoc. our part have bestowed so much
Bar. xv. 8 'For this world is to them labour and affection upon you, we are

Ka Sia TOVTO Kai ev^apia'TovjUiev TW 6ew
, OTL 7rapa\a/36vT6s \oyov aKOrjs Trap' qjULtov
TOV 6eov eSe^acrde ov \6yov dvdptOTrcov d\\d Ka6ws
d\rj6tos ivrlv \6yov 6eou, os Kai ivepyeiTai ev vjuiiv TCUS

the more unceasingly thankful that but Clarom. has percepissetis...ex-

you yourselves have not come short cepistis, and Ambrstr. accepissetis . . .

in the act of receiving. Nay rather suscepistis.

when the "word of hearing" was de- \oyov aKorjf] 'AKofjs may be under-
livered to you, became something
it stood in the active sense of 'a hearing

more "word of hearing." We

than the (cf. Gal. iii. 2, where it is contrasted

might be its bearers, but God was its with cpyav) in keeping with the part
author. And in welcoming it as you here assigned to the Thessalonians
did, it proved itself no mere human themselves, but it is better taken in
message, but a Divine power in all its (ordinary) passive sense of 'a mes-

believing hearts. How true this is sage' spoken and heard (Vg. verbum
your own lives testified in that, after auditus)-. cf. Rom. x. 16 (LXX. Isa.
the example of the Christian Churches liii. i), Heb. iv. 2.

of Judaea, you underwent the same Trap' r)fj.a>v]

to be connected with
sufferings at the hands of your fellow- 7rapaXa/3oi/res, notwithstanding the
countrymen that they did at the hands interjected Xo-y. as indicating
of the unbelieving Jews.' the immediate source of the message
13. KOI ?7ju,eis]
'we on our part' delivered and received, while the em-
KOI denoting the response of the phatic TOV tieov is added to point to
Apostles to the favourable character its real source lest the Apostles should
of the news they had received: cf. seem to be making undue claims (cf.
iii. 5, 9 (with Lft.'s note). For
Col. i. i Cor. ii.
a different view according to which rX.] To under-
Kai really belongs to the verb see stand before Xoy. avQp. (as A.V.,

Lietzmann on Rom. iii. 7 (in Handb. R.V.) is unnecessary, and fails to

z.N.T. iii. i (1906)). bring out as clearly as the absolute
on TrapitXajBovTes KrX.] on not SO rendering the real character of the
much causal (II. i. 10, ii.
13), as intro- message here referred to. For (o)

ducing subject-matter of the

the Xo-yos (TOV) Qeov with reference to the
evxapicrn'a, namely that the Thessa- preaching of the Gospel cf. 2 Tim. ii. 9,
lonians had not only outwardly Apoc. i. 9, and for the whole clause
received (napaXapovTes) the Apostolic cf. Apol. Arist. xvi. ov yap a.i>Qpa>ira>v

message, but had inwardly welcomed prjfjiaTa XaXovcriv [ot ^pioriai/oij, dXXa
(eoVao-0e) it, and that too not as the TO. TOV Oeov.
word of men, but as the word of God. os Kai fWpyeTrai] which also is set
For a similar use of 7rapaAa/ij3ai/o> in in operation (Clarom., Ambrstr. quod
the Pauline Epp. cf. iv. i, II. iii. 6, operator) eWpyetrat being best un-
Gal. i.
9, 12, i Cor. xv. i, 3, Phil. iv. 9, derstood in the pass, sense in which
Col. ii. 6, and for Se^o/uai of willing, it is frequently found in late Gk. (e.g.

hearty reception cf. i. 6, II. ii. 10, Polyb. i. 13. 5, ix. 12. 3), and which
i Cor. ii. 14, 2 Cor. viii. 17, Gal. iv. 14. brings out more clearly than the
In the present passage the Vg. makes midd., which is generally found here,
no attempt to mark the difference of the Divine agency that is at work.
the verbs (accepissetis^.accepistis], For this energizing power of God's

jap pifJLijTai eycwj&prc, d$6\<poi,


KK\ri(TL(jov TOU deov Ttov ov(ru)V iv Trj lovSaia V

'Iqcrov, OTL TCL avTci ewdQere KCCI u//e?s VTTO


crv/uiCbvXeTwv KaBcos KCLI avrol VTTO TWV

word cf. Heb. iv. 12, Jas. i. 21, i Pet. (TTp\}/T) (IS TOV tSlOI/ OLKOV I Cf. Mt. XXH.
23, Isa. ii; and for a valuable
Iv. 5, i Cor. vii. 2, and the memorial
note on the use of evepyelv and its inscription found at Thessalonica
cognates in the N.T. see Robinson 'ATroXAom'a Net/ccoj/t ra> Idito dvdp\
Eph. p. 241 ff. pvrjurjs x<*P iV (Heuzey p. 282). See
fv vfjiiv r. irio-revovo-iv] a clause further l)eissmann#/S'. p. 1 23 f., Mayser
added to emphasize that, powerful p. 308, and on the danger of pushing
though the word of God is, it can this 'exhausted' i'Stos- too far Moulton

only operate where a believing atti- Prolegg. p. 87 ff.

tude exists and continues cf. v. 10, : For the thoroughly class, use of vrro
and for the thought see Mt. xiii. 23, with an intrans. verb to point to the
58, Heb. iv. 2. author cf. such a passage from the
14. v/zets ydp KT\.] practical con- A Koivrj as P.Amh. 78, 4f. (ii./A.D.) /St'ai/

firmation of the fvepyeia just spoken eKCKTTOTf VTTO

of. The Thessalonians in their turn ws KOI avroi KT\.] AUTOI, i.e. the
(vp-flsemph.) had shown themselves persons included in the collective e'/c-
not idle hearers, but active 'imi- K\rj(ria>v. For the imperfect antece-
tators' of the Churches of God in dent cf. WM. p. 1 8 1, and for the
Judaea, which are apparently speci- repetition of <ai in order to strengthen
ally mentioned here simply because
the comparison with the immediately
they were the earliest Christian com- preceding KCU v^cis cf. Rom. i. 13,
munities, and had throughout their Col. iii. 13. 'lovdaia is here used in

history been exposed to severe hos- its larger sense of all Palestine in-
tility. cluding Galilee, cf. Lk. iv. 44, Ac. x.
For the added clause eV Xp. 'Irjo: 37, Jos. Antt. I. 1 60 (vii. 2) els TTJV rore
cf. i. i note, and for similar appeals fifv Xavavaiav \fyo^.lvr]v vvv e 'louSai'ai/,
to the lessons of past sufferings cf. /zfrajKTjo-f. Of the precise nature of
i Cor. xv. 32, Gal. iii. 4, Heb. x. 32 ff. the sufferings of the Judsean churches
VTTO r. idiav o"u/i<uXera>i/] Accord- after St Paul began his missionary
ing to derivation (rvn<pv\eTT)s (air. \ey. labours we have no record in Acts,
N.T.) means literally 'one belonging but they would doubtless consist in
to the same tribe' (Vg. contribulibus), excommunication and social outlawry,
but is evidently used here in a local as well as in actual legal persecution
rather than a racial sense (Ambrstr. (cf. Ramsay C.R.E. p. 349). In any

conciuibus), and need not therefore case the mere mention of the Jews

exclude all reference to those Jews is sufficient to recall to the Apostle

by whom, as we know from Ac. xvii. what he himself had suffered at the
5, 13, the persecutions at Thessalonica
hands of his fellow-countrymen, and
were first instigated. If so, this accordingly he 'goes off' at the word
would seem to be one of the in- into a fierce attack upon them.
stances where a certain weakened 15, 1 6. This attack is so different
force must be allowed to ZSiW (cf. from St Paul's general attitude to his
favrrjs, v. 7) in accordance with a not fellow-countrymen (e.g. Rom. x. i ff.)
infrequent tendency in Hellenistic that the whole passage has been pro-
Gk., e.g. Job vii. 10 ov'S' ou ^ eVi- nounced an interpolation but without

T(*)v Kat TOV Kvpiov dTTOKTeivavTOJV 'Irjcrovv Kcti TOI)S
s Kal t]juas eV&o>aWfc>y, Kai 6ea) /m
iratTLV dvQpWJTOis ivavTicov, KO)\vdvT(x)v TOiS
any sufficient warrant (Intr. p. Ixxvi). Mk. xii. i ff, which may have sug-
The sharp judgment expressed is due gested his language here to the
rather to the Apostle's keen sense of Apostle. If this latter connexion can
the manner in which the Jews had be established, it is natural to follow
opposed God's will, both in thwarting the usual order and place T. 717
his own missionary work, and after- also under the government
wards in seeking to shake the faith vdvTo>v. On the other hand, to avoid
of his Thessalonian converts. It is the slight anticlimax that is thereby
however deserving of notice that this occasioned by the prophets following
is the only passage in the Pauline the Lord Jesus, various modern editors
writings in which the designation prefer to connect T. Trpocp^ras with
the Jews' is used in direct contrast rjfias under the direct government of
to Christian believers in the sense an arrangement which
which St John afterwards made so has the further advantage of com-
familiar in his Gospel (i. 19, ii. 18 &c.). bining closely the prophets and the
For a somewhat similar digression cf. Apostles as the Divine messengers in
Phil. iii. 2 ff., and for the light in the past and the present cf. Mt. v. 12 :

which the Jews are here regarded OVTO)S yap f8io>av T. Trpocpr'/ras T. irpo
see Stephen's charge Ac. vii. 5 1 ff. vpaiv, and see also Mt. xxiii. 31, Lk.
5, 1 6.
Did we speak of the Jews xi. 47.
as persecutors } Why, are they not the The reading Iftiovs, which is found
men bc
at whose door
the guilt of lies in certain MSS. before n-po^j/-
(D KL)
the death of Jesus, and who in the ray, is due not to any doctrinal bias
past drove out the prophets, even as (Tert. adv. Marc. v. 15 'licet suos
they are now driving out us? The adjectio sit haeretici'),but to a desire
least that can be said of them is that for precision of statement cf. iv. 1 1, :

they do not please God, while their Eph. iv. 28.

well-known hostility to all mankind is Kal r)/ias Ko~ia)dvT(i>v] and drove us
shown in the present instance by their out' (Beng. 'qui persequendo ejece-

deliberately standing in the way of runt'). For the fact cf. Ac. xvii. 5 ff,
the Gentiles' salvation. But in so I3ff, and for the force of eKS/mi>
(air. Xey. N.T. v.l. Lk. xi. 49) cf. such
doing they are only "filling up the :

measure of their iniquity " with the passages in the LXX. as Deut. vi. 19
" "
result that the Wrath of God which irdvras TOVS c^^pouy crov npo
they have so fully deserved has reached crov, Joel ii. 20 Kal TOV drro
its final stage.' /Soppa /cStco<a a<p' VJJLWV : see also

15. TtoV KO.I TOV KVplOV KT\J] The Thuc. 24 o drjpos avT&v e|fio>e

words are skilfully arranged so as TOVS dvvaTovs, ol de dnt\Qovrf$ KT\.J

to lay emphasis on both wpiov and Dem. Or. xxxii. p. 883 ocSuBKo/ievo?
the Lord whom the
it was

\scil. e navi] piVrft eavrov fls TTJV 6d-
' '
Jews slew, even Jesus
Ac. ii. 36 : cf. \aao-av.
and see Add. Note D. For the guilt of Kal 6f<a /i)) dpf<TKQVTO)v\ a notable
the crucifixion as lying at the door of instance of meiosis, cf. II. iii. 2, 7.
the Jewish people cf. such passages For the expression which is a favourite
as Lk. xxiv. 20, Jo. xix. n, Ac. ii. 23, one in the Pauline writings cf. v. 4,
and Gosp. Pet. 7, and for the general iv. i, Rom. viii. 8, 2 Cor. v. 9, Col. i. 10.

thought see our Lord's own parable Kal Tracriv dvOpntrois eWi/riW} the

\a\rj(rai *lva crcoBcocriv, ek TO ANATTAHPOCJCAI CLVTCOV

only passage in the N.T. where Ivav- genitum saeculum. Residuas autem
rios is used of persons. The words gentes ab Adam natas dixisti eas
naturally recall the 'hostile odium nihil esse et quoniam saliuae adsimi-

(Tac. Hist. v. 5) towards all men with latae sunt et sicut stillicidium de uaso
which the Jews have often been similasti habundantiam eorum.'
charged : cf. Diod. Sic. xxxiv. i TOVS There are however occasional traces
'louSaiou? povovs anavTOiv eOv&v aKOiva)- of a more liberal view, e.g. Pss. Sol.
VIJTOVS eii/at, Philostr. Apoll. v. 33, Jos. 'He [the Messiah] shall have
xvii. 38,
c. Apion. n. 121 (10), and the col- mercy upon all the nations that come
lection of passages in T. Reinach's before him in fear' Apoc. Bar. 4 ; i.

Textes...relatifs au Juddisme (1895) 'I will scatter this people among the
under the heading 'Misoxenie' in the Gentiles that they may do good to
Index. The reference here however, the Gentiles' (i.e. apparently by
as the following clause shows, is more making proselytes of them, Charles
limited. ad loc.).

KrA.] 'in that

16. Ka>\v6vTo>v TJ/zas els TO dva7T\r)pa><rai KrA.] in Order
they forbid us to speak to the Gentiles to fill up the measure of their sins at
in order that they may be saved.' The all times' (Vg. ut impleant peccata
emphasis lies on r. edveo-iv it was to :
sua semper). There is no need to
the Gentiles (Wycl. hethen men) that
depart here from the ordinary sense
the Jews did not wish anything said of els TO with the inf. to denote
that had for its object their salvation. purpose (cf. v. 12 note), the reference
Chrys. : el yap TTJ olKOVpevrj del Xa\^- being 'grammatically' to the Jews,
<rat, OVTOI 5e KeoAuovcrt, KOIVOL TTS but 'theologically' to the eternal
oiKoviJ,vr)s elo-\v c^OpoL For the fact
purpose of God which unfolded itself

cf. Ac. 45, 50, xvii. 5, 13, xxi.

xiii. in this wilfuland at last judicial blind-
27 ff. &c., and for a similar instance of ness on the part of His chosen
iva with its full telic force cf. i Cor.
people' (Ellic.) cf. Rom. i. 24, and

*. 33- for other exx. of els TO introducing

the history of the word edvos, a purpose contemplated not by the
which is here used in its strict LXX. doer but by God cf. Rom. i. 20, iv.
sense of all outside the covenant- n. In acting as they were doing the
people (D^ijin^ see Kennedy /Sources present Jews were but carrying for-
p. 98, Nageli p. 46, and cf. Hicks in ward to its completion the work
CM. i. p. 42 f. where it is shown that which their fathers had begun (Beng.:
eOvos first gained significance as a 'ut semper, ita nunc quoque'), and
political term after Alexander and his which had now brought down upon
successors began to found cities as out- them God's judicial wrath cf. Gen. :

posts of trade and civilization. Then XV. 1 6 ovna) yap avaireirX^puivTai at

'Hellenic life found its normal type a/iaprtai rail/ 'A/uoppat'ooi/ eW TOV vvv,
in the TroAty, and barbarians who lived and especially our Lord's own words
Kara Kaj/iay or in some less organized recorded in Mt. xxiii. 31 f. cm vloi
form were eQvrj.' WV (frovevardvTtov TOVS
The attitude of the stricter Pharisa- TO /zerpoi/ r<i/
ism towards other nations is well 7rarepo>i> vfAa>v. The plur. at a/>taprtat
brought out in such a passage as laying stress not on specific acts of sin,
4 Ezra vi. 55 f.: 'Haec autem omnia but on sin in the aggregate, is found
dixi coram te, domine, quoniam in all groups of St Paul's Epp.; c
dixisti quia propter nos creasti primo- Westcott Eph. p. 165 f. where the

e<pdacrev^ Se eV avrovs 1} opyrj
S T\09.
16 tyeaaev KAD bc GKLP cet Orig Eus Chr Thdt BD" 137 154
different Pauline words for 'sin' are an adv. phrase = finally,'
fls re'Aoy]

and for a non-Christian use

' '
to an end (Vg. infinem, Weizsacker
of the word see P.Leip. 1 19, 3 (iii./A.D.) zum Ende\ in accordance with the
regular N.T. usage (e.g. Mt. x. 22, Lk.
For the unemphatic xviii. 5, Jo. xiii. i) supported by
avTwv cf. WM. p. 193. many passages in the LXX., e.g. Job
f(p0ao-ev fie
/crA.] 'Tristis exitus xiv. 20, xx. 7, Pss. ix. 7, xlviii. (xlix.)
(Beng.). The wrath which in i. 10 10 where it represents the Heb. R^,
was represented as 'coming' is now
Some translators however prefer the
thought of as actually 'arrived,' intensive meaning 'to the uttermost,'
thereby marking an 'end' in the '

(Hofm. ganz und gar,


of God's dealings with the completely

Weiss im hochsten Grade), relying
Jewish people. For this meaning of
on such passages as 2 Chron. xii. 12
(pddvftv, which in late Gk. (perhaps in
accordance with its original meaning, (for PD), xxxi. i cf.
(for nbjr-|l>) ;

cf. Thuc. iii. 49 and see Geldart Mod. also Pss. with Ryle and
Sol. i. i

Gk. p. 206) has entirely lost the sense James's note. In either case the
of anticipation, cf. Rom. ix. 31, 2 Cor. sense remains much the same, namely,
x. 14, Phil. iii. 1
6, and such passages that in the case of the Jews the
from the papyri as P.Oxy. 237. vi. Divine dpyr (nd\ai 6(pei\ofjLevrj K. Trpoo)-
30 f. (ii./A.D.) KOI OTI (pddvfi TO npayna pia-fJLvrj K.
7rpo(pr)TcvoiJ,evr), Chrys.) had
aKpeiftus [e^Tao-fievov 'and the fact now reached a final and complete end
that a searching enquiry into the in contrast with the partial judg-
affair had already been held,' P.Fior. ments which had hitherto been
9, 9 f.
(iii./A.D.) (pddaravros pov rrpos threatened (cf. Jer. iv. 27 o-vi/re'Aemi/
rots fivaifjLiois (fj.vr)fjieiois) when had I 8e ov /LIT) iroirjara)).
arrived near the tombs.' There is no In what exactly this 'end' consisted
need to treat the aor. as prophetic, is not so easy to determine, but in no
resembling the Heb. perf. of pre- case have we here any direct refer-
diction (Findlay) in accordance rather : ence to the Fall of Jerusalem as Baur
with one of its earliest usages it de- and other impugners of the Epistle's
notes what has just happened, and is authenticity have tried to show (Intr.
thus best rendered in English by the p. Ixxiv). The whole conception is

perf. 'is (or has) come,' cf. Moulton ethical, the Apostles finding in the
Prolegg. p. 135, and for the survival determined blindness of the Jewish
of ancient aor. in mod. Gk.
this people with its attendant moral evils
= 'here I am') see p. 247. an infallible proof that the nation's
WH. read ecpOaKev in the margin. day of grace was now over, cf. Rom.
On 77 opyri see the note on i. 10, and xi. 7ff.
for the wrath coming upon (eVt) the For an almost literal verbal parallel
Jews from above cf. Rom. i. 18 dnoKa- to the whole clause cf. Test, xii pair.

AvTrrerat yap opyrj 0eov air* ovpavov eVt Levi VI. 1 1

efpOcure de avrovs r) opyrj
rracrav do-efteiav. The phrase (pddveiv rov Beov whence St Paul
els re'Aoy,
fTri is found elsewhere in the N.T. may have derived it, if it is not to be
only Mt. xii. 28, Lk. xi. 20: it occurs regarded as 'a half-stereotyped Rab-
six times in the LXX. (Hawkins Hor. binical formula' (Lock, Hastings' D. B.
p. 51). iv. p. 746).
HjULels Se,
d$e\<poiy aTropfyavicrBevTes d(p' VJJLWV Trpos
Kaipov WjOas, TrpCHrtoTra) ov KapSia, TrepLcrcroTepcos icnrov-
come to on two separate occasions
III. 10.
LATION OF THE APOSTLES TO THE it was only to find that Satan had
THESSALONIAN CHURCH. effectually blocked our path.'
17. a7rop(pavi(r0evTes] The meta-
II. 17 Their Desire to revisit
20. phor underlying dnop(pavio-6ei>Tes (air.
Thessalonica and its Cause. Aey. N.T., elsewhere Aesch. Choeph.
their outburst against their 241, Philo) can hardly be pressed in
Jewish opponents the writers return view of the latitude with which op-
to their relation to their Thessalo- (pavos is often used (e.g. Pind. Isthm.
nian converts, and in a paragraph 7. 1
5 d. eVatpo)!/), though the closeness
full of deep feeling give expression to of the ties between the Apostles and
their anxiously-cherished desire to their converts (cf. ii. 7, 1 1) makes the
see them again. The paragraph is special meaning very appropriate here.
only loosely connected with the fore- Th. Mops.: 'desolati a uobis ad in-

going section, though the emphatic star orphanorum'; Oecum.: ai>o> p,ei/

jpels dc (v. 17) may well stand in fi-rrfv, OTI, eos Trariyp TtKva, KU\ toy rpo(pns-
contrast with the Jews just spoken fvravOa 8e, diTop(pavi(r6evTcs oircp eWt
of. While these had done their ut- Trat'Scoi/, Trarepas

most to prevent the preaching of the Trpos- ttaipuv copas] 'for a space of an
gospel in Thessalonica, the Apostles ad temp us horae, Beza ad
hour' (Vg.
on their part had been only the more temporis momentum}, the combina-
eager to resume their interrupted tion laying stress on the shortness of
work. The main stress however is no the period referred to(cf. 'horae mo-
longer, as in vv. i 12, on the delivery mento' Hor. Sat. i. i. 7 f., Plin. N. H.
of the message, but rather on the vii. 52). For the simple Trpos naipov
faith by which it had been received, cf. Luke viii. 13, i Cor. vii. 5, and for

and which was now in need of en- npus topav cf. 2 Cor. vii. 8, Gal. ii. 5,
couragement and comfort in view of and for npos c. ace. to denote the
the sufferings to which the Thessa- time during which anything lasts cf.
lonians were exposed. In no case Trpos oXiyov (i Tim. iv. 8), npos TO
does the passage contain an apology napov (Heb. xii. ii), and such a pas-
for the Apostles' absence, as if on sage from the papyri as C.P.R. 32, 9 f.
their own account they had deserted (iii./A.D.) Trpos p-ovov TO evfo-Tos ft' ZTOS
the Thessalonian Church. On the
contrary the vehemence of the lan- v /capSi'a] a local dative
guage employed shows how keenly ethically used' (Ellic. on Gal. i. 22):
they felt the enforced absence. cf. WM. p. 270. The same contrast
17, 1 8. 'But as for ourselves, is found in 2 Cor. v. 12: for the
Brothers, when we had been bereaved thought cf. i Cor. v. 3, Col. ii. 5.
of you for a short season, albeit the Grotius cites by way of illustration
separation was in bodily presence, not
the line descriptive of lovers, Ilium
in heart, we were exceedingly de- absens absentem auditque videtque.'
sirous to see you again face to face, Trepio-o-orepcoy eo-rrouSao-a/xez'] were
and all the more so because of the more exceedingly anxious' a sense
hindrances we encountered. For of eagerness being present in the
when we had resolved to revisit verb eo-TrouSao-a/ie*', which we do not
you so far indeed as I Paul was usually associate with our Engl. en-

concerned this resolution was actually deavoured' (A.V., R.V.). Tindale,


TO TTpocrtoTrov V/U.CLV ISeu/ eV 7ro\\tj

$LOTi ajjiev eXOeiv Trpos v/u.ds, eyco /uev FlavXos
Kal Kai Sts, Kai 6V6KO\jsev rj/mds 6 Carat/as.

followed by Cranmer and the Genevan 0\co cannot be maintained in view of

versions, has 'enforsed.' For O-TTOU- the frequent occurrences of the former
Safeti/j which in the N.T. is regularly in the non-literary papyri. For the
constructed with inf. (in 2 Pet. i. 15 form #e'Xa> which always stands in the
ace. and inf.), cf. Gal. ii.
10, Eph. iv. 3, N.T. for the Attic ede\a>, and which is
2 Tim. ii. 15, Heb. iv. n, 2 Pet. i.
10, always augmented in r)-,
see WSchm.
iii. 14. p. 54. 8 note) is better sepa-
Atort (v.
The comparative irfpio-o-oreptos (for rated only by a colon from the pre-
form, WSchm. p. 98) is appa- ceding clause.
rently never used in the Pauline cya> IlaCAos-] For a similar em-
writings without a comparison, either phatic introduction of the personal
stated or implied, being present to name cf. 2 Cor. x.
i, Gal. v. 2, Eph.
the writer's mind (cf. WM. p. 304 f.). iii. i, Philem. 19. For pcv
Col. i.
In the present instance this is best solitarium see Blass p. 267.
found not in the preceding drropfp. K. ana% K.
dis] 'both once and twice'
('separation, so far from weakening i.e. 'twice' as in Phil. iv. 16; cf. Plato

our desire to see you, has only Phaedo 63 r> KCU 8ls KOI rpis. Where the
increased nor in what the
it' Lft.), first KOI is wanting as in Deut. ix. 13,

Apostles had learned regarding the 2 Esdr. xxiii. (xiii.) 20, i Mace. iii. 30,
persecutions to which the Thessalo- the meaning may be more general
nians had been exposed (P. Schmidt, 'once and again,' 'repeatedly.'
Schmiedel), but in the hindrances Kai VKo\l/'fv <rA.] On /cat here as
which, according to the next verse, not adversative (Hermann Vig.p. 521)
had been thrown in the way of their but 'copulative and contrasting' see
return, and which, instead of chilling Ellic. on Phil. iv. 12 (cf. WM. p.
their ardour, had rather increased it 544 n.

(Bornemann, Wohlenberg). 'EVKOTTTCO 'cut into' used originally

ev TroAAj; 'with great de-
TTi6vp.ia\ of breaking up a road to render it
sire* one of the few instances in impassable, came to mean 'hinder'
the N.T. in which eTntiv/jiia is used in generally (Hesych. :
e/*7ro8io>, 5ia/co>-

a good sense, cf. Lk. xxii. 15, Phil. i. Aua>); cf. Ac. xxiv. 4, Rom. xv. 22,
23, Rev. xviii. 14. Gal. v. 7, i Pet. iii. 7, and see P.Alex.
1 8. 8i6n TjtfeAtjora/zff] 'because we 4, I f. (iii./B.C.) YIIMV evKOTTTfts KaAa.
had resolved' with the idea of active The exact nature of the hindrance is

decision or purpose which as a rule here left undefined, but in accordance

distinguishes 0e'Ao> in the N.T. from the with the profound Bibl. view it is re-
more passive ovAo/uai 'desire/ 'wish.' ferred in the last instance to Satan,
It is right however to add that by as the personal force in whom all evil
many scholars this distinction is re- centres; cf. II. ii. 9, 2 Cor. xii. 7. In
versed (see the elaborate note in the LXX. a-arav is found in the general
Gritnm-Thayer while Blass
s.v. 0'Ao>), sense of 'adversary' in 3 Regn. xi. 14
(p. 54) regards thewords as two without the art., and in Sir. xxi. 27
practically synonymous in the N.T., (30) with the art.: in the N.T. the
though his contention that /SovAo- name whether with or without the
pai is 'literary' as compared with art., always denotes the Adversary Kar
the more 'popular' (so mod. Greek) Elsewhere in this Ep. Satan
\ t ~ j x ^ y\ \ y\ / , /

yap fifj.cov eATT^s v] X aP a *l o"'7"(pai/o? Kav^rjo'ecos

Kal Jjuels eu-TTpocrvev TOV KVQLOV yawis 'Irjcrov ev Trj

f -s

ooa / ^ \'
TrapovcTLa] vjULl^ yap G"T Y] rifjicov K.CLL r\

isdescribed as o neipdfav (iii. 5). For instructive parallel to the passage

the development of the Jewish belief before us is afforded by P.Petr. n.
in 'Satan' see Enc. Bibl. s.v., and cf. 39(0), 1 8 (iii./B.c.) where if we adopt
Bousset Die Religion des Juden- Wilcken's emendation (ut s. p. 275)
tums* (1906) p. 382 ff. and read aXXov (scil. a-Te(pavov) irap-
19. 'Nor is this longing on our ovvias, the reference is to an addi-
part to be wondered at. If any de- tional 'crown' given at the king's
serve to be called our hope or joy or irapovaria or visit (cf. Add. Note F).
crown of holy boasting at the time For 7rapd\r)\lsis TOV ore$ai/ov to denote
when our Lord Himself appears, it is entering on the priestly office see
surely you. Yes indeed! you are our B.C.H. 375, and for the general
xi. p.

glory and our joy.' use of the term to denote a 'reward'

19- TLS yap ij/j.a>v e\rris KrX.J The for services performed see P.Cairo 5, 5
warmth of the Apostles' feelings to- (ii./B.c.) where a certain Peteuris offers
wards their converts now finds ex- a (TT(f)avov XO\KOV (raXavTa) Trevre to
pression in one of the few rhetorical the man who secures his freedom; cf.
passages in the Ep. (Intr. p. Ivii) : cf. P.Grenf. i. 41, 3 (ii./B.c.), P.Par. 42,
Phil. iv. i. With rn*.a>v \iris cf. Liv. 12 (ii./B.c.), and see Archiv ii. p. 579.
xxviii. 39 'Scipionem...spem omnem The figure may also be illustrated
salute inque nostram' (cited by Wet- from Jewish sources by Pirqe Aboth
stein). iv. 9,
Qadoq said, Make them [thy
The phrase crre<. Kavx^o-f^s (dyaX-
disciples] not a crown, to glory in
Xtaa-fooy A, Tert. exultationis) is them '

(Taylor, Sayings of the Jewish

borrowed from the LXX. (cf. Prov. Fathers*, p. 68).
xvi. 31, Ezek. xvi. 12, xxiii. 42, where ij ovxl Koi vp.f'is] a rhetorical pa-
it translates the Heb. renthesis interjected into the main
and accordance with the general
in sentence to draw special attention
Bibl. use of ar^avos is to be under- to the position of the Thessalonians.
stood of the 'wreath' or 'garland of Chrys. ov yap einfv, u/ieiv, a'XXa,
: Kal
victory' which their converts would vfieZs-," iJLfTa T>V aAXa>i>.

prove to the Apostles at the Lord's For the unusual use of the dis-
appearing : cf. for the thought 2 Cor. junctive particle fj (wanting in K*) see
14, Phil. ii. 1 6. The distinction Blass p. 266.
between o-Te(pavos 'crown of victory' e^Trpoo-flfv TOV Kvpiov KrX.] The first
('Kranz') and 8id8rjp.a 'crown of definite reference to the Parousia of
royalty' ('Krone') must not however the Lord Jesus which plays so large
be pressed too far (as Trench Syn. a part in these Epp., cf. iii. 13, iv. 15,
xxiii.), for irrefpavos is not infre- v. 23, II. ii. 1,8; Intr. p. Ixix.
quently used in the latter sense, see For the meaning of napovo-ia see
Mayor's note on Jas. i. 12, and add Add. Note F, and for ev not merely
the use of are^avos to denote the 'at the time of,' but 'involved in,' 'as
'crown-tax' for the present made to the result of,' cf. i Cor. xv. 23
the king on his accession or some (with Al ford's note).
other important occasion (cf. i Mace. 2O. v/ueis yap e'crre *rX.] Tap
x. 29, and see Wilcken Ostraka i. here introduces a confirmatory reply
295 ff.). In this latter connexion an 'Truly,' 'Yes indeed' (cf. i Cor. ix.


III. Aio /ULr]KTt (TTeyovTes ^i/So/o/cra/zey Kara\L-

10 Blass p. 274 f.), while the art.

; possession of the Faith. And there is
before Soa marks out the Thessa- the more need of this in view of the
lonians in the language of fond ex- troubles which (so we hear) are now
aggeration as 'the' glory of the fallingupon you, and by which if you
Apostles (WSchm. p. 161). In ac- are not on your guard you may be led
cordance with its general meaning astray. You cannot surely have for-
(v. and the context (v. 19),
12 note) gotten that these are the inevitable
the main reference in d6a must be lot of Christ's disciples. For even
eschatological, so that the pres. e'oW while we were still with you, we
is to be taken as practically = you warned you clearly that we are hound

are now and therefore will be.' to encounter trouble. And so it has
On the depth of affection dis- now proved in your own experience.
played in the whole passage Theo- So anxious however are we still re-
doret remarks: eneid garding you that let me say it once
aTTftKaaf Ti6r)vovp.fvrj TO. more for myself unable to bear the
avrfjs (pOeyyfTai prj/iara. avral -yap ra thought of this continued separation
Kopidf) vfa Traidia Kal eXfrida, Kal x a P<*v, any longer, I sent Timothy to bring
Kal TO. Toiavra npocrayopeveiv eta>$a<ri. back a full report of your faith, lest,
as we feared might h;i ve been the case,
III. i 10. The Mission and Return Satan had succeeded in tempting you,
of Timothy. and our toil on your account had
Hindered in his own desire to re- come to naught.'
visit Thessalonica, St Paul now recalls I. WhcrC-
AlO p,J]KTl CTTtyOVTfs]
how he had done the next best thing fore no longer bearing' (Vg. non
in hispower by sending Timothy who sustinentes amplius] viz. the sepa-
had already proved himself so faith- ration referred to in ii. ijf.
ful a 'minister in the gospel of Christ' originally
= '

cover,' and thence either

to establish his beloved Thessalonians 'keep in' in the sense of 'conceal,'
amidst the 'afflictions' which were 'hide,' or 'keep off' in the sense of
proving the inevitable accompaniment 'bear up under,' 'endure' (Hesych. :

of their Christian calling (vv. i 5):

while at the same time he can find no Either meaning yields good
adequate words to express his thank- sense here and in v. 5, but the latter,
fulness at the 'good news' of which as Lft. has shown, is to be preferred
Timothy had been the bearer on his in view of i Cor. ix. 12, xiii. 7, the
return (vo. 6 10). only other passages in the N. T. where
5. Unable
to bear the thought the verb occurs, and its general use
of this continued separation any longer, in later Gk. e.g. Philo in Flacc. 9 (ii.
we made up our minds I speak of p. 526 M.) p.r)KTi o-Tfyeiv dvvapevoi ras
Silas and myself to be left behind evdfias. For the more literal sense of
alone, even though it was in Athens, 'ward off' cf. Polyb. iii. 53. 2, Ditten-
a city " wholly given to idolatry," while berger Sylloge 318, 24

(ii./B.c.) e
we dispatched Timothy, our true
brother in Christ, and called by God t
Himself to the ministry of the Gospel, Grot. :
Triste hoc, sed tamen hoc li-
in order that he might be the means benter, feceramus...vestri causa.' For
not only of establishing you more r)vdoKTJ<rafj.fv (Vg.placuitnobis') see ii.8
firmly in your present conduct, but note, and for KaraXfKpd^vai in the sense
also of encouraging you in the heart- of being left behind owing to the

eV 'Adtivcus /ULOVOI, KCLI Ti/uLo6eov, TOV
Kal $ia.KOVov TOV Oeoi ev rto va<yye\iip
dSe\(f>ov v/uLWV
TOV -vpiarTOV,
ets TO (TTtipt^ai vfjias Kcu 7rapctKa\e<rai

III 2 SHLKOVOV TOV deov NAP 6 67** al Vg Go Boh Syr (Pesh Hard) Aeth Bas
evvepybv TOV deov D* 17 d Ephr (?)
Ambst :
avvepybv B Ephr (?)

as the fulfiller of the one God's gra-

departure of others cf. [Jo.] viii. 9,
Ac. xxv. 14. Hence verb is
the cious purposes on His people's behalf

frequently used in connexion with (Add. Note D) the whole descrip-

tion being intended not so much
dying (Deut. xxviii. 54, Prov. xx. 7,
Mk. xii. 19, Lk. xx. 31), and is also to emphasize the greatness of the
the technical term in wills of the Apostles' sacrifice in parting with
Ptolemaic period for 'bequeath,' e.g. Timothy, as to lay stress on the
P.Petr. i. 1 1, 9 f. (the will of a cavalry dignity of his mission and prevent
officer) fav 8e ri avOptomvov iraBa) Kara- the Thessalonians from undervaluing
AflTTO). ..TOV 17T7TOI/ KOI TO. OTrAd TTToAe- it (cf.2 Cor. viii. 18 ff., Phil. ii. 20 ff.).
In the **ame
according will, In contrast with SoCAos or Gepcnrcov,
to MahafFy's restoration, the testator the servant in his relation to a, person,
diaKovos represents rather the servant
appoints a certain Demostratus his
executor with the formula KaraAeiVo) in relation to his work (Trench Syn.
ix), and like CTTIO-KOTTOS (Deissmann,
In the passage before us the ist US. p. 230already found as a
f.) is
term, techn. in pre-Christian times.
pers. plur. j/ufioK^'o-a/ifi/ may be under-
stood of St Paul alone (Add. Note B), Thus iu C.I.G. ii. 3037 along with a
but in view of v. 5 (see note) is best ifpfvs and a itpeta of the 8(odf<a 6(<a>v
referred to St Paul and Silas (cf. we hear of two SIOKOVOI and of a
Intr. p. xxx). How keenly the two female SIOKOVOS (cf. Rom. xvi. i), and
older Apostles felt the departure of in Magn. 109 (c. i./B.c.) in a list of
their younger sacred functionaries there appear pd-
companion is proved
(cf. Thieme p. 17 f.).
by the emphatic p.6voi the sense of yetpos...did.Kovos
loneliness being further deepened by The reading Sia/c. r. 6fov is however
their position in Athens 'urbe vi- by no means certain in the passage
delicet a Deo alienissima' (Beng.). before us, and if the marginal arwep-

[Cf. the now almost proverbial 'Alone yov [TOV Qcov] is adopted, the thought
in London.'] Calv.: 'signum ergo then finds a striking parallel in i Cor.
rari amoris est et an xii desiderii, quod iii. 9 deov yap (rp.v crvvepyoi) cf. 2 Cor.
se omni solatio privare noli recusat, vi. i, viii.Weiss (Textkritik der
ut subveniat Thessalonicensibus.' paulinischen Briefe (in Text. u.
2. K.
Tlp,60OV KrA.] Ti-
Unter. xiv. 3) p. 13) regards the read-
mothy described as dd\<p6s by
is ing of B (rvvfpyov without TOV deov as
St Paul in the salutations of 2 Cor., the original, on the ground that the
Col., and Philein. (cf. Heb. xiii. 23), genesis of the other variants is thus
but the title dtdicovos is not elsewhere most easily explained.
bestowed on him exc. in i Tim. iv. 6 fls TO o-TTjpigat *rA.] 2nty>(rM in
(KaXoy (ay diaKovos Xp. 'Iqo-oC). Here its metaph. sense is found only in late
the lofty diaK. r. 6fov is further defined Gk., cf. e.g. Epict. Gnomologium
by (v T. ^pioroG to mark the
fva-yy. r. Stobaei 39 (ed. Schenkl) TOVS fvoucovv-
sphere in which the service or mi- Tas cvvoia K. Trio-ret AC.
(ptAia orr/pi^e.
nistry is rendered, viz. 'the Gospel' By St Paul, who uses it only in these
which has for its object 'the Christ' Epp. and in Rom. (i. n, xvi. 25), it is

VTrep Trjs 7ri<TTews vfjiwv

TO jji^eva craivecrOai eV

6\i\js(nv Tavrais. avTOL yap oi'Sare OTL ek TOVTO

Kai yap ore Trpos v/ma^ YHJLCV, TrpoeXtyofjiev
OTL 6Xi/3ecr6aL 9 Kadcos Kai eyeveTO Kai

again combined with 7rapaKaXe'o-ai (ii. falling upon them (cf. Zahn EinL i.

ii note) in II. ii. 17: for eTrto-Trjpi^eiv p. 159 f.).

in the same combination cf. Ac. xiv. 22, For an entirely different rendering
xv. 32. Swete (ad Apoc. iii. 2) classes see Severianus (apud Cramer Cat. vi.,

(TTTjpi^fLv with (3(j3aiovv and 6e^f\io\>v P- 353) o-aiveo-dai' dna>v TO p.r)8eva

as technical words in primitive pas- gcvi(fo-6ai. Lachmann reads ^SV
toralia. For ek TO with inf. see the i. For the reading of FG o-ie-

note on ii. 1 2. i.e. (riuiv(r6ai 'to be disturbed,


VTrep TTJS 7TLO-Tf<OS VfMWv] Hot COn- troubled,' which has much to recom-
cerning' (A.V., R.V.) but 'for the mend it, see Soph. Lex. (*..), and cf.
furtherance of your faith virep here Nestle Z.N.T.W. vii. p. 361 f., and
retaining something of its original Exp. T. xviii. p. 479.
force 'for the advantage or benefit Keip,f6a]
we are appointed.' For
of: contrast II. ii. I.
(practically perf. pass, of riOrmi
3. TO fj.r)8eva (raivfo-Qai *rX.] 'to wit, for the rarely used r'$ei/uru) in this
that no one be led astray in the midst sense cf. Lk. ii.
34, Phil. i. 16, Josh,
of these afflictions.' Ms. evidence is iv. 6, and for the general thought see
decisive in favour of TO (not r<a) which Mk. viii. 34, of which we may here
introduces a statement in apposition have a reminiscence. The plur., while
to the whole foregoing clause, cf. iv. 6. referring in the first instance to St
Blass (p. 234) regards the art. as quite Paul and his companions along with
superfluous in both passages, but it their Thessalonian converts, embodies
may be taken as lending more weight a perfectly general statement. Calv.:
to the inf. by making it substantival in hoc sumus constituti, tantundem
(cf. iv. i and see WM. p. 402 f.). valet ac si dixisset hac lege nos esse
2cuW0<u (air. X*y. N.T.) is generally Christianos.'
understood in the sense of be moved,' *ai yap ore rrpos vfj,as KT\.~\ 'For
'be shaken' (Hesych.: Kivflcrdai, traXcv- in addition to other considerations
cor0at, raparreo-0m), but this is to lose when we were with you yap intro-
' '

sight unnecessarily of the original ducing the reason, Km throwing stress

meaning of the word. Properly it is upon it' (Ellic.). Ilpoy is here con-
used of dogs in the sense of wag the strued with the ace. even after a verb
tail,' 'fawn' (e.g. Od. x. 217 or av of rest in accordance with its prevail-
dp(pl civaKTa Kvvfs ... craivuxriv)^ and ing use in the N.T. (c. gen. i, dat. 6,
hence came to be applied meta- ace. 679, Moulton Prolegg. p. 106).
is sometimes understood in
phorically to persons, 'fawn upon,' 'be- HpoXeyeti/
guile' (e.g. Aesch. Choeph. 186 craivo- the sense of 'tell openly or plainly/
pai 8' VTT' eXiri&os). What the Apostles but the ordinary predictive force of
evidently dreaded regarding the Trpo- (Vg. praedicebamus) is more in
Thessalonians was that they would harmony with the following clause:
allow themselves to be drawn aside,'
cf. 2 Cor. xiii. 2, Gal. v. 21.
' '
allured from the right path in the on fjL\\ofj.fv that we 6\lfif(r6ai\

midst of (eV) the afflictions (6\tyeo-iv, are to suffer persecution' on intro-

i. 6 note) which were then ducing the substance of what' the

Sid TOVTO Kay co /urjK6TL crTeycov 67reiu.\lsa ets TO yvcovai
TY\V ir<rriv TTCOS
Kcti ek Kevov yevtjTcu 6 KOTTOS rifjuav. ApTi Se e

5 iriffTiv vfjuZv KADGKLP al pier :

v/mw Tricmv B 37 73 116

Apostles foretold, and p,e\\opfv (c. feared had already taken place, the
pres. inf. as almost always in N.T.) latter (ycV^rai) a possible future con-
bringing out its Divinely-appointed sequence of that action see : WM.
character: cf. Rom. viii. 13, 18, Gal. p. 633 f. and for a similar transition
iii. 23. A striking parallel both in only this time from the subj. to the
thought and expression to the whole ind. cf. Gal. ii. 2. Findlay prefers to
passage is afforded by Ac. xiv. 22 take the clause interrogatively to
where Paul and Barnabas are de- which there can be no grammatical
scribed aS 7Tl<TTr)pioVT(S TCIS ^V\CIS TWV objection, and which has the advan-
[ia.6r)T<nv, TrapaKaXovvTey (fjifj.eveiv TJJ tage of vividness 'Had the Tempter :

7rio~Ti KOI OTI 8ia 7roAAe5i> 6\L"^fO)V 6ei anyhow tempted you, and would our
els TT/V fta<Ti\eiav rov toil prove in vain 1 For the thought
cf.Jas. i. 13 and the agraphon as-

5. 8ia TOVTO Kayo) KT\.] So keenly cribed to Christ in Horn. Clem. in.
alive was St Paul to the dangers 55 P- 5 1 ) 2O TO tS $* OtO/bltJ/Oly OTI O
threatening his beloved Thessalonians 6fos TTfipdfci, coy at ypctfpai \iyova-iv,
that he reiterates his eagerness with e(pr) o TTOvrjpos fVTiv o TTfipdfav (Resch
regard to the despatch of Timothy, Agrapha (1889) pp. 115, 233).
employing now the emphatic ist pers. o 7reipacoi/] subst. part, applied to
' '

sing. I also,' I on my part,' to bring Satan as in the history of the Lord's

out still more forcibly his own share Temptation (Mt. iv. 3) to bring out
in the joint-action already referred to his characteristic office ('seine nie
(v. i). A wholly different turn is ruhende Anstrengung 'Everling An-
given to the verse by Hofmann's gelologie, p. 78): cf. i Cor. vii. 5 tva

suggestion (favoured by Spitta Ur- p.r) nfipd(r) 6 2arai>ay. For the
christentum i. p. 121 ff.) that after between 7Tfipaa> (Att. Tret-
the despatch of Timothy, and the sub- paco)and doKipafa (ii. 4 note) see
sequent departure of Silas, St Paul Trench Syn. Ixxiv.
' '
had still no rest, and in his anxiety ets- Kfvov] in vain,' to no purpose/
despatched another
messenger or cf. 2 Cor. vi. i, Gal. ii. 2, Phil. ii. 16.
letter on his own account. But if 6 10. 'In view then of the fears
this were so, the fact and nature of just spoken of, imagine our relief
this second sending would surely have when Timothy brought back to us
been more clearly denned, whereas as he has at this moment done the
the actual words of vv. i, 2 seem tidings of your faith and love and of
rather to be expressly repeated, in the kindly remembrance which you
order to show that the same sending are always continuing to cherish of
is still in view. us, reciprocating our longing desire
TTCOS CTTfipao-ev KT\.] Mrf TTCOS to meet again. To us such a report
combination found in
'lest haply,' a was a veritable gospel, and through
the N.T. only in the Pauline Epp., your faith we ourselves were com-
and construed here with both ind. forted amidst the crushing trials and
and subj. the former (eVe ipaa-fv] de- cares we are encountering in our
scribing an action that the writers present work. No news could have

Kai evayyeXurafjievov
rivets d<p' V/ULWV
dyaTrriv VJJLWV, Kai OTI e^ere ij.vei.av
TrdvTOTe 7ri7ro6ovvTes quds iSelv

helped us more, and we seem to be For the history of evayyeX iopai,

entering on a new lease of life, so which is only found here in the Pauline
long as we hear that you are standing Epp. in its wider sense, see Add. Note
fast in the Lord. Words fail us in- E.
deed to express our thanksgiving to r. TriVrti/ K. T.
dyanrjv v/i.] Calv.: 'to-
God for the joy with which you are tam enim pietatis summam breviter
filling our hearts in His sight a joy indicat his duobns verbis.' The same
that is finding unceasing expression combination is found again in v. 8
in our ardent prayers that we may and several times in the Pastoral
not only hear of you, but once more Epp. (i Tim. i. 14, ii. 15 &c.), and
see you face to face, and make good always in this order (cf. however
any shortcomings in your faith/ Philem. 5): on the other hand in Rev.
6. "A/art] may be connected gram- ii.
19 St John characteristically places
matically either with f\66vTos or with r.
dya-rrrjv first.
the principal verb Trape^cX//'^^, but Kai on ex fTf K^X.] Yet a third
the former arrangement is decidedly point in Timothy's good news. Not-
preferable. Timothy's return had withstanding the efforts of the hostile
been anxiously waited for, and no Jews, the Thessalonians had always
sooner had he returned than St Paul (ndvTOTf) cherished, and were still
proceeded to give vent to the feelings cherishing (e^ f7 6 ) a kindly remem-

of thankfulness and joy that filled his brance' towards their former teachers.
heart. Beng. 'statim sub Timothei
: For pveiav fx flv 'hold, maintain a
adventum, recenti gaudio, tenerrimo recollection' cf. 2 Tim. i. 3, and for
' *
amore, haec scribit.' dyaBos in the sense of friendly,' well-
apTi denoting strictly present disposed,' cf. Rom. v. 7 (with Gifford's
time ('just now,' 'at this moment') as note), Tit. ii.
5, i Pet. ii.
18, and see
contrasted with time past or future further on v. 15.

cf. Jo. ix. 19, 25, Gal. i. 9 f., i Cor. 7rnro6ovvTfs rjfJicis ISflv' KrX.] 'long-
xiii. 12, i Pet. i.
6, 8, also Epict. Diss. ing to see us...': cf. Tim. Rom. i. ii, 2
ii. 17. 15 d(pa>fifv apri rov devrepov i.
4. a favourite word
TOTTOV, B.G.U. 594, 5 f. (i./A.D.) /uera with St Paul who uses it seven out of
rov 8tpi(TfMo[v /ryoX]u/3f7(ro/Ma[il, apn the nine times in which it occurs in
yap d(T0va>i: See further Lob. Phryn. the N.T. (elsewhere Jas. iv. 5, i Pet.
p. 1 8 ff., Rutherford N.P. p. 70 ff. ii. 2). It seems to be somewhat

evayyeXio-apevov] Participium in- stronger than the simple noQelv (not


signe (Beng.). So good was found in N.T.), eVi- by marking direc-

Timothy's news that to the Apostles tion (' idem declarat, quod -noBov e\fiv

eni rira' Fritzsche Rom. i. 1 1) lending

it was a veritable gospel.' The point
is lost in the Latin verss. which a certain intensity to the idea, though
give adntmtiante or cum adnun- this must not be pressed in view of
tiasset: in the Latin of Th. Mops, the fondness of late Gk. for com-
however we find euangelizante. pounds which have lost their strong

Chrys. opqs TTJV nepL^apetav IIovXov;

: sense: especially for its use here
OVK eiTTfv, dn-ayyeiXai>ros, aXX' evay- Diod. Sic. xvii. IOI cat napovri p,ev ov
TCHTOVTOV ctyaoov T^yetTo
/3f/3ai' axrii' KOI TT]V aycnrT]i>. For Kaddncp see ii. 1 1
note, and- for

d TOVTO 7rap6K\ti6rnuiv, d$e\(f)oi, e(f)

7n Trdarr] TY\ dvdyKr] Kai 6\i\fs6i rfiuwv Sid Ttjs v/mwv

TLva yap ev-^apiCTTLav SuvdjUieda Tip dew

/cat in sentences of comparison cf. cf.Deut. viii. 3, Pss. cxviii. (cxix.) 40,
WM. p. 548 f. 93,cxxxvii. (cxxxviii.)7, Isa.xxxviii. 16.
7. old TOVTO TrapdcXr/drjuev KT\.~] 'On e'ai> vpfls
0-TrjK.fTf <rX.] 'if ye stand
this account the sing. TOVTO gather- fast in the Lord* (Beza ** vos per-
ing up as a unity the faith and the statis in Domino ;
si vos in
love and the kindly remembrance just Domini constantes per-
fide Cliristi

spoken of we were comforted over manetis') the condition on which

you,' as the basis on which our rrapd- the Apostles' 'life' depended, and
K\T)O~IS rested (cf. 2 Cor. vii. 7). Nor which is expressed by tdv with the

was this all, but the comfort which ind., perhaps to bring out more
the Apostles experienced on the strongly the writers' confidence that
Thessalonians' account bore also eVl it would certainly be fulfilled.

Trdo-fl T. avayicrj rX., from which at the For other exx. of edv with ind. in
time they themselves were suffering the N.T. cf. Lk. xix. 40, Ac. viii. 31,
(2 Cor. vi. 4, xii. 10) having again eVi i Jo. v. 15, and such passages from
a slightly local force, which can, how- the LXX. as Gen. xliv. 30 cav elo-jro-
ever, hardly be brought out in English. pevo/iat, Job xxii. 3 e'av (ri> fada. The
For dvdyKTj in its derived sense in same irregularity is frequent in the
Hellenistic Gk. of outw ard calamity r
papyri, e.g. P.Tebt. 58, 55 f. (ii/B.o.)
or distress cf. Lk. xxi. 23, i Cor. vii. 26, fav 8, P.Amh. 93, 24 (ii./A.D.) eai/
Pss. Sol. v. 8, Dittenberger Sylloge (Moulton Prolegg. p. 1 68).
255 23 f. cv dvdyKais Kai For the late form O-T^KCO (mod. Gk.
yevrjTai, and for the combination o-reVco) formed from the perf. eo-TrjKa.
with 6\fyis (i. 6 note) cf. Job xv. 24, cf. II. ii. 15, i Cor. xvi. 13, Phil. i. 27,
Pss. cvi. (cvii.) 6, cxviii. (cxix.) 143, and see WH. 2 Notes p. 176, Dieterich
Zeph. i.
15. How little the Apostles Untersuchungen p. 219. Bornemann
were disturbed by this 'distress and suggests that in C^M 6 ") * av vpds \

affliction' is proved by the emphatic o-rr/Kere ev Kvpia> we may have a cita-

Bid T. Trio-Teas with which they
\ifji. tion, somewhat altered, from a Jewish
return to the ground of comfort they or a Christian hymn.
have just received, and in so doing 9. Tiva yap ev^apiariav KT\.~\ Thdt.:
prepare the way for the striking de- VIKO. TT/S ev<ppoo-vvr)s TO p,(yfdos TTJS
claration of the next verse. y\oiTTijs Ttfv Eu'^apiorta,
8. OTI vvv {upe*] In view of the which in the LXX. is confined to the
preceding dpTi (v. 6), vvv is best taken apocr. books, is used by St Paul
in its full temporal force, and if so twelve times in a theological sense:
can only refer to the present cf. Rev. iv. 9, vii. 12, where it is found
life lived in the fulness of power and in doxologies, and see Ac. xxiv. 3 for
satisfaction (Calv.: 'vivimus, inquit, its only other occurrence in the N.T.
hoc est recte valemus'): cf. 2 Cor. vi. 9 The word, of which I have as yet
and for the thought see 2 Cor. iv. 7 1 5. found only one ex. in the papyri
For a similar use of ^v corresponding P.Lond. in. 1178, 25 (ii./A.D.), is fre-
to the Heb. IVn in the pregnant sense quent in the inscriptions, e.g. O.G.I.S.
of fulness of life in the Divine favour 227, 6 (iii./B.C.) dia Trjv TOV dijp.ov eu

7rpo<r6ev TOV 6eov i/f/cTos KCLL

TrepKrcrov c6OjULvoi ei? TO tSeu/ V/ULCJOV TO TrpocrtOTrov KCII

KaTapTicrai TO, va-reprnuLara Trjs Trio-Tews VJJLWV',

iav. For its later Christian usage and Eph. iii. 20. For the form see
see a note by Dr Hort published in Buttmann p. 321, and for St Paul's
J.T.S. iii. p. 594 ff. fondness for compounds in inrtp- see
The nirt- in dvraTroSovvai expresses Ellic. on Eph. iii. 20 and cf. the note
the idea of full, complete return, cf. on II. i.
II. i. 6. The verb is used in a good

beseeching stronger than


sense as here in Lk. xiv. 14, Rom. xi. 35 7rpocrevxo/tez/oi, and embodying a sense
(cf. 2 Cor. vi. 13 avTipurOia), and in a of personal need. Except for Mt.
bad sense in Rom. xii. 19, Heb. x. 30 ix. 38 the verb is confined in the N.T.
(both from LXX.). to Luke 15 and Paul 6 . It is very com-
7Ti 7rd<T7) r. x a P$ "wX.] For C'TTI mon in petitions addressed to ruling
pointing to the basis of the thanks- sovereigns as distinguished from those
giving (O.L. super omne gaudium addressed to magistrates where a'i<5
rather than Vg. in omni gaudio) see ispreferred, e.g. P.Amh. 33, 21 (ii./B.c.)
note on v. 7. H ^aipo/Aei/ is usually where certain petitioners appeal to
understood as a case of attraction for Ptolemy Philometor and Cleopatra II.
TJV xaip.: cf. however the cognate dat. to rectify a legal irregularity deopcd*
in Jo. 29 x a P9- x a ^P L
iii. At* -
v/io>i> ro3i> /^eyioTTcoi/ Qtwv xrX. see

'because of you, emphasizing more further R. Laqueur Quaestiones Epi-
pointedly the nepl v/j.a>v of the pre- graphicae et Papyrologicae Selectae
vious clause. Ten times, with an (1904) p. 3 ff.
' '

emphasis of affection, is the pronoun els TO Idelv /crX.] to see your face
v^fts repeated in vv. 6 10' (Findlay). the els phrase doing little more
c/Jurpoo-Qev r. 6cov ?)/i.] to be con- here than take the place of a simple
nected with xat'po/ifi/, and deepening inf. as 'obj. of the foregoing verb
the thought of the joy by referring it (Votaw p. 21).
to its true author. It was because KaTapTicrai] Karapri^eiv originally to
their success in the work entrusted to 'fit' or 'join together' (cf. Mk. i.
them was due to 'our God (ii.
2 note) KaTapTi^ovras TO. diKTva) is used in the
that the Apostles could thus rejoice N.T. especially by St Paul and in the
' '
before Him. Ep. to the Hebrews in the general
* ' ' '
10. WKT. K. ^....Sfofiei/oi] a partic. sense of prepare or perfect any-
adjunct developing the main thought thing for its full destination or use
of the preceding verse. For the (Rom. ix. 22, i Cor. i. 10, Gal. vi. i,
phrase WKT. K. T)/H. see ii. 9 note, and Heb. x. 5 (LXX.), xi. 3), the further
for an interesting parallel, apparently thought in the present passage of
from a heathen source (Intr. p. Ixiv), supplying what is lacking being
to its use in the present passage cf. suggested by the accompanying T.
B.G.U. 246, ii ff. (ii. iii./A.D.) ov< voreprj/iara T. TTI'OT. vp.. the short-
OTl VVKTOS KOI qp.paS comings (Wycl. the thingis that
TW $<5 virep vfj.a>v. fallen] of your faith.' For tioWp^p-a
(O.L. superabun-
'YTrfpfKTrfpKro-ov cf. i Cor. xvi. 17, 2 Cor. viii. 13 f.,

dantius, Ambrstr. dbundantissime) ix. 12, xi. 9, Phil. ii. 30, Col. i. 24,

is found elsewhere only in v. 13 and for ITLO-TIS see v. 2 note. Calv. :


Se 6 6e6s Kal TraTrip rifJiwv Kal 6 Kvpios


'Hinc etiam patet quam necessaria than 'direct' (Vg. dirigat\ in accor-
sit nobis doctrinae assiduitas: neque dance with the original meaning of
enim in hoc tantum ordinati sunt the word, and the removal of the
doctores, ut uno die vel mense homi- obstacles (eveKo-^fv, ii. 18 note) here
nes addueant ad fidem Christi, sed ut prayed for. The verb occurs else-
fidem inchoatam perticiant.' where in the N.T. only in a meta-
phorical sense iii. 5, Lk. i. 79), and
III. 1113. PRAYER. (II.

This section of the Ep. is now closed for a similar use in the LXX. see
with a Prayer which in its two peti- i Chron. xxix. 18, 2 Chron. xix. 3,
tions re-echoes the longings of the Ps. xxxvi. (xxxvii.) 23 napa Kvpiov TO.

constant prayer of v. 10. dtafirj fj.ara dvOpcatrov KdTv6vvfTai. The

ii 'But after all is said and opt. KdTfvdvvcu (WSchm. p. 114) is
we must here used without av to express a
done, it is to God that look
for the success of our wish as frequently in these Epp., iii.
efforts. May
He open up our way to return to you. 12, v. 23, II. ii.
17, iii. 5, 16 (Burton
And in any case, whatever may be the 175,176).
Divine pleasure with regard to us, 12. upas de 6 Acuptoy...] 'Y/ias em-
may the Lord Jesus grant you an phatic, marking the Apostles' desire
that whatever the Lord may be pro-
increasing and overflowing love not
only towards one another but towards posing as regards themselves ('sive

all men, after the measure of the love nos veniemus, sive minus Beng.), the
which we on our part are displaying Thessalonians at least will not come

towards you. It is our earnest prayer short in any good gift. O Kvpios
indeed that this love may be the may apply to God, but in view of the
means of so inwardly strengthening general Pauline usage, and the appli-
cation of the title to Jesus in the
your hearts that your lives may show
themselves free from reproach and preceding clause, it is best understood
of Him again cf. Add. Note D, and
holy in the sight of the all-seeing God,

when the Lord Jesus comes with all for prayer addressed to the Lord
His holy ones.' Jesus see Intr. p. Ixvi.
AuVos There is no need to It is not easy to distinguish between
seek any definite contrast for the 7r\fovd(rai and nepKrcreixrai (for forms,

emphatically placed avros either in

WSchm. p. 114), but the latter verb
the stronger of the two, implying
deoftefoi (v. 10) or in Satan who had

hitherto been blocking their path an overplus of love, and hence is

1 8). It arises simply from the often used by St Paul in referring to

writers' constant habit of referring the Divine grace cf. Rom. v. 1 5, 20 :

everything in the last instance to the (virfpTTpifr(Ti>fiv\ 2 Cor. ix. 8, Eph. i. 8,

direct agency of God, Now may God
and see Fritzsche Rom. i. p. 351. For
Himself...': see Intr. p. Ixv, and for the its use here in connexion with dydnrj

apparent weakening of avrbs 6 in (for dat. cf. Ac. xvi. 5, 2 Cor. iii. 9) cf.
Hellen. Gk. see Moulton Pro^p^.p. 91. Phil. i.
9 iva T) dydnr) vp.a>v en /iaXXoi/
Kal 6 Kvpios TIIIWV KrA.] For the /cat p,aX\ov nepia'a'evT) V (Triyvaxrft KrA.,

close union of 6 Kvp. 'lrj<r. (Add. Note and Bacon's fine saying Sola charitas
D) with 6 6(6s KT\. followed by a verb non admittit excessum' (de augm.
in the sing, see Intr. p. Ixvi. Sclent, vii. 3) cited by Gwynn ad loc.
'make straight' rather Chrys.: opas rrjv paviav rfjs dyaTrrjs

7r\eovd(rat Kai 7repi(r<r6vcrai k d\\ri\ovs

ek TraWas, Ka6a7rep Kai eis V/ULCCS, 13
ek TO <rrriplai
vpwv T? KapSi as
djj.ejJL7rTov^ ev dyiuMrvv
TOV 6eov Kai.
TraTpos ^fjiwv eV Trj Trapovcria TOV Kvpiov
'Irjcrov //era TTCLVTWV TWV dyicov avTOvJ
13 d/j.t}j.irTovs] d/x^uTrrcos BL
17 31 47 137 Boh (?) Ps-Ath avrov solum
K'BD'GKL al pier g c dd a i
Vg Go Syr (Pesh Hard) Arm Ephr Chr Thdt Ambst
: atrov d^v K*AD* 37 al pane d Vg Boh Aeth
Tr]v aKadeKTov, rrjv Sia ra>v a/Me'/i7rroiy fv (so as to
deiKWfjivr)v; 'nXfovao-ai, (prjffi be) unblameable in holiness': cf. WM.
p. 779. For the force of a/ue/iTrroff
(o/*e>Trra>s, WH. mg.) cf. C.P.R. 27 (a
This is one of the few passages in
the N.T. where Trepin-aevetv is used marriage-contract ii./A.D.) avTr/s Se
transitively (Lk. XV. 17, 2 Cor. iv. !$(?), TTJS 0. a/Ae/WTOi/ KCU dKarrjyoprjTov nap-
ix. 8, Eph. i. 8): the transitive use of

(for form, WH.

TrXtoi/afcti/ 3) can be
(contrast II.
i. Notes
paralleled only from the LXX. (Numb, p. 1
59) is used in the LXX. only of the
xxvi. 54, Ps. Ixx. (Ixxi.) 21). Divine attributes, e.g. Pss. xxix. (xxx.)
As regards the
objects of this 5, xcv. (xcvi.) 6 &c.: cf. 2 Mace. iii. 12

abounding love on the Thessalonians' (with reference to the temple) rov?

part, they are in the first instance TrfTTKTTfVKOTas TT] TOV TOTTOV aytUHTVVT).
their fellow-believers at Thessalonica As distinguished from dyiao-pos the
and then all men with-
(ets aXXr;Xovy)> process oV sanctification (iv. 3 f., 7,
out distinction (els -rrdvTas), and not II. ii.
13, Heb. xii. 14, i Pet. i. 2)
merely those of the same faith else- dyia>o-vvr) points rather to the resulting
where (T. t'fjunritrrovs, Thdt): cf. v. 15, state (Rom. i. 4, 2 Cor. vii.
i), and is
and for the thought see Rom. xii. 16 f., thus closely akin to ayiorrjs- (Heb.
Gal. vi. 10, i Pet. ii. 17. xii. 20) in which, however, the thought
KaBdtrepK. qpels /crX.] a clause of the abstract quality predominates.
added strengthen the Apostles'
to An interesting parallel to its use in
prayer by an appeal to their own the passage before us is afforded by
example. Thpht. e\ fre 7P P-* TP OV : Test. xii. pair. Levi xviii. 1
1, where it

TTJS dydnrjs r]p,as. For is said of the saints in Paradise, KOI

see ii. n note. Trvevfia dyi(ao-vvT]s eorat eV avTols.
13. TO o-TTjpigai KrX.]
els For els Th. Mops, rightly draws attention to
TO with inf. to denote end or purpose the connexion with the following
see note on ii. 12, and for o-TT]pigai dyiwv: 'per quam (sc. sanctitatem)
see note on iii. 2. The combination poteritis etiam in futuro die fiduciam
o-Trjpigai Kapdias is found again in ad Deum adsequi, cum ceteris omni-
Jas. v. 8, where however there is an bus qui placite conuersantur in

appeal to human effort, and not, as uirtute.'

generally elsewhere, to the strength- epTTpoadev T. 6eoi> *crX.] Two COn-


ening influence of the Divine work- ditions of this blamelessness in

ing (II. ii. 17, i Pet. v. 10, Ps. 1. (Ii.) 14, holiness' on the Thessalonians' part
Sir. vi. 37, Pss. Sol. xvi. 12): cf. also are now stated (i) that it will be
Sir. xxii. l6 (19 f.) Kapdia realized epnpoo-Bev T. 6eov KT\. to
firi diavoijpaTos whom it is due, and by whom it will
be tested (cf. ii. 4), and (2) that this

willtake place at the Parousia of the qui relicti sunt annis quadringentis :

Lord Jesus, to which throughout these xiii. 52 'sic non poterit quisque super

Epp. the writers point as the goal of terram uidere filium meum uel eos
all Christian hope (Intr. p. Ixix). qui cum eo sunt nisi in tempore
T, dytwv avrov] There
fjLfra irdvTcov
diei': Asc. Isai. iv. 16, 'But the
is considerable difference of opinion saints willcome with the Lord with
as to whether we are to understand their garments which are (now)
by 01 ayioi (i) 'saints' in the sense of stored up on high in the seventh
just men made perfect, or (2) 'angels,' heaven with the Lord they will come,

or (3) a general term including both. whose spirits are clothed, they will
The first reference is rendered almost descend and be present in the world,
necessary by the regular Pauline use and He strengthen those, who
of the term (II. i.
10, i Cor. i. 2 &c.), have been found in the body, together
and supported by the place assigned
is with the saints, in the garments of
to holy men in such passages as
' '
the saints, and the Lord will minister
iv. 14, i Cor. vi. 2 (cf. Mt. xix. 28, to those who have kept watch in this
xx. 21, Rev. ii. 26 f., xx. 4, and Sap. world.'
iii. 8 Kpivovo-iv [diKaiatv \^u^at] fdvr)
The d^v at the end of the verse
Kal Kpa.rr](rova iv Aaa>i/). On the other (WH. well-attested, and its
nig.) is
hand, though of a-ytoi is nowhere else disappearance in certain MSS. may
expressly applied to 'angels' in the perhaps be traced to the apparent
N.T., they are so frequently described improbability of its occurrence in

in this way both in the O.T. and later the middle of an Epistle. Videtur
Jewish literature (see especially Zech. aurjv hoc loco interiectum offendisse'
xiv. 5 on which this passage is evi- (Tisch.). On the other hand its addi-
tion can be equally readily explained
dently founded KOI rjfi Kvptos o Bcos
/JLOV,KOL ndvTes oi dyioi /Mer' avrov, and through the influence of liturgical
cf. Dan. iv. 10 (13), viii. 13, Pss. Sol. usage.
xvii. 49, Enoch i. 9 with Charles's
note), and are so expressly associated DOCTRINAL.
with the returning Christ elsewhere
(cf. II. i. 7, Mt. xiii. 41, Mk. viii. 38
fifra TO>V dyyeXtov TU>V ayi'coi/), that it
seems impossible to exclude the With c. iv. we enter on the more
thought of them altogether here. On directly practical side of the Ep.,
the whole therefore the term is best exhortation and doctrine being closely
taken in its widest sense as including intermingled (Intr. p. Ixxi) with the
all (note 7raz/ro>z>), whether glorified view of conveying certain great lessons
men or angels, who will swell the in Christian morals of which the
triumph of Christ's Parousia. As Apostles knew their converts to stand
further illustrating the vague use of in need.
the term, it is of interest to notice The section opens with an exhorta-
that in Didache xvi. 7 its original tion of a general character.
reference to 'angels' in Zech. xiv. 5
IV. i, 2. General Exhortation.
(cited above) is lost sight of, and the
passage is applied to risen Christian i, 2. 'And now, Brothers, to apply
believers. more directly what we have been
For the general thought cf. such saying, we entreat you as friends, nay
passages from Jewish apoc. literature we exhort you with authority in the
as 4 Ezra vii. 28: 'reuelabitur enim Lord, to carry out ever more fully the
filius meus lesus [Syr Ar 1 Messias] mode of life which is pleasing to God,
cum his qui cum eo, et iocundabit as you have already learned it from

IV. Ao*7roV, dSe\(poi 9 epooTCu/uev vjuas Kai Trapa-
ev Kvpiw 'Irjcrov, [iva] Ka0ois 7rape\d(3eTe Trap'

Syr (Pesh) Boh Arm Orig Chr

IV i XoiT^ solum B* 17 31 al pane Vg
ali i

: \onr6v ovv KADG alpler 'iva BD*G 1
7 37 alpauc Lat (Vet Vg) Syr
(Pesh) Boh Arm Go Chr \ Ambst : om KAD C KL al pier Syr (Hard) Aeth Chr % Thdt
Theod-Mops al

us. We know indeed

that you are 292, 7 f. (i./A.D.) rjpnrrio-a 8e /eat 'Ep-
doing but there is still room for
this, p.t'[a]t>
dSfXtpop 8ia ypairrov dvrj-
progress, as you cannot but be aware yeTfo-^ai] aoc npl TOVTOV, and the
in view of our previous instructions.' other exx. below), and need therefore
i. Aoiirov] a colloquial expression no longer be traced to the influence
frequently used to point forward to of the Heb. (cf. Deissmannb^ &
a coming conclusion (cf. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1,
pp. 290 f.). In this, its later
195 f.,
2 Tim. iv. 8 TO XOITT. II. iii. i, Phil,
sense, eparav can hardly be distin-
iv. 8), but in itself doing little more
guished from aireti/, though by laying
than mark the transition to a new
greater stress on the person asked
subject as in late Gk. where it is prac- than on the thing asked for, it is more
tically equivalent to an emphatic ovv: appropriate in exhortation (Grimm-
cf. Polyb. i. 15. II Xoirrov dvdyKrj crvy- Thayer s.v. atV<-'o>). The note of urgency
^copetv, ray dp%ds /cat ray vnodeo'eis underlying its use is heightened here
flvai ^euSeTy, Epict. Diss. i. 22. 15 by its conjunction with TrapaKaXov^fv
ap^o/iai \OITTOV uiaflv avrov, and the
(ii. ii note), and still more by the
other passages cited by Jannaris Exp. addition of ev Kvpia* 'l^troC, pointing
v. viii. p. 429 f. : see also Schmid to the real source of the writers'
Attic, iii. As showing its fre-
p. 135. authority (cf. Eph. iv. 17).
quency as a connecting particle in the For the conjunction of the two
Koti/7? (cf. B.G.U. 1039, 8 (Byz.)), words in epistolary phrases cf. P.Oxy.
Wilcken remarks that it has passed 28 f. 8V ae /cat
294, (i./A.D.) ep&>r<3
over into Coptic in this sense
(Archiv 7rapaKaX[cS ypatyfi pot dvTi(pa>vr)<Tiv
iii. p. 507). In mod. Gk. \onrov has TWV yvop.v[o)v], 744, 6 f.
Trept (J./B.C.)
displaced ovv altogether. epcorco <re /cat Trapa/caXoo o~e fTTtfieXT;-
In the present passage ovv is re- T<5 TratStG). The latter
6<rjT>i papy-
tained in the text by WH. mg., rus also supplies an instance of fpa>Taa>
Tischdf., Zimmer, Nestle. It might construed with ti/a, 13 f. po>r<5 o-e ovv
easily have dropped out after the -ov
of XoiTToV: on the other hand the
iva M '

ayaivido-rjs I urge you therefore

not to worry.'
combination XotTroi/ ovv is found no- [ti/a] Kadws TrapeXctjSere] '[that] even
where else in the N.T., cf. however as ye received.' If Iva is read it
B.G.U. \o-j<), 6ff. (a private letter should have a comma placed after it
L/A.D.) XoiTTOi' ovv e'Xa/3oi> Trapa TO(V) to show that it really belongs to the
*Apa/3oy TTJV Trio~TO\T)v /cat dveyvotv Kai last clause of the verse, where, on
account of the long parenthesis, it is
p<oT(>[j.fv vfjias KT\.~\ 'Epcorai/ in For this semi-final iva
always = interrogare
' '
class. Gk. is when the subject of the prayer is
frequently used in the N.T. 'rogare,' blended with its purpose cf. v. 4, II. i.
cf. v. 12, II. ii. i, PhiL iv. 3, the only
n, iii. i, 2, 2 Cor. i. 17, and for the
other occurrences of the word in the
development of this usage in the later
Pauline writings. This usage is amply
language see Hatzidakis p. 214 ff.,
vouched for in the Kotvrj (e.g. P.Oxy. Moulton Prolegg. p. 206 ff. A good

TO Tret? Sel vfJLas TrepiTraTeiv Kai dpecrKeiv 6ew, KaBws

Kai *iva TrepKra'evrjTe /uciXXov. o'/SaT
<ya/o T/i/as TrapcfyyeXias eocoKajuev vjuuv oia TOV KVpiov

ex. from the Kou/r occurs in the 2.

TrapayyeXi'as] IlapayyeXi'a (for
Christian papyrus-letter already cited verb cf. v. 1 1 note) is found elsewhere
P.Heid. 6, 14 ff. (iv./A.D.) 7rapa<a\<o in the Pauline Epp. only in i Tim. i.

[o]ti/, fieo-Trora,
ti/a /ji/j/^oi^eji^s /not els 5, 1 8, where it refers to
the whole
ray (rou etnas', iva practical teaching of Christianity.
fjiepos rov KaOap
(a/i)apTid>i/ Here the plur. points rather to special

napaXa/M/3ai/a> as usual lays stress not precepts (Vg. praecepta) or rules of

so much on the manner of the Thessa- living,which the writers had laid
lonians' receiving, as on the contents down when in Thessalonica, and which
of what they received cf. note on
they had referred to the Lord Jesus
ii. 13, and for Trfpnrarelv as the result (dto r. Kvp. 'Ir)o-.) as the medium
of this teaching see II. iii. 6, Col. ii. 6. through, whom alone they could be
ro TTO>S Set ireparaTflv xrX.] In carried into effect : cf. Rom. xv. 30,
accordance with a usage peculiar to i Cor. i. 10. Thpht. : OVK tfia yap,
St Luke and St Paul in the N.T. TO (prjcriv, a Trapr/yyetXa, aXX' CKCLVOV

(GTTOJS- without ro FG)

is here used to TOVTO.
introduce an indirect interrogative ForTrapayyeXi'aas denoting a 'word
sentence (cf. Lk. i. 62, Rom. viii. 26 ; of command' received as from a
Blass p. 158), while at the same time superior officer that it may be passed
in quite class, fashion it binds together on to others cf. Xen. Hell. ii. i 4,
all that follows into a kind of sub- and for its use more particularly in
stantival object to TrapeXa'/Sere (cf. iii. connexion with instruction cf. Arist.
3, and see further Viteau Etude i. Eth. NIC. ii. 2. 4.

p. 67 f.). The two infinitives are

IV. 3 8. Warning against
consequently best taken as closely
connected, the second stating the Impurity.
necessary result of the first, how to
From this general exhortation the
walk and (so) please God' (cf. WM. Apostles proceed to recall more defi-
p. 544 n. 1 ). For nepnraTflv cf. ii. 12
nitely the nature of their former
note, and for dpeo-Keiv 6f<o cf. ii. 4 precepts, laying special stress on the
note. In Ps. xxv. (xxvi.) 3 the LXX. Christian duty of sanctification in
rendering for *n??nnn is evrjpea-rrja-a. view of the dangers to which their
KaQas K. TTfpnrare Ire ] a clause amply Thessalonian converts were exposed
vouched for on MS. authority (K ABD* (Intr. p. xlvi). The will of God regard-
G 17...)) an(i i n entire accord with the ing this is stated
generally (. 3), (i)
writers' practice to praise whenever and (2) particularly as it affected
praise is due (Intr. p. xliv), but which, (a) themselves (vv. 4, 5), and (6) their
relation to others (v. 6a ). And the
by destroying the regularity of the
sentence, leads them to substitute Iva whole warning is enforced by re-
the OVTWS Kal
fj.a\\ov for calling thepunishment that will follow
which we would otherwise its neglect (v. 6 ), and the opposition

have expected. For a similar irregu- which the offender is in reality offer-
larity of construction due to the same ing alike to his Divine call (v. 7), and
cause cf. Col. i. 6 (with Lft.'s note), the Divine spirit working within him
and for the intensive /wiXXoi/ cf. v. 10, (* 8).
2 Cor. vii. 13, Phil. i. 23, Mk. vii. 36. 3 8.
In particular we call upon

'Itjo-ov. TOVTO yap e&Tiv 6e\ti/uia TOV 6eov, 6 dyia<r-
/xos v^.a)^j aTre^eo'vai v/utas OLTTO TY\S ^eiSevat
TO eavTov <r/cei/os KTaa"6ai ev dyiacr/ULtt

you to avoid all taint of impurity. always has in the Pauline writings
For God's purpose regarding you is (cf. iii. 13 note), and is = 'that you lead

nothing less than this that you lead a holy life,' a positive injunction re-
a holy life, abstaining from fornication stated from the negative side in the
and learning to gain the mastery over clause that follows.
your bodily passions. Lust with its dnexfo-Bai vpas KT\.] a warning ren-
dishonour is the mark of Gentile dered necessary by the fact that in
godlessness. It is a sin which, while the heathen world iropvda (for form,
it degrades the man himself, brings WH. 2 Notes, p. 1 60) was so little
wrong and injury upon others. And thought of (Hor. Sat. i. 2. 33 ff., Cic.
hence, as we have already warned you pro Gael. 20) that abstinence from it,
in the most solemn manner, it incurs so far from being regarded as inevit-
the just vengeance of the Lord. able by the first Christian converts,
Therefore he who deliberately sets was rather a thing to be learned cf. :

aside this warning is setting aside not Ac. xv. 20 (with Knowling's note) and
man but God, Who is the bestower see Jowett's Essay On the Connexion

of the Spirit whose distinguishing of Immorality and Idolatry' (Epp. of

characteristic is holiness, and of whose St Paulii. p. 70 ff.).
presence in your hearts you are al- *AWx<r0at (appos. inf., Burton 386)
ready conscious.' is here construed with OTTO, perhaps
3. TOVTO yap eVrtv xrX.J As re- to emphasize the idea of separation,
cf. v. 22, Job i. i, 8, ii. 3 &c.
gards construction, the emphatic It is
TOVTO is clearly the subject pointing found with the simple gen., as gene-
forward not only to 6 ayiaa^os which rally in class. Gk., in Ac. xv. 20, 29,
is in apposition with it, but also to i Tim.iv. 3, i Pet. ii. 11.

the succeeding inf. clauses by which For the act. an-e^o) = have wholly,' '

the nature of the dyiao-pos is denned, 'possess,' cf. Phil. iv. 18, Philem. 15,
while the predicate is formed by and for its technical use in the papyri
6e\T]p.a T. 6eov, the absence of the and ostraca to denote the receipt of
art. before deXrj^a pointing to the what was due (e.g. B.G.U. 612, 2 f .

general nature of the conception as (i./A.D.) aTre'^o) Trap' vfji&v TOV (ftopov
compared with the specific irapay- TOV f\a[i]ovpyiov, <av *X T * [/
z ] i; '"

yeXiat already spoken of. liLcrBao-fi] Deissmann BS. p. 229,


(almost entirely confined to

Wilcken Ostraka i. pp. 86, 106 ff.,
Bibl. and
late writers), while denoting Archie i. p. 77 ff.
properly the result as distinguished 4. flbevai fKa&Tov KrA.] a second
from the act of willing (0\r)o-is), is inf. clause parallel to the preceding,
here used rather in the sense of the and emphasizing the truth there stated
Divine purpose (cf. Ac. xxii. 14, Eph. in greater detail.
9, v. 17, Col. i. 9, iv. 12) and em- The principal difficulty is the mean-
braces the thought not only of God's ing to be attached to TO eavT. VKCVOS.
'commanding' but of His 'enabling' Does it refer to (i) his own body,' or '

God works in us and with us, (2)
his own wife
1 The latter view,
because our sanctification is His will
advocated by Theodore of Mopsuestia
(Denney). In the same way dyiao-^os (O~K(VOS TTjv Idiav eKaorov yafjifTr/v ovo-
retains here the active force which it i) and St Augustine ('suunr vas

Kct /mr ev Tr 6ei Ka daTrep Ka TA GNH

possidere, hoc est, uxorem suarn' c. P.Oxy. 259, 6 (I./A.D.) a certain Theon
Jul. Pelag. iv. 10), has been adopted declares on oath that he ' has thirty '

by the great majority of modern com- days (KTrjcrecrdai j)/i[e]pas rpiaKovra) in

mentators, principally it would appear which to produce a prisoner for whom
on account of the objections that can he has become surety. There seems
be urged against the former. But no reason therefore why KraaOai
though supported by certain Rabbinic should not be used in the passage
parallels (e.g. Megill. Est. i. 11 'vas before us of a man's so * possessing
meum quo ego utor') and by the or 'taking possession of his body, as
occurrence of the phrase Kravtiai to use it in the fittest way for God's
ywatKtt = 'ducere uxorem' (e.g. Sir. service in thorough keeping with the
xxxvi. 29 (26), Xen. Conv. ii. 10), it is general Pauline teaching (i Cor. vi.
be admitted, at first sight
not, it will J5ff., ix. 17, Rom. xii. i).
the natural view, arid is suggestive of Nor further can it be urged as a
a lower view of the marriage-state decisive' objection against this view
than one would expect in a passage that it fails to bring out the pointed
specially directed to enforcing its contrast in which KravOat TO eavT.
sanctity (cf. Titius Neut. Lehre von o-Kciios isplaced to iropvela, if only we
der Seligkeit (1900) ii. p. 1 13). On the give its proper weight to the preceding
whole therefore it seems better to cifcVat, for by means of it the condition
revert to the meaning
his own body of purity spoken of is emphasized
which was favoured by the Gk. com- as a matter of acquired knowledge.
mentators generally (e.g. Thdt. e'yco tfe (Thpht. :
o-rj/iet'ooo-eu Se /ecu TO cidevai-
TO fKaCTTOV OrdtylCL OVTCOS UVTOV yap OTI do~r/o~ea>s Kal p,a6ijo~ews
as well as by Ambrstr.,
Pelagius, Calvin, Beza, Grotius; for For ddcvai followed by an inf.=
though no other instance of O-KCVOS by 'know how' cf. Lk. xii. 56, Phil. iv.
itself in this sense can be produced 12, i Pet. v. 9 ;
also Soph. Ajax 666 f.
from the N.T., it is sufficiently vouched Toiyap TO \onrov elo-6[j.0~6a /zei> deals
for by such approximate parallels as
2 Cor. iv. 7 e^OfjLev 8e TOV 6r)o~avpbv 5. /i>)
ev iradei e7ri6vfj,ias] not in
TOVTOV ev oo-Tpaicivois (TKevecriv, and by lustfulness of desire' non in
the use of the word in Gk. writers to passione desiderii, Beza non in morbo
denote the vessel or instrument of the cupiditatis) rraflos, according to the

soul, e.g. Plato Soph. 2 19 A; cf. Philo usual distinction, denoting the passive
quod det.pot. ins. 46 (i. p. 186 M.) TO state or condition in which the active
7rL0vp.ia rules cf. Col. iii. 5, and see
rfjs^vx^s dyyelov, TO o-co/ua. :

The most serious objection to this Trench Syn. Ixxxvii.

rendering is that it requires us to take KaOdnep Kal TO. edvrj <T\.] Cf. II. i. 8,.
KTao-dai in what has hitherto been re- Gal. iv. 8. This description of TO. WV-TY
garded as the unwarranted meaning (ii. 1
6 note) is evidently founded on the
of possess.' But to judge from the LXX. (cf. Ps. Ixxviii. (Ixxix.) 6, Jer. x.
papyri it would seem as if at least 25), the use of the art. before /zr eld.
in the popular language this meaning pointing to the Gentiles' ignorance of
was no longer confined to the perf. the one true God (TOV 6e6v) as their
(KtKTTjvdat). Thus in P.Tebt. 5, 241 ff. peculiar property (cf. WSchm. pp. 178,
(ii./B.c.) we find it decreed p.rjd' aXXovs 184), and the cause of their sinfulness.
Ignorantia, impudicitiae origo. Rom.

'nor shall any other persons take i.24' says Bengel. That, however,
possession of or use the tools,' and in St Paul did not regard this ignorance

MH TON GeoN, TO V7rep/3aiveiv Kai irXeoveKTelv ev
TTpdryjULaTl TOV d$6\<f>OV CCVTOV, SlOTl GKAlKOC KfplOC 7Tpl

as absoluteis proved by Rom. i. 19 ff., in this sense in the sing, has

28 hence Bengel again, Coeli sereni-
: been produced, and the words are too
tatem adspice impuritatis taedium te
closely connected with what precedes
capiet.' and what follows (. 7 aKadapo-ia} to ad-
For KaOairep see ii. 1 1 note, and for mit of any such transition to a wholly
the use of <ai in comparison see WM. new subject. In tv r. Tvpay^art there-
p. 549- fore we can only find a veiled reference
(Corn, a Lap.
6. TO fjiT] vnepftaivciv /erX.] a third honesta aposiopesis ')
inf. clause in apposition with o to 'the matter' on hand, viz. sins of
ayiao-fios, and parallel therefore to the flesh; cf. 2 Cor. vii. ii, and see
the two preceding clauses, the pre- LS. s.v. 7rpais II. 3. In no case can it
fixed TO (see iii. 3 note) leading us to be rendered 'in any matter' (A.V.).
look for a further explanatory state- Of this enclitic ro> (for rti/i) there is
ment of the truths already laid down. no clear instance either in the LXX.
'Yireppalveiv (air. \ty. N.T., cf. II. 1 or N.T. (WSchm. p. 71).
3 note) may govern d8e\(f>6v in the diori fKdiKos Kvpios *rX.] The fore-
going warning is now enforced l?y
' 3
sense of get the better of, but is
better taken absolutely = transgress,'

recalling the punishment which will

cf. Plato Rep. ii. 366 A virfpfiaivovres follow upon its neglect in terms clearly
Kai apiaprai/oirer, Eur. Ale. 1077 V^] vvv suggested by Deut. xxxii. 35 (Heb.):
VTrepjSati/', dXX' vai(rip.u>s <$>fpt.
In cf. Rom. xii. 19, Heb. x. 30, and for a
the present passage the nature of the class, parallel see Horn. Batrach. 97

transgression is denned by the follow- e'^et deos ZK^IKOV o/zjua. There is 110

ing ir\( ovtKTtlv take advantage of,' reason however why, as ordinarily in
overreach,' any reference to un- these Epp., Kvpios should not be re-
chastity lying not in the word itself, ferred directly to the Lord Jesus
but in the context (cf. irXeovcgia, ii. through whom God will judge the
5 note). The verb occurs elsewhere world cf. II. i. 7 ff. and see Intr.

iii the N.T. only jn 2 Cor. ii. n p. Ixvii.

(pass.) and in vii. 2, xii. 17 f., where, "EicdiKos, elsewhere in N.T. only
though intrans. in class. Gk., it is Rom. denoted primarily 'law-
xiii. 4,

followed as here by a direct obj. in the less,' 'unjust,' but later passed over
ace. cf. for the sense P.Amh. 78, 12 ff.
: into the meaning of 'avenging,' 'an
avenger,' in which sense it is found in
[v]dd8r]s, Rader- the apocr. books of the O.T. (Sap. xii.
macher). The gravity of the charge 12, Sir. xxx. 6, cf. 4 Mace. xv. 29). In
in the present instance is increased the papyri it is the regular term for a
by the fact that it is a (Christian) legal representative, e.g. P.Oxy. 261,
brother' who is wronged cf. ii. 10. :
14 f. (i./A.D.) where a certain Demetria
The expression tv ro> Trpcry/zari has appoints her grandson Chaeremon ey-
caused difficulty. In the Vg. it is 8iKOV 7Ti re Trda-rjs egovo-ias to appear
rendered in negotio (Wycl. in chaffar- for her before every authority': see
inge, Luth. im Handel, Weizs. in further Gradenwitz Einfilhrung i.
Geschafteri), and in accordance with p. 1 60, and for a similar use in the
tbis the whole clause has been taken inscriptions
= 'advocatus' (cf. Cic. ad
as a warning against defrauding one's Fain. xiii. 56) see Michel Recueil
brother in matters of business or 459, 19 f.
(ii./B.C.) vrrefjLeiVfV e

trade. But no other adequate ex. of


TOVTCOV Ka Bcos TTpoeLTTafjiev vfjiiv Kai

TVpdjuteBa. oi/
'yap etcdXecrev yj/zas 6 6eos eirl
d\\' ev ^TOiyapovv 6 ddeTcov OVK dvdpcojrov
dBerel d\\a TOV 6eov TOV AIAONTA TO HNGYMA A^'TOY TO dyiov

Seeberg (Der Katecltismus der Totyapovv 6 a&T<H>v /<rX.] 'Where-


Urchristenheit (1903) p. icf.) points fore then the rejecter rejects not
to this verse as a proof of a tradi- man but (the) God' the compound.
tional catalogue of sins lying at the roiyapovv (class., elsewhere in N.T.
basis of the Pauline lists, for though only Heb. xii. i) introducing the con-
only two sins are directly mentioned clusion 'with some special emphasis
here, judgment takes place irepl
or formality' (Grimm-Thayer *..).
'A&rfii/ literally = make

adcTov,' or
Cf. iii. 4 note, and for 'do away with what has been laid
the aor. in -a see WH. 2
Notes p. 171 f., down,' refers here to the action of the
WSchm. p. 1 1 1 f. man who of his own will

' '

diefj.apTvpdfj.fda] Ata/xaprupo/nai, a sets aside the calling just mentioned

word of Ionic origin (Nageli p. 24) (v. 7): cf. especially Lk. x. 16 of which
and stronger than the simple paprv- we may here have a reminiscence.
pofjiai (ii. 1
1), is used of solemnly testi- The verb, which is not approved by
fying in the sight of God (evaTnov r. the Atticists (frequent in Polyb. e.g.
$eou) in i Tim. v. 21, 2 Tim. ii. 14, viii. 2. 5 d6. T. trivTiVi xv. i. 9 dd. r.

iv. i, the only other passages in the opKovs KOL T. a-vvdiJKas), occurs other
Pauline writings where it occurs. It four times in the Pauline writings,
is found frequently in the LXX. in this always however with reference to
sense (e.g. Deut. iv. 26, viii. 19, i Regn. things, not persons r. crvveo-iv (i Cor.
viii. 9), and is used absolutely by St * J
9)) T -
X<*pw (Gal. ii.
2l), diadt]Kr)v
Luke as here in Lk. xvi. 28, Ac. ii. 40; (Gal.iii. 15), T. TTLO-TIV (i Tim. v. 12).
cf. also Heb. ii. 6. Calv.: ' Obtestati In the LXX. it represents no fewer
sumus: tanta enim est hominum tar- than seventeen Heb. originals. For
ditas, ut nisi acriter perculsi nullo its use in the papyri see P.Tebt. 74,
divini iudicii sensu tangantur.' 59 f. (ii./B.C.) epftpoxov TTJS ev TTJI 77-

7- ov yap eKaXevev KrX.] The em- OeTTj/jLevrji lepa (cf. 61 (b), 207 note), and
phasis lies on endXeo-ev (cf. ii. 12 note), in the
inscription^ see O.G.I. S. 444,
the thought of the definite Divine call 1 8 edv de Tives TU>V iroXeav
a#er[o>(n] TO
being introduced as an additional (TVfJ,(p(i)VOV.
reason for the foregoing warning, The absence of the art. before dv-
or, perhaps, in more immediate con- 6pa>nov followed as it is by TOV 6e6v
nexion with the preceding clause, deserves notice (cf. Gal. i/io), while
as a justification of the vengeance the contrast is further heightened by
there threatened. the use of the absolute negative in the
The interchange of the prepositions first conception, not to annul
it, but
eVri and ev is
significant, the former rhetorically to direct undivided atten-
pointing to the object or purpose of tion to the second (cf. Mk. ix. 37, Ac.
the call (cf. Gal. v. 13, Eph. ii. 10, Sap. v. 4, i Cor. i. 17; WM.
p. 622 f.).
23 o Beos eKTto~ev TOV dvdpa>Trov eV TOVSi'Soi/ra
icrX.] The reading here
the latter to its essential
d(p6apo-iq}, is somewhat uncertain, but the weight
basis or condition (cf. Eph. iv. 4 with of the MS. evidence is in favour of the
Abbott's note), dyiao-fj.6s being used in pres. part. (K*BDG as against AKL
the same active sense as in vv. 3, 4. for Soj/ra), the aor. having

ec llepi

ypdcbeiv v/uuv, avTOi yap v/uLels 6eoSiSaKToi ecrre ets TO

arisen from its occurrence elsewhere i Se introducing a new subject cf.

in the same connexion (e.g. 2 Cor. i. v. i.In profane Gk. and the LXX.
22, v. 5). As regards the meaning, <ptXaSeX<pi'a is confined to the mutual
the pres. may be taken as pointing to love of those who are brothers by
the ever 'fresh accessions of the Holy common descent (e.g. Luc. dial. dear.
Spirit' (Lft.) which God imparts, or xxvi. 2, 4 Mace. xiii. 23, 26, xiv. i)
perhaps better as along with the art. but in the N.T. the word is used in the

constituting another subst. part. the definite Christian sense of 'love of

giver of His Holy Spirit.' the brethren,' of all, that is, who are
For the emphatic TO TTV. TO ay. where brethren in virtue of the new birth :

the repeated art. lays stress on the cf. Rom. xii. 10, Heb. xiii. i, i Pet. i.

ay. in keeping with the main thought 22, 2 Pet. i. 7 iv df rfi (piXadfXcpia TTJV
of the whole passage cf. Mk. iii. 29, ayaTrrjv. The last passage is interest-
xiii.IT, Eph. iv. 30; while if any ing as showing how readily this mutual
weight can be attached to els v^a? in- love amongst believers passed over
stead of vfjuv (cf. i. 5 note) it brings into the wider ayaTn?, love for all man-
out more pointedly the entrance of kind (cf. iii. 12 note).
the Spirit into the heart and life cf.
Gal. iv. 6, Eph. iii. 16, Ezek. xxxvii.
ov xP*'Lav Kr M
n t an instance of
paraleipsis, or a pretending to pass
14 TO 7TVVfJ,d pOV fiS VjJLCiS KCU
0)O~a> over what in reality is mentioned for
the interesting reading
fto-co-Of, also the sake of effect (Chrys. ra> ei :

of D in Mk. i. 10 and parallels, where

it is stated that at the Baptism the but a simple statement of fact.
dove entered into Jesus (fls OVTOV), The use of the act. inf. (ypa<eu>) for
and did not merely rest upon Him the pass. (ypd<txo-6ai, cf. v. i) is too
(eV ai>Tov\ (Nestle Exp. T. xvii. amply vouched for in similar com-
p. 522 n. ). binations to cause any difficulty see :

WM. p. 426, Buttmann p. 259 n. 1 .

IV. io Encouragement in
9, .
tfeoStfiajeroi] The word is an. Xey.
Brotherly Love. in the N.T. Barn. Ep. xxi. 6, Tat.
From impurity, which
is at root so Orat. C. 29 p. 165 B 6fodi8a<Tov de IJLOV
cruel and the Apostles pass by
selfish, yevopevrj? rrjs ^^X^^ Theoph. ad
a subtle link of connexion to the Autol. ii. 9 01 de TOV faov a
practice of brotherly or Christian \>ir avTov TOV 6fov f
love, admitting frankly at the same o~o(f)icr6cvTes eyevovTo 0o8ida<Toi), and
time the Thessalonians' zeal in this like the corresponding phrase 8i8aKTol
respect. TOV 6fov points not so much to 'one
9, ioa .
And so again with regard divine communication' as to 'a divine
to love of the brethren, that is a sub- relationship' established between be-
ject on which it is not necessary to lievers and God (see Westcott on Jo.

say much, seeing that as those who vi. 45) hence it is as those who have

are with God's Spirit you have

filled been born of God, and whose hearts
already been taught to love: and are in consequence filled by God's
not only so, but you are actively prac- spirit that the Thessalonians on their
tising what you have been taught part (avTol v^cls) can no longer help
. .

towards all Christian brethren through- loving; cf. Isa. liv. 13, Jer. xxxviii.
out Macedonia.' (xxxi.) 33 Pss. Sol. xvii. 35.
f., Calv. :


9. Ilept de TTJS (piXaSeX(piay] For quid divinitus edocti sint : quo sig-
IV io, 1

d\\rt\ovs' *Kai yap Trotelre avTo ek

d$6\<povs [TOWS] ev o\ri Trj Flapa- MctKeSovia.
Se iJ/uas, d$e\(poi, TrepHrcreveiv judXXov, "/ca*

Kai Trpda'creiv TO, iSia Kcti

10 TOVS N cBD bc HKL cet Chr al : om K*AD*G Chr cod

nificat insculptam esse eorum cordibus love, while there is one point' to which
caritatem, ut supervacuae sint literae you will do well to pay heed. Instead
in charta scriptae.' Beng. 'doctrinae : of giving way further to that restless
divinae vis confluit in amorem.' spirit of which you are already showing
On els TO as here acting for the signs, make it your earnest aim to
epexegetic inf. see Moulton Prolegg. preserve a quiet and orderly atti-
p. 219. tude attending to your own business,
IO. KCU yap Troielre avro KrA.] for
and working with your hands for your
indeed ye do it... KCU not losing its own livelihood, even as we directed
force as in the classical KOI yap = 'ete- while still present with you. By so
nim,' but marking an advance on the doing you will not only convey a
preceding statement (Blass p. 275) :
good impression to your unbelieving
the Thessalonians have not only been neighbours, but you will yourselves
taught, but, looking to the fact that maintain an honourable indepen-
God has been their teacher, they dence.'
practise (Troielre) what they have been I0b .
TlapaKaXovfjifv 8e KrA.] For a
taught, cf. i Jo. iii. i6ff. similar appeal see v. i, though here the
If rovs is omitted before the de- more regular inf. is used after irapa-
fining clause ev 0X17 r. Ma*., these KO.\. instead of the mi-construction :

words are best connected directly cf. P.Oxy. 292, 5ff. 8tb napaKoXu o-e
with TroteTrf, as denoting the region pern Trdo-rjs dwdfj-ecos fX lv O-VTOV avve-
w hicli the love of the brethren <TTClfJLVOV. For 7Tfpl(T(rVll> SCC HOtC
was displayed. For the extent on iii. 12, and for /zaAAoi/ see note on
of the region thus referred to ('all v. i.

Macedonia ') see Intr. p. xlv. II. Kai <pi\OTifjif'io'Qai ri<TV\a.^fiv\

For a certain amount of restlessness
iob 12. Call to Quiet Work.
amongst the Thessalonians, apparently
A continued exhortation to the owing to their eschatological expec-
Thessalonians to advance in increas- tations, see Intr. p. xlvi f.

ing measure in the practice of the The verb ^lAort^eifr^ai is found

(pi\a8e\(pia whose presence in their again in Rom. xv. 20, 2 Cor. v. 9, and
midst has just been so fully recognized in all three passages seems to have
(r. io ), and at the same time to avoid lost its original idea of emulation ('be
that spirit of restlessness and of in- ambitious'), and to mean little more
attention to their daily work, of which '
than be zealous,' strive eagerly,' in '

apparently they had already begun to accordance with its usage in late Gk. :

show traces, and which, if not checked, cf. Aristeas 79 airavra (f)i\OTifji,r}devTs
could not fail to create an unfavour- fls VTTfpoxrjv 86rjs TOV /3ao-iAf'cor Trotfj-
able impression on the minds of un- o-ai, and see P.Petr. in. 42 H (8) f., 3 f.
believers (VV. TI, 12). (iii./B.C.) c(pi\OTifj.ov lie irapay([t>e<T6ai
iob 12. 'This however is not to P.Tebt. 410, io
Trpos <T
Km] rj'Xdov,
say that we do not urge you to still (i./A.D.) e'(iAo7-[i]fioi) <rvv epol fjLflvat, and
further efforts in the practice of this for the corresponding adj. P. Petr. i.


mx TrepLTrarrJTe Trpos TOVS Kai

12 (Ptol.) where a steward writes to insert Idiots here before xepo-iV. cf.

his employer that he had borrowed note on c. ii. 15.

four artabae of wheat which a certain K<i6a>$ iraprjyydXaiJLfv] even
Dynis had offered and was pressing
' '
as we charged you' the use of the em-
(<pi\oTifjiov OVTOS) to lend. Along with Trapayye'XAeti', which
phatic is specially
(piXori/iia, (pi\, is very com- used in class, writers of the orders of
mon in Gk. honorary decrees where military commanders (cf. note on napay-
its general meaning is 'to act with yf\ia v. 2), bringing out the authority
public spirit,' e.g. C.I.A. n. 444, 23 ff. with which the Apostles spoke, cf. II.
(ii./B.C.) O7TO)S ovv Kai 77 /3ovX?) Kai o iii. 10 ff. The verb is a favourite with
8fjp.os iJ.vrffiovevovTfs (paivcavTai raiv els Luke (Gosp. 4 Ac. 11 ), and outside these
eavTovs <pi\oTifjiovp,V(av, See also Field Epp. and i Tim. is found elsewhere
Notes p. 165, Hicks C. R. i. p. 46. in the Pauline writings i Cor. vii. 10,

With rfo-vx^fiv (a favourite Lukan xi. 17.

word, e.g. Lk. xiv. 3, Ac. xi. 18) con- 12. tva nepurarfTf xrX.] The pur-
trast irfpiepydgfcrOai II. iii. 1 1, and with pose of the foregoing 7rapaK\r)<ns. By
the striking oxymoron (Beza et con- avoiding undue interference with the
tendatis quieti esse) cf. Rom. xii. 11 affairs of others, and paying diligent
TTJ cnrovdrj /z;) OKvrjpoi, Phil. iv. 7 *7 attention to their own work, the
flprjvij...(j)povpi]O'(i ) Heb. X. 24 (is irap- Thessalonians would not only present
ov( dydrrrjs. a decorous appearance to their un-
KOI irpdo'o'fiv TO. i'ia] The commen- believing neighbours, but themselves
tators draw attention to the similar enjoy an honourable independence.
juxtaposition found in Plato Rep. vi. becom-

Evo-xrjfj-ovajs, decorously,'
496 D where the philosopher who has ingly,' corresponding to the old Eng.
escaped from the dangers of political
' '

honestly (Vg. honeste) of the A. V.

life described as rjavxiav e^coi/ Kai
is here and in Rom. xiii. 13, is found
ra avTov 7rparrG>z>, while the general combined with Kara rdgiv in i Cor.
thought is illustrated by another pas- xiv. 40 to express the beauty and
sage from the same book iv. 433 A, TO ra harmony that result in the Church
CLVTOV irpaTTCw Kai prj TroKvirpayiioveiv from every member's keeping his own
diKawo-vvrj eari cf. also Dion Cass. LX.
place : cf. Aristeas 284 ra TOV /3iou
27 rr/if 8e 8r) gcrvg&il' uytoi/, Kai ra eavroi) /Mfr* fV(r\r}"6vT)s Kai KaraoToXrJs yivo-

Trparra)!/, fVco^ero. In
three passages
all neva, and especially the use of the
the more correct ra cavrov for ra i'Sta adj. to denote the Egyptian magis-
(cf. Lk. xviii. 28) may also be noted trates who had charge of public
(cf. Lob. Phryn. p. 441). morals, e.g. B. G. U. 147, i
(ii. iii./A.D.)
icai epydc(T0ai rX.] For the bear- dpx(p68ois Kai fvo-xvp-oa-t KW/J.T]S^ and
ing of these words on the general Wilcken Ostraka no. 1153 (Rom.)
standing of the Thessalonian converts TOVS V(rx^fMovas TOVS eVt ra>v
cf. II. iii. 10 f., and for the new dignity (where see note).
imparted by the Gospel to manual TOVS e&> a phrase derived
labour see Intr. p. xlvii. from the Rabbinical DTl^nn (cf.
In accordance with a tendency of Schottgen on i Cor. v. 12), and em-
transcribers towards greater precision bracing all outside the Christian com-
of statement certain MSS.(K*AD C KL) munity whether Gentiles or unbeliev-
IV 1

Ov 6e\ofj.ev Se vfjias dyvoelv, d$6\(f)oi, Trepi

ing Jews, cf. Mk. iv. u, i Cor. v. i2f., IV. 13 1 8. TEACHING CONCERNING
Col. iv. 5, i Tim.
7 (aVo iii. TK>V -
6ev). 'It is characteristic of St Paul ADVENT OP CHRIST.
to ask,"What will the Gentiles say of 13, 14. With regard moreover to

us?" a part of the Christian prudence, that other matter which we under-
which was one of the great features stand is causing you anxiety, the fate
For a similar
of his life' (Jowett).
namely of those of your number who
exhortation with the same end in are falling on sleep before the coming
view cf. i Pet. ii. 1 1 ff. Chrys. thus of the Lord, we are anxious, Brothers,
applies the reproof to his own age :
that you should be fully informed.
yap ol irap rnj.1v arKav8a\ioj>rai TOV- There is no reason why you should
TOIS, TToXXci) [J.a\\OV Ol C^OideV. .8lO KO.I
sorrow, as those who do not share

XptO-Tf^JLTTOpOVS Ka\OVO-lV Tj^LCLS. in your Christian hope cannot fail

Kal fjLr)o"v6s KrX.] Mr)8ev6s may be to do. For as surely as our belief
either masc. or neut. The former in is rooted in the death and resurrection
view of the context yields good sense of Jesus, even so we are confident that
(Wycl. of no marines 30 desire ony God will bring along with the return-
Hieron. in Gal. n.
ing Jesus those who have fallen on
thing}: cf. c. iii.

'They are sharply censured because sleep through Him/

they go round idly from house to Ov BeXofjLfv 8e *rX.] a phrase
house, expecting food from others, used by St Paul to introduce a new
while they try to make themselves and important topic, and always with
agreeable to this person and that the impressive addition of aSeX^oi ;

(singulis).' On the other hand the cf. Rom. i. 13, xi. 25, i Cor. x. i, xii.
use of xpetai/ fx ftv elsewhere with i, 2 Cor. i. 8, and for a near parallel
the gen. of the thing (e.g. Mt. vi. 8, P.Tebt. 314, 3 (ii./A.D.) 7noreua> <r /ZT)
Lk. x. 42, Heb. v. 12 cf. Rev. iii. 17 ;
ayvoflv. The corresponding formula
ovdev xpci av ^X") points rather to the yivao-Keiv ve 0e'X<a is very common in
rendering 'have need of nothing' the papyri, especially in opening a
(Beza et nullins indigeatis): by their letter after the introductory greeting,
own work they would be placed in a e.g. B.G.U. 27, 3 ff. (ii. iii./A.D.) Kal
position of avrdpKfta, cf. II. iii. 8, 12. 8ia 7r[a]iros fv^ofJiaL o~e vyievev
IV. 13 V. ii. From the foregoing O.VTOS vyieva). Ttv(ao~Kftv o~e

practical exhortations St Paul turns to KT\.

two a more doctrinal
difficulties of l TOJV KoifjLo>fj.vo)v] concerning

character, which, from the manner in them that are falling asleep (Vg. de
which they are introduced, would dormientibus) the pres. part, not
seem to have been referred directly only indicating a state of things that
to him by the Thessalonians, or more was going on, but also lending itself
probably were brought under his more readily to the thought of a
notice by Timothy in view of what future awakening than the perf. would
he had heard at Thessalonica (Intr. p. have done (cf. Lft. ad loc.}. It
xxxiii f.). The first relates to the lot of was doubtless indeed the extreme
those dying before the Lord's Return, appropriateness of the word /cot/xao-^ai
the second to the time when that in the latter direction (Thdt. : ro> yap
Return might be expected. The two {JTTVW eyp^yopais Aug. Serm.
sections are closely parallel, each con- xciii. 6, 'Quare enim dormientes
sisting of a question (iv. 13, v. i) an :
vocantur, nisi quia suo die resusci-
and tantur ?') that led St Paul to prefer

answer (iv. 14 17, v. 2 10) :

a practical exhortation (iv. 18, v. 1 1). it to a-rroOvijo-Kciv in speaking of the


twt fur) \VTrfjo'6e Ka6ws KO.I oi \OLTTOI ol uri

death of believers are who alone labrum are shown to be of Jewish

thought of here, though in no case origin. The first of these (C.I.G.
must the underlying figure be pressed 9313) runs Koip.T]T^piov EvTv\l_t]as rfjs
as if descriptive of his idea of their Hrjrpos 'AdtyWov K QeoKTio-Tov. For
intermediate state. the existence of a Jewish colony in
The same metaphor frequently Athens cf. Ac. xvii. 17, and see art.
occurs in the earlier O.T. and apoca- *
Athens '
in Hastings' D.B. by F. C.
lyptic literature without any reference Conybeare.
to the resurrection-hope, e.g. Gen. Ka6a>s KOI ol AOITTOI]
even as also the
xlvii. 30, 2 Regn. vii. 12, Jer. xxviii. rest,' i.e. 'all who are not believers/
(li.) 39 (VTTVOV aluviov), Jubilees xxiii. synonymous with of e'^co (v. 1
2) : cf.

i, xxxvi. 18, Ass. Mas. i. 15, x. 14, Rom. xi. 7, Eph. ii. 3. The clause is

Apoc. Bar. xi. 4, Test. xii. pair. often interpreted as = 'to the same
Jos. XX. 4 (fKoiy^dr) vnvov alaviov) ;
extent as the rest (Thdt. rrjv dfjierpiav :

on the other hand as preparing us for but this is to strain

l\inrr]v] cKftdXXei),
the later Christian use of the term the Gk. unduly, and we have rather
cf. Dan. xii. 2, 2 Mace. xii. 44 f., 4 one of the constantly recurring in-
Ezra vii. 32 et terra reddet qui in ea stances in which St Paul 'states his
dormiunt, et puluis qui in eo silentio precept broadly, without caring to
habitant.' enter into the qualifications which
the varied connotation of the will suggest themselves at once to
term Jewish eschatology see Volz
in thinking men' (Lft.). On the force
Jild. Eschat. p. 134, and for the of KO.I see ii. 14 note.
occurrence of the figure in pagan oi M
f'xovres *rA.] The general
literature, Callim.
Epiyr. x. i,
cf. hopelessness of the pagan world in the
Horn. II. xi. 241, Soph. Electr. 509, presence of death is almost too well-
Verg. A en. vi. 278 (' consanguineus known to require illustration, but see
leti sopor'). See also the striking e.g. Aesch. Eum. 618 a7ra tiavwros,
saying of Gorgias (V./B.C.) in his ex- OVTIS eVr' arao-rao-ty, Theocr. Id. iv.
treme old age tfor) p. 6 VTTVOS apftfrai 42 eXnides fv faolcriv, ai>e'A Trio-rot 8e
TrapaKaTaridfa-dat Ta8f\<p<p (Aelian 6av6vTfs, Catull. v. 5 f. 'nobis cum
V.H. ii.
35). semel occidit breuis nox est lux,
The verb (especially eicot/ujtfip') is perpetua una dormienda,' and the
very common in Christian inscriptions, touching letter of Cicero adFam. xiv.
e.g. I. G.S.I. 549, I <rvv 2, which was dated Thesaalonicae.
r) SouAi) roG [tfeov] 2a/3cli/a, 68, I encoi- The inscriptions tell the same tale, e.g.
\jJ\Qr] r\ deoKoiprjTos Aryeia. The allied I.G.S.I. 929, 13 Koiparai TOV ULMVIOV
subst. appears by the
KoiprjTripiov i>irv(ov), 1879, ll tyvx<a...oo-rt9 OVK
middle of the 3rd cent, if not earlier. r\\xr\v teal yevo/j,r)v, OVK elpl KOL ov
Thus the formula of dedicating TO KOL- \vnov fj,ai.
p\r]Jr[r]]piov 0>s dvao-Tao-(t)s is found in 14. No mention has been made of
an inscription at Thessalonica (C.I.G. the reason of Gentile hopelessness, but
9439) which Kirchhoff thinks may be- it is clearly traceable to ignorance of

long to the 2nd cent., though Ramsay the revelation of the one God (cf. Eph.
carries it forward to the middle of the ii. 12 \nida pr} e^oi/rey K. adeoi tv T.
4th (C. and B. i. p. 495). The word Koo7i&>), and accordingly the Apostles
is often thought to be exclusively proceed to lay down the real ground
Christian, but Roberts-Gardner (p. of Christian hope. That ground is
513) quote two inscriptions which by the death and resurrection of the
the figures of a seven-branched cande- historic Jesus (cf. Add. Note i)),
IV i 4 15]

e^oi/res e\7riSa. el
yap Tria-Tevojuiei/ OTL 'ltj<rovs aTre-
Oavev KCLL di/ecTTrj) OVTCOS Kai 6 6eos TOI)S Koi/uriBevTas Sid
TOV 'lri(rov a^ei arvv avTa. TovTO <ydp

which, by an impressive irregularity the whole clause, serving to strengthen

of grammatical structure, are here stillfurther the comparison stated in
brought into direct relation not with the apodosis (cf. ii. 14 note). '0 6e6$
the resurrection of believers, but, in is emphatic it is the one true God

keeping with the general drift of the who, as the raiser-up of Jesus, will
Ep., with their return with Christ in raise up His people along with Him,
glory. cf. i Cor. vi. 14, 2 Cor. iv. 14. In
yap irio-Tevopev /crX.] The use of
fl order, however, that He may do so
fl inthe opening clause of the syllogism there must be a certain oneness be-
instead of throwing any doubt on the tween the Head and His members, and
belief spoken of, rather makes it more it is to the existence of this connecting
definite, cf. Rom. v. 15, Col. iii. i, and link in the case of the Thessalonian
for the conjunction airiQ. K. dveo-Tr) see believers that the next words point.
Rom. xiv. 9, where it is said in the TOVS Koip,r)devTas did. TOV 'l^troC]
same sense as here els TOVTO yap 'those that are fallen asleep through
Xpio-Tos djredavfv fr](Tv iva Ka\
KOI Jesus/ Koifj,T]06VTa$ being used with
vfKpwv KOI
WVTO>V Kvpifvar). The use a purely midd. sense, and the instru-
of aiff6avev in the present passage is mental did pointing to Jesus as the
specially noticeable in contrast with mediating link between His people's
Koipdadai applied to believers (v. 13) :
sleep and their resurrection at the
it isas if the writers wished to em- hands of God (cf. did. T. CVOKOVVTOS
phasize that because Christ's death avTov TrvevfiaTos in a similar connexion
was a real death, ' a death of death/ in Rom. viii. ii). Stated in full the
His people's death has been turned argument would run :
so also we
into 'sleep.' Chrys. :
encidrj de r/X6ev believe that those who fell asleep
6 XpKTTOJ, Ktt\ Vrrp (tifj$
TOV KOfTfJLOV through Jesus, and in consequence
d-rrtOavf, OVMTI Qavaros KoAtlrai \OITTOV were raised by God through Him,
o fldvaros, aXXa VTTVOS KOI Koifj.r)o~is (d& will God bring with Him.' This is

Coemit. et Cruce, Op. ii. 470 ed. better than to connect did T. 'Ii/o-oG

Gaume). directly with a.

Such an arrange-
It may be noted that only here and ment, while grammatically possible,
in v. 1 6 does St Paul employ dvio-Tao-0ai is not only contrary to the parallelism

with reference to resurrection from of the sentence ('1/70-. a7r<f#....r. Koi^d.

the dead cf. also the metaph. use in
did T. 'If/a-.) and to the analogy of the

Eph. v. 14. As a rule he prefers closely following of veitpol cv Xp. (v. 16),

yip(tv, cf. i. 10 and other forty but gives a halting and redundant
occurrences in his Epp. The subst. conclusion to the whole sentence :

dvdorao-ts is found eight times. It is

God will bring through Jesus along
frequent in the inscriptions for the with Him.'
* '
erection of a statue or monument, For Koifj.r)dfjvai see the note on
e.g. Magn. I79> 28 f. CTTI rf) ai/aoracrei v. 13, and as further illustrating its
TOV avdpiavTos. midd. sense cf. P.Cairo 3, gff.
ovTtos KOI 6 Of 6s] so also (we believe (iii./B.C.) TJi/iKd TJfj.e\\ov KOiprjdrjvai,
that) God/ OVTUS virtually resuming eypcn/m eVioroAia 0. Dr W. F. Moul-
the protasis and Km, which belongs ton has proposed that in the verse
not to the single word 'God' but to before us the verb may be a true

ev Kvpov, OTI /zes o wi/Tes o

TYIV Trapovcriav TOV Kvpiov ov jurj


passive 'were put to sleep' (see stances that had arisen (cf. i Cor. ii.

Moulton Prolegg. p. 162). But how- 10, 2 Cor. xii. iff., Gal. i. 12, 16,
ever beautiful the sense that is thus Eph. iii. more generally to
3), or
obtained, it is not the one that find in and the following vv.
naturally suggests itself. the interpretation which, acting under
aei\ ducet, suave verbum : dicitur the immediate guidance of the Lord's
de viventibus' (Beng.). With the own spirit ('quasi Eo ipso loquente,'
thought cf. Asc. Isai. iv. 16 quoted Beza), St Paul and his companions
above on iii. 13. were able to put upon certain current
15 1 8. 'Regarding this, we say, Jewish apocalyptic ideas. On a
we are confident, for we have it on subject of such importance they
the direct authority of the Lord naturally felt constrained to appeal
Himself that we who are surviving to the ultimate source of their
when the Lord comes will not in any authority cf. i Cor. vii. TO OVK cy<o

way anticipate those who have fallen dXXa 6 Kvpios. Thdt. ov yap otKeiois :

asleep. What will happen will rather XoyioyxoTs, aXA' CK Oeias r^iiv
be this. The .Lord Himself will ? 77
8tdao-/caXia yeyei/r/rai.
descend from heaven with a shout On Steck's discovery of the Xoyos in
of command, with the voice of an 4 Ezra v. 41 f. see Intr. p. Ixxv, and
archangel, and with the trumpet-call on the use made by Resch of this verse
of God. Then those who died in to prove ('auf das Deutlichste') St
Christ, and in consequence are still Paul's dependence on the Logia (Der
living in Him, shall rise first. And Paulinismus u. die Logia Jesu
only after that shall we who are sur- (1904) p. 338 f.) see Kirsopp Lake in
viving be suddenly caught up in the Am. J. of Th. 1906 p. io7f., who
clouds with them to meet the Lord in finds in it rather the suggestion of
the air. Thus shall we ever be with a smaller and less formal collection of
the Lord. Wherefore comfort one sayings.
another with these words.' on KrX.]
TJ/zeis- 'that we who are
15.ev Xoyo> Kvpiov] The 'word' alive, who survive unto the Parousia
is often found in some actual saying of the Lord.' These words must not
of the Lord while He was upon the be pressed as conveying a positive
earth, such as Mt. xxiv. 3of.
= Mk. (
and unqualified declaration on the
xiii. 26 f., Lk. xxi. 27), xvi. 27, Jo. vi. Apostles' part that the Lord would
39 f., but none of these cover the come during their lifetime, if only
statement of the present verse, which because as we learn elsewhere in
must certainly be included in the these Epp. they were well aware that
teaching referred to (as against von the time of that coming was quite
Soden who finds it only in v. 16) ; uncertain (v. i, II. ii. i if.). At the
while again this very want of similarity same time there can be no doubt that
with any 'recorded' saying should the passage naturally suggests that
make us the more chary of postulating they expected so to survive (cf. i Cor.
an 'unrecorded' one (cf. Ac. xx. 35, xv. 5 1 f.), and we must not allow the
and see Ropes Spruche Jesu p. 1 52 ff.). fact that they were mistaken in this
On the whole, therefore, it is better belief to deprive their words of their
to fall back upon the thought of a proper meaning, as when ij/ms is
direct revelation granted to the referred generally to believers who
Apostles to meet the special circum- shall be alive at Christ's appearing, or

ori CIVTOS 6 Kvpios ev KeXevcr/uLariy iv

the participles are taken hypotheti- Sap. vi. 13, xvi. 28, where, as here,
cally 'if we are alive,' 'if we survive.' it isfollowed by an ace.
How far indeed an interpreter may go The double negative ov is found ^
in the supposed interests of Apostolic elsewhere in the Pauline Epp., apart
infallibility is shown by the attitude from LXX. citations, only in v. 3, i Cor.
amongst others of Calvin who thinks viii.13, Gal. v. 16, always apparently
that the Apostles used the first with the emphatic sense which it has
person simply in order to keep the in class. Gk., and which can also be
Thessalonians on the alert ('Thessa- illustrated from the Koii/rJ see e.g. :

lonicenses in exspectationem erigere, the well-known boy's letter to his

adeoque pios omnes tenere suspen- father P.Oxy. 119, 14 f. (ii. iii./A.D.)
ses') Asa matter of fact the near
ap, p.r) TTfJ.\lf7js
ov 0ayo>, ov fir] ircivco.

approach of the Parousia here im- ravra if you don't send, I won't eat,
plied would seem, notwithstanding I won't drink there now
On the

many statements to the contrary, to general use of ov /; in the Gk. Bible

have been held by St Paul throughout see Moulton Prolegg. pp. 39, 187 ff.
his life see Kennedy Last Things
: 1 6.
on] not parallel to the pre-
pp. i6ofl'., where the evidence of the ceding on, and like it dependent on
Epp. down to the closing statement Xtyojuef, but introducing a justification
Phil. iv. 5 6 Kvpios eyyvs is carefully of the statement just made (ov /m)
examined. <p#ao-.) by a fuller description of the
On iTpi\f'nrfo-dai see below on v. 17,
Lord's Parousia.
and on napovo-ia see Add. Note F. avros o Kvpios KrX.] AVTOS (' Ipse,
grandis sermo' Beng.) draws atten-
ov fj,r) (pdao-apfv xrX.] shall in no
wise precede them that are fallen tion to the fact that it is the Lord in

asleep.' So far from the living having

'His own august personal presence'
any advantage at the Parousia over (Ellic.)Who will descend, and thereby
those already dead, it would rather assure the certainty of His people's
be the other way, an assurance which resurrection (cf. i Cor. xv. 23).
was the more required in view of the For the thought cf. Ac. i. ii, and
prevalent Jewish belief that a special for Karaftaivfiv in a similar eschato-

blessing attached to those who sur- logical sense cf. Rev. iii. 12, xxi. 2, 10,
vived the coming of the Kingdom : also Mic. i.
3 I8ov Kvpios e/C7ropeuerat
see Dan. xii. 12, Pss. Sol. xvii. 50, Asc. K TOV TOTTOV avTov, Koi Kara/37/o~eTai
Isai. iv. 1
5 (with Charles's note), and es- e.Tri ra v\lrrj rfjs yrjs.

pecially 4 Ezra
24 scito ergo quo-
On air ovpavov see i. 10 note.
niam magisbeatificatisunt qui derelicti cv Kf\vo-p.a.Ti KT\.] with a shout of

super eos qui mortui sunt while as ; command, with an archangel's voice
showing how the same difficulty con-
and with God's trumpet accompani-
tinued to linger in the early Christian ments of the descending Lord, evi-
Church cf. Clem. Recogn. i. 52 (ed. dently chosen with special reference to
the awaking of those who were asleep.
Gersdorf ) Si Christi regno fruentur
hi,quos iustos invenerit eius adventus, The three clauses may represent
ergo qui ante adventum eius defuncti distinct summonses, but the absence

sunt, regno penitus carebunt ? of any defining gen. with /ccXevtr/nart

Qdavfiv (ii. 1 6 note) reappears here makes it probable that it is to be
in its generally class, sense of antici- taken as the general idea, which is
pate,' 'precede,' old Engl. 'prevent' then more fully described by the two
(Wright Bible Word-Book *.*.), cf. appositional clauses that follow. In

air ovpavov, Kai ol
veKpol ev XpurTto dvaa~Tr]<rovTai

any case it must be kept in view that reason the gen. both here and in 0-0X73-.
we are dealing here not with literal 6eov is best treated as possessive a
details, but with figures derived from voice such as an archangel uses,' 'a
the O.T. and contemporary Jewish trumpet dedicated to God's service'
writings, and that the whole is coloured (WM. p. 310).
by the imagery of our Lord's eschato- ev a-aXniyyi deov] In I Cor. xv. 52
logical discourses, especially Matt, this accompaniment is twice referred
xxiv. 30 f. to as a distinguishing sign of Christ's
For the use of denote the
ev to approach ev rfj ca^arr) adXiriyyi' traX-
attendant circumstances of the Lord's iria-ei yap the figure apparently
descent cf. Lk. xiv. 31, Eph. v. 26, vi. being drawn from the parallel des-
2, Col. ii. 7; Blass p. 118. cription in Joel ii. I o-aXniaaTf craX-
Ke'Xeuoyict (enr. \eyop,evov in the niyyi fv Seiuv,... Start Trapearti/ ijfJ-epa

N.T., in LXX. only Prov. xxiv. 62 (xxx. Kupi'ov, eyyvs. on

27)) is frequently used in class. Gk. with For similar exx. of trumpet-sounds
reference to the word of command accompanying the revelations of God

in battle (Hdt. iv. 141) or the 'call' cf. Ex. xix. 16, Isa. xxvii. 13, Zech.
of the KeXeuo-n)? to the rowers (Eur. ix. 14, Pss. Sol. xi. i, 4 Ezra vi. 23
Iph. in T. 1405) cf. also for a close
(' et tuba canet cum sono, quam cum ;

parallel to the passage before us Philo omnes audierint subito expauescent ),

de praem. poen. et
19 (ii. p. 928 M.) and for the speculations of later
avBpanrovs ev etr^artaTs aTraxKTiievovs Judaism on this subject see Weber
paStW av ev\ KeXeva-fiaTL crvvaywyoi Jud. Theologie p. 369 f.

6eos diro nepaTuv. It is not stated by KOI ot veicpoi KrX.]

and the dead
whom the KeXevafia in the present in Christ shall rise first.' The whole
instance is uttered, perhaps by an phrase ot vcicpol ev Xp. forms one
archangel, more probably by the Lord idea in antithesis to ?)/*.
ot ^wvres of
Himself as the principal subject of the following clause, the significant
the whole sentence. Reitzenstein formula ev Xptoro) (cf. note on i. i)
(Poimandres, p. 5 n. ) recalls a pas- pointing to the principle of life.which
sage from the Descensus Mariae in was really at work in those who out-
which Michael (see below) is described wardly seemed to be dead.
as TO Kf\vcrp.a TOV ayiov Trvevparos. The resurrection of all men does
ev (fxavfj oLpx a yy-\ ^ niore specific not here come into view, if indeed
explanation of the preceding Ke'Xevo>ia. it is ever taught by St Paul (cf. Titius
The word dpxdyye\os is found else- Seligkeit ii. p. 51 f.). All that the
where in the N.T. only in Jude 9, Apostles desire to emphasize, in
where it is directly associated with answer to the Thessalonians' fears,
Michael, who is generally supposed
is that the resurrection of the dead
to be referred to here; cf. Lueken in Christ' will be the first act in
Michael (Gottingen, 1898), Volz Jud. the great drama at the Parousia, to
Eschat. p. 195 for the part played by be followed by the rapture of the
Michael in Jewish eschatology, and '
saints : cf. especially Didache
see also Cheyne Exp. vn. i. p. 289 ff. xvi. 6f. where a 'first' resurrection
The absence of the artt., however, be- of the saints alive is similarly assumed,
fore (fxovg and apxayyeKov makes it ai/ao-rao-ts veKpoiv' ov TTCLVTOIV 8e, a'XX*
very doubtful whether any special arch- <as eppetir)' "H^et o Kvpios KOI irdvres ol

angel is thought of, and for the same dyioi /xer' avrov.

OL toI/T9 OL 7rplei7rO/Ui6VOl afJ.0,

crvv avTols dpTrayrjcrdiuLeOa iv ve(pe\ais ek dTra

The v.l. Trpwroi (D*G) may perhaps to meet their Lord (Grot. tanquam in
be due to the desire to assimilate the curru triumphali '). According to
passage to the wholly different Trpcorr) Thackeray Relation of St Paul to
of Rev. XX. 5.
dvdo-Tcto-is Contemporary Jewish Thought ( 1 900)
17. errfira ripels KT\.] 'then we who p. 109 f. no adequate illustration of
are alive, who the qualify-
survive' this use of the 'clouds' has yet been

ing clauses being repeated from v. produced from contemporary Jewish

or Christian literature, but tor partial
15 for the sake of emphasis. HeptXei-
TTopai is found only in these two vv. in parallels cf. Mt. xxiv. 30, xxvi. 64
the N.T., but occurs several times (eVi r. Rev. i. 7 (p,(Ta r.
in the apocr. books of the LXX. (e.g. ve$eAa>i>), passages which point back
2 Mace. i. 31, 4 Mace. xiii. 18), and ultimately to Dan. vii. 13 idov eVt
in the later Gk. verss. (e.g. Sm. Ps. (juera Th.) T<i3i> ve(p\a>v rov ovpavov (os
xx. (xxi.) 13). The word is class. vlos dv6pa>TTov rjfpxero, where the con-

(Horn. II. xix. 230 oa-a-oi S' av TroXe'/Lioto

nexion with the present passage is all
AiVcoimu), and survives the closer owing to its primary refer-
Trept (TTuyepoto
in the Koivr, e.g. P. Par. 63, 168 f.
ence to the glorified people of Israel
Cf. also the description of the taking
(ii./B.C.) dyewpyrjTos TrepiXeKpdtjarfTai-
It came to pass when
The thought of the present passage up of Enoch :

finds a striking parallel in 4 Ezra I had spoken to my sons these men

vii. 28 'reuelabitur enim filius meus (the angels A) summoned me and took
lesus cum his qui cum eo, et iocun- me on their wings and placed me on
of Enoch

dabit qui relicti sunt annis quadrin- the clouds (Secrets iii. i).

gentis : cf. also xiii. 24 cited above els aTrdvTijo-iv KT\.] lit. 'for a meet-
(v. 15 note). ing of the Lord into (the) air' (Vg.
For eTTfiTa (eV eira, Hartung Partik. obmam Christo in aera, Beza in
p. 302) denoting the speedy follow- occursum Domini in aero}. The
' '

ing of the event specified upon what thought is that the raptured saints
has gone before, cf i Cor. xv. 6 (with . will be carried up into 'air,' as the
Ellicott's note). interspace between heaven and earth,
apz] to be closely connected with where they will meet the descending
a-vv avrols 'together with them,' 'all Lord, and then either escort Him down
together,' in a local rather than in a to the earth in accordance with O.T.
temporal (Vg. simul) sense cf. v. 10, :
prophecy, or more probably in keeping
and for the studied force of the ex- with the general context accompany
pression see Deissmann US. p. 64 n.
. Him back to heaven. In any case, in
' '

dpTrayr/o-o/ze^a] be caught up shall view of the general Jewish tendency

'snatched up' (Vg. rapiemur), the to people the 'air with evil spirits (cf.
verb in accordance with its usage both Eph. ii. 2, and see Asc. Isai. vii. 9,
in class. Gk. and the LXX. suggesting Test. xii. patr. Benj. iii. 4 rov
forcible or sudden seizure, which, as TOV /SeAiap), it can hardly
the context proves, is here due to be regarded here as the abode of final
Divine agency (cf. Ac. viii. 39, 2 Cor. bliss: cf. Aug. de civ. Dei xx. 20. 2
xii. 2, 4, Rev. xii. 5), the effect being non sic accipiendum est, tanquam in
stillfurther heightened by the mys- aere nos dixerit semper cum Domino
terious and awe-inspiring accompani- esse mansuros; quia nee ipse utique
ment ev i/c^eXacff as the vehicle by ibi manebit, quia veniens transiturus
which the quick and dead are wafted est. Venienti quippe ibitur obviam,

TOV Kupiov eJs

depa- Kai OUTWS Travrore crvv

non manenti.' It will be noted that even Pharisaic belief occasionally rose,
nothing is said here of the physical Cf. Pss. Sol. iii. 1 6 ot 5e (fropovnevot
transformation with which according [TOV, Gebhardt] Kvptoy dvaarT^o~ovrai els
to St Paul's teaching elsewhere (i Cor. farv at&vtov, KOI 17 far/ avT^v ev 0o)rt
xv 35 53 2 Cor v i4, Phil- i".
- - -
Kvplov KOI OVK cK\cfy(i en, and 4 Ezra
' *
20 f.) this rapture will be accom- viii. 39, 'sed iocundabor super ius-
panied. torura figmentum, peregrinationis
The phrase els dndvTrja-iv (frequent quoque et saluationis et mercedis
in LXX. for Heb. nN^kY) is found c. receptionis.'
gen. in Mt. xxvii. 32 (WH. mg.), c.dat.
1 8. cS(TT TrapaKoXflTf fcrX.] Aug. :

in Ac. xxviii. 15, and used absolutely

is 'Pereat contristatio, ubi tanta est
in Mt. xxv. 6 : cf. also Mt. xxv. i els consolatio' (Serm. clxxiii. 3). For
V7rdvTr)o-iv TOV vvp,<piov where the TrapaKaXelv here evidently in its se-

closely-related vTrdvrrjo-iv lays stress on condary sense of comfort' see ii. 1 1

'waiting for' rather than on actual note while, as showing the difference
meeting.' An interesting instance of
between Christian and heathen sources
of comfort, reference
the phrase is furnished by Polyb. v. may be made
26. 8 fiy
at his re- to the papyrus-letter of consolation ' '
TTJV dndvTrjo-iv
ception,' with reference to the pre- (P.Oxy. 115 (ii./A.D.)) where, after ex-
parations made for the welcome of pressing his grief at the news of a
Apelles in Corinth, with which may friend's death, the writer concludes
be compared P.Tebt. 43, 7 (ii./B.c.) aXX' ovdev dvvaTai TIS Trpos TO.
ToiavTa. rraprjyopeiTe ovv eavrovs, but
Trapfyfvijdrjuev els a.TrdvTrjo'iv of the
formal reception of a newly-arriving still there is one can do in the
magistrate. E.G. U. 362. vii. i7(iii./A.D.) face of such trouble. So I leave you
TTpos [d]7raiT77[o-ti/ ToC] ijyffj-ovos and the to comfort yourselves.' For the whole

Pelagia-Legendewp.ig (ed. Usener) els letter see Add. Note A, and cf. Deiss-

a-navrr](Tiv TOV
dvdpos illustrate 6<riov mann New Light on the N.T. (1907)
the genitive-construction of the pas- p. 76.
sage before us. See further Moulton fv Tols
\6yots TovTots] 'with these
Prolegg. p. 14 n.
3. words' vv. 1517.
viz. This is ap-
KOI ovTvs KT\.] It was towards this parently one of the instances where
goal, a life of uninterrupted (ndvTOTc) a full instrumental sense can be given
communion with his risen and glorified to *v in accordance with a
usage not
Lord that St Paul's longings in think- unknown in classical (Kiihner 3
ing of the future always turned cf. : 3 a), and largely developed in later
v. 10, II. ii.
i, 2 Cor. v. 8, Col. iii. 4, Gk., cf. Lk. xxii. 49, i Cor. iv. 21,
Phil. i.
23 (TVV XpioTO) flvai. and for exx. from the Koivrj see
P.Tebt. 48, i8f. (ii./B.c.) AVKOS o~vv
Christ is the end, for Christ was the
aXXois Iv oir\ois and the other in-
Christ the beginning, for the end is stances cited by the editors on p. 86.
Christ. On the consequent disappearance of
another of the so-called 'Hebraisms'
The contrast with the generally from the N.T. see Deissmann 8.
materialistic expectations of the time
p. n8ff., Moulton Prolegg. pp. 12,
hardly needs mention (see Intr. p. Ixx),
61 f., and cf. Kuhring p. 3 if.
but, as showing the height to which

V. riepl Se TWV %p6vo)v Kcti T(Lv KatpcoVy d$6\<poi,

vfMV ypd(f>ea'6ai, *avTOi

ov yap aKpi/3ws


porro de temporibus et opportuni-
tatibus. The two words (cf. Ac. i. 7,
Dan. ii. 21, vii. 12, Eccles. iii. i, Sap.
viii. 8 ;
P.Lond. i. 42, 23 f. (ii./B.c.)
The second difficulty or danger of TOCTOVTOV XP OVOV fTTtyfyOVOTOf KCtl TOl-
the Thessaloniaus was closely con- ovrtov Kaipnv) are often distinguished
nected with the first. So long as as if they referred to longer and
they had thought that only those shorter periods of time respectively
who were actually alive at the time (Beng. xP OVO)V p^rtes^ Kcupoi), but

of Christ's Parousia would share in Xpovos rather expresses simply dura-

His full blessedness, they had been tion, time viewed in its extension, and
doubly impatient of any postpone- Kaipos a definite space of time, time
ment in His coming, lest they them- with reference both to its extent and
selves might not survive to see that character : cf. Tit. i. 2 f. where this
Day. And though the principal distinction comes out very
clearly, fy
ground of their disquiet had now (sc. forjv al&viov) eV^yyeiXaTo o d\^ev-
been removed (iv. 13 17), the pre- 8f]S 6eos Trpc xP ova)V alwviatv e<ai>6pa><rez/
vailing restlessness and excitement Se Kaipols idiots. In the present in-
were such (see Intr. p. xlvi f.), that the stance therefore xpovov may be taken
Apostles were led to remind their
' '
as a general description of the ages
converts of what they had already that may elapse before the Parousia,
laid down so clearly in their oral while Kaipwv draws attention to the

teaching, that the day of

the Lord critical 'periods' (articuli) by which
would come as a surprise (DO. i
5), these 'ages' will be marked.
and consequently that continued In the N.T. Kaipos is very common
watchfulness and self-restraint were with an eschatological reference, pro-
necessary on the part of all who would bably, as Hort suggests (i Pet. p. 51),
be found ready for it (ov. 6 n). owing to the manner of its use in
15. 'We have been speaking of Daniel (ix. 27 &c.) cf. Mk. xiii. 33,:

Christ'sReturn. As to the time Lk. xxi. 8, 24, Ac. iii. 19, Eph. i. 10,
when that will take place, Brothers, i Tim. vi. 15, Tit. i. 3, Heb. ix. 10,

we do not need to say anything Rev. i. 3, xi. 18, xxii. 10. It should
further. For you yourselves have be noted however that it is by no
already been fully informed that the means limited by St Paul to its
coming of the Day of the Lord is as special use, but is also used of time
unexpected as the coming of a thief generally, e.g. Rom. iii. 26, viii. 18,
in the night. It is just when men i Cor. vii. 29, Eph. v. 16 (with Robin-

are feeling most secure that ruin son's note). See further Trench Syn.
confronts them suddenly as the Ivii., and for an interesting dis-
birth-pang a travailing woman, and cussion of the Gk. idea of Kaipos see
escape is no longer possible. But as Butcher Harvard Lectures on Greek
for you, Brothers, the case is very Subjects (1904) p. ii7ff. The dis-
different. You are living in the day- tinction alluded to above survives in
light now and therefore the coining
: mod. Gk. where xP ovos y ear>' an(l
of the Day will not catch you un- Kaipos
= weather.' l

awares.' On dSeXcpm' see i. 4 note, and on

Ufpl Se T. xpovcav Vg. de
*crX.] ov xp- *x- see i y' 9 n te-

temporibus autem et momentis, Beza 2. avrol yap aKptjB&s /crX.] For


oi$aT6 OTL rifjiepa Kvpiov ws K\67TTrjs ev VVKTI OVTWS

yourselves (A.V. 1611 'your selues') expression had come to be regarded

know accurately' a further appeal as a kind of proper name, but to the
to the Thessalonians' own experience emphasis laid on the character of the

(cf. ii. i note), the addition of a*picSs day, a day of the Lord. It belongs
being due not only to the stress laid to Him, is His time for working, for

by the Apostles on this point in their manifesting Himself, for displaying

oral teaching, but perhaps also to the His character, for performing His
fact that then as now (see below) that work His strange work upon the

teaching had been based on the actual earth (A. B. Davidson, Tluol of the
words of the Lord. For a somewhat 0.7! (1904) p. 375).
similar use of aKpipvs cf. Ac. xviii. 25 The phrase is first found in the
where it is said of Apollos cdi'dao-jccp O.T. in Amos v. 18 ff.,where the
aKpifiais ra nepl rov *Ir)(rov, though criticizes the popular ex-
is going too far to find there with pectation that the 'day' was to be a
Blass a proof that Apollos made use day not of judgment but of national de-
of a written gospel ('accurate... vide- liverance (perhaps in connexion with
' ' '
licetnon sine scripto euangelio cf. :
phrases like the day of Midian Isa.
Knowling E.G.T. ad loc., and see ix. 4 recalling the victory of Israel
J. H. A. Hart J.T.S. vii. p. 176.). over her foes, see W. R. Smith
In Eph. v. 15, the only other Pauline Prophets of Israel p. 397 f.). It is
passage where the word occurs, it can very frequent in the later prophecies
mean little more than carefully if we
' '

(e.g. Isa. ii. i2ff., Zeph. i. 7ff., Mai.

follow the best-attested reading /3Xc- iii. 2, iv. i), and always with a definite

TTcre ovv dupipas (N*B) if however :

eschatological reference to the term
with N C A aicpipus belongs to nepi- fixed for the execution of judgment :

Trarelrf, the thought of strict con- see further A. B. Davidson op. cit.
' '

formity to a standard is again p. 3748"., and Art. Eschatology in

introduced. The same idea under- Hastings' D.B. i. p. 735 ff., also the
lies the old Engl. use of 'diligently' elaborate discussion in Gressmann
by which the word is rendered in Der Ursprung der israelitisch-jii-
the A.V. of Mt. ii. 8 (cf. JKpi&axrev dischen Eschatologie (1905) p. 141 ff.
'inquired diligently' v. 7), as is shown The actual comparison toy /cXeVrT/s
by the translators' own description of is not found in the O.T. (but cf. Job

their version as 'with the former xxiv. 14, Jer. xxix. 10 (xlix. 9), Obad.
Translations diligently compared and 5), while the addition of eV wicri,
revised.' which is peculiar to the present
'A/cpt<5s is found with olda as here passage, may have led to the belief
in P.Cairo 3, 8f. (iii./B.c.) oira>$ anpi- so widely prevalent in the early
s, P.Petr. n. 15 (i), 1 1 (iii./B.c.) Church that Christ would come at
aKpi/3o>s ;
cf. P.Hib. 40, 6 f.
night (Lact. Instt. vii. 19 'intempesta
(iii./B.C.) Tri<rraaro pevroi anpift(t>s. nocte et tenebrosa,' Hieron. ad Mt.
on rfpepa Kvpiov KT\.] an evident xxv. 6 media nocte '). "Epxercu, pres.
reminiscence of the Lord's own teach- for fut., lends vividness and certainty

ing Mt. xxiv. 43, Lk. xii. 39 cf. Rev. : to the whole idea (cf. Blass, p. 189).
iii. 3, xvi. 1 5, and for a similar use of For Jewish apocalyptic speculations
the same figure 2 Pet. iii. 10. The as to the nearness of the End, com-
absence of the art. before i/pcpa is bined with uncertainty as to its exact
due not only to the fact that the date, see Volz Jud. Eschat. p. 162 ff.
KCZI acr>ae*a, Tore
eTriorraTai oXeOpos co(nrep Y\ taSlv Trj iv

alpauc d g Go Syr (Pesh) Boh Arm Aeth Iren Tert

V 3 OTO.V solum K*AG 17
Cypr Orig
lat lat
Ambst Hier Theod-Mops al: 6rav 5t K C
BD al Syr (Hard) Eus Chr Tbdt

orai/ There is in P.Fay. 123, 21 f. (c. A.D. 100) aXXa

3. \eyvcriv KrX.]
good authority for inserting 8e(WH. al(pvi8 t'[[']Jo> s f'ipTjxfv TJ/JUV crr/juepoi/.
nig.) after orai>, but on the whole
MS. In eTTio-rarai (Vg. superveniet, Beza
evidence is against it, and the verse imminet} the idea of suddenness does
must be regarded as standing in close not belong to the verb itself, though
(asyndetic) relation to the preceding frequently, as here, it is suggested by
clause. The subject is left indefinite, the context, cf. Lk. xx. i, Ac. vi. 12,
but can only be unbelieving men xvii. 5, where tyUmjfu is used simi-
of hostile intent. It occurs
(Beng. 'ceteri, quisunt tenebraruiri},
while the pres. (instead of the aor.) elsewhere in the Pauline writings

subj. after orav points to coincidence only in 2 Tim. iv. 2, 6. The un-
of time in the events spoken of: it is aspirated form eVio-Tarai may be due
'at the very moment when they are to confusion with the other verb eVi-
saying' &c., cf. Rev. xviii. 9, and see (WH. 2 Notes p. 151, WSchm.
Abbott Joh. Gr. p. 385. P- 39)-
ElprjvTj KT\.] a reminiscence of Ezek. "OXedpos (class., LXX.) is confined in
xiii. 10 (XeyovTCS Elprivrj, Kai OVK r\v the N.T. to the Pauline Epp., and,
fipriVTj), aacpaXfia (Vg. securitas, while not necessarily implying anni-
Clarom. munitio, Ambrstr. firmitas) hilation (cf. i Cor. v. 5), carries with
it the thought of utter and hopeless
being added here to draw increased
attention to the feeling of security. ruin, the loss of all that gives worth
The latter word is rare in the N.T. to existence (II. i. 9, i Tim. vi. 9) cf. :

occurring elsewhere only twice in Lk. Sap. i. 12 and especially 4 Mace. x. 15

(Go. Ac. ) in the papyri it is found
: where TOV aiwviov TOV rvpdvvov oXedpov
as a law-term = bond/ security,' e.g. is contrasted with TOV do/di/top ro>i/
' '

P.Tebt. 27, 73 f. (ii./B.c.) avev TOV euVe/3a>i/ /Stov. The word is thus
dovvai Trjv do~(pd\fiav. closely related to dnaXeia (Mt. vii.
Tore al<pvidios KT\.] Cf. Lk. xxi. 34 13, Rom. ix. 22, Phil. iii. 19) see :

e eavTol.s .r 7rore... further J. A. Beet The Last Things

(ed. 1905) p. 1 22 if.
ojo-Trep r) coS/i/ KrA.] Another remi-
niscence of our Lord's teaching, Mt.
Al(e}(pviSios is found only in these
two passages in the N.T., but it
Mk. xiii.
xxiv. 8, 8, cf. Jo. xvi. 21.

occurs several times in the O.T.

The same figure is frequent in the
O.T. e.g. Isa. xiii. 8, Jer. iv. 31, Hos.
apocrypha, Sap. xvii. 15 (14) atyvidios
xiii. 13, 2 Esdr. xvi. 38 f.
yap avTols KOI drrpocrdoKrjTos (pojBos
Mace. Mace. which doubtless suggested the Rab-
fTrrjXQev, 2 xiv. 17, 3 iii.

24; cf. also O.G.I.S. 339, 18 (ii./B.c.)

binic expectation of the n^^n'^^rij
For the
CK TTJS ai(pvi8iov TTfptarao-ecoy. see Schiirer GescMchte 3 ii. p. 523 f.
form see WH. 2 Notes p. 1 57 f., and for (E.Tr. Div. n. ii. p. 154 f.), Weber Jud,
the use of the adjective, where we Theol. p. 350 f. The expression is
would expect an adverb, to give point never however used by St Paul in
and clearness to the sentence see this sense (for the idea cf. i Cor. vii.
WM. p. 582 f. The adverb is found 26), and in the present passage the


<ya(TTpi exovcrri, Kal ov pr) 6K<pvytx)oriv. viueis Se,
r n
OVK eVre ev crKOTei, iva Y\ v/mepa v/uas ok /cAe7rTas
KaTa\d/3tj, 7rai/T5 yap i^uels viol (pwTOS ecrre Kal viol
4 KA<?7rras AB Boh: KDGr ce /ere onm Ephr Chr Theod-Mops
** 1

must not be pressed to denote

figure iv. i. 'H 7/piepa can only be 'the day'
more than the suddenness of the already referred to (v. 2), the day par
coming excellence, the day of judgment, while
For suddenly comprehendat, Beza
for KaraXdpr) (Vg.
It comes; the dreadfulness must be deprehendat] of 'overtake' in a hostile
In that ; all warrants the belief sense cf. Mk. ix. 18, Jo. xii. 35, and
'At night it cometh like a thief.' the saying ascribed to the Lord ev ols

(B. Browning Easter-Day.') av vp,as KaraXa/3a), ev TOVTOIS Kal Kpiv<o

late aJ&V (for o>6\'s) is found in
(Just. M. Dial. 47).
the LXX. Isa. xxxvii. 3; cf. in the a5y By an inversion of
Koii/T? nom. evdvpiv, P.Grenf. n. 35, 5 metaphor by no means uncommon in
In ov
(i./B.c.). eKcpvy. we w
the Pauline writings (cf. ii. 7 b note),
probably another reminiscence of the figure of the 'thief is now trans-
xxi. (see above), Iva Karto-xvo-qre eK(pv- ferred from the cause of the surprise
yelv ravra iravra (v. 36). For the (o. 2) to its object, the idea being
absolute use of the verb in the as the 'day' unpleasantly surprises
present passage cf. Ac. xvi. 27, Heb. the thief who has failed in carrying
ii. 3, xii. 25, Sir. xvi. 13 (14), and for
through his operations, so 'the day'
ov M see the note on iv. 15. will 'overtake' those who are not
4.vfuls be *rX.] 'Y/ieis emphatic, prepared for it. The reading how-
and conjoined with the following ever, though well-attested, is by no
d8e\(pol. suggesting
a direct contrast means certain, and the dependence
to the unbelieving men of v. 3 cf. :
of the whole passage on Mt. xxiv. 43
Eph. iv. 20. Whatever the past state
(Lk. xii. 39) may be taken as sup-
of the Thessalonians may have been, porting the easier KXeVr/y? (
in the eyes of the Apostles they are Weiss (Textkritik p. 17) regards v^as
no longer (OVK. eVre) in darkness, the cor KXen-ra? as a 'purely mechanical

reference being not merely to mental conformation.'

as TrdvTcs yap v^els *rX.] a restate-
ignorance (Thdt. rrjv ayvoiav), but, 5.
the sequel shows, including also the ment what has just been said from
thought of moral estrangement from the positive side, but extended to em-
God (Chrys. rov o-KOTfivov
Kal aK.d6ap- brace all, and deepened by the relation
rov ftiov).
For the general thought now predicated of the Thessalonians.
' '

cf. 2 Cor. vi. 14, Eph. v. 8, Col. i. 12.

They are not only in light, but are
To (for o) O-KOTOS,
rare in good Attic 'sons of light,' sharing in the being

writers, is the regular form in the and nature of light, and also sons of
N.T. : cf. LXX. Isa. xlii. 16. being used apparently not
day,' rjpepas
im 77 ^e'pa *crX.] It is possible to so much generally of the enlightened

give Iva here its

full telic force (cf. ii. sphere in which light rules, as with
1 6) as indicating the Divine purpose special reference to the 'day' of
for those who are still eV O-KOTCI, but Christ's appearing already spoken of,
it is simpler to find another instance in which the Thessalonians in virtue
of its well-established late ecbatic use, of their Christian standing will have
'so that the day...': see the note on part. On the connexion of light with

cncoTOfs- apa ovv fjiri

\oi7roi, d\\d Kai VYI<p(tifJiV.

the day of the Lord in O.T. prophecy apa ovv] introduces emphatically
see such passages as Hos. vi. 5 TO the necessary conclusion from the

Kp[fj,a fj.ov u>s (peas e^\vo~eTai, Mic. vii. preceding statement, the illative apa
S f. fCLV K.aQi(T<i> fV TO) CTKOTft, KuplOff being supported and enhanced by
(pamei /iot...Kat fdeis pe fls TO (peas, the collective and retrospective ovv'
and cf. Enoch xxxviii. 4 (with Charles's (Ellic.). The combination is peculiar
note), cviii. n f. to St Paul in the N.T., and always
For the 'New Testament' idiom stands at the beginning of sentences,
underlying vi. (pcor. and vi. T//Z. cf. Lk. cf. II. ii. 15, Rom. v. 18, vii. 3, 25 &c.,
xvi. 8, Eph. v. 8 and see Deissmann Gal. vi. 10, Eph. ii. 19, and see WM.
BS. p. 161 if., and for the chiasmus p. 556 f.

O-KOTOVS corresponding to (pcoroy, and JUT) Kadevdco/Jiev AcrX.] For Ka6evSa>

VVKTOS to jpepas see Kiihner 3 607, in its ethical sense of moral and
cf. Mk. xiii. 36,
3. Lft. cites by way of illustration spiritual insensibility
Eur. Iph. in Taur. 1025 6 I<l>. cos- Eph. and contrast the usage in
v. 14,

drj cr KOTOS Xa/SoVrey eKcrcoOelpev av; OP. v. 7 and again in v. 10. For cos of
/cXeTrrcov yap j) vv, TTJS fi' dXrjdeias TO XOITTOI see the note on iv. 13.

ipcoy, but the passage is wanting in aXXa yp^yopcu/zej/ *crX.] Cf. I Pet.
the best MSS., and is probably a v. 8 where the same combination of
Christian interpolation. words is found though in a different
b '
who connexion. In the present passage
5 1 1 .
Surely then, as those
have nothing to do with the darkness, the words are probably echoes of our
we (for this applies to you and to Lord's own eschatological teaching;
us alike) ought not to sleep, but to thus for yprjyopwfjifv cf. Mt. XXIV. 42,
exercise continual watchfulness and xxv. 13, Mk. xiii. 35, and for i/^co/nei/
self-control. Night is the general cf. Lk. xxi. 34, where however the
time for sleep and drunkenness. But word itself does not occur.
those who belong to the day must Tp^yopeo) (a late formation from
control themselves, and put on the eyprjyopa, Lob. Phryn. p. 118 f.,
full panoply of heaven. That will not WSchm. p. io4ii. ) is found twenty- 2

only protect them against sudden three times in the N.T., and occasion-
attack, but give them the assurance ally in the later books of the LXX.,
of final and complete salvation. Sal- e.g. Jer. xxxviii. 28, i Mace. xii. 27
vation (we say), for this is God's TTTaev 'l&vaOav Tols Trap' avTov ypf]-
purpose for us,and He has opened yopflv...di oX^s TTJS VVKTOS', cf. also
up for us the way to secure it through Ign. Polyc. i. yprjyopei a.Kolp.rjTOV
our Lord Jesus Christ. His death on 7rvevp.a KeKTrj/jievos. From it was
our behalf is the constant pledge that, formed the new verbal noun ypy-
living or dying, we shall live together y6pr)o-is Dan. TH. v. n, 14: cf. also
with Him. Wherefore comfort and the proper name rp^yopios-.
edify one another, as indeed we know In addition to this v. and v. 8 vrj(pco
that you are already doing.' is found in the N.T. only in 2 Tim. iv.
5 OVK eo~p,ev VVKTOS KrX.] For the
5 (j>?7<pe ev Traa-iv) and three times in
substitution of the ist for the 2nd i Pet. (i. 13, iv. 7, v. 8). As dis-
pers. see Intr. p. xliv n. and for the , tinguished from -ypT/yopeco, a mental
gen. with co-pev pointing to the sphere attitude, it points rather to a con-
to which the subjects belong see WM. dition of moral alertness, the senses
p. 244. being so exercised and disciplined


ol yap KadevSovres VVKTOS KaBevSovcriv, Kat ol
juevoi VVKTOS q/uLels e
q/uepas oes
7Ti(rT6a)S Kat Kai

that all fear of sleeping again is re- figure of armour: cf. Rom. xiii. i2f.
moved (Chrys. yprjyopya'ecas entrains
(where there is the same connexion
7v^is eVni>) : cf. Aristeas 209 where of thought), 2 Cor. vi. 7, x. 4, and for
the Tponos jSaoriXeiay is said to consist a more detailed account Eph. vi. 13 ff.

in TO (TVVTr)pflv...eavTov ddwpodoKTjrov where however the particulars of the

KCU Vl](plV TO 7T\doV fJLCpOS TOV ftlOV .
figure are applied somewhat differ-
yap Ka0(v8ovTs *rX.] There
7. of ently, showing that the imagery must
is no need to look here for any figura- not be pressed too closely. For the
tive reference of the words (e.g. Clem. origin of the simile in each case see
Al. Paed. II. ix. 80, I rovrea-Ttv ev TO> the description of Jehovah in Isa.
rrfs dyvoias o-Koro), Aug. ad Ps. CXXxi. lix. 17 Kal evediHTaro diKaio(rvvrjv a5$-

8) they are simply a statement of the


recognized fact that night is the (TOOTIJplOV 67Tt rf)S K(pa\fjs (cf. Isa. Xi.

general time when men sleep and 4f., Sap. v. i7ff.), though in his use
are drunken; cf. 2 Pet. ii. 13 rjdovrjv of it St Paul may also have been in-
ijyovfj,i>oi rr)v ev yfJ-epq rpvcpr/v for the fluenced by the Jewish conception of
deeper blame associated with revel- the last great fight against the armies
ling in the day-time, and see Mt. of Antichrist (Dan. xi., Orac. Sib. Hi.
xxiv. 48 ff. for the possible source of 663 f., 4 Ezra xiii. 33, Enoch xc. 16) as
the passage before us. suggested by SH. p. 378.
It should be noted however that
The verbs /uedvo-jca lit. 'make drunk
and p.eOva> 'am drunk' are here virtu- in the present instance the weapons

ally synonymous ('ohne merklichen spoken of are only those of defence

Unterschied,' WSchm. p. 129), and in view of the trials which beset be-
nothing is gained by trying to dis- lievers. Thus we have in the first

tinguish them in translation (Vg. place 6(op. nio-Teus KT\. a breastplate

ebrii sunt... ebrii sunt, Clarom., Beza of consisting in) faith and love'
inebriantur ebrii sunt}. NVKT-OS,
. . .
(gen. of apposition, Blass p. 98) a
gen. of time, cf. x l v
1 8, and see WM. p. 258.
^ s Mk. xiii. significant complement to the #o>p. r.
of Eph. vi. 14: 'by faith
8. Tjufls Se /crX.]
But let us, since we are able to realise the Divine will
we are of the day, be sober' the and the Divine power and by love to-
part, having a slightly causal force embody faith in our dealings with
almost = on rjfjifpas ecr^ev. On the men : this is
righteousness' (Westcott
other hand the aor. part. ei/Suo-ajuei/oi ad loc.}. This is accompanied by
is to be closely connected with the 7T(piK<p.e\nida (TtoTrjpias 'an helmet
principal verb as indicating the the hope of salvation,' where from its
manner in which the vrjfaiv is ac- eschatological reference o-cor^pms can
' '

complished, having put on once for only be gen. obj. 'hope directed to-
all, whether as an antecedent or a wards salvation,' the mention of 'hope'
necessary accompaniment : cf. i Pet. which does not occur in the Isaian
i. 13 dvaa>(rdfji6voi...vr)(povTs reAeiW, and Ephesian passages being in accord
eXTTitrare CTTI r. (pepop.ei>r)V vfuv X<*P IV with the dominant teaching of the
fv diroK.a\v\l/i Irj&ov Xptarroi). whole Epistle.
$o0pa/ca niarecos /<rX.] The first OC- The Hellenistic 7repi/c6<paXeu'a is

currence of the favourite Pauline found eleven times in the LXX., else-

9 r
\7ri$a cooTHpiAc' OTi ovK 606TO >7'//as eo 45
d\\a ek TrepiTroirjeriv crwTrjpias Sid TOV Kvpiov ri
IO r
[XpurTOv], TOV a.7rodav6vTOS iva

9 -^ytias 6 debs] 6 debs fytcas B 37 116 XpioroO om B Aeth

virep K C ADG cet Chr Thdt al

where in the N.T. only in Eph. vi. latter view appeal is made to i Pet.
1 7. For the growth in the Bibl. con- ii.
9 and Eph. i. 14, but the sense of
ception o-am/pt'a, which in the Kounj the former passage (which is taken
is frequently = health' e.g. B.G.U. from Mai. iii. 17) is determined by the

380, 19 ff. (a mother's letter, iii./A.D.) use of the word Xao'y, 'people for a
ovv dp,\TJo~r)s, Te%vov, ypdtye /not possession,' and in Eph. i. 14 the
TTfpi rfjs crajTTjpias [0"]ot;, see SH. p. 23 f. passive sense, though undoubtedly
The title cr&TJp is discussed by Wend- more natural, is not necessary (cf.
land Z.N. T. W. v. (1904) p. 335 ff., and Abbott 'a complete redemption which
<rca(ii> and its derivatives by Wagner will give possession '). And as in the
Z.N,T.W. (1905) p. 205 ff., where
vi. only other passages where the word
it is shown that in the N.T. the occurs in the N.T. (II. ii. 14, Heb. x.
positive conception of deliverance to 39), the active sense is alone suitable,
new and eternal life is predominant. it is better to employ it here also, all

9. OVK eQfTO KT\.] *Ort, be-

OTi the more so because, as Findlay has
cause,' introducing the ground not so pointed out, it is the natural sequel of
much of the hope as of the completed the 'wakeful, soldierlike activity' to
salvation just referred to, which is which the Thessalonians have already
now described under its two essential been summoned (vv. 6 8).
aspects of (i) deliverance from wrath, The thought of this activity on the
(2) the imparting of eternal life. It part of true believers is not however
is with (i) only that the present v. allowed to obscure the real source of
is concerned and that from (a) a all salvation, namely 8ia T. Kvp. r)/i.
negative (OVK e&cro rX.) and (6) a 'ir/o-. [XptoroG], where emphasis is laid
positive standpoint (aXXa els ireparoi-
not only on the Divine side (Kvpiov)
of the historic Jesus, but, if Xpto-rou
While the 'somewhat vague' (omit B aeth) is read, on the fulfilment
fdero must not be pressed too far, it in Him of God's redemptive purposes.

clearly carries back the deliverance

On how this is effected, and the full
of the Thessalonians to the direct blessing of salvation as eternal life
purpose and action of God, cf. i. 4, secured, the next v. proceeds to show.
12, II. ii. 13 f., and see Intr.
ii. p. Ixv. io. rov dnodavovTos rX.] a re-
For a similar use of rtTfy/u cf. Jo. xv. lative clause emphasizing that it is
1 6, Ac. xiii. 47, i Tim. ii. 7, 2 Tim. i. specially to the Lord
who died that
n, and i 8 (with Hort's note).
Pet. ii. we must look as the medium of our
For opyr; cf. io note. i. salvation, the intimate character of
fiy TTpnroLr)o~iv (TGOTrjpmy] a difficult the relation between His 'death' and
phrase from the doubt whether Trept- our being brought out still more

noirja-iv is to be understood actively clearly we can adopt the v.l. virep


(WH. mg.) for the more colourless irepi,

of the winning of salvation on the
part of man, or passively of the which is found elsewhere in the Pau-
' '

adoption of (consisting in) salvation line Epp. in a similar connexion only

bestowed by God. In support of the in Rom. viii. 3 (apaprias), cf. Gal. i. 4

iT rypivyopto/uiev eiVe fjia <rvv avTto

Aio TrapaKaXeiTe d\\ii\ovs Kai oiKoSo]UL6iTe els TOV
ei/a, Kai

WH. nig. The point cannot however but is perhaps sufficiently


be pressed view of the enfeebling

' '

explained by the nature of the

of the distinction between the two thought, the 'waking' or 'sleeping'
prepositions in late and colloquial Gk. :
being presented in each case as a
cf. Moulton Prolegg. p. 105. possible alternative (Burton 253).
It will be noticed that there is no a/za o-vv avrco ^aro)fj,ev] 'we should
direct mention here of the accom- live together with Him' the use of
panying Resurrection of Christ as in the aor. ija-a>pv pointing to this 'life'
i. 10, iv.
14, and generally throughout as a definite fact secured to us by the
the Pauline Epp. (Rom. iv. 25, v. 10 equally definite death (T. dnodavovTos)
&c.), but it is implied in the follow- of our Lord. It may be noted how-
ing apa (rvv avro) r/cr<BjMei>. For the ever that Blass (p. 212) prefers the
doctrinal significance of this whole reading tfa-ofjiev (A) on the ground
verse see Intr. p. Ixviiif. that the aor. tfo-atpcv (K al) would
tra eire ypj/yopeS/uei/ *rX.] 'in Order mean come to life again as in Rom.

that whether we wake or sleep the xiv. 9.
verbs being used no longer in the The question whether this 'life' is
ethical sense of v. 6, but by a slight to be confined to the new life which
change of figure as metaphorical de- belongs to believers here, or to the
signations of life and death. Thdt. :
perfected life that awaits them here-
eyprjyopoTas yap eKoXccrf rovs en KCIT' after, can hardly be said to arise. It
is sufficient for the Apostle that
dovras de TOU? rereXeurTjKoray. through union with (a/xa crvv, iv. 17
To this particular use of yprjyopect) note) their Lord believers have an
no can be adduced, but
Bibl. parallel actual part in His experience, and
Kadevda), as denoting death, is found that consequently for them too
in the LXX., Ps. Ixxxvii. (Ixxxviii.) 6, 'death' has been transformed into
Dan. xii. 2. Wohlenberg suggests that
life ;
cf. Rom. xiv. 8 f.

some proverbial saying may underlie For to live as the most universal

the phrase(cf. i Cor. x. 31), and cites and pregnant description of 'salvation '

by way of illustration Plato Sym. in the apocalyptic teaching of St Paul's

203 A where it is said of Eros dia day see Volz Jud. Eschatologie p. 306.
TOVTOV ncKni ecrnv rj o/uXta KOI rj
8td- II.Aio TrapaxaXelre KrX.] Cf. iv.
8, 816 here taking the place
XeKroy 6eols Trpos avflpwrrovs, Kai eypf]- 1 of Jo-re,

yopoa-i Kai icaQevdovo-i. In its use here as serving better to sum up the
the Apostles were doubtless influenced different grounds of encouragement
by the perplexity of the Thessalonians contained in the whole section iv.

which their previous teaching had 13 v. 10.

been directed to meet (iv. 136.). Kal otKoSo/zeire KT\.] 'and build up
with the sub]., though
Eire...ir6 each the other' (Vg. aedificate al-
rare among Attic prose-writers (cf. terutrum, Beza aedificate singuli
Plato Legg. xii. 9580 fire ns apprjv singulos] the first occurrence of a
fire TIS 6f)\vs ft),
is common in Hellen- favourite Pauline metaphor, perhaps
istic and late In the present
Gk. originally suggested by our Lord's
instance the subj. may be the result own words (Mt. xvi. 18, cf. vii. 24 ff.),

of attraction to the principal verb and here used in its widest spiritual

ev VJJLLV Ka 7rjOoi'o"T/>teof9 V/ULCOV ev Kvpio Kai

sense (cf. i Cor. xiv. 4). Blass (p. 144) aut respectum ') a usage of the word
traces the unusual combination els TOV for which no adequate parallel has
eva (
= aXXr/'Xouy) to Semitic usage, but yet been produced from class, or
it finds at least a partial parallel in Bibl. Gk. cf. however i Cor. xvi. 18

Theocr. xx. (xxii.) 65 els evl x l P a * e7riyiv(0(TK(T ovv TOVS TOIOVTOVS, and
ciftpov. The nearest N.T. parallel is see Ign. Smyrn. ix. Ka\a>s ?x Qeov
I Cor. iv. 6
vnep rov evbs
iva fj,rj
ei? KOI CTTIO-KOTTOV cldevcu. Bornemann well

(pv(novo~de Kara rov erepou, St Paul's remarks on the 'Feinheit' displayed

point there being the dividing effect in the choice of the word in the
of inflatedness or puffing up, as here present passage it is knowledge

the uniting effect of mutual building founded on 'Einsicht' that the writers
up' (Hort Ecclesia p. i25n. ): cf. have in view.
also Eph. v. 33 oi KaB' eVa, and in
them that toil
TOVS KOTritoVTas *rX.]
mod. Gk. the phrase o evas TOV aXXov. among and are over you in the
KO^OOS- KOI Trotelrf ] Grot. : Alternis Lord, and admonish you.' In view of
adhibet hortamenta et laudes quasi :
the common the three participles
diceret, o-nev8ovTa KOI UVTOV orpvi/eo must be referred to the same persons,
festinantem hortor et ipsum.' in all probability the 'presbyters/ their
work being regarded from three dif-
V. 12 22. VARIOUS PRECEPTS WITH ferent points of view, cf. i Tim. v. 17
REGARD TO CHURCH LlFE AND and see Intr. p. xlviif.
HOLY LIVING. KoTTiao) in class. Gk. =
1 2 1
5. From the general exhorta- 'grow weary,' a sense which it also
tion contained in the preceding section retains in the LXX. (e.g. 2 Regn. xvii.
(iv. i v. n) the Apostles now turn 2, Isa. xl. 30), is generally used in the
to define more particularly the duties N.T. (contrast Mt. xi. 28, Jo. iv. 6,
of their converts (i) to their leaders Rev. ii. 3) with the derived meaning
(ev. 12, 13) and (2) to the disorderly of 'toil,' 'work with effort,' with re-
and faint-hearted in their number ference to both bodily and mental
(vv. the counsels in both
14, 15) labour (cf. KOTTOV, i.
3 note). It is a
instances being addressed to the com- favourite word with St Paul (Epp. 14 ),
munity at large, as shown by the who frequently employs it with re-
repeated dde\<pol (vv. 12, 14) without ference to the laborious character of
qualification. his own ministerial life (i Cor. xv.

12, 13. 'And now to pass before 10, Gal. iv. 11, Phil. ii. 16, Col. i.
closing to one or two points in this i Tim. iv. 10). Lft. (ad Ign. Polyc.
life of mutual service, we call upon vi.) derives the metaphor from the

you, Brothers, to pay proper respect toilsome training for an athletic con-
to those who exercise rule over you test. By the use of the word here,
in the Lord. Hold them in the as Calvin characteristically remarks,
highest esteem and love on account the Apostle excludes from the class
of their Divine calling, and thus pre- of pastors omnes otiosos ventres.'
serve a spirit of peace in the whole TrpoYora/xeVovf] not a technical term
community.' of office as shown by its position be-
12. cldevat] evidently used here tween KOTTtwvTas and vov0TovvTas, but,
in the sense of 'know in their true in accordance with the general usage

character,' 'appreciate' (Calv. Ag- : of the verb in the N.T. (Rom. xii.
noscere hie significat Habere rationem 8, i Tim. iii. 4, 5, 12, cf. Tit. iii.

I3 r
ret? v/uLas, Kai rjyeicrdcu avrovs v7rep6K7repi(ra'ov^
SLOL TO epyov avriav. eiprjveveTe eV eavTols.

13 v KAD b vel
cet Chr Thdt :
virepeKirepi<rff&s BD*G Orig

14), pointing rather to the informal commentators render 'hold them in

guidance in spiritual matters which love exceeding highly,' connecting ev
the Thessalonian elders exercised in dycnrrj closely with r}-yetcr0ai Oil the
the Lord' towards individual members ground of such partial parallels as
of the Church cf. Hort Ecclesia p. 126,
: riva ev rivt (Rom. i. 28, Thuc.
and for the later ecclesiastical use of ii. 1 8. iii. 9). But it is simpler to
the verb see Just. M. Apol. i.
67, take the words in the order in which
Hennas Vis. n. iv. 3. they stand, and to translate with the
For an official
sense attaching to R.V. 'esteem them exceeding highly
TrpotVracr&u in the papyri see P.Tebt. in love,' ev dyiing being then a loose

5, 58 (ii./B.c.) where it is applied to adjunct to the whole phrase ijy. avr.

the superintendents of the sacred cf. Job xxxv. 2 Tt roCro
. :

revenues (rols TrpofcrT^Koai TWV lepwv ev Kpia-ei; The only difficulty is
' '

7rpoo-o$co[i/]), cf. 53, 8 (ii./B.c.) ;

and for the somewhat strong sense esteem
a similar use in the inscriptions see (Thdt. : rrXeiovos diovv Tifj.f)s) that is

Dittenberger Syttoge* 318, 8 f. (ii./B.c.), thus given to the generally colourless

where, in an inscription found close to and for which Lft. can find
Thessalonica, a certain Maapxos is no nearer parallel than Time. ii. 42 TO
described as 7rpo'iaTdp.evos rcoi/ re Kara dfj.vv(r6ai KOI naOelv p.aAAoi' rjy/ycra/uei'ot
K.OLVOV Traariv MaKeoo"ii> (TvvfpepovTwv'. 77
ro cvSovTfs vto&vdai 'preferring
cf. also O.G.I.S. 728, 4 (iii ./B.C. from rather to suffer in self-defence &c.'
the Thebaid) Trpoe'crr?; rStv K.a[ff avrov] It is supported however by the
diW TTJS TroXecos. The word = '
to analogous use of ddevai (v. 12), and
practise in business' discussed by
is by the general warmth of tone of the
Field Notes p. 223 f. : in P.Petr. in. whole passage: cf. II. iii. 15 note.
73, 4f. (undated) it is used of 'the For VTTfpfKTTfptO'O'OV (\)TTfpfK1Tfpl(T-
landlord' of a lodging-house (ro{5 (rws, WH. mg.) see note on iii. 10.

TrfpoJeoTTyKoros rrjs. .(rvvoiKtas). . 810. T. epyov avrav] for their work's

vovBcTovvras] (lit. 'put Nou^ereTi/ sake,' i.e. both because of their ac-
in mind') has apparently always a tivity in it, and its own intrinsic
sense of blame attached to it, hence = '
importance. operis Calv. : Huius
'admonish,' 'warn,' cf. v. 14, II. iii. inaestimabilis est excellentia ac dig-
15. In Col. i. 28 it joined with 8idd- nitas ergo quos tantae rei ministros

<TKCIV, as presenting complementary facit Deus, nobis eximios esse opor-

aspects of the preacher's duty warn-

ing to repent, instructing in the flpT)VfveT KT\.] be at peace among
faith' (Lft.). Outside the Pauline yourselves' a precept not to be
Epp. the word is found in the N.T. dissociated from the preceding, but
only in Ac. xx. 31 cf. i Regn. iii. 13, ; implying that by their affectionate
Sap. xi. 10 (ii), xii. 2, Pss. Sol. xiii. 8, loyalty to their leaders the Thessa-
also Plato Gorg. 479 A p^'re vovdere'i- lonians were to maintain the peace
crdai p-T/re KoAa^'eo'&u /x^re di<rjv di- of the whole community (Beza pacem
dovai. colite inter vos mutuo). For flpr}-
13. KOL yye1<r6ai KT\.] The exact vfvfiv in this sense cf. Mk. ix. 50,
construction of these words is not Rom. xii. 18, 2 Cor. xiii. n, Sir.
unattended with difficulty. Many xxviii. 9, 13 (15).

Se u^cas, d$e\(>oi, vovOerelTe roik

Trapa/uvBeTo'Oe TOI)S
dcrQevwv, jj.aKpo6vfJLelTe Trpos TraVras. ^opdre JJLYI

If the more difficult but well- faint-hearted' (Yg. consolamini pusil-

attested eV avrois (ND*GP) is pre- lanimes, Wycl. counforte j>e men of
ferred, the meaning will then be 'find litil herte), whether from over-anxiety
' '

your peace through them i.e. through regarding their departed friends, or
their leadership.' In no case can we from fear of persecution, or from any
render 'be at peace with (i.e. in other cause leading to despondency.
your intercourse with) them' (Vg. 'O\iy6\lsvxos, air. Xey. N.T., occurs
cum eis\ which would require several times in the LXX. (e.g. Isa.
avTuv (cf. Rom. .xii. 18). Ivii. 15 6\iyo\lfvxois didovs paKpoOv-
14, 15. A fresh series of instruc- lilav\ as do the corresponding subst.
tions addressed like the pre-
still (o'Xtyox^u^ta) and verb (o\iyo'fyv\iv).
ceding the whole company of
to For the verb cf. also P.Petr. n. 40 (a),
believers, and calling upon the I2f. (iii./B.C.) fj.r)
ovv o\iyo\lrvx 1l<rr)T
* '

(stronger) brethren to extend their aXX* tti>Spi'eo-$e.

aid towards those who are 'weak/ dvTcxto-0 KrX.] 'lay hold of the
Further we call upon you, Brothers, weak' with the added idea of sup-

to warn those who are neglecting their porting them (Beza suUevale in-
proper duties. Let the despondent firmos}. For ai/re^eo-^at (N.T. only
be encouraged, and those who are still midd.) in its more primary sense
weak in faith be upheld. Cherish a 'hold firmly to' cf. Mt. vi. 24, Lk.
spirit of forbearance towards all men, xvi. 13, Tit. i.
9, Isa. Ivi. 4 ai/re'x<ai>rat
and take special care that, so far from rfjs 8ia6t]Kr)s p.ov ;
and from the Kotvij
yielding to the old spirit of revenge, such passages as P. Par. 14, 22 f.

you make it your constant effort to (ii./B.C.) ovdevos diKaiov avrf^o/xevot,

seek the good of all.' P.Amh. 133, I iff. (ii./A.D.) KO.I /zera
14. vovOfTflTf Beza r. drciKTovs] TroXXcoj/ KOTTCOV dvrjKa.o'a^.fv avrtov avra-
monete inordinatos rather than Vg. rf)s Tovrtov evepyias eVl ra>

COrripite inquietos. "Arafcror (an. Xey. e<(popiov, 'and with great

N.T.) primarily a military term ap- difficulty I made them set to work
plied to the soldier who does not at the former rent.'
remain in the ranks, and thence used The weak here can only be the
more generally of whatever out of is spiritually weak (Thdt. TOVS edpaiav w
order. In the present passage the KfKTrj/jievovs Trurrii/) cf. Rom. XIV. I,

special reference would seem to be i Cor. viii. 9, u, ix. 22.

to the idleness and neglect of duty ILaKpodvuflre rX.] 'be long-suffering

which characterized certain members toward do not give way to a
all,' i.e.

of the Thessalonian Church in view of 'short' or 'quick' temper (6o6vn'ia)

the shortly-expected Parousia (Intr. towards those who fail, but be patient
p. xlvi f.). Contrast the unbroken front and considerate towards them cf. :

over which St Paul rejoices in Col. ii. i Cor. xiii.

4, Gal. v. 22, and especi-
5 \aipo)v Koi f3\firo)v vfj-wv TTJV ra^iv ally Eph. iv. 2 where paKpodvpia is
Kdl TO (TTfpeCOjLta T?j4 els XptOTOl/ TTl&TfCOS explained as dvx6fj.evoi dXXijXw *v
D/iCOJ/. dyairr].In this sense jj.aKpo6vp.La is
For the meaning of UTCKTOS see assigned as an attribute to God Him-
further Add. Note G. self, Rom. ii.
4, ix. 22, i Pet. iii. 20.
rBf KrX.] encourage the Th. Mops, (who confines the reference

TiS aVTl KCtKOV Tivl aTToSw, d\\d TTCCVTOTe TO

T I<5
d*ya6ov SiwKeTe ek crAAf;A.oi/s /ecu ek Trai/ras. /7aV-

15 5tc6/rere solum N*ADG 17 37 67** alpauc d g m Vg (?) Go Boh (?) Syr (Pesh)
Arm Aeth Ambst Theod-Mopsut 5tc6/cere /cai K CB al pier Vg (?) Syr (Hard) Ephr Baa

Chr Thdt
to the Church-leaders) :
'patientes is morally good (honestum] cf. iii. :

estate ad omnes, eo quod hoc neces- 6 note. For the favourite Pauline
sarium ualde est magistris, ita ut non diwKfiv iii the sense of pursue,' seek

facile desperent propter peccata, pa- eagerly after' (Thpht. :

tienter uero suam impleant doctrinam, o-7rou&ae/ n) cf. Rom. ix. 30, Phil,
expectantes semper ut discipuli me- iii. 12, where
in both passages it is
liores sui efficiantur.' associated with the correlative /mra-
15. oparc M TIS KrA.] 'see that see also Ex. XV. 9 fl-rrfv 6

none pay back evil in return for evil Atcoa? KaraXr/jM-v/^o/zat. Outside
to any one': cf. Rom. xii. 17, i Pet. tlie Pauline Epp. the metaphorical
g. The saying, whicli reflects the use of the verb in the N.T. is con-
teaching of our Lord in such a passage fined to Heb. xii. 14, i Pet. iii. n
as Mt. v. 43 ff., is often claimed as a (from LXX.) cf. Plato Gorg. 507 B ovre

distinctive precept of Christianity, duoKfiv OVT (pfvyeLv a ^17 npoarjKci.

and, notwithstanding such isolated 1 6 22. From social duties the
maxims from the O.T. as Ex. xxiii. Apostles now pass to inculcate cer-
4, Prov. xxv. 21 f., and the lofty spirit tain more directly religious duties.
occasionally found in heathen philo- 'At times cherish a spirit of

sophers as in a Socrates (see Plato joyfulness in unceasing prayer make


Rep. i.
335), it is certainly true that known your every want; under all
Christianity first made 'no retaliation '

circumstances give thanks to God :

a practical precept for all, by providing for only in these ways can God's
the 'moral dynamic' through which purposes for you in Christ Jesus be
alone it could be carried out. fulfilled. With regard to the gifts of
On the durative opaco (cognate with the Spirit, see to it that you do not
our 'beware') see Moulton Prolegg. quench them, or make light of pro-
p. nof., and for opare /J.TJ with the phesyings. At the same time do not
subj. cf. Mt. xviii. 10 (Burton 209), accept these without discrimination.
also P.Oxy. 532, 15 (ii./A.D.) opa ovv Rather bring everything to the test,
M aXAoos- Trpd&s. If aVoSoi (N*D b G) and thus keep firm hold of the
is read, it also must be taken as genuine, while you abstain from evil
a subj., formed after the model of in whatever form it appears.'
verbs in -oo> (WM. p. 360 n. 2 ). Both 1 6. an injunction
iravroTf xa L
P* Tf ]
forms can be illustrated from the striking the same glad note that is
Koivrj, e.g. P. Par. 7, II (i./B.C.) eav Sc so often repeated in the Ep. to the
pr) dnodw, B.G.U. 741, 27 (ii./A.D.) eai> other Macedonian Church (Phil. ii.

8 W [aJTrodoI: see further Cronert 1

8, iii. i, iv. 4), its significance in the
p. 216. The simple Sol is found in present instance being much increased
an illiterate fragment of the iii./B.c., in view of the sufferings already
P.Petr. II. 9 (5), 5 OTTOJS dot spoken of (i. 6, ii. 14, iii. 2ft'.). For
d\\a but always pur-
Train-ore /crX.]
the paradox cf. Rom. v. 3, 2 Cor. vi.
sue after that which is good ayaOov 10, for the true source of this joy
being used in the sense of 'beneficial,' see our Lord's own words Jo. xv. n,
'helpful' (utile) as opposed to the xvi. 24, xvii. 13. Leighton's words
preceding KUKOV, rather than of what (cited by Dods) may be recalled": 'All

TOT6 %aipeT6 7
aoia\L7TTU)s Trpocrev^ecrue^ ev

ev^apLCTTeiTe" TOVTO <ydp 6e\r]/uLa deov ev XpKTTw 'Irjcrov

ek vfj-as. TO TrvevjJia /mrj (r/3evvvTe, *7rpo<prjTeias /ur}

spiritual sorrows, of what nature so- For evxapLo-Tfiv see i. 2 note, and
ever, are turned into spiritual joy : add the late use of the verb by which
thatis the proper end of them they ;
it is practically
cvxeo-dai, as in the
have a natural tendency that way.' interesting Christian amulet (VL/A.D. ?)
An interesting ex. of the spirit of reproduced by Wilcken (ArcMv i.
joy ruling in the early Church is p. 43 iff.) where after an invocation
afforded by the names found in the in- to God and Christ and the holy
scriptions Victor, Nice, Gaudentius, Serenus the writer proceeds ev^a-
Gaudiosus, Hilaris, Hilaritas (Ramsay ptoT<5...Kat K\iva> TTJV K(pa\ijv [/xo]u...
C. and B. i. p. 493). See also Stanley OTTOOS dia>rjs air p.ov...Tov baipova
Christian Institutions (1881) p. 250!". Trpoftaa-Kavias. May we not have an
17. dftiaXeiTTTws a earlier trace of this usage in P.Tebt.
Trpocr evxeo~6e\
second precept, not to be interpreted 56, 9 (late ii./A.D.) where the render-

merely as showing how the former ing 'pray' seems to suit the context
precept may be fulfilled, but an in- better than the editors' 'give thanks' ?
dependent injunction in thorough TOVTO yap KrA.] ToCro, collective
accordance with St Paul's constant with reference to the foregoing pre-
teaching, cf. Rom. xii. 12, Eph. vi. 18, cepts, while the ^eX7;/za Qeov (iv.
Col. iv.For the absolute manner
2. 3 note) regarding them is specially
(oSiaXeiTrrcos i. 3 note) in which the

defined as resting ev Xp. 'IT/O-. not
precept is expressed see the note on only as their supreme manifestation,
iv. 13, and for a striking commentary but also as the means through whom
on it note the constantly interjected alone they can be made effective.
prayers in this and the later Ep. For the absence of the art. before
' '

(Intr. p. Ixv). els vfiay with regard to you as well

For prayer as a part of Church-life as for the hyperbaton cf. Lk. vii. 30
cf. Didache xv. 4 ray 8e evxas V/J.MV... rr)v ftov\r)V rov Beov rjOeTijcrav els
noiijaaTe <os e'x ere *v ra> evayye\ia> rov eavTovs (Field Notes p. 60).
Kvpiov and for the conditions
77foi>, 19. TO TTvev/Jia firj a/SeVfure] in itself
under which the whole life of the a perfectly general precept but, in
saint becomes p.iav o~vvcnrTO[j.vr]v p.e- view of the TrpocprjTeias of the next
yd\r)v...evx^v, see Orig. de Oral. xii. 2 clause (see note), employed here with
(ed. Koetschau) 'afiiaXeiVrcos' 8e TTpocr- special reference to the charismatic
gifts which had shown themselves at
epyois TTJV Thessalonica as afterwards at Corinth
(i Cor. xii., xiv.). Against these ap-
1 8. eV Travrl e^^apioreTre] Vg. in parently a reaction had arisen owing
omnibus gratias agite ev TTCLVTI not to a certain amount of arai'a in their

being on every occasion (Chrys. : exercise (see Intr.p.xxxiv and cf. I Cor.
dei),but 'in all circumstances,' even xiv. 29 ff), and consequently the
in persecutions and trials. Thdt. :
w Apostles found it necessary to warn
fjiovovtv rols QvfMijpeo-iv, dXXa Kav rois their readers lest in their dread of
fvavriois. oiSe yap TO av/JLCpepov 6 /ue- over-enthusiasm the ^apiVjuara should
yaXoStopof. For a similar stress laid be extinguished altogether cf. 2 Tim. :

by St Paul on universal thanksgiving i. 6 dvap.ifivrjo-KU> are dvaa)7rvpelv TO

cf. Eph. v. 20, Phil. iv. 6, Col. iii. 17. TOV deov.

7rotWa [Se TO
TTANTOC TTONHpof ATiexecee Airrds Se d 0eos Tf
2i irdvra solum N*A al Boh Syr (Pesh) Orig Ephr Bas Chr g Thdt Tert
5^ K C BDG al d g Vg Go Syr (Hard) Aeth Clem Bas -f Chr \ Ambst
The use of aftevwrf (for (orm, put to the test (cf. i Jo. iv. i).
WSchm. p. accord with
124) is in Nothing is said as to how this 8id-
the frequent application of the meta- Kpio-is TrvfvpaTwv (i Cor. xii. 10, xiv.
phor of fire to the Spirit in Scripture 29) is to be effected, but it can only
(Ac. ii.
3, xviii. 25, Rom. xii. n ;
cf. be by a 'spiritual' standard (cf. i Cor.
Plut. de defect, orac. 17, p. 4193 ii. and not by the 'rational' in-
TO Tivevpa) while /XT/ with
drroo-ftfjvat :
quiry which is sometimes found here,
the pres. imp. instead of the aor. subj. and to which the 'prove' of A.V.,
points to the necessity of desisting R.V. lends a certain colour.
from a course of action already going For 6\>Kt/zaa> see the note on ii. 4,
on, as distinguished from avoidance of and for the thought cf. Rom. xii. 2,
similar action in the future (Moulton Phil. i. 10.

Prolegg. pp. i22f., 247). TO KaXov KdTf'^eTc] It is not easy

2O. e^ovdevflre] ail
7rpo(prjTfias pr) to find an adequate English equiva-
injunction closely related to the fore- lent for TO KaXoV, but when used in
going (cf. I Cor. xiv. I r)\ovT( 8e ra its moral sense the word denotes
TTvev/jLaTiKd, /noXXoi/ 8e 'iva TT po(j)r]Tvr)Tc), generally what is good in itself (cf.
and pointing to the impassioned ut- Arist. Rhet. i. 9- 3 Ka X6i> JJLCV ovv e'oriV,
terances regarding the deep things 6 av 81 avTo aipcTov ov tnaivtrbv y) as
of God which so frequently showed distinguished from TO ayaOov what is
themselves in the Early Church under good in virtue of its results. Thus
the direct influence of the Spirit cf. : it is used of genuine as opposed to

Ac. ii. 17, xix. 6, i Cor. xii. 10, Rev. i. counterfeit coin (cf. Xen. Mem. iii. i
10, and see further McGiffert Apost. 8iayiyv<>Jo-Kiv TO TC <a\bv [dpyvpiov]
Age 526 ff.
p. Kal TO KL@8r)\ov), and is very appro-
The strong verb cgovOfvev 'set at priate here to denote the goodness
' '

naught,' make of no account (Suid. : which passes muster in view of the

avr ov8evbs Xo-yi'fo/Mai) is found in the testing process just spoken of: cf.
N.T. only in Lk. 3 and Paul 8 and ,
the noble comment of the historian
under the form cov8cvelv in Mk. 1 . .Socrates on this verse TO yap xaXot/,
In the LXX. it occurs in four forms vBa av ?;,
i8iov TTJS dXrjdeias eWiV
(H.E. iii. 1
Lobeck Phryn. p. 182. For /caTe'xco
= '
hold fast
cf. Lk. viii.

21. TrdvTa [de] 6\)/a/iaere] The con- 15, i Cor. xi. 2, xv. 2, Heb. iii. 6, 14,
necting particle 6V, which is amply x. 23, and see Add. Note H.
vouched ought probably to be
for, 22. OTTO TravTos c'ldovs KrX.] 'from
retained its
here, omission being every form of evil abstain.' This
easily explained through the in- rendering may be criticized on two
fluence of the following So-. In any grounds (i) it takes euW in its
case whether 6V is retained or not, quasi-philosophical sense of 'kind,'
the whole clause stands in a certain species,' which though frequent in
limiting relation foregoing to the class, writers and more especially in
precepts: important as 'gifts' and Plato, is not found elsewhere in the

prophesyings are, they cannot be N.T., and (2) it treats irovrjpov, though
accepted unhesitatingly, but must be anarthrous, as a subst. But -as re-

eipqvrjs d'yido'ai vjuas dAoTe/VeZs, Kal 6\OK\rjpov TO

gards (i), apart from such passages by early Christian writers with the
as Jos. Antt. vii. 80 (iv. 2), x. 37 (iii. i) agraphon ascribed to our Lord yl-
eldos peXovs, Trovrjpias, we have now veo~6e doKipoi Tpane^lrai (for reff. see
confirmation of this more popular use Suicer Thesaurus s.v. TpaTreCiVj??), and
of eiSos from the papyri as when in at least possible that the writers
it is
P.Tebt. 58, 20 f. (ii./B.c.) a taxgatherer of our E$. had this saying of Jesus
undertakes to collect a wheat-tax drro in mind here: see further Resch
' '
iravros e'tiovs from every class ;
Agrapha pp. n6ff., 233 ff., Pauli-
P.Oxy. 237. viii. 42 f. (ii./A.D.) Kara nismus p. 408 f., Ropes Spruche
K(op,r)v Kal /car' eidos 'under villages p. 142 f.

and classes,' and see P.Fay. 34, 6f.

V. 23, 24. PRAYER.
(ii./A.D.) where a'XXa e'i8rj may be used
not of 'other taxes' but of 'other From
these several injunctions the
Apostles turn in characteristic fashion
kinds of produce on which a certain
tax (fj.ovo8ea-ij.ia) was levied to the Divine power in which alone
editors' note ad loc.). While with they can be fulfilled. Beng. : 'non
reference to (2), the anarthrous use meo studio, inquit Paulus, sed divino
of the neut. sing, to denote abstract praesidio muniti eritis.'

ideas is too frequent to cause any 23, 24.As however without God

real difficulty, e.g. Gen. all your strivings must be in vain we

9 TO gv\ov
TOV eldevat yv<oo~Tov KaXov K. jrovrjpoiij pray that the God of peace Himself
Heb. V. 14 rrpos bidicpio-LV KaXov re Kal will sanctifyyou through and through,
KCIKOV, and cf. Didache
appa- iii. i,
that the whole man may become
rently a reminiscence of the present God's, each part preserved entire and
passage, <pe>ye UTTO iravTos Trovrjpov K. without blame, and found so at the
dno iravTos G/JLOLOV avrov. Parousia of the Lord Jesus. Nor
The alternative rendering 'abstain need you have any fear regarding
from every appearance of evil (R.V. '
this. The very fact that it is God
marg.) has the advantage of taking Who calling is to you the pledge

eldos in the same sense as elsewhere that He will not suffer His calling
in the N.T. (Lk. iii. 22, ix.
29, Jo. v. to become null and void.'
37, 2 Cor. v. 7), but, if it is preferred, 23. a frequent
6 debs rrjs elprjvrjs]
care must be taken not to impart into title at the close of the Pauline Epp.
the word the idea of semblance as
(Rom. xv. 33, xvi. 20, 2 Cor. xiii. 1
' ' '

opposed to reality it is rather ap- : Phil. iv. 9, (Heb. xiii. 20) ; cf. II. iii.

pearance' in the sense of 'outward 16 o Kvp. T. tip.), and intended to

show,' 'visible form.' bring out 'the peace' which is not
On djrexto-Qai dn6 see iv. 3 note, only the one God's characteristic at-
and on the more active idea of evil in tribute, but which it is His peculiar
privilege to bestow, and which in the
' '

malignant as compared with

OS base' see Trench Syn. Ixxxiv. present passage gains in significance
Commentators generally draw at- in view of the dragta just spoken of.
tention to the change from TO <aX6v For 'Peace' as a Talmudic Name
to Travrbs e'idovs Trovrjpov, for while the of God see Taylor /Sayings p. 25 f. ; 2

good is one, evil has many forms ;

cf. while as further illustrating the per-
Arist. Eth. Nic. ii. 5. 14 en TO ^v sonal application of the term it may be
a/zaprai/etf TroXXa^cos eo"TiV,...To 8e Kar- noted that in P.Oxy. 41, 27 (iii./iv. A.D.)
opQovv fjLova^djs. the prytanis at Oxyrhynchus is popu-
It is also of interest to notice that larly acclaimed as f lpr)vrj TroXecoy.
vv. 21, 22 are frequently connected dyido-cu i>fj,ds KTX.] 'sanctify you
Kat t Kai TO ev TY\ Trapov-

wholly' aytao-at not being limited of 6\oK\r)pos in the present passage

to the initial act of consecration, is afforded by the magical papyrus
but (as in Rom. xv. 16, Eph. v. 26) P.Lond. i. 121, 589 f. (iii./A.D.) 8ia(pv-
pointing to the actual inward sancti- Aa<rcre fiov TO o-ca/xa TTJV 4fv XV v O\OK\T]-
fication of the Thessalonians in their pov, while its original meaning is seen
whole persons' Ambrstr. per (Vg. in P.Oxy. 57, 13 f.
(iii./A.D.) virep rov
omnia, Luth. Weizsacker durch und 6\OK\r)pov (sc. Troi^crai) rr/v eVar/ce^ii/
durch}. TO>V ^co/iara)!/. The allied subst. oAo-
For this ethical sense of ayia&iv K\r)pia (cf. Ac. 6) occurs in the
iii. 1

cf. Lev. xi. 44 ayiao-8ij<rfO-6e KOI ayioi sense of physical wholeness, health,
(Tcrdf t
OTI ayios elp-t c'yoo,
and for a e.g. B.Gr. U. 948, 2 ff. (iv./v. A.D.)
fulldiscussion of the word and its /M6...ra 7rept T^? vyas arov <a
synonyms see Westcott Heb. p. 346 f. 6XoK.\Tjpia$ <rov "xalpLv, and for the
For oAorfArjy (air. Aey. N.T.) cf. Plut. verb see P.Grenf. i.
53, 4f. (iv./A.D.)
Mor. ii. 9098, Dittenberger Sylloge* OTTCOJ oAoKA^poOi/ra ere a7roAa^3o/xei'.

376, 45 dvfi<r(popiav, yv ovdels rc5i/ 77po- V^LCOV TO 7rvvp.a KrA.] The precedent
repov 2e/3a(rrc3i/ oAoreA?/ e5a>Kei/. The gen. VP.WV is uuemphatic (cf. Abbott
adv. oAoreAwy, by which Suidas defines Joh. Gr. p. 416), and belongs to each
the commonoAoo-^pdis, is found in of the following substantives, .'your
ACL. Deut. xiii. 16 (17). spirit and your soul and your body/
6\oK\r)pov] a secondary predicate to but this triple subject must not be
be taken closely along with Trjprjdfir], and pressed as if it contained a psycho-
as belonging to all three substantives logical definition of human nature.
(WM. p. 661). As regards meaning, '
St Paul is not writing a treatise on
6\oK\r]pos can hardly be distinguished the soul, but pouring forth, from the
from oAoreAr/s though, in accordance fulness of his heart, a prayer for his
with its derivation, it draws more converts' (Jowett), and consequently
special attention to the several parts all appeals to the verse in support of
to which the wholeness spoken of a Pauline system of Trichotomy as
extends, no part being wanting or against the Dichotomy found else-
lacking in completeness. Thus in the where in his Epp. are beside the
LXX. the word is used of \i6oi as yet mark. At the same time it will not
untouched by any tool (Deut. xxvii. 6, do to regard the three subjects as
i Mace. iv. 47), and it is the regular of 'mere rhetorical significance' (de
expression in Philo (de anim. 1
2, ii. Wette): they are evidently chosen
p. 836 M.) and Josephus
Antt. HI. 278 in accordance with the general O.T.

(xii. 2) to denote
the integritas re- view of the constitution of man to
quired both in priests and victims. emphasize a sanctification which shall
From this the transition is easy to the extend to man's whole being, whether
metaphorical sense of mental and on its immortal, its personal, or its
moral completeness which the word bodily side cf.
: Heb. iv. 1 2 with
has in the apocr. books of the O.T. Westcott's Add. Note p. 1146".
(Sap. XV. 3 6\oK\rjpos SiKaioavvr), The trichotomist arguments based
4 MaCC. XV. 17 TTJV fvaefieiav oAofcAjj- on the passage will be found fully
pov\ and in Jas. i. 4 where it
is stated by Ellicott The Destiny of the
joined with re'Aeto? (for distinction be- Creature, Serm. v. with the accom-
tween them see Trench Syn. xxii.) panying Notes. For the more im-
and explained as eV p.r)dcvl AeiTro/zei/os. portant inquiry how far St Paul
An interesting parallel to the use may have been influenced here by

cria TOV Kvpiov ^JULCOV 'lr]<rou XpicrTov Trjprjdeui. 7r*(TTos

6 KaXwv vjua^ 9 os Kal Troirjcrei.


BD* 4** 6 17 31 37 al pauc Go Syr (Hard) Arm Orig Chr Theod-Mops

25 Kal :

om KAD C G cet f g Vg Boh Syr (Pesh) Aeth That Ambst al

Pharisaic theology see Wohlenberg TWV e/xcSi/ (vx&v TOVTO yivercu, aXX*
ad loc. t and
cf. Jos. Antt, I. 34 (i. 2). < rfjs npodea-eais, ys v/JLas fKoXfa-fv.
For the occurrence of the same tri- Beng. magnam
: hie versiculus exul-
chotomy in Egyptian rites in the order tationem habet.'
soul, body, spirit see the interesting
For 6 <a\. lip. which, as always in
note by Rev. F. E. Brightman in St Paul, can only refer to God cf. ii.

J.T.S.'u. p. 273 f. 12 note, and for TTIOTOS in a similar

a/Ae>7rTa>s] an adverbial adjunct connexion cf. II. iii. 3, i Cor. i.

9, x.
10 note) qualifying the whole 13, 2 Cor. i. 1 8, 2 Tim. ii.
13, Heb. x.

expression o\6K\r}pov...TT}pii$iu): cf. 23, xi. ii, Dent. vii. 9, Isa. xlix. 7,
Clem. R. Cor. xliv. 6 e< rfjs ajut'/z7rra>y Pss. Sol. xiv. i. The absolute use of
avroZ? rtriiujfuvrff (TeTrjpijpcvrjs, Lft.) TToiijaei isvery striking, and sets in
. bold relief the doing with which God
It is not without interest to notice accompanies His calling : cf. Num.
that dpfpiTTas, which in the N.T. is xxiii. 19 CLVTOS finas ; Ps. ov^l nonjo-ei
confined to this Ep., occurs in certain xxxvi. (xxxvii.) 5 eXmo-ov eV auroj/,
sepulchral inscriptions discovered at /cal avroy Troiija-ei. For a similar certi-
Thessalonica, e.g. an inscription of tudo fidei on the part of St Paul cf.
50 A.D. Eto-taSi rfj (ruv&ian fytrcurfl a- Rom. xvi. 25, Phil. i.
6, and for a like
ff.fjLrrT<os TT] KT)...[pV]ias x<*P iV ( no 3
spirit in later Jewish theology see
Duchesne et Bayet Mission au Mont Apoc. Bar. xiii. 3, Thou shalt there-

Athos p. 29). fore be assuredly preserved to the

cv rfj Trapovcria rrX.] a temporal consummation of the times.'
clause marking also the condition
under which the blameless oXo/cXr/pia V. 2528. CONCLUDING IN-
will be made manifest (cf. ii. 19 note).
Wohlenberg prefers to connect the DICTION.
words more closely with TrjprjBfir),
the thought then being that in the 2528. 'Meanwhile, Brothers, in
judgment following upon Christ's ap- your prayers do not forget us. Con-
pearing, while others find themselves vey our greetings with the customary
the subjects of God's wrath, those who holy kiss to all the Brothers. As
have undergone this triple sanctifica- regards this letter I charge that it
tion will be preserved in bliss. The be read aloud to all the Brothers.
difference in meaning is not very The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
great, but under no circumstances
be with you.'
can the A.V. 'unto (as if els) the 25. *A8eX<pot, Trpoo-evxeo-Qe KrX.] Cf.
coming be accepted, however true i, and for a similar request see
II. iii.

the thought underlying it (cf. Phil, Rom. xv. 30, Eph. vi. 19, Col. iv. 3,
i. 6). For Trapovcria see Add. Note F. Heb. xiii. 18. If /cat is read, it intro-
24. 7rt(rros o KaXeSi/ *rX.] Chrys. : duces the feeling of reciprocity 'as
"Opa TTJV TdTreivocppoo-vvrjv. ''ETreidrj yap we have prayed for you, do you also
fJLT) VOfJiio'TJTe, 17 (Til/, OTl CLTTO pray for us.'

26 'f

AorTrdcracrGe TOVS
d$e\<povs TTGLVTCLS ev (piXy/man
dyiw. ,vopKL^ct) vfuds TOV KVQIOV dvayvcocrBfjvai Trjv
eTTia-ToXriv Trdcnv TO?? a'J

27 rots] add aylois K AKLP

al pier Vg Go Boh Syr (Pesh Hard) Arm Chr That

26. 'A(T7rao-a<r0e KrX.] an exhorta- not found elsewhere in the Bibl.

tion addressed like the preceding to writings except as a variant in
the whole Church, and not only to 2 Esdr. xxiii. (xiii.) 25, is apparently
those to whom the Ep. was directly a strengthened form of dpja'o> (for
sent, presumably the elders. Had form, Rutherford NP. p. 466 f.), and
any such restriction been intended, like it (Mk. v. 17, Ac. xix. 3) is here
it could hardly fail to have been construed with two accusatives cf. :

clearly notified, while any difficulty LM.A. in. 1238 (Christian) fvopxifa
in the general application of the in- V/J.CLS rov cofie e^ecrrcora apyeXo?, /LIT/

junction owing to the use of r. dd. Trore To\fj.ij((rr)) /<rX., and see also Ram-
Travras is met by the want of stress say C. and B. i. p. 734. For a similar
here attaching to rravras (WSchm. usage of e'op/a'o> see P.Leid. V. 4. 31
p. 189), the whole phrase being (iii./A.D.) ft-opKia) ere TTJV 8vva/j,iv (rov,

practically equivalent to the more and for opx/fa TWO, see Deissmann JBS.
customary aXX^Aous. p. 274 ff.
'Ao-7rab/iai is of constant occurrence The presence of the adjuration in
in the papyri for conveying the greet- the present passage has been explain-
ings at the end of a letter, e.g. P. Fay. ed as due either to the Apostle's deep

119? 25 ff. (c. i./A.D.) d(mdov ^7raya6ov sense of the importance of his Ep. to
KOL TOVS (piXovvTes r)/ Trpos dXrjOiav. all without exception, or to a pre-
(piXrjuaTi dyia>] with a kiss that sentiment that a wrong use might be
is holy,' as a token of friendship and made of his name and
authority as in
brotherly love, cf. Rom. xvi. 16, i Cor. II. ii. or to the fact that the
2, iii. 17,
xvi. 20, 2 Cor. xiii. 12, in each case reading of such letters had not yet
the attribute ayiov being added to been officially established. But after
bring out the true character of the allno special reason need be sought.
(pi\r)fj.a see also i Pet. v. 14 ev
Writing as he did to explain his
<pi\ijp.aTi dyaTrrjs. The practice may continued personal absence, and to
have arisen from the customary mode enforce truths which he felt to be
of saluting a Rabbi, Wiinsche Neue of vital importance to his converts,
Beitrdge p. 339 cf. also F. C. Cony-;
St Paul naturally took precautions to
beare in Exp. iv. ix. p. 4606!. ensure that his letter should be read
For the first mention of the 'kiss and circulated as widely as possible :

of peace' as a regular part of the see Intr. p. xxxiv, and for the change
Christian service see Just. M. Apol. to the ist pers. sing, to give the appeal
65 dXXj/Xovy <f)i\r)fJiaTi dar7ra6p.e6a a more personal character cf. ii. 18,
Travadfjifvoi ra>v ev^ajj/, and for full iii. 5.

particulars of its liturgical use see dvayvaxrdTJvat] 'Avayvcoo-flr/vai (for

art. 'Kiss' in Smith's D.C.A., and construction, Blass p. 241) a time-
Hauck RE. 3 vi. p. 274. In some and hence lending no sup-
less aor.,
parts of Greece the Easter-greeting port to Alford's view that a special
(Xpioros di/ecm;) is still accompanied assembly was to be held for this
by the brotherly kiss. purpose. At the same time it is
27. clear from the context that it is a

' 8 *
H ^ 1 ^ T v Kvpiov q/uLcov

Irjcrov XpurTOv

public reading or a reading aloud public places a-vvoirra rots dvayiyva-

that is alone thought of here. For o-Kova-iv 'in full view of those who
this sense of dvayiyvato-Keiv (almost wish to read.'
universal in class. Gk., Butcher Har- TTJV fTTio-ToXijv] obviously the present
vard Lect. p. 230, n. 1 ) cf. Lk. iv. 16, Ac. letter now drawing to a close, cf. II.
xiii. 27, xv. 21, 2 Cor. iii. 15, Col. iv. iii. 14, Rom. xvi. 22, Col. iv. 16
1 Rev. i. 3 (with Swete's note), and
6, (WSchm. p. 149).
for the result of this reading aloud in rraa-iv TOLS aSeXtpois] Ilacriv em-
giving the N.T. writings an authori- phatic (contrast but
iravras v. 26),
tative character see Sanday Inspira- not necessarily including others than
tion p. 360 f. the combined members of the Thessa-
is sometimes quoted as
Tertullian lonian Church. 'AyiW, if read before
mentioning Thessalonica and Philippi aSfX0oTs (WH. mg.), would produce a
as churches where the letters of the combination occurring nowhere else
Apostles were read in the original in the Pauline Epp. (cf. however Eph.


apud quas ipsae authenticae literae iii. 5 T. ayiots aTTooroXois), and is better
eorum recitantur de praescr. 36), but omitted.
the reference to Thessalonica (' habes 28. 'H x^P ls KT ^'] a concluding
Thessalonicenses ') is plainly an in- benediction in which the favourite
sertion, clumsy in form, and wanting Pauline conception of 'grace' takes
in the best MSS. the place of the ordinary epistolary
In the papyri dvayiyvma-Kciv is eppoxro (eppoxr$e) or e'ppcotr&u ere (u/za?)
found = both 'read' and 'read aloud.' fvxo/j-ai: cf. II. iii. 18, Rom. xvi. 20,
Thus for the latter sense cf. P.Grenf. 1 Cor. xvi. 23.

I. 37, 1 5 (li./B.C.) TTi\eyp.aTos dvayva- A shorter form T) \"P IS P*' vn&v is

a-Sevrof of the reading aloud of a found in Col. iv. 18, i Tim. vi. 21,
petition, and P.Cairo 29. 3. i (U./A.D.) 2 Tim. iv. 22, Tit. iii. 1 5 (add TTCIVTUV),
$s dvayvuMrQeio-rjs of the reading aloud while this is expanded in various ways
of a will. On the other hand the in Gal. vi. 18, Eph. vi. 24, Phil. iv. 23.

word must mean simply 'read' in The full trinitarian benediction occurs
B.G. U. 1079 (cited iv. i
note), and in in 2 Cor. xiii. 13.

P.Fay. 20, 23 (iii. IV./A.D.) where it The liturgical dp.r)v is found in

refers to copies of an edict set up in AD bc KLP &c.: cf. iii. 13 note.


AeT f^P TAYT* reNec9Ai npcoTON, <\AA' OYK e^Gecoc TC reAoc.

Ta avayKoia -jravra dr\a.


Ae GCTIN c K^pioc, 6c crnpfSei Y M <^C KA!





3 ii.


PAROUSIA. ii. i 12.


13 15.

4. PRAYER, ii. 16, 17.




3 5.



5. PRAYER, iii. 16.


KCLI CiXovavos K.O.I
TijuioOeos Trj 6KK\rj(ria
OecrcraXoviKecov eV 6ea TraTpt /ULMI/ KCCI
'Irjorov XpiorTCt' eirivn OLTTO 6eov
KCtl 'lrj(TOV

I. i, 2. ADDRESS AND omitted by WH. Its insertion was

GREETING. doubtless due to its
frequent presence
in corresponding Pauline formulas.
1. IlavXos KT\.] The address cor-
responds word for word with the I. 3. II. 17. HISTORICAL AND
address in I. i. i (where see notes) DOCTRINAL.
except in the addition of j/jiwv after I. 3 12. THANKSGIVING AND PRAYER
irarpl emphasizing that it is the Divine FOR THE THESSALONIANS' STATE.
fatherhood in relation to man and not
to Christ that is specially in view. Following upon the Address comes
2. OTTO 6fov These
Trarpos KT\.] the customary Thanksgiving which,
words, though unauthentic in Li. i, while again closely recalling the
form part of the true text here, and, Thanksgiving of the First Epistle,
as in all subsequent Pauline Epp., presents certain independent features.
carry back the customary greeting Thus special stress is now laid on
Xapis K- elpjvri to its ultimate source. the progress of the Thessalonians'
Both subjects 6fov Trarpds- and <vp. faith and love with the consequent
'IT/O-. Xp. are under the government
of boasting of the writers on their be-
the same preposition OTTO, and any half (vv. 3, 4), while the mention of
distinction between them therefore as the afflictions from which at the
the 'ultimate' and the 'mediating' time the Thessalonian Church was
channel of grace and peace (as Find- suffering is a natural starting-point
lay), however true in reality, is out of for an emphatic appeal to the righteous
place here. In 2 Jo. 3 the same judgment of God, by which the perse-
relation is brought out by the repeated cuted will be recompensed and the
Trapa.-.Trapa, which can hardly be dis- persecutors condemned (vv. 5 10).
tinguished from a in this connexion, The whole is crowned by a character-
though in accordance with its general istic reference to the Apostles' con-
sense it may help to draw attention tinual intercession for their converts
to the passage from the giver to the (vv. n, 12).
receiver (cf. Lft. on Gal. i. 12). 3, 4.
We count it a duty, as well
The addition of -q^v after Trarpos is as a privilege, Brothers, to give thanks
well attested (KAG. Vg Go Boh Syrr),
. . to God at all times for you, as indeed
but in accordance with BDP 17 is your own conduct fully merits, in view

TW 6etu TrdvroTe Trepi v[

d^iov eorTiv,OTL vTrepav^dvei r\ TT'HTTIS

V/ULCUV Kal 7r\ovd(^i >jdydirri evos eKa&TOV TravTiav VJULWV

eis a'AAfjAoi's, W<TT CIVTOVS f//zas iv vfjuv evKav%d(r6ai iv

of the marvellous growth of your faith compounded with vnep- for which St
and the abounding love which you are Paul shows such a marked predi-
all displaying towards one another. lection, cf. V7rep/3cuVa> (I. IV. 6),
So marked indeed are these, that we v7TpevTvyx av <i*
(Rom. viii. 26), vnep-
on our own part are able to make viKaa) (Rom. viii. 37), VTrepKTfi'i>a> (2
a boast of you in the churches of God, Cor. X. 14), vircpn\eova(o> (i Tim. i. 14),
as we think of the endurance and the all, like VTrfpav^avw,
being air. Xeyo/xeva
faith which you have continued to in the N.T. : the note on
see also
show even among the persecutions and I. iii. 10. Like the simple avgdva)
afflictions which are falling upon you in the N.T. (except i Cor. iii. 6f.,
at this time.' 2 Cor. ix. 10), the verb is here used
Ev^apioTf Iv ofpfiXopev] Cf. I. i.
3. intransitively.
2, the addition of c<pei'Xo/iei/ in the Kal ir\ovdfi KT\.] a fulfilment of
present passage bringing out the the prayer of I. iii. 12. As dis-
Apostles' sense of thanksgiving as tinguished from inrcpavgdvet, TrXeoi/a^t,
actually a debt owing to God in view which is found in the N.T. outside the
of their converts' rapid growth in Pauline Epp. only in 2 Pet. i. 8, points
spiritual things (see below). As con- to diffusive rather than organic
trasted with del an obligation in the growth, and hence is fittingly used of
nature of things,' o0eiXo> expresses a dydirr), while this love is further

special, personal obligation (Westcott characterized as not only individually

on i Jo. ii. 6). It is found combined manifested (ei>os e/caorou, cf. I. ii. n),
with evxapurTelv as here in ii. 13 cf. ; but as extended to the entire
Clem. R. Cor. xxxviii. 4, Barn. Ep. v. Christian community at Thessalonica
3 (vTrepevxapioreti') vii. I. (ndvTtov vyiwv els aXXf;Xovy). Chrys. :

Kttflcos agiov earn] not a mere tauto- Kal opa dydnrjv' ov TOV /*ei> riydn&v,
logical repetition of o0eiXo/xei/ for the rov 8e ov, aXX' i'en; r\v -rrapa 7rdvT<av.
sake emphasis (as Jowett), but
of 4. coo-re avrovs SO was AcrX.]

bringing out the duty of the evxapio-- that we on our the emphati-
rla from the human standpoint
it cally placed avrovs not being simply
is also merited by your conduct' reflexive, but serving to draw atten-
(Lft.) cf. Phil. i. 7, and for a similar
: tion to the fact that the Apostles,
use of agios see i Cor. xvi. 4. as well as the Thessalonians, have
on] referring back to the principal ground for boasting, inasmuch as it
statement ev^. o^eiXo/tei/, and in view was through their agency, humanly
of the emphatic o(pei\op.ev (see above) speaking, that the foundations of
best given its full causal significance the Thessalonians' faith were laid.
'because,' cf. ii. 13 and contrast For wo-re with inf. cf. I. i. 7 note.
I. ii. 13. evKavxdo-dai] *EvKavx<*o-6ai (for form,

groweth exceedingly
WH. 2
Notes p. I56f.) instead of the
(Vg. supercrescit, Beza vehementer favourite Pauline Kavxao-Qai (Epp. 35 )
augescat, Wycl. ouer wexith], as does not occur elsewhere in the N.T.,
compared with the vo-Tepfaara T. but is found with the same con-
Trurrfcos, I. iii. 10. struction as here in Pss. Ii. (Iii.) 3,
The verb is another of the verbs xcvi. (xcvii.) 7 (e'y*-),
cv. (cvi.) 47. For

eKK\t](riai<z TOV 6eov vTrep Trs viTOfAOvfj* VJULWV KCLI

eV Trdcriv Tols S^wy/zcus VJULCOV Kai TCUS 6\i"^secriv
TOV 6eov

the thought cf. I. ii. 19 c in the N. T. ai/e'xo/Luu is found with the

Kav^o-eaK, and for lv indicating the gen. (e.g. 2 Cor. xi. i, 19, Eph. iv. 2).

ground of the boasting see WM. But such an attraction as this would
p. 292. be unique (WM. p. 204 n. ), and it
fv r. KK\rjcriais T. $eov] 1.6. in is simpler to regard als as directly
Corinth and its neighbourhood, cf. 2 governed by ai/e'x 60"^ 6 for which we
Cor. For a similar instance of
i. i. have class, authority, e.g. Eur. An-
boasting cf. 2 Cor. viii. i ff., and for drom. 980 v/^0opats 8* ^veixo^v.
the use made of the present passage Findlay suggests that the gram-
by Polycarp see Intr. p. Ixxvif. matical anomaly may have led to the
VTrep rfjs VTrofjiovrjs KT\.] 'YTro/ioi/rJ
otherwise interesting variant als

(I. i.
3 note) usually found associated
is cvexco-Ge (WH. mg.) 'in which you are
with eXrrtr, and its close union here involved,' als being then regularly
with irtoris under a common art. has led governed by eV- cf. Gal. v.
: i
to the latter's being taken in the sense naXiv vya dovXeias eVe^ecr^e, P.Fior.
of 'faithfulness' (Beng. fidelem : 57, 30 (iii./A.D.) ve\fcrde rals Xeirovp-
constantiam confessionis '). But this yais.
passive significance of irioris is, to say 5. We have spoken of your heroic

the least, very rare in the N.T. (cf. faith under persecution, and we gladly
Rom. iii. 3, Gal. v. 22), and the occur- dwell upon it, because in itself it affords
rence of the word in its ordinary a proof of what awaits you in the day
active sense of 'faith' in the im- of God's final judgment, and will then
mediately preceding verse makes it result in your being found worthy of
more natural to give it the same the heavenly Kingdom, for which you
meaning here. Nor need the added are now suffering.'
clause fv TTCHTIV T. 8icoyfj.ois rA. cause 5. a plain token of
evfteiypa KT\.]
the righteous judgment of God (Beza

any difficulty in this respect. It was

the very point of the Apostles' boast quae res indicium est iusti iudicii
that the Thessalonians had maintained Dei}. "Evdfiypa (an. Xey. N.T.) in
a true religious 'faith' even in the accordance with its passive form
midst of the 'persecutions' and denotes strictly a result that has been
afflictions' which had been both reached, 'a thing proved,' but as
numerous (naa-iv) and continuous frequently in similar cases where the
(di>e'xeo-0e pres.). abstract gives place to the concrete
For the combination Sieoy/u. K. 0\ty. can hardly be distinguished from
cf.Mt. xiii. 21, Mk. iv. 17, the former v8cits the actual proof by an appeal
being the more special term, with to facts, cf. Rom. iii. 25 f., 2 Cor. viii.

reference to the external persecutions 24, and especially the closely parallel
inflicted by enemies of the Gospel (cf. passage Phil. i. 28 pf) irrvpo^voi *v
Ac. viii. i, xiii. 50, 2 Mace. xii. 23), .T8ev\...fTis ecrrlv avrols
the latter (cf. I. i. 6, note), more com-
prehensively, afflictions of any kind. As regards construction, the analogy
als dvfxfo-df] which ye are endur- of this last passage has led to the
ing.' ALS is generally regarded as an treating of ei/Seiy/ia as a nominative,
attraction for <u ai/e'^eo-tfe, as elsewhere some such ellipsis as o eanv being

ek TO KaTa^tcoBfjvai v/ud^ Trjs /3aa~i\eias TOV 6eov, VTrep

supplied (Blass p. 293). But it is In the LXX. confined

it is

more in keeping with class, usage to to Maccabees 4 ; cf. Aristeas 175 TOVS
regard such noun-phrases as ac- Se rJKovras Tifj.fjs KdTa^iatv pcifovor. It

cusatives, in apposition to the whole is frequent in Polybius (e.g. i.

23. 3,
idea of the foregoing sentence (cf. iv. 86. 8) ;
see also C.I. A. in. 690, 9 f.

Rom. viii. 3, xii. i, i Tim. ii. 6, and

see further Kiihner 3 406, 6, Riddell For fls TO with inf., and for the
The Apology of Plato (1877) p. 122). meaning of r. /Sao-iA. r. 0eoO see the
In the present instance, therefore, the notes on I. ii. 12.

meaning is that the heroic faith of the VTrep ys KOI Trac^cre] cf. Rom. viii.

Thessalonians under persecution is in 17, 2 Cor. i.

7, Phil. iii. 10, and
itself a 'proof,' a 'sign' (Est. 'argu- Dante Purg. xix. 76 f.
mentum et indicium ') of what God's eletti di Dio, Ii cui soffriri
final judgment in their case will be. E giustizia e speranza fan men duri.
For SiKaias KptcreoK, a phrase not
6 10. From the thought of the
found elsewhere in the Pauline Epp.
future recompence awaiting the per-
cf. Rom. ii. 5 diKatoKpio-ias which, how-
secuted Thessalonian Church the
ever, denotes not so much the charac-

ter of the judgment as the character Apostles proceed to describe more

of the Judge' (SH. p. 56), and for the fully the issue of the Lord's Parousia
in an apocalyptic passage closely based
whole thought see Rom. viii. i8ff.,
on the O.T. as regards both language
2 Cor. iv. i6ff.
and imagery (see Intr. p. lix). The
As a
literary parallel Garrod aptly
' form is largely rhythmical, so much
cites the lines from Browning's Abt
' so that Bornemann (pp. 329, 336) con-
Vogler b io a may be an
jectures that vv. 7
And what is our failure here but a
adaptation of some primitive Christian
triumph's evidence psalm or hymn.
For the fulness of the days? '
We are the more confident of this
And as still better illustrating the because it is in accord with God's
confident appeal to the supreme judg- righteous law to mete out trouble
ment by which all present sufferings to troublers, and to the troubled
will be set in their true light, Dante's rest a rest which we hope to share

great lines (Parg. x. 109 in) may along with you at the revelation from
be recalled heaven of the Lord Jesus attended by
the angels, as the instruments of His
Non attender la forma del martire :

Pensa la succession ; pensa che, a

power, and surrounded by a "fire
of flame." Then will He inflict full
justice upon all who in wilful ignor-
Oltre la gran sentenza non puo ire.
ance oppose themselves to God, and
els TO Karaia>6r)vai KT\.] Cf. the in consequence disobey the Gospel of
common Rabbinic expression 'To be Christ. All such shall suffer a fitting
worthy of the future aeon' (Dalinan penalty. Nothing less than eternal
Worte p. 97, E. Tr. p. 119). ruin will fall upon them banishment
Karai6o>, like the simple dioa> (v. from the presence of the Lord and
n), denotes not 'make' but 'count from the glory of His might. Yes,
worthy,' and is found elsewhere in the from that glory the wicked, your
N.T. only in Lk. xx. 35 01 8e Karato>- persecutors, will be shut out, for the
6(VTCS TOV llltoVOS fKflVOV TV^eiV, AC. object of the Lord's coming is to
V. 41 ort KaTT)ia>6r)o~av inrep TOV 6v6fj.aTos be glorified in His saints and revered
^5 Kai Tra'cr^ere, i7rep SIKCUOV Trapd 6eto d
Tols 6\iftovcriv v/uias 6\i\lsiv
Kai vfjiiv T

av(riv /ued' rifJLMV Trj OKaXv^sei TOV Kvpiou

eV CLTT Iqcrov
oupavov /UT dyye\u>v Suva/mews avTOv GN nypi 4>Aoroc,

in all believers (amongst whom we (ii./B.C.) V dv[e]a-i yeyovoras becom- '

may reckon you, for you received our ing remiss.'

testimony) in that great Day.' In the present passage the 'rest'
6. fi-rrep diKaiov <rX.] EiVtp (' si spoken of (Est. remissionem, relaxa-

quidem ') an intensive form, confined tionem, scilicet a pressuris hujus mun-
in the N.T. to the Pauline writings, di ') is practically synonymous with

which, without implying doubt as to the Kaipol dva\l^v^(i)s of Ac. iii. 19,
the truth of the condition assumed, where the context again determines
lays some stress on it as a condition the eschatological reference of the
(cf. Rom. iii. 30, viii. 9, 17; SH. p. phrase: cf. also Asc. Isai. iv. 15 'And
96). That condition is here the exer- He will give rest to the godly whom
cise of the strict righteousness of God He shall find in the body in this
conceived as &jus talionis. world.'
For diKaiov cf. diKatas Kpicrfcas (v. 5)> fj.e& ij/zav] i.e. with Paul and his com-
and for napa Ota ('judice Deo') see panions, rather than with Christians
WM. p. 493- in general cf. 2 Cor. i. 7, Phil. i. 30.

Th. Mops, retri-

dvTcnroftovvat KrX.] Oecum. eVayft ro
fif$' JjfJioctv,
buere his qui tribulant uos retribu- KOIVWVOVS OVTOVS Aa/S KOI rwv
lationem. For ai/ra7ro8ifio>/u see I.
iii. 9 note, and for
0An//>t? I. i. 6 note. ev TTJ drroKaXv^ei /trA.] Cf. I Cor. i.

The language as well as the thought 7, and

for the original suggestion of
(cf. Rom. ii. 6 if.) is clearly suggested the phrase see Lk. xvii. 30 fi "npfpq o
by O.T. prophecy, cf. especially Isa. VIOS TOV dvOpWTTOV djrOKO\V7TTTai. 'El/

Ixvi. 4, 14 ff., and for a terse descrip- is not purely temporal but 'in and
tion of the close connexion between through' (cf. I. ii. 19 note), the dvTmro-
sin and its 'other half punishment doo-is being not only associated with
see Sap. xi. 16 (17)81* <av TIS dfj-apravfi, the diroKaXv^is but actually forming a
dlO. TOllTdHV KoA af T<U. part of it cf. i Pet. i. 7 (with Hort's

avtaiv] "Averts, lit. 'loosening,'

7. note), and on the distinction between
'relaxing' of the cords of endurance drroKaXv^is and Trapovaia see Add.
now tightly drawn (cf. Plato Rep. i. Note F.
349 E c>1/ T ?7 tmfotftt Kai avfcrei TWV For similar language from Jewish
vis], is, with the exception of Ac. Apocalyptic cf. 4 Ezra vii. 28 (quoted
xxiv. 23 ('indulgence' R.V.), used in I. iv. 17 note) ;
xiii. 32 'et erit cum
the N.T. only by St Paul, and always tient haec...tunc reuelabitur filius
with the contrast to OXfyis either meus quern uidistiuirumascenden tern.'
stated or implied; cf. 2 Cor. ii. 13 P.CT dyyeXtov *rA.] 'accompanied by
(see v. 4), vii. 5, viii. 13. In the angels of His power' Svi/a/xeooy not
apocryphal books of the O.T. it is being a mere epithet of ayye'Awi/, but,
found also in the more general senses as the accompanying CLVTOV shows,
of 'liberty' (i Esdr. iv. 62) and of pointing directly to the power of the
'licence' (Sir. xv. 20 (21), xxvi. 10 Lord Himself, of which the angels (cf.
(13)): cf. also Aristeas 284 eV rals I. iii. 13 note) were the exponents and
dve<T((ri Kai pa6\)p.iais^ P. Tebt. 24, 73 ministers. Calv. an gelos potentiae:


TW evayyeXia) TOU Kvpiov rifjLwv 'Iqcrov,
9 OLTives

vocat, in quibus suara potestatem the thought Deut. xxxii. 35 ev

exseret.' e\8iKrj<reo>s ai>ra7roS&>cra>. On the power
8. irvpl (pXoyos] a common figure
ev of judgment here ascribed to the Lord
in O.T.
theophanies, and frequently Jesus see Intr. p. Ixvii.
associated as here with the thought The v.l. 8i8ovs (D*FG and some
of judgment, e.g. Isa. Ixvi. Latin authorities) for didovros, if it
15 I8ov
yap Kvptof cos irvp rjfi,...a7rodovvai ev were better attested, would be an
6v/j.<a K8iKT)(riv avrov KOI diroa-KopaKicr- instance of the indifference to con-
fjiov avrov (v <p\oyl Trvpos. See also cord which we find so frequently in
Apoc. Bar. xlviii. 39, 'Therefore a fire the Apocalypse, and in the less
will consume
their thoughts, and in educated papyri (Moulton Prolegg.
flame will the meditations of their pp. 9, 60).
reins be tried; for the Judge will TOLS fj,rj
them that
eiSocn icrX.] 'to
come and not tarry,' where as
will know not God and them that obey to
elsewhere in the same book (xliv. 15, not the gospel of our Lord Jesus.'
lix. 2 (with Charles's The two clauses (note repeated art.)
note), Ixxxv. 13)
material fire seems to be intended. are often referred to the Gentile
In St Paul's hands on the contrary (I. iv. 5 note) and Jewish (Rom. x.
the figure has become entirely spiri- 1 6 ff.) opponents of the Gospel re-
tualized, and there is certainly no spectively. But it is doubtful whether
thought here of 'fire' as the actual any such distinction was in the writers'
instrument for the destruction of the minds at the time, nor can it be strictly
ungodly, as Kabisch appears to sug- applied, for Gentiles as well as Jews
gest (Eschatologie des Paulus (1893) can be disobedience
taxed with
p. 246). (Rom. xi. 30), while the wilful
The v.L ev (p\oyl
nvpos (BDG 47 71) ignorance of God which alone can
appears to be a conformation to Isa. be thought of here (cf. Rom. ii. 14)
Ixvi. 15 (cited above); on the other is elsewhere directly ascribed to Jews
hand in ev irvp\ (p\oy6s (KAKLP) we (cf. Jer. ix. 6 ov< ^6e\ov eldevai /xe).
may have a reminiscence of LXX. Ex. On the whole therefore it is better,
iii. 2, where however AF read ev and more in keeping with the He-

irvp. cf. Ac. vii. 30 where there is a

: braistic strain of the whole passage
similar variation of reading. (Findlay), to take both clauses as
didovros e<8iKr)o-Lv] not to be con- referring to the same general class,
nected with Trvpos but directly with viz. all who as the result of wilful
r. wp. 'Irjo-ov, and serving to bring out ignorance or disobedience oppose
further the judicial aspect under which themselves to God: cf. Jer. x. 25
this dnoKaXv^is is here presented. K)(eov TOV 6vp.6v <rov eVl edvr] TO. fj,ri

'EKdUrjo-is from enducos (I. iv. 6 note) fidoTa ere Kal enl yeveas at TO uvop.d
is full,complete punishment, cf. i Pet. (TOVOVK eVe/caXeVai/ro, where again the
ii. 14 elsewhere
els eKdiKTjo-iv KQKOTroteGf : two closely parallel clauses form one
it has the meaning of 'avenging,' 'vin- extended category.
dication' (e.g. Lk. xviii. 7 ff.). The The substitution of r.
evayy. r. Kvp.
exact phrase dovvai 3*&iiafmv is found Tjfj.. 'lya. for r. evayy. T. deov (I. ii. 2
only here in the N.T., but it occurs &c.) is in accordance with the promi-
several times in the LXX., e.g. Ezek. nence given to the Lord Jesus
xxv. 14: cf. Isa. Ixvi. 15 dirodovvtu throughout the section.
and more particularly for 9. oirt ves]
men who '

(' quippe qui '),


ATTO npocoonoy TOY Kypioy KA'I And

b\.6pov aiwviov

the qualitative character of papyri and inscriptions it is of fre-

though generally lost in late Gk., quent occurrence with reference to
being apparently maintained in the the span of a Caesar's life, cf. B.G. U.
Pauline Epp., cf. Rom. i.
25, i Cor. 362. iv. 1 1 f. virep <T<0TT)pii> KOL ala>[viov]
iii. 17, Gal. iv. 24, 26, Phil. iv. 3, and 8ia/^o[^]? TOO Kvpiov 7)/LUBi> (Severus),
see Blass p. 173, Moulton Prolegg. and for a similar weakened sense of
p. 91 f. the word see Magn. 188, 12 f. (ii./A.D.)
In the papyri of the Ptolemaic where reference is made to the monies
period ocm? has almost wholly dis- spent by a certain Charidemos during
appeared, its place b'eing taken by his 'life-long' tenure of the office of
the simple os, and in the plural often gymnasiarch (ds yvfj.vaariap^iav cuo>-

by 00-01 (Mayser
p. 310). VLOV). On the other hand, in view of
&IKTJV rio-ova-iv] 'shall pay a penalty.' St Paul's consistent teaching regard-
originally 'custom,' 'usage,' and
A/K//, ing 6 altov o n\\a>v which is once and
hence 'right' considered as established for ever to supplant o ala>v ovros, the

usage, came to be extended to a pro- thought of 'finality' is necessarily

cess of law' or 'judicial hearing' (e.g. present in the passage before us the :

P.Hib. 30, 24 (iii./B.c.) ) 81*17 <roi destruction is an 'eternal' one. See

dvaypa(pija-T[a]i 'the case will be further Kennedy Last Things p. ^i6K,
drawn up against you,' P. Reinach 1
5, and the passages cited by Volz Jiid.
21 (ii./B.C.) avev 8iKr)? Kcii Kpiafws KCU Eschat. p. 286 f. to show that the

Trao-tjs evpeo-iXoyias sans proces, con- eternity of woe was the ordinary
testation, ni chicane d'aucune sorte '), tea.ching of Jewish writers.
and then to the result of the lawsuit, Lachmann's reading oXedpiov is only
'execution of a sentence,' 'punish- supported by A 17 47 73 ;
cf. Tert. adv.
ment': see Jude 7, Sap. xviii. 11, Marc. v. 16 'quos ait poenam luituros
2 Mace. viii. 1 1, and cf. P.Fay. 21, 24 f. exitialem, aeternam.'
(ii./A.D.) TT)V TTpOO-rJKOVO-dV 8lKTj[v yJTTO- O.TTO Trpoo-ooTTou icrX.] The words are
o-^coo-i 'may pay the fitting penalty.' borrowed, as Tertullian had already
The exact phrase SI'K^I/ riveiv does remarked (adv. Marc. v. 16 'verbis
not occur elsewhere in the N.T. though usus Esaiae'), from Isa. ii. 10, 19, 21,
it is very common in class, writers, cf. and hence drro is best understood
Soph. Electro, 330 dXX' 'io-tii rot r/o-ovo-a neither temporarily nor causally but
y aiav StKyv, and the other exx. cited locally in the sense of separation from
by Wetstein. For the verb cf. Prov. the face of the Lord. For this preg-
xxvii. 1 2 frfjiiav riaovo-iv, B.G. U. 242, nant use of the preposition cf. ii. 2,
7 f. (ii./A.D.) [TrXjiyyais TrXiorais pe Rom. ix. 3, 2 Cor. xi. 3, Gal. v. 4, and
[eV]fto-aro. for the thought such passages as
oXetfpoi/ altoviov] a phrase not found Mt. vii. 23, xxv. 41, Lk. xiii. 27 con-
elsewhere in the N.T., but cf. 4 Mace. trasted with Mt. v. 8, i Jo. iii. 2,
X. TOV alatviov TOV rvpavvov oXfBpov.
Rev. xxii. 4.
Aso\c6pov (I. v. 3 note) does not Ao?7p, as in I. ii. 12, is the visible
necessarily imply annihilation, so in glory which is the symbol of the
itself alwviov need not mean more than Divine presence, while Icrxvos (gen.
age-long,' the period
'age-lasting,' orig.) is the strength by which the
over which it extends depending on Lord is characterized, and from which
the nature of the object with which His glory radiates ; cf. Ps. cxlvi. (cxlvii.)
the aeon has to do. Thus in both 5 /Jifyas 6 Kvpios 7J^<uz>, KOI peyaXr] j;

v 7r(riv TO? OTL 7Ti-
TO /uaprvptov VJULCOV & vjULas, EN TH H


vs avTov. For the distinction be- clear, the construction of this clause
tween strength absolutely and
lo-xvs is admittedly difficult. The words
Kpdros might, strength in relation to 60' vp,as are usually connected directly
an end to be gained, see Westcott with ro papTvpiov TJ/A., as the order of
Eph. p. 25 f. the sentence naturally suggests, but
10. orai/ c\07} *rX.] 'whenever He no other instance of ^aprvpiov with
has (or, shall have) come...,' the aor. 6Vi in this sense is forthcoming (in
subj. with orai/ describing a completed Lk. ix. 5 eV/ 'against') and Findlay's
action 'future by virtue of its mood, idea of a 'testimony accosting (assail-
punctiliar by its tense' (Moulton ing, challenging) you' for which he
Prolegg. p. 186). compares i Tim. i. 18, Eph. ii. 7, Rev.

Ev8oa<r6r)vai is found elsewhere in xiv. 6 to say the least, somewhat

the N.T. only in v. 12, but is common far-fetched. We
must be content
in the LXX., cf. Ex. xiv. 4 cVSo^ao-^o-o- therefore either to regard this as a
iv <l>apaft>, and especially Ps.lxxxviii.
fiat unique construction, intended to em-
(Ixxxix.) 8 o Of os fv8oa6fjivos iv (3ov\f) phasize the direction the testimony
dytW, a verse which may have sug- took, or (with Lft.) connect e$' r/iay
gested use in the present passage.
its with enio-revdr] in the sense 'belief in
iv T. ayiois] In accordance with our testimony directed itself to reach
the context these words can refer you.' WH. 2
(Notes p. 128) favour
here only to redeemed men (cf. I. iii. this latter connexion, but despairing
13 note), the preposition marking of then finding a proper meaning for
them out not as the agents of the propose the conjectural
Lord's glorification (Chrys. eV, 8id, : emendation emo-radr) (read in cod.
Wt), but as the sphere or element min. 31) 'was confirmed': 'the Chris-
in which this glorification takes tian testimony of suffering for the
place; cf. Jo. xvii. 10 Se6Y>ao>iai faith had been confirmed and sealed
iv avTots. upon the Thessalonians.'
*rX.] parallel to the iv TTJ rfp-fpa fKfivTj] a predicate of

preceding clause and with the same time connected with Savfjiao-drjvai and
wide sweep, cf. Ps. Ixvii. (Ixviii.) 36 rendered emphatic by position. For
6avfj.a.(TTos o debs ev rot? oaiois avrov. 77 T//M. fKfivT) as denoting the day of
Bengel's proposal to limit r. dyiois to Christ's final coming cf. Mk. xiii. 32,
converted Jews and nao-tv T. Trio-rfv- xiv. 25, Lk. xxi. 34, 2 Tim. i. 12, 18,
o-ao-ii/ to converted Gentiles is
quite iv. 8, and for the general meaning of

untenable. the phrase see note on I. v. 2.

For o Trio-revo-as as an almost n, 12. A characteristic reference
technical title for 'one who has ac- to the writers' consent prayers on
cepted the Gospel,' 'a believer,' cf. their brethren's behalf.
Ac. iv. 32, xi. 17. 'And now that all this may be
on fTrio-TevOr) /crX.] a parenthetical brought to pass, our earnest prayer
clause catching up the preceding r. is that our God will count you worthy

7no-reuo-ao-ii/,andexpressingthe writers' of the heavenly rest for which you are

conviction that in the Thessalonians' looking. To this end may He mightily
case the testimony addressed to them animate you with all delight in good-
had secured the desired result. ness, and with a whole-hearted activity
While however the general sense is inspired by the faith you profess. Thus

o Kai a TrvTOTe Trepi v/ucov, 'va

rs 6eos Kai
ayaucocrvvtis Kai epyov Tro-Tews e

the glory of the Lord Jesus will

full KT\.] 'and may fulfil
be displayed in you, as you in your every delight in goodness and work
turn derive your glory from Him in of faith in power.' The almost tech-
accordance with the gracious purposes nical use of cvdoKta in the Bibl.
of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.' writings to denote the good-will of
ii. Els o] 'to which end' with God to man (e.g. Ps. cv. (cvi.) 4, Lk.
reference to the whole contents of ii.14, Eph. i. 5, 9, Phil. ii. 13; cf. Pss.
vv. 5 10. Sol. viii. 39, Enoch i. 8 KOI TTJV v8o<iav

Iva vp,. dgiaxry] 'Aioo> 'count worthy' [fvodiavj Charles]doxm avTois) has led
Karatoo> 0. 5) occurs seven times to the translation of the A.V. 'all the
in the N.T., and is usually associated good pleasure of his goodness' (Beza
as here with the thought of reward totum suae bonitatis libitum). But if
how- this had been intended we should
(e.g. i Tim. v. 17, Heb. iii. 3), cf.
ever Heb. X. 29 d^idnBTjcreTai Tip.(t)pias. have expected the art. before eu'So-
The verb is frequent in the papyri Kiavywhile the further considerations
in the sense of 'beg,' 'entreat,' e.g. that dya&ta<rvvrjs is never used else-
P.Tebt. 28, I 5 (ii./B.C.) d^tov^v epfiXe- where of God (cf. Rom. xv. 14, Gal.
^avra els TO. V7ro8f$iyp.eva 'we beg you Eph. v. 9) and that the accom-
v. 22,

to look into the matters indicated panying parallel clause K. tpyov nicr-
and...' To>s must refer to the Thessalonians
For iva following trpoo-evxopai cf. are both in favour of extending vSo-
Mk. xiii. 1 8, xiv. 35, 38, Phil. i. 9, and Ktav to them also. The word can then
for its semi-final force here see the only mean the 'good pleasure,' 'de-
note on I. iv. i. light' in 'goodness' (dya0a>(Tvvr)s, gen.
(cXr/'o-fo)?] Usually in the N.T. which it was the prayer of the

K\fjo-is is applied to the initial act Apostles that their converts might
of salvation as a Divine invitation evince in full measure.
(Rom. XL 29, i Cor. i. 26) carrying For fvdoicia (not found in class. Gk.)
with it great responsibilities (Eph. in this sense cf. Sir. xxix. 23 (30),
iv. 1,2 Pet. i. 10), and that meaning xxxv. 14 (xxxii. 1 8), Pss. Sol. xvi. 12
is by no means impossible here in the ta 8e /xera IXaporj/ros crT^piaov
sense that on the day of Christ's i/
/MOW, and see the note on
return the Thessalonians' whole life ea* I. ii. 8. The corresponding
subst. cvdoKqa-is- occurs O.G.l.S. 335,
may be found to have been in har-
122 (Perg.) Kara rr)[v TOV
mony with the call once addressed to
them. There seems no reason how- rjv Kai rr]v /3a<riX<0]* evdo

ever why the word should not be 'Ayadacrvvr) a late form

definitely extended to include the Notes p. 159, WSchm. p. 134)
final issue of the calling, much in found only in the LXX., N.T., and
the sense of TTJS ava> K^ya-cus in Phil, writings derived from them. It is
iii. 14 or K\r/(Tfa)s enovpaviov in Heb. always rendered 'goodness' in A.V.,
iii. i cf. the similar use of KaXeo> in
R.V., and 'represents the kindlier, as
I. ii. 12, and see further Intr. p. Ixxix. diKaioo-visr] represents the sterner ele-
6 deos rfp.<uv] For the expression cf. ment in the ideal character: comp.
I. ii. 2 note, and for the change from Rom. v. 7' (Robinson Eph.
p. 200).
the 2nd pers. pron. (i5/nas) to the ist See further Trench Syn. Ixiii., and
cf. I. v. 5 note. cf. the valuable note on di<aios and




\ *

~ >
> ~ \ \ f

avT(v, KCITO, TV\V ^apiv TOV veov rifjuav Kai

~)~~ \

Kvpiov 'Irjcrov XpicrTOv.

dya06s in Lft. Notes on Epp. oj should be noted however that very
St Paul p. 286 f.
frequently uvopa can mean little more
For fpyov Trt'orcas 'activity inspired than 'person,' e.g. B.G.U. 113, n
by faith' cf. I. i.
3 note. (ii./A.D.)eKa(rra> oi/6/xari 7rapay(evop.fV(o) '.

an adv.
adjunct to see further Deissmann BS. p. 196 ff.,
arrj to bring out the manner Reitzenstein Poimandres p. 17 n. 6 ,

of God's working, cf. Rom. i. 4, and cf. the note on iii. 6.

Col. i. 29, and the Prayer-Book collect Kara rrji/ ^apii/ KrX.] not merely the
for Monday in Easter- week: 'That, as norm but the source of the glorifica-
by Thy special grace preventing us tion spoken of in accordance with a
Thou dost put into our minds good common derived use of Kara (WM.
desires, so by Thy continual help we p. 501).Pelag. 'Expetit a nobis,

may bring the same to good effect.' quod possumus: ut quod non pos-
12. oVcoy] rare with St Paul, and sumus, largiatur.'
used here probably to vary the pre- The fact that the art. is not repeated
ceding u>a, cf. i Cor. i. 29, 2 Cor. viii. before Kvpiov would seem at first sight
14 (Blass p. 211). to imply that both deov and Kvpiov
v8ogao-6ri] cf. v. 10 note, and for refer to the same person, '(grace) of
the reciprocity here implied (eV V/A. K. our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.'
vp.. ev avrw) resting
on the essential But this cannot be pressed in view
union between the Lord and His of the frequent occurrence of Kvpios
people see Jo. xvii. 9 f., 20 flf. without the art. as practically equiva-
TO oVo/ia T. Kvp. T//X. 'irjo-ov] The use lent to a proper name, and it is more
of ovopa here goes back to the O.T., in keeping with general Pauline usage
where in accordance with its most to distinguish between the Father as
characteristic usage 'the name of 6f6s and Jesus Christ as Kvpios, cf. in
Jehovah' is to be understood as em- these Epp. I. i. i, II. i. i, 2, ii. 16.
bodying His (revealed) character (see We translate therefore as in the R.V.,
B.D.B. s.v. D$, and cf. Art. 'Name' in 'according to the grace of our God
and the Lord Jesus Christ': see
Hastings' D.B. iii. p. 478 ff.). The
further Middleton On the Greek
glorification of the name of the Lord
Jesus thus implies the showing forth Article (ed. Rose) p. 379 ff.
of the Lord Jesus as He really is, in
all the fulness of His person and
attributes (cf. Phil. ii. 9 f., Heb. i. 4).
With this may be compared the
well-established Gk. usage of uvo^a We have seen already what were
as a title of dignity or rank, e.g. the circumstances leading up to the
P.Oxy. 58 (iii./A.D.) where the writer writing of this remarkable section
complains of the expense caused to how, on the one hand, St Paul had to
the treasury by the number of persons do his utmost to allay the restless
who have devised 'offices' for them- excitement of which there were in-
selves (6vofj.ara cavrols e^eupozTey), and, creasing signs amongst the Thessa-
after providing for a single trust- lonians, and, on the other, to guard
worthy superintendent, ordains that against saying anything to discourage
the remaining 'offices' shall cease their belief in the near approach of the
(ra fie AoiTra ovofjLaTa Travo^rai). It Lord (Intr. p. xxxviii f.). And it must

II. Se vjjias, Trapov-

d$e\<poi, vTrep
crias TOU Kvpov 'lrj(rov XpurTov Kai YI eTricrvva-

II i T][jiv om B Syr (Harcl)

be at once admitted that the manner tion which, though it will end in the

in which he proceeds to do so is at complete destruction of the 'lawless

first sight both strange and bewilder- one,' will bring judgment on all who
ing. For, instead of conveying his have set themselves against the Truth
warning in a clear and definite form, (vv.812).
the Apostle prefers to embody it in i
4. 'We have been speaking of
a mysterious apocalyptic picture, the great Day of the Lord, but that
which has not only no parallel in his you may not fall into any mistake as
own writings, but is unlike anything to the Parousia of the Lord by which
else in the N.T., unless it be certain it will be ushered in, and the as-
passages in the Revelation of St John sembling of believers by which it will
(e.g. xiii. 5 8, 12 17, xvi. 9 11). be accompanied, we beg of you,
Nor is this all, but the difficulties of Brothers, not to allow your minds to
the passage are still further increased be unsettled for little or no reason,
by the grammatical irregularities and or to be kept disturbed by any pro-
frequent ellipses with which it abounds, phetic utterance, or teaching, or letter,
and even more by the manifest reserve any or all of them purporting to come
with which the whole subject is from us, to the effect that the Day of
treated. the Lord has actually arrived. Do
In the following exposition there- not, we beg of you, let any man lead
fore we shall try and discover as you completely astray in this or any
clearly as possible with the aid of the other way. For in no case will this
O.T. and the apocalyptic writings of Parousia take place until after the
the Apostle's time the meaning of the great Apostasy, and the consequent
different words and phrases, leaving revelation of the Man of lawlessness,
the general teaching of the passage to that son of perdition. So terrible
Add. Note I, and the history of the indeed will be his revolt that, as the
various interpretations that have been embodiment of Satanic power, he will
offered of it to Add. Note J. The be found exalting himself against
arguments against the authenticity every one that is spoken of as god, or

of the Ep. to which it has given rise that isan object of worship. Yes, he
have already been discussed Intr. will even go the length of seating him-
p. Ixxxv f. self in the Temple of God, and claiming
section opens with an appeal to be God.'
to the Thessalonians not to be led I. 'EpcorcSfiei/ de rX.] For cpcorao)
astray by false ideas regarding the see I. iv. i note, and for dde\(poi see
coming of the Lord (vv. i, 2). So far I. i.
4 note.
from His Parousia being upon them,' vnp
T. TTapovo-ias] 'as
regarding the
it will not take place until after the Parousia/ the original meaning of
' *
great Apostasy, culminating in the vTrcp 'on behalf of,' in the interest of
'parousia' of the Man of lawlessness being here almost wholly lost sight of,
(vv. 3, 4). The signs of that 'parousia' cf. Rom. ix. 27, 2 Cor. i. 8, viii. 23,
are already at work, and it only re- xii. 8, and such a passage from the'
quires the removal of the presently Koivr] as P.Tebt. 19, 9 f. (ii./B.C.) inrep 8e
restraining influence for its full revela- a>v (nj/zaiVeis Kco/^ioypctyi/zareeoi/ fjLoXis a>s
tion to take place (vv. 5 7) a revela- rfjs <f ^eopio-^o-ovreu, 'regarding the

e avrov TO craXevdfjvai
a.7ro TOV i/oos juri^e
6poeT(r6ai (j.r]Te Sia

komogramateis whom you mention, ence being not so much temporal as

they will hardly depart until the 25th.' modal: cf. Gal. i. 6, i Tim. v. 22.
In no case is there any warrant for drrb TOV vooy] 'from your reason'
the A.V. rendering 'by' as an adjura-
(Wycl. from your witte) voos (for
tion (Vg. per adventum).
form, WSchm. p. 84) being used in its
For irapovo-ia see Add. Note F, and regular Pauline sense of the reasoning
for the full title T. Kvp. 'irjar. Xp. see on its moral
faculty, especially side,
Add. Note D. the highest part of man's own nature,
7ri<Tvvay<oyfjs] The word goes back through which he is most open to
to such a saying of the Lord as Divine influences : cf. i Cor. xiv.
Mk. xiii. 27 KCU 7rio~vvdei TOVS 14 ff., Phil. iv. 7. The word, which is
K\KTOVS avTov, and is found elsc-
rare in the LXX. (usually for 27 or
where Heb. x. 25
in the N.T. only in
where 3^), is found in the N.T. outside
applied to the ordinary
it is
the Pauline writings only in Lk. xxiv.
religious assembling of believers as an
45, Rev. xiii. 18, xvii. 9. Thpht. :
anticipation of the great assembling
at the Lord's Parousia cf. 2 Mace. ii. 7 :
dno TOV voos ov
TOV vvv fx eTe opws o-Tap,Vov.
CMS av crvvdyr) o 6eos fTTio-vvaywyfjv TOV

\aov with reference to the gather- H^fte dpoela-dai] nor yet be dis-
ing of the tribes into the temporal
turbed' in accordance with the re-
kingdom of the Messiah. For the verb gular Bibl. use of dpoelo-dai cf. Cant. :

see Deut. xxx. 4, Ps. cv. (cvi.) 47, Zach. V. 4 Ka * */

eV avTov,
KoiXi'a p,ov edpoijdrj

xii. 3, 2 Mace. i.
27, Didache ix. 4,
and especially Mt. xxiv. 6, Mk. xiii. 7
and cf. O.G.I.S. 90, 23 (ii./B.c. the where, as here, it is used with refer-
Rosetta stone) rois rfrtowAx&tow (Is ence to the Parousia. The present
avTTjv [AVKMV TroAii/] artftfot*. tense should be noted as pointing to
2. fls TO pr) Tax- o-a\ev6f)vat]
to a continued state of agitation follow-
the end that you be not readily driven ing upon a definite shock received

away from your sober sense, as a ship

from its safe anchorage. For this (J.T]T 8ta TTVeV/JLttTOS KT\.] The
use of o~a\eviv cf. especially Plut. Apostles now proceed to distinguish
Mor. ii. 493 D (cited by Lft.) where three ways in which the 0p6r)o-ts just
op(iv TOV KOTO. (pvo~iv d7roo~aXfvovo~av spoken of may have been caused, the
is followed almost immediately by a>s thrice repeated WTC dividing the
eV dyKvpas TT/S <pvo~<i)s o~a\evi. foregoing negation (woe GpoelaQai)
The verb (from o-oAor, Lk. xxi. 25), into its component parts : neither
which very common in the LXX. in
is by spirit (i.e. ecstatic utterance, cf.

its literal sense of the motion pro- I. v. 19), nor by (reasoned) discourse,
duced by winds and storms, is found nor by letter.'
also figuratively, as here, especially in So far the meaning seems clear,
the Pss. (e.g. ix. 27 (x. 6), xxix. (xxx.) but the introduction of the following
7): cf. i Mace. vi. 8, Pss. Sol. viii. 39, words (os fit' jp.a>v has been the cause
xv. 6, Ac. xvii. 13 (where it is joined of much difficulty. As usually under-
with Tapao-(TfLv\ Heb. xii. 26 f., also stood, they are regarded as a kind of
O.G.I.S. 515, 47 (iii./A.D.) o-aAevei yap adjectival clause appended to firia-To-
a>s a\rj[6<os r) aoorqpi'a Trjs TroXeJcos C'K Ar/s^'as though (coming) from us' or
KaKovpyias. 'as though we had written it' (Blass,
5 '

hastily, readily,' the refer- p. 253, and cf. B.G.U. 884, 6f. (ii./iii.

Sid \o<yov jJL^Te $i e7ri<rTO\fjs ok Si ii/mcou, ws OTI evec

r 3
n rifJLepa TOV KVpiov.^ ]mr] TIS v/uids ea7raTti(rti KCITO.

i Kvpiov, sic distinguere conati sunt WH

A.D.) TO. 8ia TCOV 67r[i]crToXc5i/ avrov). knowledge that passages in their
But if so, in view of the close former Ep., such as iv. 13 ff., had
parallelism of the preceding clauses, been misunderstood may have been
it seems impossible not to extend the cause of the writers' referring to
the qualification to them also. The a letter' at all as amongst the possible
general meaning would then be that sources of error.
in the event of false teachers arising coy OTI eveo-TrjKev KT\.] as if the day
and appealing in support of their of the Lord is now present' (Vg.
views to some revelation or teaching quasi instet dies Domini] cos on
or letter purporting to come from being equivalent to the Attic cos
the Apostles, the Thessaloriians were c.gen. abs. (cf. 2 Cor. v. 19, xi. 21,
not to be disturbed as if they (the and see Blass 2, p. 235 f.), and evea-Trj-
Apostles) were in reality in any way Kev denoting strictly present time as
responsible. (Erasm. :
Paulus non in Rom. viii. 38, i Cor. iii.
22, Heb.
vult eos commoveri, neque per ix. 9. Beng. :
inagna hoc verbo pro-
spiritum tanquam a Paulo pro fee- pinquitas significatur; nam eWo-rco?
turn, neque per sermonem Pauli no- est praesens.' The verb is very
mine allatnm, neque per epistolam common in the papyri and inscrip-
illius iussu aut nomine scriptam.') tions with reference to the current
A modification of this view, suggest- year, e.g. P.Oxy. 245, 6 (i./A.D.) $ TO

ed apparently first by Dr Marcus Dods, eveaTos i(B (e'ros), Magn. loob, 26 ev TCOI
and since advocated on independent fVffTTCOTt ViaVT(i)l.

grounds by Askwith (Introd. p. 92 ff.) Itmay be added that in late Gk.

and Wohlenberg, by which cos 81* cos on also appears in a sense hardly
THJ.WV, instead of being dependent on differing from the simple on, e.g.
the noun-clauses, is rather to be re- Dion. Hal. Antt. ix. 14 emyvovs cos
ferred back to o-aXevOijvat and Bpoel- [om. coy, Kiessling] ort ev eo-xdrois flvlv
o-0ai as a
separate statement, has ol KaTa.K\fio~0evTS ev rols Xoc^ois ,

the advantage of giving did the same C.P.R. 19, 3 (iv./A.D.) irpcorjv |8t/3Xta
force as in the preceding clauses. em8e8(OKa rrj erf) eTrt/^eXfta cos OTI
But the former connexion is on the efiov\r]dr]v riva
vndpxovTfi pov dirodocr-
whole simpler, nor is there any real 6ai (Jannaris, 1754, Moulton, Pro-
difficulty in the use of diet in the legg. p.
qualifying clause instead of Trapd or 3. \*.r]
TLS lip. e^aTrarj/o-?/] A general
duo. In a friendly letter the use of the warning leading up to the statement
prepositions must not be judged with of the following clause. In their
the same strictness as in a classical margin WH. suggest placing a comma
treatise, more especially when, as at Kvpiov, and thus connecting the
here, no important doctrinal issue is words with what has gone
at stake. In any case there is no need before '(we say this) lest any one
to fall back on the conjectural reading should....' But the ordinary con-
cos 617 THJLWV as pretending to be ours,' nexion is simpler, and more in keep-
Field Notes p. 202. ing with our Lord's saying which may
It is only necessary to add that the well have been in the writers' minds :

anarthrous emo-ToXfjs cannot be re- /SXeVere /JLTJ TIS v/zas irXavijo-r)' TroXXoi
ferred directly to i Thess. (as by Paley yap f\evo-ovTai KT\. (Mt. XXIV. 4 f.).
Hor. Paul. x. 3), although the a strengthened form of

TpoTrov OTI eav e\6rj r\

d7TOKa\v<p6rj 6 av6pa)7ros rfjs dvofJLLa<i', 6 vios

3 dvofj.las KB al pane Sah Boh Orig Cyr-Hier al :

d/tpHas ADG al pier Lat
Hard) Go Iren Hipp Eus Ephr Chr Orig lat Ambst
(Vet Vg) Syr (Pesh Orig
Theod-Mops al plur

(i Tim. ii. 14), is confined in o-ia<ra>o-ii>), cf. also 2 Chron. xxix. 19,

the KT. to the Pauline writings, cf. Jer. ii.

19; while in Ac. xxi. 21, the
Rom. xvi. 1 8, i Cor. iii. 18. For the only other passage in the N.T. where
rare use of the prohibitory subj. in the it occurs, we read of a7rooTacn.'ai/...d7ro
3rd pers. cf. i Cor. xvi. 11 (Burton, Mtouo-ecoy, with which may be com-
166). pared the use of the corresponding
Kara fj.rj8eva rpoirov] i.e. not only verb d(pio-TaiJiai in i Tim. iv. i, Heb.
not in any of the three ways already iii. 12; cf. M. Anton, iv. 29 oTTo
specified, but in no way 'evidently KocrfjLov 6 d<picrTd/jifvos KOI
a current phrase, cf. P.Amh. 35, 28 eavrov TOV TTJS KOLVTJS (f)vo~a>s Xoyov.
(ii./B.c.), P.Lond. in. 951, 4f. (iii./A.D.). Whatever then the exact nature of
Thdt. irdvTa Kara ravrov TO. rfjs diraTrjs
: the apostasy in the present connexion,
ee/3aXei/ e'idr), it must at least be a religious
on edv M \6rj KT\.] an elliptical stasy, and one moreover, as the use of
sentence, the apodosis being lost the def. art. proves, regarding which
sight of in view of the length of the Apostles' readers were already
the protasis, but too clearly implied fully informed. In this conclusion
in what precedes to occasion any we are confirmed when we pass to the

difficulty because the Parousia of

: next words.
the Lord will not take place unless KOI drroKa\v(p6fi]
and (so) there be
there come the Apostasy first/ revealed (the man of lawlessness)'
It is not so easy, however, to deter- a second historical condition pre-
mine in what this Apostasy consists.
ceding the Lord's Parousia, or rather,
In late Gk. diroo-raa-ia is found as an giving Kai its full consecutive force
equivalent of aTroorao-t? (Lob. Phryn. (I. iv. i note), the sign in which the

p. 528) in the sense of political de- just-mentioned dnoo-Tacria finds its

fection or revolt, e.g. Plut. Galba i. consummation.
KttXXrroi> epyov 8iaj3a\(&v ro> fa<r$a), The emphatic diroK.a\v^6i) by which
Trfvdno Nepoovoy dirofrraviav irpoboa-'iav the appearance of this sign is de-
yevopevrjv,and the same meaning has scribed is very significant, not only as
' '
been attached to it here, as when marking the superhuman character
it has been referred to the revolt of of the coming spoken of, but as
the Jews from the Romans (Schottgen placing it in mocking counterpart
Hor. Heb. i. p. 840). But the usage to the anoKaXvij/is of the Lord Jesus
of both LXX. and in N.T. is decisive Himself, cf. i. 7 and note the repe-
against any such interpretation. Thus tition of the same verb in -CD. 6, 8 of
in Josh. xxii. 22 the word is directly this chapter. For other exx. of hostile

applied to rebellion against the powers assuming the semblance of

Lord (eV oTroo'Tao'ia eVX^jM/zeXr/tra/zei/
what they oppose see 2 Cor. xi. 13 ff.,
evavTi TOV <vpiov\ and in i Mace. ii. 1 5 Rev. ii. 2, and cf. Asc. Isai. iv. 18
to the efforts of the officers of An- where it is said of Beliar that he
tiochus Epiphanes to compel the manifested himself and acted openly
people to sacrifice to idols (01 *ara- in this world.'

TJV diro<TTaa-iav...'lva. 6v- .

dvop.ias\ the man, that

d avTiKeip-evos KAI r'nepAipo'MeiMOc eni TTANTA Ae-
OeoN // o"e/3aoyza, wcrre ai/TOi> eic TON i/aoy TOY

whom terms) in the LXX. and the later

' '

is. of lawlessness is the true

and peculiar mark
dvopias being writings of the Jews cf. I. v. 3 note, :

used here, as elsewhere in the N.T., and see further Kennedy Last
to describe the condition not of one Things p. 119 ff., Volz Jud. Eschat.
living without law, but of one who p. 282 f.
acts contrary to law, and thus as prac- The phrase sons of perdition
tically equivalent to the v.l. a/xaprtas (=fn3&$n ^|) is found in Jubilees
(WH. mg.) : cf. I Jo. iii. 4 77 a/zapria x. 3, with reference to those who

77 ai/o/^im, and as illustrating perished in the Flood.

the active sense belonging to the 4. o dvTiKfip.fvos K. vnepaipofjicvos
word cf. P. Par. 14, 27 f. (ii./B.c.) KT\.] a continued description of the
dfpopijTU de dvo/J-iq f^evf^O^vrfS. The lawless one in two participial clauses
lawless one is thus none other than bound together under the vinculum
Belial (cf. 2 Cor. vi. 15) in accordance of a common article. The first clause
with the Bibl. usage by which is generally taken as a participial
subst. = 'the adversary' (cf. Lk. xiii.
is rendered by xv. 9),
dvo^^a (Deut. 17, Phil. i. 28, i Tim. v. 14), but if
ai/o/ua (2 Regn. xxii. 5), or aTroorao-ia
so, care must be taken not to refer
(3 Regn. xx. (xxi.) 13 A), and in keeping
the description to Satan himself.
with the (erroneous) Rabbinical deri-
' Rather, as v. 9 shows, the being
vation of the word from ^3 without

spoken of is the tool or emissary of

one who will not
and Viy yoke,' i.e. in his name and
Satan, working
accept the yoke of the law (see Jew. power (KCIT' cvepyeiavand, T. 2arai/a),
EncycL s.v. 'Antichrist'). 'Law, in as such, is further distinguished as
all its manifestations is that which he 'the exalter of himself against every
[the Antichrist] shall rage against, one called god or object of worship.'
making hideous application of that Beng. : 'effert se corde, lingua, stilo,
great truth, that where the Spirit is, factis, per se, per suos.'
there is liberty' (Trench Hulsean ' IS found in the N.T.
Lectures p. 136; cf. Syn. Ixvi.
only here and in 2 Cor. xii. 7 (bis);
p. 227 f,). cf. 2 Chron. xxxii. 23, and see the

o vlos r. aTrcoXetas] a second dis- note on i. 3. For iravra \ty. 6e6v cf.
tinguishing epithet so completely : i Cor. viii. 5, and for the compre-
has the lawless one fallen under the hensive (repaarpa (Vg. quod Colitur,
power of 'perdition' (cf. Jo. xvii. 12) Beza numeri) denoting everything
that it may be regarded as his ulti- held in religious honour, see Ac. xvii.
mate destination, cf. i
Regn. xx. 31 23, and cf. Sap. xiv. 20, xv. 17,
vlos Qavdrov OVTOS i.e. destined to . Bel 27 Th., also Apol Arist. xii.
death.' The thought of final doom ov yap TJpKeo-Qrja-av [ol AlyvirTioi]
is,however, only indirectly present in rols TOV XaXSai'o)!' KCLI 'EXXr/i/coi/ a~-
the description (cf. note on oXetfpoy,
9). Here rather, as elsewhere in See note on I. i. 7.
his Epp. (Rom. ix. 22, Phil. i.
28, iii. T. &ov\ These words were
vaov T.

19, i Tim. vi. 9), St Paul employs airw- understood of the actual temple at
Xem in direct antithesis, either stated Jerusalem by Irenaeus (adv. Haer. v.
or implied, to o-oorrjpta, full and com- 30. 4), but this view was modified by
plete blessedness, in harmony with Chrysostom and the Antiocheues who
the usage of the word (and its allied extended them metaphorically to the


KA0icAi, eavTOv ear T IV eedc . sQv

OTL <ETL wv TTjOos i/^uas TavTa eXeyov vjuuv'y
Kal VVV TO o'/Sare, ek TO a,7roKaXv<p6rivai CLVTOV
Church or Churches of Christ: Chrys.: We translate therefore 'proclaiming
OV TOV V 'lepOO-oXu/iOlS fJ,OVOV, aXXa KOL himself that he is god.' For the
KaO' K<i(rTrjv fKK\r)o-iav (v.l. el? ray suggestion of this trait in the character
' '

iravTa\ov KK\rjo~ias} ;
Tlldt. : vaov of the lawless one cf. Ezek. xxviii. 2
' '
de dfov ray KK\r)o~ias KaAeo~ez> ;
dvff ov v\lsa>6Tj arov T? KapSi'a, /cat eirraff
Th. Mops.: '"in Dei templis," hoc 0eos ei/it e'-yw, and for the whole
est, domibus orationum'; cf.
et in description see Dan. xi. 36 f. *a!
Hier. Ep. 121 'in templo Dei uel en TravTa $eoi>, Kai en TOV
lerosolymis, ut quidam putant, uel
in ecclesia, ut uerius arbitramur.' TOVS 6eovs TWV naTepcov CIVTOV ov /XT) TT/JO-
In favour of the latter interpretation vorj6r}...oTi ev rravTl vx/^co^'crerai KrA.
is the undoubtedly figurative use of 5 7. You cannot have forgotten

the expression elsewhere in the that while I was still with you, I was
Pauline Epp., e.g. i Cor. iii. 16 f., in the habit of telling you these
vi. 19, 2 Cor. vi. 16, Eph. ii. 21. On things. And since then you have
the other hand, the nature of the had experience for yourselves of the
context, the use of such a local term working of that power by which the
as KaOio-ai, and the twice-repeated full revelation of the lawless one is
def. art. (TOV vaov TOV deov) all point kept in check until his appointed time
to a literal reference in the present shall have arrived. The full reve-
instance, a conclusion in which we lation we
say for the spirit of law-
are confirmed when we keep in view lessness already at work, though in

the dependence of the whole passage secret, until he who at present is

upon the description of Antiochus keeping it in check is taken out of
Epiphanes in Dan. xi. 36 f. (see below), the way.'
and upon the language of the Parousia- 5- Ov [j.vr)iJ.ovevfT ori /crX.] Est.:
'discourses in Mt. xxiv. 15, Mk. xiii. 14 'Tacita obiurgatio.' Calv. 'Obser- :

(cf. Dan. xii. n). vanda etiam Pauli mansuetudo, qui

takes his seat.' The verb quum acrius excandescere posset,
is intrans. as generally in the N.T. tan turn leniter eos castigat.'
(contrast i Cor. vi. 4, Eph. i. 20, and For 3 note, and
p.vTj^ovevfiv cf. I.

cf. Ev. Pet. 3). For the construction for the construction elvai npos cf.
with els cf. Mk. xiii.3 (WM. p. 516). I. iii. 4 note. The use made of en as
eavTov *rX.] 'ATTO- against the Pauline authorship of the
lit. 'show off,' 'exhibit,' is Ep. is discussed Intr. p. xc.
frequently used in late Gk.
= nomi- '
6. Kal vvv TO Ka.Tf%ov oi&are]
' '
nate or proclaim to an office, e.g. now you know that which restrained!

Jos. Antt. VI. 35 (iii. 3) IKCTCVOV aVo- vvv having its full temporal sense
8clai Tiva avT&v /3a(rtXea, O.Gr.I.S. 437, in keeping with the emphasis laid in
92 (i./B.C.) oi Tuft eKare'pa)!/ TO>V 8rjp.(t>v the context on the present working
of the power of lawlessness (cf. v. 7).
This gives excellent sense in the It must not, however, be taken as
present passage, and, while simpli- if it actually belongs to Kare'^ov (cf.

fying the construction of the follow- however Jo. iv. 18 Kal vvv ov e^ety), or
ing on clause (WM. p. 781), draws be opposed to the preceding eVt Ji/
more pointed attention to the impious which yields no good sense, but
nature of the claim advanced in it. rather be placed in contrast with the

following UTTOKaXv^/lS eV TO) dVTOV having the same thought in his mind
Katpai :
for the present prac- (i.e. on the present occasion, while the
tically 'so far as regards the present') fact that he does not give more de-
the Thessalonians know only the re- finite expression to it is not only in

straining power what is restrained

: accord with the generally cryptic
is not yet revealed.' See further character of apocalyptic writings, but
Bornemann's elaborate note ad loc. may also be due to prudential motives,
It is more difficult to determine seeing that afterwards he is to speak
what we are to understand by TO of this power as being taken out bf

Karexov. That the verb here used is the way (v. 7).
in the sense of 'restrain,' 'hold back,' This last particular indeed appears

to be decisive against the only other

rather than of hold fast (as in I. v.2 1 ),
is too generally admitted to require interpretation of TO Korfgon which
further proof (see Add. Note H): requires to be mentioned, namely
while, as we have just seen, whatever that it refers to the working of the
is intended must clearly be some- Holy Spirit (Severianus ap. Cramer
thing which was actually at work at Cat. VI. 388, 'TO KCtTe'^oi/,' (17 <n, TTJV
the time when the Ep. was written, TOV 'A-yi'ou
or more
TlvevfJ-aros ^apii^),
and of which moreover its readers generally to a limit of time fixed by
had personal knowledge. Nor is this Divine decree (Thdt.: o TOU 6eov
all,but, as the occurrence of the same TOLVVV avTov opos vvv eVe'^et (fravr/vai ;

phrase in the masc. (6 tcarexov, v. 7) Th. Mops.: TOV 6eov \\eyatv] TOV opov)
proves, this impersonal principle or with special reference (so Thdt.) to
14, as indicating one
power is capable also of manifesting Mt. xxiv. of the
itself under a personal form. When limits by which this condition will be
these different considerations are attained. For then o KaTex^v (v, 7)
taken into account, it will be recog- can only be God Himself, and it
nized how much is to be said for the seems impossible to conceive of any
view that goes back as far as Ter-
adequate sense in which the words
tullian quis nisi Romanus status ?
(' coos f< pearov ycvrjTai can be applied
de Resurr. c. 24; cf. Apol. c. 32), to Him (cf. Swete's note on Th. Mops.
and which has since won the support ad loc.}. That however this restrain-
of the great majority of ancient and ing power acts in accordance with the
modern scholars, that we have here a Divine purpose is proved by the
veiled description of the restraining words that follow.
power of law and order, especially as [For a modification of this view
these were embodied at the time in according to which the Man of law-
the Roman Empire or its rulers. lessness is the imperial line with its
And in this view we are farther con- rage for deification, and the restrain-
firmed when we remember that St ing power the Jewish State, see
Warfield Exp. in. iv. p. 30 ff.; and
Paul had already found a restraining
power' in the Roman officials both cf. Moffatt Hist. N. T. p. 143.]

at Paphos (Ac. xiii. 6 ff.) and at els TO anoKa\v(pd^vai KT\.] The

Thessalonica itself (Ac. xvii. 6 ff.), 'revelation' (v. 3 note) of the lawless
and that it was doubtless these and one not immediate (Chrys.: OVK
similar experiences that afterwards fi7T6i> but like the
ort Ta^ecos eo-Tai),
led him to write to the Romans of revelation of the Lord Jesus Himself
'the powers that be' as 'ordained of (cf. i Tim. vi. 14 f.)
will take place in

God,' and of 'rulers' as not a terror the 'season' (I. v. i) appointed for
to the good work, but to the evil' him by God, and which can therefore
(Rom. xiii. i, 3). There is nothing be described emphatically as 'his'
unlikely, then, to say the least, in his (avTov N*AKP, eavTov K'BDGL).

e Tco avTOV Kaipco" r <yap jmvcrTripiov rri evepyeTcu

dvo/mias' JJLOVOV 6 Kare^cov apn eo>s e'/c
c Tore d7roKa\v<p6ticr6Tai 6 ANOMOC, ov 6 Kvpios
8 'I-rjffovs KAD*G al pane Lat (Vet Vg) Sah Boh Syr (Pesh Hard) Arm Aeth
Hipp Orig f Const Ath Cyr-Hier Bas Chr That f al Tert Hil Ambst Orig
Iren lat
om BD C al pier Orig Macar Ephr Thdt f Vig

For the insertion of / before

Kaip<5 K fie'o-ou yevrjTai] Nothing is said
cf.Rom. iii. 26, xi. 5, 2 Cor. viii. 14 ; as to how
the removal spoken of is
and for similar language applied to to be effected, nor can the absence
the coming of the Messiah cf. Pss. of av with the subj. in this clause be
Sol. XVli. 23 els rov Kaipov ov oldas pressed, as if it lent additional cer-
<rv, o 6eos. tainty to the fact, in view of the
7. TO yap uvo-TTjpiov KT\.] a con- general weakening of av in later Gk.,
firmatory explanation of the pre- leading to its frequent omission,
ceding statement, in which the main especially after such temporal par-
stress is evidently laid on TO uvanjpiov ticles as eW, ecoy ov &c. see WM. :

both on account of its isolated and p. 371, and add such passages from
emphatic position in the sentence, the KOLVTJ as P.Oxy. 259, 30 (I./A.D.)
and from its contrast with the pre- ecos eavrov avr[o]v TTOIJJO-CO, 294, 15 f.

ceding a7roKa\v(pdfjvai the revelation, :

(i./A.D.) eW o.Kova-0) (pacriv Trapa crou
that is, of the lawless one, just spoken
of, will be a revelation only, for, as a For ex peo-ov cf. i Cor. v. 2, Col. ii. 14.
matter of fact, the principle of which 8 'Then indeed the lawless
he is the representative is already at one will be revealed, only however
work, though as yet only in secret. to find himself swept away by the
For this the regular Bibl. sense of breath of the Lord's mouth, and
Hvcmjpiov pointing to a secret to be brought utterly to naught by the
revealed see Robinson Eph. p. 2346., manifestation of the Lord's Parousia.
where the different shades of meaning In what mocking counterpart will his
attached to the wr ord in the Pauline parousia then appear! With what
writings are fully discussed, and for activity on the part of Satan will it
fVfpye'irai cf. I. ii.
13 note. be accompanied! How it will make
P.OVOV] There is no need to find a itself known by all manner of false
case of ellipsis here as in v. 3, povov miracles and false signs and false
belongs to cW, and introduces the wonders, as well as by every kind
limitation in the present working of of unrighteous device calculated to
while the order of deceive those who are already on the
the following words is rhetorical, o path of destruction, seeing that they
Kare'x<>i> apn being placed before ea>s have no affinity with the Truth by
for the sake of emphasis (cf. Gal. ii. which alone they can be saved !

IO \IGVOV TG>I> TTTCO^O)!/ IVU ^VT]^LOVe\)U)^fV^ 8. KCLI roTf aTroKa\v(p6TJo~(Tai 6

and see WM. p. 688, Buttmann avopos] Not until o KUTexvv has been
P- 389). removed, can the revelation of o
For the meaning of o Kare'^coj/ see avouos take place, but 'then' it will

note on v. 6, and for apn, strictly no longer be delayed. For the

present time, as compared with the solemn and emphatic K. TOT* cf.

more subjective r/8r) 'already/ see the Mt. xxiv. 10, 14, 30, i Cor. iv. 5.
note on I. iii. 6, and cf. Kiihner 3 'O avoaos is clearly to be identified
498, 499- with o avdp. T. dvouias (v. 3), while


dve\ei] dvaXoi fc\* Orig (non semper)

recalls airoKa\v($)6r) to any actual 'word' of the Lord


(o. 3) and a7roKa\v(p6f)vai (v. 6). Thrice, (Thdt. <p#e'yerai povov

: Th. Mops. ;

with persistent emphasis, dTroKa\v7r- 'spiritu oris, hoc est, uoce'), still less
readai is asserted of 6 avopos, as of to the work of the Third Person of
some portentous, unearthly object the Holy Trinity (as Athan. ad /Scrap.
holding the gazer spell-bound' i. 6 ad fin.}, but emphasizing that,
(Findlay). terrible as was the power of the
For the idea of a world-crisis on lawless one, the mere 'breath' of the
the fall of the Roman Empire in Lord's mouth will be sufficient for his
Jewish apocalyptic literature see Apoc. destruction. In addition to Isa. xi. 4
Bar. xxxix. 7, 'And it will come to (cited above), where according to the
pass when the time of his consum- old (incorrect) Jewish interpretation
mation that he should fall has ap- the 'wicked' is the future arch-enemy
proached, then the principate of My of the Jews, cf. Job iv. 9 d-rrb 8e TTVC \i-
Messiah will be revealed': cf. 4 Ezra fjLaros opyr/s avrov (sc. Kvpiov) d(pavi(r-
v. i ff. Similar evidence from Rab- 6r)<rovTm, and see also Sap. xi. 20 (21),
binical sources is given by Weber Pss. Sol. xvii. 27, 41, Enoch Ixii. 2,
Jud. Theologie 366. p. 4 Ezra xiii. 38 ('perdet eos sine
ov 6 Kvptos KT\.] a relative sentence labore').
describing the fate of 6 oVo/ios in Kal Karapyrjo-eiKrX.] Karapyeco,
language borrowed from Isa. xi. 4 rare in class. Gk. and the LXX.
7raraei yfjv ra> Xoy<u roC oro/Maros- (2 Esdr. ), occurs twenty-five times
avroi), KOI ev TrvevpaTi dta ^eiXe'cow in the Pauline writings (elsewhere in
dvf\el do-fprj. a post-class,
'Ai/fXet is N.T. only Lk. 1 Heb. 1 ), and in accord-

fut. from di/cupeco, the verb, which is ance with its derivation (Kara caus-
very common in Acts, not being found ative and dpyos = dcpyos) means
elsewhere in the Pauline Epp., but literally 'render idle or inactive,' and
occurring in Heb. x. 9 in the sense hence 'abolish,' 'bring to naught':
of 'remove,' 'do away with.' Beza cf.especially with the present passage
renders it in the passage before us 2 Tim. i. 10 Xp. 'l^troO, Karapyijo-avros
by absumel, while the Lat. verss. rov Qavarov (pomVai/roff Se fayv Kat
have interficiet. dtydapffiav 8ta rov evayyf\iov. As
The marginal reading oVaXoT has showing the different shades of mean-
the advantage of offering a ready ing that may be
attached to the word,
explanation of the genesis of certain Vaughan (on Rom.
iii. 3) states that

other variants dvaXaxrfi (D c KL al the A.V. gives it no less than seven-

pier} being then due to grammatical teen different renderings in the
emendation, and the unusual dve\oi twenty-seven places of its occurrence
(D*G 17 67**) to a simple interchange in the N.T. It is found also in the
of a and e, or to a mingling of amXot K.OIVIJ in a much weakened sense, e.g.
and ai/eXet (see Zimmer). But the P.Oxy. 38, 17 (i./A.D.) Karapyovvros p.f
evidence for aixrXet (ABP 23 31 al} is Xfiporexvov ovra 'hinders me in my
too strong to be easily set aside, even trade.'
with the further possibility of its being For the thought in the present
a conformation to LXX. Isa. xi. 4 (cited passage cf. Isa. xxvi. 10 ap$rjro> o
above). clcrf/S^y, tva /AI) t8r) TTJV 86av Kvpi'ou,
r. TTvevp,. T.a perfectly
(rrop,. our.] and for the meanings to be assigned
general statement not to be limited to errKpdvfia and Trapovcria see Add.

TV]eTTKpaveia rfjs 7rapov(rias CIVTOU,
ov ecrTiv ri Trapovaia
KCLT evepyeiav TOV CaTavd ev Trdorrj Swa/mei Kal crri^e'iois
Kai Tepaviv ^sev^ovs Kai ev Tracrrj dowlas TO?? dirccTy
d7ro\\v/uievois, dv& cov Trjv dydirrjv Trjs d\ri6eias OVK

Note F. Chrys.: dpx.e'i Trapclvai For the combination dw. K. O-T//Z. K.

xai navra raCra aTroXooXe- or^o- rrjv rep. cf. Ac. ii. 22, Rorn. xv. 19, 2 Cor.
airaTTjv KOI (pave\s povov. xii. 12, Heb. ii. 4, and for the dis-
9. ov f(TT\v TI rrapovcria a KrX.J tinction between them see Trench
second relative clause resuming the Syn. xci., SH. p. 406. Similar
ov of v. 8, and describing the working portents are ascribed to the Beliar-
of the lawless one, as the former had Antichrist in Asc. Isai. iv. 4 ff., Orac.
described his doom. As the Lord Sib. iii.
63 ff.

Jesus has His Parousia, the lawless 10.

anaTrf] 'deceit,' 'deceitful
one has his (cf. Rev. xvii. 8 TO 0r/piov. . .
power/ in accordance with the regular
Trdpeo-rcu), in which he shows himself N.T. use of the word, e.g. d-n-drr] T.

the representative and instrument of TT\OVTOV (Mk. iv. 19), T.

anapTias (Heb.
Satan. Th. Mops. 'adparebit ille
: iii.
13); cf. 4 Mace, xviii. 8 Xv/zewi/
Satana sibi inoperante ornnia.' Beng. :
aTra.Tr)s o(pts. If in 2 Pet. ii.
13 we
'ut ad Deum se habet Christus, sic e can read andrciis (but see Bigg ad
contrario ad Satanam se habet anti- loc.) we seem to have an ex. of the

christus, medius inter Satanam et word in its Hellenistic sense of 'pas-

perditos homines.' time,' 'pleasure'; cf. Polyb. ii. 56, 12

As distinguished from Sui/a/ii? and see Deissmann Hellenisierang

potential power, eWpyeta is power p. 165 n. Moeris: 'Andr^.
77X01/77 -f}

in exercise, operative power ('potentia, Trap' 'ArrtKoIs'...?) re'p^is Trap' "EXX^ati/.

arbor: efficacia, fructus,' Calv. on ddiKias] 'unrighteousness,' 'wrong-
Eph. i.
19), and except here and in doing' of every kind, cf. Rom. i. 18,
v. ii is always confined in the N.T. ii. 8 where, as here and in v.
12, it is
to the working of God; cf. especially opposed to a'X^fia, and Plato Gorg.
with the present passage Eph. i. 19?. 477 c where it is coupled with o-vfi-
Kara rrjv evepyciav...r)v cvijpyr)Kfi> fv ro> Trao-a ^U^T/J novrjpLa. By its union
Xpto-ra>, and for a similar use in the with aTrdrrj, ddiKia is evidently thought
inscriptions with reference to the of here as an active, aggressive power
pagan gods cf. O.G.I.S. 262, 4 (iii./A.D.) which, however, can influence only
Trpo&evf %6svTos p.oi Trepi TTJS evepyeias T. aTToXXu/ze'i/ois, the use of the 'per-

6fov Ato? BairoKatK^ff. fective'verb marking out those so

ev TTCKTT) 8vvdnti...\lf(v8ovs^ the sphere described as having already ideally
in which the parousia of the lawless reached a state of oVcoXeta; cf. i Cor.
one makes itself known; cf. Mt. xxiv. i. 1
8, and see Moulton Prolegg.
24, Mk. xiii. 22, also Rev. xiii. 14, p. f:
xix. 20. As regards construction both dv6' w i/] 'in requital that,' 'for the
Traa-r) and belong to all three
\jsevdovs reason that' a class, phrase occurring
substantives, ^fi>8ovs being best several times in the LXX., but in the
understood as a gen. of quality (cf. N.T. only here and in Luke (Gosp. 3 ,

Jo. viii. 44), without however ex- Ac. 1 ): cf. dvr\ TOVTOV Eph. v. 31.
cluding the further thought of effect, rrjs dfyQeias] may be understood of
aim. False in themselves, the works truth generally as contrasted with
spoken of lead also to falsehood. ro ^fOdoy (v. ii), but is better limited

TO "/ecu TOVTO 7refj.7rL

ToTs 6 6e6s evep^eiav 7r\dvr]s eJs TO O.VTOVS

__ OL

d\f]6eia d\\a
12 Trdi/res BD alplur Orig Hipp Chr Thdt : dVaires SAG 12 17 31 Orig f Cyr-

to 'the truth' KO.T f^ox^v, the truth result (I. ii. 12 note) being undoubt-
of the Gospel, in accordance with its edly uppermost here in accordance
use elsewhere with the art. (2 Cor. with the leading thought of the main
iv. 2, xiii. 8, Eph. iv. 24), while the sentence.
insertion of r. dydn^v shows that those For r<u ^fvdei 'the lie' as con-
spoken of had not only not 'welcomed' trasted with TTJV d\r)6fiav (v. 10) cf.
(fSegavro,I. ii. 13 note) this truth, but Rom. i.
25 ciLTivfs p.fTij\\aav rr\v
had no liking for it, no desire to d\r)6fiav TOV 6eov Iv r<5 x/^evSf t. Among
possess it. the Persians "the Lie" (Drauga, akin
According to Westcott (on i Jo. to the Avestan demon Druj] is a com-
ii. 5) this is the only instance in the prehensive term for all evil' (Moulton
N.T. where the gen. after dydnrj Exp. T. xviii. p. 537).

'marks the object of love'; Abbott 12. tva KpiBuxrtv irdvrfs} 'in order
(Joh. Gr. p. 84) adds Lk. xi. 42 that they might all be judged,' any
TTCtpep^fcr^e rr\v Kpidiv KOL TTJV dyd-m^v idea of condemnation being derived
TOV Oeov '[just] judgment and love from context, and not from
toward God.' KpiQwcri per se: see Lft. Fresh Re-
ii, 12. 'That is why God uses vision of Engl. N.T. 3 p. 69 ff. for a
Satan as His instrument in punishing full discussion of Kpiveiv and its com-

them, visiting them with a fatal pounds. For Kpiva) in its wider sense
' '
delusion in believing this (great) Lie. of resolve cf. P.Grenf. i. 30, 5 f.

False belief becomes thus the proof (ii./B.C.) 8ia ypa/x/Marcoi/

of falseness, and sentence is passed
upon all who refused to believe the The reading irdvres is well-attested,
truth, and made evil their good.' but the stronger and rarer dnavres
ii. Tre'/uTrei] pointing not merely (WH. mg.) has good grounds to be
to the permissive will of God (Th. considered, both as less likely to be
Mops.: 'concessionem Dei quasi opus substituted by the copyists, and as
eius'), but to the definite judicial act better suiting the emphatic position

by which, according to the constant here assigned to it. Beng. late ergo :

teaching of Scripture, God gives the et diu et vehementer grassatur error

wicked over to the evil which they ill*
have deliberately chosen, cf. Ps. Ixxx. For the evidence (by no means
(Ixxxi.) 12 f.,
Rom. i. 24, 26, 28, and decisive in the N.T., Blass p. 161)
for similar teaching in Gk. drama see that in the Koivrj, as in Attic writers,
Aesch. Pers. 738 aXX* orav a-nevdrj TIS the use of nds or arras was determined
avTos, x<w 0eos (ruraTrrercu, FTdgm. 2Q4 on the ground of euphony, nds being
(ed. Nauck) dndrris 8iKaias OVK QTTO- found after a vowel, and anas after a
OTarel 6e 6s. consonant, see Mayser p. 161 f.

i? ro TTiffTeixrai ^evdei] 'to the

r<u of fir/ irto-TfixravTcs KT\.] Cf. I Cor.
end that they should believe the lie' xiii. 6. a usage characteristic of
the thought of purpose, and not mere Bibl. writers (but cf. Polyb. ii. 12. 3)

Se 6eco
Trepi v/ucov, dSe\(pot ynd Kypioy, ei\aTO

(I. ii. 8 note) is generally sanctifying influence of the Holy

construed with V, but here according Spirit, and your Truth 1belief in the
to the best texts (N*BD*G as against It was to this salvation indeed that
N c AD c KLP)it is folio wed by the simple He called you by the Gospel-message
dat. as in i Mace. i. 43, i Esdr. iv. of which Ave were privileged to be
39, Rom. i. 32 (o-vi/evSoKeti/), and late bearers, and those who finally obtain
writers generally (e.g. Polyb. ii. 38. 7, it obtain also the glory which
iii. 8. 7). The verb is found c. ace. belongs to it the glory which is
Mt. xii. 1 8, Heb. x. 6, and with els Christ's own. Such then being the
2 Pet. i. 17. Divine purpose regarding you, see to
For the general thought of the it that you on your own part, Brothers,

verse in Jewish literature cf. Apoc. stand firm, keeping fast hold of all
Bar. liv. 21 'For at the consumma- sound doctrine and practice as you
tion of the world there will be ven- have learned them from us both by
geance taken upon those who have word and by letter.'
done wickedness according to their 13. *rX.]
'H/Afis See the notes

wickedness, and Thou wilt glorify the on i. the emphatic facls in the
faithful according to their faithful- present passage lending additional
stress to the writers' keen sense of
indebtedness to God for the good
II. 13 15. RENEWED THANKS- estate of the Thessalonian Church.
GIVING AND EXHORTATION. For a'fi. I. i. 4 note.
v. Kvp. see
From the terrible
picture they EtXaro (for form,
OTI tiXaro *rX.]
have been conjuring up the Apostles WH. 2 Notes p. 172) is used of the
turn with a sigh of relief to give God Divine election in Deut. xxvi. 18
thanks on their converts' behalf in Kvpios etXaro a~e...\aov Trepioixriov (cf.
view of the salvation which He has 7rpofi\e(a)To Deut. vii. 6f., x. 15), but
worked for them a salvation begin- does not occur elsewhere in the N.T.
ning in His eternal choice, and to in this connexion: cf. Phil. i. 22 and
be completed by their sharing in the see Intr. p. Ixxix. In the present
glory of the Lord Jesus Christ instance the reference would seem to
Himself (vv. 13, 14). The two verses be to the eternal choice or purpose
thus form 'a system of theology in of God (i Cor. ii. 7, Eph. i. 4, 2 Tim.
miniature' (Denriey), and in character- i.
9), as otherwise (cf. note on e'/cXoy^
istic Pauline fashion lead up to the I. i. 4) the qualifying aV dpxrjs would

practical exhortation to the Thessa- almost have required some distin-

lonians to hold fast to what they have guishing addition such as r. evayyeXiov
been taught (v. 15). (cf. Phil. iv. 15).
13 15. 'But not to dwell on this It is possible however that the
melancholy picture, what a different real reading is nota??' dpxys but
prospect opens itself up before \i&\ airapxnv (WH. mg.), a thoroughly
What an unceasing debt of gratitude Pauline word (Rom. viii. 23, xi. 16,
we owe to God on your behalf, xvi. 5, i Cor. xv. 20, 23, xvi. 15),
Brothers beloved not only of us but which might fairly be applied to the
of the Lord! Is it not the case that Thessalonians as the 'first-fruits' (Vg.
from the beginning God purposed primitias) of Macedonia, seeing that
your salvation, and not only purposed, their conversion followed that of the
but accomplished it through the Philippians by only a few weeks, and

6 deos a.Tr
dp^rj^ ek (rcoTrjpiav ev
Kai TT ferret d\rj6eias, ek o eicdXearev VJJLO.S Sid TOV evay-
ye\iov rfiucdv, ek TrepLTroi^cnv So^rjs TOV Kupiou
'Irja'ov 'Apa ovv, crr/cere, /ecu
Kparelre ra? Trapa&ocreis as eire Sta \6you
13 dir pier d g Syr (Pesh) Arm Aeth Chr Thdt Ambst Vig Theod-
Mops lat aZ BG al pauc Vg Syr (Hard) Boh Did Amb aZ

was attended by such striking results effort, rather furnishes the reason for
(cf. I. i.
8, iv. 10). it and the pledge of its final success :

For o-aTTjpia as denoting completed cf. Phil. ii. 12 f., iii. 12.

blessedness see I. v. 8 note. For apa ovv see I. v. 6 note, and

ev mvv/MtfOf KOL iricnti
for ori/iccre I. iii. 8 note.
dXrjdfias'] In view of the obvious K. Kpare'iTf r. Trapadocrfis] Cf. I Cor.
parallelism of the clauses it is natural xi. 2 T. KaT%eT and for
Trapadoa'fis }

to understand the two genitives in the relation of Kparclv and Kare'^e/

the same way, and if so they may be see Add. Note H. The construc-
taken either objectively, a 'sanctifica- tion of Kparelv with the ace. (as
38 8
tion' having for its object the 'spirit generally in the N.T. ace. gen. ) ,

and a 'faith' that has for its object may be due simply to the tendency
'truth,' or as genitives of the causa to enlarge the sphere of the ace. in
ejftciens, 'sanctification by the Spirit later Gk. (Hatzidakis p. 220 ff.), but
and faith by the truth.' In the former serves also in the present instance to
case Trvfv/jLa can only be the human lay emphasis on the rrapa86<Tis as
spirit: in the latter it must be the being already in the Thessalonians'
Holy Spirit of God. To this latter possession; cf. Rev. iii. ii Kparet o
rendering the absence of the art. is fX fts > Beng.: 'tenete, nil addentes,
no real objection, supported and it is nil detrahentes.'

by the recurrence of the same phrase In

themselves these rrapadoacis
in i Pet. i. 2 where the Third Person included both the oral and
(cf. iii. 6)
of the Trinity is clearly intended written teaching on the part of the
(seeHort ad loc.}. Apostles (Thdt.: \oyovs, ovs /cat

For ayiao-fjios cf. note on I. iv. 7, Trapoi/res- i5/z> fKrjpv^ap.ev, KOI dirovrts
and with TTICTTIS aXrjdeias contrast ot ypd\l/anv) with the further thought
mo-revo: T. d\r)6eia (v. 12). imbedded in the composition of the
14. eKoXeo-fv] the historical fulfil- word itself of the ultimate authority
ment of the Divine purpose expressed whence that authority was derived:
in fiXaro: cf. I. ii. 12, v. 24, notes. Cf. Cor. XI. 23 ey<a yap irapeXaftov

(is TTfpnroirjO'iv

So^T/s ] 'unto the OTTO TOV KVpLOV, O KOi TTapfdatKO. l5/LUJ/.

obtaining of the glory' (Vg. in acqui- In the inscriptions Treasure Lists
sitionem gloriae, Weizs. zum Erwerb and Inventories are frequently known
der Herrlichkeif). For nfpiTroirjo-is as TrapaSocrety, the articles enumerated
9 note, and for doga I. ii. 12
cf. I. v. being 'handed over' (7rape8o<rav C.I. A.
note. i. 170, 2 (v./B.o.))by one set of officers

5. *Apa ovv, d8c\<f)oi, trr^ere KT\.] to their successors; see Roberts-
The practical conclusion from what Gardner p. 256.
has just been said. The work of God, For the and contents of a
so far from excluding all human Christian 'tradition' in the Apostolic

6LT6 67rL(TTO\*]S tf/UKjOV. Al/TO9 Se 6 KVplOS
'lrj(rovs XpKTTOS Kai [d]
6eos 6 TraTrip rjjucov, 6 dycnrtjcras
Kai Soik Trapa.KXrja'iv aiwviav Kai e\7riSa dyadriv ev

7rapaKa\crai vfJL&v Tck KapSias Kai (rTrjpi^ai ev

Travr Kai \6<y(jp d<ya6(Jo.
1 6 6 om BD*K 17 37 Orig Chr cod

Age see Mayor Jude pp. 23, 61 ff., and throughout these Epp. (Intr. p. Ixvi).
for the possibility that we have here Chrys. TTOU :vvv daiv ol rbv vlov
(cf. Rom. vi. 17, xvi. 17) a reference ; Thdt. rfj rfjs roea> :

to an early catechism or creed, based fi T^V 6p.OTip.iav 8eiK.vva>v.

upon the sayings of Christ, which was 6 dya.Trijo'as ijp..
K. 8ovs KrX.] The
used by the first missionaries, see two participles under the vinculum
Seeberg Katechismus pp. i ff., 41 f. of the common art. belong to o Qe6$
The title of ol Kparovvres, applied alone, and the use of the aor. shows
by writers to Christians, is
eccles. that the reference is to the definite
probably due to this passage (LS. historical act in which the Gospel
S.V. Kpareoo). originated.
For 7rapaK\r)o-is see I. ii. 3 note, and
II. 1
6, 17. PRAYER. for alvvlav (for form, WSchm. p. 96)
A prayer is again interjected that as bringing out the 'final and abiding'
the exhortation spoken of may be character of this 'comfort compared

fulfilled in the Thessalonians' case. with the transitory joys of earth see
Chrys. naXcv ev^r) pera 7rapaive(riv
: i.
9 note. 'AyaOr/v 'good' both in its
TOVTO yap f(mv OVT&S (3or)6flv. character and results; cf. I. iii. 6,
16,17. 'May our Lord Jesus Christ v. 15, and for the phrase dyafir) f\nis
Himself and God our Father Who in Gk. literature see Dem. Cor. 258
loved us, and in His Divine bounty ( I2O) del de TOVS dyadovs avdpas
bestowed upon us abiding comfort and p,ev airacriv del rots
good hope, comfort your hearts and rjv 7rpof3a\\op,vovs
strengthen you to do and to say not the human disposition
everything that is right.' in which the gifts just spoken of were
1 6. AVTOS 8e 6 Kvpios yp.. *rX.] received, but the Divine favour or
The invocation is identical with I. iii. bounty by which the 'consolation of
1 1
except that 6 wp. 'Irjcr. Xp. is now Israel' was freely extended to those
placed first, and that the def. art. is who were Gentiles by birth, cf. i. 12
substituted before Trrmjp for the more note.
ordinary /cat, while the first 6 before 17. 7rapa.Ka\O~ai KrA.] For irapa-
6cos is doubtful. The order (cf. I. ii. n, iii. 2 notes, and for
2 Cor. xiii. 13, Gal. i. i) may have see I. iii. 2 note.
been determined by the immediately and dyada refer
Tlavri to both the
preceding reference to the glory of intervening nouns (cf. 9), and the .

the Lord Jesus (v. 14), or be due whole expression is of the most general
to the fact that He is the inter- character 'whatever you may do or
mediary through whom the purposes say,' any attempt to
limit \oya to
of God for His people are carried specific Christian doctrine (Chrys.:
out. In either case we have another doyp-ara, Calv.: 'sana doctrina') being
striking e?. of the equal honour quite out of place.
ascribed to the Son with the Father

To \017TOV
~ < / f

iva o Aoyos TOV Kupiou rjKai So^dtyTai

u^uas, *Kai iva pucrdcopev
the Apostles' eyes, and their ardent
1 6.
desire that it may speed ever onward
AND HORTATORY. on its victorious course: cf. I. i. 8.
The writers now pass to teaching The which falls in with St
of a more directly consolatory and Paul's well-known fondness for meta-
hortatory character, and, as in their phorical language from the
former Epistle (I. v. 25), accompany it Cor. ix. 24 f., Gal. ii. 2,
ix. 16,
(Rom. i

with the request for their readers' v. 1 6, 2 Tim. iv. 7), is

Phil. ii.
prayers. derived from the O.T., see especially
Ps. cxlvii. 4 (cxlvi. 15) eo>s ro^ous
avroC, and the
Spa/if Zrai o Xoyoy
splendid imagery of Ps. xviii. (xix.)
'Nor do we only pray for you,
i, 2. directly cited in Rom. x. 18. Findlay
we ask further that you, Brothers,
aptly recalls Vergil's lines on
should pray for us, and especially that beginning 'Mobilitate viget, viresque
the word of the Lord may have the adquirit eundo' (Aen. iv. 175

same swift and glorious course every- Kai So^aj^rai] the inner recognition
where that it has already had amongst following on (KOI consec.) the outward
you. To this end do you pray that progress of the word: cf. Ac.
xiii. 48

we may be rescued from the perverse aKovovra Se ra edvrj e^aipoz/ Kai edofafof
and evil men who are at present TOV \oyov TOV 6fov, and for the thought
placing obstacles in our path for it see Tit. ii. 10. On the deepened
is not every one who has a true faith
significance of dogafa in Bibl. Gk.
in Christ.' see SH. and for the slightly
p. 44,
I. To XOITTOI/ Trpoo-fvxo~6e KrX.] stronger eVSoafo> cf. i. 10, 12. As
The request is another proof of the illustrating the N.T. usage, the follow-
closeness of the bond which the ing invocation from the long magical
Apostles recognized as existing be- papyrus P.Lond. i. 121, 5026. (iii./A.D.)
tween their 'brethren' and them- is noteworthy Kvpta *Io-is. ..dogaorov /*e

selves (Intr. p. xliv), while as regards (p.oi Pap.), as eoao"a TO ovo/j,a TOV
its contents (for the sub-final Iva see vtoO(s) o-ou "Qpov (cf. Reitzenstein
note on I. iv. i) it is significant that Poimandres p. 22 n. 6 ).
in the first instance it is of the further- Ka&os K. Trpos vftas] For this use
ance of their work rather than of any of Trpos with ace. cf. 1. iii. 4 note, and
ease or advantage to themselves that for the fact see I. i.
5 ff., ii.
i, 13.

they think. 2. second

Kai Iva pvadca/Jicv KrX.] a
For TO Xowroi/ cf. I. iv. i note, and and more personal need for which the
for 7rpoo~vx*o~@ rrepi I. V. 25 note, prayers of the Thessalonians are asked,
o Xoyos T. Kvpiov] 'the word of the and which, though independent of the
Lord' Jesus in accordance with the first, is closely connected with it: cf.

general practice of the Epp. (Add. Rom. xv. 30 f., and note the striking
Note D). The use of the title in verbal parallel in Isa. xxv. 4 oVo
the present section is very marked, dvdpwnav Trovrjpoov pvo~rj avTovt. Thdt. :

occurring as it does four times in a'iTr](Tis fivai SoKet, p,ia 8e

m. i 5. O~TL. TU>V yap TTOVTJpWV dvOpdOTTtoV


TP*Xli\ <may rlln emphasizing the evvv, aKcoXureos Kai 6 rou Kijpvy-
living, active nature of the word in

yap TrdvTwv /7wTOS

paiv dvOpwirttiv, ov Y\ TricrTis. Se

For the meaning of pvarQupev (late ward' rather than the 'unreasonable*
pass, aor., WSchm. p. 131) = eripiainur of A.V., R.V.
(Beza) rather than liberemur (Vg.), Similarly irovrjpos (as frequently in
see the note on I. i. 10, and contrast the LXX., e.g. Gen. xxxvii. 20, Ps. Ixxvii.
the construction with OTTO, not e/c, in (Ixxviii.) 49, Esth. vii. 6; cf. Hatch
the present passage, laying stress Essays p. 77 f.) is used not so much
perhaps on the deliverance itself of passive badness as of active harm-
rather than on the power from which fulness, while the prefixed art. shows
it is granted, cf. Rom.
xv. 31, 2 Tim. that the writers have here certain
iv. 1 8, and from the .LXX. Ex. ii. 19 definite persons in view, doubtless the
(ppvcraTO ^/j,as O.TTO TO>I> iroifjievatv. For fanatical Jews who at the time were
a late instance of pveo-Qai drro see opposing their preaching in Corinth
P.Lond. II. 413, 3f. (1V./A.D.) (Ac. xviii. I2ff.), as they had already
done in Thessalonica and Beroea
pV(Tl (Tat OTTO.... (Ac. xvii. 5, 13): cf. I. ii. 14 ff.

T. a.Toira>v K. Trovrjpwv ov yap irdvTo>vr) TTLO-TIS]

'for not to
"ATOTTOS, originally
= *
out of place,' alldoes the Faith belong' (Luth. denn
'unbecoming,' is used in class. Gk. der Glaube ist nicht jedermanns
especially in Plato in the sense of Ding}. For a similar meiosis cf. Rom.
marvellous,' 'odd' (e.g. Legg. i. 6468 X. 1 6 tiXX' ov navres vTrijKovo-av TO>
T. 8aV/J.a(TTOV TC KO.I drOTTOf), from which fvayye\ia. As illustrating the form
the transition easy to the ethical
is of the sentence, Wetsteiu quotes the
meaning of 'improper,' 'unrighteous' proverbial saying, ov TTUVTOS dvdpos cs
in later Gk., e.r. Philo Legg, Alleg. Kopivdov eo-0' d rrXovs (Strabo viii. 6. 20).
i\\. 17 (i. p. 97 M.) Trap' o KOI Srorros
Xtyerai clvai o (pav\os- aronov de eori
KUKUV dvo-Qerov, and such a passage
from the Koivj as P.Petr. in. 43 (3), From
the want of faith on the part
17 f.
(iii./B.c.), where precautions are of men, the Apostles turn to the
taken against certain discontented thought of the faithfulness of the
labourers Iva /j.f} aroTrfo]^ TI 7rpd(0o~iv '. Lord Jesus (cf. 2 Tim. ii. 13) with the
cf. also B.G.U. 757,21 (L/A.D.) where view moreover of reassuring not them-
Tcpa aroTra are ascribed to certain selves, but their converts.
marauders who had pulled to pieces 3 5. We have spoken of the want

a farmer's sheaves of wheat, and the of faith in certain quarters. However

very interesting public notice con- this may be, know assuredly that the
tained in P.Fior. 99 (i./ii. A.D.) to the Lord is faithful. He will set you in a
effect that the parents of a prodigal firm place. He will protect you from
youth will no longer be responsible the attacks of the Evil One. And
for his debts or for UTOTTOV n 7rpa??[i]. seeing that He will do this, we have
It is in this sense accordingly, confidence that you on your part will
implying something morally amiss, not come short, but will continue as
that, with the exception of Ac. at present to do the things which we
xxviii. 6, the word is found in the are enjoining. May the Lord direct
LXX. and the N.T. (Job iv. 8, xi. 1 1 &c., you into the love of God and into the
Prov. xxiv. 55 (xxx. 20), 2 Mace. xiv. 23, patience of Christ.'
Lk. xxiii. 41, Ac. xxv. 5), and in the 3. Hi error] recalling the irians of
passage before us it is best given some the previous verse. For a similar
such rendering as 'perverse' or 'fro- word-play cf. Rom. iii. 3.

ecTTiv o KvpLOS, os
(rTripi^ei vjuias
Kai (pvA^a^ei airo TOV
Trovrjpov. TreTToidafjiev Se eV Kvpico e<p' vjuias, OTI a TTO.-
pay<y\\ofJLv [fcaz]
TroielTe Kal TroiqcreTe. S
'O oe Kvpios

III 4 K al om HAD* d (g) Boh

os crTTjpigei vp,. KT\J] Not only will cussion by Chase The Lord's Prayer
the Lord 'set them in a firm place' p. 112 ff.
(oTJ7pi, for form, WM. p. no), but 4. TrfTroLBa}ifv 6V KrX.] The assur-
He will also 'protect' ((puXafi, Vg. ance that the Lord Who is
it is

custodiet] them there from external protecting the Thessalonians gives the
assaults cf. for the thought Jo. xvii.
Apostles a corresponding confidence
12. For o-rrjpi&iv (I. iii. 2 note) cf.
that the Thessalonians themselves will
I Pet. V. IO 6 de deos ndcrTjs xdpiTos... faithfully fulfil their part. Chrys. :

avTos KdTapTto-ei, o-Tr)piei, o-devaxrei,

del /zet> yap TO nav eV OVTOV piirTfiv,
and for the constr. <pv\d<ro-eiv dno cf. aXX' evfpyovvTas KCU CIVTOVS, To?y novots
Ps. cxi. (cxli.) 9 (puXa^oV drro ep.(3f(3r]K6Tfi$ Kai Tols dyraa'i.

ys o-vvea-rrja-avTo pun, and See Butt- For tv Kvpia (see I. iv. i), as the
mann p. 192. ground with correspondingly new
aVo r. TTovrjpov] The precise sense resources in which all St Paul's hopes
to be attached to these words is best and desires are centred, cf. Gal. v. 10,
determined by the meaning assigned Eph. iv. 17, Phil. ii. 19, 24, and for
them in the petition of the Lord's e<p' vfjids, instead of the class, dat., as
Prayer pCerai yp,as OTTO TOV Trovrjpov marking the direction of the con-
(Mt. vi. 13), of which we have fidence displayed cf. Mt. xxvii.
apparently a reminiscence here (cf. 2 Cor. ii. 3, Ps. cxxiv. (cxxv.) i.
Col. i. 13, and see Feine Jesus Christ ort a
Trapayye'XXo/xei/ KTX.j For a
und Paulus p. 252 f.). As the similar use of ort introducing the
general consensus of modern scholar- objective statement of the Apostle's
ship is to understand irovrjpov there confidence cf. Phil. ii. 24. Under a
as inasc. rather than as neut. in 7rapayye'XXo/uei> must be understood
accordance with the predominant not such injunctions as had already
usage of the N.T. (Mt. v. 37, xiii. 19, been given (e.g. I. iv. 112), but
38, Eph. vi. 1
6, i Jo. ii. 13 f., iii. rather, as the resumption of the same
12% v. 1 8 f. as against Lk. vi. 45, Rom. verb in v. 6 proves, those that im-
xii. 9), and the unanimous opinion mediately follow, and which, on
of the Gk. commentators, we follow account of their hardness, are further
the same rendering here, and trans- prefaced by a short ejaculatory
late 'from the evil one': a rendering, prayer.
it may be noted further, which forms For TrapayyeXXo) see I. iv. ii note,
a fitting antithesis to o Kvpios of the and as bringing out the idea of
preceding clause, and is moreover in transmission contained in the word
thorough harmony with the pro- cf. P.Grenf. i. 40, 6 f.
(ii./B.c.) citpwov
minence assigned shortly before to ypd-^rai aroi OTTCOS etScoy irapayyeiXrjs
the persons of Satan and his represen- Kal T[oiy] aXXoty tepe(ri.
tative (ii. i
12), and more especially 5- 'O de Kvpios KaTfvOvvat /crX.] 'O
to the evil men
(irovypav dvOpwTrwv) Kvpios can only be the Lord Jesus as
of the preceding clause. See further in vv. i, 3, 4, any reference to the
Lft.'s note ad loc. and the same writer's Holy Spirit (as Basil de Spiritu sancto
Revision of the Ertgl. N. T. 3 p. 269 if., c. 21 and most of the Gk. commen-
and especially the exhaustive dis- tators) being outruled if only on the

KCCT6v6vVai V/ULCOV S TY\V dyaTrriv TOU 6eov

HapayyeXXofJiev Se v 5 d$e\(poi, ev ovo/mari TOV

ground that 6 Kvpios is never so resting on themselves. And accord-

employed in the N.T. (not even in ingly in a which the
section, in
2 Cor. iii. 18). severity of the language shows the
For KarevOvvo) see I. iii. 11 note: serious nature of the evils com-
itsmetaphorical use is further illus- plained of, they once more (cf. I. v.
trated by Aristeas 18 Karevdiivfi ras 14 f.) rebuke the idle and disorderly
Trpd^fis Kal ras eVifSoAas 6 Kvpievcoi/ behaviour, which at the time certain
arravrtov dtos. members of the Thessalonian com-
fls r. dydrrrjv T. 6eov K. (Is T. tnro- munity were displaying.
fj.ovr)v T. The close parallelism
xpio-Tov] 6 12. 'In order, however, that
of the two clauses makes it natural this happy result may be attained,

(as in 13) to understand the geni-

ii. we again on our part urge you and
tives the same way, and as the
in yet not we, but the Lord not in any
subjective interpretation of the second way to associate with a brother who
clause is rendered almost necessary is not living a well-ordered life in
by the regular meaning of vrrojuoi^z/ accordance with our teaching. For
you yourselves cannot but be conscious
' ' '

in the N.T., constancy,' endurance

(I. i.
3 note) not 'patient waiting' that you ought to follow our example.
(ava/xoi/T/V, cf. I. i. 10), we are similarly
When we were with you, we did not
led to think of T. dyairr)v T. Qeov as depend on others for our support.
the love which is God's special Rather in toil and moil, night and
characteristic, and which He has day, we worked that we might not
displayed towards us ;
cf. Rom. v. 5, lay an unnecessary burden upon any
viii. 39, 2 Cor. xiii. 13, Eph. ii. 4, and of you. You must not indeed sup-
see Abbott Joh. Gr. p. 84. pose that we have not the right to
The use of the art. before xpto-roC maintenance, but we waived our right
is significant as emphasizing the con-
in order to set an example for you to

nexion of the patience spoken of

* '
follow. And not only so, but we gave

not merely with the earthly trials of you a positive precept to this effect.
the Saviour, but with these trials as For you cannot have forgotten that
while we were with you, we were in
the inevitable lot of the suffering
the constant habit of urging upon you
servant of Jehovah. Cf. for the
that if any will not work, neither let
general thought Heb. xii. i f., Rev.
and see Rom. x. 3 him eat." And we are the more led to
iii. 10, Ign. cppa>o-0e
els Tf\os fv VTropovfl 'irjfrovXpicrroC,
go back upon this, because information
where however Lft. (ad loc.} inclines
is reaching us regarding certain of your
to the meaning
number who are living ill-ordered lives,
'patient waiting for
Christ.' and, instead of attending to their own
business, are busy with what does not
concern them. such as these
It is
that we urge and entreat in the Lord
Jesus to attend quietly to their own
It is in the Lord,' as has just been work and earn their own living-.'
shown, that the Apostles' trust for 6. TIapayye\\ofj.fv fie vplv, a5eA(poi]
their converts is centred. At the In introducing their 7rapayye\ia the
same time they are anxious that these Apostles adopt a tone at once of
should not forget the responsibilities affection and of authority of affec-

T '
KVpiov lrj(TOv XpKTTOv (TTeXXecrQai VJULCIS

t \ \
Socriv r)v

Trap yap oioaTe

ak Se? JLiJLeia-Qai fjuas, ore OVK ^raKT^crajuiev eV vfjlv

6 Kvpiov solum BD* d Cypr : add r)/j.uv KG cet g Vg cet verss Ambst Theod-
TrapeXdjSere BG al pane g $ Go Syr (Hard) Arm Orig \ Bas (?) Thdt :

irape\apo<ra.v K*A 1 7 Bas (won semper)

because it is to their brethren
that they appeal, and of authority, ,
and see the old gloss quoted
because it is as the representatives of in Steph. Thesaur. s.v. where oreX-
one Jesus, Who had been made known \ea-6ai explained by a^/o-Taor&u,

both as Lord and Christ, that they dvaxtopfw. This gives the clue to its
enforce their charge. meaning here (Vg. ut subtrahatis vos)
v 6v6p.ari T. Kvp. 'l^(r. Xp.J prac- and in 2 Cor. viii. 20 orr?XXojuei/oi
tically synonymous here with 8ia r. (Vg. devitantes] TOVTO pr) TIS r^ias
Kvp. 'Irjo-. (I.
iv. 2 note), though the na>M<rr)Tai, the only other place where
introduction of the common O.T. peri- it is found in the N.T. Thdt.: TO
phrasis (cf. Ex. v. 23, Deut. xviii. 22, <rreXXe<r$at dirt TOV
Jer. xi. 21) lays greater stress on the The compound
personality and consequent authority (-o/xat) is used in the same sense in
of the person spoken of: cf. i. 12 note, Ac. xx. 20, 27, Gal. ii. 12, Heb. x. 38;
and for a full discussion of this and cf. Deut. i. 17, Job xiii. 8, Sap. vi.

similar expressions see the exhaustive 7(8).

monograph by W. Heitmiiller Im navTos d8c\<pov] Notwithstanding
Namen Jesu (Gottingen, 1903). his faults, the title of brother' is not
A similar usage occursin the Koivij denied to the disorderly person, even
where with the gen. often stands
oi/o/xa while duty to the brotherhood re-
for the dat. of the name of the person quires that he be avoided; cf. i Cor.
addressed, e.g. Ostr. 670 Uavio-Kos... v. ii.

6v6(p,aTi) \_6if6(fj,aTos), Wilcken] Uacr^- draKTwy] See Add. Note G.

fjiios xrX. (other exx. in Herwerden). Kara r. 7rapd8o(riv xrX.] For napa-
o-re'XXe<r$ai vp,as /crX.] Sre'XXeti/ doa-iv see ii. 1 5 note, and for ?rapeXa-

set,' 'place,' and hence /3ere see I. ii. 13 note.

bring together,'
make compact as The marginal reading TrapeXa-
e.g. of shortening the sails of
a ship ftoo-av is well-attested, and,
adopted, if

(Horn. II i. 433, Od. iii. n), by a must have its subj. supplied from the
natural transition came to denote collective oVo TTCWTOS ddeXcpoO. The
generally 'restrain,' 'check,' and is termination in -oarav receives how-
found in the midd. in the sense of ever scanty warrant from the papyri
draw or shrink back from ' anything, (Moulton Prolegg. p. 52), and in the
whether from fear (Hesych. crre'XXe- :
present instance may have originated
rat-<po/3emu) or any other motive 'in an ocular confusion with -oa-tv
as in Mai. ii.
5 a^ irpoirwTrov ovo- (trapadocriv) in the corresponding place
' 2
p,aTos crre'XXeo^at auroi', 3 Mace,
/U.GV of the line above (WH Notes p. 172).
19 at Se KOI Trpo<rapTiO)9 eVraXfiei/at 7. auroi yap oi&are] Cf. I. i.
5> ii-

('die sich ganz zuriickgezogen halten i, 5, ii &c. ; Intr. p. xliv.

Kautzsch, and cf. Grimm's note ad fj-ifjiflcrdai rjpas] The verb pinf,
loc.}\ cf.Hipp. F^.m^.io(ed.Foesius) repeated in v. 9, is found elsewhere in

ovSe Scopedv dprov 6<pdyoiu6v Trapd d\\' iv KOTTW
Kal fji6*)(Qu> WKTOS Kal ti/mepas Trpos TO fjiri

67ri(3aprj(rai TWO, vfjiwv 9

ov% on OVK e^ovariav,
a'AA' 'iva eavTovs TVTTOV Sajjmev vfjuv ek TO
Kai yap OTe rj/mev TTpos TOVTO 7rapr]yye\\ojJiv
the N.T. only in Heb. xiii. 7, 3 Jo. note a definite 'claim' or 'right,'
ii ; it occurs several times in the with the further idea of 'authority'
apocr. books of the O.T., cf. also over others, cf. its frequent technical
Aristeas 188 jjLijj.nvp.fvos TO rov 6eov use in the papyri in connexion with
8ia iravrbs eVieiKe's. For the thought wills and contracts, e.g. P.Oxy. 491, 3
of the present passage see I. i. 6 note. (ii./A.D.), e'(p' ov /xei> Treptet/u \povov
OVK r/raKr^o-a/iei/] another instance
of meiosis (cf. v. 2, I. ii. 15), embody- 'so long as I survive I am to have
ing the ground of the Thessalonians' power over my own property,' 719,
knowledge just spoken of. For draK- 25 (ii./A.D.) e^ovtrias (roi ovarjs cTcpois
re'a> see Add. Note G.

TrapiaxcopeTi/J the right resting with

8. &peai/] 'gratis' as frequently you to cede to others.'
in the LXX. (Gen. xxix. 15, Ex. xxi. For the use of ov^ ort = ov Xe'yo/iej/
2 &c.): cf. Rom. iii. 24, 2 Cor. xi. 7, on (...aXXa) in the N.T. for the pur-
also P.Tebt. 5, 249 ff. (ii./B.c.) eVt- pose of avoiding misconception cf.

piiTTeiv...pya 8ti>peavfjnaOwv v<pei- p.rj8f 2 Cor. i. 24, iii. 5, Phil. iv. 17; WM.

Hfvuv to impose labour gratis or at p. 746

reduced wages.' In Jo. xv. 25 (LXX.), aXX' Iva eavrovs TVTTOV KrX.] a second,
Gal. ii. 21 the word has the further and in the present instance, the main
' '
sense of uselessly,' without sufficient reason of the Apostles' self-denying
cause.' toil: not only did they desire to

apTov e<pdyofj.v] a general expression remove any hindrance from the free
for taking food of any kind (cf. Mk. diffusion of the Gospel (cf. I. ii. 9),
iii. 20, Lk. xiv. i), corresponding but also by their own daily lives and
Heb. conduct to impress more forcibly
to the Dn^pK (Gen. iii. 19,
iv. upon their converts' hearts the real
4 Regn. 8).
aXX' ev K07TO) KrX.] See the notes on significance of their message.
and as further illustrating the
I. ii. 9,
For eavrovs with reference to the
ist pers. plur. cf. I. ii. 8 note. It is of
meaning of the phrase WKT. K. ij/n.
cf. Magn. 163, 7 f. aStaXeiVro)? Qivra
interest to notice that this usage does

TO eXaiov re KCU VVKTOS- not seem to have extended to the

sing, except in the case of very
illiterate documents, e.g. B.G. U. 86,
limitation introduced to avoid any
the fiera eavrov
possible misconception as to 5 (ii./A.D.) <rwx<*>pG> TT/V

reXevr?)i/ rols a[vr]e3 e*K TTJS

Apostolic claim to gratuitous sup- yeyovocrt
avrou yvvaiKOS Moulton
port cf. I. ii. 6 and especially
: i Cor. (rvvovarji (cf.

ix. 4, 7 14 where St Paul traces this C.R. xv. 441, xviii. 154). With rvTroy

same 'right' (eovo-iai/, v. 4) to the (I. i.

7 note) cf. the use of vn-orvTrwo-ts
enactment of the Lord Himself (v. 14, in i Tim. i. 16, 2 Tim. i. 13, the meta-
Lk. x. yf.); see also i Tim. v. 18, phor there, according to Lft. (on
Didache xiii. I iras 8e irpo(pijTT)s d\rj- Clem. R. Cor. v. ad Jin.), being due
6ivbs...aios eori Trjs Tpo(p^s avrov. to the art of sculpture, 'the first

For this later sense of cov<ria rough model.'

yap ore foev I.
to de- 10. Kal
liberty of action KrX.] .

(primarily ')
Ill 1 1,

OTL el TIS ov 6e\ei f

ep yd(^6a'6ai /x^Se eo~6ieT(x).

yap Tivas TrepnraTOVVTas eV v/uuv GCTGC/CTWS,

d\\d Trepiepya^o/uievovs' TO?s Se

TOLOVTOLS irapa y ye\\oiJLv Kat 7rapaKa\ov/uev eV KVptw

f < t

iii. 4, the only difference being that,

and part, to describe an actually
ill view of #. 6, TOVTO 7rapr)yy\\ofjiv existing state see Buttmann
302 f. p.
is substituted for TrpoeXeyo/zei/. For epyaop.vov$ dXXa irfptepya-
similar references by St Paul to his ofj.vov$] doing no business but being

previous public teaching cf. i Cor. xi. busy bodies a translation suggested
23, xv. i. by Ellic. which has the merit of pre-
serving the play of words in the
or* i TIS ov 6e\ci KT\.] that if any
one not willing (Beng. nolle vitium
is :
original: cf. Beza 'nihil agentes, sed
est') to work, neither let him eat.'
inaniter satagentes,' Est. nihil oper-
Haec sit inquietudinis non
: autes, sed circumoperantes,' and
solum poena, sed etiam emendatio.' amongst more modern renderings
For on which is here equivalent Ew., Schm. 'keine Arbeit treibend,
to little more than our inverted sondern sich herumtreibend/ Zockl.
commas see WM. p. 683 ii. 1 and for , 'nicht schaffend, sondern vielge-
illustrations of the maxim, which was schaftig,' Jowett 'busy only with
apparently a proverbial Jewish say- what is not their own business.'
ing based on Gen. iii. 19, see the The same play on the original Gk.
passages cited by Wetstein, especially words is found in Dem. Phil. iv.
Bereschith R. ii. 2 'ego vero si non 150 (rot fjLtv f toy
epydfci KCU Tre-
laboro, non edo,' xiv. 12 ut, si non '

piepydei rovs ea-\drovs ovras Kivdv-

laborat, nou manducet': cf. also vovs. For other exx. of paronomasia
Didache xii. 3 el e tfe'Xei irpbs vp.ds from the Pauline Epp. see v. 13,
KaOfjcrai) Tf^virrjs OOP, epyaecr$a> /cat <pa- Rom. i. 20, xii. 3, i Cor. vii. 31,
ye'ra>.According to Resch (Agrapha, 2 Cor. iv. 8, Phil. iii. 2 f. (WM.
p. 240 ff., Paulinismus, p. 409 f.) the p. 794 f., Blass, p. 298 ).

saying in its present form may have nepiep-ya^o/^cu, air. \ey. N.T. (cf.
been derived from a logion of the Lord irepifpyos Ac. xix. 19, i Tim. v. 13), is
Himself. found in the same sense as here in
For et...oi5 see WM. p. 599, Jannaris, Sir. iii. 23 (24) *" Toils Trcpio'o'ols r<ov
b and for the strong negative
i8o7 ,
epyav o~ov p,rj Trepicpydfrv cf. Plato :

p.T]de (ne quidem) with the imperative Apol. 19 B, where it is said of Socrates
cf. Eph. v. 3. in an accusatory sense, 7repiepydercu
aKovopev yap KT\.~] Fresh news
1 1. friTutv rd re VTTO yfjs /cat ra eVoupdi/ta,
from Thessalonica had reached the and for a significant ex. from the
writers since the despatch of their inscriptions see C.I. A. in. 74, 14 f. os
first Epistle, perhaps through the av de 7ro\virpay[jiovij(Tr) ra rov 6eov f)
bearer of that Epistle on his return, TTcpiepyda-rjTou, a/zapri'ai> o(piXera> *crX.
of such a character as to lead them Quintilian defines Trepiepy/a as 'super-
to single out the offenders, who were vacua operositas' (viii. 3. 55): cf.
evidently known to them, for direct M. Anton. X. 2 TOVTOIS drj Kavotri
rebuke. ^pw/zei/oy, fj.r)8ev irepiepydov.
For the pres. cuutvofifv instead of 12. T. de TOIOVTOIS
the perf. cf. i Cor. xi. 18 (Burton, KT\.] The TrapayyeXi'a is now addressed
6, Gildersleeve Syntax 204), directly to the araKroi themselves in
and for its construction with the ace. so far as they possess the above-

'Irjcrov XpKTTco *iva /uera i;<TV^ia5 epya^o/uevoi TOV eavrcov

e&diuxriv. ^'V^Ltels Se, d$e\(poi, /ULrj


mentioned characteristics rots TOIOV- 13. But you' what-

Toi?, cf. Mt. xix. 14, Rom. xvi. 18, ever may have been the conduct of
i Cor. v. ii. others. Thdt. :
pr) viKijo-y TTJV vpc-
For irapaKaXovpfv cf. I. ii. 12 note, rcpav <piAoTtp,t'ai/ 77
fxeivtov /io^^^pi'a.
and for iv vp. 'Ljtr. Xp. cf. I. iv. i p.?) eWaKT/oTjre] 'Ei/KaKeco (for form,
note. WH. 2 Notes p. 157 f.) from KUKOS
pera y<rvxias KT\.] It is not
tva 'cowardly' is found elsewhere in
enough that they should not be dis- N.T. only in Lk. xviii. i, 2 Cor. iv. i,

orderly, they must also work, and 1 6, Gal. vi. 9, Eph. iii.
13: cf: Polyb.
that too 'with quietness' for their IV. 19. IO TO ftei/ iTfuirciv ras ftorjfoias
own maintenance. ...eveKaKT](rav 'they omitted through

'Horvxia (elsewhere in N.T. only cowardice to send assistance.'

Ac. xxii. 2, i Tim. ii. 1 1 f. ; cf. rj<rvxd- For the use of the aor. subj. in
civ I. iv. n, and for a class, parallel 2nd pers. after p.^', which is compara-
[Dem.] Exord. Or. 1445 ex lv ^a-vxiav tively rare in Paul, see Moulton
KOI TO. vfjifTcpa. OVTWV Trparreii') differs Prolegg. p. 122 ff.
from i7pc/ita in denoting tranquillity Ka\o7roiovvTs] doing the fair, the
' '

arising from within rather than from

noble thing rather than conferring

without (Ellic. on i Tim. ii. 2). benefits (ayatfoTroiovi/res-) : cf. the

For the force of fierd see the note double exhortation in i Tim. vi. 18
on I. i. 6, and cf. P.Lond. i. 44, 17 f. dyadoepyelv, TrAourety ev epyois KCI-

dvaXveiv. Aois.
(ii./B.C.) [JLfB' fjo-vxlas
The verb KaAoTroie'co is not found
15. elsewhere in the N.T. (for similar
LOYAL MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH. compounds, Lob. Phryn. p. 199 f.),
After the digression caused by the but for the thought see Gal. vi. 9 TO
rebuke of the disorderly, the writers, KO\OV 7TOLOVVTS /AT) eVKO.KWfJ.fV) Where,
fearing that their example may have as here, KO.\OS carries with it the
a bad effect, address a special word thought not only of what is right in
of exhortation to the main body of itself (I. v. 21 note), but of what is
their readers. perceived to be right (i Tim. v. 25 ra
13 15. 'On the other hand as KaXa TrpoSj/Xa), and consequently
regards the rest of you, Brothers, we exercises an attractive power. See
exhort you not to fail in doing the further for this sense of KaAos the
right thing, but to persevere in your interesting discussion by Lock, St
honourable course. And in order Paul p. 117 ff.
that you may do this, there is nothing 14. TO> Aoyw yfjiwv dtarfjs 7ricrTO\fjs]
for it but to mark the man who is 'our word through the (present)
disregarding what we have said in epistle' (Th. Mops, interpr.: 'uerba
this Epistle, and not in any way to quae per epistolam loquimur'). The
associate with him, in order that interpretation favoured by some of
thereby he may be shamed. And the older commentators by which 8ia
yet in saying this, we need hardly is rather to be connected with

caution you that you are not to treat what follows in the sense by means
him as if he were in any sense an of a letter (from you) do you notify

enemy, but rather to counsel him as (cf. Tind. sende vs worde of him by a
a brother.' letter) is exposed to the well-founded

Sid Trjs eVf(TToAf/s, TOVTOV

/) ~ / ~

objections that it is inconsistent the late metaphorical sense of eV-

with the natural order of the words, Tpe'7ra>, cf. Ps. xxxiv. (xxxv.) 4, i Cor.
and with the use of the demonstrative iv. 14, Tit. ii.
8, and from the Koivrj
Trjs (I. v.27 note), which points to an such passages as P. Par.
47, 3 f.
existing letter rather than to one to (ii./B.C.) [e]i pr) piKpov TI evTpen opal,
be written afterwards. 49, 29 f. (ii./B.C.) yivfTai yap fVTpa-
TOVTOV 0-rjjj.eiova-Se] 'of this man take i. The corresponding subst. V-
note' (Vg. hunc notate). 2r) -alo-xvvr)) 18 found in I Cor.
(an-. \ey. N.T.) means to 'mark or vi. 5, xv. 34. For its sense of mdcos as

notify for oneself, and from being in class. Gk. (e.g. Soph. Oed. Col. 299)
used a neutral or even favourable
in cf. the late magical papyrus P.Lond.
(Ps. iv. 7) sense came also to have the I.
46, 1 6 f. (iv./A.D.) 8bs evrpoirrjv TO)
idea of disapprobation connected (pavcvTi irpb Trvpoy.
with it, e.g. Polyb. v. 78. 2 (of a In the midd. the verb = reverence,' *

omen) o-^/uetaxra/zei/oi TO ye-

sinister and contrary to class, usage is construed
yovos. The ordinary usage of the in the Bibl. writings with the ace., e.g.
word is illustrated by Aristeas 148 Sap. ii. 10, Mk. xii. 6, Heb. xii. 9.

TrapadedtoKfv 6 vop.o6eTT)s crq/mouo-tfai 15. fat w

a>s fx@P v * r ^] a clause

rots o-vveTolf elvai diKaiovs, O.G.I.S. added to prevent any possible mis-
629, 1 68 (Palmyra, ii./A.D.) o KPOTKTTOS understanding of the foregoing.
earrjfj,(e)i(ao~aTO ev TTJ Trpos Bapftapov Throughout the conduct enjoined
has in view the final amendment of
It may be added that with the the offender (Th. Mops.: 'ut modis
grammarians o-qpciWat is used in the omnibus increpatione, obsecratione,
sense of 'nota bene,' and that in the doctrina reducatis eum ad id quod
ostraca and papyri o-eo-jjfiei'w/im is the honestum eat'): cf. Didache xv. 3
regular term for the signature to a \cy\T Se d\\j\ovs p,rj ev opyfj a'XX'
receipt or formal notice, as when in ev flpyvri, and Clem. R. Cor. xiv. 3
P.Oxy. 237. the prefect
vii. 29 (ii./A.D.) Xpr)0-Tevo-wiJ.e6a avTols [roly dp^rjyols
-gives legal validity to the TTJS Kara TTJV evam\ayxviav
paTto-[j,6s by the words dvcyvcov KOI yXvKVTrjTa TOV irot^o-avTos Ty/Liay.
For the softening effect of as 'as
fjirj crvvava/JiiyvvcrOai avro>] lit. 'not if he were an enemy' cf. Blass
to mix yourselves together up with 1
p. 246 n. , and for jyeopai and vov-
him' (Vg. ne commisceamini cum illo, 6cTea> see the notes on I. v. 13, I. v.
Beza ne commercium hdbete cum to) 12, respectively. As further illus-
' '
the expressive double compound trating the stronger sense of rjyeo-
being found elsewhere in the N.T. pat in the former passage see M.
Only in I Cor. V. 9 pr) o-vvavapiywo-Oai Anton, iv. i where the best texts
iropvois cf. Hos. vii. 8
'Etppcu/*, ev A read op/*a pev Trpos ra yyovpeva.
Tols \aols O.VTOV (rvvavepiyvvTo. For ('moves towards things preferred')
the corresponding adj. in the in the sense of npor)yovfj.eva in the
see P.Oxy. 718, 16 f.
(ii./A.D.) dpov parallel passage v. 20 (see Crossley's
TTJS (3ao-i\iKfjs (rvvavafjiiyovs fivai TTJ
note ad loc.}.
j)irap[xovo-r) p.oi yrj\.
Iva fVTpairr{\
in order that he may III. 1 6. PRAYER.
be put to shame' (Vg. ut confun- 1 6. 'May the Lord, from whom
datur, Beza ut erubescat\ following all peace comes, Himself give you His

d\\d vov6eTelT6 ok d$e\(f>6v.

eipiivrjs Scarj v/uuv TY\V eipqvrjv Sid TTCLVTOS ev TTCCVTI

f \ t ~
'O dcnraarfjios Trj e/u*/ x L
P* f1av\ov, o ecrTiv
ev Trdcrri eTTiarToXr]' OVTCOS ypdcpa). 7J xdpis TOV Kvpiou
'Irjcrov XpKTTOu jjLeTa TrdvTwv VJJLWV.

peace at all times and in all ways. is gen. in apposition with

The Lord be with you all.'
in accordance with a common Gk.
1 6. AVTOS 8e KrX] For avros 84 idiom (Kiihner3 406, 3).
see I. iii. n note, and for o *vp. T. o ftrriv rX.] namely the fact

dp., here evidently the Lord Jesus of St writing the salutation

(cf. v. 5), see I. v. 23 note. The with his own hand, and not merely
Hellenistic opt. &; (for 80117) is found the insertion of the immediately pre-
again in the N.T. in Rom. xv. 5, ceding words, which as a matter of
2 Tim. i. 1 6, 18 (WSchm. p. 120). For fact are found elsewhere only in two
8ia 7rain-os 'continually,' as distin- of his Epp. (i Cor., Col.). Because
guished from Trai/rore 'at all times' however St Paul does not always
see Westcott's note on Heb. ix. 6, and pointedly direct attention to the
cf. P.Lond. i. 42, 6 (cited in note on autographic nature of the salutations
I. i.
3). is in itself no proof that he did not
The v.l. eV Travrl TOTTW (A*D*G 17 write them: cf. Intr. p. xcii and see
Vg Go) doubtless arose through the Add. Note A. In the present instance
desire to conform a somewhat awk- he may have considered a formal
ward phrase (cf. navrl rpoira Phil. i. attestation of the clearest kind the
1 Kara travra rpofruv Rom. iii. 2) to
8, more necessary in view of the false
the more common expression (cf. I. i. appeals that had been made to his
8, i Cor. i. 2, 2 Cor. ii. 14, i Tim. authority in Thessalonica (see note on
ii. ii. 2).

pcra TravTaiv v/i<5i>] even with the ourcoy ypa$o>] with reference to the

disorderly brother, cf. v. 18 and for characters in which vv. 17, 18 were
TrdvTvv used with a similar emphasis written, which the Thessalonians
see the Benedictions in i Cor. xvi. 24, would henceforth recognize as his%
2 Cor. xiii. 13. cf. Gal. vi. ii. Any reference to an
ingeniously-framed monogram (Grot.:
certum quendam nexum literarium ')
BENEDICTION. used by the Apostle for his signa-
17, 1 8. 'I add this salutation with ture is
quite unnecessary.
my own hand, signing it with my name 1 8.
^api? TOU Kvpiov KT\.] The

Paul, as I am in the habit of doing. substance of the Pauline ao-Trao-^ds-,

May the grace of our Lord Jesus embodying the Apostle's favourite
Christ be with you all.' idea of 'grace,' and by the significant
17. 'O d<nraorp.os rfj cfifj x ctP*1 addition of TTCIVTUV extending it to
navXov] Cf. i Cor. xvi. 21, Col. iv. 'all' alike, even those whom he had
1 8, and for a similar use of oWao-fios just found it necessary to censure (cf.
in the Koivij see P.Oxy. 471, 67 f. v. 1 6 note).

(H./A.D.) dvafj.v6vTa>v...Tov dajrao'fjiov As in the First Ep. (cf. I. v. 28 note)

'waiting to salute him,' and cf. the a liturgical ap,^v has found its way
note on d0irdo[ I. v. 26. into certain MSS. (N C ADGKLP).
Ka#a><? Kal 6 dyaTnjTbs ri/JL&v aSeX<>05 IlaOXo? Kara

rrjv So06i(rav avra) o~o(f)iav eypatyev, co? Kal eV Tracrat?

XaXwv eV avra*? Tre/ot TOVTCOV, ev afc ecrrlv

2 Pet. iii. 15, 16.

St Paul as a Letter-Writer.

is ydp TIS jSotfXercu elvat TJ tiriffToXi] <n5j'ro uos,

KOA. irepi air\ov
/cat tv 6v6/j.affi.v &TT\OIS.
Demetrius de Elocutione 231 (ed. Eoberts, p. 176).

'Als einen Ersatz seiner personlichen Wirkung schreibt er seine Briefe.

Dieser Briefstil ist Paulus, niemand als Paulus; es ist nicht Privatbrief und
doch nicht Literatur, ein, wenn auch immer wieder nach-
geahmtes Mittelding.'
U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Die Griechische Literatur des Altertums
p. 157 (in Die Kultur der Gegenwart i. 8, Berlin, 1905).

We *
have already seen that the Thessalonian Epistles are true letters,' The
and not doctrinal Pauline
treatises, and that, in adopting this method of com-
municating with his scattered Churches, St Paul found a means
communication admirably suited alike to his own temperament, and to letters
the circumstances under which he wrote. The use of a 'letter' indeed
for religious purposes was not altogether without precedent. It was by
a letter that Jeremiah communicated God's will regarding them to the
Jewish captives in Babylon (Jer. xxix.) 1 and by a letter again, to come ,

down to Christian times, that the Council at Jerusalem announced their

decision to the Gentile Churches (Ac. xv.) 2 But, notwithstanding these .

partial parallels, St Paul was apparently the first to recognize the full
possibilities that lay, in a letter as a means of conveying religious in-
struction 3 . And as there is good reason to believe that in the Thessalonian

Epistles we have theearliest of his extant writings (see p. xxxvif.), this is

a fitting opportunity for trying to form as clear an idea as possible of the
outward form and method of the Pauline correspondence.
Towards this, recent discoveries in Egypt have lent most valuable aid.
For though it is somewhat remarkable that no copy of a Pauline Epistle,
or any part of one, on papyrus, belonging to the first three centuries, has re cent dis-
yet come to light the ordinary papyrus letters of the Apostle's time enable coveries of

Cf. in the
Apocrypha the so-called trroXal <rv<rTariKai) were common, Ac.

Epp. of Jeremiah and Baruch, and ix. 2 (xxii. 5), xviii. 27 ; cf. Kom. xvi.

2 Mace. i. i, 10. Eenan (Saint Paul i, 2, 2 Cor. iii. i, and for a pagan
(1869) p. 229 n. ) refers also to the. example see the first of the papyrus-
iggeret or risdlet, which the Jewish lettersreproduced on p. 127.
synagogues were in the habit of 3 An
exception is sometimes made
addressing to one another on points in favour of the Epistle of James ; but
of doctrine or practice. see Sanday Inspirationp. 344 f.
2 ' Letters of ' 4
recommendation (4irt-
There are various fragments be-
us to picture to ourselves with great distinctness what must have been the
exact format of the Pauline autographs.
Papyrus as Thus there can be no doubt that, like other letter- writers of his time,
a writing g^ p au wro t e
j his letters on papyrus. The costlier pergament, which was
used for copies of the O.T. books 1 , was not only beyond the Apostle's
slender means, but would have been out of keeping with the fugitive and
occasional character he himself ascribed to his writings 2 And he would .

naturally fall back upon a material which was easily procurable, and whose
use for the purposes of writing had already a long history behind it 3 .

Themanu- l n itself papyrus is derived from the p&pyYus-p\a,nt(Cyper us papyrus L.) 4 ,

an(^ was P re P are d f r the purposes of writing according to a well-
established process, of which the elder Pliny (N.H. xiii. 11 13) has left
a classical account).
this, the pith (|3i5j3\os) of the stem of the papyrus-plant
According to
was cut into long strips (philyrae\ which were laid down vertically to form
a lower or outward layer. Over this a corresponding number of strips
were then placed horizontally and the two layers were pressed together

to form one sheet (scheda\ the process being assisted by a preparation

of glue, moistened, when possible, with the turbid water of the Nile, which
was supposed to add strength to it 5 After being dried in the sun, and .

longing to the fourth and fifth to be manufactured in Egypt for

centuries,amongst which Dr Kenyon writing purposes down to the tenth

(Hastings' D.B. v. p. 354) includes century of our era. Recently attempts

one containing 2 Thess. i. i ii. 2 have been made to supply charta
(Berlin Museum P. 5013) but, in a ; according to the ancient model from
private communication to the present the papyrus - plants growing near
writer, he states that, in reality, this Syracuse. In addition to the authori-
isnot on papyrus, but on vellum. The tiesquoted, see the essay on Ancient

important papyrus containing about Papyrus and the mode of making

one-third of the Ep. to the Hebrews paper from it by Prof. Ezra Abbot,
(P.Oxy. 657) is certainly not later reprinted in his Critical Essays
than the fourth century, perhaps the (Boston, 1888) p. i37ff.
4 The
end of the third. most probable derivation of
These are probably referred to in the word papyrus
is from the
T&S nepppdvas of 2 Tim. iv. 13, as Egyptian pa-p-yor,
the (product) of
' '

compared with ra /SijSXte, the ordinary the river,' i.e. the river-plant (see

papyrus-rolls. Encycl. Bibl. col. 3556). The plant is

very fact that Josephus mentioned in Job viii. 1 1 in Ex. ii. 3 ;

mentions that the letter of the Jews the KJpjl n3ri was a chest of paper- '

to Ptolemy Philadelphus was written reed,' or a papyrus-boat, cf. Isa. xviii.

on parchment (5t00e/>af, Antt. xii. 89 2 cTrtcrroXas For tbe Gk.
(ii. n))
shows that this was unusual. word irdirvpos of. P.Leid. S p. 97
The earliest extant papyrus- writing col. i a 8, u (ii./B.c.), and (irairijpovs)

is a statement of accounts, dated in P.Par. 55 bis col. i and 2 (ii./B.c.),

the reign of Assa, the last King of the and for the adj. P.Leid. U col. 2 a 6 f. ,

fifthdynasty in Egypt, about 3580 (ii./B.c.) irXoiov irairijpivov, 3 KaXeirai

3536 B.C. (Kenyon Palaeography of AlyviTTHrd 'Pti^. See further Mayser

Greek Papyri p. 14). According to P- 37-
Sir E. M. Thompson (Greek and Latin 5 This appears to be the correct

Palaeography p. 33), papyrus continued interpretation of Pliny's turbidus


rubbed down with ivory or a smooth shell to remove any roughness, the
sheet was ready for use a scripturdbilis facies.
The size of the sheets thus formed would obviously vary according Size of
to the quality of the papyrus but Dr Kenyon has shown that for non- papyrus-
literary documents the size in ordinary use would be from 5 to $ inches in
width, and from 9 to n inches in height

For a brief note, like the Epistle to Philemon, a single sheet would
therefore suffice, but, when more space was required, it was easily pro-
curable by fastening the requisite number of sheets together to form
a roll 2 the beginning (TrpeordicoXXov) and the end (fV^aroKoXXtoi'), as the

parts most usually handled, being not infrequently strengthened by

attaching extra strips of papyrus at the back. These rolls would seem
to have been generally sold in lengths of twenty sheets (scapi\ the cost of
two sheets being at the rate of a drachma and two obols each, or a little
over a shilling of our money 3 .

As a rule the original writing was confined to one side of the papyrus- Recto and
sheet, that side being chosen on which the fibres lay horizontally (recto\
which was therefore smoother for the purpose. But occasionally, when
space failed, recourse was had also to the back (verso}*. The verso was
also frequently used for some other writing of less importance, or for
scribbling purposes, much as we use the back of an old letter .

The matter was arranged in columns (o-eXto'es, paginae) of from two to Width of
three inches wide, which were as a rule placed close together, so that there columns.

liquor vim glutinis (dat.) praebet,' as layers served much the purposes of
elsewhere he recognizes only the form brown paper amongst ourselves.
4 Ezek. ii. 9 f ' a roll of a book
glutinum, and not gluten, according to Cf. .

which glutinis would be a genitive : ...written within and without,' and

cf. Birt Das antike Buchwesen (1882) Kev. v. r j3i,8\{oi> Zaudev
p. 231 f., and for the whole of Pliny's K<d Sirtffdev, the roll was so full that
description see Gardthausen Griech- the contents had overflowed to the
ische Palaeographie (1879) p. 31 f., verso of the papyrus (but see Nestle
Thompson op. cit. p. 30 f., Kenyon op. Text. Grit, of the Gk. N.T. p. 333).
cit. p. 15. A similar peculiarity distinguishes the
Op. cit. p. 16 ff. long magical papyrus P.Lond. i. 121
2 Cicero (ad Fam. xii. 30. i) speaks (iii./A.D.). On the distinction between
of so delighting in his correspondence Recto and Verso see especially Wilcken
with Cormfieius, that he desires to in Hermes xxii. (1887) p. 487 ff. : cf.

send him 'not letters but rolls.' Archiv i.

p. 355 f.

3 5
The P.Gen. 52 written on
Thompson op. cit. p. 28 ; cf. letter is

Karabacek Fiihrer durch die Papyrus- the verso, the writer explaining
sammlung (1904) of the Earner Museum X<ipTTf]v (xdpTiov, Wilcken Archiv iii.

at Vienna, p. xvi. Karabacek also refers p. 399) Kadapbv upav

fjiT] evpu>v TTpbs rr)v

(p. xv) to the different qualities of els TOV\T]OV fypa\j/a. See also the
papyrus-paper, such as the Charta interesting caricature from the back
claudia, a very white paper, and the of a papyrus (ix./s.c.) reproduced in
Charta salutatrix, & favourite form Erman and Krebs Aus den Papyrus
for ordinary correspondence. The der Koniglichen Museen [zu Berlin],
finest of all was the Hieratica, while Berlin, 1899, p. 6.
tlaeEmporetica, made out of the rougher
would be little room for the marginal annotations St Paul is sometimes
credited with having made, unless we are to think of these as inserted at
the top or bottom of the sheet.
Ink and To complete our survey of the writing-materials, it is sufficient to notice
pen. that the black ink (/xeXai/, or /ze'Xav ypa(piKov} ordinarily used was prepared
from a mixture of soot and gum-water 1 and that a rush or reed (^aXa/nor,
or KaXapos ypcxpiKos) served as a pen (cf. 3 Jo. 13 8ta /tte'Xapo? *at

A papy- When finished, the roll was rolled round upon itself, and fastened
rus-roll. 3
together with a thread and in ordinary letters the address or title was

then written on the back of the roll. In the case of more important
literary works, which would be preserved in libraries, a o-t'XAv/So?, or small
strip of papyrus containing the title, was frequently attached to the end of
the roll for the purpose of identification 4 .
Mode of In order to ascertain its contents, the reader held the roll with two
reading. hands, unrolling it with his right, and with his left hand rolling up what he

had finished reading 5 a practice which enables us to understand the


imagery of Rev. vi. 14 o ovpavbs aTre^ojpicrtf?; toy /St/SAtoi/ \i(T(>ov

(eAwro-o/iei/os K), where the expanse of heaven is represented as parting
asunder, 'the divided portions curling up and forming a roll on either hand'
(Swete ad loc.}.

St Paul's From more general details that help to throw light on the
employ- outward method of the Pauline correspondence, it is necessary now to turn
ment of an to one
or two particulars that affected its contents. Amongst these a
first place must be given to the fact that as a rule St Paul, following a

well-established custom (Norden Kunstprosa ii. p. 954 ff.), seems to have

Pliny N.H. xxxv. 6. The excellent p. 52 f., Kenyon op. cit. p. 23). And
quality of this ink is shown by the the same would be the case with the
way it has preserved its colour after <paiv6\T)s or 001X61/77$, the 'cover' by
the lapse of so many years. At the which more valuable works were pro-
same time by not sinking into the tected. Birt (op. cit. p. 65) finds a
texture of the paper like our modern reference to this '
cover,' and not to
inks, it readily lent itself to being the Apostle's travelling-cloke,' in the
washed completely off: hence Col. <eX6v77 of 2 Tim. iv. 13.
ii. 14
efaXet^as Tb...xfipbypa.<t>ov (see Specimens of these <ri\\vftoi have
Williams' note ad loc. in C.G.T.). been recovered: see P.Oxy. 301, 381.
2 5
Directions for buying papyrus, Cf. Lucian imag. c. 8 pifiMov tv

pens, ink &c. will be found in P. Grenf. TOIV xe/JotV clxev, ^s dtio ffweiXtj^^vov'
ii. 38 (cf. Witkowski Epp. no. 55), Kal t($Kei TO fJL^v TI dvayvii}(T<j'6ai avrov,
a letter of i./B.c. For illustrations rb de rfdi) aveyvuKtvcu (cited Gardthausen
of the ordinary writing-materials see p. 52). Seneca, who prided himself
Erman and Krebs op. cit. p. 8 f. and ,
on his brevity, breaks off a letter with
the above-cited Fiihrer through the the remark that no letter should ' fill '

Kainer collection at Vienna p. 6. the left hand of the reader (Ep. 45

quae non debet sinistram manum
3 um-
The wooden-roller (<5/u0ctX6s,

bilicus) with projecting knobs or tips legentis implere '), implying that, were
(K^para, cornua) would seem to have itlonger than a single sheet, the reader
been confined to the costlier editions would require to use both hands (Birt
of literary works (Gardthausen op. cit. p. 62).

dictated his letters. This at least is the most obvious interpretation of

such a passage as Rom. XVi. 22 eyw Tepnos 6 ypd^as TTJV
firKTToXrjv cv Kupiw, where, unless we are to think of Tertius' writing a
copy of the letter the Apostle had previously penned, we can only regard
him as the actual scribe. Further confirmation of this practice is afforded
by 2 Thess. iii. 17, a verse which sets the authenticating signature of
the Apostle in direct contrast with the rest of the letter as written by
someone else: cf. i Cor. xvi. 21, Col. iv. 18.
To such a mode of procedure the Egyptian papyri again offer striking
confirmation, the signature being often in a different hand from the body
of the document itself, as when a letter on land-distribution by three
officials, Phanias, Heraclas, and Diogenes,
is endorsed at the bottom by

the second of these ( HpacX(as) ereo-^/Aeieo/zat)), the letter itself having no

doubt been written by a clerk (P.Oxy. 45 (i./A.D.) with the edd. note) 1 .

In speaking of St Paul's amanuensis, we must not however think of Signifi-

a professional scribe (raxuypacpos, notarius), but rather of some educated cance of
friend or companion who happened to be with the Apostle at the time
(cf. Rom. xvi. 21). The writing would then be of the ordinary, non-literary
character, though doubtless more than the usual care would be taken
in view of the importance of the contents. The words, in accordance with
general practice, would be closely joined together. Contractions, especially
in the way of leaving out the last syllables of familiar words would be ,

frequent. And, as a rule, accents and breathings would be only sparingly

employed. The bearing of these facts upon the various readings that crept
later into the Pauline texts is at once obvious. But for our present
purpose it is more important to ask, How much was St Paul in the habit
of leaving to his amanuensis ? Did he dictate his letters word for word,
his scribe perhaps taking them down in some form of shorthand ? Or was

Mahaffy (P.Petr. i. p. 48) finds established custom in ancient times,
here the clue to the correct interpre- Kenyon's statement (Palaeography
tation of the ir^Xtxa ypd^ara of Gal. p. 33) that theomission of the middle
vi. ii the large, irregular characters portion of words is not found in Gk.
of the man who wrote but little, as papyri now requires modification : cf.

compared with the smaller, cursive P.Amh. 35, 55 (ii./s.c.) pa(<ri\i)Kwv,

hand of his more practised amanuensis: where the editors point out that the
cf. for a striking illustration of this the scribe first wrote /3 L , and then added
facsimile of Pap. 215 in the Filhrer to KUV to distinguish it from p*-=pa-
the Rainer collection where
(p. 68), (<n\^ws) in the previous line, and see
the rude, uncial signatures of two also Kenyon himself (P.Lond. in. p. 91)
consenting parties are clearly dis- where K* = K\-/ipov KO.TOIKOV is allowed

tinguishable from the more cultured as one of the very few exceptions to '

hand in which the body of the contract his own above- stated rule.
is written. But Ramsay (Hist. Comm. For the practice of shorthand
' '
on Galatians probably nearer
p. 466) is amongst the ancients see art. Nota
the mark in saying that by the use of in Smith's Diet, of Gk. and Bom. Antt.,
large letters the Apostle desired and cf. Kenyon op. cit. p. 33. To the
rather to draw special attention to the literature there adduced may be added
of the following sen- an art. by F. G. W. Foat On old Greek
tences, in accordance with a well- Tachygraphy in J.H.S. xxi. (1901)
he content to supply a rough draft, leaving the scribe to throw it into
more formal and complete shape ? It is true that to these questions no
definite answer can be given. In all probability the Apostle's practice
varied with the special circumstances of the case, or the person of the
scribe whom he was employing. More might be left to the discretion
of a Silvanus or a Timothy, than of a Tertius. But, in any case, the very
fact that such questions can be put at all shows how many of the difficulties
regarding the varied style and phraseology of the different Epistles might
be solved, if we had only clearer knowledge of the exact conditions under
which they were severally written 1 .

Possibility Nor can we leave out of sight the possibility that, when dictating,
of quota- st Paul may frequently have held some letter he was answering in his
hand, and that consequently quotations from his correspondents' language,
which we should now in print at any rate distinguish by the use of inverted
commas, may have found their way into his answer, or at any rate suggested
the exact form of the language employed .

In a suggestive paper in the Expositor (v. vi. p. 65 ff.) Dr Walter Lock

has applied this possibility to the elucidation of i Cor. viii. i 9, and more
recently Dr Rendel Harris (Exp. v. viii. p. i69ff.) has tried in the same way
to disentangle from our existing i Thessalonians traces of a lost letter
previously addressed by the Thessalonians to St Paul. Some of the points
raised may perhaps seem to the ordinary reader over-subtle, and capable
of simpler explanation. But the idea is a fruitful one, and may yet be found
to do good service in the explanation of various Pauline linguistic and
grammatical anomalies .

and Another possibility is that what were originally marginal annotations

marginal now form part of the Pauline Epistles. What more natural, it has been
tions. argued, than that St Paul should have read over his letter, after his scribe
had finished writing it, and jotted down in the margin explanatory
comments or additions, which afterwards found their way into the text 4 .

That marginal annotations of this kind were added later is well known ;

p. 238 ff., which contains a general this when a European missionary in

re'sume' of the present state of the China desires to send a message, he

question. first writes it down in his own Chinese,

Cf. Sanday Inspiration p. 342, and and then submits it to a '
writer,' who
for the possibility that in the ' dicta- drafts it afresh into the correct classical
and ' revision ' of the fourth phraseology. After revision it is then
Gospel, which early tradition asserts sent out by the missionary, 'as his
(especially Can. Murat. p. ioa.), we own authentic message.'
may have a key to the differences Cf. Weizsacker Apost. Age ii.

between it and the Apocalypse see p. 102 ff.

3 For
Swete Apoc. p. clxxixf. its application to the Ep. to
In an art. in the Churchman for the Philippians see Kennedy Phil.
June 1906 (summarized in Exp. T. p. 403 in E.G.T.
4 See
xvii. p. 433) Bishop Moule cites a mode especially Laurent Neutest.
of procedure from the modern mission- Studien (Gotha, 1866) p. 3^., and cf.

field which may have some bearing on Kenan Saint Paul (1869) p. 232.
the point before us. According to

but it is very doubtful whether any of them can be traced back to St Paul
himself. The general form of an ordinary papyrus-letter left, as we have
already seen, little room for them. And such a phrase for example as
TOV Kvpiov ij/ieoi/ 'irjcrov ev rfj avrov trapova-ia (l Thess. ii. 19), which
Laurent (p. 28 f.) cites in support of this view, may just as readily have
formed part of the original writing.
We are on surer ground when we turn to the undoubted light which General
the correspondence of the time throws upon the general form of the form
Pauline letters. That form, as is well known, consists as a rule of an
pjJjJQ e
Address or Greeting, a Thanksgiving, Special Contents, Personal Salu- letters.
tations, and an Autographic Conclusion. And when full allowance has
been made for difference in character and tone, it is remarkable how
closely this structure resembles the structure of an ordinary Greek
This will perhaps be best shown by giving one or two specimens of Examples
the latter. We begin with a short letter from Oxyrhynchus, of date of P aP v-
A.D. 1 6, in which the writer Theon recommends to the notice of his ,l"
brother Heraclides the bearer of the letter Hermophilus. A letter of
P.Oxy. 746. recom-
> * N j. ~ menda-
HpcucXetoqi ran aoeX<paH tion.
TrXelara gaipw /cat vytaivftv.
vs (rot rrjv

tov, Kal rpcarrja-ev fJi ypd^ai aroi.

\V Trji] Kepxe/^ouvi. TOVTO ovv eav

(rot 0a[i]w;rai (mov8d(Teis Kara TO
diKaiov. TO. 8' aXXa veavTov eVt/ieXov
Iv vyiaivys.

(erovff) y Tiftcpiov Kaicrapoy 2e/3aaro{) $aa><pt y.

On the verso is written the address :

the round brackets indicating the resolution of the abbreviations

The general similarity of , the Address and the closing Salutation to A letter of
the ordinary Pauline practice is at once obvious, and the same may be invitation.
said of the following letter of invitation from the Faiyum, belonging to the
year A.D. 84.

TL (TOt TO 7r[t](rr[o]XtOJ/, OTTtoS

iS T7)V Q)pTT)V (SIC) 7Tpl(TT-
yp.e1v dyopdoTjt,

Tour[o] ovv TTOITJ-

cras ecrrj /xot

Xapirav (sic)
"AcrTrao-tu TOVS crovs irdvras.

"Epp a>o-o.
(erovs) rpirov Avro/eparopoff
Kcu'crapos Ao/uriavoG
Sf^aorou TfppaviKov ITa^(coi') if.

The address is again on the verso :

Els BaKxiaSa [anodes 'ATroXXowau] reoi Tt/ita)r[a(ra>i)].

A letter Our next example still more closely recalls a Pauline letter, as, in
from a addition to more formal resemblances, it contains an earnest prayer to the
to her
writer's god Serapis for the welfare of her children. This letter was also
children. discovered in the Faiyum, and belongs to the end of the second, or the
beginning of the third, century of our era.

TCKVOIS ITroAf^cua) Kai 'ATroXtfapta /cat


ITroXe/iai'a) TrXeiora \aipeiv.

IIpo ILCV TrdvTGw ev^o/xai r^tas vyiaiviv, o fj.oi irdvTa>v

0"rii> dvavKaioTcpov. To 7rpo[cr]Kvvi]fj.a i;/Lieoi/
/cvpi'a) 2fpa?rtSt, fv^o/zeV^ vyiaivovres aTroXa^eti/,
a>s eu^o/nat eVirerev^oTay. 'E^ap/;i/ KOyMOVyiany ypa/i/xara,
ort /cnXcos 8i<rw0r)Tf. 'Ao-rra^ou 'A/i/ia)[i/]oi)i' o-ui> TCKVOIS KOI

o'v/i./Siw /cat TOUS (pi\oi>vrds o*e. 'Ao"7ra^erat )/ias KuptXAa

/cat 17 tivyd-nyp 'Eppias 'Eppias (sic), Ep[p,]ai/oi}j3is TI rpo(pos, 'A&jvats j SeV<a-
Xoy, KvpiXXa, Kao-ta, [. .]fi . .
vis, 2[. .

.Jai/os , "E/iTTis ,

oi evOdde TTavres.
'EpaTrjOcls ovv 7rp[ay/z]a Trpdvcris yp\o.^r}e /MOI, ftSeoy ort, eav ypa/zpara
o-ov XajSo>, IXapd et/ni Trepi T^S o~Q)Tr)pias r^iStv.

'Eppwa'dai rjfjLas

On the verso this letter has two addresses, one in the original hand to
the effect
ElroXe X /Wo> rw

and the second in a different hand

'ATroS(os') IlroXe/zaio) X d8e(X)0w 'A

It would appear therefore that the first recipient Ptolemaios had after-
wards forwarded his mother's letter to his brother of the same name, and
his sister Apolinaria.
A letter of To these three letters I am tempted to add in full the pagan letter
f consolation already referred to (see I. iv. 18 note) as, apart from
similarity in outward form, its contents stand in such striking contrast to
the bright and hopeful character of the Epistles before us.

P.Oxy. 115 (ii./A.D.):


ourcos eXvn^drjv e/cXautra

a>s e

Km Traira otra 771;


6r)Kovra eiroirjcra Kal ircivrcs

oi fp-oi, 'E7ra0poSeiroy KCU Gep/xov-

Kai IlXairay. aXX* ofj.a>s ovdev

8vvarai riv TTpbs TO. roiaCra.

fv TrpaTTfTc. 'Advp a.

On the wr^o

Nothing would be easier than to multiply examples but these must Current ,

show the amount of truth there is in Deissmann's dictum that the epistolary
suffice to
Pauline letters differ from the messages of the homely Papyrus leaves p
' -

from Egypt not as letters, but only as the letters of Paul' (SS. p. 44) :

while they also make clear how frequently the actual phrases employed
are drawn from the current epistolary language of the Apostle's time 2 .

This naturally most noticeable in the more formal parts of the letter

such as the address or the closing salutation 3 ; but it is by no means

confined to these, as will be seen from the preceding Notes on such passages
as I. i.
2, 3, ii. 9, iv. i, 13, II. ii. 3, iii. 24 .

Similarly with the authenticating signature. Reference has already St Paul's

been made to the fact that this was apparently generally added in St Paul's signature.
own hand in accordance with general practice 5 . And it is enough to add
An excellent collection of the i. 2 : TO 5 kv 06w irarpC ZOIKW T Trap'
letters belonging to the Ptolemaic JHJLUV v rats ^7ri<rroAa?s ypa^o^vif- Kal
period will be found in Witkowski's yap rj/teis eu60a/ue/ ypafaw '6 8eiva r<p

Epistulae Privatae Graecae (Leipzig, 8eivt 4v

Kvpiy ^cupeii/.' On the original
Teubner, 1906). formula see Dr G. A. Gerhard's dis-
2 Die Formel
For the existence of similar ex- sertation '
6 dewa T<# Seivt

pressions in Latin letters see Tyrrell xaipeiv forming the first part of his
and Purser The Correspondence of Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des
M. T. Cicero (ycdi ed. Dublin, 1904)1. griechischen Briefes (Philologus Ixiv.
p.56 ff. (N. F. xviii.), 1905, p. 27 ff.).
This point did not escape the notice 4
Further evidence pointing in the
of the older commentators. Thus same direction will be found in the
Theodore of Mopsuestia writes with Dean of Westminster's Note On some
reference to I. i. i (ed. Swete) : rd current epistolary phrases in his great
\apts vjjuv otfrws rlQ-^aiv wtnrep r//iets commentary on St PauVs Epistle to
r6 x.apiv v rats Trpoypatpats T&V the Ephesians.
du6afj.ev TO cv Sew irarpl Cf. Cic. ad Attic, viii. i, Suet.
ws Kal rj/jt-els TO ev Kvpty Tib. 21, 32, Dion Cass. Iviii. n.
ypa<f)0fjiv. Cf. also Theodoret on II.

that the ovreos- ypa(f>ot> (like our 'signed') with which the Apostle draws
attention to it in II. iii. 17 finds a ready parallel in the o-eo-ij/Lteuo/iai (generally
contracted into treo-q), with which so many of the Egyptian papyrus-letters
and ostraca close.
Mode of The only other point requiring notice is the mode of despatch of the
despatch Pauline time the Imperial Post, established by Augustus

of the
letters. By ,

Pauline was in full operation, but its use was strictly limited to state and official
letters. needs, and ordinary correspondence could only be sent by special messenger,
or by favour of some friend or passing traveller 2 Even had it been .

otherwise, it is obvious that many of the Apostle's communications could

only have been entrusted with safety to a Christian messenger in full
sympathy with their object
The messenger's part would thus be an

important one. And there can be little doubt that to St Paul's messengers
there often fell the task of reinforcing and supplementing the Apostolic
message to the Churches addressed .

1 In
Suet. Aug. 49. this, as in so of the Turkish postal authorities,
many other customs of his court, Christians in Macedonia are forced
Augustus doubtless followed a Persian to employ private couriers of their
model (Friedlaender Sittengeschichte own creed and nationality (G. F.

Eoms z ii. p. 8, cf. i. p. 395). Abbott Tale of a Tour in Macedonia

Cic. ad Attic, i.
9. i, Pliny Ep. vii. p. 275).
12, Mart. iii. 100. i. For the union of messenger and
According to a modern traveller,
3 letter cf. P.Grenf. i. 30 (ii./B.c.),
even to this day, in view of the perils B.G.U. 1009 (ii./B.c.).

attending correspondence at the hands


Did St Paul use the Epistolary Plural ?

The question of whether St Paul ever uses the epistolary plural is one The ques-
of some general interest, and has also a direct bearing upon the interpreta- tion not
tion of several passages in our Epistles. It is a question which has some-
c ^ e(j ^
times been answered very definitely in the negative, as when it has been categoric-
maintained that St Paul never uses the ist pers. plur. except with reference ally,
to more than one person (Hofmann Die heil. Schrift neuen Testaments
(1862) i.
p. 147 and passim), or, more guardedly, that in those Epistles
where several names occur in the address all subsequent ist persons plur.
must be referred to them, except where the context demands a still wider
reference, as e.g. to Christians in general (Zahn Einl. in d. N. T. i. pp. 1 50 ff.,
219 f.). Laurent, on the other hand, as positively declares (SK. 1 868 p. 1 59 ff.,
Neatest. Stud. p. 117 f.) that, so far at least as the Thessalonian Epistles
are concerned, the ist pers. plur. is always to be referred to St Paul alone
as a kind of pluralis maiestaticus, being used by the Apostle when he
speaks in his official capacity, while as a private individual he uses the
singular. As a matter of fact, however, as Karl Dick has shown in his
elaborate monograph Der schriftstellerische Plural bei Paulus (Halle,
1900), no such hard and fast rule on either side can be carried consistently
through without doing constant violence to the sense. And the general con-
clusion at which Dick arrives after a complete survey of the evidence is
that St Paul uses the ist pers. plur. with such a wide variety of nuances
and shades of meaning, that the pluralis auctoris may well have a place
amongst them, wherever it is found to be most in keeping with the con-
text, and the circumstances of writing at the time.
Nor in this would the Apostle cause any undue difficulty to his readers, but in the
For if the use of the ist pers. plur. for the ist pers. sing, seems only to
have existed to a very limited extent in classical Gk. (cf. Kiihner 3 n. i.
37 1 -
3) Gildersleeve Syntaxwriters it is very common (e.g. classical
54), in later
Polyb. i. Vita IO (2) ^ov\^Brjv...f'irro[j.V...<Sp.r}v). and later
41. 7 TTLpaa-op.f6a, Jos.
And, what is still more pertinent to our present inquiry, this plural can Greek,
now be illustrated from the ordinary correspondence of St Paul's time.
We must be careful indeed not to overstrain the evidence in this andespeci-
direction, as some of the instances which are usually cited are by no means
certain, owing to the possibility that the writer may be including those
around him, members of his family or friends, in the plural reference, pondence
Thus in the first of Dick's two examples B.G.U. 27 (not 41, as Dick), 5 ff. of the

yfjv \TJ\v6a...Koi e'e[c]eV(B(ra p.ev (or eeKei>a>cra/iej/)...Kai 7rape&earo j//iny
~^ {

<> TOTTOS, the corn- merchant, who is its author, seems undoubtedly to be

thinking of his comrades as well as of himself, when he uses the plural ,

and similarly in the illiterate B.G.U. 596, i ff. (I./A.D.) KO\US

KaT\6a>v (Tvvev<t>xn6ri\i\ r/pfiv. TO{)T[O] ovv TroirjO-as far) pot fj.yd\r]v ^
(sic) Kar[a]r6^ei/i[e]fo($ ), there is again no reason why the reference in

and pot should be identical'2 .

Other examples can however now be cited in which it seems impossible

to establish any distinction between the two numbers. For example, in the
opening salutation of P.Par. 43 (ii./B.c.) we find el eppo>o-0at, eppwpai 8*
' '

Kdvroi, the plur. reading Kavroi being here regarded as certain by

Witkowski (Epp. p. 55) as against KUVTOS (Letronne); and with this may
be compared such documents as P.Tebt. 58 (ii./B.c.) fvpr^<ap.fv...fvpov...
fifftovXci/fjLfda, P.Hib. 44 (iii./B.C.) eypm/mpei>...6^(i/Tes...ei>ipJ7i/, and, from a
much later date, P.Heid. 6 (iv./A.D.) 7ri<rTevonv...ypd(j)a> KOI (pXvpap^o-o)...
Evidence to the same effect is afforded by the Inscriptions,
as in O.G.I.S. 484, possibly a rescript of Hadrian, in which the sing.
and plur. are interchanged in a truly astonishing manner, e.g. i,
2 [p>6T67rf/z]\/^a/A7;i/, ftovXrjQeis, 13 e'So^ey T/peu/, 27 e'SoKipacra/zei', 31 eVurreuoz/,
41 diKatov rjyrja-dfjirjv^ 54 I/O/LU'G> (see Dittenberger's note ad loc.).

The con- It unnecessary to go on multiplying instances. These are sufficient

sequent ^ p rove the possibility, to say the least, of the use of T/pels for eyo> in
^ a wr^ er f St Paul's time. And we find passages in his
of such if, accordingly,
a usage Epistles where the ist pers. plur. seems to be best understood of the
in the Apostle alone, we need not hesitate so to apply it.
Pauline Q n tne O t ne r hand in view of the fact that in several of his Epistles
Philemon) St Paul, after starting with an address from
(i Cor., Gal., Phil.,
several persons, employs the ist sing, throughout in the body of the letters,
stances to tne continued use of the ist pers. plur. throughout the Thessalonian
be taken Epistles is surely significant, and may be taken as indicating a closer and
into more continuous joint-authorship than was always the case at other times.
And as we are furtner 8U PP<>rted in this conclusion by all that we know
r, 2 Thes- regarding the special circumstances under which the two Epistles were
salonians. written (see Intr. p. xxxiv f.), we shall do well to give its full weight to this
normal use of the plural in them, and to think of it as including St Paul's
two companions along with himself wherever on other grounds this is-

Cf. Moulton Prolegg. 2 p. 246 as against p. 86 of the ist edition.
See the whole letter on p. 127 f.

The Thessalonian Friends of St Paul.

In view of the strength of the ties which bound St Paul to the

Thessalonian Church, it is not surprising to find that several of its
members were afterwards reckoned amongst his close personal friends.
Amongst these a first place is naturally given to Jason who was his i. Jason.
host at Thessalonica, and who must subsequently have joined St Paul
on missionary journeyings, if, as is generally thought, he is to be
identified with the Jasonwho unites with the Apostle in sending greetings
from Corinth to the Roman Christians (Rom. xvi. 21). In this case too we
get the further information regarding him that he was a Jew by birth (cf.

pov I.e.}, and his name consequently is to be explained as the

01 a-vyytvels

Grecized form of the Heb. Jesus or Joshua 1 .

More prominently mentioned in connexion with St Paul's later history 2. Aris-

is a certain Aristarchus of Thessalonica (Ac. xx. 4). He was with the tarchus.
Apostle on his last journey to Jerusalem, and afterwards accompanied him
and St Luke on the voyage to Rome (Ac. xxvii. 2). Bishop Lightfoot thinks
that on this occasion he did not accompany St Paul all the way, but that,
when the Apostle's plans were changed at Myra, Aristarchus continued in
the Adramyttian vessel to his own home in Thessalonica (Philipp. 2 p. 34 f.).
But if so, he certainly rejoined St Paul later in Rome, and apparently
shared his captivity, to judge from the language of Col. iv. 10 'ApiVrap^os
6 o-vi/aix/uaXcoro? /nov. It is possible however that his captivity was voluntary,
as in Philemon 24 he is spoken of simply as St Paul's fellow-worker
(o-wepyos), while the title o-uixux/iaXcoros- is transferred to Epaphras (v. 23)
a circumstance that lends a certain colour to the suggestion that St Paul's
companions took turns in sharing his captivity with him .

It is sometimes thought that Aristarchus is included in the ot ovres

f< TreptTo/xfjs of Col. iv. ii, and that consequently he was a Jew by birth;
but that clause is better understood as referring only to Mark and Jesus
Justus. The fact that Aristarchus was one of the deputation bearing
the offerings of the Gentile Churches for the poor saints at Jerusalem
(Ac. xx. 4) points rather to his own Gentile origin (cf. Klopper, Peake
ad loc.}.
As illustrating the connexion of the name with Thessalonica, it may be
Cf. Jos. Antt. xii. 239 (v. i) 6 fih in a spiritual sense (cf. Eom. vii. 23,
o$v 'I^croCs 'Idffova avrbv yueru'j'6 wcwei',
2 Cor. x. 5, Eph. iv. 8) like
and see Deissmann BS. p. 315 n. 2 . (Col. i.
7, iv. 7), and
It is of course possible that the title (Phil. ii.
25, Philem. 2): see Lft.
<7wcux/ud\a>Tos is applied to Aristarchus Philipp? p. n n. 6 .
mentioned that in an inscription containing a list of politarchs recently

discovered at Thessalonica the begins with 'Apicrrapxov rov 'Apio-rap^ou

list :

see Dimitsas
H Majccdoiu'a (Athens, 1896) p. 428, iuscr. 368 (cited by Burton
Am. Journ. of Theol. ii.
p. 608).
3. Secun- Closely associated with Aristarchus in Ac. xx. 4 is another Thessalonian,
Secundus, of whom we know nothing further, though again it is not without
interest to notice that the same name occurs among the Thessalonian
politarchs in the list on the triumphal Arch (C.I.G. u. 1967; cf. Intr.
p. xxiii), and is also found on a memorial inscription of the year 15 A.D.,
discovered in a private house in the Jewish quarter of Thessalonica, which
runs *A'rrc\\a>vi(p...'EvTvxos Ma//u,ou KOI Seicovvda. ol BpeTrrol rov /3a>/xoi/ p.vfias
xapiv KT\. (Duchesne no. 59, p. 43), and with which may be compared rdi'os
'louXtOS 2CKOVV80S E[pt/M0) TfO IdltO TCKVCOl /il/TJ/MJ/ff \aptV (ibid. HO. 78, p. 50).
4. Gaius. This last inscription recalls yet another Macedonian friend of St Paul,
the Gaius of Ac. xix. 29 Talov KOI 'Apiarapxov MaKcSoVay. Beyond however
this juxtaposition with Aristarchus, there is no evidence definitely connecting
Gaius with Thessalonica, though again we may notice the occurrence of the
name in the list of politarchs (C.I.G. 11. 1967). The name was evidently
a common one even in the Gk. world, and is borne by two other friends
of St Paul, Gaius of Derbe (Ac. xx. 4), and Gaius of Corinth (Rom. xvi. 23,
i Cor. i. 14), as well as by 'Gaius the beloved' to whom St John addresses

his Third Epistle (3 Jo. i).

5. Demas. There remains still a fifth possible Thessalonian as holding a place for
a time in the circle of St Paul's more immediate friends. In Philem. 24 a
certain Demas is described along with the Thessalonian Aristarchus as a
<rvvpyof of the Apostle (cf. Col. iv. 14). And when later this same man in
the hour of his defection is described as going to Thessalonica (2 Tim. iv. 10)
it is at least a fair surmise that he did so, because this was his native

town 1 His name at least is not Heb. but Gk. (see Meyer on Col. iv. 14,

and cf. C.I.G. in. 3817 Aijuas icai Tatos), and under its full form Demetrius 2
appears twice in the already frequently cited list of politarchs (C.I.G. n.
1967), as well as in that other list referred to under Aristarchus IloXirap-

XOVVTCOV Apiarapxov rov 'Apio-rdpxov,...Ar)p.r)r[piOv] rov 'Avriyovov, which,

according to Dimitsas, is to be dated between 168 B.C. and the Christian
era (see Burton ut s. p. 608).
A later instance of the name is aiforded by the martyr Demetrius who
perished at Thessalonica in the persecution under Maximian (Intr. p. xxiv).

1 2
Chrys. Horn. X. in II ad Tim. For the simple A^as cf. P.Petr.
etXero paXXov olVcoi Tpv<f)iii> 'he chose in. 49, 7, B.G.U. 10, 12 (ii./A.D.).
to live in luxury at home.'

The Divine Names in the Epistles.

Kal o 0eo5 atrbv virepfywvev, KOI t-xapicaro avrig rb ovo/j-a rb virtp irav

ovofjia, iva ev T 6v6/J.aTL 'I^crou HAN f~O N Y KAMVffl ewovpavLuv Kal tiriyelwv
XPI2TOS eis 36av 0eoy *aTp6s. Phil. ii. 911.
The early date of the Epp. to the Thessalonians, combined with the
generally undogmatic character of their contents, makes their evidence
as to the view taken of the Person of Christ in the Apostolic Church
specially significant. It is of importance therefore, as helping us to under-
stand that view, to examine more closely than was possible in the Com-
mentary the Names by which the Lord is here spoken of.
We begin naturally with the human Name Jesus which, standing by r. Jesus.

itself, is found only in two passages :

I. i. IO ov rfyfipev e< [T<BI>] vfKpwv, 'irjaovv rbv pvup-cvov fK r. opyrjs


I. iv. 14 I
yap TTto-Teuo/ifi' on 'ir/trovs aufdavev K. aviarr), ovras Kal 6
0cb$ T. Kotp-rjOevras 8ia rou 'l^croC a^ei o~vv avrw.
This rare occurrence of the Name by
which the Saviour was familiarly
known during His may seem
at first sight somewhat surprising,
earthly life

but is in entire accord with the general trend of Pauline teaching, the centre
of which is to be found not in the earthly but in the heavenly and exalted
Christ 1 .
Only when, as in the foregoing passages, the reference to the
historic facts of the Saviour's life is so direct as to make any other Name
less suitable does St Paul use it alone without any other title.
Thus, to refer briefly to his later usage, in the four principal Epp. the
name 'Iijo-ovs is found alone ten times, five times with (2 Cor. iv. 10 (bis), i r,
xi. 4 (a\\ov 'Irjcrovv), Gal. vi. 17), and five times without (Rom. iii. 26,
i Cor. xii. 3, 2 Cor. iv. 5, 11, 14) the article. In the Epp. of the Captivity
it isfound only twice, Eph. iv. 21 (with art.), Phil. ii. 10 (without art.). In
the Ep. to the Colossians and the Pastoral Epp. it is not found at all.
Its use is characteristic of the Ep. to the Hebrews, and of the
calypse of St John where, except in the opening Greeting (i. 5) and in
the Benediction (xxii. 21), 'Irjaovs always stands alone.
Thus Deissmann, while insisting the central point of his Christian
on the identity between the historical thoughts' (In Christo Jesu p. 80).
and the exalted Chiist, says: 'Christ See also a suggestive passage in Dean
is for him [Paul] first of all a present Robinson's Ephesians p.
living Being: the "exalted" Christ is
i. Christ, The Name Christ by itself is also comparatively rare, occurring four
the Christ.
timeg a i to gether:
I. ii. 6 Swdpevot ev ftdpei elvai (as XptoroO aTrdoroXot.
I. iii. 2 Tin60ov...8idKovov TOV 6eov ev ra> evayye\ia> TOV xpi<rrov.
1 6 ol
I. iv. vekpol ev Xpi<rra> dvaoT^o-ovTai irpa>Tov.
II. iii. 5 o $ Kvptos KaTevdvvai VJJLWV ray Kap8ias...els TTJV VTrop.ov^v TOV

On two of these occasions the Name is accompanied by the def. art.,

and, as generally, when this is the case, is used in its official sense of
'the Christ,' 'the Messiah' (I. iii. 2, II. iii. 5: see notes ad loca) 1 On the .

other hand in I. ii. 6 the anarthrous Xpiorov must have its full force as
a Proper Name: it is as emissaries of 'Christ,' belonging to Him, and
despatched on His service, that the Apostles might, had they so willed
it,have claimed their full right of maintenance. Similarly in I. iv. 16
the phrase ol veicpol ev Xpto-roi forms in reality a single idea 'the-dead-
The combination Christ Jesus, which denotes the Saviour alike in
His official and personal character, and whose use in the N.T. is con-
fined to St Paul ,
occurs twice, both times in the characteristic formula
ev Xpio"nj) 'lr)o~ov '.

I. ii. 14 T&V eKK\r)o~i<ov TOV deov TcSi> ov<re3i/ ev TTJ 'louSeu'a ev XpioraJ
I. V. 1 8 TOVTO yap 6e\rjp.a 6eov ev Xpiorw 'I^aoC els

early Christian formula 'lyo-ovs Xpioros, where the Names follow

the historical order, and in which stress is laid on the religious significance
Jesus has for believers, is not found in these Epp. at all.
4. Lord, We now to Lord, or the Lord, the frequency of whose occurrence
the Lord.
entitles it to be regarded as the distinctive Name of these Epp. 3 It .

is found in all twenty-two times, eight times with, and four times without

the article. And though the two usages cannot be so clearly distinguished

On the history of the title 'the (E. Tr. p. 324 ff.), while the new im-
Epp. of St John
Christ see Westcott port attaching to 6 fctfptos as a Divine
p. 189 ff., where it is shown that, title, in contrast with its pagan use,
unless in the disputed passage Dan. ix. is well brought out by Deissmann in
25 f., the name
not applied to the is his New
Light on the N.T. p. 79 ff.

expected Divine King and Saviour of Whether St Paul himself intended it

Israel in the O.T., but is so used in so or not, Deissmann thinks that his
some of the later books of the Jews. first readers can hardly have failed to
Of. Ac. xvii. 3, where, in accord- find in the designation, as applied to
ance with AD, WH. read X/JKTTOS Jesus, 'a tacit protest against other
'ITJO-OUJ in the margin : also xviii. 5, "Lords," or even against the "Lord,"
28 TOV xptcrrdj' 'IijcroOi'. as the Eoman emperor was beginning
3 The history of the title '
the Lord' Cf. the in-
to be called' 81). (p.
as a designation of Jesus is attended sidious plea addressed to Polycarp on
with much difficulty, and cannot be his way to trial: 'Ti yap K.O.KOV <TTIV

followed out here, but for the Jewish ie Kal<rap, Kal 6v<rcu Kal 5ia-
and Synoptic usage reference may be ;' (Eus. H.E. iv. 15. 13).
made to Dalman Worte p. 266 ff.

as in the case of XptoToy and o ^pio-roy, the fact that almost two-thirds
of the occurrences are anarthrous is sufficient to show how completely by
this time the word had come to be recognized as a Proper Name
The .

passages are as follows:

I. i. 6 p,ip.rjTal quay eycvT]0r)T Kal TOV Kvpiov.

8 f^rjX ! 1
Xoyos TOV Kvpiov.
iii. 8 eav vp.e'is (TTrjKeTe ev Kvpia.
12 8e 6 Kvpios TrXeovcKrai.
IV. 6 dion eKAlKOC KyplOC rrepl iravruv rovratv.

15 \eyop.ev ev \6ya) Kvpiov.

01 7repi\ei7rop,evoi els rrjv napova-iav TOV Kvpiov.
1 6 avTos o Kvpios ev Ke\evo-p.aTi...Ka.Ta[Biio~Tai.

17 els dTrdvTr)o~iv TOV Kvpiov eis aepa.

OVT<i)S TtdvTOTC O~VV KVpi<p eO~OfJ.fda.

V. 2 T/p-e'pa Kvpiov <as K\nTr)s...epx.eTai.

12 Tovs...7rpo'io-Tap,4vovs vp.a>v ev icvpia).

27 evopitifa TOV Kvpiov.

II. i. 9 oXeOpov alvviov ATTO npoctinoy TOY KypfoY-
ii. 2 (as on eveo-TT]KV y jjfie'pa roO Kvpiov.
13 aSeX<pol Hr&TTHMeNOi YTTO Kyp^OY'
iii. I
rrpoo~evxfo-0e...'iva 6 \6yos TOV Kvpiov Tpe'^Ty.

3 TTIO-TOS de eo-Tiv 6 Kvpios.

4 7re7roi6ap.v de ev Kvpta) e'(p' V/JMS.

5 o 8e Kvpios KaTevdvvai vfjuav rap Kapo'ias.

1 6 auros 8e o Kvpios Trjs elpr/vrjs.

In some of these passages the Name may seem at first sight to refer
to God rather than to Christ, as e.g. in the passages derived from the LXX.
(I. iv. 6, II. i. 9, ii. 13), but as in the vastly preponderating number of
instances it can only apply to the Son, it is better so to refer it through-
out, in accordance with St Paul's general usage elsewhere .

When we do so, the varied connotations in which we find it used throw

a flood of light upon the depth of meaning which thus early in the
history of the Church had come to be read into the simple title. It
stands no longer, as apparently it generally did for the disciples during
the earthly lifetime of Jesus, for Rabbi or Rabboni, a title which from
St John's interpretation they must have understood in a sense differing
In addition to the passages cited 'guardian' (cf. Arcliiv iv. p. 78 ff.),

above, the anarthrous Kvpios with re- Kijpios is very common as a general
ference to Christ is used by St Paul titleof respect in addressing officials,
in such passages as Eom. xiv. 6, xvi. or near relatives, e.g. P.Leip. no, i f.
2, r Cor. vii. 22, x. 21, xvi. 10, 2 Cor. (iii.-iv./A.D.) 2apaTrlb)~\v rfj K\y]plq. fji.ov

iii. 16 ff., Eph. ii. 21, &c. It is found ^Tpt'...24 f- T^v Kvpiav (JLOV &8e\<pi)v
as a title of address (/ctf/ne)
to a super- TTO\\CL irpo<ray6peve laij^cv.
human person in Rev. vii. 14, with
Perhaps uniform usage, if we
which Swete (ad loc.) compares such except quotations from the O.T., e.g.
passages from O.T. Apocalyptic as 2 Cor. vi. r;f. see Stanton Jewish

Dan. x. i6f., Zech. iv. 5, 13. In the and Christian Messiah p. 158 n.
7 .

ri, apart from its legal sense of

littlefrom 'Master' (xx. 16, cf. Mt. xxiii. 8, xxvi. 25, 49, Mk. x. 51). But,
in accordance with a tendency of which we find clear traces very shortly
after the Resurrection (Ac. ii. 36 Kvptov avrov KOL xpio-roi/ ciroirjo-tv 6 6c6s,
TOVTOV TOV 'Irjo-ovv ov vpels eWavpwo-are), it is now employed as a brief
and comprehensive description of Jesus as the Divine Lord, risen, glorified,
and exalted 1 .

This is seen most clearly in the use of the title in connexion with the
actual Parousia of the Lord and the events associated with it (I. iv. 1 5 ff.,
v. 2, II. ii. 2). But it comes out also in the other references to which the
foregoing passages bear witness.
Thus it is 'the word' of the 'Lord' which the Apostles find to be
sounding forth in every place (I. i. 8, cf. II. iii. i), and to which they look
as embodying a direct communication to themselves (I. iv. 1 5 note). It
is 'in the Lord,' in whom their ideal 'Christian' life is actually lived out ,

that the Thessalonians are encouraged to stand firm (I. iii. 8, cf. II. iii. 3 f.),
and to the same 'Lord' that the Apostles pray to perfect in their converts
the graces (I. iii. 12, II. iii. 5, 16), of which He Himself is the perfect
Nothing indeed can be more significant of the hold which this 'aspect
of Christ has taken of St Paul than that upon the Thessa- when calling
lonians to be 'imitators' of himself and of his fellow-writers, he does not
add, as we might have expected, 'and of Jesus,' or even 'and of the
Christ,' but 'and of the Lord' (I. i. 6), thereby pointing not merely to
the supreme pattern to be copied, but to the living power in which alone
this 'imitation' could be accomplished, and man's highest end successfully
reached 3 .

How completely however the Apostle recognized that the earthly

'Jesus' and the heavenly 'Lord' were one and the same is proved by the
next combination that meets us.
5. Lord That combination is the Lord Jesus, and the first occasion on which
Jesus. it is used throws into striking relief at once the Divine glory and the

human character of Him to whom it refers:

I. ii. 1
5 T<Sit Kai rov Kvpiov a.7roKTivdvT(0v 'irjo'ovv.
He whom the Jews had slain was not only 'the Lord' 'Him whom

According to Kennedy E. G. T. ad Christ we are in heaven, in the Lord
Phil. ii. 6: 'This position of Ktfptos we must live on earth' (Kobinson
is the reward and crowning-point of Eph. p. 72).
the whole process of His voluntary '
Paul craved in a perfect Example
Humiliation.' And later (ad ii.
n) one who was not only in the graces of
the same writer well remarks :
The human character all that man should
term "Lord" has become one of the be, but who had attained to that
most lifeless words in the Christian destiny for which man was made,
vocabulary. To enter into its mean- This he found in the Christ in whom
ing and give it practical effect would Man had overcome death, and been
' '
be to recreate, in great measure, the crowned with everlasting life (Somer-
atmosphere of the Apostolic Age.' ville St Paul's Conception of Christ
2 'The
Christ of the privileged posi- p. 291).
tion is the Lord of the holy life : if in

they were bound to serve' (Jowett) He was moreover 'Jesus/ their

And so, from another point of view, when in their Second Ep. the
Apostles refer to the revelation in and through which God's righteous
ai/raTTodoo-ip will be accomplished, it is pointedly described as :

II. i. 7 TOV KVplOV 'irjO-QV Q7T* OVpaVOV.

The other passages in which the same combination occurs, and which
are equally deserving of study, are:
I. ii. 19 TIS yap T7/ie5i> c\7rls...eij.7rpoo~6V TOV Kvpiov ^a>v 'lr)o~ov fv rfj
avTov 7rapovo~iq;
iii. II o Kvpios fin<H>v 'Irjcrovs Karcv&vvai rfjv odov TJpwv.

13 cv TT) Trapovo-iq TOV Kvpiov 7)/xc5i/ 'irjo-ov,

IV. I TrapaKaXovpev ev Kvpia *Irjo~ov.

2 Tivas irapayyeXias e'8a>Ka/xei/ vfiiv 8ia TOV Kvpiov 'irja-ov.
II. i. 8 T<B vayy\ia> TOV Kvpiov yp.av 'Irjo'ov.
12 OTTCOC 6NAolAC0H TO ONOMA ToC KVplOV Tjjiwi/ 'Ljcrot) N yM?N.
ii. 8 6 ANOMOC, ov 6 Kvpios ['fyaous] <\NeAeT.
Apart from any special considerations which may have led to the use
of this compound Name in the above passages, we cannot forget that in
itself it formed the shortest and simplest statement of the Christian creed

(Ac. xvi. 31, Rom. x. 9) a statement moreover 'so completely in defiance

of the accepted dogma about the Christ, so revolutionary in its effects on
the character of the believer, that it was viewed as springing from Divine
" "
inspiration. No
man," said Paul in writing to the Corinthians, can say
that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit" (i Cor. xii. 3)V
On the other hand, this makes the comparative rarity of the title in
the Pauline Epistles, other than those to the Thessalonians, all the more
remarkable. In the Ep. to the Galatians it is not found at all. In the
relatively much longer Epp. to the Corinthians it occurs only seven times
(i Cor. v. 4 (bis), 5, xi. 23, xii. 3, 2 Cor. iv. 14, xi. 31), while only a single
instance of its use can be produced from each of the Epp. to the Ephesians
(i. 15), Philippians (ii. 19), and Colossians (iii. 17), the explanation probably

being a growing preference on St Paul's part for the still more compre-
hensive and expressive combination, the Lord Jesus Christ 2 .

Already, indeed, in our Epp. we find this full Name completely estab- 6. Lord
lished, occurring as it does five times in the First and no less than nine
times in the short Second Epistle.

1 the words
Somerville op. cit. p. 12 f. For v^wv, being a quotation
the idea of the suffering Messiah as from Isa. viii. 13 with T&V XpurTov
not pre-Christian see Stanton op. cit. substituted for the original avrov. Cf.
p. 122 ff. also xP iffT fc Ktfptos used of an earthly
The combination xP LffT0 ^ or
/ctfpios king in Lam. iv. 20, and the descrip-
Xpta"r6s Kfyios is found in the
not tion of the Messianic King in Pss. Sol.
Pauline Epp. : to the Apostle it would xvii. 36 /cat /ScuriXeus avruv xP lffT os
have been a pleonasm. The latter Kijptos, and in xviii. 8 x/atoroO Kvpiov
form is however found in Lk. ii. ii, all passages, however, where we may

and in i Pet. iii. 15 we read KypiON 5 have a mistranslation of the Heb.

rbv Xpi<rTbi> <\[-iAC<yre 4 rats /caucus r\\ (V^P, 'the Lord's anointed.'
I. i. I, II. i. I
rfj (KK\r)criq Qt(T(raXoviK.ea>v ev...Kvpia> 'ir/o-ov Xpiorou.

V. 9 els TTfpnroirjaiv (rc^njpias 8ia rov Kvpiov ijfjLwv 'Irjaov [Xptoroi)]:
cf. II. ii. 14.

23 ev rfj napovo-iq rov Kvpiov yp,wv 'Irjaov Xpiarov cf. II. : ii. I.

1 8
28, II. iii. rf X^P iS r v Kvpiov yfj.a>v 'l^croC Xptorov fj.(6' (/nera
II. i. 2 XP l? vp-iv KOI flpijvr) airo... Kvpiov 'l^troO Xptorov.
12 Kara rrjv \apiv... Kvpiov 'Irjcrov Xprrou.
ii. 1 6 avroff 8e 6 Kvpios yp,wv 'irj&ovs Xpioros'.
iii. 6 Trapa-yye'XXo/zej/. ..e'i/
ov6p.a.Ti rov Kvpiov 'Irjcrov Xptcrrov.
12 napaKaXovfifv cv <vpiq> 'lr}<rov Xptora).
None of these passages call for special remark beyond the evidence
which they afford of the appropriateness of the full Name with all its
associations for Addresses, Benedictions, and solemn Charges of any kind
a usage which the testimony of the later Epp. abundantly confirms 1 .

i There is a useful paper on The '

apostolischen Zeitalters an der evange-
Chief Pauline Names for Christ with '
lischen Geschichte (in Theologische
Tables by F. Herbert Stead in Exp. Abhandlungen Carl von Weizsacker
in. vii. p. 386 ff. Cf. also von Soden's gewidmet) p. 118 f.

famous Essay on Das Interesse des


On the history of evayye\iov,

a greke worde, & signyfyth good, mery,

Euagelio (that we cal the gospel)
' is

maketh a mannes hert glad, and maketh hym

glad and ioyfull tydinge, that
synge, daunce, and leepe for ioye.'
Tindale (after Luther) Prologue to N.T., 1525.

are two of the great words of the

EvayyeXtov and fuayyeXi'o/ucu
Christian vocabulary, and in view of the facts that the former occurs
indeed the key-word of one of their
eight times in our Epistles, forming
most important sections (I. ii. 112), and that the latter is found here
(I.iii. and nowhere else in the Pauline Epistles, in its earlier or more
may be devoted to recalling one or two facts
general sense, a brief Note
in their history.
1 in
The subst. evayye'Xioi/, which is very rare in the singular in classical Gk. Usage ,

means originally the reward for good tidings (Horn. Od. xiv.,152, 166),
and is used with greater frequency in the plural in the sense of thank-
offerings made on behalf of such tidings, e.g. Aristoph. Eq. 654 evayyeXia
Qveiv, Xen. Hell. IV. 3. 14 efiovtivTei <os evayye'Xia; cf. O.G.I.S. 4, 42 f. w-
K. crayn/pia f[6]v(re.
in later Gk. it came to be extended to the good tidings and later
themselves, as in Lucian Asin. 26, and on several occasions
in Plutarch.

In the LXX. it is found only once, where it reverts to its original Homeric The LXX.
(2 Regn. iv. 10 o> e'Set /xe dovvai euayyeXia)
while the verb, apart
meaning ,

from the passages in which -specially associated with good news

it is

(of victory i Regn. xxxi. 9, of the

birth of a son Jer. xx. 1 5), is also found
on several occasions with reference to tidings of any kind (2 Regn. xviii.
19, 20 (bis\ 26), following in this the Heb. "1B>3, which in i Sam. iv. 17
is actually used of mournful tidings (cf. Dalman Worte p. 84 (Engl. Tr.
p. 103) )

1 It would appear to have dropped ye\[iui>] (0. G.I.S. 458, 40).

altogether out of general use in the
2 In 2 Eegn. xviii. 22, 25 we should

KOH^. At least I have been able to probably read euayyeXi'a (not evay-
find no instance of it in the papyrus y^Xta), in view of v. 20 avty evayyeXias.
which have access. In 3 It is a curious
collections to I fact, in view of its
his art. on the title EuayyeXio-Tifc in later history, that evayyeXtfa should
Z.N.T.W. i. p. 336 ff. A. Dieterich be the word used by Agrippina to
cites an inscription from Asia Minor convey to Nero the 'good news' (!)
in which, with reference to the birth- that his attempt upon her life had
day of the <ruTf)p Augustus, it is said failed /cat on <r6otro eu-rjyytXiKe S^ei/
rjp&v 5 T$ /c6o>iy TUV 5i' avrbv wait- aury (Dion Cass. Ixi. 13).
In addition to these passages, however, evayycXifo/zac is used in the
Psalms to herald the righteousness and salvation of God, as in Ps. xxxix.
(xl.) 10 vr}yye\i(rdfjLr]v diKaioorvvyv, a phrase which Keble renders

Thy righteousness aloud,

Good tidings of great joy I tell.

Of. also Ps. XCV. (xcvi.) 2 evayyeXifco-Qf... <r(*TTJpiov avrov.

And more especially in Deutero-Isaiah we find it in contexts which
pave the way for its full Christian meaning.
Thus in Isa. xl. 9 the prophet summons a messenger to ascend a high
mountain, and proclaim to Sion and Jerusalem the glad tidings of God's
appearing (eV opos v\l/r)\ov avaftidi, 6 evayy\i6ij.(vos 2eicov...o evayye\i6-
similarly in Hi. 7 (cf. Nah. i. 15 (ii. i)) we are
p.vos 'lepovo-aXij/u.) ,
called upon to admire the swift-footed messengers, as they carry their
joyful message over the mountains- of t
Judah and Jerusalem (OK rrodts
evayyc\ioiJ.evov aKorjv flpjvrjs, coy evayyeXi6/Aei/oy ayaBa). And still more

pointedly this same evangelic' office is claimed by the servant of the

Lord himself Hvcvpa Kvpi'ov eV e'/ze, ov ftveKfv expiorev p.e vayy\io'ao'6ai
7TTQ)Xols (lXL i).
The This last passage indeed from our Lord's own use of it in Lk. iv. 18 f.
Gospels. may fc e gaid to have set the stamp upon evayye\ as the most fitting
term to describe the true character of the message of the new Messianic
King. And it is in special relation to that message accordingly that we
find it repeatedly used by St Luke (viii. i, ix. 6 &c.).
It can only be an accident, therefore, that he finds no occasion to use
the corresponding subst. in his Gospel (but cf. Ac. xv. 7 speech of Peter,
xx. 24 speech of Paul), as do both St Mark and St Matthew.
St Mark's usage in this respect is very instructive, as apart from i. i
where we seem to have a trace of fvayyeXiov in its later meaning of
a * record' of the Lord's life and words (see below), the word is used in
v. 14 to draw attention to the nature of the proclamation of Jesus (Krjpva-

aa>v TO cvayycXiov TOV 0eo{5), as contrasted with the proclamation of His

forerunner (v. 4 icrjpvo-o-wv /SaTrrttr/xa /xerai/oias), and again in v. 1 5 to indicate
the nucleus' of Christian teaching embodied in this proclamation (mo-revcTf
ev T ei5ayyfXio>: see Swete's notes ad loco). And in the same way St
Matthew employs it with reference to the glad news of the 'kingdom' in
which the Messianic hopes and blessings are centred and fulfilled (iv. 23,
ix. 35, xxiv. 14, cf. xxvi. 13).

Other It is all the more surprising, therefore, that in the case of the other
N.T writers of the N.T., with the exception of St Paul, the use of the
writings. ^wo wor(j s j s by no means so common as we might have expected.
Neither St James in his Epistle, nor St John in his Gospel and Epistles,
uses either term, though the latter in the Apocalypse employs the subst.
once (xiv. 6), and the verb in the active twice (x. 7, xiv. 6) 8 St Peter .

i In the
original Heb. it is Sion and Pss. Sol. xi. 2 tcrjpv&Te ev
Jerusalem who act as 'evangelists': <^WVT\V eiJa-yyeXt^o/x^vou, Sri
cf.Aq. Sin. Th. evayye\io/j.frr) Sta^. 6 0e6s 'Icrpar/X v rfj e7rt<r/co7r^ aftruiv.
For an echo of the LXX. rendering see For the rare active

in his First Epistle has the subst. once (iv. 17), and the verb three
times (i. 12, 25, iv. 6): and in the Epistle to the Hebrews the verb occurs
twice (iv. 2, 6).
In the case of St Paul, however, both words occur with a frequency, St Paul,
which shows how strongly he had been attracted by them, as the most
fitting terms to describe the message with which he had been entrusted :

and it is to his influence accordingly that we must look for the prominence
which they and their equivalents have since gained in the language of
Christendom 1 .

Thus the subst. cvayye\iov is found no less than sixty times in his

Epistles, occurring in except the Epistle to Titus while the verb, apart
all :

from its exceptional usage in i Thess. iii. 6, is found twenty times (once
in a quotation from the LXX.) in its distinctive Christian sense.

Naturally in so widely extended a list of examples, the two words

are used with a considerable variety of application, as when the subst.
is used absolutely as a convenient summary of the whole contents of the

Christian message (Rom. x. 16 &c.), or defined more particularly in its

relation to God (i Thess. ii. 2 &c.), or to Christ (i Thess. iii. 2 &c.), or to the
Apostle himself as entrusted with its proclamation (i Thess. i. 5, 2 Thess.
ii.14 &c.). In another important set of passages St Paul draws attention
to characteristic aspects of this message by such phrases as T) aXrjBeia r.
vayye\iov (Gal. ii. 14), or 77 Trurris r. evayyeXiou (Phil. i. 27).
Of the later usage of evayyeXiov to denote the book' in which Ecclesi-
Christ's teaching is recorded, as distinguished from that teaching in
itself, no instance in the N.T., unless perhaps in Mk. i. i dp* ?
there is 1

evayyfXiov Xpio-roC (cf. Hos. i. 2 apx*) \6yov Kvpiov ev 'Qafjf} and
'irjcrov ,

we must look for the earliest witnesses in this direction to such passages
as Didache viii. 2 cos eWXevtrei/ 6 Kvptos ev ro> evayyeXicp aurov, XV. 4 cos fX ere
fv ripfvayyc\ico TOV Kvpiov r^nov^ where a written Gospel (apparently
St Matthew's from the nature of the accompanying citations) seems to

which is found only in later Gk., see version of Bede's Eccl. Hist. 122),
the passage already cited from Dion and in Aelfric's Homily on Mt. xi. 4 ff.
Cassius, and cf. P.Amh. 2, 16 (a 'and ftearfan bodiaft godspel.' For
Christian hymn, iv./A.D.) ircucrlv 5' other examples of this use of the word
[e]vyyt\i{e X^ywp, Ilrcoxot f3acn\c-iav see A. S. Cook Biblical Quotations in
Note also the interesting use of the Old English Writers (1898) Index s.v.
adj. with reference to the Lord's 'godspell.' According to Skeat (Con-
Prayer in the Christian amulet B.G.U. cise Etym. Diet., 1901) the A.S. god-

spell was originally

' *
954, 13 ff.
(vi./A.D.) STTWJ vy( good spell,' a tr.

ev of eiJ ayy\(,ov.
TTjv cvayyeXiiciiv (ayye\iKrjv Pap.) e&xh" In Kev. xiv. 16 (&\\ot> ayye\ov...
[oirrws? Ilarep r}fj.Qv ...']: cf. Wilcken fyovTa etayytXiov alwvtov etayycXicrai),
Archiv i. p. 431 ff. which is also cited in this connexion,
The ordinary Engl.
rendering g t John has in view not the Gospel
'gospel' is the modern form of the as a whole, but rather a gospel which
'godspell' = God (i.e.
Anglo-Saxon is a particular aspect of it, the gospel
Christ) story,' as may be seen in King o f the Parousia and the consumma-
Alf red's translation of 2 Cor. iv. 4 t ion which the Parousia will bring'
'onllhtnes Crlstes godspelles' (in his
(Swete ad loc.).
be clearly intended, or Ign. Philad. v. TT poo-faywv r (vayye\ia> as
'iqo-ou /cat roTs drroo-roXois a5s 7rpeav3vrepia> KK\r)aria$, where Ignatius dis-

tinguishes between two classes of writings included in our N.T. ro ei5-

ayyeXiov the Gospel or Gospels, and ot airocrroXoi the Apostolic Epistles

The plural fvayycXia with direct reference to our four canonical Gospels
found in the well-known passage in Just. M. Apol. i. 66 ol yap airo-
is first

yfvo^fvois V7T* avTwv dnoiJ.VTjfjLovfVfjLao'iV) a KoXelrai cvayyeXia.

(TTciXoi tv rols

In the same way the title evayytXio-r^s, which in the N.T. describes
the man who brought the first news of the Gospel-message to any new
region (Ac. xxi. 8, Eph. iv. u, 2 Tim. iv. 5; cf. Ens. H.E. v. 10. 2 of
Pantaenus), was afterwards applied to the 'writer' of a 'Gospel,' as by
Hippolytus and Origen .

For a different interpretation of i. p. 336 ff. Curtius (Ges. Abhand-
the passage, according to which rb lungen i. p. 532 f.) recalls, as illustrat-
evayytXiov retains its original sense of ing the Hellenistic practice of laying
'the teaching,' not 'the book,' see special stress on the first proclamation
Bishop Ligktfoot's note ad loc. of a happy discovery, that the shepherd
Cf. Encycl.Bibl.s.v. 'Evangelist,' Pixodaros, who accidentally found the
and on the heathen use of the title see stone-bridge at Ephesus, received the
especially Dieterich's art. in Z.N.T.W. heroic name Euangelos (Vitruv. x. 7).



The three words napova-ia, enxpdvc m, airoKaXv^is are used in our Epistles
with reference to the return of the glorified Lord. All have interesting
histories. And it may be well briefly to recall these, in order to determine
as exactly as possible the different shades of meaning between them.

In classical Gk. the word" irapova-ia denotes generally presence, e.g. Classical
Aesch. Pers. 171 o/i/za yap So/za>i/ vopifa deo-TTOTOv 7rapov<riav, Thuc. vi. 86 Gk.
TroXei fie /j,(iovi rfjs ^/Jicrepas Trapovcrias ( = ^fj.c^v rS>v irapovTa>v\ but it is also
found in the closely-related sense of arrival, e.g. Eur. Ale. 209 aXX' dpi
KOI TTJV cryv ayyeXeS irapovo-iav, Thuc. i. 128 BvdvTiov yap f\a>v rf) Trpore'pa

The same usage may also be illustrated from later Gk. Thus in Polyb. Later Gk.
iii. 41. i certain events are summarized as having taken place from the
beginning of the war eW els rfjv 'A.WI&OV napovo-iav
until the arrival of
Hannibal,' and further on in the same chap. Publius, when informed
of the arrival of the enemy (irapflvat, rovs vrrfvavriovs) is said not to have
believed it 8ia TO rd^os rr/s In xviii. 31. 4, on the other hand,
the reference is rather to a coming that has not yet taken place, C. Cor-
nelius counselling Philip to send ambassadors to Rome
Iva ^ 0/07 TOIS
Kaipols e(pcdpev<j>v dnoKapadoKflv rr)v 'Avrto^ov Trapov(riav .

With this general usage of the word may be compared such a passage The
from the Kotvij as P.Oxy. 486, 1
5 (ii./A.D.), where a certain Dionysia, who Papyri.
is engaged in a lawsuit, petitions for leave to return home as the care
of her property demands her 'presence' (XPJJ&I p-ov T^S 7rapova-ia[s]):
cf. P.Par. 45, 5 (ii./B.C.) KO. avrbs TrapeVo/xru
ra^v, 46, 18 (ii./B.C.) Trapa-
^p^/na Trape'tro/iai Trpos <rc.
But along with
this it is important to notice that irapova-ia occurs

frequently in the papyri as a kind of terminus technicus with reference

to the 'visit' of the king, or some other official. Thus in P.Petr.
ii. 39 (e), 1 8 (iii./B.c.), as emended (see note on I. ii. 19), it is used of
a royal visit by a Ptolemy to a district which was mulcted to provide a

Cf. the verb in Diod. Sic. xvii. 8 told him '
a passage that is of signi-

Trepl ravra
SVTOS O.VTOV, TrapTj<rav rives
5' ficance for Lk. xiii. i (Field Notes.
dirayyeXXovrcs TTO\\OVS TU>V 'EXXiyvwi' p. 65).
'there came some that

M. THESS. 10
and similarly in P.Tebt. 48, 13 f. (ii./B.c.) we hear of an extra
levy of wheat imposed rrpbs TTJV TOV /3a<nXeooy Trapovo-iav: see also P.Tebt.
116 (ii./B.c.),an account including items incurred lv TO(IS-) /3a(o-tXeW)
jrapovo-ias (57), and P.Grenf. n. 14 (b), 2 (iii./B.c.) announcing preparations
eVi rf)v irapovarlav TTJV Xpv<ri7nrov, and cf. Dittenberger Sylloge 226, 84 if.
(iii./B.C.) rc5i/ 6e apxovroiv vvvayayovTuv cK\rjo-iav KOL TTJV re -rrapovo-iav t/z-
(pavio-avTcw TOV /SatriXeW .

Other instances might easily be given, but these are sufficient to

suggest an interesting comparison with the N.T. usage of the word to

denote the Parousia of their King or Lord for which His people are
to make ready. And we fall back upon them the more gladly because
for this particular sense of the word the Jewish sacred writings give
us little help.
Greek In the LXX. napovo-iafound only once as a variant for nopfia (BS)
O.T. in the A text of 6 ( = Neh. ii. 6) ens TTOTC ea-rai 77 Trapovo-ia (Tou,
2 Esdr. xii.

and the same untechnical sense marks its few occurrences in the Apo-
crypha, as when in Judith x. 18 the report is spread of the 'arrival' or
'presence' of Judith (; Trapovcria avrrjs) in the camp of Holofernes, or as
when Judas, on hearing of the inroad of Nicanor, communicates to his
followers Triv napovo-iav TOV orparoTre'Sou (2 MacC. viii. 12; cf. 2 Mace. XV.
21, 3 Mace. iii. 17).
Jewish Nor
is the case substantially different in the later apocalyptic writings.

apoca- It true that in Apoc. Bar. xxx. i 'And it will come to pass after these

things, when the time of the advent of the Messiah is fulfilled, and He
will return in glory,' Dr Charles draws attention to the fact that the word
translated 'advent' (^&u^\*^n) was an ordinary rendering of napovaia,
which may therefore have been found in the Gk. version of the book.
And with this there may be compared two passages in the Test. xii. pair.
in the first of which the word is used with reference to God (Jud. xxii. 3
<os irapovo-ias TOV 0eov TTJS 8i<aiouvvr)s\ and in the second with reference

to John Hyrcanus regarded as the prophet of the Highest, i.e. the

Messiah (Lev. viii. 15 j 6*e irapovo-ia avTOv dyairr]Trj eVni/ as npocp^Trjs).
But these instances and I have not been able to discover any others 2
are hardly sufficient in themselves to suggest an established use of the
term with reference to the Messiah in Jewish writers 3 .

1 2
As showing the burden that these In the interesting passage in Test.
and similar 'visits' often imposed, the Abraham xiii. A where Abel is ap-

petition of the priests of Isis at Philae pointed judge fJ.^xP L T ^ s fteydXys Kal
may be recalled in which they com- vob% v avTov [.sc. 6eov\ irapovdlas, we
plain that the officials resorting to read also of a devT^pa rrapovvia when
the temple avayKa^ovai ^/*as Tra/joucr/as all souls Kpid-f)<rovTai virb T&V 5c65e/ca

atrrois iroieiffdai ot/x fK6vras (C.I.G. iii. <j>v\CJv TOU 'I<rpa-/i\, but a Christian

4896 (ii./B.c.)): see further Wilcken interpolator has evidently been at

Ostraka i. p. 274!!., and for an ad- work here (see James The Testament
ditional ex. of the word cf. Wilcken of Abraham p. 50, in Texts and
Ostr. 1372 (i./A.D.) 7rupo0...oi5 Xa/3ej Studies ii. 2).
dTTO df)ffavpov els TTJV Trapovfftav <J>X</cos Cf. Teichmann Paul. Vorstel-

(for 3>\dKKOV Tjycfji&vos) . lungen von Auferstehung u. Gericht

In these circumstances it would seem as if for the definite N.T. The
usage of the term to describe the coming of the glorified Christ, we Gospels.
must look directly to the impression produced upon His disciples' minds
by the words of the Lord Himself. For though neither in St Mark nor
in St Luke is He represented as having used the term, it is found four
times in the great eschatological discourse in Matt. xxiv. (vv. 3, 27, 37, 39).
And without discounting the possibility of the hand of a later redactor,
there is after all no reason why the first Evangelist should not on this
occasion supply the word, which most faithfully represents the original
language of Jesus.
If so, we have at once a full and satisfactory explanation of the fact The N.T.
that the term -napovo-ia is definitely employed as a term, techn. by all the Epistles.
Apostolic writers. St James uses it twice in this sense (v. 7, 8), St Peter
or whoever wrote the Second Epistle of that name thrice (2 Pet. i. 16,
4, 12), St John once (i Jo. ii. 28), while by St Paul, apart from several

occurrences with the more general meaning of presence' as opposed to '

'absence' (i Cor. xvi. 17, 2 Cor. vii. 6f., Phil. i. 26, ii. 12; cf. 2 Cor. x. 10),
the word is used seven times of the ' Parousia' of the Lord Jesus (i Thess.
19, iii.
13, iv. 15, v. 23, 2 Thess. ii. i, 8, i Cor. xv. 23), and once of its
mocking counterpart (2 Thess. ii.
9). And though in all these passages the

primary reference is eschatological, to a definite coming that had not yet

been fully manifested, it is impossible not to notice how appropriate the
word was to emphasize the nearness and the certainty of that 'coming.'
So near was it that it was not so much a 'coming' as already a 'presence'
of the Lord with His people, a permanent presence moreover, which not
even absence from sight for a little while could really interrupt, and which,
when fully re-established, would last for ever 1 .

To complete our survey of the history of the word it may be added Ecclesi-
that this technical use of the term has become firmly established in astical
the ecclesiastical writers, though by them it is extended also to the wnters -

First Coming of the Lord, a use which is never found in the N.T.
Thus Ignatius Philad. ix. writes calpcrov e ri e^fi TO
euayye'Atoi/, TTJV
7rapovo~iav TOV craTrjpos rjfjiwv Irjcrov Xpio-rov, TO 7rd6os, avrrjv rr]V avao'Taa'iv,
where the position of shows that the Incarnation must be

intended, while in Justin Martyr the teaching regarding the double

Parousia is fully developed: see Dial. 14 (Otto ii. 32 D), 49 (n. 158 B), and
especially 31 (n. 98 E) 8vo Trapovo-ias avrov yevTjcr(r6ai fr)yrj(rap.r)v, fj.iav pev

p. n n.
According to Volz Jud. of the King, where His people ever
Eschat. p. 189, the term, techn. for behold Him, and are ever shielded
the coming of God on the Great Day by Him. During the present im-
seems rather to have been ^Tricr/coTr??. perfect state He is not so actually
Cf. Ewald Die drei ersten Evan- and fully present as His people hope
.gelien p. 333 (though it should be and long for;... even when the expres-
noted that the
expression actual sion more immediately denotes the
.Shekinah never occurs in the O.T.) :
advent, it still always includes the
The irapova-ia Xpio-roD perfectly cor- idea of a permanent dwelling from that
responds with the n3*3tp of God in coming onwards' (quoted by Cremer
the O.T. the permanent dwelling ? 2 3 8 )-

IO 2
tv rj f^CKfVTijdrj v<p* i/'/utor, dfvrepav Se ore em.yvuxr(rdf els ov
Cf. also Tertull. Apol. 21, Clem. Recogn. i.
49, 69.

Later Gk. The subst. f-mcpdveia is not found at all in classical, but is frequent in
later Gk. to denote any sudden appearance or manifestation (e.g. of the
dawn Polyb. iii. 94. 3, of the enemy i. 54. 2), and is used more particularly
with reference to the intervention of the higher powers on behalf of their
worshippers. Thus in Diodorus Siculus we read of the honours due to
Isis dm TTJV *v TCUS OepaTreiais enKpavfiav (i. 25), and in Dion. Hal. Antt.
ii. 68. i it is declared to be a
worthy act rfjv firi<f>dvetav io-Toprjo-ai rrjs &as,
fjv fTredeit-aro rais ddiKws ey&rjQeicrais napdevots.
The A similar use word is employed
is found in the inscriptions where the

Inscrip- not only of divine assistance O.G.LS. 331, 52 rds e avrov [TOV Atos
TOV 2a/3aiov] yevopcvas enKpavcias), but is extended in characteristic fashion
to the accession of a Roman Emperor as in Inscriptions of Cos 391 [fji/iavroC
TTpaJrov ray [Faijou Kai<rapos...c7ri(pavfias. In Magn. 1570, 6 the predicate
of bestowed on Claudius 1
f/jxpaveo-TciTos [deus] is .

Greek In the canonical books of the LXX. the word is found only three times,
O.T. in passages (2 Regn. vii. 23, Esth. v. i, Amos v. 2) none of which throws much

light on its special meaning. But in 2 and 3 Maccabees it occurs several

times with reference to God's supernatural interpositions ras e ovpavov
eiTKpavcias (2 Mace. ii. 21) on behalf of His people.
yfvo/jLfvas Thus in
2 Mace. iii. 24, on the appearance of Heliodorus to confiscate the money
in the Treasury, 'the Sovereign of spirits and of all authority caused
a great manifestation (errKpaviav /zf-yaX^i/),' so that all who had presumed
to come in with him were stricken with fear; and in xiv. 15 the Jews are
represented as making solemn supplication to Him "Who, alway making

manifest His presence, upholdeth them that are His own portion' (per
firicpavcias dvnXa^avop,vov rfjs eavTOv /nfpi'Sos): cf. also 2 Mace. xii. 22,
3 Mace. ii. 9, v. 8, 51. In 2 Mace. v. 4 the word is used of an apparition
announcing misfortune .

With this use of the subst. there should also be compared the fre-

See farther Thieme Die Inschrif-

Exegesis i. p. i6ff. (reprinted in Criti-

ten von Magnesia p. 34 ff. Moulton cal Essays (Boston, 1888) p. 454 ff.),
(Prolegg. p. 102 n. ) has pointed out Prof. Ezra Abbot draws attention to
that eTri<f>avr)5 as the regular appella- the instructive example from the
tion of Ptolemy V. can no longer Additions to Esther Text B vii. 6
be translated 'illustrious,' but is (Fritzsche Lib. Apocr. Vet. Test. p.
= '
manifest,' much in the sense of 71) where the sun and light of Morde-
the Sanskrit Avatar; cf. O.G.I. S. 90, cai's dream are said to represent eTri-
6 (Rosetta stone) 0eoD 'Ewi^avovs Ei>xa- (f)dvLa TOV deov in the deliverance of
piffTovwith Dittenberger's note, where Jews. Similar instances of the word
a number of parallel passages are cited. are also quoted from Josephus, as
See also Schiirer 3 i. p. 192 f. when in connexion with the dividing
2 In his of the waters of the Red Sea Moses is
valuable note on the use of
^Trt^aveia with reference to God in the described as opuv r^v eTTL^avetav TOV
Journal of Biblical Literature and deov (Antt. n. 339 (xvi. 2)).

quent use of the verb in the Psalms to denote God's making His face to
shine upon His people, e.g. Ps. xxx. (xxxi.) 17, cxvii. (cxviii.) 27; while the
corresponding adj. enifpav^s is applied by the LXX. translators to the
great day of the Lord in. Joel ii. 31 (iii. 4), Hab. i. 7, Mai. i. 14 (cf. Judg.
xiii. 6 A) evidently in the sense of manifest' of all, through a misunder-
standing on their part of the original Hebrew K"VU, terrible.'

In the N.T. errxpavfia is used only by St Paul, and, with the ex- The
ception of 2 Thess. ii. 8, only in the Pastoral Epp. (i Tim. vi. 14, 2 Tim.
In all these it is rendered pp *
i. 10, iv. i, 8, Tit. ii.
13). passages 'ap-
pearing,' both in A.V. and R.V., and except in 2 Tim. i. 10 (cf. Tit. ii. n,
iii. 4 eTTffpdvr)), where used of Christ's First Coming (8ia T. cnKpavcias
it is

r. o-wrrjpos 77/i&>i/ Xpio-rov 'lr)aov\ has a definite eschatological reference.

The same is the case in 2 Thess. ii. 8 KaTapyjo-ei T. emfpavfiq T. Trapovcrias
aurov, where the A.V., probably on account of the following napova-ias,
wrongly renders it 'brightness' (Vg. illustration*) , for which the Revisers
have substituted 'manifestation.' This last is probably as accurate a ren-
dering as we can get for the word in English, involving as it does the
idea of something striking a conspicuous intervention from above 2 .

In ecclesiastical writers errKpdveia has the same double reference as Ecclesi-

7rapov<7i'a, and when referring to the First Coming of Christ is sometimes

distinguished by a characterizing epithet such as evaapicos (Eus. Demonstr.

Evang. viii. p. 226) Hence too it came to be applied not only to the day

sacred to Christ's Nativity (e.g. Epiphan. de Haer. ii. ad fin. OVTC eV rfj
V^epa TWV enKpavitov, orf fyevrjdr) fv vapid o Kvpios), but also to the day of His
Baptism as in the oration of Gregory of Nazianzus inscribed els TO. 'EnKpdvia.
For its reference to the Second Coming it is sufficient to refer to the letter
of Dionysius, preserved in Eus. If. E. vii. 24, where in close connexion with
TTJS evdo^ov Kcil d\r)6a}s evdeov TOV Kvpiov rj/juav 7ri<pavfia$ we are assured
of TTJS ijfJifTepas < vfKputv dvao'Taa'cuts KOL TTJS irpos avrov tTncrvvaywyfis Kal

o/xoicoo-fcoj. From Greg. Naz. Orat. iii. p. 77 A it would appear that the word
was also applied by ecclesiastical writers to saints or martyrs.


'ATToxaXv^is-, though not wholly is distinctively a Biblical word, and is Greek

used euphemistically for HpV in i Regn. xx. 30 (ets ala-x^v dnoKaXv^e^s T - *

fji-qrpos a-ov\
and metaphorically in the apocryphal book of Sirach, where it

is applied to the revelation of a man's deeds in the hour of death (xi. 27

fv (rvvT\fiq dvdptoTrov d7roKd\v\l/is Zpytov avrov), and to the revealing of

secrets (xxii. 22 /zwrnypiou aTroKaXv^fcoy, xlii. I dnQKaXv^fW \6ycov Kpvcpiav}.
The corresponding verb dnoKaXvirTfiv is however much more common,

1 4 It
Alford aptly recalls Milton's fine occurs a few times in Plutarch
line, 'far off His coming shone.' (e.g. Mor. 70 F). To the class, and
Chrys. Horn. ix. in II. ad Tim.: late Gk. instances of the verb given by

'ETri^areia 5e X^yercu 5ta TO etrdvw the dictionaries may now be added the
0cuVe<70cu, /cat avudev dvar^XXftv. new class, fragment in P.Oxy. 413,
Suid.: 'ETTt^ciJ'eia...^ roD (rwr^pos 166 f. a[7ro/c]aXvi/'OJ' IVa l'5w avrrjv.
rjffov XpicrroO ^cra/3/cos oiKOvo/j-ia.
and already definitely applied to the revelations of God to men, e.g.

ii. 27 rdde
I Regn. Aeyft Kuptos 'ATTOKoXvfpdcls dTTKa\v(pdrjv, iii. 21 aVe-
Ka\v(f)0T] Kvpios Trpos 2a/iou?;X, and especially such passages from the
Theodotion version of Daniel as ii. 19 ev opa/uart rr/s WKTOS TO /^piov
a7TCKa\v<p6r), 22 aVoKaAvTrret /3a$ea KOI aVoKptKpa, 28 debs fv ovpava> diro-

N.T. These passages, combined with our Lord's own words Lk. xvii. 30
Kara aura carat 77 rj^epa 6 vibs rov dvdpccTrov aVoKaAvTrrerai, give

the key to the use of the subst. in the N.T., where it is applied ex-
clusively to communications that proceed from God or Christ, or to
the Divine unveiling of truths that have been previously hidden. It is
thus the exact correlative of /Ltvo-rrjptoi/ as that word is used in the
N.T. 1 as when in .the Gospels it is employed with reference to our Lord

Himself as the light given to dispel heathen darkness (Lk. ii. 32 <pe3? fls
aTroKoXv^iv *6v<i>v\ or sums up the visions granted to St John on Patmos
under the significant title 'ATTOKOXV^LS 'tyo-oC Xpto-roC (Rev. i. i). Similarly
in we read of the 'praise and glory and honour' which are to be
i Pet.
made known ev drroKaXv^ci 'Irjo-ov Xpio-Toi> (i. 7; cf. v. 13, iv. 13), where,
as in i Thess. ii.
19 (see note), the preposition is not to be understood
simply as referring to a contemporaneous event, but rather as implying
the means 'in and through' which the finding unto praise spoken of is to
be brought about (cf. Hort i Pet. p. 44).
Pauline The word is, however, pre-eminently a Pauline one, occurring in all the
Epp. groups of the Epp. except the Pastorals, and always in its higher or spiritual
sense. Thus it is 8t drroKaXv^ew 'Ir/o-oG Xpto-roC (Gal. i. 12) that the
Apostle himself received the Gospel, and it is through a similar revelation
that he elsewhere claims to have been entrusted with the Divine secret of
the extension of that Gospel to the Gentiles (Eph. iii. 3 Kara aVo/<aAv\//'ii'

eyvupio-Or} poi rb pvcrTripiov, The whole of Christianity indeed

cf. Gal. ii. 2).

according to the Pauline view may be summed up as 'a revelation of

a mystery' (Rom. xvi. 25 diroKahv^nv pvaTrjpiov}, and consequently oVoKa-
\v^is is in its turn the means by which men enter into the knowledge
of its highest truths (Eph. i. 17 nvevp-a ao<j)[as KOI aTTOKoXv^eus fv eVtyz/too-et

auroO, cf. i Cor. xiv. 6, 26, 2 Cor. xii. i, 7). As however this knowledge
is at present necessarily limited, it is to the final revelation of our Lord

Jesus Christ' (i Cor. i. 7 T. diroicaXv\lsiv T. Kvpiov r)/i. 'l^o-oO XpioToC) that we

are taught to look for the complete fulfilment of the work begun now.
Then, in accordance with the 'revelation of the righteous judgment of
God* (Rom. ii. 5 diroicdXfyfas SiKaioKpiorias T. 6eo\)\ justice will be meted
out to all (2 Thess. i. 7), and the whole creation will rejoice in the revelation
of the sons of God' (Rom. viii. 19 r. diroK.d\vtyiv T. viuv T. Beov} 2 .

In all these passages it will be noticed that, notwithstanding a con-

siderable latitude of application, the fundamental idea of the word is
always the same an unveiling of what already exists, though hitherto

1 6
Eeference may again be made to to the Study of the Gospels (1881) p. 9
Dean Armitage Robinson's valuable n. 1 , on which the above summary
note, Eph. p. 234 ff. is based, also the same writer's Eph.
Cf. Westcott's note, Introduction p. i;8f.

it has been hidden, or at best only imperfectly known: an unveiling

which, though it may pass through a long and varying process, finally
reaches its climax in the full revelation of the now unseen, though ever-
present Lord.
religious history of the word outside the Canon need not detain Jewish
us. In view of what has been said, it will be obvious how readily it lent 1 1

itself as a title to the large class of writings, both Jewish and Christian,

which, dealing with what lay outside the immediate range of human ex- lypses.
perience and knowledge, aimed at exhorting and consoling those to whom

they were addressed in the dark days on which they had fallen. Tracts
for the Times,' as they have been called, they were also Tracts for Bad

Times 1 and with widely-differing degrees of insight sought by the aid of


symbolism and eschatological speculation to disclose to men the hidden

but ever-present rule and purposes of God 2 .

iv. Summary.
If we have been correct in the foregoing distinctions between the General
three words, it will be seen that, while all may be used to describe d is ' .

the Return of the now exalted and glorified Lord, they do so from three
distinct points of view.
The first, irapova-la, lays stress on the 'presence' of the Lord with His irapov<ria

people, which, while existing now, will only at that Return be completely
The second, eVi^ai/eta, draws attention to His 'presence' as the result
of a sublime 'manifestation' of the power and love of God, coming to
His people's help.
The third, dnoKaXv^ts, reminds us that the 'manifestation is also and d 7

a "'revelation' of the Divine plan and purpose which has run through
all the ages, to find its consummation at
length in the one far-off divine
event,' to which the whole Creation is slowly moving.

Cf. C. A. Scott, Revelation (in Full particulars, with references to the
The Century Bible) p. 27. relative literature, will be found in
For a brief account of these Schiirer 3 iii. p. 181 ff.
' '

apocalypses see Swete Apoc. p. xviiiff .


On araKTeco and its cognates.

The three words dra/ereo), araKros-, and draKrws are only found in the
Thessalonian Epistles amongst the writings of the N.T. In these cir-
cumstances it may be well to bring together a few passages illustrating
their usage both from classical and from later Gk., more particularly
as the exact meaning to be attached to them has an important bearing
upon the view we form of a certain section of the Thessalonian Church
at the "time of St Paul's writing.
i . "Ara/c- In doing so we begin with the adj. arafcros, which means primarily
'out of order,' 'out of place/ and hence, like the Latin inordinatus, is

writS^ readily employed as a military term to denote a soldier who does not
keep the ranks, or an army advancing in disarray. It is found in this
sense in Xen. Oec. viii. 4, where an O.TO.KTOS is contrasted with a TfTay^evrj
o-rpcmd, and a suggestive example of the same usage is afforded by Dem.
Phil. i. 50, where the great orator indignantly condemns the want of
preparation with regard to the war ara*mz d&op&ora dopto-ra a-navra
compared with the care bestowed ovdev di>ee'rao-roi/ ov' doptoroi/ upon
games and festivities.
From this the transition is easy to disorderly or irregular living of

any kind as in Plato's reference to UTUKTOI rjdovai (Legg. ii. 660 B, cf. vii.
806 c), or in Plutarch's rebuke of those who, neglecting a sane and well-
ordered life' (vyiaivovTos K. TfTa.yp.evov /3tou), hurl themselves headlong into
'disorderly and brutal pleasures' (TCIS OTOKTOVS K. dv8pcnroo'a>o'fi$ r/Soi/ds-,
de lib. educ. 7 p. 5 A; cf. d/coXao-ra AC. ara*ra, de def. orac. 20
p. 420 E).
Greek The word
is not found in the canonical books of the LXX., but in
O.T. Sap. xiv. 26 the corresponding subst. occurs in the phrase ydjueoi/ dra^'a,
with which are associated /iot^em K. aVe'Xyeta. On the other hand the
more primary sense of the adj. is well illustrated in 3 Mace. i. 19,
where it is used to describe the 'disorderly rush' (8p6p.ov UTUKTOV} of the
newly-married brides into the street at the siege of Jerusalem .

An interesting use of #TO,KTOS, assessment (e.g. C.I. A.
i. 243, 36 &TO.K-

though it no light on the

throws TOS 7r6Xt$ : Eoberts-Gardner p.

meaning of the word in our Epp. is , 290). E#TCIKTOS is found as a proper

afforded by the Tribal Lists in the name in an inscription discovered at

Inscriptions, where it is applied to a Thessalonica A(oikioj) 2^rtos EtfraK-

city that has been granted, but has TOS (no. 114, Heuzey et Daumet p.
not yet exercised the privilege of self- 280).

The usage of dra/trco? naturally follows similar lines, as when in Thuc. 2. 'Ara/c-

iii.08 we read that many of the Peloponnesians, after the defeat of Olpae,

perished when hurrying ara/crwy K. ovfavl KOO-/XQ) to reach their camp,

whereas the Mantineans through the excellence of their order (/zaXto-ra
gwreraynevoi) were able to effect a retreat
while for the more meta- :

phorical sense we can point to such a phrase as ^X^/neXeS? K. arcucrus in

PlatO Tim. 30 A, or to Isocr. Evagr. 197 E ovde TTpos ev dramas ovtf dvu-
/za'Xcoy diaK.tfjLvos, aXX' o/uotW ras ev rols e'pyois 6fMo\oyias (Zanep ras ev rols

\6yots <jia<pv\aTTO>v.
late example to much the same effect is afforded by the dis- Late Gk.

covery in the Fayum of the fragment of a philosophic

work concerning
the gods, belonging to the second century, in which the words occur del
TO>V \av\6pwTTtov apx^iv [ro>f] Trpdgecov lfflfVov}f 8e evdvs ccpeTreo-Oai, OVK
draKTtos fj-evroi aXX' roO yap aVro^<BS...(P.Fay. 337, l6ff.).

We come now Like its adj., it is frequently applied

to aram-cu. 3- 'Ara/c-

to soldiers marching out of order, or quitting the ranks (e.g. Xen. Cyr. classical
vii. 2. 6), and hence is extended to every one who does not perform his writers.

proper duty, as in Xen. Oec. v. 15 where the draKTovvres are contrasted

with rols TTOIOIHTIV a del irotelv. Cf. P.Par. 26, 15 (ii./B.C.) vne$fiav 009 av
rfjiv TU>V
In later Greek this ethical sense is very common, as when, by Philo- Later Gk.
stratus I., the verb was applied to children who dreaded punishment
'ifthey had done any thing amiss' (e'i n draKTrja-eiav Vit. Soph. p. 230,
ed. Kayser), or generally speaking to any irregularities on the part of
men (01 yap inrep TOIOVTW aTUKTovvres Vit. Ap. p. 17, ^i^ai araKTOucrat
P- 338).
In these circumstances we are prepared to take both the verb and its Thessa-
cognates metaphorically in the Thessalonian Epp., as indeed the context
clearly demands. And the only question that remains is whether they are
to be understood positively of actual wrong-doing, or in a more negative
sense of a certain remissness in the conduct of life.
Of the Gk. commentators Chrysostom apparently inclines to the
former view, as when in his Homily on I. v. 14 he describes the araxroi
as Trdvres ol irapa TO r<a 6ea> doKovv 7rpa.TTOVTes...7rdvTes ol dfiaprdvovres.
On the other hand Theodoret confines the oYat'a complained of to idle-
ness draKTOvs TOVS dpyiq (Tva)VTa.$ eKaXeaev (ad I. V. 18): TTJ dpyia (TV^OHTIV
(ad II.
n). iii.

of this latter view, at least in a slightly modified form, we have The
lately received unexpected confirmation in two striking examples of the Papyri.
use of draKTea in the Row/?;, much about the time of St Paul's writing.
The first occurs in P.Oxy. 275 (A.D. 66) in a contract of apprenticeship,
according to which a father binds himself not to take away his son during
a certain specified period, with the further condition that if there are any
days on which the boy 'fails to attend,' or 'plays the truant' (oo-as 8' edv
tv rot uTaKTija-r] ripepas, 24 f.), he is to produce him for an equivalent
number of days after the period is over.

Symmachus uses the word in of Jehu dra/mos dyei (Heb.
4 Eegn. ix. 20 to describe the driving madly).
The second also comes from Oxyrhynchus in a similar contract, dated
about one hundred and twenty years later, P.Oxy. 725, according to which
a weaver's apprentice is allowed twenty holidays in the year, 'but if he
exceeds this number of days from idleness or ill-health or any other reason'
(eav de TrAe/cray TOVTWV apy^arj [77 ao\]$6 1/77077 77 draKTijcrrj 77 di a\\r)v r>[a
at\riav 39 ff.), he has to make his absences good without wages.
If then these instances can be taken as typical of the ordinary colloquial
sense of the verb, we can understand how readily St Paul would employ
it to describe those members of the Thessalonian Church who, without

any intention of actual wrong-doing, were neglecting their daily duties,

and falling into idle and careless habits, because of their expectation of
the immediate Parousia of the Lord.

On the meanings of

The verb Kare'xw is found in our Epistles in two distinct senses :

(1) Hold fast':

I. V. 21 TO KaXov

(2) 'Holdback':
II. ii. 6 vvv TO Kare^ov o'l

7 fjLovov o Kare^o)!/ apri ecop CK /ieVov yevrjrai.

Both meanings are well-established, but in view of the importance of

the passages in which they occur, it will not be out of place to bring
together a few passages from the Koii///, which may help to illustrate
The first meaning hold fast is best reached through Kare^ta as a
i. Kar
perfective of e^o>
= '

possess,' as in i Cor. vii. 30, 2 Cor. vi. 10 toy prjdev


e^oi/re? K.irdvra /car^oi/res 1 with which may be compared P.Amh. 30, 26 f.


(ii./B.c.) where, in an official report regarding the ownership of a house,

proofs were adduced to establish that a certain Marres Kareo-x^j^vai
TT)V olKiav ('had become owner of the house'), and the corresponding
use of the subst. KOTOX^ = bonorum possessio in E.G. U. 140, 24 ff. (c. i./A.D.),
Ofj,as KaT[o]xr)[v] \>[Trd\pxovT<*>v c eKfivov TOV /ue[p]ovs row biarayp-aros.
* *
From this the transition is easy to the sense take possession of,' lay
hold of,' and accordingly in the interesting rescript regarding the Third
Syrian War, ascribed with all probability to Ptolemy III. himself, the King
narrates how certain ships, acting in his interest, sailed along the coast
of Cilicia to Soli, and took on board TO. CK[ei1]<re Karao-Ke0eVr[a xpr/Juara
'the money that had been seized there' (P.Petr. n. 45, ii. 3 f., cf. P.Petr.
m. p. 335 f.).
In this passage, it will be noticed, the verb is practically *pareiz/.
And, as a matter of fact, we find it used interchangeably with Kparelv in
the long Petition of Dionysia (P.Oxy. 237 (H./A.D.)) regarding the 'right
of ownership' (Karoxn) of a property (ovo-ia) which she claimed see especially :

col. viii. 22 f. and

34f-> r ^
AlyvnTtaKas yvvaiKas...KaTe^fiv ra inrdp^ovra r<Hv
avbptov and Kara riva CTri^topiov i/d/zoi/ Kpareirai TO. virdp^ovra.
Other examples of the more legal or technical uses of the terms, which
cannot be discussed here, are for the verb, P.Tebt. 5, 47 (a Royal ordinance,
ii./B.C.) [Kparei]v a>v KaTfcrx^Ka<ri /tA^po)!/), and for the subst., P.Oxy. 713, 36

(i./A.D.), where an applicant declares for registration his 'right'

1 Cf. Magn. 105, 51 (ii./A.D.), where tory is expressed by the formula "tV
the right of possession in certain terri- %x wffiv KaTfyuffiv re KapTrt[]wvTai re.'
to certain arourae that had belonged to his mother. Cf. also the important
legal rescript, P.Strass. 22 (iii./A.D.).
More important for our present purpose are the instances of the verb
in a slightly metaphorical sense, as when a letter-writer of the second

century accuses his correspondent of 'being oppressed by an evil con-

science' (vno KO.KOV o-vvfidoTos (care^o/iei/or, P.Oxy. 532, 22 ff.), or as when
a would-be purchaser of confiscated property declares that in a certain
contingency she will not be 'bound' by her promise (P.Amh. 97, 17 f.

(ii./A.D.) ov KaTao-xe[$]j7<ro/*ai rfj [vjTroo-xeo-et) .

And if we accept the view, which has recently found strong support,
that the /taro^oi of the Serapeum are to be regarded as those 'possessed'
by the spirit of the god , we have further evidence pointing in the same

If, on the other hand, we incline to the older view, according to which

they are to be thought of as a species of monks, living for the time being
'in retreat' (v aro^) within the temple-precincts 3 we are prepared for ,

the further modifications in the meaning of /care^co, according to which

' ' '
it gains the sense of detain,' arrest,' while Karoxn signifies the place
of custody/ 'the gaol.'
Thus in P.Lond. u. 342, 7 f. (ii./A.D.) a charge is laid against one
Sempronius of attempting to lay hands on the relatives of the petitioner as
eViTrXdovs or boat-Overseers (irpotyda-i TOV Kare'^ai/ eTrnrXoovs TOVS avvyevfls
/uov),while in a fragmentary letter in the same collection (422), belonging
to the fourth century, directions are given to arrest a certain individual
and put him in irons' (o-io^poio-at avrov) for selling stolen camels, and it

is added Kare'xerai yvirf ('his wife is already arrested').

17 Similarly in
B.G.U. 372, 16 (ii./A.D.) we read of a man who is 'arrested' (KCLTCXO-
p.fvov} as a tramp: while /car o^ /
= '
custody' appears in such passages as
P.Amh. 80, 9 (iii./A.D.) \f\y\va-axriv pe [TTJS Kajro^^y, B,G. U. 323, 1 1 f. (BjZ.)
[]$ KdToxrjv TroiTJa-o) iravra ra ovr[a fv rw] /xov X^P'V & va ""potrcoTra.
ii. Acar^xw These last examples bring us to the second main use of Kare'^w which
= 'hold we se t ou t t illustrate, in which the thought of 'holding fast,' 'arresting,'
' '

passes into the thought of holding back,' detaining/ as may be seen from
a single papyrus in which the verb occurs with both meanings.
A beneficiarius of one village addresses a letter to the comarchs of

Cf. Jo. v. 4 $ S^Trore Kareixero a vita coenobitarum nonnullorura
voo"f)fj.aTi (A). haud multum di versa

See especially E. Preuschen Lex. s.v. Karoxri)- With this view
Monchtum und Serapiskult 2 te Aufl. Kenyon (British Museum Papyri i. p.
Giessen, 1903. Wilcken (Archiv iv. 295.) in the main agrees, nor does it
207) cites in support of this view an seem possible to attach any other
inscription from Priene to the effect meaning to such a phrase as virep TOV
dirb TUV Tpairef&v v &v 5?}/i[os ^0074771, aTroXeXOcrtfcu <re e/c TTJS Karons (P.Lond.
5e56<r0w] [r]ois /carexo^vois VTTO TOV deov i. 42, 26 f.
(ii./B.c.)), than that the
(Priene 195, 28 f. (ii./B.c.)). Cf. also person spoken of had been 'released
Dittenberger, 0. G. I. S. ii. Addenda from his seclusion.' See also the
p. 549 f. references to the use of
'Inclusio voluntaria in Serapieio Mayser p. 22 f.

another, bidding them deliver up to the officer whom he sends a certain

Pachoumis ov Kareo-xr/Kare, 'whom you have arrested,' and then, after
enjoining them if they have anything to say in his favour to come along
with him and say so, the writer adds opa /i?) Karaa-xnre rov v7rr)peTr)<v>,
'see that you do not detain the officer' (P.Oxy. 65 (iii. IV./A.D.)).
Earlier examples of the same usage are afforded by P. Fay. 109, n
(i./A.D.) w KaraaxV* KAWa, P.Tebt. 315, 19 f.
(ii./A.D.) eav 8e ae TI Karexn,
and the illiterate B.G.U. 775, 12 (ii./A.D.) /z?} Kard<Txii[s] oZv TO xXeiSiV /iou.
It is hardly necessary to carry the evidence further, but, for the sake
of its intrinsic interest, reference may be made to the heathen (Archiv
ii. p. 173) Charm which Crum prints in his Coptic Ostraca no. 522
beginning Kpovos 6 Ka.Tex.atv TOV 6vp.ov o\o>v TO>V avdpactTratv KctTfx f T v

The Biblical Doctrine of Antichrist 1 .

IIcu5/a, ^ffxo-Ttj wpa <TTtv, Kal Kadus i7/coi5<rare ort avrixpi-O'Tos ^px^rai, xai vvv
TroXXot yey6va<nv odev yiv&<rKo/u.ev 6rt tvxfa"1} wpa <TT'LV. i Jo. ii. 18.

The whole subject of Antichrist is surrounded with difficulties, and

raises questions which are altogether outside the scope of this
Commentary. The utmost that can be attempted here is to supply a few
Notes, tracing the historical growth of the idea in the sacred Scriptures
and in the apocalyptic writings of the Jews, with the view of further
illustrating and confirming the interpretation given to the Man of law-
lessness in the foregoing pages 2 .

The name I - The actual name Antichrist is first found in the Johannine Epistles

Anti- (i Jo. ii. 1 8, 22, iv. 3, 2 Jo. 7), but the main idea underlies St Paul's
description of the Man of lawlessness in 2 Thess. ii. i 12, while, from the
manner which both writers refer to this mysterious figure, it is evident
that they had in view an oral tradition current at the time (i Jo. iv. 3
a/tT/Koare, 2 Thess. ii. 6 oiSare). Any attempt therefore to understand the
doctrine of Antichrist as it meets us in the N.T. must naturally begin with
this tradition, so far as it is now possible to trace it.

Possible 2>Here, according to the latest view, we are carried very far back.
connexion Gunkel in his epoch-making book Schopfung und Chaos (1895) would
with a have us find the roots of the Jewish doctrine of Antichrist in the primitive
Babylonian dragon myth of a monster (Tiamat) who opposed the Creator
(Marduk) in the beginning and was overcome by Him, but who, it was
believed, would in the last days again rear his head in rebellion only to

1 The and
following Note in a condensed Encyclopaedia, by Sieffert in
form appears in The Standard Die- Hauck RE. S and,
to the

tionary of the Bible under the title in their Commentaries on the Thessa-
Antichrist and the Man of Sin.' Ionian Epistles by Bornemann and
On the whole subject, in addition Findlay. Thackeray has a useful
to the special literature cited in the Note in his Essay on The Relation
course of the Note, reference may be of St Paul to Contemporary Jewish
made to the articles on Antichrist by ' '

Thought (1900) p. 136 f., and the

Bousset in the Encycl. BibL, by James elaborate study Zur Lehre vom Anti-
(under the title 'Man of Sin') in christ by Schneckenburger-Boehmer
Hastings' D.B., by Moffatt (under the in the Jahrbucher fur Deutsche Theo-
title 'False Christs') in Hastings' logie iv. (1859) p. 405 ff. may still be
D.C.G., by Ginsburg in the Jewish consulted with advantage.

be finally crushed. And more recently this view has been adopted and
developed on independent lines by Bousset in his elaborate monograph
on Der Antichrist (1895, translated into English, with a new Prologue by
A. H. Keane, under the title The Antichrist Legend, 1896).
It is impossible here to examine in detail the evidence adduced by
those writers, but their investigations have made it practically certain
that this myth had reached Palestine, and is alluded to in the O.T. (see
artt. 'Rahab' and 'Sea-Monster' in Hastings' D.B.}. At the same time
its influence must not be exaggerated. Whatever part it may have had
in familiarizing the Jews with the idea of an arch-enemy of God, it
exercised little influence on the development of the idea amongst them,
and many of the traits ascribed to Antichrist, which are to be found in
the eschatological commentaries of Irenaeus, Hippolytus, and other early
writers, and which, because unsupported by anything
he can find else-
where, Bousset is inclined to refer back to some such esoteric doctrine,
are more naturally explained as the result of the imaginations of these
commentators themselves, working on the data supplied to them by the
3. In any case we are on surer ground when we turn to those data, Anti-

and, in proceeding examine them, we may start from the general christ in
the T ' -

Jewish belief in a fierce attack that would be directed against Israel in

the end of the days by some hostile person or power, but which would
be finally frustrated by the action of Jehovah or His Messiah. The con-
ception which the Jewish writers formed of the exact nature of this
attack was naturally largely influenced by their particular circumstances
at the 'time, but, as it first meets us, it is generally thought of as pro-
ceeding from the heathen nations of the world.
Thus in Ps. ii., winch Friedlander regards as the real source (' Quelle') Psalms.
of the later Antichrist legend we have a graphic picture of the rebellion

of the world-kingdoms 'against the Lord and against His Anointed,'

all such rebellion, because directed against
coupled with the assurance that
hopeless, and, if persevered in, can only result
Jehovah Himself, is in the
overthrow of the nations: while in the exilic Psalm xciii. (xciv.)
the Psalmist comforts the oppressed Israelites with the reminder that the
Lord cannot have any
with the throne of lawlessness' (o. 20
alliance ^
avvTrpoa-eo-Tai <roi 6p6vos dvopias),
but will cause their lawlessness to recoil
all evil-doers 23 a7ro8o><rfi avrols rr/v avopiav auraii/) .
upon (v.

The thought of the same contest ending in the same way meets us Post-exilic
also in the post-exilic prophets, as for example in the description of the Prophets.
onslaught by Gog from the land of Magog, as the type of the world's

i Der Antichrist in den vorchrist- that during the last century B.C.
lichen judischen Quellen (1901) p. 128 Beliar was the embodiment of the
an Essay in which much valuable antinomian spirit which pervaded the
evidence is gathered together both from Jewish sect of D^D.
the O.T., and the later data of the Of. also the
striking linguistic
Midrash and Talmud, in proof of the parallels bet ween Ps. Ixxxviii. (Ixxxix.)
Jewish doctrine of Antichrist, what- and 2 Thess. i. and ii. adduced by
ever may be thought of its main thesis Bornemann p. 356 f.
power, against God's people who 'dwell securely' (Ezek. xxxviii., xxxix.) ,

or of the final assault against Jerusalem to which all nations of the

earth go up, and which again ends in the intervention and universal head-
ship of God (Zech. xii. xiv.).
Daniel. It is however in the visions and prophecies of the Book of Daniel
(B.C. 1 68 165) that we find the real starting-point of many of the later
descriptions of Antichrist, and especially in the picture that is there
presented of Antiochus IV., called Epiphanes . No other foreign ruler

was ever regarded by the Jews with such hatred on account both of his
personal impieties (l Mace. i. 24 KV
f\d\r)<rV inrcprj^aviav fj.fya\T)v), and of
his bitter persecution of their religion, and, accordingly, he is here por-

trayed as the very impersonation of all evil. Some of the traits indeed
ascribed to him are of such a character (see vii. 8b, 20 b, 21, 25, xi. 36 45)
that it has often been thought that the writer had not so much Antiochus
as the future Antichrist directly in view. And, though this is not exegeti-
cally possible, it is easy to understand how his description influenced the
Apostolic writers in their account of the arch-enemy of God and man
(cf. e.g. 2 Thess. ii. 4 with Dan. xi. 36 f., and Rev. xiii. i 8 with Dan. vii.
8, 20, 21, 25, viii. 24, xi. 28, 30; and see Driver Daniel p. xcvi flf.).
With the fall of Antiochus and the rise of the Maccabean kingdom,
the promise of deliverance, with which Daniel had comforted God's people
during their dark days, received its proximate fulfilment. But when the
nation again fell under a foreign yoke, the old fears were once more
revived, and received a fresh colouring from the new powers by which the
Jewish nation now found itself opposed.
Anti- 4. In determining the Jewish views regarding Antichrist during this
christ in
period, much difficulty is caused by the uncertainty regarding the exact
date of some of the relative writings, and the possibility of their having
received Christian interpolations in the form in which they have come
down to us. The following references, however, deserve notice.
Psalms of In the Pharisaic Psalms of Solomon (48 40 B.C.) Pompey as the re-
presentative of the foreign power that had overthrown Zion is described
as the personification of sin (ii. i o d^aprcoXos), and even as the dragon
(v. 29 6 SpaKcov}, perhaps an unconscious survival of the dragon-myth :

and in Ps. xvii. 13 if we may adopt Ewald's conjectural reading, which has
been generally approved by the editors, of o avopos (6 avepos in all the

For the later connexion of Gog made manifest' (cf. Add. Note F, p.
and Magog with the story of Anti- 148). For a graphic description of
christ cf. Eev. xx. 7 f. The actual the circumstances of his reign see
identification of Gog with Antichrist, E. Bevan, Jerusalem under the High
however, does not occur till the seventh Priests (1904), and for the general
century, and even then only in Jewish interpretation of the visions of Dan.
sources (Bousset art. 'Antichrist' in vii. xii. see Porter The Messages of
Encycl. BibL 1
the Apocalyptical Writers (1905) p.
epithet Epiphanes is generally 1256*.
3 The Ascension
rendered the illustrious,' but its real See Charles of
meaning, as seen when the title is Isaiah p. liv.

stated in full Qebs eTTKpav^s, is the ' god


MSS.)J we have another

epithet applied to Pompey which, if used techni-
cally, isproper to the Beliar-myth (see below). It may, however, in the

present instance mean no more than heathen' as in i Cor. ix. 21.

Similarly in the Apocalypse of Baruch which, though belonging to Apoca-
the last decade of the ist cent. A.D., is in the main a true Jewish writing, lVP se f
we have a description of the destruction of the lost leader'' of the enemies '

of Israel by the Messiah on Mount Zion (xl. i, 2), where again Pompey
may be thought of. And in 4 Ezra v. i 6, belonging to about the same 4 Ezra.
time, after an enumeration of the signs of the last times, and the coming
of the fourth (Roman) Empire, after the third (Greek) Empire has passed
away in disorder ('post tertiam turbatam' ed. Bensly) we read of one ,

who shall rule whom they that dwell upon the earth look not for' (' et

regnabit quern non sperant qui inhabitant super terrain'), a mysterious

being, who is generally identified with the future Antichrist

In none of these passages, it will be noticed, have we more than a God-

opposing being of human origin, but it has recently been pointed out with
great cogency by Dr Charles (Ascension of Isaiah p. Ivff.) that, in the

interval between the Old and the New Testaments, a further develop-
ment was given to the Jewish belief in Antichrist through the influence
of the Beliar-myth.
In the O.T. 'belial' never strictly speaking a proper name, but

denotes '
'wickedness 4
worthlessness,' From its frequent occurrence,

however, along with another noun in such phrases as 'daughter' (i Sam.

16), 'man' (i Sam. xxv. 25), and especially 'sons' (Deut. xiii. 13, Judg.

belial,' it is obvious how readily the idea lent itself to

xix. 22 &c.) of

personification, while it is not without significance in our present inquiry

that in those latter passages it is rendered in the LXX. by irapavo^os (e.g.
Deut. xiii. 13 e^Xdocrav avdpes 7rapdvop,oi).
In the later pseudepigraphical literature of the Jews this humanizing or
rather demonizing process is carried still further, until the title regularly
appears as a synonym for Satan or one of his lieutenants.
Thus in the Book of Jubilees (ii./B.c.) we read Let Thy mercy, O Lord, Jubilees. '

be lifted up upon Thy people... and let not the spirit of Beliar rule over Testa-
them' (i. 20, cf. xv. 33, ed. Charles). And similar references to Beliar as
a Satanic spirit are frequent in the Testaments of the xii Patriarchs
(ii./B.o., in part at least): see e.g. Reub. iv. 7, vi. 3, Levi iii. 3, xviii. 12. archs.
1 3
Gunkel (in Kautzsch Pseudepi- See also Friedlander op. cit. p.
yrapha p. 359) prefers to supply 'diem' 1 18 ff.

after 'post tertiam' (

= fj.eT& TTJV rpirriv
The origin of the word
7]/u.tpai>, Blass), and understands the disputed, but the old derivation from
three as the secret < '
and '
'days,' apoca- ^^ without }i
profit is still
number, which denotes the
lyptic strongly supported. ~For an interest-
world-rule until its destruction: cf.
ing discussion, in which Dr Cheyne
the three-and-a-half 'days 'of Eev.xi. finds in the word a modification of
9, and see Schopfung u. Chaos pp. 268 tne Babylonian Bililu in the sense of
n.1, 1
369 n. . the <land without return,' i.e. the
Cf. L. Vaganay Le Probleme Es- underworld, see Exp. T. viii. and ix.
chatologique dans le iv e Livre d'Esdras S>17> 'Belial' in the Indices.
(Paris, 1906) p. 86 f.

Sibylline The most
interesting passage, however, for our purpose is contained
book of the Sibylline Oracles, in a section which in the main
in the third

goes back to the same early date, where Beliar is depicted as a truly
Satanic being accompanied by all the signs that are elsewhere ascribed
to Antichrist 1 . The passage is as follows:
fK 6 Se/Sao-rqi/toi/ rjgfi BeXiap /ueroTTto-tfev
Kal (TTija'ei, 6pf<av v^fogj OTfjtrei 8e 6a\a(rcrav
yjfXiov jrvpofvra peyav Xapirpdv re creXijvrjv,

KOI veitvas <mj<rci

Kai dvvafjus <p\oy6f(ro'a 6V otS/iaros e's yalav

cr7/zara TroXXa Trotr/o-et

xat BeXi'ap <pXeei /cat vTTp<pid\ovs dvOpvirovs

irdvraS) otroi TOVT& TT'LITTIV cvfTroiijo-avTo.

Orac. Sib. iii. 63 ff. (ed. Rzach).

With this passage should also be compared Orac. Sib. ii. 167 f. where
it is stated that Beliar will come and do many signs to men'
/cat BeXiap KOI TroXXa 7roir)<rfi


though here the originally Jewish origin of the passage is by no means

so certain.
Rabbi- In the same way it is impossible to lay too much stress in the present
connexion on the speculations of Rabbinical theology regarding the person
of Antichrist in view of the late date of our authorities 3 But we may .

accept, as in the main reflecting the views of the Jews about the beginning
of the Christian era, the general conception of a powerful ruler to be
born of the tribe of Dan 4 and uniting in himself all enmity against God
and hatred against God's people, but whom the Messiah will finally slay
by the breath of His lips .

Anti- 5. We can see how readily this idea would lend itself to the political
christ in and materialistic longings of the Jews, and it is only therefore what
our Lord' we should
expect when we find our Lord, true to His spiritual ideals,
saying nothing by which these expectations might be encouraged in the

Cf. 4 Ezra v. 4 'et relucescet (Schiirer Engl. Tr. 11. iii.
iii. p. 441,
subito sol noctu, et luna interdie,' p. 284),probably to be under-
it is

Asc. Isai. iv. 5 'et eius verbo orietur stood of the inhabitants of Sebaste-
sol noctu, et luna quoque ut sexta Samaria.
hora appareat, efficiat.' For later 3 None of these are earlier than the
Christian references to the wonders of second century A.D.
Antichrist see Bousset The Antichrist 4
Support was lent to this view by
Legend p. i75ff. such passages as Gen. xlix. 17, Deut.
2 This reference to the xxxiii. 22, Jer. viii. 16; cf. the omis-
by whom we naturally understand sion of Dan in Rev. vii. 5 ff., and see
'the race of Augustus,' has caused further Friedlander op. cit. c. ix Die
difficulty in accepting this as a purely Abstammung des Antichrist aus Dan.
Jewish picture, but, unless it is to be See Weber Jiid. Theologie p. 365.
regarded as a later interpolation

minds of His hearers, but contenting Himself with warning them against
false teachers, the 'false Christs' and the 'false prophets' who would be
ready 'to lead astray, if possible, even the elect' (Alt. xxiv. 24, Mk. xiii. 22).
Even too, when in the same discourse He seems to refer to a single Anti-
christ, the reference is veiled under the mysterious figure derived from
Daniel of the 'abomination of desolation standing (eW^Kora) where he
ought not' (Mk. xiii. 14; cf. Mt. xxiv. 15). A similar reticence marks His
words as recorded by St John, if here again, as is most probable, He
has Antichrist in view: 'I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive
me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive'
(v. 43)-
6. Slight, however, though these references in our Lord's recorded Anti-
teaching are, they would naturally direct the attention of the Apostolic
christ m
writers to the traditional material lying to their hands in their treat-
ment of this mysterious subject, and, as a matter of fact, we have clear writers.
evidence of the use of such material in the writings of at least two
of them.

Thus, apart from his direct reference to the Jewish belief in Beliar St Paul
in 2 Cor. vi. 15 ('And what concord hath Christ with Beliar?'), St Paul
has given us in 2 Thess. ii. i 12 a very full description of the working
of Antichrist, under the name of the Man of lawlessness, in which, as
we have already seen (comm. ad loc.\ he draws freely on the language
and imagery of the O.T. and of the speculations of later Judaism. It is
unnecessary to recapitulate the evidence, but for the sake of completeness
may be well to summarize briefly the leading features in the Pauline
(i) 'The mystery of lawlessness* is already at work, though for the
moment it is held in check by a restraining
person or power, probably
to be identified with the power of law or government, especially as these
were embodied at the time in the Roman State. (2) No sooner has
this restraining power been removed (cf. 4 Ezra v. 4, Apoc. Bar. xxxix. 7)
than a general 'apostasy' results, which finds its consummation in the
'revelation' of 'the Man of lawlessness.' (3) As 'the opposer' he 'ex-
alteth himself against all that is called God' (cf. Dan. xi. 36 f.) and actually
'sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God' the de-

scription being again modelled on the Danielic account (cf. Dan. viii. 13,
ix. 27, xi. 31, xii. n), and the 'lying wonders'
by which his working is
distinguished being illustrated by such passages as Orac. Sib. iii. 64 f.,
Asc. Isai. iv. 5 (see above). (4) Powerful as this incarnation of wicked-
ness seems to be, the Lord Jesus at His Parousia will 'slay him with
the breath of His mouth,' the words being a quotation from Isa. xi. 4,
a passage which the Targum of Jonathan afterwards applied to the de-
struction of Armilus the Jewish Antichrist 1 and whose use here St Paul

For Armilus (DI^DIK) i.e. Romu- Tr. n. ii. p. 165); cf. Bousset The
lus, as the name
of the chief adversary Antichrist Legend p. 105, Castelli II
of the people of Israel, in later Rab- Messia secondo gli Ebrei (1874) P-
binism see Schiirer 3 ii. p. 533 (Engl. 239 ff.

II 2
may well have drawn from the Jewish tradition of his time (cf. the use of
the same passage in Pss. Sol. xvii. 27, 39, 4 Ezra xiii. 10).

The whole description, it will thus be seen, is of a very composite

character 1 , though at the same time it is so definite and detailed 2 that it is ,

hardly to be wondered at that there has been a constant endeavour to find

suggestion in some historical personage of the writer's own time
its But .

though the sacrilegious conduct of Caligula (Jos. Antt. xviii. 261 (viii. 2),
Tac. Hist. v. 9, Suet. Calig. xxii. 33) may have influenced the writer's
language in v. 4, the real roots of the conception lie elsewhere, and it is
rather, as we have seen, in the O.T. and in current Jewish traditions
that its explanation is to be sought .

7. The same may be said, in part at least, of the various evil powers
which meet us in the Johannine Apocalypse. The first wild Beast of the
Seer (Rev. xiii. xx.) vividly recalls the horned wild Beast of Dan. vii., viii.,
and the parallels that can be drawn between the language of St John and
of St Paul (cf. Rev. xii. 9, xiii. i f. with 2 Thess. ii. 9 f.; xiii. 5 ff., xiv. 1 1
with ii. 4, 10ii. 12; xiii. 3 with
gS.) point to similar sources as lying at
the roots of both. On
the other hand the Johannine descriptions have
now a direct connexion with contemporary secular history which was largely
wanting in the earlier picture. This is seen noticeably in the changed
attitude towards the power of Rome. So far from this being regarded
any longer as a restraining influence, it is rather the source from which
evil is to spring
. And we
can understand therefore how the city of Rome
and its imperial house supply St John with many of the characteristics
under which he describes the working of Antichrist, until at length he
sees all the powers of evil culminate in the Beast of c. xvii., who, according
to the interpretation of Bousset (adopted by James in Hastings' D.B.\
is partly representative of an individual who 'was, and is not, and shall

be present' (c. 8 ^v KOI OVK eorni/ KCU Trapeorcu), that is a Nero redivivus ;

partly of a polity, namely that of Rome.

1 '
The avcytos-expectation of 2 Thes- Handcommentar n. i.
p. 30 f.) ;
salonians not the arbitrary inven-
is further Add. Note J.
tion of an individual, but only the 4
'We have here a Jewish-Christian
expression of a belief which had a dogma, which is to be understood by
long historical development, and was means of the history of religious re-
at the time universally diffused' flexion, and very indirectly by means
(Gunkel Schopfung u. Chaos p. 221). of the history of the Caesars' (Gunkel
scarcely a more matter-
2 'There is
Schopfung u. Chaos p. 223).
of- factprediction in the Bible' (Find- For the effect of the imperial per-
lay Thessalonians p. 219). The whole secutions, initiated by Nero in A.D. 64,
Appendix on 'The Man of Lawless- in leading St John to regard their
is a clear and well-balanced authors as the direct vassals of Satan,
statement on this difficult subject, see Swete Apoc. p. Ixxviii ff. The
to which the present writer gladly whole of this interesting section Anti-
acknowledges his indebtedness both christ in the Province of Asia' should
in this and the following Note. be studied in connexion with the sub-
E.g. Caligula (Spitta Urchristen- ject of this Note.
turn i. p. 294 ff,), Nero (Schmiedel

8. There remain only the references in the Johannine Epistles to The

which, it will be remembered, we owe the name of Antichrist. In these, EP ist ^ es
conformably to the writer's main object, the spiritual side of the con-
ception is again predominant. Thus, after indicating some of the main
elements in Christian Truth, St John passes in I. ii. 18 to the conflict into
which at 'a last hour' Truth will be brought with Falsehood, and in token
of this points to the decisive sign by which this crisis will be known,
namely, the coming of 'Antichrist,' the absence of the article in the
original showing that the word has already come to be used as a technical
proper name. Nor does 'Antichrist' stand alone. Rather he is to be
regarded as 'the personification of the principle shown in different anti-
christs' (Westcott adloc.\ who, by their denial that 'Jesus is the Christ,'

deny in like manner the revelation of God as Father (ii. 22), and, con-
sequently, the true union between God and man (iv. 3).
It is, therefore, into a very different atmosphere that we are intro- Present
duced after the strange symbolism of the Apocalypse, and the scenic si 8 ni

re presentation of the Pauline description. And one likes to think that Anti-
the last word of Revelation on this mysterious topic is one which leaves christ.
it open to every one to apply to the spiritual workings of evil in his own

heart, and in the world around him, a truth which has played so large
a part in the history of God's people in the past, and which may still
pass through many varying and progressive applications, before it reaches
its final fulfilment in the 'dispensation of the fulness of the times'

(Eph. i.

On the interpretation of 2 Thess. ii. I 12.

8 rbv per ^repov TWV axpwv Kal f3t\Ti<TTOV vlov avayopeije<T0ai TOV Qeov dia.
T v ^e roirnp /card SiafteTpov tvavrLov vlbv TOV Trovrjpov daipovos Kal
Sarava Kal 8ia[36\ov.
Orig. c. Gels. vi. 45 (ed. Koetschau n. 116).

Varied There are few passages in the N.T. for which more varied interpretations
interpre- have been proposed than for 2 Thess. ii. i 12. It is impossible to attempt
of the
to give a full account of these here But it may be well at least to

passage. indicate the main lines along which the exegesis of the passage has run. In
doing so we shall follow as far as possible the historical order, for, though
the different schools of interpreters cannot be rigidly distinguished according
to periods of time, there have been on the whole certain clearly marked
cycles in the method of interpretation applied to this difficult and mysterious
i. The Ante-Nicene Church.
i. The In the Early Church the ecclesiastical writers, amidst considerable
Ante- differences in detail, agreed in regarding the whole passage as a prophecy
Church. which, at the time when they wrote, was still unfulfilled. Rightly inter-
General preting the Parousia as the personal Return of the Lord for the Last
view. Judgment, they saw in the Man of lawlessness an equally definite personality,
who was to be manifested at the close of the world's history, but who for the
time being was held in check by a restraining influence, generally identified,
from the time of Tertullian 2 onwards, with the power of the Roman Empire.

Special excursuses are devoted to patristic evidence is given very fully.
the passage in most of the commen- E.Wadstein has collected much curious
taries: see especially those of Liine- material in his essay on Die escha-
mann, Bornemann and Wohlenberg tologische Ideengruppe : Antichrist-
among the German expositors, and Weltsabbat-Weltende und Weltgericht
of Eadie, Gloag, and Findlay among (Leipzig, 1896) p. 81 ff., and for the
the English. The article on 'Anti- conceptions of Antichrist from the
christ by Bev. F. Meyrick in Smith's xvth to the xxth century see H. Preuss
D.B. contains many interesting details. Die Vorstellungen vom Antichrist im
Cf. also Dollinger The First Age of spdteren Mittelalter, bei Luther, und
Christianity (tr. by Oxenham, 4th ed. in der Konfessionellen Polemik (Leip-
1906) Appendix i., and W. Bousset zig, 1906).
The Antichrist Legend (Eng. Tr. by 2
De Eesurr. c. 24 'quis nisi Bo-
Keane, London, 1896), where the manus status?
Elsewhere Tertullian

Of this line of interpretation we find traces already in the Didache xvi., Early
and in Justin Martyr Dial no, and it is clearly enunciated by Irenaeus
who presents a vivid picture of a personal Antichrist 'diabolicam apostasiam
in se recapitulans,' and 'seducens eos qui adorant eum, quasi ipse sit
Christus' (adv. Haer. v. 25. i). Elsewhere (v. 30. 2) he ascribes to Anti-
christ a Jewish origin, tracing his descent, in accordance with O.T.

prophecy (Jer. viii. 16), to the tribe of Dan a view that was shared by

Hippolytus (de Antichristo c. I4) Origen is equally definite in looking for


a single being, viov TOV Trovijpov $aip.ovos KOI "Sarava KOL Sia/3oAoi>, who is to be
opposed Kara dtafjifrpov to the Christ (c. Celsum vi. 45 f. ed. Koetschau n.
1156.), and similarly Cyril of Jerusalem speaks of Antichrist as Satan's
organ,' who will take his place in the Temple of Jerusalem, when not one

stone of the old building has been left standing upon another, and adds the
pious wish that he himself may be spared from seeing the horrors of that
day (Catech. xv. 7).
The Latin commentators follow on much the By The Latin
same lines .

'Ambrosiaster' the Antichrist is not named, but, arising out of the circum- commen-
cision he is and restore liberty to Rome. The working of
to kill the saints
this mystery of iniquity had already begun with Nero, who had killed
the Apostles, and from him it had passed on to Diocletian and Julian.
'Ambrosiaster' appears to identify o avopos with the devil.
Pelagius says pointedly 'Nisi Antichristus uenerit, non ueniet Christus,'
and then goes on to describe how the 'homo peccati' ('diaboli scilicet') will
attempt to revive the Temple and its worship with the view of persuading
the Jews to accept him 'pro Christo 3 .' For this the false doctrines already
at work were preparing the way: the only restraining influence was the
'regnum, quod nunc tenet.'
Differences in this general view were naturally caused, according as TO
fis dvofjiias was found in the political or in the religious sphere :

says that Christians should pray for et sacramenta culturae diuinae corri-
the Emperor, because clausulam sae- '

gere uel augere se dicet, et templum

culi acerbitates horrendas comminan- Hierusolymae restaurare temptabit
tern Romani imperil commeatu scirnus omnesque legis caerimonias reparare
retardari (Apol. c. 32). tantum ut ueritatis Christi euangelium
Cf. c. 6, ev irepiTo/ 6 SWTTJ/J $\6ei> soluat, quae res ludaeos eum pro
els TOV Kba^ov, KO! aurds [i.e. the Anti- Christo suscipere persuadebit, in suo,
christ] 6/j.olws eXetfo-ercu. Elsewhere non in dei, nomine uenientem.'
4 In
(c. Hippolytus describes the Anti-
15) Chrysostom we find again the
christ as rvpawos /ecu /SaaiXetfs, /C/)ITT?S attempt to associate Nero with Anti-
deivds, vibs TOV 5ia/36Xov. christ :
Nep&va 4vTav0d <$>-r\<nv uvavel
For 'Ambrosiaster' and Pelagius TTJTTOV ovra TOV di>TLXpi<rTov...Kai
see the List of Commentaries. elire, TO ^varfjpiov' TOVT&TIV,
3 The
passage may be given in full ws <fret'os, ovdt a.irripvdpia.<T[jitvus (Horn.
according to the correct reading of the iv. in II. ad Theodoret, on the
Karlsruhe MS., kindly supplied by Prof. other hand, thinks that the Apostle
Souter; in this short extract it differs has in view the heresies that were
in nine places from the text of the beginning to spring up (rds dva0ue/<ras
Pseudo-Jerome in Migne Supra omni- :
cup&rets)within the Church itself.
potentiam et aeternitatem se iactabit According to Ephrem Syrus (Comm. in
while it is further significant to notice, in view of later developments, that,
according to the testimony of Augustine , there were already some who,
despairing apparently of finding a consistent literal interpretation for the
different details, had come to apply it in a general way to all forms of evil
as they arose in the Church.

ii. The Middle Ages.

ii.The During the earlier portion of the Middle Ages this prophetic interpreta-
Middle tion of the passage as an inspired description of what was actually to happen
Ages. in the great Day of the Lord continued to prevail, not however without such
modifications as were required by the changing relations between Church
and State, and the divisions that were arising within the Church itself.
Already too there were increasing signs of the tendency, afterwards to
become so marked, to find at least partial fulfilments of the prophecy in
contemporary historical events.
The Thus in the Eastern Church, struggling for bare existence against the
Eastern forces of Islamism, Muhammad was readily identified with Antichrist, while
Church. in the Western Church the arrogant pretensions of some of the Church's
The own rulers had already begun to lead to whispers of the possibility of
a Papal Antichrist. It is a curious fact indeed that the first traces of such
a view seem actually to have come from an occupant of the Papal See itself,
First hints
of the when, towards the close of the sixth century, Gregory I., in denouncing the
possibility claims of the contemporary Byzantine patriarch, went the length of saying
of a Papal that whoever to himself the title of 'universal priest' is a pre-
cursor of Antichrist and described the title as 'erroris nomen, stultum
ac superbum vocabulum, perversum, nefandum, scelestum vocabulum,
nomen blasphemiae 2 Four centuries later Arnulph, Bishop of Orleans,

declared much to the same effect at the Council of Rheims(A.D. 991) that if
the Roman Pontiff was destitute of charity, and puffed up with knowledge,
he was Antichrist. It was only therefore giving statements such as these a
general application when in the twelfth century Joachim of Floris in his
Enchiridion in Apocalypsim began to trace a correspondence between the
warnings of the Apocalypse and the evils of his time a mode of interpre-
tation which another Franciscan, John Oliva, followed up by asserting that
in the opinion of some Antichrist would be a 'pseudo-papa 3 .'

Develop- When such hints were thrown out within the Church itself, one can
ment of
readily understand that they were eagerly laid hold of by all who, on grounds

Ep. Pauli, Venice 1893, p. 193) Anti-

De Civ. Dei xx. 19 'alii...non
christ is to be a circumcised Jew of putant dictum, nisi de malis et fictis,
the tribe of Judah ('ex ipso populo et qui sunt in Ecclesia.' Augustine him-
ex tribu Judae, neque in praeputio, sed self despaired apparently of finding a
in circumcisione ') who, imitating the correct interpretation for the passage :

of the Lord, is Ego prorsus quid dixerit, me fateor

coming to take his
place in the Church itself, but who for ignorare' (ut s.).
' 2
the time being is
restrained by the Ep. xxxiii. lib. vii. p. 891, Opera
Jewish Temple-worship and afterwards in. Migne.
by the preaching of the Apostles (see See Swete Apoc. p. ccviii f.

further Wohlenberg, p. 194 f.).


of liberty or morality, found themselves obliged to oppose the Roman this view
hierarchy, and that the identification of the Papacy with Antichrist amongst
gradually became a commonplace amongst the sects. At first apparently of^^
it was only an individual that was thought of, but from this the transition jjier-

was easy to a succession of individuals or a polity, as when Wycliffe asserted archy.

of the Pope generally that he did not seem to be 'the vicar of Christ,
but the vicar of Antichrist 1 and in the last year of his life (1384) wrote a

treatise De Christo et suo adversaria Antichristo, in which he identified

the Pope with Antichrist for twelve reasons, many of these being applicable
to thePope as such.

iii. Tlie Reformed Church.

The reference of Antichrist to the Papal Hierarchy "continued to be the iii. The
prevailing view of the Reformers. And such stress was laid on it by Reformed
Luther in the great controversial writings of 1 520 and succeeding years 2 that hurc
^ ^:
it found a place in the Articles of Smalkald which, under his influence, were v j ew
adopted in 1537 by a number of evangelical theologians as their rule of Papacy =
faith 3 In England both Houses of Convocation decreed in 1606 that
'if any man shall affirm that the intolerable pride of the Bishop of Rome,
clmst *

for the time still being, ... doth not argue him plainly to be the Man of Sin,
mentioned by the Apostle, he doth greatly err 4 And a few years later the

Translators of our A.V. complimented King James for having by means of

his tractate Apologia pro Juramento Fidelitatis 'given such a blow to that
man of sin, as will not be healed.' A section of the Westminster Confession
of Faith is devoted to defending the same view. And, with a few honourable
' '

exceptions, the equation the Pope, or the Papacy, is Antichrist may be

said to have been the prevailing view of Protestant exegetes for a period of
.about two hundred years 5 .

Dial. 31. 73 'videtur papam non praeclare ostendit, papam esse ipsum
esse Christi vicarium, sed vicarium verum Antichristum, qui supra et
antichristi.' Elsewhere he goes the contra Christum sese extulit et evexit,
length of saying that no man is better quandoquidem Christianos non vult
fitted to be the vicar of Satan than the esse salvos sine sua potestate, quae
Boman pontiff himself ('
ut sit vicarius tamen nihil est, et a deo nee ordinata
principalis Satanae et praecipuus anti- nee mandata est. Hoc proprie lo-
christus de Blasphemia c. 3), and quendo est se efferre supra et contra
characterizes his legates as 'a latere deum, sicut Paulus 2 Thess. ii. lo-
antichristi.' quitur.'
On nth Oct. 1520 Luther writes, 4
Cardwell Synodalia i. p. 379.
Jetzt bin ich um vieles freier, nach- 5
The position of Calvin (Comm. ad
dem ich endlich gewiss geworden bin, loc.) is interesting. While agreeing in
dass der Papst der Antichrist ist ' the general reference of Antichrist to
(Briefwechsel, ed. Enders ii. 491), and the Papacy (' Quid, obsecro, est se
to this conviction he clung to the end efferre supra omne quod numen repu-
of his life; see Preuss op. cit. p. 145 ff. tatur, si hoc Papa non facit?'), he
3 In the later authoritative
Latin finds the restraining influence in the
translation of these Articles the refer- limited diffusion of the Gospel. Not
ence runs as follows :
Haec doctrina till the Gospel was preached to the
Rise of But not on a system of interpretation which has nothing
to dwell further
new commend
to except the ease with which it lends itself to partisan

Purposes it is of more importance to trace the rise of certain new methods

oTinter- ,

of apocalyptic interpretation, which have powerfully affected the view taken
of this passage in modern times.

iv. Modern Views.

iv. Modern (i) Amongst these a prominent place must be given to the tendency to
Views. regard the whole conception in a purely ideal manner. Unable to agree
( i) The w^n a method of interpretation in which personal references and animosities
ideal view.
played so large a part, the followers of this system understood the passage
in a general or spiritual sense. The concrete individual traits of the Pauline
picture were wholly ignored, or else treated simply as symbolic representa-
tions of certain great principles always at work in the Church and the world.
Of this tendency C. L. Nitzsch is a striking example 2 In the Appendix .

to his Essays De Revelatione (1808), starting from the assumption that the
Trapova-ia is a 'factum ideale,' not to be looked for at any definite time
or place, but whenever and wherever faith needs to be strengthened, he
goes on to say that, as regards the Man of lawlessness, no such man ever
has existed or apparently will exist ('nusquam quisquam fuit nee in
posterum futurus esse videtur'). St Paul, that is to say, in his whole re-
presentation was influenced by subjective considerations, and without any
regard to the historic truthfulness of his picture desired only the edifica-
tion of his readers.
Later Others who followed in this direction, without perhaps going the same
length, or losing sight so entirely of objective realities, were such expositors
as Pelt in Germany, who lays down as a preliminary condition to his whole
discussion that St Paul was looking for no visible Return of Christ 3, and
Jowett in England, who for a guide to the Apostle's meaning in this
particular passage lays stress on his 'habitual thought' as revealed in such
passages as Col. ii. 8, 16, or the spiritual combat of Horn. vii.

whole world, would the Man of Sin be more scientific methods in the inter-
manifested (' Haec igitur dilatio erat, pretation of the Apocalypse : see Swete
donee completus esset Evangelii cur- Apoc. p. ccix f.
sus: quia gratuita ad salutem invitatio
On Nitzsch's position see especi-
ordine prior erat '). ally Bornemann p. 428 ff.

1 3
It ishardly to be wondered at that P. 185 '...tenentes, ilium Christ!

many Eomanist scholars (e.g. Estius adventum a Paulo non visibilem habi-
^1613) should adopt the methods of tum.' De Wette is even more explicit
their opponents, and retaliate by as- in declaring that '
whoever finds more
serting that the Pauline apostacy was than a subjective outlook of the Apostle
rather to be found in defection from into the future of the Christian Church
Borne, and that consequently Luther from his own historical position falls
and his followers were the real Anti- into error,
and that to expect any
christ. At the same time it is right actual embodiment of Satan is'con-
to notice that to the Jesuit scholars trary alike to the reflective under-
Ribeira (fi6oi) and Alcasar (fr6i3) standing and the pious feeling*'
belongs the credit of inaugurating

The advantages of this view are at once apparent. The

prophecy is universally applicable, and lessons can be drawn from it
for all succeeding generations of readers, whatever the special circumstances
in which they find themselves. But this result is only reached by depriving
the very literal and precise statements of the passage of all definite
meaning, and consequently we are not surprised to find that a large
and influential body of English expositors, while applying the truths of the
prophecy continuously throughout the whole course of the world's history
lay stress at the same time on their final and complete embodiment at the English
end of the days. Amongst supporters of this view it is sufficient to expositors,
mention such names as Alford, Ellicott, Eadie, Alexander, Dods, and most
recently Findlay, according to whom, 'The ideal Antichrist conceived
by Scripture, when actualized, will mould himself upon the lines of the
Antichrists whose career the Church has already witnessed' (p. 231). But
however true this may be as an application of the Apostle's words, it
contributes little or nothing to their interpretation 1 , or to the exact
meaning they must have conveyed to their first writer or readers. So far
from their conceiving an 'ideal' Antichrist, 'there is scarcely,' in Findlay's
own words already quoted elsewhere (p. 164), 'a more matter-of-fact
prediction in the Bible.' And it is not until the expositor has succeeded
in forming some idea of the genesis and reference of its varied details, that
he can hope to apply with any degree of success the underlying law or
principle to present-day needs. It is only therefore in keeping with the
growth of the historical spirit that alongside of this more subjective school
of criticism, there should have been a determined attempt to find the real
key to the passage in the historical circumstances of the time when it was
For the rise of this method of interpretation, which is generally known (2) The
as the praeterist or historical to distinguish it from the futurist or historical
predictive method, we can go back as far as Grotius who in his Annotationes f} e n _ gj
(Paris, 1644), starting from the untenable position that the Epistles were nings of
written in the second year of Caligula, found the fulfilment of the passage in this view,
that Emperor's desire to set up a statue of himself in Jerusalem (Jos. Antt.
xviii. 261 (viii. 2), cp. Suet. Calig. xxii. 33), the restraining power being the

proconsul Vitellius, 'vir apud Judaeos gratiosus et magnis exercitibus

imperans,' and the ai/o/zos, who was wrongly dissdciated from the Man of
lawlessness himself, Simon Magus. Wetsteiu on the other hand identified
the Man of lawlessness with Titus, on the ground that his army brought
their standards into the Temple, offered sacrifices to them, and proclaimed
the Emperor as avTOKpdrup (Jos. B.J. vi. 6. i), while Dollinger preferred to
think of the youthful Nero, restrained by the efforts of the dull Claudius.
Apart too from these distinctive references to the Imperial House Varieties
another important band of scholars sought the apostasy referred to rather in its ap.
in the revolt of the Jews from the Roman the p lca lon *
yoke restraining power
being found either in their leaders who were against the revolt (Le Clerc),
or in the prayers of the Christians who warded off for a time the destruction

For some good remarks on the two very different things see Denney
difficulty caused by confusing these Thess. p. 31 7 f.
of Jerusalem (Schottgen), or, if an individual had to be sought, in the
influence of such a man as James the Just (Wieseler).
It soon became obvious indeed that this system lent itself to almost end-
less modifications and combinations
in accordance with the predilections of
its supporters. And we
can understand therefore the relief with which in
the beginning of last century an application of it was hailed, which for
a time seemed to command widespread assent.
The Nero Its author was Kern 1 who, starting with the postulate that the whole
p assa <r e was written under the influence of the Apocalypse, found the Man
of lawlessness in the widespread belief in Nero Redivivus, the restraining
power in Vespasian and his son Titus, and the apostasy in the wickedness of
the Jews in their war against the Romans. This line of interpretation was
2 3 4 5
adopted by Baur Weizsacker Holtzmann and Schmiedel to mention
, , , ,

only a few representative names. But apart from the consideration that, if
accepted, it would be fatal to the authenticity of the Epistle, in which we
have already found good reason for believing (Intr. p. Ixxvi ff.), it is wrecked
on the fact that the napovo-ia referred to by St Paul cannot be understood
of the period of the destruction of Jerusalem, as the theory requires, but
only of the second and personal coining of the Lord Jesus Himself. On this
the evidence of the Epistles is quite decisive. And in view of it it is
unnecessary to spend time in showing that, even were it otherwise, the
precise traits of the Pauline picture are not fulfilled in Caligula, Nero or ,

any other Emperor of the period, though we must not lose sight of the fact
that some of the actions of the first-named may have influenced the
Apostle's language .

(3) The The real roots of his delineation are however, as we have already
had occasion to notice, to be sought elsewhere. And it one of the great is
view. services of what may be known as the traditional view to have drawn

Tiibinger Zeitschrift filr Theologie Epistle's authenticity as Wrede says
1839, p. 145 ff. pointedly, 'Die Deutung der Stelle
Theol. Jahrbiicher xiv. 1855, p. auf Nerd ist jedenfalls griindlich er-
141 ff., translated as Appendix in. to schuttert' (Echtheit p. i). Similarly
the Engl. ed. of Paul, His Life and Pfleiderer (Urchristentum 2 97 f., p.
Work* (Lond. 18735). Engl. Tr. i. p. 138 f.) while postulating
8 Das the close affinity of the Pauline repre-
apost. Zeitalter p. 521, Engl.
Tr. ii. p. 193 f.
It is impossible that sentations with Rev. xiii., xvii., xix.,
anything else can have been meant
xx., admits that the distinctive
than the Neronic Antichrist, who at features which in the Johannine
present is delayed by the living Em- apocalypse point to the legend of the
peror, and who in his own time will return of Nero are completely wanting
be supported by the deceit of false in 2 Thess.'
7 For the relation of the Pauline
prophecy (cf. Rev. xiii).'
EinL* 'Zur Conception
p. 217 picture to Caligula see Klopper Der
eines Bildes wie Apoc. 13... hat Nero zioeite Brief an die Thess. p. 53, and
cf. Spitta Urchristentum i. p. 148
Hand. Comm. zu 2 Thess. ii. i 12
Es handelt sich hier eben um die
Nur die
zeitgeschichtliche Deutung Anwendung der Caligula-Apokalypse
hat wissenschaftliches Recht.' auf eine neue Zeit.'
So strong an opponent of the

attention afresh to how largely the whole delineation grew out of the Jewish
experiences of the Apostle. For not only did the uncompromising hostility
of his Jewish fellow-countrymen suggest to St Paul the source whence the
crowning development of evil was to manifest itself (see pp. xxviii, xxxi f.),
but he was led to back on O.T. prophecy and current Jewish Apocalyptic

for the actual details which he worked up into his dread picture.
This line of interpretation is by no means new. From the earliest times
the dependence of many traits in the Pauline Antichrist upon the godless
king in Daniel have been clearly recognized. But it is only in more recent
years that increasing knowledge of the sources has made it possible to trace
systematically the Jewish tradition lying at the base of the N.T. passage.
According to Bousset (Encyc. Bibl. col. 179) the credit of breaking fresh
ground in this direction belongs to Schneckenburger
And now Bousset Possible

himself has endeavoured to carry the tradition still further back, and relation to
to find in the Antichrist legend 'a later anthropomorphic transformation'
of the old Babylonian Dragon myth, which he regards as one of the
earliest evolved by primitive man 2 .' The data on which this theory is built
up are too uncertain to make it more than a very plausible conjecture
(cf. p. 1 59), nor, after all, even if it were more fully established, would it

have any direct bearing on our inquiry, for certainly all thought of any
such mythical origin of the current imagery was wholly absent from
St Paul's mind 3 .In the meantime, then, we must be content with re- General
emphasizing that it is to the Jewish apocryphal and pseudepigraphic conclu-
writings, and especially to the prophetical books of the Greek O.T., and

the eschatological teaching of Jesus, that we must principally look for light
on the outward features of the Pauline representation.

See the survey of his writings by The Antichrist Legend p. 13 &.
Bohmer in the Jahrbucher fur Deutsche 3
Cf. Preuschen Z.N.T.W. ii. p.
Theologie iv. (1859) p. 405 ff.
169 n. .

Achaia, xlv, n Eschatology, Ixix ff.

Acts of Apostles, parallels with, xlii Ethical teaching, Ixxi
Agrapha of our Lord, 39, 66, 77, 115
Amanuensis, St Paul's employment of Faith, 6 ;
and works, 6, 94 ; and love,
an, xc f., 124 ff. 40, 68
Analysis of the Epistles: i These., 2; Friends, St Paul's Thessalonian, 133 f.

2 Thess., 84
Angels, Ixx, 45, 89 Gentiles, 31, 49
Antichrist, Biblical doctrine of, 158 ff.; Glory, 27
views regarding, at different periods God, doctrine of, Ixiv ff.
in the history of the Church, 166 ff. Gospel, the Apostolic, Ixv, 8 f., 17 ff. ;

Aorist: of inception, 17; expressing see also p. 141 ff.

immediate past, 32 Grace, 4, 81
Apostle, title of, 21 Greeting, Apostolic form of, 4 f.
Armilus, 163
Article: emphatic, 13, 49, 105, 112; Heart, 19
demonstrative, 81, 117; absence of Heathen- world : its immorality, 48 ff. ;

the, 4 14, 48, 51, 64, 75, 94

, its hopelessness, 56
Authenticity of the Epistles: i Thess., Heavens, the, 14 f.
Ixxii ff.
2 Thess., Ixxvi ff. Hellenism, St Paul and, Iv, Ivii
Hope, 7
Benediction, 81
Brother, xliv, 8; brotherly-love, 52 f.
Impurity, 48 ff.
Infinitive consecutive with
u)<rre, 1 1 ;

Cabiri, xlvi explanatory, 17; articular, 38, 47;

Call, the Divine, 26, 51, 79, 93 with 7r/)6s TO, 24; with ei's TO, 26, 31,
Chiasmus, 67 4*, 53
Christ, the title of, 136; the doctrine Inscriptions, Greek, use made of,
of, Ixvi ff. viii f ; see Index III. i (a)

Church, St Paul's use of the term, 4 Integrity of i :

Thess., Ixxvi ; of
Church-life in Thessalonica, xlvi ff., 2 Thess., Ixxxviii f.

71 ff.

Commentaries on the Epistles, cii ff. Jesus, the name of, 135; the words
Compound- verbs, St Paul's love for, liii, of, lix ff. ; Jesus and Paul, Ixii
to St
~ 4 Jews, opposition of, Paul,
Conversion, 13 xxviii f., xxxi f.; condemnation of,
Crown, 35 29 ff.

Joy, 10, 74 f.
Date of the Epistles, xxxv ff. Judaea, 29
Day of the Lord, 64 Judaistic literature, use made of, ix ;

Death: of Christ, 57, 69 f.; of believers, see Index III. 2

55 ff- Judge, Christ as, Ixvii
Destruction, eternal, 91 Judgment, the Last, 88 ff.

Dichotomy and trichotomy, 78 f.

Divinity of our Lord emphasized, Ixvi f. Kingdom, xxviii f., 27
Kiss, 80
Election, 8, 106
Emphasis in the N. T., Mi Letter-writer, St Paul as a, xxxiv,
Epistolary formulae, 129 xliff., 121 ff.
M. THESS. 12
Life with Christ, Ixviii f., Ixx .,62, 70 10, 21, 30, 37, 38, 45, 51, 66, 85,
Lord, the name of, Ixvii, 1 36 ff ; the .
90, 92, 103, 105, 106, 113
word of the, 12, 58, 109 Resurrection of Jesus, 15, 57; of be-
Love, 7 lievers, 60
Retaliation forbidden, 74
Macedonia, xlv, u Rhythm, supposed, in Pauline Epp., Ivi
Man of lawlessness, 98 ff. Roman Empire as the restraining
Manual labour, xlvii, 54, 114 f. power, Ixx, Ixxxviii, 101
Manuscripts, Greek, of the Epistles,
xciii ff. Salvation, 69
Meiosis, 30, no, 114 Satan, 34 f., 39, in
Metaphors derived from the way, 13, Sayings of Jesus, reminiscences of,
26, 43; the athletic ground, 17, 71, lixff.

109; the home, 21 f., 25, 33; build- Signature, authenticating, xcii, 129 f.,

ing, 37, 70; warfare, 68; inversion and see Index IV. s.v. ypd<j>b)
of metaphors, 22, 66 Silvanus, 3
Michael, 60 Sleep, figurative use of, 55 ff.

Morals, lessons in Christian, 45 ff. Son, Christ as, Ixvi

Muhammad and Antichrist, 168 Soteriology, Ixviii f.
Spirit: doctrine of the Holy Spirit,
'Name,' significance of, 94, 113 Ixviii; spiritual gifts, 75 f., 96; spirit
Nero redivivus, Ixxxvii, 172 of man, 78
Structure, general, of the Epistles,
Old Testament, Greek, relation of xlviii ff.

language to, liv, Iviii f. Studies, special, on the Epistles,

Order of the Epistles, xxxix cviii f .
Style of the Epistles, Ivi f.

Papacy and Antichrist, i68f.

Papyrus, manufacture of, 122 f. ; Text, Greek, adopted, vii f. ; authorities
examples of papyrus-letters, 127 ff. for, xciii ff.

Papyri, Greek, use made of, viii f . ;

see Thanksgiving the Apostolic, 5,
Index III. i (6) 41, 86, 06; the duty of, 75

Parousia of Christ, Ixix f., 591!.; of Thessalonica, the city of, xxi ff .
Antichrist, 98 ff. Paul's connexion with, xxvi ff. ;

Participle: present part, with art., n, general character of Church of,

15, 26, 39, 79; with 01), 19; for the xlvi ff.

ind., 25 Timothy, 3 f., 37; as supposed author

Patristic authorities for the text, of 2 Thess., Ixxxix ff.
xcix ff. Title of the Epistles, 3
Paul as a man, xliii f . ;
as a mis- Tradition, 107 f.
sionary, xlivff. ; 'I Paul,' 34, 39 Truth and falsehood, 104 f.

Peace, 4 77 , Type, n
Persecution at Thessalonica, xxxii, 10,
% Verse -divisions, unusual, in the WH.
Philippians, Epistle to the, coin- text, 6, 20, 25
cidences with, liii Versions, ancient, of the Epistles,
Place of writing of the Epistles, xxxv, xcvi ff .

xxxix Versions, renderings from various early :

Plays on words, 19, 54, no, 115 English, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 33 f., 50, 55,
Plural, epistolary, 131 f. 73, 86; A.V. of 1611, 13, 64; German,
Prayer : instances of, in the Epistles, 32, 50, 78, 107, no, 115; Latin, 6,
Ixv ;
addressed to Christ, Ixvi ; the 7, 12, 17, 22, 28, 40, 41, 42, 55, 68,
duty 75 of, 73, 78, 86, 107, 115
Prepositions, uses of, in late Greek, Vocabulary of the Epistles, lii ff. ; of
12, 20, 38, 62, 95, 109 2 Thess., Ixxix f.

Prophesyings, 76
Will of God, 48
Quotations in Pauline Epistles, 126 Women, position of, in Macedonia,
Rabbinical literature cited, 35, 49, 54, Wrath, Divine, 15
77, 88, 115
Readings, some variant, discussed, 5, Zoroastrianism, Ixxi
The main object of this Index is to supplement the lists of authorities in the
Table of Abbreviations and in the Introduction vn and vm. As a rule, there-
fore, no references are given to the grammatical, lexical, and textual works
that are there described, or to the commentators on the Epistles, though
occasionally, in the case of works most frequently cited, a general reference has
been added for the sake of completeness. It should be noted further that the
majority of references are to actual quotations, and not to mere citations of the
authors specified.

Abbot, Ezra, 122, 148 Cameniata, xxiv, xxvi

Abbott, Edwin A., 13 and passim Carr, A., Iv
Abbott, G. F., xxi, xxv, 130 Castelli, 163
Abbott, T. K., 51, 69 Catullus, 56
Aeschylus, 14, 38, 56, 105, 145 Charles, E. H., ix, Ixxviii, Ixxxvii;
Antipater of The'ssalonica, xxi and see Index III. 2
Antoninus, Marcus, 98, 115, 117 Chase, 14, 15, in, 193
Aristides, 25, 28, 99 Cheyne, 60, 161
Aristophanes, 141 Chrysostom, xlvi, 57, 82, 134, 149
Aristotle, xlvii, 19, 47, 76, 77 Cicero, xxii, 16, 48, 56, 123
Arnulph, 168 Clemen, xxxi, xxxvi, xxxvii, Ixxvi,
Athanasius, 103 Ixxviii
Augustine, 21, 48, 55, 61, 62, 168 Clement of Alexandria, 68
Clement of Borne, 9, 79, 117 ; Pseudo-
Bacon, 43 Clement, 15
Bacon, B. W., xxxviii, xlii, Ixxxviii Clementine Homilies, 39
Bahnsen, Ixxviii Clementine Recognitions, 59
Barnabas, 52, 86 Colani, Ixvii
Bartlet, xxxvii, xliii Conybeare, F. C., 56, 80, and see
Basil, in Index IV. passim
Baur, F. C., xxxix, Ixxiii ff., Ixxviii, Cook, A. S., 143
Ixxxvi, 172 Cousinery, xxi
Bechtel, 27 Cromwell, 0., 20
Beet, J. A., 65 Cumont, F., Ixxi, 14, 193
Bevan, E., 160 Curtius, E., Iv, 144
Bigg, xlvii, 104 Cyril of Jerusalem, 167
Birt, 123 f.
Blass, viii, xxix, Ivi, 6 and passim Dalman, 27, 88, 136, 141
Boehmer, see Schneckenburger Dante, 88
Boklen, Ixxi Davidson, A. B., 64
Bousset, Ixii, Ixxi, Ixxxvii, 35, 158, Davidson, S., Ixxviii
159, 162, 163, 166, 173 Deissmann, viii, liii, Ivi, Ixix, 3, 4,
Briggs, Ixvii 62 and passim
Brightman, 79 Delitzsch, F., xlvii
Brooke, A. E., xciii Demetrius, 121
Browning, K., 66, 88 Demosthenes, 16, 30, 108, 115, 116,
Bruce, A. B., Ixiv, Ixx 152
Bruckner, xxxvi Dick, K, 131
Burton, xxiii, 134 Dieterich, A., 141
Butcher, 63, 81 Dimitsas, 134

12 2
Diodorus Siculus, 20, 31, 40, 145, 148 Hicks, E. L., Iv, 31, 54, 192
Dion Cassius, 19, 54, 141 Hilgenfeld, Ixxviii, Ixxxvii
Dion Chrysostom, 19 Hippocrates, 113
Dion Halicarnassus, 97, 148 Hippolytus, 167
Dobscbiitz, von, xlv, Iv Hollmann, Ixxxv
Dollinger, 166 Holtzmann, Ixvii, Ixix, Ixxxi, Ixxxiii,
Driver, 160 172
Drummond, K. J., Ixii Homer, 38, 50, 61, 113, 141
Duchesne and Bayet, xxi, xxiii, and Horace, 20, 33, 48
see Index III. i (a). Hort, xxvii, xlviii, 4, 9, 21, 26, 42,
63, 7i, 7 2 89, 193, 194
Edersheim, xlvii
Ellicott, 33, 78, 116 Ignatius, Ixxiii, Ixxvii, 6, 67, 71, 112,
Ephrem Syrus, 167 144, 147
Epictetus, 17, 37, 40, 46 Irenaeus, Ixxiii, Ixxvii, 99, 167
Epiphanius, 149 Isidore of Pelusium, xlvi
Epistle Vienne and Lyons, Ixxvii Isocrates, 153
Erman and Krebs, 123 f.
Euripides, 15, 50, 67, 87, 145 James, M. E., 158, and see Index
Eusebius, 149 III. 2
Everling, Ixx, 39 Jannaris, 46
Ewald, xxxix, 147, 160 Jebb, E. C., 23
Jerome, xlvii, 12, 55, 64, 100
Fabricius, 3 Joachim, 168
Feine, Ixii, in Josephus (ed. Niese), 20, 29, 77, 78,
Firmicus, xlvi ipo, 122, 131, 133, 148, 164
Foat, 125 Jiilicher, xxxi, Ixii, \xxi, Ixxv, Ixxviii,
Friedlander, L., 130 Ixxx
Friedlander, M., 159, 161, 162 Juncker, Ixvi
Fritzsche, 22, 23, 40, 43 Justin Martyr, xxix, Ixxvii, 66, 72,.
144, 147
Gardner, see Roberts
Gardthausen, 123 f. Kabisch, 90
Geldart, 32 Kaftan, Ixii
Gerhard, G. A., 129 Karabacek, 123
Gfrorer, Ixxxvii Kautzsch, ix
Gibbon, xxiv Keble, 142
Gifford, 40 Kennedy, H. A. A., Ixix, Ixx, 27, 31,
Ginsburg, 158 59, 91, 99, 126, 138
Goguel, Ixii Kenyon, F. G., 8, 122 ff., 156, and
Gorgias, 56 see Index III. i
Gregory, C. E., xcix Kern, Ixxviii, 172
Gregory of Nazianzen, 149 Klopper, xxxix, 133
Gregory of Nyssa, lii Knowling, xxvii, xxxvi, Ixii, Ixxv,
Gressmann, 64 Ixxvi, 48, 64
Grill, 14 Krauss, 21
Gunkel, Ixxxvii, 158, 161, 164 Krebs, see Erman

Harnack, xxxvi, xlv, Ixxviii, 8, u, Lactantius, 15, 64

21, 193 Lake, Kirsopp, 58
Harris, Eendel, xxx, 13, 126 Laqueur, E., 42
Hart, ix, 64 Laurent, xxxix, 126, 131
Hartung, 61 Leake, xxi
Hatch, 23 and passim Leighton, 75
Hausrath, Ixxxix Lietzmann, 6, 28
Hawkins, 32 Lightfoot, J. B., Ivii, Ixvi, Ixxix, 6, 20,,
Heinrici, Ivii 21, 71, 94, 105, in, 114, 133 and
Heitmiiller, W., 113 passim
Hermas, Ixxiii, 72 Livy, 35
Herodotus, xxi, 21 Lobeck, xlvi
Heuzey and Daumet, xxi, and see Lock, W., xli, xlv, 32, 1 1 6, 126
Index III. i
(a) Locke, John, xlii

Lucian, xxiii, 52, 124, 141 Eamsay, W. M., xxvii, xxix, xxxvi,
Lueken, 60 xli, xlv, Iv, Ixiv, Ixx, 7, 29, 125
Luther, 169 and passim
Eeinach, T., 31
Mahaffy, xxvi, 125, and see Index III. Eeitzenstein, 60, 94, 109, and see
i (6)
Index IV. passim
Manen, van, Ixxvi Eenan, xli, xlvi, 121, 126
Mathews, Shatter, Ixix Eendall, xxxvii
Mayor, J. B., 35, 108 Eesch, A., Ix, 39, 58, 77, 115
M Clellan, 193
Eeuss, Ixxx
M Giffert, xxxvi, xxxvii,
Ixxviii, 76 Eiddell, 88
M Lean, Norman, xciii
Eitschl, 15
Menegoz, xxxvi, Ixiv Eoberts and Gardner, 1 1 and passim
Meyrick, 166 Eobinson, J. Armitage, 4, 29, 93, 102,
Middleton, 94 ^ 129, 135, 138
Moft'att, xxxvi, Ixxvi, xc, 101 Eopes, 58, 77
Mommsen, xlvi Eound, Douglass, xxxvii
Monteil, Ixiii
Moule, 126 Sabatier, xlii, Ixiv
Moulton, J. H., viii, ix, Ixxi, n, 22, Sanday, xxxiv, Ivi, Ixvi, Ixix, 14, 81,
105 and passim 121, 126
Moulton, W. F., 57 Sanday and Headlam, 4 and passim
Mozley, F. W., 15 Sandys, xxiv
Musonius, 20 Schader, E., Ixix
Myers, 62 Schettler, Ixviii
Schmidt, J. E. C., Ixxviii
Nageli, Iv and passim Schneckenburger-Boehmer, 158, 173
Nestle, 38, 52, 123 Schottgen, 54, 98, 172
N. T. in Ap. Fathers, Ixxiii, Ixxvii Schrader, Ixxiii
Nietzsche, xliv Schiirer, 65, 148, 151, 162, 163
Nitzsch, C. L., 170 Scott, C. A., 151
Seeberg, Ixvii, 51, 108
Oliva, 1 68 Seneca, 124
Origen, xxxiv, 21, 166, 167 Severianus, 38, 101
Paley, xxx, 97 Skeat, 143
Peake, 133 Smith, W. E., 64
Pelagia-Legenden Usener), 62
(ed. Socrates, 76
Pfleiderer, Ixxxvii, 172 Soden, von, xxxiv, Ixxv, xcv, 140
Philo (cited by sections and by Man- Soderblom, Ixxi
gey's pages), 12, 36, 49, 60, 78 Somerville, 138, 139
Philodemus, 19 Sophocles, 49, 91, 117
Philostratus, 153 Souter, A., ix, xciv, xcix, cii, civ
Pindar, 33 Spitta, Ixxxix ff., 39, 164, 172
Plato (ed. Stallbaum), 18, 24, 34, 50, Stanley, A. P., 75
54, 70, 72, 74, 104, no, 115, 152, Stan ton, V. H., 137, 139
153 Stead, F. H., 140
Pliny, xxii, 33, 122 ff. Steck, Ixxv, 58
Plutarch, 26, 76, 78, 96, 98, 152 Strabo, xxi, xxiii, no
Pollux, 12 Suetonius, 130, 164
Polybius (ed. Schweighauser), 17, 18, Swete, 38, 81, 101, 126, 137, 142,
20, 46, 51, 62, 105, 116, 117, 131, 143, 151, 164
Polycarp, Ixxvii, ex Tacitus, xxix, 31, 164
Porter, F. C., 160 Tafel, xxi, xxii
Preuschen, E., 156, 173 Tatian, 52
Preuss, H., 166 Taylor, xlvii, 35, 77
Purser, see Tyrrell Teichmann, Ixx, 146
Tertullian, 30, 81, 91, 101, 166
Quintilian, 115 Thackeray, St John, 61, 158
Theocritus (ed. Ziegler), 56, 71
Eadford, n Theodoret, xxiv

Theophilus, 52 Weizsacker, Ixxxi, 3, 126, 172

Theophrastus, 19 Wellhausen, Ixix
Thompson, E. M., 122 ff. Wendland, 69
Thucydides, 30, 145, 153 Wernle, xlv, Ixxxiii, Ixxxvi
Thumb, A., ix, 193 Westcott, 6, 31, 52, 68, 78, 86, 105,
Tindale, 141 118, 136, 150
Tischendorf, xciii Wette, de, Ixxviii
Titius, Ixx, 49, 60 Wieseler, 12, 172
Trench, B. C., 7, 99 and passim Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 121
Turner, C. H., xxxvi, cii Wilcken, Ixiv, 35, 4 6, 48, 75, 123, 143
Tyrrell and Purser, 129 Wilke, 23
Williams, A. L., 124
Vaganay, 161 Wilson, A. J., Ivii
Vaughan, 103 Witkowski, 129, 132, and see Index IV.
Vergil, 56, 109 passim
Vischer, Ixxxvi Wrede, Ixii, Ixxxi ff.

Volz, Ixvii, Ixix, 56, 60, 64, 70, 91, Wright, 59

99, H7 Wiinsche, 80
Wycliffe, 169
Wadstein, 166
Wagner, 69 Xenophon, 10, 26, 47, 49, 76, 141,
Warfield, 101 152, 153
Weber, F., 9, 60, 65, 103, 162
Weber, V., xxxvii Zahn, xlv, Ixvi, Ixxvii, Ixxviii, Ixxxv,
Weinel, xlv, xlviii 3 and passim
Weiss, B., xxxii, Ixxiv, 37, 66 Zimmer, F., xciii, 5
Weiss, J., Ivi


C.I. A.

Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (Berlin, 1873 ).

Journal of Hellenic Studies.
xviii. 333 . . xxvii

Epigrammata Graeca, ed. G. Kaibel (Berlin, 1878).
no. 247 . . 22

Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander, ed. 0. Kern (Berlin, 1900).
no. 33 26 no. 105 9. 155 no. 163 II 4
85 26 109 37 179 57
90 6 113. 18, 24 1 88
IOO 97 157 Ixvi, 148

Recueil d' Inscriptions Grecques, ed. Ch. Michel (Paris, 1900).
no. 459 . .

Orientis Graeci Inscriptions Selectae, ed. W. Dittenberger, 2 vols. (Leipzig,
4 .
141 no. 335 93
90 .
8, 96, 148 339
194 22 437
227 41 444
262 . I0 4 484
I 48
331 . .

The Amherst Papyri, edd. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt (London, 190001).'
Part i. nos. i
no. i . 143
Part ii. nos. 10 201.
no. 30 . .
5' 73

Ixiv, 42



Vol. iv. (in progress).

no. 1039 46 |
no. 1079 4*>i 81

Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum, ed. E. J. Goodspeed (Chicago, 1902).
no. 3 .
57, 64 i
no. 5 .
35 |
no. 29 . .81
Corpus Papyrorum Eaineri archiducis, i. Griechische Texte, ed. C. Wessely
(Vienna, 1895).
no. 19 .
97 I
no. 27 . .
44 I
no -
32 33

Fayum Towns and their Papyri, edd. B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and

P.Grenf. I.

An Alexandrian Erotic Fragment, and other Greek Papyri, chiefly Ptolemaic t

ed. B. P. Grenfell (Oxford, 1896).
no. 37 8 1 no. 41 35
18 22 40 ur 53
30 105, 130

P.Grenf. II.
New Classical Fragments, and other Greek and Latin Papyri, edd. B. P.
Grenfell and A. S. Hunt (Oxford, 1897).
no. 14 . .
146 |
no. 35 . 66 |
no. 38 .
Heidelberger Papyrus- Sammlung, i. Die Sept uaginta - Papyri und andere
altchristliche Texte, ed. A. Deissmann (Heidelberg, 1905).
no. 6 . 6, 47, 132

The Hibeh Papyri i., edd. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt (Egypt Exploration
Fund, London, 1906).
no. 30 no. 44 132 no. 49

Papyri graeci Musei antiquarii publici Lugduni-Batavi, ed. C. Leemans,
2 vols. (1843, 1885).
no. S . . 122 no.
U . . 122 I
no. V . .80
Griechische Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, i., ed. L. Mitteis
(Leipzig, 1906).
no. no . .
137 |
no. 119 . .

Greek Papyri in the British Museum, 3 vols. (London, 1893, 1898, 1907).
Vol. i. nos. i
138, ed. F. G. Kenyon.
no. 22 no. 116 no. 121

6, 63, 118, 156


46 .. 117
78, 109, 123

Vol. ii. nos. 139 484, ed. F. G. Kenyon.

no. 342 . .
156 no. 413
. .no
Vol. in. nos. 485 1331, edd. F. G. Kenyon and H. J. Bell,
no. 951 . .
98 no. 1178
. .

The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, edd. B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt (Egyptian
Exploration Fund, London, 1898, 1899, 1903, 1904).
Part i. nos. i 207.
no. 38 . .
103 no. 57 78 no. 115 62, 129
41 .
77 94 "9 59
45 125 I! 126 .
Part ii. nos. 208 400.
no.237 20,32,77,117,155 no. 261 50 no. 294 46, IO2
245 97 275 ' '
153 301 . I2 4
259 49, 102 292 .
10, 46, 53 . I2 4

Part in. nos. 401 653.
no. 413 .
. I
no. 486 H5 no. 496
471 . 26, 118 I 491 114 532 74 156
Part iv. nos. 654 839.
no. 657 122 no. 719 114 no. 744 46
725 154 745 xxiii
713 155
718 117 726 1
9 74 6 127

Paris Papyri in Notices et Extraits xvm. ii., ed. Brunet de Presle (Paris,
no. 7 74 no. 42 .8,35 no. 49 117
10 12 43 .
132 122
73 45 61
T53 47 23,

The Flinders Petrie Papyri (in the Proceedings of the Koyal Irish Academy
Cunningham Memoirs," nos. viii., ix., xi.), 3 vols. (Dublin, 1891, 1893).
Part i. nos. i 30, ed. J. P. Mahaffy.
no. ii .
37 |
no. 29 . .
Part n. nos. i 50, ed. J. P. Mahaffy.
no. 9 .
74 I no. 39 .
35, 145 I no. 45 . .
15 . .
64 | 4o . .
73 |

Part in. nos. i 146, edd. J. P. Mahaffy and J. G. Smyly.

no. 42 . .
53 I
n <>- 49 134 I
no -
73 . .
43 22, no |

Papyrus Grecs et Demotiques, ed. Th. Reinach (Paris, 1905).
no. 15 91

GriechiscTie Papyrus der Kaiserl. Universitdts- und Landesbibliothek zu
Strassburg i., ed. Fr. Preisigke (Strassburg, 1906).
no. 22 . .

The Tebtunis Papyri, 2 vols. (University of California Publications, London,
1902, 1907).
Part i. nos. 1264, edd - B p- -
Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and J. G. Smyly.
no. 5 49,72,114,155 no. 43 . 62
24 23,
27 65 56
28 93


Apoc. Bar.
The Apocalypse of Baruch, ed. E. H. Charles (London, 1896).
i. 4
xi. 4 .

xni. 3
xv. 8
xx. 6

Aristeae ad Philocratem Epistula, ed. P. Wendland (Leipzig, 1900).

The Book of Jubilees, ed. E. H. Charles (London, 1902).
i. 20 . . . 161 I xxiii. i .
56 I xxxvi. 18 56
xv. 33 . . . 161 |
xxiv. 30 .
15 |

x. 18 . . .

1 Maccabees
vi. 8 .
96 |
xii. 27

2 Maccabees
i. 27 . .
.96 vii. 37 .
Secrets of Enoch
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, tr. from the Slavonic by W. E. Morfill, and
ed. by R. H. Charles (Oxford, 1896).
61 |
xliv. 2 . . .

The Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach, or Ecclesiasticus.
in. 23 "5 xxii. 16 44 xxix. 23 93
xi. 27 149 22 149 xxxv. 14 93
XV. 20 89 xx vi. 10 89 23
xvi. 13 66 xxviii. 9, 72 xlii. i 149

Testament of Abraham
Ed. M. E. James (Texts and Studies ii. 2, Cambridge, 1892).
xiii. A . .

Test. xii. patr.

The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, ed. E. H. Charles (Oxford, 1908).
Benj iii. 4
. 61 Levi vi. 1 1 . Levi xviii. 12 161
Jos. xx. 4 56 viii. 15 . Eeub. iv. 7 161 .

Jud. xxii. 3 146 xviii. ii


44 ,, vi. 3 161 .

Levi iii. 3 161

This is intended to be primarily an Index to the Greek words discussed in
the Introduction and Notes, and not a Concordance to the Epistles in the case, :

however, of characteristic words and phrases, references have sometimes been

given to passages which are not directly annotated. few additional references A
have also been inserted, principally to lexical and grammatical authorities, in the
hope that they may prove useful to the student. The abbreviations employed
for this purpose are explained in the list of abbreviations, p. xiii ff.

ay ados, I. iii. 6, v. 15, II. ii. 16 , II. i.

dyaducrtivr], II. i. n ,
I. ii. 4; 6 cu/flp. r.

dyaTrdk), I. iv. 9 ; rjyaTrrifjievos u?r6, II. ii. 3

I. i.
4 , II. ii.
13 dvi(TTri/Ju, I. iv. 14, 16
dyaTnj, I. i.
3, iii. 6, II. iii. 5 (ay. r. deov) II. ii. 3, 7
dyaTrrjTos, I. ii. 8 ,
II. ii. 8
AyyeXos, II. i. 7; cf. Nageli p. 38 dvTaTTo5ld(dfj.i, I. iii. 9, II.
i. 6
dyidfa, I. v. 23 dvrexpiJ.a.1, I. V. 14
dyiaafj.6s, I. iv. 7, II. ii. 13 di'rt, I. v. 15 ; di^' wy II. ii. 10
cfyios, I. i. 5 f., iv. 8 ; ol ayi.oi, I. iii. aj'Tt/cet/Acu, II. ii. 4
13, II. i. 10 a^ios, II. i.
dyiua-uvri, I- iii- J3 J
f- Nageli p. 43 d^tow, II. i. ii
dyvotu, I. iv. 13 ,d|tws T. ^eoO, I. ii. 12
&yw, I. iv. 14 6,Trayy\\(ji}, I. i.
dyuv, I. ii. 2 dTrdisrrjcris, I. iv. 17
d5eX06s, I. i.
4 ; p. xliv, cf. Witkowski aVa /cat 5is, I. ii. 18
Epp. p. 38 d-n-apx-rj, p. 106; cf. Wilcken Ostr. i.

ddia\eiTTT<j)s, I. i. 2, ii. 13, v. 17 P- 345 f-

ddiKia, II. ii. 10 arras, II. ii. 12

drip, I. iv. 17 dirdTTj, II. ii. 10
ddertw, I. iv. 8 d?rexw, I. iv. 3, v. 22 ;
cf. Nageli p. 54 f.

'AOrjvat, I. iii. i diro, I. 8, ii. 6, II.

i. i. 9
alptofMi, II. ii. cf. Nageli p. 19 f. Ct7ro5et'/o'y tu, II. ii. 4
13; /

al<pi>idios, I. v. I. v. 15
3 ,

aitovtos, II. i.
9, ii. 16 w, I. iv. 14, v. 10
dKadapcria, I. ii. iv. 7 ;,
II. ii.
3, 6, 8; p. 149 f.
I. ii. II. i.
7; p. 149 ff.
d/co?7, 13 s,

d/cotfw, II. iii. ii ,

I. ii. 15
dK/sijSws, I. v. 2 d7r6\Xu/xt, II. ii. 10
dXrideia, II. ii.
135 ^ dX?J0eia, II. ii. dirop<f>aviofjiat., I. ii. 17
10, 12 aTroo-rao-ta, II. ii. 3
d\r]dt.v6s, I. i.
9 a7r6<TTo\os, I. ii. 6
dXyd&s, I. ii.
13 dTTtoXeta, II. ii. 3
a^a crtfj/, I. iv. 17, V. 10 a/m GUI', I. v. 6, II. ii. 15
d/j-apria, I. ii. 16, II. ii. 3 dpttTKw (0ey), I. ii. 4, 15, iv. i

s, I. iii.
13 dpTrdfw, I. iv. 17
iii. 6, II. ii.
s, I. ii. 10, iii. 13, v. 23 apn, I. 7
p. 45 a/>Tos, II. iii. 8, 12
7, I. iii.
7 I. iv. 16 ; cf. Nageli
dvaipeu, II. ii. 8 p. 48 f.

dva(j.Vb}, I. i. 10 xri, II. ii.

dva.Tr\rip6w, I. ii. 16 S, I. v. 14
I. v. 26 et'S^ccu, I. iv. 4
dcr7raa>i6s, II. iii. 17 etSoy, I. v. 22
dcr0dXeta, I. V. 3 etSwXoi', I. i.
II. iii. 7; 153
p. f. el/j.1 Trp6s, I. iii.
4, II. ii. 5
S, I. V. 14 ; p. 152 ,
II. i. 6
II. iii. 6, n; p. 153 ,
I. V. 13
OLTOTTOS, II. iii. 2 7, I. i. i, v. 3; 6 ^e6s (/ctf/uos) T.
ai)r6s, 6, I. iii. u, iv. 16, v. 23, II. ii. yvris, I. v. 23, II. iii. 16
1 6, iii. 16 I. i. 5, iv. 8 eis r6 c. inf.
ei's, ; (result),
'Axata, I. i.
7 f. ; p. xlv 12, (purpose) II. ii.
I. ii. n
els ^/caorros, I. ii. n, II. i. 3; els rbv
/Sdpos, I. ii. 7 ^a, I. v. ii
I. ii. 12, II. i. 5 ei'<ro5os, I. i.
9, ii. i
ei're (with the subj.), I. v. 10
70/3, I. ii. i, 20; /cal 7dp, I. iii.
4 eK, I. ii. 6

700-7-77/3, I. v. 3 KdlKr)<TLf dovvat, II. i. 8

yli>o/j,ai' ytyova, I. ii. i; tyev6fji.rit>, I. i. &c5t/cos, I. iv. 6; cf. Soph. Lea;, s.v.,
7, iii. 4 f., II. ii. 7 ; tyevrjdrjv, I. i. 5 Hicks C.E. i. p. 44
(6i's), 6, ii.^5, 7, 8, 10, 14 e/<5tu>Ka>, I. ii.
yLvwaKd), I. iii. 5 KK\Tjffia Qeaa'aXovt.K^wv, I. i. i , II. i. i ;

7pd0co, OUTOJS, II. iii. 1

7 ; for the fKK\r)<ria.i r. 0eou, I. ii. 14, II. i. 4
authenticating signature cf. Mel. K\oyr), I. i. 4
Nic. p. 130 ff. 4x(f)ijyu, I. v. 3
ypTjyoptw (ethical), I. v. 6, (meta- ^XTT/S, I. i. 3, ii. 19, iv. 13, v. 8;
phorical) I. v. 10 7, II. ii. 16

e/i6s, II. iii. 17

Set, p. 86 ZlJiirpoffOev r. deov (icvpiov), I. i.
3, ii.
S^ojucu, I. iii. 10 iii.
9, 13
5^XA""> I- i- 6, ii.
13, II. ii. 10 &/ I. iv. 7, 16; for els, i. 8; instru-
5?/yu,os, 6, p. xxiii mental, iv. 1 8 ; 6e$ irarpi, i. i ; Xp.
5td, c. gen. I. iii. 7, iv. 2, 14, II. ii. 2 'l77<Toi5, ii. 14 ; Kvpiy, iii. 8 ; X67^>
(ws 5i' 77/uov) ; c. ace. I. i. 5 (cV tyxas) Kvpiov, iv. 15; 6i>6jj.a.Ti T. Kvpiov,
5icUoi/os, I. iii. 2 II. iii. 6
Stctyuapriypoyucu, I. iv. 6 evavrios, I. ii. 15
5ldu/uu, I. iv. 2, 8; cfy'?7,
II. iii. 16 ,
II. i.
SiKcuos, II. i.
5, 6 ; cf. Lft. Notes wcu, II. i. 10, 12
p. 286 f. tfw, I. v. 8

5t/ccu'ws, I. ii. 10 evtpyeta, II. ii. 9, ii

diK-rjv rivd), II. i. 9 evepyfa, I. ii. 13, II. ii.
5t6, I. iii. i, v. ii L
II. ii. 2; cf. Mayser p. 371
cH6ri, I. ii. 8 ; cf. Mayser p. 161 ), II. iii.
5tory/x6s, II. i.
4 i)
II. i. 4
5iw/cw, I. v. 15 tj,
I. ii. 18
doKifAdfa, I. ii. 4 (Ms), v. 21 evopntfa, I. v. 27
56Xos, I. ii. 3 i.,
II. iii. 14; cf. Anz Subsidia
56a, I. ii. 6, 12, 20, II. i.
9, ii. 14 p. 13 f., Witkowski ^. p. 47
5od^o/u, II. iii. i w, II. ii.
dov\ev<a, I. i.
9 i, I. i. 8
dtivafjLis, I. i. 5, II. i. 7; Iv Swdyiiei, ^0;, I. i. 8
II. i. n, ii.
9 ,
I. v. 20 ; cf .
Soph. I/ea;. s.v.

dwpedv, II. iii. 8 ;

cf. Nageli p. 35 f.

tt-ovffia, II. iii.

9 ; cf . Eeitzenstein
tdv, I. ii. 7; with ind. iii. 8; eav ^77, Poimandres p. 48
II. ii.
3 ;
for &v, p. 22; cf. Conybeare w, ot, I. iv. 12
Selections p. 91 f. ^Treira, I. iv. 17
eatrrou, I. ii.
7, 12; eavruv (for ist ^TT, c. gen. I. i. 2 ; c. dat. iii. 7, 9,
pers. plur.) I. ii. 8, II. iii.
9; cf. iv. 7; c. ace. 16, II.
ii. i. 10, iii. 4
Schmid Attic, i.
p. 82 eTrtjSap^w, I. ii.
II. iii. 8
eyeipu, I. i. 10 eiridv/j-ia, I. ii.
17, iv. 5
t'7w (emphatic), I. ii. 18, iii. 5 7mrod<j), I. iii. 6
Zdvos, I. ii. 1 6, iv. 5 ; cf. Nageli p. 46 ,
I. v. 27, II. ii. 2, 15, iii. 14,
t, I. iv. 14; ei o^, c. ind., II. iii. 10, 14 17

w, I. i.
9; cf. Anz Subsidia p. 135 ff. ; cf. Chase Credibility

P- 33 f- of Acts p. 205 f.
i, II. ii. i IKO.VOV \a/3eiv, p. xxix

II. ii. 8 ; p. 148 f. IVa final, I. ii. 16, v. 10; semi-final,
Tri(pa.vr)s, pp. 148, 160 iv. i, v. 4, II. i. n, iii. i; iva /A??,

ii, II. I. iv., I. ii. 9, iv. iii. 8, 10, 13
II, 12 'louScuos, I. ii.
epyov (Trio-rews), I. i.
3, II. i. n; 5tot ts, II. i- 9
r. ^70^, I. v. 13
epwrdw rogo,' I. iv. i, v. 12, II. ii. i ;
Kadd-rrep, I. ii. I [ ;
naddirep Kdi, 6,
cf. Thumb Hellen. p. 12 r 12 ;
iv. 5
eV0to>, II. iii. 10 Kadevow (ethical), I. v. 6; (literal) v. 7;

efrt, II. ii. 5 (metaphorical) v. 10

evayye\, I. iii. 6; p. 141 ff. Kadlfa, 4 II. ii.

evayyeXiov, TO, I. ii. 4 ; Tj/uDi', I. i.

5, Ka<9c6s, Li. 5; Ka6. oidare, p. xliv
II. ii. 14 T. 0eov, ;
I. ii. 2, 8, 9 ; /cat in comparison, I. ii. 5; contrasting,
T. I. iii. 2 r. ii. 1 8
xpio-roO, ; Kvptov T\p.
'I?7<roD, II. i. 8 ; p. 141 ff. /ccup6s- Trpos Kaipbv wpas, I. ii. 17 ;

evdoKew, I. ii. 8 ; iii. i ;

c. dat. II. ii. ev T CL{)TOV /catpy, II. ii. 6

Kaipoi, I. v. i ;
cf. Revue d. Etudes
II. ii
grecques xv. p. 4
evdoicta., i.

s, I. iv. 12 I. v.
/ca/c6s, 15
w, I. i. 2 ;
ev iravrl &X-i L /caX^w, I. ii. 12, iv. 7, v. 24, II. ii. 14
v. 18 KokoiroLew, II. iii.
13; cf. Soph, and
eu%api<rria, I. iii.
9 Herwerden Lex. s.v.
I. v. 3 I. v. 21
(conj.), II. ii.
7 Kapdia, I. ii. 4, 17 (irpo<Tu>7ry ou Kapdiq.),
13 (<rrT7pcu KapdLas)
I. iii. 8, v. 10; debs &v, I. i.
9 KaTa\a/j.^dv(ii}, I. v. 4
I. ii. 6 /caraXetTrw, I. iii. i

Kara^iow, II. i.
5 ;
cf. Anz Subsidia
?} oi^x^ ! ii-
19 p. 38
yyeofjiai, I. v. 13, II. iii.
15 Karapyeu, II. ii. 8
7)577, II. ii. 7 w, I. iii. 10 ;
cf. Mayser p. 20 f.
I. v. 4 v. 2
Tj^pa Kvpiov, ijvu, I. iii. ri, II. iii.
i]fj.epa, 77, ; ;
77 T//*^pa e'tfelvT], II. i. 10; vioi 7)/jt,pa$, I. v. 2i ; II. ii. 6, 7; ff.
, p. 155
I. v. 5 I. ii.
, p. 21 ;
cf. Herwerden Lea;, s.v.
Kel/, I. iii.
I. iv. ii 16
Ke\ev(TfJ.a, I. iv.

II. iii. 12 /cei'6s, I. ii. i ; es iii.
xevbv, 5
I. ii.
Krjpti(r(r<i), 9
0dX7rw, I. ii. 7; cf. Thumb Hellen. K\eTTT1JS, I. V. 2, 4
p. 215, .MeL Me. p. 249 K\TJ(TLS, II. 1. II
dav/uidfa, II. i. 10 i, I. iv. 13 ff.

0t\r)(j.a (dead), I. iv. 3, v. 18; cf. Hort act, I. ii. 5

i Pet. p. 142 f. ;, I. v. 12
0Aw, I. ii. 18, II. iii. 10 ;
ov 0Aw iros, I. i. 3, iii. 5 ;
dyvoeiv, 13 I. iv. ii.
9, II.
iii. 8
deodiddKTOS, I. iv. 9 parew, c. ace., II. ii. 15; p. 155
0eos, 6, p. Ixiv; debs TrctTTjp, p. Ixv pivw, II. ii. 12
Qe<r<ra\oi>iK(:fa, I. i. i, II. i. i
puris, II. i.
0M/3w, I. iii.
4, II. i. 6, 7 rdofJiai, I. iv. 4
d\tyts, I. i. 6, iii. 3, 7, II. i.
4, 6 tfpios, p. 136 ff. ;
cf. Hort i Pef.
8poeoiJ.aU) II. ii. 2 p. 30 ff., and
for the legal use of
0o>pa (THO-TCWS), I. v. 8; for the Kijpios
in the papyri see Archiv iv.
' '
militia Christi see Harnack's p. 80 ff.

Essay (1905), and cf. Cumont Relig. ,

I. ii. 1 6
orient, p. xiii ff.

XaXefw, I. i. 8; cf. M Clellan

fStos, I. ii. 14; rd tdta, iv. TI p. 383 ff.

iep6dov\oi, p. 14; cf. Herwerden Ap- \byos, I. i. 5; 6 X67os, i. 6; deov, ii.

pendix s.v. i. 8, iv. 15, II. iii. i
Kvpiov, ; yfjiuv,

II. iii. 14; KoXaKtas, I. ii. 5; oo-iws, I. ii. 10
13 ;
ev T. X67ois, iv. 18 ;
5id \6yov, oVris, II.
9 ; cf. i. Dieterich U liter -

K. f.
II. ii. 2, 15 ; p7y X67y,
17 ii. sucluingen p. 199
Xoi7r6s- oi XOITTOI, I. iv. 13, v. 6; \onr6v, STOLV with aor. subj., II. i. 10
iv. i ;
TO Xoi?r6j>, II. iii. i 6're, I. iii. 4, II. iii. 10
6'rt demonstrative, I. i. 5, ii.
13, iii. 4
I. i.
7 f., iv. 10; p. xlv causal, j6, v. 9, II. i. 3, ii. 13
I. iv.

fjt,a.Kpo6vfji.fa, I. v. 14 ou with part., I. ii. 4 ; ov /-CT), iv. 15 L ;

yuaXXop (intensive), I. iv. i, 10 oy% 6Vt, II. iii. 9

fJMpT6pl01>, II. i. IO ou6V, I. ii.
I. ii. 12 oupaj'os, I. i. 10, iv. 16, II. i.
s, I. ii. 5, 10 otfre, I. ii. 5, 6
t, I. v. 7 otfrws, I. ii. 4, iv. 14, II. iii. 17 (oi'rws

w, I. v. 7 ; cf. Reitzenstein
Poimandres p. 240 f. ouxi, I. ii-
w, I. iii. 4 60e/Xw, II. i, 3, ii. 13
fdv (solitarium) , I. ii. 18
/<ie<ros, I. ii. 7; ^*c /*eVou, II. ii.
7 7rci0os, I. iv. 5
I. i. 6, II. iii. 12 irdvTore, I. i. 12, ii. 16, iii. 6, iv. 17,
radtdwfjLi, I. ii. 8 v. 15, 16; II. i.
3, ii, ii.
7 with pres. imp., I. v. 19; with aor. Trd-rrvpos, p. 122
subj., II. iii. 13 ; ^ TTWS, I. iii. 5 Trapd c. gen.. I. ii.
13, iv. i, II. iii. 6,
II. iii.
7, 9 8; c. dat. II. i.

S, I. i. 6, ii. 14 Trapayye\ia, I. iv. 2

iroieiffdai, I. i. 2 ; fj.veiav ^x eiv t Trapayye\\w, I. iv. ii, II. iii. 4, 6, 10, 12

iii. 6 TrapdSocrts, II. ii.
15, iii. 6
rj/movevci}, c. gen. I. i. 3 ;
c. ace. Trapa/caXew, I. ii. 12; c. IVa, I. iv. i;
II. ii.
9 c. inf. iv. ro
vov, II. ii. 7 jrapdK\r](ris, I. ii. 3, II. ii. 16
s, I. iii. i 7rapaXa uj3di'w, y
I. ii.
13, iv. i ; TrapeXd-
. /CGTTOS fioffav p. 113, cf. Conybeare Selections
ripiov, II. ii.
7 ;
cf. Hatch Essays P- 3 2
p. 57 ft. Trapa/j.vd^o/j.aL,I. ii. ii, v. 14

irapovcrla, I. ii. 19, iii. 13, iv. 15, v. 23,

i/a6s, II. ii. 4 II. ii. i, 8, 9; cf. p. 145 ff.

vexpbs, I. i. 10, iv. 16 TrappTjcridfoucu, I. ii. 2

ve0<?X?7, I. iv. 17 ?ras, I. iii. 12, 13, v. 26, II. iii. 16, 18;
v-fjTTios, I. ii.
7 ev Trajtri, I. v. 18; 5td Trairos, II. iii.
I. v. 6, 8 ; cf. Hort i Pet. p. 65 f. 16
I. v. 12, 14, II. iii. 15 7rd<rxw, I. ii. 14, II. i.
vovs, II. ii. 2 7rar?7p, I. ii. n; (of God) I. i. i, 3,
vuj/, I. iii. 8, II. ii. 6 iii. ii, 13, II. i. i, 2, ii. 16, cf.

i/tf, I. v. 2, 5, 7 ; VVKTOS K. i)fj.pas, p. Ixv f.

I. ii.
9, iii. 10, II. iii. 8 HaOXos (emph.), I. ii. 18
Treidw, II. iii.
6 demonstrative, I. v. 27, II. iii. .14 Treipdfw, I. iii. 5
656$, I. iii. ii TT^TTW, II. ii. 1 1

ol5a, I. i.
4 ; /catfws oiSare, I. i.
5, p. xliv trepl 5^, I. iv. 9, v. r

oiKo5ofj.<a, I. v. ii jrepiepydfo/mcu, II. iii. ii

ofos, I. i.
5 7repi/ce0aXata, I. v. 8
6'Xe0pos, I. v. 3 ; 6X. alamos, II. i.
9 TreptXenro/icu, I. iv. 15, 17
6X176^x0$, 14 I. v. TreptTrarew, I. ii. 12
6X6KX?7pos, I. v. 23 ,
I. v. 9, II. ii. 14
6'Xos, I. iv. 10 di},
I. iii. 12, iv. i, 10
6XoTeX?7s, I. v. 23 ,
I. ii.
6/j.elpo/, I. ii. 8 ^a?, I. iv. 14 ; 6 irio'Tevui', I. i.
6'vojua, II. i. 12, iii. 6; cf. Herwerden ii. 10, [3; 6 Tncrrei/cras, II. i. 10;
s.v., and Mel. Nic. p. 253 Tri( c. ace. I. ii. 4
I. 1. r;, II. iii. 2 ; Trpos r. ^eov,
I. i. 8 ;
OTTOtOS, 9 Tritrrts,
6'7TOJ5, II. 1. 12. Zpyov Trtcrrews, I. i. 3, II. i. 1 1 ; TTL<TTLS
opare id], I. v. 15 K. dydirr), I. iii. 6, V. 8

i, i], I. i. 10, ii. 16 7rtoT6s, I. v. 24, II. iii. 3


I. ii. II. ii. 1 1 la, I. v. 8, 9, II. ii. 13

j, 3,
d^cu, I. iii. 12, II. i.
), I. iv. 6 s, II. ii. 2

Tr\eoi>ej;ia, I. ii. 5 , I. ii.

7, ii

ir\r)po(f)opia, I. i. 5 els, I. ii. 16

7TA?7p6cO, II. 1. II repas, II. ii. 9
irvev/jLa, I. v. 19, 23, II. ii. 2, 13 ; of T77p^aj, I. v. 23
Christ, II. ii. 8 ; irvev^a ayiov, I. i. Tidrj/jii, I. V. 9
5, 6, iv. 8 Ti/wfr, I. iv. 4
Troteco, I. v. 24 Ttytt6^os, I. i. i, iii. 2, 6, II. i. n
Trovrjpds, I. v. 22, II. iii. 2, 3 rtpw, II. i.
ia, I. iv. 3 r6 with inf., I. iii. 3
I. iv. 6 rotyapovv, I. iv. 8
), I. iv. 1 1 Totouros, II. iii. 12
L, I. v. 12 T67TO?, I. 1. 8
I. iii. 4, iv. 6 rore, II. ii. 8
7rpo7rdo'xw> I. ii. 2 rpx w ,
II- "^ J

?rp6s c. ace. after verb of rest,

I. iii.
4, rp67ros, II. ii.
3, iii. 16
II. ii. 5, iii. i ; irpbs TO c. inf., I. ii.
9 rpo06s, 1. ii.
irpoo-evxy, I. i. 2 T^TTOS, I. i. 7, II. iii. 9 ;
cf. Herwerden
Trpocrei'xoyUcu, I. v. 17; irpocrfV'xofj.a.L Lear. s.v.
if a, II. i. ii, iii. i

ov Kapdig.,
7rpo<rc67rcp I. ii.
17 vfipifa, I. ii. 2
7rp60ct<m, I. ii. 5 vi6s (of Chiist), I. i. 10 ; 0wr6s AC.

., I. V. 20 17/x^pas, v. 5 ; r. aTrwAeias, II. ii.

?7T?7S, I. ii. 15 vircLKotw, II. 8, iii. 14 i.

', I. iv. 1 6 UTT<?P, 2, II. i. 4, 5,

I. iii. ii. i ; p. 69
TrCp, II. i. 8 UTrepai'po/xat,
II. ii. 4

TTCJS, I. i.
9 ; TO TrcDs, iv. i virepav^dvu, II. i. 3
virepfiaivu), I. iv. 6
I. i. 10, II. iii. 2 I. iii. 10, V. 13
pto/jLai (e/c), (a7r6) ; vTrepeKwepi<T(rov,
cf. Anz Subsidia p. 19 f. U7r6, I. ii. 14
v-fi, I. i. 3, II. i.
4, iii.
5, I. iii.
3 ;
see also crialvofjicu ,
I. iii. 10
craAetfco, II. ii. 2

ffd\Triy, I. iv. 1 6 00CU/U, I. ii. 16, iv. 15

Sarai/as, I. ii. 18, II. ii.
9 0iAa5eA0ta, I. iv. 9
er/3eVi>iyu, I. v. 19 0tA77/xa, I. v. 26
0-e/3ao>ta, II. ii.
4 QlXtinroi, I. ii. 2
ffrj/me'cov, II. ii.
9, iii.
17 0iAort/^o/xcu, I. iv. ii
(rr}, II. iii. 14 0A6, II. i. 8
(TicuVoyuai, p. 38; cf. also Z.N.T.W. <pv\d<ra-(i), II. iii. 3
viii. p. 242 0WI/77, I. iv. 1 6
StAovcwos, I. i. i, II. i. i 0ws, I. v. 5
tr/cevos, I. iv. 4
(T/COTOS, I. V. 4 f. ,
I. iii.
9, v. 16
<77rof5dcv, I. ii.
17 ,
I. i. 6, ii.
19 f., iii.
o-T^yw, I. iii. i, 5 dpts, I. i. i, v. 28, II. i. 2, 12, ii. 16,
<rrAAo/xcu, II. iii. 6 iii. 18
OT^CWOS, I. ii.
19 ;
cf. Herwerden %eip, I. iv. n, II. iii. 17
Lex. s.v. Xpeiai' x ea/ >
I- i- 8
ffTyKu, I. iii. 8, II. ii. 15; cf. Conybeare Xpt(rr6s, p. 136 ff.

Selections p. 42 oi/os, I. v. i ; see also Kcup6s

<rr?7pi'fw, I. iii. 2, 13, II. ii.
17, iii.
cf. Anz Subsidia p. 20 f. ,
II. ii.
9, u
cru/i0uA^T77s, I. ii.
14 I- " 8, v. 23
ffijv v. a/u.a

(Tvi>ava/j.Lyvv/ji.a.i, II. iii. 14 w8ii>, I. v. 3

<rwepy6s, p. 37 wpa, I. ii.
(rww, I. ii. 16, II. ii. 10 cos edv, I. ii.
7 ; ws 6'rt, II. ii. 2
I. v. 23 coo-re consecutive, I. i.
, 4
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