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English to Metric Conversion tables English to Metric Conversion tables


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English to Metric Conversion tables English to Metric Conversion tables Printer Friendly Version Length Conversion Factors T cnetfo o ovr rm t o mlil b utpy y ml (SSaue ie U ttt) klmtr(m ioee k) 1694 .037 ic (n nh i) mliee (m ilmtr m) 2. 54 * ic (n nh i) cniee (m etmtr c) 25 * .4 ic (n nh i) mtr() ee m 005 * .24 fo (t ot f) mtr() ee m 034 * .08 yr (d ad y) mtr() ee m 094 * .14
Area Conversion Factors

T cnetfo o ovr rm sur fo (qf) qae ot s t sur ic (qi) qae nh s n sur yr (qy) qae ad s d ar (c ce a)
Volume Conversion Factors

t o sur mtr(qm qae ee s ) sur mtr(qm qae ee s ) sur mtr(qm qae ee s ) hcae(a etr h)

mlil b utpy y 00200 E .9934 00041 E .0656 08623 E .3176 044 .07

T cnetfo o ovr rm cbcic (ui) ui nh c n cbcfo (uf) ui ot c t cbcyr (uy) ui ad c d glo (a) aln gl Cnd lqi aaa iud glo (a) aln gl Cnd lqi aaa iud glo (a) aln gl US lqi* .. iud* glo (a) aln gl US lqi .. iud fudone(lo) li uc f z fudone(lo) li uc f z
Force Conversion Factors

t o cbcmtr(um ui ee c ) cbcmtr(um ui ee c ) cbcmtr(um ui ee c ) ltr ie cbcmtr(um ui ee c ) ltr ie cbcmtr(um ui ee c ) mliies(l illtr m) cbcmtr(um ui ee c )

mlil b utpy y 00013 .0069 00818 .2365 07459 .654 456 .4 0044 .056 37518 .841 00384 .0751 2.75 9533 00025 .0097

T cnetfo o ovr rm kp(00l) i 10 b kp(00l) i 10 b pud(b on l) aoruos vidpi pud(b on l)

t o klga (g iorm k) nwo () etn N klga (g iorm k) nwo () etn N

mlil b utpy y 436 5. 44822 ,4.2 04394 .552 4482 .422

Pressure or Stress Conversion Factors

Pesr o srs rsue r tes kpprsur i e qae ic (s) nh ki pudpr on e sur fo (s) qae ot pf pudprsur on e qae fo (s) ot pf pudprsur on e qae ic (s) nh pi pudprsur on e qae ic (s) nh pi

mgpsa (P) eaacl Ma

6845 .977

klga pr iorm e 482 .84 sur mtr(gs m qae ee k/q ) psa (a acl P) 4.8 78 psa (a acl P) mgpsa (P) eaacl Ma 68477 ,9.5 00697 .0846


English to Metric Conversion tables

ic (s) nh pi
Mass Conversion Factors

Ms (egt as wih) pud(b on l) aoruos vidpi tn 20 l o, 00 b gan ri Ms (egt prlnt as wih) e egh kpprlna i e ier fo (l) ot kf pudprlna on e ier fo (l) ot pf Ms prvlm (est) as e oue dniy pudprcbc on e ui fo (c) ot pf pudprcbc on e ui yr (bc y) ad l/u d

klga (g iorm k) klga (g iorm k) klga (g iorm k)

04394 .552 9714 0.88 00068 .004

klga prmtr(gm 0018 iorm e ee k/) .048 klga prmtr(gm 148 iorm e ee k/) .8 klga prcbc iorm e ui mtr(gc m ee k/u ) klga prcbc iorm e ui mtr(gc m ee k/u ) 1.14 6086 053 .93

Temperature Conversion Factors

Tmeaue eprtr dge Fhehi () ere arnet F dge Fhehi () ere arnet F kli () evn K Eeg adha nry n et Biihteml rts hra ui(t) ntBu clre(a) aoi cl Budge t/ere klwt-or(w) ioathu kh Biihteml rts hra ui prpud(t/b nt e on Bul) Biihtemlui rts hra nt prhu (t/r e or Buh) PwrCneso Fcos oe ovrin atr Pwr oe hreoe (p ospwr h) (5 f-bsc 50 tl/e) Vlct eoiy ml prhu (p) ie e or mh ml prhu (p) ie e or mh Preblt emaiiy dry ac fe prdy(tdy et e a f/a)

dge Clis() ere esu C kli () evn K dge Clis() ere esu C jue() ol J

t=t-2/. c(F3)18 t =(F497/. k t+5.)18 t=k231 ct-7.5 15.5 0506

jue() ol J 416E .88 Fxh xf2 Wm -dge K5686 r t /2 ere .723 jue() ol J 36000 ,0,0E clre prga aois e rm 0556 .55 (a/) clg wt () at W 02371 .901

wt () at W

7569 4.99 E

klmtrprhu(mh)1694 ioee e ork/r .03 mtrprscn (/) ee e eod ms 0474 .40 cniee pr etmtr e scn (msc eod c/e) cniee pr etmtr e scn (msc eod c/e) 0006 .098 0005 .032

--------*niae ta tefco gvni eat idcts ht h atr ie s xc. *OeUS glo eul 082 Cnda glo. *n .. aln qas .37 aain aln t- psa eul 100nwo prsur mtr -A acl qas .0 etn e qae ee.

Nt: oe OeUS glo o wtrwih 83 pud (.. a 6 dgesF n .. aln f ae egs .4 ons US) t 0 ere . Oecbcfo o wtrwih 6. pud (... n ui ot f ae egs 24 ons US) Oemliie o wtrhsams o 1ga adhsavlm o oecbccniee. n illtr f ae a as f rm n a oue f n ui etmtr OeUS bgo cmn wih 9 ls n .. a f eet egs 4 b.
More Useful Conversion Factors

UEU CNESO FCOS SFL OVRIN ATR Qatt uniy Lnt egh Fo Egih rm nls Uis nt ml ie yr ad fo ot ic nh sur ml qae ie ar ce ar ce T Mti o erc Uis nt k m m m m m k 2 m m2 hcae etr Mlil utpy b* y 1694 .037 094* .14* 034* .08* 2.0* 54* 250 .9 44 07 044 .07

Ae ra


English to Metric Conversion tables

sur yr qae ad sur fo qae ot sur ic qae nh Vlm oue ar fo ce ot cbcyr ui ad cbcfo ui ot cbcfo ui ot 10badfe 0 or et glo aln l b kp(00l) i 10 b pf l pf s pf c l b kp i pf l kf l

m2 m2 m 2 m m3 m3 m3 L(00c 3 10 m ) m3 L(00c 3 10 m ) k g mti tn(00g erc o 10k) k/ gm k/ 2 gm k/ 3 gm N k N Nm / k/ Nm

086 .31 0029 .9 0 652 4. 123 3 074 .66 0083 .2 2 2.2 83 026 .30 375 .8 043 .56 043 .56 148 .8 482 .8 1.2 60 448 .4 448 .4 1.9 45 1.9 45

Ms as Ms/ntlnt asui egh Ms/ntae asui ra Ms dniy as est Fre oc Freui lnt oc/nt egh Pesr,srs, rsue tes mdlso oue f eatct lsiiy

pf s kf s pi s ki s

P a ka P ka P Ma P N.m k .m N

4.8 78 4.8 78 685 .9 685 .9 136 .5 136 .5

Bnigmmn, edn oet f-b tl tru,mmn o fref-i oqe oet f oc tkp -------------------*4sgiiatdgt infcn iis *dntseatcneso *eoe xc ovrin UEU CNESO FCOS SFL OVRIN ATR Qatt uniy Mmn o ms oet f as Mmn o ieta oet f nri Scn mmn o ae eod oet f ra Scinmdls eto ouu Pwr oe Fo EgihUis rm nls nt l .f b t l .f2 b t i4 n i3 n tn(erg o rfi) Bus t/ h (lcrc p eeti) Buh t/ f 3s t / cm f cm f md g f/ ts fs2 / l .f/e b tsc l .f 2s b t / dge ere

T Mti Uis o erc nt k .m g k .m2 g m4 m m3 m k W k W W W m3s / m3s / Ls / m3s / ms / ms2 / k .ms g / k .m2s g / rd a ma rd

Mlil b* utpy y 018 .33 0021 .4 4 4620 1 0 1 30 6 9 357 .1 104 .5 757 4. 023 .91 0083 .2 2 000419 .0 7 041 .79 003 .48 *034 *.08 034 .08 018 .33 0021 .4 4 0074 .1 5 1.5 74

Vlm rt o fo oue ae f lw

Vlct,sed eoiy pe Aclrto ceeain Mmnu oetm Aglrmmnu nua oetm PaeAge ln nl

-------------------------------*4sgiiatdgt infcn iis *dntseatcneso *eoe xc ovrin

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