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Business Systems Analysis

About us
Hayworth Coopers is an independent consulting rm founded to offer
innovative business solutions to customers. Our strategic process and
experience is known for developing comprehensive solutions that create
added value for any organisation. We strive to offer more than just a collection
of managed services. With over two decades of proven experience between
our partners, we pride ourselves on unequivocal excellence in all aspects of
the company and are committed to providing bespoke solutions to address
and full your business requirements.
United Kingdom
29 Gardiner Close, St Pauls Cray
Kent BR5 3HW
T +44 (0) 1689 891175
12 Oko-Awo Street,
Off Adetokunbo Ademola Street
Victoria Island, Lagos
T +234(1)7734109
T +234 807 467099
Benets of our Business Systems Analysis Solution
Our business systems analysis allows you to see your organisation as an
integrated whole.
Businoss Proooss Enginooring and Automation
Contral point o oontaot or hnanoial onart o aooounts hold onangos
End usor systoms support
Tosting o now systoms unotionalitios.
Posoaron and analyzo origins o systom issuos
Assist ond usors by dovoloping roports and quorios
Tost Stratogy & Planning
Uso oaso and tost oaso dovolopmont
Tno ossonoo o our BSA proooss broadly oonsists o tno ollowing stops,
and continual iteration is the best way to develop a workable, effective plan.
ndustry tronds, notably ohoo T notworks, oontral data ropositorios navo
shaped our proposed service:
Study your manual aooounting prooossos and proooduros and makos
recommendations on how to automate.
Dovolop dooumontation and training or ond usors on now to oootivoly uso
nancial management system features and related applications.

Apply aooounting and auditing prinoiplos and toonniquos to onsuro tnat
data integrity, internal controls, and audit trails are maintained throughout
all applications.

Poviow oxooption roports and oporator orror mossagos, and provido
applications support to end users of nancial management systems and
related applications.

Pororm proossional work rolatod to spooial pro|oots involving
programming, systems analysis, or nancial management, as assigned.
Pro|oot load or provido work dirootion or training to loss oxporionood
employees within the department, or to end users.
Our Business
Systems Analysis
In this day and age, technology
moans businoss. Tno
technological infrastructure and
processes vary dramatically
from one organisation to another
and so do the processes within
every information system.
Businoss Systoms Analysis is
critical to ensuring that the
specic goals of the
organisation are met by the
technical solution delivered.
Hayworth Coopers provides the
Chief Financial Ofcer and the
normation Systoms and
Sorvioos Dopartmont witn
systems analysis.
United Kingdom
29 Gardiner Close, St Pauls Cray
Kent BR5 3HW
T +44 (0) 1689 891175
12 Oko-Awo Street,
Off Adetokunbo Ademola Street
Victoria Island, Lagos
T +234(1)7734109
T +234 807 467099
Following a diagnostic phase, we
will evaluate whether the nancial
systems are responsive to the
business and reporting needs.
Our ndings and recommendations
are fully documented through which
we will deliver;
Businoss Poquiromonts

Funotional Poquiromonts

Usor Poquiromonts
Non-unotional roquiromonts
Businoss Spooihoation
Entity rolationsnip diagram
showing the relationships
between information entities in
a business system
A proooss modol o tno
business process
Tost Complotion Poport
Gap Analysis
Suitability Poport
Conhdonoo tnat all systoms aro
t for purpose
Why choose Hayworth Coopers?
We offer detailed business systems analysis, from requirements gathering to
solution dohnition. Tnoroby allowing you to soo now tno bost porormanoo
will be achieved when all the component parts of the organisation, or business
system, are working together harmoniously to achieve the organisations
mission and objectives, and structured to t the external environment.
Further benets of engaging Hayworth Coopers on this solution include:
Exportiso & stability
Hignly knowlodgoablo work oroo
Skillod labour
Toonnologioal skills
Powornouso solution
Hign lovol standards
Dynamio approaon and motnods
Exooptional Porormanoo
noroasing rooognition
First-olass oustomor sorvioo
Some of our other
services include

Businoss Proooss mprovomont
Businoss ntolligonoo
Finanoial Planning and Control
Customor Flow Managomont
Polationsnip Managomont
Pro|oot Managomont

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