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Create Your Own Career

Koji Okumura, Ph.D.

December 4, 2012

Career Theory Know About Yourself

Value (Career Orientation) Interest/Passion (Life Line) Skills

Design Your Future

Originating from the Latin word "Career," meaning "carriage way," career has acquired the meaning of course or track, as in racetrack or athletic field in English. Expanding on this, it has come to also mean a persons track in life, biographical data, or personal history. It also means a job requiring special training, a persons life work, promotion, and success in one's profession.

Different shades of meaning included in the word "career" are the formulation of a short- or long-term career plan, the view of a life-time business career and private life, and the process in improving ones career.

Columbia University Professor of Department of Education Donald E. Super

A person's career is greatly affected by happenings and accidents in life. The planned happenstance approach positively accepts the happenings arising through stages in life and actively uses them for career building, finding vocations that effectively express selfindividuality and connecting happenings to career improvement.

John D. Krumboltz Professor, School of Education and Psychology Stanford University





There is no Good or Bad career. Career does not have Success or Failure. Career success/failure should be judged by own not by others. There are subjective perspective (values, attitude, motivation) and objective perspective (observable phases) in career. Career is process. Not an event.

Why did you choose current profession?motivation Are you happy in your profession? What does it mean to you?

Know where you are and figure out what you would like to go from here.

Reflect your past. Write major work & life events/experiences. Was there any breakpoints? Challenges? Who was the great influencer? What impact did you receive? What was your satisfaction level at each event/experience?

20 Minutes

Briefly tell your story Talk about any patterns of your behaviors Challenges Happy moment/Down time Motivation Influencers Planned Happenstance
15 Minutes

Career Orientation Each orientation is equally valued Your primary orientation is more like your career anchor You rely on the value in difficult times

Career Orientation
Sustained motivation/value/expectation/will for own job and career.
Professor C. Brooklyn Derr

5 Orientations
Advancement Influence. Seek for visible promotion. Secure Seek acknowledgement. Stable position. Challenge Seek excitement & adventure.

Freedom Seek control over own work.

Balance Seek balance between work and life.

1. 2. 3.


It takes time to have own orientation Orientation may be changed over time Multiple orientations may emerge at the same time Each orientation is equally valued

Very High
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *







Balanced Challenge

Hitotsubashi December 4, 2014
Most Least

Advancement Stability Challenge Freedom Balance

Where do you find satisfaction?

Skill, Talent, Capability, Experiences

Career Best

Interest, Passion, Value, Volition

Goal, Needs, Strategy, Performance

What are your interests?

What are excited about most?

When are you satisfied?

Skills & Knowledge Ex. Programming. Data analysis

Experiences Ex. Finance. Marketing. Sales

Setting Career Goal

Short Term and Long Term Goals Short Term: Next few years Long Term Ten years from now

6 Criteria Be Specific Observable Set time line Achievable Write it up!


Setting Short Term Goals

Goal Setting for next few years What kinds of job are you interested in? Past interesting jobsVery engagedWas very successful, Hated the jobs, etc. Which organization, under what environment do you prefer to work? Working condition, Evaluation System, Human relationship, Your perspective on the job Concrete Recruiting Target Industry, Function, Size, Domestic/Foreign Capital, Salary, etc.

2 X 100,000 Hours
Work Retirement Life Retirement

100,000 Hours at Work HsDayDaysYears

100,000 Hours for your own HsDayDaysYears

Enjoy your time

Finding & creating new life goals (preparatory stage)

The only difference among top athletes is strong will to win. Other factors are almost the same.

Principle of 10,000 Hours

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