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The Cell

Cell shape usually vary according to its function!

Types of Cell
1. Prokaryotic Cell - cell that lacks nucleus or membranebounded organelles but with prokaryotic cell membrane - more primitive cells - nucleoid as region of DNA concentration

Examples: bacteria and archaean

3 Architectural Regions
Cell Envelope generally consists of a cell wall covering a plasma membrane though some bacteria also have a further covering layer called a capsule.

3 Architectural Regions
Cytoplasmic Region that contains the cell genome (DNA) and ribosomes and various sorts of inclusions.

3 Architectural Regions
Appendages include flagella and pili (projected from the cells surface) that facilitate movement and communication between cells.

Endosymbiotic Theory
The eukaryotic cell evolved from a symbiotic community of prokaryotic cells. Specifically, the mitochondria and the chloroplasts, have their own DNA that is completely distinct from the DNA housed in the nucleus, are what remains of ancient symbiotic oxygen-breathing bacteria and cyanobacteria, respectively, whereas the rest of the cell seems to be derived from an ancestral archaean prokaryote cell.

Types of Cell
2. Eukaryotic Cell - contains membrane-bound compartments for metabolic activities - has nucleus that houses its DNA. Examples: plants, animals, fungi, and protists

Spot the difference!

Focus on Differences
FEATURES Typical Organisms Specialization Eukaryotic Cells Found in "complex" organisms. Can specialize for certain functions, such as absorbing nutrients from food or transmitting nerve impulses. Most animal cells are 10 30 micrometers across. Most plant cells are 10 100 micrometers across. Prokaryotic Cells Found in "simple" organisms. Usually exist as single, virtually identical cells.


Most are 110 micrometers across.


Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic Cells

Contain a nucleus and Lack a nucleus and other many other organelles, membrane-encased each surrounded by a organelles membrane (the nucleus and mitochondrion have two membranes) One (or more) present in Absent each nucleus Linear molecules (chromosomes) with histone proteins Complete nuclear fusion between gametes, with equal contributions from both genomes circular (usually)

Nucleolus DNA

Sexual System

Unidirectional transfer of genes from donor to recipient


Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotic Cells

Internal Membranes

Present in plant cells, but Present, but chemically never contain muramic different in many respects acid from eukaryotes (e.g. presence of muramic acid) Complex Usually simple and often compartmentalization transient, if present at all into endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, etc

Animal Cell
Nuclear Pore

Free Ribosome
6.Golgi Complex

N. Envelope 3. Nucleus Nucleolus 5. Rough E.R. 4. Ribosome 2. Cytoplasm 10. Centrioles 9. Microtubules

7. Lysosome 5. Smooth E.R.


1. Plasma Membrane Cilia


Plasma Membrane: Security Guard

Regulates a constant traffic of materials in and out of the cell. Semipermeable

Allows water, oxygen, ions and certain organic molecules to enter and toxic or useless by-products of cellular metabolism to exit through it. Composed of two layers of fats with proteins scattered all over (Lipid Layer).

Cytoplasm: Area of Movement

Watery, gel-like material that fills the cell. Composed of water, salts, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and many other chemicals. Moves in a streaming motion within the cell.


Nucleus: Control Center

Spherical in shape. Largest organelle. Has pores. Has a membrane which covers it. Has one or more nucleoli (sing., nucleolus).

Most cells have 2 or more Forms ribosomes. Control center

Chromosomes & DNA

Contain A. DNA B. Proteins C.Form for cell division A person has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Carries genetic information Contain instructions for traits & characteristics

Ribosome: Protein Factory

Bead-like structure Made up of 60% rRNA and 40% protein. Where production of proteins takes place. Smallest organelle.


Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

- long strand of nucleotides - single stranded unlike DNA - 3 types
1) rRNA 2) mRNA 3) tRNA

Ribosomal RNA- found in the ribosome

Endoplasmic Reticulum: Channels

Set of folded membranes found throughout the cell that divide it into compartments.

Serve as channels through which materials are transported in the cell. 2 Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum: a) Smooth ER b) Rough ER

Endoplasmic Reticulum: Channels

Golgi Complex: Packaging Factories

Flattened sack of membranes scattered throughout the cytoplasm. They collect, package and distribute the materials manufactured in the cell.

Lysosomes: Suicide Sacs

Spherical sacs or vesicles that contain powerful digestive enzymes. They originate from Golgi Complex. Destroy bacteria and other microorganisms that invade the cells.
Digestive enzymes

Mitochondrion: Powerhouse
Converts food molecules to energy needed to power the cell. Made up of two membranes: a smooth outer membrane and an inner membrane with numerous folds known as the cristae.

Contains its own DNA and capable of reproducing itself. from MAMA

Mitochondrion: Powerhouse

Interconnected system of: a. Microtubules- hollow tubes that form a network within the cell. b. Microfilaments- are long fiber-like strands. c. Intermediate filaments- found in animal cell only. Provide support and movement to the cell. Made up of protein.

Microtubules Microfilaments

Cytoskeletons enable cells to change shape and move.

Cilia & Flagella

Provide motility Bundles of microtubules Cilia Short Used to move substances Flagella Whip-like extensions Found on sperm cells

Made up of two microtubules lying just outside the nuclear membrane.

Aid in cell division by causing the movement of chromosomes.

Plant Cell
Ribosome Nuclear Pore Nucleus Nucleolus Rough E.R. Cytoplasm P. Membrane Cell Wall Mitochondrion Free Ribosome Vesicle Microtubules Chloroplast Smooth E.R.

Golgi Complex Vacuole

Plastids: Energy Converters

Harvest solar energy and produce food in the process of photosynthesis. Oval-shaped structures in the cells of plants and some protists.

sun light

Organic Matter


from the air

Types of Plastids (Pigments Contained)

a. Chloroplasts green pigment or chlorophyll

b. Chromoplasts or Colored Plastids red, yellow and orange pigment; give flower and fruit colors.
c. Leucoplast or Colorless Plastids store food in the form of starch.

Vacuole: Water Bag

Looks like an empty space within the cell. Membrane-bound sac that stores water. Can also store food and other substances such as plant toxins.


Cell Wall
The cell wall is only in plant cells. Provides support and protection to the cell membrane
Cell Wall

Found outside the cell membrane in plant cells. Made up of cellulose.

STRUCTURE Cell Wall Chloroplasts Central Vacuole Centrioles Cilia or Flagella Lysosome Intermediate Filament Plant Cell Animal Cell

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