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Screen Shots Of My Magazine Double Page Spread

I used InDesign to create my double page spread. I adjusted the document type and size to make it suitable to use for my double page spread.

I used the rectangle frame tool to draw a box that takes up the left hand side of the page. I then inserted the image I wanted and centralised it.

Next I used the type tool text to create the page number. I changed the colour of the page number to black to make it stand out. Then I placed it in the bottom left hand corner.

I used the line tool to divide the page number and the date. Then I used the type text tool to write the date. I then placed it next to the page number.

Again I used the line tool to divide the date and the title of the magazine. I opened the file that contained the same masthead that I used for the contents page and front cover. I then placed it next to the date.

Next I used the type text tool to write the by-lines. I put the name of the writer and photographer in different colours to make them stand out. I then placed the by-lines onto the image.

I used the type text tool to create the title of the article. I made each of the letters extra large and put them in different colours to match the colours that the artist is wearing. I then overlapped the J over the K and positioned them in the middle of the page.

I used the type text tool to create the subheading. I altered the font style, size and colour and then positioned it just below the title.

Again I used the type text tool to create the description for the article. I altered the font style, colour and size and then positioned it under the subheading. I changed the colour of the artists name in the description to black to make it stand out.

Next I copied the text from my article that I produced in a Word document and placed it onto the page. I used the rectangle frame tool to create columns and I followed the column guidelines on the page. I then altered the font style, size and colour and made the questions a different colour to the answers.

I did the same again and copied the text from my article that I produced in a Word document and placed it onto the page. I used the rectangle frame tool to create columns and I followed the column guidelines on the page. I then altered the font style, size and colour and made the questions a different colour to the answers.

Finally I did the same again and copied the text from my article that I produced in a Word document and placed it onto the page. I used the rectangle frame tool to create columns and I followed the column guidelines on the page. I then altered the font style, size and colour and made the questions a different colour to the answers.

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