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2 Human Blood

Blood is the main carrier of the bodys transport system.

2. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the body cells

and transport carbon dioxide and waste products away from the cells.
3. A healthy adult has about 3 litres of blood which is

about 9% of his body weight.

Blood Constituents and Their Functions


Under the microscope, blood appears to consist of blood cells that floats in a fluid called plasma. Human blood consists of two parts: The liquid part is called plasma and forms about 55% of the volume of blood. The solid or cellular part forms about 45% of blood which are : Red blood cells (erythrocytes) White blood cells (leucocytes) platelets


a. b.


Blood Constituents and Their Functions

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

Plasma 1. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood. It is yellowish fluid with alkaline characteristics.

2. Plasma is slightly sticky and a large part of it consists of

water (90%).
3. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets float in


Blood Constituents and Their Functions

Plasma 4. Plasma consists of 90% water 10% of soluble substances such as glucose, amino acids, mineral salts, blood proteins, waste products and hormones.
5. The functions of plasma are : to transport digested foods to transport waste products (e.g urea from the body tissues to the excretory organs) to control body temperature by spreading heat to all parts of the body to carry hormones to tissues to regulate body processes 6. Plasma is produced in the liver.

What is bone marrow?

What is bone marrow?

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)

Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

They are biconcave disc. They do not have nuclei, thus, they have a large surface area to volume ratio. In 1 cm3 of blood, there are 5 000 000 000 red blood cells. A red blood cell measures 0.0008 mm in diameter.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
6. Each red blood cell contains a red pigment called haemoglobin which combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. 7. The lifespan of red blood cells is 4 months. After that, they are decomposed in the liver and will be removed together with the bile.

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

White blood cells (leucocytes)

White blood cells are made in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. They are irregular shape and can also change shape. They are larger than red blood cells and have nuclei.




In 1 cm3 of blood, there are 8 000 000 white blood cells.

Their job is to protect the body against diseases and fight infections.

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

White blood cells (leucocytes) 5. There are two types of white blood cells. (a) The lymphocytes or agranulocytes protect the body form germs by producing antibodies which kill the germs.

(b) The phagocytes or granulocyte protect the body against germs by the phagocytosis process (swallow the germ).

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

White blood cells (leucocytes)

6. White blood cells produce antibodies which kill bacteria by

Making them stick together Dissolving them Neutralising the toxins

produces by the bacteria

Blood Constituents and Their Functions



Platelets are bits or small fragments of cells that have broken off from larger cells in the bone marrow. Platelets are very small and do not have a nucleus.



The lifespan of platelets are very short (a few hours to nine days).

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

4. The function of platelets is to clot blood and stop bleeding.

Functions of Blood

As a transport medium that carries gases and dissolved substances from one part of the body to another. red blood cells carry oxygen blood plasma carries dissolved substances.

2. White blood cells protect the body against diseases, kill bacteria and produce antibodies. 3. Blood plasma maintains the body temperature at 370C

Blood Constituents and Their Functions

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image of a white blood cell, platelet and red blood cell.

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