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Function of Protocol in Network Communication

The importance of protocols and how they are used to facilitate communication over data networks

A protocol is a set of predetermined rules A standard is a process or protocol that has been endorsed by the networking industry and ratified by a standards organization

The Role of Protocol

Networking protocols suites describe processes such as: The format or structure of the message The process by which networking devices share information about pathways with other networks How and when error and system messages are passed between devices The setup and termination of data transfer sessions

Benefit Of Using Layered Model

To visualize the interaction between various protocols, it is common to use a layered model. There are benefits to using a layered model to describe network protocols and operations. Using a layered model:

Assists in protocol design, because protocols that operate at a specific layer have defined information that they act upon and a defined interface to the layers above and below. Fosters competition because products from different vendors can work together. Prevents technology or capability changes in one layer from affecting other layers above and below. Provides a common language to describe networking functions and capabilities.

Protocol and Reference Model

There are two basic types of networking models:


models reference models.

Protocol Model

A protocol model provides a model that closely matches the structure of a particular protocol suite. The hierarchical set of related protocols in a suite typically represents all the functionality required to interface the human network with the data network. The TCP/IP model is a protocol model because it describes the functions that occur at each layer of protocols within the TCP/IP suite.

Reference Model

A reference model provides a common reference for maintaining consistency within all types of network protocols and services. A reference model is not intended to be an implementation specification or to provide a sufficient level of detail to define precisely the services of the network architecture. The primary purpose of a reference model is to aid in clearer understanding of the functions and process involved. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is the most widely known internetwork reference model. It is used for data network design, operation specifications, and troubleshooting.

TCP/IP and OSI models are the primary models used when discussing network functionality, designers of network protocols, services, or devices can create their own models to represent their products. Ultimately, designers are required to communicate to the industry by relating their product or service to either the OSI model or the TCP/IP model, or to both.



Initially the OSI model was designed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to provide a framework on which to build a suite of open systems protocols. The vision was that this set of protocols would be used to develop an international network that would not be dependent on proprietary systems.

Model Seven Layer OSI

Application Program Tujuan Interface ke program user Data filters (compression, encryption) Manage koneksi end-to-end Menyediakan koneksi end-to-end Koneksi/pemgiriman paket ke tujuan Menyediakan koneksi point-to-point handal Berhub dg sinyal elektrik

Layer 7
Layer 6 Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1

Application Layer Presentation Layer Session Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Datalink Layer Physical Layer

Wire (Network Cable)

Model Seven Layer OSI

Layer 1: Physical Layer Fungsi Utama: Berhubungan dg sinyal elektrik Contoh: Manchester Signal Encoding NRZI Signal Encoding Bipolar-AMI Signal Encoding Mendefinisikan bagaimana sinyal direpresentasikan Interpretasi sinyal elektrik, representasikan sbg 1 atau 0

Model Seven Layer OSI

Layer 2: Data Link Layer Fungsi Utama: Deteksi dan koreksi error sinyal, jika ada Meneruskan/Forward sinyal yg diterima ke network layer Jika error tdk dp dikoreksi, memberikan error warning ke network layer Menyediakan Media Access Control (MAC) - Utk shared network, kontrol siapa yg dp menggunakan network Contoh penggunaan bersama Network:
Ring Bus Star (=hub)

Model Seven Layer OSI

Layer 3: Network Layer

Fungsi Utama:

Best effort delivery service

- Meroutekan paket dari sumber ke tujuan - Translasi address

Model Seven Layer OSI

Layer 4: Transport Layer
Fungsi Utama: Deteksi dan koreksi error paket (error control) utk E2E

Melaksanakan flow control

- Jika penerima ingin slow down, mengurang laju transmisi TX - Jika network congesti, mengurang laju transmisi congestion control Layer 5: Session Layer

Fungsi Utama:
Establish/Manage/Delete koneksi (E2E) Kontrol Full-Duplex/Half-Duplex QoS (specifikasi toleransi delay maximum)

Model Seven Layer OSI

Layer 6: Presentation Layer Encryption Raw Data Presentation Layer Encrypted Data Fungsi Utama: Encryption, compression, dll Compression Raw Data

Presentation Layer
Compressed Data

Layer 7: Application Layer Fungsi Utama: Interface ke application programs Contoh: Network API (Application Program Interface)

Model Seven Layer OSI - Summary

Bagaimana Data Mengalir?

Saat data dikirim dari application pd komputer sumber hal berikut terjadi Data dlm bentuk suatu segment bergerak turun melalui layer-layer Saat mencapai Physical Layer siap dikirim melalui media Pd Physical Layer bit-bit bisa analog atau digital, dlm bentuk elektrikal, cahaya atau gelombang radio

Bagaimana Data Mengalir?(2)

Data ditransmisikan ke device tujuan Bergerak melalui layer-layer dari model OSI, mencapai user Dlm pergerakan melalui layer-layer data di encapsulated yaitu informasi tambahan ditambahkan sbg headers atau trailers Data di dlm segment tdk berubah

End-to-End dan Point-to-Point

Host A


Host B


Intermediate Routers End-to-end


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