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Unit 10 Temperature Phase Change

Essential Questions

How does energy flow through a system?

Focus Question

How do substances change from one state to another?

Kinetic Theory
Kinetic = Motion Kinetic Energy = Energy of Motion Kinetic theory states all gas particles:
are in random, constant, straight-line motion are separated great distances relative to their size have perfectly elastic collisions (transfer of energy)


Everywhere Else!


Temperature measures average kinetic energy.

9 = + 32 5

Temperature measured in Kelvin starts with absolute 0. (atomic/molecular motion stops) = + 273.15

As Cold As Ice!
The interior of this Greenland iceberg is -4.0oF. What temperature is this in oC? 9 = + 32 5 9 4 = + 32 5 oC = -20 oC What temperature is this in K? = + 273.15 K = 253 K

Dark Side of the Moon

The temperature on the dark side of the moon can dip down to -153oC while the bright side can heat up to 107oC. What are these temperatures in oF?

= 5 + 32

= 5 + 32

= 5 153 + 32 = 243

= 5 107 + 32 = 225

What is the difference between -153oC and 107oC in K? -153oC = 120 K 107oC = 380 K T = 380 K 120 K = 260 K


Phase Change




Unit 10 Cooling Curve

Essential Questions

How does energy flow through a system?

Focus Question

What doesnt temperature change during a phase change?

Heating Curve




Heat Added (J)

Unit 10 Heat

Essential Questions

How does energy flow through a system?

Focus Question

How do express a quantity of heat?

Cold! -20oC

Hot! 40oC

Heat (q) I am hot.



System = Hot Cocao Surroundings = Winter Wonderland

System = Lemonade Surroundings = The Equator

calorie and Calorie

The calorie (cal) is a unit of heat. (1 Cal = 1000 cal) the energy required to increase 1 gram of water by 1oC. Food Orange Apple McDonalds Med. French Fry Calories 65 110 450

The joule (J) is also unit of heat. 1 calorie = 4.18 joules How many calories are in 1 joule? 1 J = 0.239 cal

How many joules are in our 65 Calorie orange? (Remember 1 Calorie = 1000 calories) 1 J = 0.239 cal

Law of Conservation of Energy

The total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time.

Specific heat
Specific heat (C) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of substance by 1oC.


2.81 J/goC

2.64 J/goC

3.35 J/goC

3.06 J/goC

Cooks Faster!!

Measuring Heat Single phase

q= mCT
Heat (J) mass (g) Temperature Change (oC) Specific heat (J/goC)

A bike with an aluminum frame is left outside in the sun. Over the course of 2 hours, the sun hits the bike with 40,000 Joules of heat. If the bike has a mass of 4,500g and aluminum has a specific heat of 0.90 J/goC, how much has the temperature changed? q=mCT q= 40,000J m= 4,500g C= 0.90 J/(1goC) T= ?

40,000J = (4,500g)(0.90J/goC) T

40,000J = (4,050J/oC) T
9.9oC = T

Your turn.
The bleachers at Yankee Stadium have been sitting in the sun for 5 hours. By this time it has been struck by 3,630,000 Joules of heat. If the bench has a mass of 220,000g and has a specific heat of 1.10 J/goC, how much has the temperature changed? q=mCT q= 3,630,000J m= 220,000g C= 1.10 J/goC T= ?

3,630,000J = (220,000g)(1.10J/goC) T

3,630,000J = (242,000J/oC) T
15.0oC = T

Measuring Heat- Phase Change

Enthalpy is the measure of energy for a system. We can use it to quantify the heat (q) associated with a phase change.

Heat of Fusion
Heat required to change a solid to a liquid (or vice versa) for a given amount of substance.


Heat of Vaporization
Heat required to change a liquid to a gas (or vice versa) for a given about of substance.


Heat of Fusion Practice

How much heat is required to melt 12 g of ice?
q=Hfm q= ? Hf= 334 J/g m = 12 g q = (334 J/g)(12g) q = 4008 J

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