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Consumer Motivation

By Dr. Harjit Singh

Motivation Defined
• It is an inner drive that reflects goal-directed arousal.
• In a consumer behavior context, the results is a desire
for a product, service, or experience.
• It is the drive to satisfy needs and wants, both
physiological and psychological, through the purchase
and use of products and services.
• It begins with the recognition of a need…..

What Motivate Us?

Stages of the Motivation Process
1. Latent Need
2. Drive
3. Want/Desire
4. Goal
5. Behaviour…

Behavioural models of motivation

1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Triggering Consumer Motives
 Inducing need recognition
 Move consumer from actual state to desired state
 Triggering motivation through need-benefit
 Understand consumer better and offer him or her
goods and services to meet the needs of specific
target segments
 Triggering subconscious motivation….


• Emotions are affective responses that reflect

the activation within the consumer of
beliefs that are deep-seated and value-laden
Beliefs ? emotions
• Many emotions are used in advertising:
Anger, fear, humor, compassion….

• It is an affective state that is general and pervasive
• Moods are much less intense than emotions
• Consumers are much less conscious of moods and
the effect moods have on marketplace behavior
 Consumer moods are induced in three different
marketplace settings:
- Service encounters
- POS (Point of sale) stimuli
- Communications….

Student Activity: 1
How can a brand create a mood?

Ans: Revlon

Student Activity: 2
How can a store atmosphere create a

2. Sports store?
3. Athletic store?

Effects of Moods

 On consumer recall
 Mood at encoding and retrieval
 On consumer evaluation
 Negative mood ? negative evaluation (and vice
 On consumer behavior
 Positive mood increases giving, encourages
consumers to seek variety and their willingness to
try new things….

• It refers to a heightened state of awareness that
motivates consumers to seek out, attend to, and think
about product information prior to purchase
• With high involvement, attention is increased and
more importance is attached to the stimulus object.
Memory is enhanced.
• Highly involved consumers tend to place greater
importance on information sources.
• They are heavy users of newspapers and

Effects of Consumer involvement
1. Information search
2. High involvement ? greater information search (more
shopping around)
3. Information processing
4. Depth of comprehension
5. High involvement ? deeper comprehension
6. Extent of cognitive elaboration
7. High involvement ? more thinking
8. Extent of external arousal
9. High involvement ? greater emotional arousal
10.Information transmission
11.High involvement ? more frequent information
transmission (talking about products) to others….. 16
Causes of consumer involvement
 Personal factors
 Product’s image and needs it serves are congruent
with a consumer’s self-mage, values and needs ?
high involvement
 Product factors
 The greater the perceived risk the greater
consumer involvement
 The more alternatives there are to choose from, the
greater the involvement
 The higher the hedonic value of goods, the greater
the involvement
 The more socially visible a product is, the greater
the involvement….. 17

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