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Hematuria Hematuria Macroscpica Microscpica Ax - Asintomtica Gnero, Raza, (13%) Edad - Sintomtica.

Excrecin de cantidades anormales de RBC en la orina. Rango normal: 0 5 RBC x campo.

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

A la palpacin: Masas, tumor renal o hidronefrosis. Vejiga palpable luego de la miccin indica obstruccin o retencin. FA aumenta las posibilidades de infarto embolico renal.

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Se necesita un 1ml de sangre para que un 1L de orina se torne roja o caf.

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Puede asociarse: Dolor al orinar. Aumento en la frecuencia de miccin.

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Evaluar la presencia de cogulos.

En los hombres de raza blanca es ms frecuente el sangrado secundario a neoplasia en la vejiga.

Mujeres <40 aos


Mujeres >40 aos


En nios se asocia con hipercalciuria

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

1. Hematuria (RBC dismorficos). 2. Oliguria (azotemia). 3. Hipertensin (proteinuria).

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Nefritis hereditaria

GN Postinfecciosa Nefropata por IgA

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)

Approach to the Patient with Kidney Disease Michael Emmett, Andrew Z. Fenves, and John C. Schwartz (2012)


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