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From Kaiser to Fuhrer

Germany 1900 – 1945

To understand the social, political &
economic structure of Germany
during this period.

Constitution of 2nd Reich

Kaiser – Chancellor – Reichstag
Social & Economic changes
Social & Political tensions & divisions
Social & Political integration
Parlimentary democracy or entrenched
Controversy (a)
German Foreign Policy 1900 – 1914 (War

Assess the contribution of Germany

in casuing WW1.
Alliance system
Weltpolitik & the navy
Naval race with Britain
Shleifen plan – arms race France & Russia
The Impact of the First World War
on Germany

Social & Economic Strains of War

Finance & Economic Mobilisation
Growing opposition
German army 1918
Political changes of 1918
Weimar Germany 1919 – 23
Was German Democracy doomed
from the start?

Constitution & political parties

Threat from the left
Treaty of Versailles
Threat from the right
Inflation & hyperinflation
The Golden years of the Weimar Republic

How Golden were the golden years?

Stresemann & currency stabilisation

US investment
Economic recovery & Growth
Hindenburg & political stability
Coalition government
Weimar Culture
Underlying weaknesses & instability
The Rise of the Nazis

To understand the fluctuating fortunes of

the Nazis 1920 – 1930

Hitler & foundation of NSDAP ideology

Early years & Munich Putsch
Recovery & basis of success 1925 – 1928
The switch to the rural voter 1928 – 1929
Breakthrough 1929 – 1930
Growing Support & Coming to Power

Why were the Nazis so successful

1930 – 1933?

Impact of the slump 1930 – 32

Gathering the middle class vote
1932 Elections & opportunity
Coming to Power Nov – Jan
Consolidating power Jan – March 1933
Controversy (b)
How popular & efficient was the Nazi
Change from democracy to dictatorship

The role of the Fuhrer & Hitlers Aims

Competing Empires – Polycracy
Himmler & the Police State
Goebbels & Propaganda
Living Standards: Winners & Losers
Rearmament & readying the economy for war
Opposition 1933 - 1939
Fighting the War
Assessing Germany’s experiences
of WW2

Outline events of 1939 – 45

Gearing the Economy 1939 – 42
Goering & Todt
Impact of Bombing 1942 – 45
Goebbels & National Morale
Genocide & Terror
What was the experience of opposition &
minority groups in Nazi Germany?

Position of Jews in the 3rd Reich 1939

Evolution of the Final Solution 39 – 42
The Holocaust 1942 – 45
Terror & Control: Maintaining Conformity
Opposition 1939 – 45

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