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"In general, an e-portfolio is a purposeful collection of

information and digital artifacts that demonstrates
development or evidences learning outcomes, skills or
competencies. The process of producing an ePortfolio
(writing, typing, recording etc.) usually requires the
synthesis of ideas, reflection on achievements, self-
awareness and forward planning; with the potential for
educational, developmental or other benefits. Specific
types of e-portfolios can be defined in part by their
purpose (such as presentation, application, reflection,
assessment and personal development planning),
pedagogic design, level of structure (intrinsic or
extrinsic), duration (episodic or life-long) and other
factors.(Simon, 2011)

This e-portfolio shows evidence of the development of the
teaching practice process, all the technological resources
that were used and also a little reflection of it.
Educational Background
Luisa Esperanza Coreas Marquez is twenty-five years old;
she studied her elementary school at Centro Escolar
Canton Primavera, El Transito, San Miguel since 1993 to
2003; in 2004 to 2005 she studied high school at Instituto
Nacional El Transito. She graduated of an English course at
Academia Europea in 2008 where she studied all the
English levels that this institution provides. Currently she
is stuying Bachelor Degree in English at Universidad
Gerardo Barrios, Usulutan.
Teaching Related Experience
Currently she is doing her social service at Instituto
Nacional El transito and also her teaching practice at
the same institution.
Also, she has been serving as a tutor to different levels
in the university she studies for the last 3 years.
In 2011 she attended an English congress sponsored by
Technological Resources
She used this
technological resource to
keep in touch with her
students but the most
important thing was that
she used it to create an
English environment
where student could
interact each other and
make different activities.
She made a good job with those guys but also she
thinks that she could have done it better; maybe if she
would have had more time she would get lost into the
magic of teaching.
It is important to do an e-portfolio because in it we can
make it easier to show the evidence that can not be
shown in a paper portfolio and if we put it on the web
it is so much easier to get recommendations from
more experienced teachers.

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