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Autonomous University of Tlaxcala School of Dentistry.

Integrative activity.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of NSAIDs

Michelle Alison Ochoa Cabrera

Jessica Fernanda Lpez Prez
Jorge Daniel Campos Ramrez

Leobardo Flores Cuahutecatl

Jess Antonio Snchez Melndez.

Dialogue------------------ Leobardo y Alison

Alison: Hi good morning
Leobardo: Hello
Alison: Sorry that medication can recommend me is that my tooth
hurts and I'm swollen.
Leobardo: I recommend an NSAID
Alison: A NSAIDs, What is an NSAID?
Leobardo: Do not look worry you'll explain ...


Introduccin. Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos comparten algunas

actividades teraputicas y efectos colaterales, su mecanismo de accin
est mediado por la inhibicin de la Ciclooxigenasa (COX 1 y 2), enzima
encargada de la biosntesis de prostaglandinas. Casi todos los
antiinflamatorios no esteroideos utilizados en la actualidad, inhiben las
actividades de la ciclooxigenasa 1 constitutiva y la ciclooxigenasa 2,
inducida en el sitio de la inflamacin. Mtodo. Para lograr esta
investigacin se busc informacin principalmente en journals y fue
complementndose con la de libros, artculos y pginas web. Conclusin.
Los AINEs se presentan como un grupo farmacolgico sumamente
heterogneo en lo que a estructuras qumicas se refiere. Sin embargo todos
ellos comparten un principio de accin fundamental, el bloqueo de la
sntesis de prostaglandinas a travs de la inhibicin de la enzima

Pharmacokinetics is the branch of pharmacology that studies the
processes to which a drug is submitted by its passage through the
body. Try to explain what happens to a drug from the time it is used
until complete elimination from the body.
The detailed stepwise traversing the drug in the body, the study are
grouped LADME acronym:
Release of the active ingredient.
Absorption of it.
Distribution by the body.
Excretion of the drug or the waste that remains the same.

Pharmacodynamics is the study of biochemical and physiological effects
of drugs and their mechanisms of action and the relationship between
drug concentration and the effect of on an organism.
When administering a drug are available various drug effects that are
correlated with drug action.

Primary Effect.
placebo effect.
Side effect.
Side effect.
Toxic effect.
The dose is the amount of a drug that is used to effectively achieve a
particular effect. The dose can be classified into:
Minimum dose.
Maximum level.
Therapeutic dose.

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) are a diverse
group of mainly anti-inflammatory
drugs, analgesics and antipyretics
group, thereby reducing the
symptoms of inflammation, pain
and fever.

Mechanism of Action
Activation of phospholipase A2 in response to various stimuli, hydrolyses
membrane phospholipids releasing arachidonic acid in cytoplasm. This, in turn,
serves as a substrate for two enzmicas pathways: cyclooxygenase and
lipoxygenase. By way of COX prostaglandin (PG) H2, which stimulates the
formation of various prostanoids generated, including various prostaglandins and
thromboxane A2.
Of particular importance in anti-inflammatory therapy was the identification of two
different forms of the cyclooxygenase enzyme: cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). COX-1 is an enzyme involved in the overall
homeostasis and is present in most tissues and organs. COX-2 is not detected in
tissues, appears only in the presence of certain stimuli. By way of lipo-oxygenase
leukotrienes, lipoxins and other products are formed.

Mechanism of Action


The inflammatory process involves a series of

events that can be triggered by various stimuli
(infectious agents, ischemia, antigen-antibody
Which will be five signs of inflammation:
Blush: Redness mainly due to the phenomena
of increased pressure by vasodilation.
Tumor: Increased interstitial fluid and edema

Heat: Temperature increase

Pain: Symptom subjective in nature while the rest are signs of

an objective nature
Loss of function: Changes caliber vascular flow and changes
in vascular permeability.

Almost always inflammatory drugs
are classified as mild analgesics.
Pain that accompanies inflammation
and tissue injury results from perhaps
local stimulation of pain fibers and
increased sensitivity to it.


The fever may result from

infection or tissue injury
sequel, inflammation, graft
rejection, cancer or other
pathogens pictures.

The main action of all NSAIDs is inhibition of
cyclooxygenase. Inhibiting the synthesis of
prostaglandins and thromboxanes NSAID
would be responsible for their therapeutic
activity and various toxic effects of this class
of drugs.
The fundamental action of NSAIDs are
essentially threefold: - Relieve pain for their
analgesic actions Reduce inflammation for
their anti-inflammatory actions Reduce fever
antipyretic actions.

Analgesic Action
And a peripheral effect is related to the
inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the
place where it is perceived. All NSAIDs
inhibit the cyclooxygenase activity. They
prevent sensitization of nociceptors. As will
be useful in pain with acute or chronic
inflammatory component, such as renal
colic pain or bilar.

Action Antipyretic
The antipyretic action of NSAIDs is due to
their capacity to inhibit the synthesis of
prostaglandins by cyclooxygenase
centrally. Prostaglandin E2, whose release
is stimulated by the action of various
pyrogens. NSAIDs reduce body
temperature if it is previously increased by
the pyrogen.

Anti-Inflammatory Action
NSAIDs also act directly or indirectly modifying
other inflammatory mediators. This ability of
NSAIDs peripherally to block or inhibit any or all
mediators of inflammation factors. The reducing
inflammation with NSAIDs often brings clinical
improvement for important periods of time. In
dentistry, NSAIDs frequently indicated for relief
of mild to moderate pain of dental origin and
subsequent dental procedures

First member of the family of propionic acid
NSAIDs, their pharmacokinetics in plasma
proteins absorbed reached 90% plasma at
30 minutes dental indications concentrations
processes, presentations are 200,400,600
and 800 mg and 200 mg suspensions their
dosage one capsule every 6 to 8 hour dose
6-11 months is 10 ml of 12 to 23 months and
12.5 ml of 2-5 years is 15 ml trade names
are tabalon, actron, motrin, advil not for
hypertensive patients


Ketorolac is to treat short-term pain (posttraumatic,

postoperative) pharmacokinetics bound to plasma
protein 99% is metabolized in the liver via renal
excretion is 92% and the rest by feces indicated for
dental processes (not as antipyretic) presentations
tablet 10 mg, 1 ml ampoules their dosage 10 mg
tablet every 4 to 6 hours not to exceed 20 mg
ampule every 4-6 hours. dolac Supradol trade
names, mavidol.


Pregnancy and lactation

coagulation defects

Renal impairment

Cardiac disorders

Gastric Pathology

NSAIDs are a group of commonly used in clinical practice with a
variety of indications drugs. In general, NSAIDs should be used in
short cycles and lowest doses possible, always within range of
effectiveness, and monitoring specifically digestive,
cardiovascular, renal, hepatic and hematologic complications.
Each patient may respond to a specific NSAIDs, while another will
require a different product, however the best benefit risk ratio is

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