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Session -VII

Arrays using Pointers


Pointers are the powerful feature of C++ programming.

To understand pointers, we should have the knowledge of address

in computer memory. Computer memory is broken down into
bytes and each byte has its own address.
EX: In 1KB memory, there are 1024 bytes and each byte is
given an address (0 - 1023).

The Address-of Operator &

The & operator can find address occupied by a variable. If var is a

variable then, &var gives the address of that variable.

Pointer Variables

Pointer variables or simply pointers are the special types of

variable that holds memory address instead of data.

Like any variable or constant, you must declare a pointer before

you can work with it. The general form of a pointer variable
declaration is:
type *var-name;
Here, type is the pointer's base type; it must be a valid C++
type and var-name is the name of the pointer variable. The
asterisk (*) is a dereference operator which means pointer to.
Ex: int *p;
Here pointer p is a pointer to int, that is, it is pointing an

Pointer Assignments

As with any variable, you may use a pointer on the right-hand side
of an assignment statement to assign its value to another pointer.
#include iostream
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int x;
int *p1, *p2;
p1 = &x;
p2 = p1;
cout<< p2; /* print the address of x, not x's value! */
return 0;
Both p1 and p2 now point to x.

Pointer Arithmetic

There are only two arithmetic operations that you may use
on pointers:
1)addition and
Each time a pointer is incremented, it points to the memory
location of the next element of its base type.
Each time it is decremented, it points to the location of the
previous element.
Ex: int *p;
This approach ensures that a pointer is always pointing to
an appropriate element of its base type.

Pointer Arithmetic

You may add or subtract integers to or from pointers. The

p1 = p1 + 12;
makes p1 point to the 12th element of p1's type beyond the one
it currently points to.

Besides addition and subtraction of a pointer and an integer, only

one other arithmetic operation is allowed: You may subtract one
pointer from another in order to find the number of objects of
their base type that separate the two.

All other arithmetic operations are prohibited. Specifically, you

may not multiply or divide pointers; you may not add two
pointers; you may not apply the bitwise operators to them; and
you may not add or subtract type float or double to or from

Pointers and Arrays

In essence, C/C++ provides two methods of accessing array

1) pointer arithmetic and
2) array indexing.
Although the standard array-indexing notation is sometimes
easier to understand, pointer arithmetic can be faster. Since
speed is often a consideration in programming.
C/C++ programmers commonly use pointers to access array
Consider this program fragment:
char str[80], *p1;
p1 = str;
Here, p1 has been set to the address of the first array element in
str. To access the fifth element in str, you could write str[4] or

Pointers and Arrays

Both statements will return the fifth element. Remember, arrays

start at 0. To access the fifth element, you must use 4 to index
str. You also add 4 to the pointer p1 to access the fifth element
because p1 currently points to the first element of str.

an array name without an index returns the starting address of the

array, which is the address of the first element.

Relation between Arrays and Pointers

int arr[4];

Arrays of Pointers

Pointers may be arrayed like any other data type. The

declaration for an int pointer array of size 10 is
int *x[10];

To assign the address of an integer variable called var to

the third element of the pointer array, write
x[2] = &var;

To find the value of var, write *x[2]

Multiple Indirection

You can have a pointer point to another pointer that points to the
target value. This situation is called multiple indirection, or
pointers to pointers.
A variable that is a pointer to a pointer must be declared as such.
You do this by placing an additional asterisk in front of the
variable name.
For example, the following declaration tells the compiler that
newbalance is a pointer to a pointer of type float:
float **newbalance;

You should understand that newbalance is not a pointer to a

floating-point number but rather a pointer to a float pointer.

To access the target value indirectly pointed to by a pointer to a

pointer, you must apply the asterisk operator twice, as in this

#include iostream
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int x, *p, **q;
x = 10;
p = &x;
q = &p;
Cout<<**q; /* print the value of x */
return 0;

Initializing Pointers

After a local pointer is declared but before it has been assigned a

value, it contains an unknown value. (Global pointers are
automatically initialized to null.)

There is an important convention that most C/C++ programmers

follow when working with pointers: A pointer that does not
currently point to a valid memory location is given the value null
(which is zero). By convention, any pointer that is null implies that
it points to nothing and should not be used.

Pointers to Functions

A function pointer is the powerful feature of C++

Even though a function is not a variable, it still has a physical
location in memory that can be assigned to a pointer.
This address is the entry point of the function and it is the address
used when the function is called.
Once a pointer points to a function, the function can be called
through that pointer.
Function pointers also allow functions to be passed as arguments
to other functions.
Pointers to functions are declared with the same syntax as a
regular function declaration, except that the name of the function
is enclosed between parentheses () and an asterisk (*) is inserted
before the name
int (*Compare)(const char*, const char*);

Pointers to Functions

You can obtain the address of a function by using the function's

name without any parentheses or arguments.
EX: strcmp; or &strcmp
int (*Compare)(const char*, const char*);
defines a function pointer named Compare which can hold the
address of any function that takes two constant character
pointers as arguments and returns an integer.
The string comparison library function strcmp, for example, is
Compare = &strcmp; // Compare points to strcmp function
The & operator is not necessary and can be omitted:
Compare = strcmp; // Compare points to strcmp function

Pointers to Functions

the pointer can be defined and initialized at once:

int (*Compare)(const char*, const char*) = strcmp;
When a function address is assigned to a function pointer, the two
types must match. The above definition is valid because strcmp has a
matching function prototype:
int strcmp(const char*, const char*);
Given the above definition of Compare, strcmp can be either called
directly, or indirectly via Compare. The following three calls are
1) strcmp("Tom", "Tim"); // direct call
2) (*Compare)("Tom", "Tim"); // indirect call
3) Compare("Tom", "Tim"); // indirect call (abbreviated)
A common use of a function pointer is to pass it as an argument to
another function;

void Pointers

The void type of pointer is a special type of pointer. In C++, void

represents the absence of type. Therefore, void pointers are pointers
that point to a value that has no type (and thus also an
undetermined length and undetermined dereferencing properties).

This gives void pointers a great flexibility, by being able to point to

any data type, from an integer value or a float to a string of

In exchange, they have a great limitation: the data pointed to by

them cannot be directly dereferenced (which is logical, since we have
no type to dereference to), and for that reason, any address in a void
pointer needs to be transformed into some other pointer type that
points to a concrete data type before being dereferenced.

One of its possible uses may be to pass generic parameters to a



You can create a new name for an existing type using typedef.
Following is the simple syntax to define a new type using
typedef type newname;
For example, the following tells the compiler that feet is another
name for int:
typedef int feet;
Now, the following declaration is perfectly legal and creates an
integer variable called distance:
feet distance;
Now that feet has been defined, it can be used in another
typedef. For example,
typedef feet height;
tells the compiler to recognize height as another name for feet,
which is another name for int.


An enumeration is a set of named integer constants that specify all

the legal values a variable of that type may have
Enumerations are defined much like structures; the keyword enum
signals the start of an enumeration type.
The general form for enumerations is
enum enum-type-name {
enumeration list
} variable_list;
Here, both the type name and the variable list are optional. (But at
least one must be present.)
The following code fragment defines an enumeration called coin:
enum coin {
penny, nickel, dime, quarter,half_dollar, dollar


The enumeration type name can be used to declare variables of its

In C,the following declares money to be a variable of type coin.
enum coin money;
In C++, the variable money may be declared using this shorter
coin money;
In C++, an enumeration name specifies a complete type. In C, an
enumeration name is its tag and it requires the keyword enum to
complete it.
The key point to understand about an enumeration is that each of
the symbols stands for an integer value. As such, they may be used
anywhere that an integer may be used.
Each symbol is given a value one greater than the symbol that
precedes it. The value of the first enumeration symbol is 0.


You can specify the value of one or more of the symbols by using
an initializer.
Do this by following the symbol with an equal sign and an integer
Symbols that appear after initializers are assigned values greater
than the previous initialization value.
For example, the following code assigns the value of 100 to

enum coin {
penny, nickel, dime,
quarter=100,half_dollar, dollar
Now, the values of these symbols are











Since enumeration values must be converted manually to their

human-readable string values for I/O operations, they are most
useful in routines that do not make such conversions.

An enumeration is often used to define a compiler's symbol table

Enumerations are also used to help prove the validity of a

program by providing a compile-time redundancy check
confirming that a variable is assigned only valid values.

In this session we have learned Pointers
Arrays using Pointers, Enumeration and Typedef

Assignment- 11,12&13

Assignments using pointers, arrays of pointers

Assignments on passing pointers in functions.
Using pointers write your own functions for the



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