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Narrative structure consists of the traditional parts
of a story and the order in which the reader encounters
them; these provide a framework for the unfolding of
the story. Often represented visually as a triangle,
these parts consist of exposition or beginning, rising
action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Narrative structure can take a variety of forms, often
depending on the genre of the story. For example, a
writer who wishes to build tension may begin with a
dramatic flashback before visiting the initial events of a
story. Further, with the development of digital
narrative, a writer may provide links to other parts of a
story so that the reader determines the order of events
and the revelation of details.


The falling action is the
part of a literary plot
that occurs after the
climax has been reached
and the conflict has been

The rising action is the

part of the plot where the
hero fights any obstacles
and conflicts that stand
in the way of reaching his
goal. These are all the
events that lead up to the

The introduction of
the film, you will see
the main character(s)
in their settings and
going about their
daily lives.

The lives of the main characters

will, in some way, be disrupted.
However the character(s) may
not be aware of this but the
audience will. The climax refers
to the turning point in the
action (also known as the crisis)
and/or the highest point of
interest or excitement.

Resolution is the part

of the story's plot line
in which the problem
of the story is
resolved or worked
out. This occurs
where the story ends.


The narrative is considered as the most

essential element of a film helping to create flow
and tell a story to the desired audience. Studies
suggest that people accept ideas more rapidly
when their minds are in story mode as opposed to
when they are in an analytical mind set. A
narrative to a film enables the ability to connect
with our audiences and can sometimes help to
motivate audiences to act. There are many
narrative theories such as Todorovs, Propps
and Strausss.


Todorov suggested that stories begin with an

equilibrium or status quo where any potentially
opposing forces are in balance.
This is disrupted by some event, setting in chain
a series of events.
Problems are solved so that order can be restored
to the world of fiction.

Propp looked at 100s of folk tales and identified 8
character roles and 31 narrative functions.
The 8 character roles are
The villain(s)
The hero
The donor- who provides an object with some magic
The helper who aids the hero
The princess (the sought for person) - reward for the hero
and object of the villain's schemes
Her father- who rewards the hero
The dispatcher- who sends the hero on his way
The false hero


Strausss theory includes the study of hundreds
of myths and legends all around the world, from
that Strauss found out that we as humans make
sense of the world, people and events by seeing
and using binary opposites.
He found out that narratives are arranged
around the conflict of binary opposites.

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