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Comparison Between Islam And

Other Religions
Types of religions
Rank of major world religion
Comparison of Islam & Hinduism
Comparison of Islam & Christianity
Comparison of Islam & Buddhism
Comparison of Islam & Sikhism
Comparison of Islam & Shinto
Comparison of Islam & Jainism
 The essence of any religion
lies solely in the answer to
the question: why do I exist,
and what is my relationship
to the infinite universe that
surrounds me? ..
 Religion is the definition of
man’s relationship to the
origin of everything, and of
the purpose acquired as a
result of this relationship,
and of the rules of conduct
that follow from this
There are five types of religions:

Polytheistic Religion (which has many gods such as

Shinto Buddhism).
Monotheistic Religion (which belief in one God).
Animistic Religion (which belief that souls are also
present in rocks .water etc and other things).
Non-Animistic Religion .
Atheistic Religion (which don’t belief in God. Some
forms of Buddhism ).
Rank Of Major World Religion
Hinduism, 14% Jainism, 1%

Buddhism, 6%

Non- Sikhism, 0.36%

Religion, 20%
Zaroastrianism, 0% Taoism, 0.20%

Christianity, 33% Shinto, 0.20%

Islam, 21%
Judaism, 0.22%
Islam is the second largest religion in the world. Islam
is over 1400 years old It was founded by Muhammad
(P.B.U.H). Who was born in Mecca in Arabia and was
to become ‘the seal of the prophets’.
Concept of God God (Allah) is one and Belief in multiplicity of gods.
indivisible. "Allah" means
GOD in Arabic.
Current size rank Second largest religion. Third largest religion.
House of worship Mosques Temples
Main day of worship Friday No set day for worship.
Religious leader Imams Pujaris
Original language Arabic Sanskrit
Sacred text Holy Quran Vedas, Bhagavad Gita,
Ramayana, etc.
Head covered during prayer? Yes No

Purpose of Life To gain the Paradise. To live better life for broke the
cycle of rebirth. And their are
four important purpose of life
After Death Paradise or Hell Rebirth is come again and again
until they live better life.
Practices and Worship Five pillars of Islam, Prayer, Yoga, Puja. And live life
according to one’s dharma,
devotion to the god and goddess.

Festivals Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha Holi and Diwali are the two most
and Month of Ramadan important festivals. Durga Puja,
Shiva Ratri

Belief in day of judgment Yes No

Major branches Sunni, Shiite Brahmin (the priestly class),
Khashtaryas (the Warriors),
vaishyas (the trader), Shudaras
(the servant to all others classes).

Total Population 1.3 Billion 900 Million

Founder Mohammad (P.B.U.H). Jesus
Total population 1.3 Billion 2.1 Billion
Current size rank Second largest religion in First largest religion in world
Major branches Sunni, Shiite Catholic, Orthodox,
Sacred text Holy Quran Bible (Jewish Bible + New
Concept of God One God (ALLAH). One God
Original language Arabic Aramaic, Greek
House of worship Mosque Church, meeting hall, private
home, all the earth where fellow
Christians gather together in the
name of Jesus.
Gods of Hinduism
Main day of worship Friday Sunday
Religious leader Imams Priests, ministers, pastors,

Revered humans Prophets, Imams Saints, church fathers

Head covered during prayer? Yes No

Identity of Jesus One of many accepted prophets Son of God, God incarnate,
of God, but not the son of God Savior of the world
and not the savior of mankind.

Birth of Jesus Virgin birth Virgin birth

Death of Jesus Death by crucifixion (crusifying Did not die, but ascended into
of christ) heaven during crucifixion
(crusifying of christ).
Second coming of Jesus Assert strongly Assert strongly
Festivals Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha and Christmas, Saints day
Month of Ramadan

After death Paradise or Hell Paradise or Hell

Practices and worship Five pillars of Islam, Prayers Offer Prayer to God,read Bible,
baptism, Church on Sundays.

Is God a Spirit? No, an angel can be a spirit. God is the “Holy Spirit”.
God is not spirit.

Divine revelation Through Muhammad Through Prophets and Jesus (as

(P.B.U.H), recorded in Holy God Himself), recorded in Bible

Other spiritual beings Angels, demons (ghost), jinn Angels and demons (ghost).
Founder Mohammad (P.B.U.H) Sidharta’s 563-483 B.C.

Concept of God One God (ALLHA) “ALLHA” Don’t belief in God.

mean GOD
Total Population 1.3 Billion 360 Million
Sacred text Holy Quran Tripitaka, Mahayana sutras
Purpose of Life To gain the Paradise. To avoid the suffering and
Suffering can be stopped by
Eight-Fold Path, to broke the
cycle of rebirth and the cycle of
rebirth can be broken by
reaching Nibbana the Bali. And
gain the enlightenment.

Belief in Soul Belief in Soul Don’t belief in Soul

Practices and Worship Five Pillars of Islam, Prayer Meditation is the main form of
worship and is under taken by
individual and not by group,
Mantras, devotion to deities,
Festivals Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha and Wesak is the most important
Month of Ramadan Buddhist festival they belief that
Buddha’s birth, death and
anlitenma happen on the same
Holy Places Mecca, Medina Kapilvastu (Sidharta birth place).
The Bo tree in Gaya.
The Deer Park at Banaras.

After Death Paradise or Hell Rebirth (until reaching at

Nibbana the bali).
Founder Mohammad (P.B.U.H) Guru Nanak, 1469 A.D, Punjab,
Total population 1.3 Billion 23 Million
Concept of God One God (ALLAH). And God is One God (Wah Guru), and God
creator of the everything. And is is creator of everything and is
present everywhere. present everywhere.
Sacred text Holy Quran Adi Garanth and in Adi Garanth
also contain writings of Hindu
and Muslims Saints.
Religious leader Imams Guru
House of worship Mosque Gurdawara
Purpose of life To gain the Paradise To fight for good, to broke the
cycle of rebirth until they reach
the state of Mukti and Mukti
could be achieved by adopting a
simple living and avoid the
greed, lust, pride and selfishness.
After death Paradise or Hell Rebirth until they reach the state
of Mukti.
Practices and worship Five pillars of Islam, Prayers Prayer, services at temple
(gurdwara), turban and five Ks
and Meditation,

Festival Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha and Two special days for Sikhs

Month of Ramadan (Gurpurbs and Melas). Gurpurbs
are the death and birth
anniversary of the gurus. An
important mela is Baisakhi. On
this day celebrates the initiation
of Khalsa moment by guru
Gobil Singh. The most gurpurb
is the birthday of Guru Nanak.

Holy places Mecca. Medina Hari Mandar, Guru Nank’s birth

Founder Mohammad (P.B.U.H) No founder, so therefore no
creed or dogma.

Concept of God One God (ALLAH). And Kami is equal to the god,
God is creator of the there are 8 million gods in
everything. And is present this religion.
Total population 1.3 Billion 4 Million
Sacred text Holy Quran Kojiki, Nihongi
Religious leader Imams Priest
House of worship Mosque Shrine. And every shrine
have a mirror which
represented the purity of
mind and the body.
Purpose of life To gain the Paradise To adopt the harmonious
approach of life. And to
maintained the cleanliness
and regular worship at the
local shrine.
Practices and worship Five pillars of Islam, Prayers To offers prayers to gods for
better after life
Festival Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha and Matsuri is important festival,
Month of Ramadan before the festival, the priest,
male or female are strictly
avoid the alcohol.
After death Paradise or Hell They belief that death is
impure and bad. And some
humans come in form of
Kami after death.
Founder Mohammad (P.B.U.H) Mahavira 550-527 BC,
eastern India

Total Population 1.3 Billion 4.2 Million, Jainism is one of

the oldest religions in world.

Concept of God One God (ALLAH) They don’t belief in deity or

supreme power.

Sacred text Holy Quran The teachings of Mahavira in

various collections.

Purpose of Life To gain the Paradise To avoid the bad Karma, to

gain liberation from the cycle
of rebirth.

House of worship Mosque Temple

After life Paradise or Hell Rebirth until they liberation from
the cycle of rebirth.
Festivals Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Atha and Mahavira’s birthday is the most
Month of Ramadan important festival.
Practices and worship Five Pillars of Islam, Prayer Worship takes place at home,
outside or in temple. It may be
individual or in congregation.
They offer prayers to HINDU
goddess of wealth (Lakshmi).
They recite mantras (holy
versus). They must follow the 12
vows. They also keep fast and an
important fast is 8 to 10 day “fast
of peryushan”. Meditation.
Religious leaders Imams Priest
Major branches Sunni, Shiite Digmabaras (they belief that
there dress is the sky and they
don’t need any cloths),
Sretembaras (they always wear
white cloths). At present both use

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