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Derived from the Greek words or ergon meaning

work, and nomoi meaning natural laws

The science of refining the design of products to optimize
them for human use
The main goal of ergonomics is to strive for the most efficient
and comfortable working environment to work within and
around. It is sometimes known ashuman

Physical Ergonomics

The science of designing

user interaction with
equipment and
workplaces to fit the
Widely used in
thedesignof both
consumer and industrial

Cognitive Ergonomics
Concerned with mental

processes, such as
perception, memory,
reasoning, and motor
response, as they affect
interactions among humans
and other elements of a

Organizational Ergonomics

Organizational ergonomics is concerned with the

optimization of socio-technical systems, including

their organizational structures, policies, and

Environmental Ergonomics

ergonomics is concerned
with human interaction
with the environment as
characterized by climate,
temperature, pressure,
vibration, light.

16th century - Bernardino Ramazzini
o medical journal ('De Morbis Artificum' - translated as

'Diseases of Workers')
The term 'ergonomics' was eventually coined by Wojciech
Jastrzebowski and came into use around 1857
19th century Frederick Winslow Taylor
1900- Frank and Lilian Gilbreth
1949- Ergonomics Research Society

Anthropometry: body sizes, shapes; populations and variations

Biomechanics: muscles, levers, forces, strength
Environmental Physics: noise, light, heat, cold, radiation,

vibration body systems: hearing, vision, sensations

Applied Psychology: skill, learning, errors, differences
Social Psychology: groups, communication, learning, behaviors


Different work surface
heights can be used
depending on the type
of work performed.

Knowing what

parameters to design
for while the user is
seated can help
increase the comfort
of the user

When designing

products, consider how

much individuals will
have to reach in order to
minimize awkward or
unhealthy positions.


Workplace Design

The study that helps understand the physical,

physiological, and psychological demands of a job
should encompass a holistic view.It should consist of:
1. The setup of workstation in reference to the posture, the
time taken to complete certain activity, the movement and
repetitions required to complete an activity
2. The surroundings of your workplace, including the kind of
workplace, the lightings used, the levels of noise, and the
humidity and temperature
3. The job tools used for performing the job, like the mouse,
the keyboard, the printer and the scanner.

Applying ergonomics to the workplace:

Reduces the potential for accidents;
Reduces the potential for injury and ill health;
Improves performance and productivity.

Kitchen Ergonomics

Commercial Kitchen
When planning the layout for your commercial kitchen, there are
several factors you need to consider:
Available Space
Employee Mobility
Health Codes
Energy efficiency

Home Kitchen

Kitchen Work Triangle

Double up
Clear paths

Ergonomic Lighting
1.Dont Go Too Dim or Too Bright
2. Go for a Soft Yellow Light
3.Watch the Placement of Your Lighting
4.Dont Position Monitors Near Windows
5.Adjust Lighting with the Time of Day

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