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Integrated Pulp and Paper Mill

Dr. Akepati S. Reddy

Associate Professor, Thapar University
Adjunct Scientist
Thapar Centre for Industrial Research & Development
Integrated pulp and paper mill: overview
• Pulping
– Raw material processing (storing, debarking, washing,
chipping & screening), pulping (prehydrolysis, pulping,
blowing), and pulp washing (screening, cleaning &
– Mechanical, thermo-mechanical and chemical (kraft or
soda) pulping
– Chemical (white liquor) consumption, energy
(electrical/steam) & water intensive process, and
black liquor generation
• Chemical recovery plant
– Concentrating black liquor, burning black liquor as fuel,
green liquor production from smelt, white liquor
production from green liquor causticizing, calcination
of lime sludge
– Chemical recovery in the form of white liquor, energy
(steam) production, gaseous emissions generation,
foul condensate generation,
Integrated pulp and paper mill: overview
• Bleaching plant
– Chemical bleaching using chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
hypo, oxygen (ozone), peroxide, caustic, etc.
– Water and energy intensive process, generates bleach
effluent with colour and chlorinated organic
– Associated with chemical plants (chlorine dioxide, hypo,
sulfurous acid, chilled water, etc.)
• Paper mill
– Hydropulping (secondary fiber), bleaching and deinking,
stock preparation (additives, fillers and sizing
chemicals), fiber mat preparation, dewatering and
drying (surface sizing and coating)
– Additives/fillers and sizing and coating chemical
consumption, water and energy intensive process,
generates white water
Kraft Pulping
bark and other stor., handling raw materials
unbleached wood wastes & preparation
effluent from
storage and washing

WBL Pulp blown pulp

Weak black liquor processing Pulping

foul vent
condensate gases

white liquor
screenings (knots)
saturated & rejects (grit)
PH liquor
feed water lime
weak white liquor

BL thick black Recovery green liquor

liquor Causticizing
Concentration boiler


foul steam Na2SO4

condensate furnace oil Calcination
and other fuels
exhaust gases

Kraft Pulping: Schematic Overview

process chemical
water sprays raw material
effluent process
water purged air
Debarking Storage Transport & fuel oil
conveyance Blower
process drainage air & noise
bark water effluent water pollution problems
Washing & white White
winnowing Rechipper liquor tank Cyclone
liquor liquid to
air LP/MP
dust & noise rejects pollution vents to
effluent steam blow tank
chips Chips to blow
Chippers Screens silo Digesters tank Blow tank

air rejects accepts process water liquor

pollution for flushing
pollution Dust WBL
screen WBL tank Preheater

Dust Condensate
hopper pots

wood dust steam

Wood based Pulping unit
Storage, Handling and Preparation of
Raw-materials for Pulping
• Transportation and local handling of raw materials
– Consumption of fuel oil and electrical energy
– Automobile exhaust emissions and local air pollution
– Noise pollution
– Associated with accidental risks
• Raw material storage is associated with
– Application of raw material preserving chemical sprays
– Use of water for underwater storage
– Effluent generation from underwater storage
– Storm water run off from storage site
– Loss of raw material on storage
– Associated fire hazards
Storage, Handling and Preparation of
Raw-materials for Pulping
• Debarking
– Electrical energy consumption in mechanical debarking
– Water consumption in wet debarking
– Effluent generation from wet debarking
– Dry or wet bark generation
• Washing and winnowing
– Electrical energy consumption in both washing and
– Water consumption in washing
– Effluent generation from washing
– Dust pollution from winnowing
– Noise pollution from winnowing
Storage, Handling and Preparation of
Raw-materials for Pulping
• Chipping or crushing and cutting
– Electrical energy consumption
– Dust pollution
– Noise pollution
– Fire hazard associated with chipping
• Screening of chips
– Electrical energy consumption
– Wood dust generation
– Dust pollution
– Noise pollution
– Fire hazard associated with screening
A. prepared B. vent gases
purged gas raw material saturated
liquor MP steam
Blower liquor


separator Digester
liquor condensate
liquor liquor

white liquor
WBL and/or water
vent gases saturated
white liquor liquor MP steam
C. & WBL D.
vent hot water
gases liquor




liquor condensate
A. Prehydrolysis
B. PH liquor draining
liquor C. Sulfate cooking
PH liquor & D. Digester loading
PH wash liquor Kraft pulping process
(excludes blowing and blow heat recovery operations)
process water for
pulp wash down
blown pulp
for processing
Cyclone blow
separator vapours WBL

Blow tank Digester

vent of non-
Primary condensibles

vapours Secondary pulp blowing and liquor

& condensate condensor reblowing

Hot condensate hot Condensate

section condensate filter
Cold condensate process water
condensate section
cold condensate Heat
blow down hot process water

Pulp Blowing and Blow Heat Recovery System

Kraft Pulping
• Loading of the digester
– Consumption of steam for packing and driving out of air and
other non-condensable gases
– Consumption of water for adjusting liquor ratio in the digester
– Purged out air and other non-condensable gases
– Electrical power for circulating liquor through external heat
• Prehydrolysis
– Steam consumption in the heat exchanger of the digester
– Generation of steam condensate at the external heat exchanger
– Vented out non-condensable gases
– Generation of prehydrolysate liquor
– Consumption of water for washing the chips after draining out
prehydrolysate and for adjusting the liquor ratio
– Generation of preydrolysate wash liquor
Kraft Pulping
• Cooking/pulping
– Dosing of anthraquinone for catalysing the pulping process
– Steam consumption in the heat exchanger of the digester
– Generation of steam condensate at the external heat exchanger
– Generation of vent gases rich in reduced sugar compounds
• Blowing of pulp
• Generation of vent gases rich in reduced sugar compounds
• Release of blow vapours from the blow tank
• Direct steam injection for facilitating reblow
• Black liquor from the separate blowing of liquor and pulp
• Blow heat recovery
– Entrained fiber separated at cyclone separator
– Electrical energy for circulating foul condensate through
direct contact condensers and heat exchangers
– Non-condensible gases off the condensers
– Excess foul condensate overflows of condensate accumulation
blown pulp

accepts mill water

WBL Blow tank Sand trap rejects

? mizer

Stone Spill tank Quart.
traps cleaner

WBL ? WBL accepts Tert. UBDK water
mill water UB HD

rejects cleaner
Pressure Vibratory H2SO4 tower
knotter screen UBDK waterSec.
vent Centri- H2SO4
accepts hotwater/ knots cleaner Dosing mill water
Vacuu tank

UBDK water
DD UB chest- Pri. UBDK water Pulp
pump foam Centri- thickener
washer 1 cleaners
ugal accepts UBDK UBDK
separa water water
liquid DD wash Pri. accepts Thickener
filtrate press. UB chest- Fil. tank
Seal 2
pot tank 1 screen
vent ugal Sec. UBDK water
separa press.

? tor for reuse!

Vacuu screen
m UBDK rejects
pump Seal
water Vibrator 1. WBL to
pot y chemical recovery plant
screen knots blow tank, digester,
? Pulp processing pressure knotter, etc.
blow vapours
vents WBL
blown Priimary accepts Brownstock
pulp Blow tank Junk trap
screen Washer-1
accepts rejects
WBL accepts
rejects HD Secondary
cleaner screen
Sand trap rejects for dilution
Stock chest accepts knots rejected

BL leaks WBL
from BSW
BL from
spill sumps

Pulp screening
hot process water

blown washed
pulp BSW -1 BSW -2 BSW -3 BSW -4 pulp

Seal tank Seal tank Seal tank Seal tank

foam foam
2 1 foam

BL filter foam Foam tower WBL

vent gases
Filtered WBL for
BL tank sealing purposes

1. WBL for dilution and consistency adjustment purposes in

pulping and unbleached pulp processing purposes
2. WBL to chemical recovery plant

Multistage Counter-current Brown Stock Washing


centricleaner Primary acceptscentricleanedpulp
Feed tank centricleaners

water rejects

accepts Centricleaner
Feed tank


water rejects accepts

Feed tank

Tertiary Fibermizer rejects

centricleaners rejects


Centri-cleaning operation
Pulp Processing
• Pulp screening
– Electrical power for pumping the pulp through the screens and
for rotating or vibrating the screens
– Foaming and liquor spatting problems at the vibratory screens
– Tramp material generated at the pressure screens
– Use of water! for pulp streams dilution and elutrition
– Knots generated from the screening
• Pulp washing
– Use of water for pulp washing in the repulper, in the
displacement showers and in the vat, and also for cleaning
the screen plate of drum washers
– Electrical energy for the pumping and circulation of
pulp/liquor and for rotating the drum
– Bad odours and foul smells from the drum washers
– Foaming problems at the seal tank
– Black liquor generation from the pulp washing
Pulp Processing
• Pulp cleaning
– Electrical energy for pumping the pulp through the multistage
– Elutriation fluid use in the stock saver of HD cleaner
– Water use for pulp dilution to facilitate centri-cleaning
– Rejects (high density particles) generation at HD cleaner
– Rejects (grit) at the multistage centri-cleaner
• Decker washing and pulp thickening
– Use of water for pulp washing in the displacement showers
and for cleaning the screen plate of drum washers
– Electrical energy for the pumping and circulation of
pulp/water and for the rotation of drum
– Decker washwater generation
*1 goes to next effect for further concentrating
*2 usually LP steam in 1st effect or flashed
vapours from other effects or FCE
*3 used as heating medium in some other effect
or sent to the surface condensor
*4 sucked out with the help of a steam ejector
*5 drained out as foul condensate or reused
as hot water


concentrated Flashing
black liquor*1 section non-condensable condensate from
gases*4 other effects

heating Heater Condensa Condensa

medium*2 section te te
leg pot

Black liquor

Typical Effect of a Multiple Effect Evaporation System

flashed vapours and
non-condensable gases

MP steam
water Precooler

non-conden. Primary
gases Steam

cooling Surface cooling water

water condensor water

condensate Inter cooler

non-cond. water vent of non-

Seal pot condensate gases Condensable gases

MP steam Steam After cooler
foul condensate ejector


Schematic of a Flashed Vapours and Non-condensable Gases

Handling System (FVNG Handling System)
foul condensate foul condensate to foul condensate
to MEE system-3 MEE system-1 & 2 to MEE system-4

Vapour Vapour Vapour

separator separator separator
of FCE-2 of FCE-2 of FCE-2

to TBL
storage tank

vent for non- vent for non- vent for non-

LP LP cond. gases LP
steam cond. gases steam steam cond. gases

Heat Heat Heat

exchange exchange exchange
r r r
of FCE-1 of FCE-1 of FCE-1

steam cond. black liquor steam cond. black liquor steam cond.
black liquor

Schematic of a forced circulation evaporation system

Cleaning of Black Liquor
concentrating facilities
• Isolating the facility for cleaning
• Draining the black liquor present into WBL storage tank
• Flushing the facility with water and taking flushings as WBL
• Circulating hot water with cleaning chemicals (NaOH/ H2SO4/
mixture of H2SO4 & sodium sulfate) through the facility and
finally draining circulating solution to the WBL storage tank
• Opening the facility, cooling and cleaning the interior with
water jets, and draining out the wash water as wastewater
• Closing the facility and filling with process water and keeping it
ready for taking into line (water is drained out prior to use!)
– Water for flushing and cleaning of the facility
– Hot water for making the cleaning chemical solution
– Process water for the cleaned facility filling
– Wastewater generation from the cleaning operations

WBL Concentrating Section
• Concentrating in multiple effect evaporator
– involves black liquor preheating prior to passing through
– 2 or more effects connected in series are used
– Steam/foul vapours are used in the heating section on shell
– Steam/foul condensate is generated
– Entrained liquor is separated in the vapour separator
– Electrical energy for circulating the liquor
• Forced circulation evaporator
– Lp steam is used for heating the SCBL
– Steam condensate generated at the SCBL
– Foul vapours from the flashing of super heated liquor
– Electrical energy for circulating the liquor
WBL Concentrating Section
• Foul vapours and non-condensable gases handling system
– Handles foul vapours from the 1st effect and non-condensable
gases accumulating on shell side of heating sections of all
– Includes a precooler (!), surface condenser(s), and steam
ejectors with coolers – often vacuum pumps replace steam
– Use of circulating cooling water in surface condenser on tube
– Use of water for spray cooling in the precooler and in the
coolers associated with steam ejectors
– Steam consumption in the steam ejectors
– Foul condensate generation at the surface condenser
– Condensate generation at the coolers associated with the
steam ejectors
– Non-condensable gases vented at the cooler of last steam
boiler feed water
vented steam steam vent
steam to the Deaeratio
turbine header n
tank Stack
combustion air
steam for
soot blowing Steam
FD fan ID fan

MP steam Super
heater Economiz ESP
tert. hopper ash
cond. Mud drum
sec.. Furnace ESP ash
prim. hopper WWL
smelt ash
MP steam
WWL steam Ash
pre- Wood & vent tnak
heater furnace oil
TBL Smelt
cond. TBL Dissolvin
g to WBL
tank storage tank
tank ESP ash
green liquor
salt cake
Process flow diagram of a recovery boiler
Chemical Recovery Boiler
Preparation and loading of black liquor solids for combustion

in the boiler furnace

– Addition salt cake (Na2SO4) and mixing of recovered ash
– Steam consumption for heating the black liquor
– Steam condensate generation from heating the black liquor
– Energy for pumping and loading black liquor solids to the
boiler furnace
Supply of combustion air

– Energy for powering the FD fans

– Steam consumption for preheating the combustion air
– Steam condensate generation from combustion air preheating
Feed water supply and steam generation

– Boiler blowdown water generation

Chemical Recovery Boiler
Flue gases and their treatment and disposal

– Energy for powering the ESP

– Energy for powering the ID fan
– Generation of ash at the ESP and in the hoppers of boiler,
economizer, air preheater, etc.
– Exhaust gases emitted into atmosphere through stack
Green liquor production from smelt

– Water for smelt dissolving

– Water or circulating water for cooling the spout conveying
– Steam for shuttering the smelt stream falling into smelt
dissolving tank
– Energy for powering the high volume recirculation pump
– Vent vapours of the dissolving tank
– Explosion risks associated with smelt dissolving
Chemical Recovery Boiler
Startup and shut down operations of recovery boiler

– Furnace oil consumption during startup as fuel

– Wood consumption for initiating the burning process
– Steam vented during startup till desired pressure & temp.
– Furnace oil combustion in place of BL solids during shut
– Steam vented during shut down once temp. & pres. drops
– Water use for cleaning the boiler interiors
– Wastewater generation from the cleaning
Maintenance and emergency situations management

– High pressure steam consumption in soot blowing

– Waterwall tube leaks & risk of explosive mixture of smelt &
– Risk of TBL dilution of with water from tube leaks in boiler
burnt lime
foul condensate Hot
process water Reburnt
green liquor (G/L) lime bin
LP steam

G/L G/L Drum
screenin Pre-
clarifier storage slackers
g heating
dregs LP steam hot water
screenings vents
zers Grit Trommel
hotwater mixer
WWL for ( 2 classifier screen
reuse hot water units)
washed dregs grit stone
& gravel
Recaust. Lime mud W/L White W/L stor.
WWL WL to pulp mill
cizers clarifiers liquor tanks
overflows process
overflows hot water Cyclone water
LMW LMW process r
mixer mixer water Vacuum
Rotary air
LMW-1 LMW-2 LMW-3 drum filtrate
lime mud Seal pit
sealing &
dewatered cooling water
Process flow diagram of a causticizing unit lime mud filtrate

air Cyclone

water for entrained

screen plate filtrate
water for cleaning

washed Rotary Vacuum

vacuum water for gland
lime mud pump sealing & cooling
drum filter

compressed air
for screen plate
Cleaning !
air vent
lime mud

Seal pit Vacuum

plume pit

filtrate as gland sealing

seal pit overflows & cooling water

Process flow diagram of lime mud dewatering system

• Green liquor processing and dregs washing
– Steam for heating the green liquor
– Hot water for washing the dregs
– Dregs from the screening and clarification of green liquor
• Lime slacking and green liquor causticizing
– Stones and other impurities from slacked slurry screening
– Hot water for washing the grit in the grit classifier
– Grit separated from the slacked slurry at grit classifier
– Steam injection in the causticizing tanks
– Spillage of lime
– Lime for causticizing
• Lime mud washing
– Hot water for lime mud washing
– Lime mud washwater (WWL) from the mud washing
– Steam for generating hot water from process water
• Lime mud dewatering
– Hot water use in the displacement showers of rotary vacuum
dewatering drum
– Water for gland sealing and gland cooling of the vacuum
– Gland sealing and gland cooling wastewater
– Compressed air for cleaning the screen plate
– Seal pit overflows of the rotary vacuum drum
– noise pollution from the rotary drum and from the vacuum
flue gases
to atmosphere

ID fan

reburnt lime
primary air for causticizing Electrosta
Calcinate precipitato
process water r
Primary d for roller cooling ESP
air blowe lime
Flame Exhaust
Sea shell
end Limekiln end
of limekiln of limekiln
steam atomizing air process
steam dewatered
cooling water
lime mud
Steam Electrical washer
heater of heater of
oil oil
Day tank
cond. furnace oil
For oil
sea shell

Process flow diagram of a limekiln

Calcination in limekiln
• Furnace oil (or gas) for firing in the lime kiln
• steam for preheating the furnace oil
• Steam condensate from furnace oil heating
• Energy for powering the FD and ID fans
• Hot product lime (>950C) from the limekiln
• Circulating cooling water for roller cooling of the limekiln
• Exhaust gases from the limekiln
• Water for scrubbing the exhaust gases (if scrubber is used – ESP
can also be used and dust recovered can be recycled to
• Lime slurry generation from the scrubbing
Waste minimization measures
Storage and handling and preparation of raw material

• Source raw materials locally, minimize inventory and practice

first received first used
• Store on lined impervious surface, segregate run off for proper
treatment and disposal
• In case of underwater storage the storage water requires
• Reuse of bark and wood dust (as fuel!)
• Recycle and reuse the washwater and wetdebarking water
• Control dust pollution from winnowing
• Control noise pollution specially from chipping
• Fire fighting facilities and prevention of fire accidents
Waste minimization measures

• Minimize direct injection use of steam (minimize reblows) and

recover heat from steam condensate generated at external
heat exchangers
• Recover heat from blow vapours, route vent vapours of the
digesters through this system, and direct non-condensable
gases into the recovery boiler furnace
• Treatment of PH liquor (low pH, high temp., and high strength
wastewater with crust forming contaminants) and PH wash
– neutralization with lime at elevated temperature to generate
sludge (can be burnt as fuel)
– anaerobic digestion and biogas generation
• Reuse foul condensate and its heat content if needed after pre-
treatment (thermophilic anaerobic digestion)

Waste minimization measures
Pulp processing

• Repulp washed knots or use them as fuel

• Minimise water use in pulp washing and generate WBL of
higher consistency
– Avoid use of water in screen plate cleaning
– Use black liquor for pulp dilution and elutrition starting from
reblowing to washing
• Minimize wastewater generation from decker washing of
cleaned pulp
– Use for pulp consistency adjustment specially during cleaning
• In the absence of chemical recovery plant WBL (higher pH,
high strength, high TDS and hot wastewater) requires

Waste minimization measures
WBL concentrating

• Segregate foul condensate from steam condensate and reuse the

foul condensate at all possible places
• Have separate circulating cooling water system for the direct
contact condensers associated with the steam ejectors and
reuse the tower blowdown water as good quality foul
• Route non-condensable gases of the steam ejector system into
the furnace of the recovery boiler
• Minimize water use in the evaporators section (weak white
liquor, WWL, may be used in place of process water
specially if expected to dilute the black liquor
• Can steam ejectors be replaced by vacuum pumps operated on
steam !

Waste minimization measures
Collect the steam condensate generated at different places

and supply as boiler feed water

– Forced circulation evaporator
– TBL preheating
– Combustion air preheating at recovery boiler
– Furnace oil preeating at lime kiln
Recover heat/water from recovery boiler blowdown
Minimize the frequency of startups and shutdowns

Condense the steam vented out during startup and shutdown

operations to recover water

Waste minimization measures
Minimize white liquor dilution and WWL generation through

conservative use of (hot) water and/or steam directly

– Drum slacker and grit classifier
– Dregs washing and recausticizing
– Displacement showers of lime mud dewatering (rotary
vacuum drum dewatering unit
– Scrubbing of limekiln exhaust
Use of foul condensate in place of hot water generated from
process water through injecting steam
Use hot water generated in blow heat recovery system!

Reuse all the weak white liquor

– In recovery boiler for dissolving smelt

– In the WBL concentrating section for cleaning purposes
provided the washwater is taken into weak black liquor
Recover dust from limekiln exhaust and recycle to the kiln

Pulp Bleaching Unit
•Chlorine bleaching
•Chlorine-chlorine dioxide bleaching (ECF)
•Chlorine dioxide bleaching
•Hypo bleaching
•Oxygen bleaching
•Ozone bleaching
•Peroxide bleaching
•Bio or enzyme bleaching
•Alkali extraction
•Alkali-oxygen extraction
Bleaching Sequence Adopted
Bleaching stage Mill-1 Mill-2 Mill-3 Mill-4
Oxygen delignification    
Ozone delignification    
Enzymatic treatment of    
Chlorine bleaching   1 
Cl2 – ClO2 bleaching 1 1  1
Extraction   2 
Oxidative extraction    
Oxidative peroxide 2 2  2
ClO2 bleaching 4 3, 4  5
Hypo chlorite bleaching 3  3, 4 3, 4
Peroxide bleaching 5   

Order of bleach stages is shown by natural numbers starting from 1

(nth number indicates nth stage in the bleaching sequence)
Bleach Plant
Post bleach operations
•Thickening and washing
Services and support activities/operations of the
bleach plant
•Chilled water plant
•On-site production of
–Chlorine dioxide
–Sodium/calcium hypochlorite
–Sulfur dioxide
•Handling of hazardous chemicals used in the bleach plant
•Chlorine, sodium chlorate, sulfuric acid, methanol, etc.
•handling of fumes, vent gases and foam
Generic bleach stage
Facilities and equipment

• Heater mixer – to rise pulp temp. by steam injection

• MC mixer – to mix bleach chemicals with pulp
• Stand pipe, pump and piping - for lifting medium to high
consistency pulp to reaction towers
• Reaction tower (either up-flow or down-flow type, or
down-flow type with an initial leg of up-flow tube)
• Pulp washer (rotary vacuum drum washer) – includes vat,
rotary vacuum drum, repulper, drop barometric leg
sealed in seal pit, and pumps and piping
• Seal pit overflows (backwater) is reused in:
– repulper of the previous stage
– outlet of the bleach tower for pulp dilution and pumping
– vat of the same bleach stage
– displacement shower banks of the drum washers

Bleaching chemicals

MC mixer Bleaching
tower Back water from
next bleaching stage
1. 4.
Backwater Stand pipe vacuum Repulper Pulp to the next
for sealing & pump drum stage of bleaching
for vat 5.
Bleaching chemicals
Pulp from Heater
repulper of mixer Seal tank
previous stage

steam to repulper of previous Bleach effluent

stage & to other
points for reuse
1. Water for the displacement shower banks (process water,
hot water, foul condensate or backwater of the same
stage or some other stage of bleaching)
2. Water and compressed air in the showers meant for
cleaning the screen plate of the rotary drum
3. Vent fumes to be collected treated and disposed
4. Fumes to be collected treated and disposed with the help
of an enclosing hood and ventilation system
5. Foam to the foam collection and handling system

Typical bleach stage

Generic bleach stage
• Bleach chemicals are dosed at repulper and MC mixer
• Water is required for
– Pulp dilution in repulper
– Sealing and facilitating pumping at the standpipe and pump
– Pulp dilution for facilitating pumping from the reaction tower
– Vat pulp dilution in rotary vacuum drum washer
– Displacement showers of the rotary vacuum drum washer
– Perforated screen plate cleaning of the rotary drum water
• Steam consumption for direct heating of pulp in the heater
Generic bleach stage
• Fumes, vapours and foam from
– Rotary vacuum drum washer (collected by hood)
– Reaction tower
– Seal pit of the rotary vacuum drum wasjer
– Handled by active ventilation system supported cyclonic
separator scrubber, etc.
• Seal pit overflows
– Mostly reused either in the same bleach stage or in the
upstream bleach stage for pulp dilution
– Rest is drained out as wastewater
Vent gases


Vent of washer and

seal pit of E/O stage Vent gases and fumes
of C/D, D1 and D2 stage
towers & washers
Vent of bleach
Decker washer

Backwater of E/O Mist

stage for spray eliminator

Foam from seal pits gases Cyclone

of C/D, D1 and D2 Foam tank Scrubber separat
bleach stages or
Liquid/ scrubbing
backwater solution
Seal pit

Effluent to drain to drain

Schematic diagram of an active ventilation system

Active ventilation system of a bleach plant
for handling fumes, vent gases and foam
• Drum washers are provided with hoods
• Fumes and foam from seal pits of different bleach stages
are collected into foam tanks
• Backwater of extraction stage or water is sprayed in foam
tanks for foam breaking
• Vent gases from the reaction towers and drum washers are
collected through cyclone separators
• ClO2 containing gases are scrubbed with SO2 solution
• Liquid separated in foam tanks, overflows of the seal pit
associated with cyclone separator and scrubbing liquor
are discarded as wastewater
• Vent gases are ultimately vented out with a blower
Chlorine (and Cl2-ClO2) bleaching
•Usually first stage of bleaching and often chlorine is
partially substituted by chlorine dioxide
•Carried out at 2.5-3.5% pulp consistency
•For pulp dilution chlorine bleach backwater is preferred
(helps in maintaining lower pH, <2) but higher
temperature discourages the use
•Chlorine bleaching is exothermic and higher temperature
in the presence of residual chlorine is destructive to
•pH >2 is destructive to cellulose
•Chlorine dissolved in water is mixed with pulp at MC
•If ClO2 used it is dosed ahead of chlorine
Chlorine (and Cl2-ClO2) bleaching
• Contributes organic halides – 10% of applied chlorine
is converted into AOX
– ClO2 in place of Cl2 form less of chlorinated organic
compounds (80% lesser)
– ClO2 is more powerful bleaching agent than Cl2 (2.63
times on mass basis and 2.5 times on mole basis)
– ClO2 has lesser chlorine than Cl2 (just 50%)
– ClO2 in place of Cl2 (partial substitution) reduces colour
discharge and chloroform emission
– At 15% substitution chloroform emission is reduced to
0.01 from 0.35 kg/ton
Chlorine (and Cl2-ClO2) Bleaching
• Fumes emanating from bleach tower and rotary
vacuum drum washer are hazardous
– needs collection and scrubbing (with sulfurous acid!)
• Cl2 gas (a hazardous gas) is stored on-site and used
• ClO2 is unstable and corrosive and potentially
– produced on-site from sodium chlorate
– production involves use of methanol, SO2, etc.
• Corrosivity of ClO2 impairs efforts in the direction of
chemical recovery, and recycling and reuse of

A case of Cl2-ClO2 bleaching
• Consistency of brown stock pulp is adjusted with
backwater of Cl2-ClO2 bleaching or with process water
• Displacement showers of rotary vacuum drum washer use
– Warm water
– Backwater of ClO2 bleaching-1 backwater
– Backwater of oxidative alkali extraction stage
• Perforated screen plate of the rotary vacuum drum washer
is cleaned by hot water
Chlorine dioxide bleaching
• Performed on 11-14% consistency pulp at 70-75C
• Sulfuric acid is used to maintain pulp pH at the
desired level
– For 1st stage ClO2 bleaching, 3.5-4 pH is desired in pulp
from the bleach tower (for subsequent stages 5.5-6.0
pH is desired)
• Pulp coming out from bleach tower may need
removal/ neutralization of residual ClO2 vapours
and other off gases
– In case of upflow towers pulp is flashed for the removal
– In case of down-flow towers the pulp is neutralized by
sulfur dioxide and sodium hydroxide solution
ClO2 bleaching
• Backwater from the bleaching is reused usually after
neutralization with SO2
• In case of multistage ClO2 bleaching counter current flow
of backwater to displacement showers is possible
– otherwise hot water is preferred
– in the last stage of ClO2 bleaching hotwater is used
• ClO2 stage backwater can be reused on displacement
showers in
– Cl2-ClO2 bleaching stage
– extraction stage of bleaching
• Perforated screen plates can be cleaned with compressed
air (hot water cleaning is also possible)
Hypochlorite bleaching
• Carried out 35 to 40C and 9 pH
– Caustic is used for maintaining the pH
– Some mills use sulfamic acid
• Brightens pulp while preserving lignin through
destroying the chromophoric groups of lignin
• Associated with degradation of cellulose and
emission of chloroform
• Handling of calcium hypo is troublesome

Alkali extraction and oxidative alkali
• Meant for removal of chlorinated and oxidized lignin
from pulp by solubilization
• Performed on medium consistency pulp (12-15%) at
• Usually follows a bleach stage and there can be more
than one extraction stages in a bleach sequence
• In one case hot water and backwater of ClO2
bleaching are used in the displacement showers
– Air and process water are used for cleaning the
perforated screen
Alkali extraction and oxidative alkali
• Oxidative alkali extraction (use of oxygen along with
alkali – oxygen is dosed into hot pulp after alkali
dosing) is preferred
• Often small amount of hydrogen peroxide is also
dosed (Oxidative peroxide extraction)
• Oxidative alkali extraction
– Enhances extraction and pulp delignification (thus reduce
chlorine dose needed)
– Reduces AOX generation and colour discharge
E/O filtrate * Continued in Figure 4.2.3b
C/D ClO E/O tower Pulp to
filtrate 2 ClO2-1 washer*
fumes fumes
C/D filtrate D1 filtrate
E/O filtrate
C/D Chlorine E/O pre- ClO2-1
tower tube tower

MC mixer MC mixer ClO2 MC mixer

D1 filtrate D1 filtrate
E/O filtrate Hot water
Stand Warm water Stand Stand
pipe pipe pipe
& pump fumes & pump fumes & pump
Process Process
water HDunblea Hot water water & air
ch C/D Heater E/O Heater
pulp washer mixer washer mixer
filtrate foam filtrate foam
for vat dil. NaOH & for vat dil.
Washed E/O filtrate
Brown stock filtrate filtrate
steam steam
seal tank seal tank
C/D filtrate Backwater E/O filtrate Backwater
to drain warm water to drain
Schematic process and material flow diagram of a bleach plant
D2 filtrate
fumes * Continued from Figure 4.2.3a

ClO2-2 Pulp to paper

tower machines

Pulp from
ClO2-1 tower* Bleached
ClO2 MC mixer BD filtrate HD tower
D2 filtrate Process water
Hot water
Stand 3-step Stand
pipe rejects cent. pipe
fumes & pump fumes cleaning & pump
BD fumes
air air pulp
ClO2-1 Heater ClO2-2 Stock Bleach
washer mixer washer chest decker
filtrate foam filtrate foam BD filtrate filtrate
for vat dil. steam for vat dil. for vat dil.
ClO2- NaOH ClO2- Hot water Filtrate
1filtrate 2filtrate
seal tank
seal tank seal tank
D1 filtrate D2 filtrate BD
Backwater Backwater filtrate process water
SO2 to drain SO2 to drain OH tank
BD filtrate for
D1 filtrate D2 filtrate centricleaning BD filtrate
Schematic process and material flow diagram a bleach plant
Example bleach plant
• Bleach sequence employed is C/D, E/O, D, D
• Centricleaning and bleached pulp washing in a decker are also
part of the bleach plant
• Water is conserved and wastewater generation is minimized
• Through extensive recycling and reuse of backwaters
• Through use of compressed air for the cleaning of the perforated
screen plates of the rotary vacuum drum washers
• Separate system comprising of hoods to the rotary vacuum drum
washers, ducting, tanks with foam breaking showers, cyclone
separators, scrubbers, blowers, etc., is used for handling the
fumes, vent gases and foam

Waste management strategies
• Moving from chlorine bleaching ECF bleaching through C/D
bleaching (using ClO2 in place of Cl2)
– Reduces organo chlorine content of wastewaters and colour
– Wastewater (specially extraction stage effluent) can become
fit for sending to chemical recovery
• Moving from ECF to TCF
– Using oxygen, ozone, peroxide, etc.
– Going for bio-bleaching (including enzyme bleaching)
– No organo chlorines in the wastewaters
– Wastewaters (specially extraction stage effluent) become fit
for sending to chemical recovery
• Better pulp dewatering between successive bleach stages to
minimize wastewater and conserve bleaching chemicals
• Going for biopulping and enzymatic/bio bleaching for
minimizing chemical consumption
Waste management strategies
Wastewaters generated include

• Seal pit overflows (not reused as backwaters) from different

bleach stages
• Counter flow of backwaters and reuse minimizes generation
• Could be segregated into an acidic stream and an alkaline stream
• Segregation of extraction stage effluent for pretreatment
• Send the wastewater if possible to chemical recovery unit
• Wastewater rich in colour, chlorinated organic compounds and
organic matter (BOD/COD)
• Physico-chemical (including electroflocculation) pretreatment
• Biological pretreatment (fungal technology/mycotechnology or
bacterial technology)
• Mixing the pretreated water with other wastewaters of the pulp
and paper mills for treatment and disposal

slurry to
mill water
Saltcak Steam
filtrate Generator MP steam ejector
e dump tank
Ejector filter chilled vent
filtered air water
cooling water
Filtrate Absorpt Ejector
barometric lights Hydro- off Cooler ion
leg into drain separat clone gases cooler
or tower
emergency off gases chilled
water Generator cooling water
H2SO4 crystallizer water ClO2 Vent barometric
clear solution Stor. scrubbe leg to drain

tank r
H2SO4 H2SO4 dilution
tank filter water
ClO2 solution
Chlorite Seal pit

off gases
Filter OH to bleaching
tank Generator
hotwater LP steam reboiler
overflows condensate filter
Heating for dissolving
tank chlorite vent gases
hotwater water process ejector WL
water system Methan white scrubbe
Dissolvi ol liquor (WL) r
ng stor.
tank tank
ejected water and slurry to
non-condensable recovery
sodium chlorite gases methanol
Chlorine dioxide production unit
Chlorine dioxide unit
• Sodium chlorate, methanol and sulfuric acid supplied to
the generator-crystallizer for ClO2 production
• Hot water for dissolving sodium chlorate and water for
diluting methanol
• Steam in the generator reboiler for heating reaction mixer
• MP steam in steam ejector associated with ClO2
absorption tower
• Cooling water in contact ejector coolers of steam ejector,
salt cake filter and generator reboiler
• Chilled water for absorbing the off gases
– first used for scrubbing the off gases from ClO2 solution
storage tank and then used in the absorption tower
• Circulating hot water for heating the sodium chlorate
• Circulating cooling water for cooling the off gases from
Chlorine dioxide unit
• Vent gases from
– steam ejector cooler
– second stage scrubbing of ClO2 solution tank off gases
– air ejector associated with the sodium sulfate filter
– air ejector associated with the generator reboiler
• White liquor for the second stage scrubbing of off gases
from the ClO2 solution storage tank
• Sodium sulfate crystal slurry to the chemical recovery unit
• Second stage scrubbing solution to the chemical recovery
• Wastewater overflows from the seal pits of
– air ejector associated with the sodium sulfate filter
– air ejector associated with the generator reboiler
• Sodium chlorate, ClO2 are hazardous substances
lime condensates
Hot excess of MOL Off gases to
Lime bin water atmosphere
tank Sniff gases &
chlorine line purgings

Lime Classifi Grit Hypo Hypo

slacker er settling tower-2 tower-1


hot water grit grit
Hypo Hypo Hypo
sump-2 sump-1 stor. tank
a. Calcium hypo plant of Beta Pulp and Paper Mill
Hypo to
Seam for bleaching
Jacket heating
Liquid Chlorine
Chlorine evapora
bullet tor
Steam cond. tower

Alkali Hypo Hypo

50% NaOH tank sump stor. Hypo to bleaching
Process water
Caustic to
b. Sodium hypo plant of Alpha Pulp Mill
Calcium and sodium Hypochlorite units
Hypochlorite units
• Liquid chlorine or sniff gases and chlorine line purgings
and sodium hydroxide or lime consumption
• Hot water for lime slacking (and for the screening and
classification) of lime or process water for preparing
caustic solution
• Steam or hot water for the jacket heating of the chlorine
• Grit and stones from the slacking lime
• Vent gases from the absoprtion towers

LP steam tank
water liquid condensate
Combusti Sulfur diesel oil
combustion air on furnace
air blower
smelt &
cooling water cooling residues
cooler cooling water

process water vent gases

SO2 abs.


SO2 solution to bleaching

Process and material flow diagram of sulfur dioxide unit
Sulfur dioxide unit
• Sulfur dioxide is produced through burning molten sulfur in
excess air in a furnace under controlled conditions
• Sulfur dioxide of the furnace exhaust is absorbed in water and
supplied as sulfurous acid
• LP steam is used for the sulfur melting and steam condensate is
• Diesel oil as fuel in the furnace during startup
• Smelt and residues may be generated at the furnace
• Cooling water is used for jacket cooling of the furnace and for
cooling the furnace exhaust
• Process water for absorbing the sulfur dioxide
• Vent gases (exaust gases after absorption removal of SO2) from
the absorption tower
atmospheric air



Molecular Molecular nitrogen gas release

sieve sieve on depressurization



Oxygen to bleaching

Process flow diagram of non-cryogenic oxygen production unit

Non-cryogenic oxygen unit
• Electrical energy intensive process
• Compressors are used for producing compressed air
• Produced from compressed dry air through adsorption on
molecular sieves
• Molecular sieves adsorb nitrogen under high pressure leaving
behind oxygen
• Under low pressure the adsorbed nitrogen is desorbed from the
molecular sieves
• Cooling water is needed in intercoolers and after coolers for
cooling the compressed air
• Noise pollution from compressors
• Use of lubricating oil and generation of hazardous waste in the
form of discarded lubricating oil
Secondary fiber processing
High consistency pulping High consistency pulping

Detrashing & HD cleaning Detrashing & HD cleaning

Coarse pressure screening Coarse pressure screening

Fine pressure screening Flotation

Centricleaning Centricleaning

Thickening & dewatering Fine pressure screening

High consistency refining Thickening & dewatering

a . Process Dispersion & oxidative bleaching

scheme of the
Epsilon Paper
Mill Flotation
Disintegration of waste paper/board into fiber
mass/ pulp stock Thickening
Removal of contaminants including print/ink
Reductive bleaching
Bleaching and colour stripping of the pulp
b. Process scheme of the paper mill - 1
of the Delta Paper Mill
Process flow schemes for waste paper pulping and processing
Secondary fiber processing:
Activities and operations
• Hydrapulping
• Screening
• Cleaning
• Fractionation
• Dispersion and kneading
• Refining
• Flotation
• Washing and thickening
• Bleaching and colour stripping

SGAP-1 dosing
tank wastepaper
to flotation-1 discarded paper
to flotation-2 and packaging waste
Na2SiO3 Slat
Na2SiO3 dosing conveyor stock from
tank start/stop chest
to disperger screenings

NaOH Hydro- Contami Dump
NaOH dosing
tank pulper nex tower
to disperger FW for
FW for FW for flushing bypass
to reductive
bleaching sealing sealing
H2O2 Warmwa
Hydrogen H2O2 clear filtrate HD
dosing ter
peroxide tank from DF-1 cleaner
tank tank
to disperger clear filtrate
steam from DF-1 rejects
stock to
SGAP-2 Spectroscreen*
SGAP-2 warmwater from
SGAP-2 dosing
tank hotwater tank
to flotation-1
to flotation-2

Schematic process and material flow diagram of a waste paper

pulping and processing unit
pulper-1 pulper-2 Clrf.
Stock* SGAP-1 Stock**
Clrf. accepts
Spectroscr Centriclea Verticle
Accepts Flotation-1
een ning screen
tank (primary)
(primary) Stage-1 (primary)

HR Clrf. Clrf. Clrf. Clrf.
Rejects een Venting Rejects
tank (secondar cyclone tank


rejects from
flotation-2 Clrf.
HR Verticle
Clrf. Centriclea
LR screen
Foam tank ning


Clrf. Clrf.
Cldf. – cloudy filtrate from disc filter-1 Clrf.
Clrf. LR HR
Clrf. – clear filtrate from disc filter-1
HR – heavier rejects Flotation-1 Centriclea
LR – lighter rejects (secondar ning
y) Stage-4

Clrf. Clrf.
to sewer Centriclea
Rejects stream ning Minisorter
Rejects stream
Schematic process and material flow diagram for waste paper
pulping and processing unit (contd..)
to dump tower Start/sto bypassed bleached stock
of hydro-pulper p
chest bypassed thickened stock of DF-2
Clrf.-1 FW for sealing Clrf.-1 for shower steam

Disc MC pump-1 Screw Heating

Stock * - stand
filter-1 tube press screw
FW for sealing
FW for sealing NaOH; H2O2 & Na SiO3

FW for sealing disperger

Clear Cloudy
filt. filt.
tank tank
Clrf.-2 clear filtrate for reuse Cldf.-2 Bleaching Stock **
on upstream side cloudy filtrate for
reuse on upstream side
Buffer FW – freshwater
tank to pulper for reuse Cldf.-1 – cloudy filtrate from DF-1
Clrf.-1 – clear filtrate from DF-1
steam Cldf.-2 – cloudy filtrate from DF-2
Clrf.-2 – clear filtrate from DF-2
DF-1 – disc filter-1
DF-2 – disc filter-2
Hot water to warm water tank
tank of the pulper

Schematic process and material flow diagram for waste

paper pulping and processing unit ( contd ..)
to start/stop chest
Clrf.-2 sodium hydrosulfite sodium bisulfite
SGAP-1 Hydrosul
Cldf.-2 dosing
SGAP-2 dosing
Clrf.-2 silo-2 water silo-2 water
Cldf.-2 Cldf.-2
for flushing of Decker of Decker

Flotation Disc pump-2 Storage
Clrf.-2 g
-2 filter-2 - stand tower
FW for sealing
silo-2 water silo-2 water
rejects to of Decker of Decker
vented cyclone

Clear Cloudy to start/stop chest

filtr. filtr. stock
tank tank
Cldf.-2 – cloudy filtrate from DF-2
Clrf.-2 – clear filtrate from DF-2
clear filtrate for reuse cloudy filtrate for DF-2 – disc filter-2
on upstream side reuse on upstream side FW – freash water
Silo-2 water of Decker is from paper
machine area

Schematic process and material flow diagram for waste paper

pulping and processing unit (contd..)
• Meant for disintegration of waste paper/board into fiber
mass/pulp stock
– Facilitates removal of contaminants
• High consistency (12%) batch pulpers are used
• Involves slushing waste paper at high temperature in the
presence of chemicals
– Steam injection for raising temperature
– Water is needed for consistency adjustments during slushing
and during screening
– Caustic for pH adjustment and facilitating slushing
– Hydrogen peroxide, peroxide stabilizing chemicals, sodium
silicate, etc., for preventing alkali darkening and facilitating
– Surfactants for dispersing wax
– Electrical energy for powering the rotar of the pulper
• Extraction of fibrous mass through a screen after adjusting
– Screening may be done in a detrashing screen
• Rejects left behind are washed with water prior to disposal
for recovering useful fiber
– Washwater from rejects washing are used adjusting pulp
• Plastics, polyethylene, metal, etc. can be recovered from
• Water for gland cooling and sealing of the rotar
– If circulating oil is used for the purpose then the oil is cooled
by water

unslushed fiber

Manual Conveyor rejects

Rejects sorting system Trommel accepts
metal water drippings
plastics & polyethylene
rejected raw-material backwater pit
process water filtrate

Raw material HCl

loading Tridyne slushed pulp
raw-material system pulper to dump chest
oil oil
packaging waste NaOH process water
(metal wire)

Oil tank circulating Oil cooling

oil tank

cooling water

Schematic diagram of the tridyne pulper and associated units

Pulp cleaning
• HD cleaners and centricleaners are used
• HD cleaners are used to clean higher consistency pulp
(2.5%) and remove high density impurities
– Water is used for consistency adjustment and for elutrition
– Rejects are drained out along with water
– Screening the rejects on a side hill screen recovers the water
• Centrifugal cleaners are used to remove either heavier or
lighter contaminants from pulp of 0.7-1.2% consistency
– Fiber is recovered from the rejects stream by multistage
centrifugal cleaning
– Water is used for consistency adjustment at different levels of
centrifugal cleaning
– Water is recovered from the rejects by side hill screen
filtrate to CM
screen (thin stock)
cleaner overflows to
feed Stock silo

filtrate from
gravity thickener

pulp screened in Centri accepts centricleaned pulp
CM screen (thin stock) cleaner to gravity thickener

Sec.cen rejects Ter. Side hill
tri Centri screen
accepts cleaner cleaner
stock silo drained out water
Pri. Sec. water
centri- centri-
cleaner cleaner rejects
rejects rejects
tank tank
stock silo water

Schematic diagram of a 3- stage centri-cleaning system

Pulp screening
•Used to remove larger size contaminants
•Trommel screens, pressure screens, screw screens, vibratory
screens, side hill screens, etc. are used
–Trommel screens remove contaminants from higher consistency
pulp (5%)
–Pressure screens for coarse screening pump at higher
consistency (2.5%) and for fine screening pulp at lower
consistency (1%)
–Corse screens are good for fiber flakes removal – heavier
coarse material is also removed in tramp metal traps
–Fine screens are good for stickies removal
–Vibratory screens and screw screens are used as rejects sorter
for recovering useful fiber
–Side hill screens are used for draining out water from rejects
•Water is consumed in
–Consistency adjustments
–Consistency maintenance in pressure screens
–Vibratory screens to wash rejects for useful fiber recovery
stock silo accepts to
water dump chest mill water

rejects Vibratory
Belcor Deflacor Belcor screens rejects
feed chest screen (2
stock silo
filtrate of water accepts to
rejects gravity thickener hydro-pulper
CM Pri. CM
stock cleaned screen Constant screen screened pulp
in HD cleaner (thick level box (thin to centri-cleaning
stock) stock)
stock silo pulp overflows
water to dump chest Sec. CM rejects
stock silo water (thin
Mill water
Vibratory Pri. CM
screen screen stock silo
(thin rejects water
stock) chest

rejects to
tridyne pulper

Schematic diagram of pulp screening systems

Deinking flotation and Dissolved air flotation are employed
Deinking flotation

• Energy intensive process carried out at 0.6-1.2% consistency

• Carried out under alkaline conditions and involves use of soap,
deinking acents, calcium salts, etc.
• air requirement is 4:1 to 10:1 ratio (as 0.3–0.5 mm size bubbles)
– Smaller size bubbles carry fines and fiber into the froth/scum
and larger size bubbles are less efficient in deinking
• Ink and other contaminants are removed as froth/scum layer that
contains useful fiber
– For recovery froth is defoamed and subjected to floatation
• In one case the pulp is subjected to flotation both before and
after the oxidative bleaching
• Water is required for both consistency adjustment and
Dissolved air flotation

• Employed for recovering fines and fiber from wastewater

• Part of the output stream is super saturated with compressed air
and injected into flotation cell
• microscopic air bubbles are produced in the flotation cell
• Air bubbles attach to the fines and fiber of wastewater and make
them to float
• The recovered fiber is obtained as floating scum later which is
removed by skimming

very dilute stock

flocculating agent
relief gases unit vent gases

ed Scum
mix tank
compressed recovered
air fiber & fines

Dissolved air flotation system (Krofta unit) employed

for fiber and fines recovery
Pulp washing, thickening and dewatering
• Washing is meant to remove dissolved, colloidal and dispersed
• Multistage washing can enhance the washing efficiency
• High temperature, altered pH, and dosing of synthetic
surfactants, phosphates, etc. may enhance washing efficiency
– Acid wash improves sticky particles removal
– Alakline wash enhances hydrophylic organic materials
• Thickening and dewatering are meant to increase the pulp
– Thickening raises consistency to moderate levels (~5%)
– Dewatering raises the consistency to higher levels (upto 30%)
• Washing, thickening and dewatering generates wastewater and
this can be reused either directly or after desired pretreatment
– Reuse can cause corrsion, deposition, scaling like problems
– Can have biological activity and make H2O2 like chemicals
– Can have colloidal and dispersed contaminants
Pulp washing, thickening and dewatering
Gravity thickeners, rotary vacuum drum washers/thickeners, disc
filters, belt washers, screw presses, twin roll dewatering presses
(TRDP), side hill screens, etc. can be used
Gravity thieckeners and rotary vacuum drum washers:

– Similar to rotary vacuum drum washers and raise consistency from

<1% to >3.5%
– Rotary vacuum drum washers thicken to 10-16% consistency
– Can have couch rolls to enhance dewatering and couch off pulp
– Drum screen plate requires cleaning by water
Disc filters: can dewater pulp to 10-30% consistency

– Can be assisted by vacuum and/or compressed air

– Water is required for cleaning the perforated screen plate
– Two types of filtrate cloudy filtrate and clear filtrate are

Pulp washing, thickening and dewatering
Belt washer/thickener

– Fed with 0.7-3.0% consistency pulp and thickened to >6%

– Nips formed by large diameter rollers and wire or formed
between grooved rollers and wire help in dewatering
– Water is needed for wire cleaning
Screw press

– Thicken pulp from 2-10% to as high as 30% consistency

Twin roll dewatering press

– Pulp is passed between two rotating rollers pressed against

each other hydraulically
– Water is used in the hydraulic system for pressing the rollers
– Water is needed for cleaning the rollers and doctor blades

filtrate to
CM screen (thin stock) overflows
centri- stock Silo
filtrate to Pri. cleaner Stock
centri-cleaner water for Reuse
feed silo
filtrate mill water Overflows
to sewer
shower water
filtrate to drain
mill water stock silo optional

centri-cleaned Gravity TRDP

pulp Thicken feed TRDP mill water
er chest
oil mill water
ncy Oil
refiner cooling
system oil cooling
mill water oil water

vacuum refiner refiner refined stock to
plume water feed feed blending chest
chest chest


Schematic diagram of the thickening and dewatering system

Kneading and/or dispersion
• Meant for dispersion of ink particles and stickies and
avoiding specky appearance of pulp without their
– Helps in the release of print from fiber and in minimizing the
need for refining
• Low speed dispersion units (dispergers) are kneaders
• Energy intensive process and uses pressurized systems
• Carried out at high consistency (>15%) and high
temperature (upto 125 and even 150C)
– Considered as appropriate place (because of high temp. and
high consistency) for bleach chemical addition
• Kneading/dispersion is usually followed by washing or
flotation for the removal of dispersed contaminants
• Pulp is passed radially between two rotating discs
• Energy intensive process and done at high consistency
• Requires circulating oil for gland cooling
– Circulating cooling water is required for cooling the oil
• Associated with noise and vibration problems
• Less used in secondary fiber processing
Overview of concerns and measures for
waste minimization
Water use for

• Consistency adjustments at different processes including in the

• Washing the pulp stock on washers
• Cleaning the perforated screen plates of gravity thickeners and
rotary vacuum drum washers
• At the twin roll dewatering press (TRDP) for the rollers and
doctor blade cleaning
• Water use in the hydraulic system of the TRDP
• HD cleaner and pressure screens for elutrition and consistency
• At trommel screen and vibratory screens for the wash recovery
of useful fiber
• Steam use in the hydrapulper and in the washing (if needed)

Overview of concerns and measures for
waste minimization
Circulating cooling water for cooling the circulating oil at
hydrapulper and refiner
Electrical energy

• in hydrapulper, TRDP, refiner, and other machinery

• for pumping the stock through various units
• for supplying air for flotation
Use of

• Alkali, acid and various other chemicals (hydrogen peroxide,

deinking agents, sodium silicate) at the hydrapulper
• Acid/alkali, surfactants, phosphates, etc., in the pulp washing
• Alkali, hydrogen peroxide and sodium silicate at disperger
• Hydrosulfite and bisulfite for reductive bleaching
• Deinking agents, soap, calcium salt, etc., at flotation

Overview of concerns and measures for
waste minimization
• Wastewater generation from the pulp washing, thickening
and dewatering
• Reuse the wastewater after necessary pretreatment if
needed – the pretreatment may require
– Removal of colloidal and dispersed contaminants
– Control of biological activity
– Conditioning of water to control corrosion, deposition and
– Recover useful fiber prior to discharge as wastewater
• Froth/scum layer from flotation cells
– Recover useful fiber
• Noise and vibration problems from disc refiners etc.
Overview of concerns and measures for
waste minimization

•Packaging waste from unbaling waste paper/board

•Waste sorted out from the input waste paper/board
•Generation of rejects at hydrapulper, pressure screens, HD
cleaner and centricleaner
–Useful fiber recovery through washing from the rejects of
hydrapulper, pressure screens and centricleaners
–Recovery of plastics, polyethylene and metal from hydrapulper
–Recovery of metal from the HD cleaner rejects
–Volume reduction of the bulky rejects of hydrapulper to
facilitate storage, transport and disposal
–Backwater recovery from the rejects through screening on side
hill screens
Paper Making
Paper Making
Paper making can be considered to include

• Stock preparation (preparation of paper furnish from fiber mass)

– Processing of fiber mass to improve its paper formation
– Addition of different additives and process control chemicals
• Approach system to paper machine (preparing diluted paper
• Wet-end operations (spreading diluted paper furnish as a thin
film, dewatering on paper former and obtaining pulp
mat/paper web)
• Dry-end operations (drying the paper web to reduce moisture
content and processing the dried paper into final paper)
• Off machine operations – processing dried paper into finished
Stock preparation
• Interface between pulp mills and paper machines
• Transforms fiber mass into paper furnish run on paper machine
to produce paper or paper board
– Virgin fiber or secondary fiber and bleach or unbleached pulp
is used
– Dried or dewatered pulp or pulp sheets obtained from other
mills is also used
• May include hydrapulping, fractionation, beating and refining,
cleaning and screening and blending operations
• Hydrapulping – use of dried and dewatered pulp and sheet pulp
and use of broke involves hydrapulping
• Fractionation
– division of low consistency feed stock into 2 or more fiber
length classes
– uses multistage pressurized fractionators
Stock preparation
Beating and refining

• Meant for imparting optimum paper making properties to pulp -

Secondary fiber may not require
• Practiced in two stages
– Stage-1: to optimize strength development (performed on
relatively high consistnecy pulp)
– Stage-2 (machine refining): to achieve control over freeness
of pulp (performed prior to sending pulp to head box)
• Refining shortens fiber length and forms fines that reduce
drainability of pulp
• Holander beaters, conical refiners, disc refiners, conical disc
refiners, etc. are used

Stock preparation

• Mixing of different stocks in desired proportions

• Addition of non-fibrous components – additives and process
control chemicals
– Depends on the fiber stock used and the product manufactured
• Performed either in independent blending chests, or in machine
chests directly
• Additives and chemicals may be added at blending chests,
machine chests or ahead of head box or into the white water
Additives and process control chemicals
–Wet-end sizing chemicals - modified rosin, IVAX (dispersed
rosin formulation), wax emulsions, synthetic sizing agents,
–Dry strength additives - natural and modified starches, gums
and non-synthetic polymers, and polyacrylamides
–Wet strength additives - urea-formaldehyde, melamine-
formaldehyde, polyamide resins, etc.
–Fillers - clay (kaolin, bentonite), calcium carbonate, titanium
oxide, talc (magnesium silicate), etc.
–Dyes, pigments and optical brighteners
Process control chemicals
–Alum or polyaluminum chloride
–Drainage and retention aids
–Pitch dispersants like talc
–Defoamers, slimicides, corrosion inhibitors
–Silicates and Acids and alkalies (for adjusting pH)
Bamboo pulp
(long fiber fraction)

Virgin sheet pulp

Pit pulper (imported)

Partially processed
HD cleaner secondary fiber Shark pulper

CM screening Centri-cleaning Double disc refiner

Gravity thickening Twin roll dewatering press

High consistency refiner

Double disc refiner


Prepared stock
Stock preparation to the machine
Broke system
• Collection processing and recycling of paper machine
– Fiber recovered from backwaters through clarification, disc
filtration, krofta units, etc., is also considered as part
• Two categories of broke (wet and dry broke)
– Wet broke: edge trims of paper mat and pulp web/ paper mat
– Dry broke: threading waste, edge cuttings and paper rejects
• Involves
– Pulping of wet broke in couch pits
– Pulping of dry broke in under the machine pulper (UTM)
– Cleaning, deflaking and screening
– Broke storage and supply for blending into furnish
knockdowns and trimmings
fiber recovered from of pulp mat from fourdrinier paper reel
machine backwater rejects
(Diffused air flotation unit) water dry roke rewinder broke
from machine

Couch pit UTM Pulper
fiber chest

fiber draining
& overflowing water
into the sewer filtrate to Gravity
backwater thickener

Broke Dump

stock silo
water pulp draining
into sewer

Deflaker Broke Chest broke to

water HD Cleaner blending chest

from dirt tank Broke system
Approach system to the paper machine
• Operations and activities between the machine chest and the
head box
– Pumping of furnish and white water
– Metering and diluting the furnish
– Machine refining
– Fine screening and centricleaning
– Dosing of process control chemicals and additives
• Systems used for the preparation, storage and dosing of the
chemicals and additives
– Use water and also steam
– Generate wastewater from the dumping of residual chemicals
and from the cleaning of the system
process processed
PAC PAC stor. water pulp broke pulp dyes
process tank
alum Blending process water steam
water alum Service Dissolvin
tank sol. chest g
Dissolvin Alum dye solution tank
g stor. IVAX
Dissolvin tank
g Machine Service Storage
tank chest tank tank
sump Dye

process starch process water DD refiner recovered dye
Const. drained
Solubilizi water out dye
ng head
tank DK set powder
steam Stuff box Dissolvin
g process water
Cooking tank
tray starch soln.
process water Pressure Storage
rejects screen tank

Head box furnish to

accepts to rejects fourdrinier
to whitewater
Approach system to the paper machine
Wet-end operations
• Meant for
– Formation of the paper web
– Gravitational, vacuum assisted and press dewatering of paper
• Two types of paper web formers (fourdrinier formers and
cylinder formers) are used
• In fourdrinier formers wire is central part
• A continuous wire belt running from breast roll to couch roll
and returning back through wire turning roll and return rolls
• Head box is located at the breast roll above the wire
• Wire part is divisible into four zones
– Web formation and free draining zome
– Vacuum assisted web dewatering zone
– Web transfer zone
– Wire return zone
furnish from process water paper
head box showers in web
steam couch roll knock down &
process water HP Mill water
shower X shower in Dandy steam trim showers

Free draining zone Vacuum dewatering Couch pit/

zone web transfer zone
head box X

couch roll tray water

overflows Whitewater
tray Seal Pit-1 to couch pit X

dragouts of knocked
down web & trims
wetting HP & chem.
showers ** showers
screen accepts defoamer
process water Returning
for foam breaking wire zone
showers for reuse
edge Bleedings
Wire Pit Clarified
water Tank
to fan pump Whitewater pickup roll
for furnish dil. silo tray water
over process water
process water overflows
flows Backwater Krofta Unit to sewer
during startup tank

to DDR overflows compressed fiber & fines
feed chest to Sewer air
X Connected to the vacuum system
* Water from Twin compartment boxes and from the Dandy Roll trays
** Seal pit-1 overflows are collected into the backwater tank

Fourdrinier former
Paper web formation and free draining zone

• Comprises breast roll, head box, web formation board,

hydrofoils, rotating table rollers, stationary deflectors, wet
boxes, white water tray and white water silo
• Water shower jets behind the sluice opening of flow spreader of
head box for generating turbulence and preventing premature
flocking of fiber
• Sluice jet edges are bled off for avoiding edge fanning
• Hydrofoils and rotating table rollers and stationary deflectors
assist in draining out water from paper web
• Wet boxes (vacuum assisted hydrofoils) with barometric legs
into white water tray enhance the web dewatering
• White water (rich in fines, fillers and other chemicals) draining
from the free draining zone and into wet boxes is collected
into white water tray and conveyed to white water silo for
• Defoamers are dosed into white water to supress foaming and
steam is injected into white water silo heating the latter

Vacuum assisted web dewatering zone

• Has vacuum dry boxes, dandy rolls, seal pit, also wire pit
• Vacuum dry boxes are connected to machine’s vacuum system
through cyclone separator
– Water separated is conveyed to seal pit through barometric
• Dandy roll is provided over the web to assist in dewatering and
in making water marks
– High pressure showers to clean the dandy roll
– Cleaning water and water carried forward by dandy roll is
collected into a tray and conveyed to wire pit
Paper web transfer zone

• Includes couch roll, lump breaker roll, pick up roll, wire turning
roll, couch pit and wire pit
• Couch roll has stationary high vacuum suction boxes connected
to the machines vacuum system
– High pressure water showers clean perforated shell of the roll
Paper web transfer zone

• Pickup roll also has stationary high vacuum suction boxes

connected to the machine’s vacuum system
– High pressure water showers to clean perforated shell of the
• High pressure water jets (squirts) to trim paper web’s sides
– Low volume water showers to slush and wash down
trimmings into the couch pit
• High volume water showers to slush and wash down full
width web into couch pit in the event of web break
– Handling of wet broke of couch pit by broke system
• Steam showers upstream to couch pit to heat the paper web
Wire return zone

• Includes wire return roll, wire turning rolls, wire cleaning

showers, wire pit and backwater tank
• Wire turning rolls
– Have doctor blades and debris collection trays
– Wettings showers for keeping the rolls and the blades clean
• High pressure needle showers, flood showers, chemical showers
and even steam showers for cleaning return wire
– Wastewater from different showers and overflows of 1st
compartment of backwater tank into the 2nd compartment
– Backwater 2nd compartment to save all units for fiber recovery
and reuse of the backwater
• Overflows of seal pits of dry vacuum boxes and of white water
silo into backwater tank (1st compartment)
– Pumped to maintain level in white water silo

Cylinder formers
• Used to manufacture package grade paper (multiply web)
• Identical to thickener (a rotating drum screen in a vat)
– A soft rubber couch roll or a suction roll on the drum screen
picks up and transfers the web to moving felt
• Types of cylinder formers
– Dry vat formers, suction formers and pressure formers
– On-top formers or under the felt formers – web formation on a
wire wrapped over rotating suction drum
– Ultra formers – a type of on-top formers with fiber mat
sandwitched between te drum screen/wire and felt
– Modified ultra formers – part of web formation on fourdrinier
and rest on cylinder former between wire and felt
Press dewatering of paper web
• Has ≥2 mechanical presses, press felts, uhle boxes and seal pits
• Press rolls are rotating perforated shells having
– stationary high vacuum suction boxes connected to the
vacuum system of the machine
– Grooves/blind receptacles to hold the water removed from
– Doctor blades and sprays for cleaning the press roll surface
• Press felts supporting the paper web and acting as receptor for
the water squeezed out from paper web
– Non-compressible fabric belt may be supporting the felt
– High pressure showers, chemical showers, steam showers and
uhle boxes to clean and condition the returning felt and
remove water
• Uhle boxes are connected to the machine’s vacuum system
through cyclone separators
– Cyclone seprators connected to seal pits through barometric
wetting shower

tray water
to wire pit
Uhle Box
mill water Collect.
showers tray
in the roll process water
HP shower
chemical to sewer
Pickup/ paper web to
paper web suction Roll Bipin Press 3rd Press
drier section
chemical chemical
shower shower
X process water
process water HP shower
HP shower Collect.
Collect. tray
Uhle Boxes tray to sewer Uhle Box
to sewer

wetting shower wetting shower

warmwater X Seal Pit-2 warmwater

to sewer

X Connected to the vacuum system

Press Felt
Press dewatering of paper web
Vacuum system of the paper machine
• Includes a vacuum header connected to
– Stationary suction boxes of couch roll and suction rolls of
– Vacuum assisted dry and wet boxes of fourdriniers and Uhle
boxes of press dewatering section
• Vacuum pumps, discharge trench and vacuum plume sump
• Vacuum pumps requires electrical energy for driving and
water for sealing
• Vacuum pumps are associated with noise and vibration
• Water overflowing the vacuum plume sump carry waste
heat and is contaminated with entrained materials and
water of the vacuum system
wet vacuum boxes
of forudrinier

Cyclone Water for

separat Cooling & sealing
dry vacuum boxes ors
of fourdrinier

Vacuum vacuum pump

discharge trench
Seal pi-
suction boxes of
couch rolls vent

Cyclone of
suction boxes of separat vacuum
suction rolls of presses ors plume

vacuum plume water

Seal pit-
Uhle boxes


Vacuum system of the paper machine

Dry end operations
Dry end operations include

– Paper web drying

– Surface sizing
– Surface coating
– Calendering
– Reeling, sheeting and baling
Paper web drying

– Meant to reduce moisture to <10%

– Uses cylinder dryers or air float dryers
– Drying may be twice or more times (drying - surface
sizing/surface coating - again drying)

Cylinder dryers
Multiple rotating cylinders heated internally through

injecting steam are used.

• Dryer felts are used to support and tightly hold the paper web
against the cylinder dryer surface
– Felts may be used as multiple pairs (of top and bottom felts)
– In case of sheet fluttering and breaking problems single
surpentine felt continuously supporting moving web is used
• Condensate together with 15-20% of injected steam is siphoned
out from dryer (to avoid accumulation of non-condensable
gases) –separate entrained steam and reuse
– Reused as input steam in cylinders operated at lower pressure
(cylinders divided into groups operating at different
– Taken into thermo-compressor, mixed with higher pressure
superheated steam and again used as input steam
Cylinder dryers
• Entrained steam separated from the group of cylinders operated
at lowest pressure is condensed in either a surface condenser
or in a direct contact condenser
– Circulating cooling water is required
– Condensate generated at surface condenser or at the
condensate separators of cylinder dryers is reused as boiler
feed water
– Consumptive use of water in the direct contact condenser
– Warm water is generated at the direct contact condenser
• Non-condensable gases of the condensers are vented out by a
vacuum pump which uses cooling water for gland sealing
6 kg/cm2 12 kg/cm2
steam steam

Driers- Driers- Driers- Driers- Driers –

Clu Pack
1 to 3 4 to 7 8 to 15 16 17 to23
# # #
water Condens Condens Condens Condens
ate ate ate ate
Heat rec.- S2 rec.- S3 rec.- S1 to sewer rec.- S4
exchange hot
r water

Condens Condens
Vacuum ate
pump rec.- S1A
separator Condens X Paper mat from press
ate section for drying
Warm rec.- S5 Y Dried paper to pope reel
warmwater water mill water Paper moving through
for reuse tank condensate Condensate
overflows to boiler Non-condensables
to sewer Steam & Flashed steam
# Dry broke is usually generated at these points

Cylinder dryers
Auxiliary operations/activities associated
with the cylinder drying
• Hot dry air supply system
– Used for improving pocket ventilation
– Blowers and radiator heaters are used to supply hot air
– Steam is used in the radiator heater and steam condensate is
• Hot humid air ventilation system
– Needed for driving out hot humid air and improve steam
– Heat recovery and heating air of hot dry air system is possible
• Circulating oil lubrication & cooling system
– Rollers of cylinder dryers need lubrication and cooling by
circulating oil
– Circulating cooling water is needed for the cooling of the
circulating oil
• Air cooling system of machine drives: air blowers are used
ambient air slushed pulp to
steam broke dump chest
Air ambient air
UTM machine
pulper backwater
condensate Air
Hot air
dry broke cool air
hot air machine

Dryers area
Oil Rollers
stor. of hot humid air
tank cylinder
dryers exhaust gases
cooling non-condensibles
water Blowers
Conden Direct
Oil vent water sate
cooling separat contact
system Heat or condenser
cond. process
exchan water vented out
cooling ger Warm hot humid air
water Vacuum water
pump tank warm water
hot water for reuse

Auxilliary operations/activities of cylinder dryers

Air float drier
• Alternative to cylinder dryers and used for pulp sheet or paper
board drying!
• Pulp sheet is made to make a number of passes within the dryer
chamber for drying with hot air
• With blowers air of the chamber is repeatedly passed through
radiator heaters and pumped back into the chamber through
horizontal blow boxes
– Steam is used in radiator heaters and steam condensate is
– The hot air jets are issued from the boxes on both top and
bottom sides of the moving pulp sheet
• From the drier chamber hot humid air driven out to achive better
steam economy
• Fresh air after preheating with the out going hot humid air is
supplied to the drier chmaber
fresh dry air exhaust air
sheet pulp
air for drying & from drying
hot humid air Heat steam or condensate
hot dry air

Blower steam


steam Blower cond.


cond. Blower steam


steam Blower cond.


cond. Blower
hot air

Air float drier

Surface sizing
• Meant to provide resistance against aqueous solution penetration
and to improve surface strength
• Cooked starch (sometimes added with wax emulsions, special
resins, etc.) is applied on one side or both the sides
– 4-10% starch cooked at 88-93C (direct steam injection or
heating in heat exchanger) is used
• Done at size press located between last two groups of cylinder
driers – can also be done at the calender stack
– Entry nip of the size press is flooded
– Cooked starch is taken in a water box and applied by a rubber
nip on the calender roll
• Sized paper web needs drying
• System used for surface sizing requires frequent cleaning using
water and generating wastewater
• Splashing of size solution is a common problem
3rd group Size
paper web group paper web
of dryers press
of dryers


washings and rejects

steam process water

maize starch

Surface sizing
Surface coating
• Sized paper web is coated either on both sides or only one side
– Coated sheet requires drying and calendering
– Coating on both sides require two separate coating stations
• Usually off-machine operation – on-machine operation for light
to moderate coats
• Could be either pigment coating or functional coating
– Functional coating - application of lacquer, varnish, waxes,
– Pigment coating - application of fillers (mineral and/or plastic
pigments) and binders (adhesives)
– Mineral pigments – china clay, barium sulfate, calcium
carbonate, synthetic silicates, titanium oxide, satin white
– Binders – starches, potiens and synthetics
Surface coating
• Coating dispersions are prepared in coating kitchen
• Suspensions of individual ingradiants are mixed in specified
order, stained and supplied for application
• Roll coaters, air knife coaters, rod coaters, blade coaters, etc.,
are used for coating application
• Coated sheet may be dried in tunnel driers - Impingment drying
or infrared drying may be used

• Meant to obtain smooth surface, to achieve web compaction and
cross-direction uniformity
• Usually the last operation on the paper machine (in some done
between the last two groups of cylinder dryers)
• Done on a calendar stack by passing the web through roll nips
• Prior to calendaring, web is passed over a cooled sweat roll or
steam shower or moist shower to ensure enough moisture
• Some calendar rolls are heat transfer rolls (heated by hot water)
• After calendaring, web is passed over a pope reel and collected
on a drum reel
– Pope reel applies needed tention on the web and cools the web
(pope reel is water cooled)
Off-machine operations
• Tub sizing:
– Web is passed through a tub of sizing solution
– Excess sizing solution is removed in a light nip
– Sized web is initially dried by hot air impingement
• Calendaring and super-calendaring
– Super calendaring uses iron roll against water cooled
compressed fiber roll
• Rewinding
– Meant to cut and wind into suitable size rolls
– Generates edge trimmings of the web
• Sheeting and baling
– Hydraulic press and packing material may be used
– Trimmings may be generated
• Roll finishing and packaging
– Involves roll sealing, wrapping, crimping and labeling
– Uses paper board core and packaging materials
Waste management systems
Wastewaters of pulp and paper mills

Trade effluents Domestic effluents

Non-process effluents Process effluents

High strength effluents Medium strength effluents Low strength effluents

Bleach plant effluents Other medium strength effluents

Wastewaters from pulp and paper mills

high strength Equalizati Homoze-
effluent on nization
tanks tank

recycled effluent
milk of lime zation

Flare Clarifier underflows Sludge


biogas to nutrient
limekiln solution sludge
for disposal
Biogas biogas Biopaq
holder reactors

Anaerobic Aerated to secondary

lagoon lagoon clarifier of the low
strength ETP

ETP of a rayon grade pulp mill – prehydrolysate liquor

raw effluent


filtrate & supernantant

underflow sludge Primary process water


Compress DAP-Urea DAP

or tank

Sludge wasted Aeration

thickener sludge tank

treated prehydrolysate
from aerated lagoon
process filter

dewatered sludge treated

for disposal by sale effluent

ETP of a rayon grade pulp mill

polyelectrolyte filtrate

raw- Bar Vibratory Sludge

effluent screen screen thickener

alum underflow poly
screenings Primary screenings
clarifier electrolyte
Lime DAP Sludge
milk of
stalibilizati DAP tank Belt press
on process

tank Dewatered
Sludge for sale
Sludge urea
poly Urea tank
thickener electrolyte process
secondary sludge


overflows treated

ETP of an integrated pulp and paper mill

process treated
water process effluent for
water disposal
process water urea
effluent for
Alum removed Urea reuse
alum tank scum tank PWG
combined P
effluent of process Scu W Effluen
water PWG m DAP G t
the mill tank tank pit
PWG tank dru
Screen Screen Screen Primary Secondar
(manu (mech. (manu settling Aeration y
al) ) al) tank tank settling
grit tank
screenings screenings screenings effluent
process water bypass sludge recycle
vent process water Primary
treated Effluent tank wasted sludge
Vacuum to mill for reuse
Cyclone bypass for sludge
Cyclone or Vacuum
separat drum filter
or Cyclone
vacuum separat
plume or dewater sludge
treated effluent
Seal Wate
pit r process water
overflows to
aeration tank

ETP of waste paper based industrial paper manufacturing mill

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