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V Animals that bite and sting can cause a

serious health problem if appropriate

treatment is not given.
V Bites and stings may cause many kinds of
reactions, from transient discomfort or
mild pain, to more dangerous ones like
allergic or anaphylactic reactions.
V Signs and symptoms will depend on the
type of animal, the individual, and his or
her body·s reaction to a bite or sting
V Signs and symptoms include
6 Medness and swelling at the site
6 Weakness and dizziness
6 Chills and fever
6 Localized pain or itching
6 Altered mental state
6 Blotchy skin (mottled skin)
6 Numbness in a limb or body part
6 Nausea and vomiting
6 Bite marks
6 Stinger
V ámergency care for bites and stings
6 Memove the stinger if one is present.
Scraping is a simple method of removing a
6 Wash the area gently.
6 Memove any jewelry from affected area
before swelling begins.
6 If there is an epinephrine auto injection
available, determine the injection site slightly
below the heart.
6 If wound is a snake bite, DO NOT apply ice.
6 Apply constricting band or tourniquet.
6 Observe for signs and symptoms of allergic
reactions and treat accordingly.
V Allergic reactions is an exaggerated
response of the body·s immune response
to any substance.
V Common causes of allergies include
insect bites and stings, foods, plants, and
V Allergic reactions can range from mild to
severe life threatening anaphylactic
V In anaphylaxis, exposure to an allergen
will cause blood vessels to dilate rapidly,
resulting in a drop in blood pressure.
V More serious attacks may begin rapidly
after exposure to the allergen, although
some reactions can be delayed up to 30
V There is no way to predict the course of
an allergic reaction so it must be treated
seriously as it can escalate very rapidly.
V The greatest danger in an allergic
reaction is the compromise of the airway
from edema (fluid accumulation).
V The signs and symptoms of allergic
reactions vary from one person to
V They can range from mild allergic
reactions like itching or watery eyes.
V Severe reactions however, are indicated
by the following signs and symptoms;
V Skin
6 Itching, hives, flushing, red skin
6 Swelling of the face, hands, neck or tongue
6 Cool and clammy to touch if in shock.
V Tongue
6 Warm or tingling feeling
V Cardiovascular System
6 Increased heart rate
6 Decreased blood pressure
V Mespiratory System
6 Tightness in the throat, chest
6 Mapid, labored or noisy breathing
6 Stridor; hoarseness
6 Wheezing cough
V eneralized
6 Itchy, watery eyes, headache, and runny
V Level of consciousness
6 Altered mental status
6 Signs and symptoms of shock
V ámergency care for allergic reactions
6 Administer high concentration oxygen.
6 Administer epinephrine auto-injector (for e.g.
ápi-Pen) if available. Make sure to follow
medical directions on usage. Mecord the
6 ápinephrine auto-injection should be used
only when there is signs and symptoms of
shock, and there is respiratory distress.
6 Perform on-going assessment of reactions
every 5 minutes. Focus on ABCs.
6 Be prepared to perform CPM if necessary.
6 Send to hospital immediately.

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