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Laboratory Report for

Direct shear box apparatus
Consolidation apparatus (odometer)
Triaxle test (constant head, falling head)
Open channel flow (Hydraulic bench) apparatus
Soil compaction test (cbr)
Permeability and erodibility test (constant head test & falling head )

Direct shear box test

Back ground
Direct shear box apparatus is essential for
conducting the shear box test which is used to
determine the shear strength of the soil by
distinguishing the failure envelop of the soil. It
is used to solve engineering problems such as
foundation designing, retaining wall, slab
bridges, pipes, sheet pilling.

Direct shear box apparatus
Loading frame (motor attached).
Dial gauge.
Proving ring.
Straight edge.
Balance to weigh up to 200 mg.
Aluminium container.

Measure inner side or diameter of shear box and find the area
Make sure top and bottom halves of shear box are in contact and fixed

Weigh out 150 g of sand.
Place the soil in three layers in the mould using the funnel. Compact the soil
with 20 blows per layer.
Place cover on top of sand
Place shear box in machine.
Apply normal force, the weights to use for the three runs are 2 kg, 4 kg, and
6 kg if the load is applied through a lever arm, or 10 kg, 20 kg, and 30 kg, if
the load is applied directly. Note: Lever arm loading ratio 1:10 (2kg weight =
20 kg).
Start the motor with selected speed (0.1 in/min) so that the rate of shearing
is at a selected constant rate.
Take the horizontal displacement gauge, vertical displacement gage and
shear load gage readings. Record the readings on the data sheet.
Continue taking readings until the horizontal shear load peaks and then falls,
or the horizontal displacement reaches 15% of the diameter.

Consolidation apparatus (odometer)

bIt is used to predict the time rate and extent of
settlement of structures founded on finegrained soils. It is also helpful in analysing the
stress history of soil. The oedometer
consolidation test is used for the determination
of the consolidation characteristics of soils of
low permeability

Weighing balance, accuracy 0.01 g.
Consolidometer with a loading device
Water reservoir to saturate the sample
Porous stones
Soil trimming tools like fine wire saw, knife, spatula.
Dial gauge, accuracy 0.002mm
Water content cans
Steel ball
Pressure pad


Clean and dry the metal ring. Measure its diameter and height. Take the
mass of the empty ring.
Press the ring into the soil sample contained in a large container at the
desired density and water content. The ring is to be pressed with hands.
Remove the soil around the ring. The soil specimen should project about
10mm on either side of the ring. Any voids in the specimen due to the
removal of large size particles should be filled back by pressing the soil
Trim the specimen flush with the top and bottom of the ring.
Remove any soil particles sticking to the outside of the ring. Weigh the ring
with the specimen.
Take a small quantity of the soil removed during trimming for the water
content determination.
Saturate the porous stones by boiling them in distilled water for about
Assemble the Consolidometer. Place the bottom porous stone, bottom filter
paper, specimen, top filter paper and the top porous stone, one by one.
Position the loading block centrally on the top porous stone. Mount the


on the loading frame. Centre it such that the load applied is axial. In the case of the
lever loading system, counterbalance the system.
Set the dial gauge in position. Allow sufficient margin for the swelling of the soil.
Connect the mould assembly to the water reservoir having the water level at about the same
as the soil specimen. Allow the water to flow into the specimen till it is fully saturated.
Take the initial reading of the dial gauge.
Apply an initial setting load to give a pressure of 5 (2.5 for very soft soils) to the assembly
so that there is no swelling. Allow the setting load to stand till there is no change in the dial
gauge reading or for 24 hours.
Take the final gauge reading under the initial setting load.
Apply the first load increment to apply a pressure of 10 , and start the stop watch. Record the
dial gauge readings at 0, 0.25, 1, 2.25, 4.0, 6.25, 9.0, 12.25, 16.00, 20.25, 25.00, 36, 49, 64,
81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 500, 600, and 1440 minutes.
Increase the load to apply a pressure of 20 and repeat the step (15). Likewise increase the
load to apply a pressure of 40, 80, 160, 320 and 640 or up to the desired pressure.
After the last load increment had been applied and the readings taken, decrease the load to
1/4 of the last load and allow it to stand for 24 hours. Take the dial gauge reading after 24
hours. Further reduce the load to 1/4 of the previous load and repeat the above procedure.
Likewise, further reduce the load to 1/4 previous and repeat the procedure. Finally reduce
the load to the initial setting load and keep it for 24 hours and take the final dial gauge
Dismantle the assembly. Take out the ring with the specimen. Wipe out the excess surface
water using a blotting paper.
Take the mass of the ring with the specimen.
Dry the specimen in the oven for 24 hours and determine the dry mass of specimen.

Triaxle test (constant head,

falling head)

Conventional triaxial test is a common laboratory testing

method widely used for obtaining shear strength parameters
for a variety of soil types under drained or undrained condition
Conventional triaxial test involves subjecting a cylindrical soil
sample to radial stresses (confining pressure) and controlled
increases in axial stresses or axial displacements.

Triaxial cell
Pedestal & top-cap
Rubber membrane, O-rings & porous discs
Cell pressure / volume controller
Back pressure / volume controller
Velocitycontrolled load frame
Internal submersible load cell
Pore water pressure (PWP) transducer
Axial displacement transducer
Data acquisition unit

The cylindrical soil specimen is usually of the dimension of 100 mm diameter and

200 mm height. The specimen in vertically enclosed in a thin rubber membrane.

The specimen preparation depends on the type of the soil. Samples of cohesive
soils are often prepared directly from saturated compacted samples, either
undisturbed or remoulded. For cohesion-less soils, however, the specimen is
prepared with the help of a mould that maintains the required shape of the
specimen.The specimen is vertically enclosed with a thin rubber membrane and
placed between two rigid ends inside a pressure chamber. The upper plate can
move vertically and apply vertical stresses to the specimen. The axial strain/stress
of the sample is controlled through the movement of this vertical axis. Also, the
confining pressure is controlled by the water pressure surrounding the sample in the
pressure chamber. The volume change of the sample is also controlled by
measuring the exact volume of moving water. Depending on the combination of
loading and drainage condition, three main types of triaxial tests can be carried
Consolidated Drained (CD)
Consolidated Undrained (CU)
Unconsolidated - Undrained (UU)

Open channel flow (Hydraulic

bench) apparatus

bacIt function to investigate the flow of water

through a rectangular open channel by.

Measurements of water level by hook and

point gauges.

Measurement of flow rate using a Pitot static

tube Force-momentum and steady flow energy

Relationship between water level above the

crest of a weir and flow rate over the weir.

Flow and level control using hydraulic


Sub-and super-critical flow and the underlying

characteristics of waves.

Measurements of velocity profiles.


Apparatus and procedure

Broad crested weir
Measure the width and height of the weirs.
Sharp crested weir

Crump weir
Over shot weir

Place the weir in the hydraulic flume.

Turn on the pump and open the control valve until water
discharges over the weir plate.

Close the control valve and Turn off the pump and allow water
level to drops until water flow over the weir stops.

Set ruler to the datum reading (water surface in the channel).

Adjustable undershot

Hydraulic jump.
Radial gate.
Venturi flume

Position the gauge at about half way between the plate and
the stilling baffle.

Turn on the pump and increase/decrease the discharge.

For each flow rate, after the conditions are stable, measure
and record height of water.

Take readings of volume discharged and the water height at

the upstream and subtract with the weir height.

Repeat steps 5 to 7 five times for each weir type.

Soil compaction test (cbr)


CBR test are used with the empirical curves to

determine the thickness of different layers of
flexible pavement like subgrade, subbase,
base courses. This is the most widely used
method for the design of flexible pavement.

Apparatus and procedure

Moulds: Cylindrical mould with an internal diameter

of 6 in. and a height of 7 in. with an extension collar

of 2 in. height and a perforated base plate.
Spacer Disk: A circular disk of metal 5 15/16 in.
diameter and 2.416 in. height.
Rammer: A rammer of mass 4.54 kg (10 lbs)
Apparatus for measuring expansions. This consists of
a swell plate with adjustable stem and a tripod
support for a dial indicator.
Surcharge weights: Several slotted or split metal
plates of 149.2 mm; diameter and 5 lb weight.
Penetration Piston: A metal Piston of circular cross
section having diameter of 1.954 in. Area = 3in2and
not less than 4 inches in length.
Loading Device: A compression type apparatus
capable of applying a uniformly increasing load up to
10,000 lb at a rate of 1.3 mm/min. Soaking Tank: A
tank suitable for maintaining the water level of 1 in,
above the top of specimen.
Drying Oven: Oven Capable of maintaining a
temperature of 110 + 5 0C for drying samples.
Moisture content Containers.
Miscellaneous: Tools such as mixing pans, spoons,
straightedge, filter paper, balances etc.

Prepare moist sample soil passed through a sieve.

Prepare the sample by adding optimum moisture

content and then compact the soil in five layers by
applying 10, 30 and 65 blows respectively in three CBR
moulds using 10 lb rammer having 18 in. height of fall.
The compacted densities of the three specimens range
from 95 percent to 100 % of the maximum dry density
already determined by the T 180 compaction test.

Soaking: Place the swell plate with adjustable stem on

the soil sample in the mould and apply sufficient
annular weights to produce an intensity of loading
equal to the mass of sub-base and base courses and
surfacing above the tested material, but not less than
4.54 kg (10 lbs) .Place the tripod with dial indicator on
top of the mould and make an initial dial reading.

Immerse the mould in water to allow free access of

water. Place the sample in water for 96 hours (4 days)

Make a dial reading on soaked specimen and calculate

swell as a percentage of initial sample height.

Remove the sample from tank and allow to drain for 15


Penetration Test: Place the mould on the loading frame

and adjust its potion until the piston is cantered on the

Seat the penetration piston with a 44 N (10 lb) load,

and set both the load dial and the strain dial to zero.
This initial load is considered as the zero load when
determining the stress-penetration relationship.

Acid Rain
Place the surcharge weights on the specimens equal to that

used during soaking. Apply load at a rate of 1.3 mm / min and

record the load for penetration of 0.025 in, 0.05 in, 0.075 in,
0.10 in and so on up to 0.5 inches.
Stress strain curve: Plot curves between load and penetration
for each specimen. Apply the corrections to the curves if
required. Take the readings of load for 0.1 in and 0.2 in.
penetration and find CBR for both penetrations. The greater
values is the required CBR for that specimen. Also find the dry
density for each specimen.
CBR = Test load value, divided by, the standard load,
multiplied by 100.
Design CBR: it is calculated by plotting a graph between CBR
values and dry densities of all the three specimens and then
calculating the design CBR against value of 85 % maximum
dry density.

Effects of soil pollution

It causes soil infertility that leads to decrease in crop

It causes reduced plant nutrients and decreases the
ability for plants to photosynthesize.
It can cause damage to the human internal organ,
causing kidney or liver problem.
It can cause damage to a childs brain and also cause
nervous system problem.
It weakens the egg shell of birds and causes growth
abnormality to the chick.
It can cause the eradication of some primary food

Permeability and erodibility test (constant

head test & falling head)
The permeability of soil is the measure of its
capacity to allow the flow of fluid through it. The
fluid may be either liquid or gas but we are
concerned about liquid which is understood to be

Apparatus and procedure

. Manometer tube

Preparation of parameter cell: remove the top plate assembly from cell
and measure the internal diameter if they arent known already, check
that the manometer connection glands are water tight and the
piezometer tips extend into the cell are not blocked

Selection of sample: the soil sample used in th cell should not be dry,
any particle larger than 1-twelfth should be removed be sieving.

Lock nuts
o ring seal

Preparation of auxiliary apparatus: the constant head device is

connected to the parameter which is subjected to vaccum should be
rigid enough to withstand the external atmosphere without collapsing.

Manometer connection

Preparation of test sample: the height of the sample should not be less

than twice its diameter the sample should be placed in the parameter
cell for one of the three methods compacting by rod which is carried out
Rubber tubing porous
at a moisture content close to or equal to the optimum value obtained
from the test , dry pouring is carried out using a partial air dry sample ,
placing under water involves thoroughly mixing the sample from each
batch with enough de-air water to submerge it in a large container.
Constant head reservoir
Placing sample in cell: Compact the soil in the parameter cell into four
Falling head reservoir
layers place the first layer of soil on the wire gauze at the bottom of the
parameter, compact the soil with an appropriate number of blows of the
Funnel, tapping rod,tamping
rod or hand compactor evenly distributed, repeat the process
on each of the remaining layer lightly scarifying the top of each
Stop clock
compacted layer before adding the next. The finish surfsce should allow
for an upper layer of glass ball or gravel filter.
Steel rule
Dry pouring: use a funnel filter with a length of flexible tube long
enough to reach the top of the parameter cell for pouring the sample,
Suitable balance
maintain a steady rate of pouring while moving the tube in a spiral
motion from the periphery towards the center as the cell is filled
keeping the end of the tube above the sand.


Flow and stability apparatus (Marshall test)
Manual and automatic (Marshall) compactor
Marshal water bath
Portable skid resistance apparatus
Radar gun apparatus

Flow and stability apparatus

(Marshall test)


This test procedure is used in designing and

evaluating bituminous paving mixes. The test
procedure is extensively used in routine test
programmes for paving jobs.

Apparatus and procedure

Specimen mould

assembly comprising
mould cylinders
10.16cm diameter by
6.35cm height, base
plate and extension
Oven or hot plate
Water bath
Thermometers of range
up to 200oC with
sensitivity of 2.5oC and
equipment like
containers, mixing and
handling tools

Sample of aggregates blended in the desired proportions

is measured and heated in the oven to the mixing

Bitumen is added at the mixing temperature to produce

viscosity of 170 centi-stokes at various percentages.

The materials are mixed in a heated pan with heated

mixing tools.

The mixture is returned to the oven and reheated to the

compacting temperature (to produce viscosity of 280
30 centi-stokes).

The mixture is then placed in a heated Marshall mould

with a collar and base and the mixture is spaded around
the sides of the mould. A filter paper is placed under the
sample and on top of the sample.

The mould is placed in the Marshall Compaction pedestal.

The material is compacted with 50 blows of the hammer

(or as specified), and the sample is inverted and
compacted in the other face with same number of blows.

After compaction, the mould is inverted. With collar on

the bottom, the base is removed and the sample is
extracted by pushing it out the extractor.

The sample is allowed to stand for the few hours to cool.

The mass of the sample in air and when submerged is

used to measure the density of specimen, so as to allow,
calculation of the void properties.

Manual and automatic

(Marshall) compactor

The manual and automatic Marshall compactor
is an apparatus that is used during the flow and
stability test for manually and automatically
compacts the sample and stops after a pre-set
number of blows has been completed

Apparatus and procedure

Security cabinet
Rammer weight
Automatic digital

display counter

After the sample has been heated to the anticipated

compaction temperature using the water bath and
compacted with a Marshall hammer, a device that
applies pressure to a sample through a tamper foot
Some hammers are automatic and some are hand
operated. The mould with the prepared specimen is
then placed in the mould holder on the compaction
column. The specimen is compacted using compressive
impact loads delivered by the compaction hammer
after a free fall of 457 mm. The design traffic category
of the mix dictates how many impact blows to deliver,
35, 50 or 75 blows. The hammer is to be held as close
to perpendicular to the mould assembly as possible
during compaction using a manual apparatus. Blows
to the specimen can be either from manual drops of the
hammer or from mechanically controlled hammers;
however the ASTM standard refers only to manual
compaction. After delivering the designated number of
blows, the specimen is turned over and the same
number of blows are delivered on the opposite side,
again as perpendicular to the mould assembly as
possible. Specimens are then left to cool until no
deformation will result after removing the mould [1, 4,
6, and 8]

Marshal water bath

Marshal water bath is used as a laboratory

apparatus during the flow and stability test to
maintain in water Marshall specimens at
constant temperature of 60 C 1C and
asphalt specimens at 37,8C 1C

Procedure and apparatus

Digital thermos

External outer case
Internal case

Immersing in a water bath 30 minutes.

Maintain the bath or oven temperature at 60
1oC for asphalt cement specimens. Bring the
specimens prepared with asphalt cutback to
the specified temperature by placing them in
the air bath for a minimum of 2 hours.
Maintain the air bath temperature at 25
1oC.The testing head temperature shall be
maintained between 20 to 38oC. Remove the
specimen from the water bath, oven or air
bath and place in the lower segment at the
breaking head.

Portable skid resistance apparatus


To measure texture depth and skid resistance

of a road surface using the BS Pendulum Skid
Resistance Tester and to estimate the
vulnerability of an aggregate to polishing
under traffic by determining its Polished Stone
Value (PSV).

Apparatus and procedure

Unit scale

Select the spot on the road to be tested, normally in

the nearside wheel track. Ensure that the area to be
tested is dry and free from loose materials.

A known volume of sand is spread on the road surface;

the average macro-texture depth is calculated from
the area of the circular patch produced.[The sand
particles are those passing a No. 52 sieve and retained
on a No.100 B.S. sieve]

Set the apparatus on the road so that the slider will

swing in the direction of traffic flow and level the base

Raise the swinging arm clear of the road and clamp in

the horizontal position. Release the arm and check
that the pointer reads zero.

With the pendulum arm free and hanging vertically,

place the spacer, attached to a chain on the base of
the column, under the lifting handle setting screw to
raise the slider. Lower the head of the tester so that
the slider just touches the road surface and clamp in
position. Remove the spacer.

Calibration scale
Spirit level
Specimen holder
Levelling screw
Water container
Surface Thermometer

Check the sliding length of the rubber slider over the road surface by

gently lowering the pendulum arm until the slider just touches the
surface first on one side of the vertical and then on the other. When
passing the arm through the vertical, use the lifting handle so that the
slider does not touch the road. The sliding length should be between
125 and 127 mm. If not, adjust by raising or lowering the head.
Place the pendulum arm in the horizontal and clamp in position.
Wet the road surface and slider with water.
Bring the pointer to its stop then release the pendulum by pressing the
button Take care to catch the arm on its return swing before it hits the
Return the arm and pointer to the release position keeping the slider off
the road surface by means of the lifting handle. Repeat the test, wetting
the surface between swings. Record the mean of five successive
readings, provided they do not differ by more than three units. If the
range is greater than this, repeat swings until three successive readings
are constant; record this value.
Record the temperature of the water on the road surface

Radar gun apparatus


A radar speed gun (also radar gun and speed

gun) is a device used to measure the speed of

moving objects. It is used in law-enforcement
to measure the speed of moving vehicles.

Apparatus and procedure

Solar panel

After the returning waves are received, a signal with a frequency equal
to this difference is created by mixing the received radio signal with a
little of the transmitted signal. Just as two different musical notes played
together create a beat note at the difference in frequency between
them, so these two radio signals are mixed to create a "beat" signal
(called a heterodyne) and an electrical circuit then measures this
frequency using a digital counter and displays the number on a digital
display as the object's speed. Since this type of speed gun measures the
difference in speed between a target and the gun itself, the gun must be
stationary in order to give a correct reading. If a measurement is made
from a moving car, it will give the difference in speed between the two
vehicles, not the speed of the target relative to the road, so a different
system has been designed to work from moving vehicles.

Concrete laboratory
Universal material tester (tensile test)
Compression machine (uniaxial test)
Compaction factor test apparatus
Concrete Mixer apparatus
Sieve shaker apparatus (sieve analysis)
Vebe test apparatus

Universal material tester (tensile


Used for understanding properties of different

materials, and how they will behave under

load. apparatus used to measure the tensile
strength, modulus of elasticity and yielding
strength of aggregate materials.

Tensile specimens
Micrometre or vernia callipers
Universal testing machine

The specimens provided are made of aluminium, steel and brass.

Measure and record specimen dimensions (diameter and gauge

length) in a table provided for the calculation of the engineering
stress and engineering strain. Marking the location of the gauge
length along the parallel length of each specimen for subsequent,
observation of necking and strain measurement.
Fit the specimen on to the universal Testing Machine (UTM) and
carry on testing. Record load and extension for the construction of
stress & strain curve of each tested specimen.
Calculate Young's modulus, yield strength, ultimate tensile
strength, fracture strain, % elongation and % area of reduction of
each specimen and record on the provided table.
Analyse the fracture surfaces of broken specimens using
stereoscope, sketch and describe the results.
Discuss the experimental results and give conclusions.

Compression machine (uniaxial test)

A compression test determines behaviour of

materials under crushing loads. The specimen

is compressed and deformation at various
loads is recorded. Compressive stress and
strain are calculated and plotted as a stressstrain diagram which is used to determine
elastic limit, proportional limit, yield point,
yield strength and, for some materials
compressive strength.

Apparatus and procedure

For each specimen, measure the length and the diameter using a

Universal Testing
Draw, with a pencil or marker, two lines on the straight section of

the specimen so that the lines are 50 mm apart. This will be the
gage length, Lo.
The testing machine has already been set up and calibrated by
teaching engineer.
Put the specimen at the centre of platens.
Sample (Aluminium
The crosshead speed will be given to you by the assistant. Be sure
to record it.
& Mild Steel)
Start the test by pressing the START button.

After the specimen has broken, press the stop button. Then remove

Obtain the data from data acquisition software of Shimadzu

machine. Make sure you got the correct data, that are load and
elongation data. Save the data in ASCII file so that you can edit it
later by using spreadsheet software.

Measure the final diameter of the specimen, df, using micrometre.

The final diameter is the maximum diameter which occurred at the
bulge out.

Measure the distance between the lines that you scratched on the
specimen. This distance is the final length, Lf.

Make a sketch of the failed specimen. Be sure to identify the bulge

out and fracture regions. You may take the specimen with you and
keep it.

Compaction factor test


This is defined as the ease with which

concrete can be compacted fully without
Segregating and bleeding. It can also be
defined as the amount of internal work
required to fully compact the concrete to
optimum density

Apparatus and procedure

(a) Compacting

Factor apparatus
(b) Trowels
(c) Graduated
(d) Balance
(e) Tamping rod
and iron buckets

Step 1:- keep the apparatus on the ground

and apply grease on the inner surface ofthe

Step 2:- Measure the mass as w1 kg by

weighing the cylinder accurately and fix the
cylinder on the base in such a way that the
central points of hoppers and cylinder lie on
one vertical line and cover the cylinder with a

Step 3:- For each 5 kg of aggregate mixes are

to be prepared with water-cement ratio by
weight with 2.5 kg sand and 1.25 kg of
cement and then add required amount of
water thoroughly until and unless concrete
appears to be homogeneous.

Step 4:- With the help of hand scoop without

compacting fill the freshly mixed concrete in
upper hopper part gently and carefully and
within two minutes release the trap door so
that the concrete may fall into the lower
hopper such that it bring the concrete into
standard compaction.

Step 5:- Fall the concrete to into the cylinder by bringing the concrete

into standardCompaction immediately after the concrete has come to

rest and open the trap door of lower hopper and then remove the
excess concrete above the top of the cylinder by a pair of trowels, one
in each hand will blades horizontal slide them from the opposite edges
of the mould inward to thecentrewith a sawing motion.
Step 6:- Clean the cylinder from all sides properly. Find the mass of
partially compacted concrete thus filled in the cylinder and say it W2
kg. After this refill the cylinder with the same sample of concrete in
approximately 50 mm layers, by vibrating each layer heavily so as to
expel all the air and obtain full compaction of theConcrete.
Step 7:- Struck off level the concrete and weigh and cylinder filled with
fully compacted concrete. Let the mass be W3 kg.
Step 8:- Calculate compaction factor by using the formula: - C.F = W2
W1 / W3 W1

Concrete Mixer apparatus

Concrete is a mixture of five components:

coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and
Portland cement.

Apparatus and procedure


For strength requirements, select the water to cement ratio by weight.

Before mixing concrete, be sure that the mixer has been "buttered"
with a mixture of cement, sand, and water


Divide your water into two buckets, one with about 3/4 of the water. Put
about half the coarse aggregate and the 3/4-bucket of water.


Start the mixer.

Add about half the fine aggregate.

Carefully add all the cement with the mixer running. Try not to make a
lot of dust.

Mix until all the cement is blended in.

Add the rest of the coarse and fine aggregate.

Mix for a while.

Add enough water from the final quarter of the water to produce a
workable mix.

Mix for three minutes, followed by a three-minute rest, followed by a

two-minute final mixing


Sieve shaker apparatus (sieve


A shaker is a piece of laboratory equipment

used to Sieve analyses are performed on
aggregates used in roadway bases and in
Portland cement and asphalt cement
concretes. Sieve analyses reveal the size
makeup of aggregate particles

Procedure and apparatus

Mechanical Sieve

Dry the sample in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T255,

and record to the nearest 0.1 percent of total mass or better.

When the specification requires that the amount of material

finer than No. 200 (75 m) be determined, do Step 3 through
Step 9. Otherwise, skip to Step 10.If the applicable
Suitable Drying
specification requires that the amount passing the No. 200
(75 m) sieve be determined on a portion of the sample
passing a sieve smaller than the nominal maximum size of
the aggregate, separate the sample on the designated sieve
and determine the mass of the material passing that sieve to
Containers and
0.1 percent of the mass of this portion of the test sample.
Use the mass as the original dry mass of the test sample.
Nest a sieve, any sieve ranging from a No. 8 (2.36 mm) to a
No. 16 (1.18 mm) may be used, above the No. 200 (75 m)
Optional mechanical
Place the test sample in a container and add sufficient water
washing device. to cover it.WSDOT requires the use of a detergent, dispersing

agent, or other wetting solution when washing a sample from

FOP for AASHTO T308, an ignition furnace sample.WSDOT
Note 3: A detergent, dispensing agent, or other wetting
solution may be added to the water to

Vebe test apparatus

It is used to determine the workability of fresh

concrete by performing a mechanised
variation of slump test.

Apparatus and procedure

a representative sample of freshly mixed concrete in accordance with
Sample trayObtain
CRD-C 4, having a minimum mass of 150 lb.


Remix the sample carefully to correct for any segregation that may exist.
Concrete having no-slump consistency is highly susceptible to segregation

during handling.To minimize this tendency, care should be exercised in

obtaining, transporting, remixing, and testing the samples. Square-ended
shovels and scoops should be used to obtain a representative sample. The
concrete should be handled in such a malU1er that large-sized aggregate does
not separate from the mass.
Dampen the interior of the mold and fill with 29 0.2 lb of concrete. Level the
surface of the concrete in the mold. A square-edged scoop or slump rod should
be used to place and distribute the concrete evenly, being careful to minimize
segregation and rock pockets.
Attach the mold on the vibrating table, then lower the surcharge to rest on the
Turn the vibrating table on and begin timing the test. Using the flashlight as
necessary, observe the concrete around the edge of the surcharge and the wall
of the mold. As the test progresses, mortar will migrate between the surcharge
and the wall of the mold. Observe the formation of this ring of mortar until it
migrates around the complete periphery of the mold. When the ring is
completely formed, stop the test and determine the elapsed time to the
nearest second. Record this as the Vebe Consistency Time. If a ring does not
form after 1 min. of vibration, stop the test, and make an appropriate note on
the test report.
Occasionally, a rock pocket in the loose sample will prevent the mortar ring
from forming at one small location even though it has formed in all locations.
If the elapsed time required to form the partial ring is similar to previous
readings made on the same mixture, note that time and also record the final
elapsed time. Retest if deemed necessary.

Tamping rod


Stop-watch or stop-


Quantity survey
Total station instrument (survey)
Automatic levelling apparatus
Theodolite transverse survey apparatus

Total station instrument (survey)

The total station is an electronic/optical

instrument used in modern surveying and
building construction. The total station is an
electronic theodolite (transit) integrated with
an electronic distance meter (EDM) to read
slope distances from the instrument to a
particular point

Procedure and apparatus

Total station


Take a back sight measurement on a control point within the line of sight.
You must have a zeroing point from which to collect your data so you
know how to orient the data once it is collected. There are horizontal and
vertical motion screws that will lock and allow fine motion with the outer
of the two screws. Before zeroing, the rule of thumb is to locate the base
of the prism rod with the crosshairs of the instrument sight. With the site
on the right spot, zero set the instrument.

Electronic note book

Prism pole

To foresight points, simply loosen the motion and site the next point of
interest. Once the foresight is in view, adjust the horizontal and vertical
motions accordingly to the centre of the prism.

At this point you can take a shot or location fix which records horizontal
distance, vertical difference, horizontal angle from the reference back
sight and the vertical angle. These records may be collected in a field
book (see below), or in a data collector that may be directly interfaced
with a computer for download.

Depending on the accuracy and the field conditions (i.e.-melting snow),

re-level the tripod and re-zero the instrument to the same reference back

Automatic levelling apparatus

Levelling is the art of determining the relative

heights or elevations of points are objects on
the earths surface. It deals with
measurements in a vertical plan. Levelling is
the measurement of geodetic height using an
optical levelling instrument and a level staff or
rod having a numbered scale

Procedure and apparatus

Staff bubble

First, we set up the bench mark. By referring to it, we placed the tripod
on the ground and opened its legs. We first placed two legs into the
ground and then the third one. Each of them were equally apart from
each other roughly.

We placed the theodolite on top of the tripod and then centred the
bubbles to obtain accurate readings. Adjust recital until crosshairs are

Dumpy level
Plumb bulb

Levelling staff

We remove the black casing from the front lens and then switch on the
theodolite. We reset it to zero. The nail with the spray paint is seen
using the lens on the ground and until it is visible, the theodolite is then
set up to be used.

We take the reading of the bench mark and the point 20 from behind.
We then set it to zero again and take the point number 2 in front.

We take the horizontal distance by using the measuring tape. Every

group member was assigned a different role in order to complete the
task on time and more accurately.

The total angles for our case was 3240 since the equation is (n2)*180. After doing the calculations, the angles were re-aligned while
maintaining the same distance due to errors.

Tripod stand

Theodolite transverse survey


A theodolite is a precision instrument for

measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical
planes. Theodolites are used mainly for
surveying applications, and have been
adapted for specialized purposes in fields like
meteorology and rocket launch technology

Procedure and apparatus


1. Set tripod and instrument with optical plumb almost over the


2. Unclamp one of the horizontal clamp (either will do) and traverse
the instrument so that the plate bubble is parallel to two of the foot

3. Adjust those two foot screws until the plate bubble is level.
Ranging poles

4. Traverse the instrument so that the bubble is perpendicular to the

already adjusted foot screws.

5. Re-level using the third foot screw.


6. Traverse the instrument in the same direction and re-align parallel

to the first two foot screws.

7. Repeat stage 3 and then traverse as in 4. Then repeat stages 5-7,

until the best mean level bubble is obtained (to one division accuracy).


8. Unclamp the base of the instrument and while viewing through

optical plumb, slide the instrument across the tripod base until it is
exactly over the station. Do not rotate the instrument about the tripod
base. (Note that it might be necessary to repeat stages 1-7)


Light and structure

Shear force apparatus
Bending moment apparatus
Two hinged arch apparatus
Strut apparatus
Comprehensive beam apparatus
Continuous beam apparatus
Portal frame apparatus

Shear force apparatus

this experiment looked into shear force in a

beam and how this increased and affected the

beam as the load that was applied increased.
The experiment was based on STR3-shear
force in a beam structures hardware.

Apparatus and procedure

Pair of Simple

Support Frame
Set of Weights
Dial Gauge
Vernier Caliper
Measuring Tape
Record Sheet

First, fix both of the knife edged supports

tightly on the beam span. Then measure the
width, length and the thickness of the beam
span using a measuring tape. After that, place
the hangar at a distance of 26mm from the left
support. Set the dial gauge to zero.

Bending moment apparatus

A bending moment is the reaction induced in a

structural element when an external force or
moment is applied to the element causing the
element to bend. The most common or
simplest structural element subjected to
bending moments is the beam

Apparatus and procedure

A pair of simple

Special beam with a
cut section
Set of Weights
Load hangars
Record Sheet

To initiate this test, first connect the load cell to the

digital indicator. Switch on the indicator for ten minutes
and then start taking the readings. Fix the knife edged
supports on the beam and screw them tightly to the
base. Then, hang the load hangars to the beam in
desired distance from the left support. Place the digital
indicator to zero. Measure using the measuring tape the
length, width and the thickness of the beam span. Now
place the loads of 5N, 10N, 15N, 20N and 25N and
record the readings. Repeat to obtain accuracy and ask
different members of the group to perform the same

Two hinged arch apparatus

The two hinged arch is a statically

indeterminate structure of the first degree.
The horizontal thrust is the redundant reaction
and is obtained y the use of strain energy
methods. Two hinged arch is made
determinate by treating it as a simply
supported curved beam and horizontal thrust
as a redundant reaction.

Procedure and apparatus

Fix the dial gauge to measure the movement of the roller end of the model
Strain gauge
and keep the lever out of contact.

Place a load of 0.5kg on the central hanger of the arch to remove any
Indicator slackness
and taking this as the initial position, set the reading on the dial
gauge to zero. Structural Analysis Laboratory
Now add 1 kg weights to the hanger and tabulated the horizontal
movement of the roller end with increase in the load in steps of 1 kg. Take
the reading up to 5 kg load. Dial gauge reading should be noted at the time
hanger, scale
of unloading also.
Plot a graph between the load and displacement (Theoretical and
verniar caliper.
Experimental) compare. Theoretical values should be computed by using

horizontal displacement formula.

Now move the lever in contact with 200gm hanger on ratio 4/1 position with
a 1kg load on the first hanger. Set the initial reading of the dial gauge to

Place additional 5 kg load on the first hanger without shock and observe the
dial gauge reading.

Restore the dial gauge reading to zero by adding loads to the lever hanger,
say the load is w kg.

The experimental values of the influence line ordinate at the first hanger
position shall be 4w 5.

Repeat the steps 5 to 8 for all other hanger loading positions and tabulate.
Plot the influence line ordinates.

Comprehensive beam apparatus

The importance of comprehensive beam is

that is used to determine the rate of deflection
on all types of beams

Apparatus and procedure

Set up the apparatus with L=800mm as shown above.


Make sure the beam is horizontal. Zero the dial gauge

by using the dial gauge bezel and note the initial
reading of the spring balance.

Apply the load of 5N then adjust the spring balance

adjuster until the dial gauge reads zero, then note the
spring balance reading.

Increase the load by 5N increments and repeat the

experiment up to maximum loading of 40N.

Tabulate the data and plot the graph of load (w) against
R actual. Determine the slope of the graph.

Continuous beam apparatus

A continuous beam is a statically

indeterminate multispan beam on hinged
support. The end spans may be cantilever,
may be freely supported or fixed supported. At
least one of the supports of a continuous
beam must be able to develop a reaction
along the beam axis

Apparatus and procedure

A support frame
support with load

cells attached
Load hangers
Beam specimen
A meter ruler
Set of weights

The switch on the digital gauge was turned on 10minutes

before the experiment stable for a stable reading to be

The reaction piers were clamped to support frame using

the plate and bolt at a calculated distance. We then
connected the load cell from the supports to the digital
gauge. The beam specimen was thereafter placed
between the two cylindrical pieces of each support and
tightened in place by using screws for the fixed ends.

The positions of the hangers ac and bc were been

calculated and the load hangers were placed at the
calculated distances from the supports.

On the right hand span, a constant load of 10N is applied.

We kept increasing the load by 5N until a total load of 25N
was loaded on the hanger. The load cell readings for all
the loads were recorded down.

Portal frame apparatus

Structures are categorized as statically

determinate or as statically indeterminate.
Determinate structures can be analysed
additional conditions to solve. The portal
frame is an indeterminate structure to several
degree of indeterminacy depending on the end

Apparatus and procedure

Support frame
Select the end conditions of the portal frame.
Select the point where loading is to be applied (first horizontal than vertical
Portal frame

Dial gauge
To obtain the deflected shape of the frame,measure the deflection at
various points at legs and the beam separately as detailed below.
Vernier calliper
Fix the dial gauge and adjust them to zero on one of the leg at various
points and measure the vertical distance from the end of these points.

Tape measure
Now apply the load at the point selected for loading.
Note down the dial gauge readings
Set of weights.

Unload the frame and shift the dial gauge to another leg and repeat the
above (4), (5). (6).

Again unload the frame and shift the dial gauge to the beam of the frame
and repeated (4), (5). (6).

Tabulate the observed reading and sketch the deflected shape for the
portal frame on the graph sheet.

Repeat the above steps (1) to (9) for various ends conditions and loading
conditions to obtain the deflected shape.

Strut apparatus

The Strut Apparatus enables tests on a full

range of struts to determine load/deflection
characteristics and crippling loads for various
strut lengths, a long slender member that is
loaded in compression is termed a column or
strut such a member will fail by elastic
instability or buckling Cross-section and end

Procedure and apparatus

Digital recorder
Record sheet

The procedure for the strut apparatus is as

follows. First, turn the dial gauge to zero and
then the digital recorder to zero as well. Begin
the experiment, by turning the load to 5N.
Record the reading on the digital recorder.
Then, turn the load to 10N,15N, 20N and
finally 25N. Record the readings at the specific
loads and then repeat the experiments to
obtain accuracy.

Gaventa, S. (2001). Concrete design. London: Mitchell

Highway design 2012. (2012). Washington, D.C.:
Transportation Research Board.
Krynine, D. and Judd, W. (1957). Principles of engineering
geology and geotechnics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Llewellyn, C. (2002). Concrete. New York: Franklin Watts.
Lyndsell, B. and Barker, P. (n.d.). Tuaheni Submarine
Landslide Complex geotechical laboratory testing of cores
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