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Human Resource


The Strategic Roles of HRM

1. What is human resource management?
2. Functions and divisions of human
resource management.
3. Evolution of human resource management
in the west.
4. Human resource management in China.

1. What is human resource management?

Definition of HRM:
Human resource management is to make
the most productive use of human resource
to the greatest benefits of the organization
and individuals.
Organization: profits and social
Individuals: development and achievement.

The importance of HRM

(1) People is the key factor of production.
(2) Productivity is the key to measure a nations
economic growth potential, and labor quality is
the key to improving productivity.
(3) Competition today is the competition for talents.
(4) Since man is the most uncontrollable and
unpredictable variable of all production variables,
organizational success depends on the
management of people.

Organization and individual

(1) Organization needs: Profits, productivity and
(2) Individual needs: Maslows Need Hierarchy
Physiological needs, security, belonging, selfrespect and self-actualization.
(3) Coordinating organization and individual needs:
goal of HRM.

People and productivity

(1) Productivity: the measurement of economic
growth potential.
(2) Productivity formula: input : output
(3) Measurement of productivity:
a. Productivity of worker is the output per hour.
b. Productivity of equipment is the output per every
dollar invested.
c. Productivity of energy is the output per every unit
of energy consumed.

Employee quality and productivity

(1) Employee skill determines productivity.

Man and tools.
(1) Employee motivation affects productivity.
Willingness to perform.
(1) Employee creativity and initiatives improve
innovation is the key to improvement.

6. Functions and divisions of HRM

(1) Management process
a. Planning.
b. Organizing.
c. Staffing.
d. Leading.
e. Controlling.

(2) Functions of HRM


Conducting job analysis.

Planning future needs and supplies.
Recruiting and selecting employees.
Orienting and training employees.
Managing wages and benefits.
Performance appraisal.
Communicating (discipline and services).
Building employee commitment

(3) Line managers HRM responsibilities


Job placing.
Orienting new employees.
On-job training of employees.
Interpreting company policies and procedures.
Conducting job appraisals.
Controlling labor costs.
Labor protection and disciplines.

(4) Staff managers HRM responsibilities

a. A line function: directing and managing people in
the HRM department.
b. A coordinating function: coordinating HRM
activities across the organization.
c. Staff functions:
Same as the HRM functions plus labor relations
and collective bargaining with the trade unions.

3. Evolution of HRM in the west


Industrial Revolution:
Adam Smith: specialization and division of labor.
Robert Owens: Pioneer of HRM, performance
appraisal and pay for performance (fair treatment
of employees)

(2) Scientific management

Frederic Taylor: Father of scientific management

a. Definition:
Systematic analysis and breakdown of work
into the smallest mechanical components and
rearranging them into the most efficient
b. Steps:
Job analysisselectiontrainingrewards.

(3) Industrial psychology

a. Hneri Fayols management functions:
Planning, organizing, communicating, coordinating and controlling.
b. F. & L. Gilbreths principles of work simplification
(time and motion studies).
c. Henry Gantts principles of work scheduling.
d. Continuation of scientific management.

(4) Human behavior and relations

a. The Hawthorne Studies by Westing House
The happy workers are the most productive
workers. (The Pet Milk theory)
b. Max Weber: the Ideal Bureaucracy.
c. Chris Argyris: Individual and organization
mutual adjustment.
d. Affected by the theories of behavioral science
and system theory.

(5) Three stages of growth of HRM

a. File Management (1900-1964):collecting and
storing data of each employee.
b. Government Accountability (1964-1980):
Compliance to government regulations.
c. Human Resource Management:
Treating human resource as an asset.
Emphasizing joint responsibilities of line
managers and staff managers.

5. HRM in China

Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Organization of the Central
(2) Worker participation in China:
a. Worker Innovation and Workers Congress.
b. Stock sharing and voluntary grouping.
(3) Trade Union and its functions.
(4) Types of organizations and their HRM activities

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