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Tindakan manusia ditentukan oleh tenaga
dalam manusia yang berkembang pada masa
kanak-kanak. Masa lalu yang paling
mempengaruhi t.l. manusia adalah:
tahap perkembangan awal kanak-kanak
setiap manusia serta
Relasi awal pengasuhan orang tua
The Ice Berg of Mind


Mind and World
The Mind The World
Unconscious Conscious (Other people & the environment)

The Superego
The parent (teaching)

The Ego
The Adult (thinking) (Reality)

The Id
The Child (feeling)

Freud: 1920s
The condemning or prohibiting part of the
mind = SE (Caplan: 1961)
Develop trough internalization process
Two types of SE:
Permissive little guilt (weak SE)
Restrictive guilt (strong SE)
Over permissive sociophaths / psychopaths
Over restrictive neurotics
Aspect of the person which is
primitive, the animal drive
Shaped by early recording of feeling
of blame, fear and abandonment.
The unloved child fill a sense of
void by theft or kleptomania
2 types: Libido (sex) and Martido
(hating / killing / attacking)
Govenrned by pleasure principle
The I and me, the self.
Part of the mind which thinks,
decides, plans and relate to the world
Governed by reality principle,
exploring and testing, born of
Placed between Id and Superego
Interaction and tension between the ids
drives, the superego and the tension between
inner needs and the outer reality, in an
attempt to keep a balanced ego.
Fungsi Ego
Menyeimbangkan kepribadian
Mengelola kognisi, persepsi, perencanaan dan
pemecahan masalah
Menilai, membuat keputusanmenyesuaikan dengan
kenyataan dan mengendalikan impuls
Perkembangan kepribadian, mengatasi stress,
menggunakan ketrampilan dan mentolelir frustrasi,
kehilangan, rasa sakit dan kesedihan.
Menetralisasi tekanan superego dan dorongan id.
Memproduksi self-assestion, verbalisasi perasaan
dan mengarahkan usaha untuk mencapai atau
memberikan perhatian pada sesuatu.
Syarat Ego agar fungsional:
Mampu menyesuaikan diri
Berdasar kenyataan
Stabil dlm menghadapi tekanan
Toleran akan kecemasan dan kehilangan

Ketika Ego mengalami hambatan dlm menjalankan fungsinya, biasanya

akan akan menampilkan MEKANISME PERTAHANAN DIRI
Defence Mechanism
meringankan beban ego dari 3 tekanan besar (id, super ego dan realitas)

Denial = attack from out side

Repression = gets rid of instinctual
Reaction formation = secures the ego
against the return of the repressed impulses
Intellectualisation = develop a good
Sublimation = direct the libido / martudo
goals to the higher goals
Transactional Analyses
Perkembangan Kepribadian
Freudian Eriksonian
Birth 1 Orak (hunger) Trust VS Basic Mistrust
year Level of confidence, being able to form attachment
and have needs met
2 to 3 Anal (excretion, muscular control, retention / Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt
letting go Who is in control and holding and letting go. If parent
is over controlling, child learns shame and doubt
4 to 6 Phalic/Oedipal Initiative VS Guilt
Male child loves mother: has castration Planning to act independently, avoiding if possible
fears guilt about relationship
Female child loves father: has penis envy;
jealous of mother

5 - 12 Latency Period Industry VS Inferiority

Focus on conscious memory and learning skills,
testing others, finding identity
13 18 Genital beginning with puberty Identity VS Role Confusion
> 19 Young Adult Intimacy VS Isolation
Seeking satisfactory sexual relationships
Adult Generativity VS Stagnation
Maturity to Old Age Integraity VS Despair
Seeking to accept the past and ones achievements,
the mix of good and bad time and valuing the
resulting self
Assessment Psikodinamika
Focus on the interface of the ego with the world:
How it is learning?
balancing with self-reliance and pride?
The notion of defence mechanism is important to be
assessed people who have difficulty in expressing
his emotions
Transactional analyses provides a simple and
accessible way of looking at clients interpersonal
Intervention oriented to offering relationship, listening
and reflecting with the client, joining the resistance, so
that they can get going with the problem solving that
needs to be done.
Suggested Questions
Which developmental stage reflected in the behavior?
Is superego overly rigid or permissive?
Is there anxiety? How severe it is? What indirect support might
be helpful?
How dependent on independent is the person?
Are these sign of ego breakdown?
What ego defence mechanism are being employed or are
implicit in the persons behavior?
Which ego defences need to be supported or strengthened?
Are they strong enough to allow some insight work?
What threat is the person experiencing? External (social) or
internal (psychological)?
Suggested Questions (continued..)
What ambivalences are present?
Are there some repetitive themes?
Have there been past satisfactory relationships that need a
corrective relationship?
Which ego coping functions are working or not working for this
What are transactions with others like?
What contamination is there?
Does the person know what they should do and yet repeatedly
not do it?
Has the person had a figure with whom they have been able to
Have I considered the gender difference implications, especially
in terms of coping and independency?
Western and white people culture base
Meta narrative
Control and dominant
Social work is an expert
No exchange or sharing is possible

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