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ORGL: 4361



By: Javier

Isolation is the sum total of wretchedness to a

-Thomas Carlyle
In an organization, isolation is unwelcomed and not a
productive way of doing things. Have you ever heard the
expression: Two head are better than one! What this
means is that when people use isolation they become angry
and frustrated in their jobs. They feel that everyone is
against them and that they do not belong.
Employees that isolate themselves from the group, tend to
be labelled the negative group. Team work is always
recommended in every business to ensure that every one
voices out their opinions before products are issued out for
Managerial procedures are usually needed if isolated groups
persist, but the leadership process of handling this can
defuse the situation if the leader uses his/her managerial
strategies to lure individuals without authorism.
Isolation (Pros and Cons)
Isolationism could also involve the lack or lack of
involvement in a particular setting and/or situation that
people do not want to join like an alliance against
someone or something.
Clicks are groups of individuals that tend to be known as
the antagonist groups. They are the ones managers need
to always have a look out for them and their behaviors.
These nay groups feed off each other by voting opposite
of what is presented.
Individuals in an organization need to make rational
decisions when ideas are presented and not make it a
tug-a-war between groups or clicks. This type of isolation
can cause not only the dismissal of employees, but also
the company can suffer as well.
Honest Feedback

We all need people who will give us feedback. Thats how

we improve.
-Bill Gates
Honest Feedback
How nice would it be if your manager only gave you the
feedback you wanted to hear as oppose to the feedback you
needed to hear? It would be nice. Right? But how would this
help us? It would not help one bit, it would make our job
performance either get worse, or just stay stagnant of
satisfactory when you could have been doing so much better.
Constructive feedback has been around for many years and
many people find this type of feedback helpful, whereas
others find this critical and demeaning.
Every employee, in any organization, is at one point
evaluated and/or given feedback. Feedback is used as a tool
to monitor the behaviors and work ethic of employees.
Honest Feedback

This is an exchange of valuable data that involves how

workers should be following guidelines based on the
vision and mission statements of the company, while at
the same time observing and actively monitoring if
these guidelines are being met. The observer, manager
or leader, will need to ensure that every employee
under him/her understands the importance of following
daily procedures that way everyone knows what is
expected of their work performance.
Authority vs. Influence

Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of

manly character.
-Robert E. Lee
Authority is huge part of our society. As you go to work
everyday, even before you get there and answer to the
authority that is your boss you are already following
some sort of authority. That being the speed limit and
stops signs on the way to your place of employment. In
every aspect of life you are going to face some form of
authority whether it be your parents when you are a
child, or a boss or supervisor when you become part of
the workforce, there will always be authority. Managers
tend to be considered the bad guy, while a leader is
considered the good guy.
Managers focus on authoritarian modes of
enforcement. They also are the ones that have
conferences with individuals that need reminders when
consecutively repeating the same behaviors. On the
other hand, leaders while also conferencing with you
will have a low tone of voice and will want to work with
you to get the job done. It could be the same person
with multiple personalities (sort of speaking) or job
roles, but the idea is that employees must abide by
regulations set by the company of consequences may
Influence on the other hand could quickly oppose
authority in some situations. Influence can potentially be
more powerful than authority, because of the fact that
influence can sway a decision just because of a few
words from a more trusted source. For example, in the
workplace you could be faced with some opposition
from a more senior member of the organization, and
while you might be the one that is right in your
argument, there is a chance that you will lose the
argument because everyone will trust the more
experienced individual over you.
This is because there are people who have that innate
persona that can influence ones opinions to get what
they want. It is up to the managers and/or leaders to
identify these individuals and keep them under their
radar to ensure that the companys goal is the main
focus of everyone working in the organization.
Influential individuals have the ability to be influential,
while people with authority just have power. It takes
emotional intelligence and general intelligence to have
influence and judging by how many leaders, and
dictators from the past (and the present), they werent
very inspirational.
Authority vs. Influence

Authority is more clear and common than influence,

and is more often thought to be more influential on
business decisions, but in fact influence has many
advantages that authority doesnt. Authority is usually
resisted, while influence is Accepted. The literal
definition of influence is when others accept your
ideas or direction. On the other hand authority has
none of this. You follow what your boss tells you to do
because you dont want to get fired. You may not
share the same vison as him/her, but you go with it
for fear of being fired.
Work Cited Explore Inc., uploaded 26
Brown, Donald R. An Experiential Approach
to Organization Development. 8th Ed.
Pearson Education Inc., 2011.
Hrebiniak, Lawrence G. Making Strategy
Work: Leading Effective Execution and
Change. 2nd Ed. Pearson Education
Inc., 2013
Leseure, Michel. Key Concepts in Operations
Management. SAGE publications.

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