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The past 70 years of computer history

There is no real answer to this question due to what

people considered a computer back then so well
go with the first computer to use Vacuum Tubes.
The first computer was called ENIACwas invented by J. Presper Eckert and
John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943
and was not completed until 1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and
used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tons

By the 1950s, US military was getting involved with computers

the US Navy was using the 1101 for calculating and storing data.
The keyboard was beginning to take place, and digital phone
lines removed the need for operators and allowing an almost
instant connection
In the 60s, the first mass produced robot called
UNIMATE was built to work in the factories and
produce TVs, though they had many more purposes,
this is mainly what they were used for.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) was introduced, Basically its 1s and 0s
The Rancho arm was invented as and early
prototype for a replaceable arm for the handicapped
DENDRAL, the first expert system was one of the
best problem solving system
The Apollo Guidance Computer is introduced to help
Nasa with the Apollo program

The first automatic banking machine ERMA, which later developed into the ATM
was introduced
Pong, one of the first games for the Atari was developed. It would launch the
modern videogame era today
Early networks successfully connected computers. But different kinds of networks
couldnt link to each other, limiting the size of online communities. So, the next
challenge has been creating networks of networks, a process called
internetworking or internetting. This would later transform into the internet
Designed by Sunnyvale, California native Steve Wozniak, and marketed by his
friend Steve Jobs, the Apple-1 is a single-board computer for hobbyists. With an
order for 50 assembled systems from Mountain View, California computer store
The Byte Shop in hand, the pair started a new company, naming it Apple
Computer, Inc.
Atari releases its Video Computer System (VCS) later renamed the Atari 2600.
The VCS was the first widely successful video game system.
The first computers were installed in the White House

IBM introduces its Personal Computer (PC)

Able to hold 550 megabytes of pre-recorded data, CD-ROMs
grow out of music Compact Disks (CDs)
Apple released is Lisa computer and the Macintosh
Microsoft Introduced word
The Nintendo Entertainment System is introduced
The GameBoy is the first portable gaming system

Microsoft ships out copies of its new OS, Windows 3

Apples PowerBook series of Portable Computers are introduced
Terminator 2 is released with a cost of $100 Million due to the high
Special Effects
Apple enters the personal device marked with their P.D.A., Newton
Java 1.0 is introduced letting any program run on any apple or
windows computer as long as it can be supported by that PC
The number of web users reaches an all time high at 36 million
ASCI RED is a supper computer developed by IBM for the US
military to help with the matenince of Nuclear Warheads
The iMac and the Furby spark buying frenzies
Wifi is brought to homes and airports, eliminating the need for
phone cables
THE 2000S

This is the age of computing I am most familiar with, since I used them all the
time while growing up
The infamous Y2K bug sparks a panic
The Usb flash drive is introduced
The first camera phone is introduced
Windows XP, Mac OSX, and the first Xbox are released
The first apple stores open
Myspace is founded and opened
The Anti Big Brother hacking group, Anonymous is formed, which I support dearly
Google is added to the Dictionary
The first iPhone is open to the public, along with the MacBook Laptop
Bit coin, an untraceable currency transaction system is introduced, mostly used
in the Dark Net and Tor Circuits for transaction of Illegal goods
THE 2010S

The iPad is open to the public

The Arab Spring Revolt is Planned and executed using the Dark
Net and Tor Circuits
Steve jobs was found dead on October 11th, 2011
Siri is announced and downloaded to every apple device
Facebook buys Instagram to add to its Social media dominance
Edward Snowden, leaks confidential information reveling that the
CIA, NSA, & FBI have been spying on its own citizens, exploiting
their devices to invade their privacy
The Apple Watch is available for purchase

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