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Peer-to-Peer Networks

Ben Cox
A peer-to-peer network (P2P) is created when more than
two PCs are connected and share resources without
going through a separate computer.
The client in the P2P model is both the supplier and the
consumer, this makes it very different from most other
client server models.
A P2P architecture is generally formed by an ad-hoc
type of addition of nodes.
The loss of a node does not impact the rest of the
P2P networks allows a system to easily scale to any size
that may be needed for an application.
2 main different types of P2P networks
1. Structured
2. Unstructured
Generally use some type of Algorithm for organization
of the network
Use some type of global protocol to ensure that any
node in the network can route a search to a peer that
has a desired file
Distributed hash table (DHT) most popular and widely
used structured P2P network.
The main difference in a structured vs. unstructured is
that in order for a P2P to be considered unstructured, it
cannot use any algorithm for organization of a system.
Three different unstructured networks types:
1. Pure P2P network
2. Hybrid P2P network
3. Centralized P2P network
Pure P2P network
Also called a purely decentralized network.
All nodes are of equal ability- meaning that there are is
not a specific node that could affect the network.
The Gnutella Network is an example of a pure P2P
network used for file sharing.
Hybrid P2P Network

Infrastructure nodes are allowed to exist and ore often a

type of central directory server.
All clients connected to this network must be connected
to one of these servers.
The central server contains a table of registered user
connection information and a table listing the files that
each user shares in the network. An example of a hybrid
P2P network is the Napster network.
Centralized P2P Network
Very similar to pure P2P network but contain
Supernodes are nodes that are dynamically assigned
the task of serving a small subpart of the peer network
by index and caching files contained within.
An example of Centralized P2P network is the file
sharring network Kazaa
Advantages of P2P Networks
Each time a new node is connected to the network the
total capacity of the system increases.
In a pure P2P network if one of the nodes fails the rest
of the nodes are able to continue relaying information
Disadvantages of P2P Networks
Security is a weakness in P2P networks. P2P networks
are more subject to security risks.
P2P networks require high band width usage. This lead
to a slowing of internet traffic.
However, P2P caching is a growing solution to this

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