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Performance appraisal
and potential
potential appraisal
A performance appraisal , conjointly named as a
performance review, performance analysis, (career)
development discussion, or worker appraisal may be
a technique by that the task performance
of AN worker is documented and evaluated.
Performance appraisals are an area of career
development and incorporates regular reviews
of worker performance inside organizations.
Features of performance
Performance appraisal could be a systematic method consisting
of variety of steps to be followed for evaluating AN employees
strengths and weakness.
It is systematic and objective description of an employees strengths
and weakness in terms of the duty.
The appraisal is an current and continuous method wherever the
evaluations area unit organized sporadically in line with a particular set
up. it's not a 1 short deal.
The performance appraisal seeks to secure data necessary for
creating objective and proper selections on workers.
Performance appraisal could also be formal or informal. The formal
is additional honest and objective since it's disbursed during
a systematic manner victimization written appraisal forms.
Objectives of
performance appraisal
Work related
Career development
Organizational objective

Halo error
Central tendency
Leniency or strictness
Similarity error
Miscellaneous biases
Faulty assumptions
Psychological blocks
Establishing standards
Communicating standards to
Measuring actual
Comparing actual with
Discussing reports with
Taking corrective action
Potential appraisal
Potential appraisal might so be outlined as
a method of deciding associate degree employees strengths
and weaknesses with a read to use this as a predictor of his
future performance. this may facilitate verify the promotabilty
of a private to a better position and facilitate draw his career set
up. the basic distinction between reviewing performance and
assessing potential is within the criteria used. In reviewing
performance, the criterion used is what goals the
worker achieved and what skills he or
she presently possesses that might be indicators of his or her
ability to assume totally different or a lot of advanced
responsibilities. it's this that creates potential appraisal a
really crucial & essential space.
Techniques of potential
Self appraisals
Peer appraisals
Superior appraisals
Psychological and psychometric tests
Management games like role playing
Leadership exercises etc.
Purposes of potential
To advise employees about their overall
career development and future prospects
Help the organization to chalk out succession
Motivate the employees to further develop
their skills and competencies.
To identify the training needs.
The potential of an
employee can be judged by
Present performance appraisal
Analysis personality traits
Reanalysis past performances
Considering age and qualifications
Considering past experience and
unused knowledge and skills.
Potential appraisal VS
performance appraisal
Potential Appraisal is forward trying method whether or
not performance appraisal is backward trying method.
Any sensible or worse assessment results of
performance appraisal might not be a decent issue for
potential appraisal. however current performance
of AN worker might show proofs somewhere whether or
not he/she is versatile for brand spanking
new operating conditions.

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